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Welcome to PSMP3D. Our (in fictional universe) company monitors and records the activities of all SuperHeroines that keep appearing in this world. The purpose of our work is not very clear but we assume that we keep records and tabs on all SuperHeroines activities in order for our company to produce material based on them. Choose one of the tiers to engage in one of our open positions in this company, and welcome!
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Welcome to Character Profiles

Inside this post you'll find a collection of all the current and future characters and their profiles.

Dive into our character profiles and discover a diverse array of intriguing individuals. Each one brings a unique story, charm, and depth to our narrative.

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Character Profile: Narcissus

Meet the character with: Character Panels!
Character panel - Narcissus; created by Mistersteel, art by PSMP
Narcissus - Greek attire

Alias:    Demi-God of Vanity
Alignment:    Good 
Faction:    N/A
Ethnicity:    Greek
Nickname:    N/A
Marital Status:    Single
Immediate Family:    Andonisus (Uncle - Fake)
Occupation:    Demi-God of Vanity
Narcissus is vain and egotistical, aka an iconic Greek God. As the divine embodiment of vanity, his personal appearance takes precedence over all else, enjoying the adoration and attention that his looks garner. His exposure to the modern era has led to him developing a ‘mock-modesty’, and opposed to actively promoting his attributes himself, subtly engineers' situations to incite others to  do so for him.
Interestingly, he’s unconcerned with those who fail to recognize his beauty, attributing it to a lack of taste in the individual, and will outright dismiss them from there on out. That said, he's easily flustered should his large member be unveiled, seeing it as unwieldy and unsightly, at odds with his otherwise youthful appearance.
While definitely not a fighter, he's arguably not that great of a lover either with his personal pleasure taking priority over that of his partner. Though not a quick shot by any means, it’s more likely that his partner will grow disinterested after the initial awe wears off.
While he's generally unfussed by the modern era, he's taken a shine to the concept of ‘social media’.

Powers Origin:
Narcissus’ powers are derived from his demigod heritage, falling in line with his title of ‘Vanity’.
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Super Stamina
  • Super Durability
  • Super Dexterity
  • Social Media Presence
  • Ageless; does not age
  • Needless; does not require sustenance, warmth, sleep, or even an atmosphere to breathe
  • Immortal; cannot die by conventional means

  • Vulnerability; while resilient, he is not invulnerable and can take damage and feel pain
  • Egotistical; prioritizes his own needs before others
  • Gullible; easily deceived by those who would flatter him at length
  • Anachronistic Mentality; has some difficulty coming to grips with modern technology
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Character Profile: Adonisus

Meet the character with: Character Panels!
Character panel - Adonisus; created by Mistersteel, art by PSMP
Adonisus - Greek attire

Alias:    Demi-God of Fitness
Alignment:    Good 
Faction:    N/A
Ethnicity:    Greek
Nickname:    N/A
Marital Status:    Single
Immediate Family:    Narcisus (Nephew - Fake)
Occupation:    Demi-God of Fitness
Adonisus is egotistical and vain, aka an iconic Greek God. As the divine embodiment of fitness, he is unshakably confident in his physique and physical fitness and takes particular enjoyment in showing off his physical attributes for others, whether it be for the inspiration of men or the adoration of women.
Despite his strapping physique, he's not one to resort to physical violence unless absolutely necessary, preferring instead to ‘reason’ with his adversaries… though due to his simpleminded mentality, this ultimately takes the form of the ‘Plato approach’, i.e. intentionally changing the topic by flexing and posing to highlight his musculature.
That said, he is fairly skilled in Greek wrestling, and interestingly enough, gets along quite well with other athletes, particularly those who like to showboat, seeing them as men (or women) after his own heart.
While he's often left baffled by the modern era, he's taken a shine to the concept of ‘social media’.

Powers Origin:
Adonisus’ powers are derived from his demigod heritage, falling in line with his title of ‘Fitness’. He's also quite adept at learning various athletic activities.
  • Super Strength
  • Super Stamina
  • Super Durability
  • Enhanced Dexterity
  • Peak Athleticism; his speed, strength, and reflexes are well trained
  • Simple-Minded Wisdom; his lack of modern awareness means he won’t rule out options that others would
  • Ageless; does not age
  • Needless; does not require sustenance, warmth, sleep, or even an atmosphere to breathe
  • Immortal; cannot die by conventional means

  • Vulnerability; while resilient, he is not invulnerable and can take damage and feel pain
  • Egotistical; prioritizes his own needs before others
  • Gullible; easily deceived by those who would flatter him at length
  • Anachronistic Mentality; has some difficulty coming to grips with modern technology

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Character Profile: Mansa Musa Midas

Meet the character with: Character Panels!
Character panel - Mansa Musa Midas; created and written by Mistersteel art by PSMP
Mansa Musa Midas

Name:    Chriso A.U. Giltter
Alias:    Mansa Musa Midas
Alignment:    Evil
Faction:     Corporate
Ethnicity:    Black (South African)
Nickname:    MMM, Baron Midas
Marital Status:    Single
Immediate Family:    Unknown
Occupation:    International Treasurer, Corporate Executive, Mine Proprietor, Money Launderer, Criminal Mastermind
Despite being well known for his illegal activities, his acumen for organization for companies and governments has ensured that his record remains untarnished. In light of this, he's very polite and personable, even, and especially, to those who would like to expose him. After all, gold is NEVER tarnished
Due to his wealth and reputation he likes to host lavish parties, inviting as many high class individuals as possible. Particularly competitor corporations, antagonistic entities, and the press, if simply to flaunt his opulence and immunity to any insinuating inquiries.
Has a surprising soft spot for swing jazz and lounge music. Enjoys relaxing in a jacuzzi or sauna, and will sometimes doze off in his golden form. Surprisingly modest, and will wear trunks to both (even under a towel). Dislikes the taste of caviar, but does like sushi.
Powers Origin:
  • Gold Transmutation; can transmute himself and anything he touches into solid gold
    • Increased Durability; enhanced resistance against kinetic attacks
    • Gold Regeneration; can regenerate damaged body parts with gold
  • Gold Manipulation; can manipulate gold with a high degree of skill, however more gold requires more effort
  • Transmutation Restoration; can revert transmuted objects back to their original form, not always perfectly…

  • Average Human Capabilities; possesses only average human strength and stamina when not golden
  • Solid Transmutation Limitations; cannot turn gasses or liquids into gold
  • Imperfect Restoration; he can restore himself without issue, other people and objects may suffer… errors
  • Gold Density; golden form is heavier and tiring to move in it. It also can be damaged by stronger materials
  • Gold Malleability; his golden form and created gold can melt at high heat, making it harder to manipulate

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Character Profile: 5 Minute Mark

Meet the character with: Character Panels!
Character panel - 5 Minute Mark; created and written by Mistersteel art by PSMP
5 Minute Mark in flight

Name:    Marcus Papadopoulos
Alias:    5 Minute Mark, Mister 300
Alignment:    Good/ Neutral
Faction:     Vigilante
Ethnicity:    Caucasian (Greek)
Nickname:    Mark
Marital Status:    Single
Immediate Family:    N/A
Occupation:    Unknown
Egotistical, vain, and VERY self-centered, and as such, prefers to use his powers for self-serving reasons, performing spectacular feats of heroics in the public’s eye to gain their approval and adoration. That said, he’s not so wrapped up in himself that he’ll ignore a major crisis or threat to public safety, and is willing to work with other heroes if the task requires it. Rather it’s simply that 5MM likes having the freedom to do whatever he wants and not be at another’s constant beck and call.
In lieu of the limited usage of his abilities, Marcus is very good at explaining away using them for what things he considers trivial or when he’s exhausted their usage. This is particularly prevalent, as he will ironically ‘waste’ them on things as trivial as showboating with the intent of cajoling women to have sex with him.
It's likely that the time limitation of his powers is the only thing preventing him from abusing them further.

Powers Origin:
Marcus has always remained vague about the origins of his powers. Originally suspected of concealing them to prevent others from attaining them, a background investigation (namely an interview with a former fling) indicated that it may have been based more on embarrassment than anything, as he gained the nickname 5MM before gaining his powers.
  • FISS; Flight, Invulnerability, Strength, Speed
  • Enhanced Charisma; coupled with his heroics, he comes across a being quite charming

  • Time Limitation; his powers can only be activated for five minutes every twenty-four hours
  • Above Average Strength; without his powers, Marcus only possesses slightly above average abilities

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Character Profile: Linda Wagner

Meet the character with: Character Panels!
Character panel - Linda Wagner; created by PSMP; written by Mistersteel art by PSMP
Linda Wagner

Name:    Linda Wagner
Alias:    N/A
Alignment:    Neutral
Faction:     None (Civilian)
Ethnicity:    Caucasian (Austrian)
Nickname:    Fettärschig
Marital Status:    Single
Immediate Family:    Sister (Charlotte Wagner), Aunt (Natasha Nackers)
Occupation:    Unemployed
Much like her twin sister, Linda is an unabashed clout and cock chaser, and took an unprecedented gap year from university to spend time with their Aunt Nat in Prospero City; a city of heroes, and villains, and lots and lots of sex. Unaccustomed to America, let alone Prospero City, she and her sister tend to find themselves amazed by everything that occurs around them, taking selfies and snapshots to share on social media. This can lead to issues, as Linda, being incredibly self-absorbed, will ultimately focus more on herself when taking a selfie than her surroundings… and any nearby danger.

Powers Origin:
  • Average Human Abilities
  • Large Social Media Presence

  • Average Human Abilities
  • Bystander Syndrome; due to her sexually curious nature, she tends to not realize the danger of situations

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Character Profile: Charlotte Wagner

Meet the character with: Character Panels!
Character panel - Charlotte Wagner; created by PSMP; written by Mistersteel art by PSMP
Charlotte Wagner

Name:    Charlotte Wagner
Alias:    N/A
Alignment:    Neutral
Faction:     None (Civilian)
Ethnicity:    Caucasian (Austrian)
Nickname:    Milchtüten
Marital Status:    Single
Immediate Family:    Sister (Linda Wagner), Aunt (Natasha Nackers)
Occupation:    Unemployed
Much like her twin sister, Charlotte is an unabashed cock and clout chaser,  and took an unprecedented gap year from university to spend time with their Aunt Nat in Prospero City; a city of heroes, and villains, and lots and lots of sex. Unaccustomed to America, let alone Prospero City, she and her sister tend to find themselves amazed by everything that occurs around them, taking sexy selfies and snapshots for herself and social media.
This can lead to issues, as Charlotte, being incredibly sexually curious, will ultimately focus more on the amazing attributes of those she photographs opposed to her surroundings… and any nearby danger.

Powers Origin:
  • Average Human Abilities
  • Large Social Media Presence

  • Average Human Abilities
  • Bystander Syndrome; due to her sexually curious nature, she tends to not realize the danger of situations
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My first goal, A bit ambitious from what I stand now but it's something that I want to make happen, mostly for my dear friend and comics making partner. With this goal met I've be able to give him a fair share of the earnings as he deserves it for making a lot happen for us. Thank you!
$149 of $250
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A new height. This should really help me keep myself afloat while being a Software Engineering student.

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