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Nov 01, 2023 11:54 pm
Public post
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Character Profile: Archdemon Kalderos
Meet the character with: Character Panels! Character panel - Kalderos; created by Mistersteel; art by PSMP Archdemon Kalderos, Lord of War & Calamities
Name: Kalderos
Alias: N/A
Alignment: Evil
Faction: Cult/Church of the Original Lust Gods
Ethnicity: N/A (ArchDemon)
Nickname: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: N/A
Occupation: ArchDemon under the (reluctant) service of Namah
Kaldeors is a straight-forward (albeit, not simple minded) brute who ascribes to the mentality of ‘might makes right’, and as the former ruling Lord of Carnality, this served him well for an extended period of time. That was until Namah’s manipulations led to him losing power nearly 2100 years ago. Envious of Namah’s rise and rule, he’s steadily struggled to claw his way back into prominence since then, attempting to imitate her methods to regain his influence… with limited success.
Powers Origin: Before Namah’s rise to prominence, Kalderos was the ruling Lord of Carnality, and was the overwhelming recipient of the original Lust God’s power using it to wreak havoc in the form of wars and calamities. His loss in status has reduced his previous powers tremendously in the mortal realm, but he’s a force to be reckoned with.
Size Shifting; can freely manipulate the size of his body, retaining his proportional strength and durability
Super Strength
Super Endurance
Super Durability
Super Stamina
Thermal Immunity; immune both to extreme heat and extreme cold
Emotion Manipulation; can intensify ‘hot’ emotions of an individual making it easier to manipulate them
Power Bestowal; can extend a portion of his powers to humans, in turn gaining limited dominance of them
Dimension Locked; his physical form is unable to exit the realm of Carnality… for an extended period
Serenity Inducement; peace, tranquility, serenity, and apathy reduce the effectiveness of his powers
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