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Nov 23, 2023 05:55 am
Public post
This content was created for artistic and entertainment purposes FOR ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the page IMMEDIATELY. All depicted characters are fictional. No live victims were produced during this content creation and no harm was imposed upon any live creature. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older and of the age of consent, even if it looks otherwise. Acts depicted are all consensual.
Character Profile: Queen Namah
Meet the character with: Character Panels! Character panel - Queen Namah; created by PSMP; written by Mistersteel & PSMP; art by PSMP Name: Unknown
Alias: Queen Namah / Unholy One / She
Alignment: Evil
Faction: Cult/Church of the Original Lust Gods
Ethnicity: Unknown
Nickname: N/A
Marital Status: Unknown
Immediate Family: Unknown
Occupation: Avatar and Prophet of the Gods of Lust
Rumored to be over 666 years old, Queen Namah is said to be devoid of emotions and feelings other than the desire to please her masters, the original Lust Gods, wanting nothing more than to help them achieve their ultimate goal… by any means necessary.
Powers Origin:
Various Magical Abilities [Specifics are currently unknown]
Dimension Locked; her physical form is unable to exit the realm of Carnality
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Awesome costume which leave little or nothing to the imagination!!