Character Profile: Kitty Benz
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Character panel - Kitty Benz; created by Mistersteel & PSMP, art by PSMP
Character panel - Kitty Benz; created by Mistersteel & PSMP, art by PSMP

Name: Katharine Benz
Alias: N/A
Alignment: Evil
Faction: Corporate
Ethnicity: Caucasian (German)
Nickname: Kitty
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: N/A
Occupation: Chauffeur, Bodyguard, and former MMA Fighter [and Assassin ]
Calm, cold, and ruthlessly cutthroat, Katherine ‘Kitty’ Benz is the hyper-competent subordinate of Mr. Giltter. Dedicated to a fault, she has complete faith in her employers bombastic claims and remains unflappable no matter the situation. As his ‘cleaner’ she’s more than happy to deal with what she considers ‘dirty-work’, i.e. dealing with people.. particularly those who don’t see the value of having a literal golden boss.
Powers Origin:
Though Catherine doesn’t possess any supernatural powers, as a former MMA Fighter [and Assassin ], she’s quite athletic and is particularly skilled at dispatching most human, and even some mildly superhuman opponents.
- Peak Human Abilities
- Peak Stamina; has excellent physical and mental stamina from her various training
- Peak Reflexes and Agility; can react to incoming attacks faster than average in combat situations
- Expert MMA Fighter
- Master Assassin
- Peak Human Abilities, while exceptionally athletic, she doesn't possesses any notable superpowers
Bodysuit fits her really well
Great outfit skinning a fabulous body!!! She must be another contender for the Royal TITs to try and arrest - try being the operative word!!!