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Welcome to PSMP3D. Our (in fictional universe) company monitors and records the activities of all SuperHeroines that keep appearing in this world. The purpose of our work is not very clear but we assume that we keep records and tabs on all SuperHeroines activities in order for our company to produce material based on them. Choose one of the tiers to engage in one of our open positions in this company, and welcome!
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Character Profile: Arcana

Meet the character with: Character Panels!
Character panel - Arcana; created by Mistersteel & PSMP, art by PSMP
Arcana - Work Outfit

Arcana - Holding the Tarot card: The Tower; Symbol of despair and destruction

Name:    Kinali Darklis
Alias:    Arcana / Madam Arcana / Mistress Arcana
Alignment:    Evil
Faction:    N/A
Ethnicity:    Gypsy
Nickname:    N/A
Marital Status:    Unknown
Immediate Family:    Mother, Father
Occupation:    Fortune Reader, Casino Valet/Dealer, Sleight of Hand Magician
Deliciously two-faced; nothing brings Arcana more pleasure than to deceive others with a pleasant, polite, professional demeanor only to double-cross them at a later date… especially to those she holds grudges against. Arcana is of the resolute belief that the world at large owes her a favor, and is often put out when things don’t go as she desires. These two traits together often lead to her prematurely burning bridges with others at minor slights, both real and perceived.
Powers Origin:
A proficient card dealer employed at the luxury casino, El Gran Dorado, with the explicit task of cheating high rollers out of their winnings to ensure that the house always wins. As such, she’s honed her skills in sleight of hand with swapping out cards from under even the most watchful of gazes. Assisted in no small part by using her generous curves as a distraction.
Arcana’s precognition is a hereditary ability, passed down from mother to daughter, used to prevent misfortune, and help and guide others. Unfortunately, Arcana has gone against her family's wishes and chosen to use her abilities for personal gain through gambling. This selfishness has stunted her proficiency with her powers.
  • Minor Precog; can see the immediate future, up to a minute. Usually reserved to foresee card draws but also allows her to predict an opponent's immediate next move
  • Tarot Reading Omniscience; can look into Past, Present, and Future depending on how complete her ‘captured’ tarot deck is
  • Sleight of Hand; through misdirection and deft dexterity can swipe, swap, and deposit objects undetected
  • Card Transmutation & Tarot Mimicry; Can 'capture' unexpected individuals in specialized tarot cards, granting Arcana access to their abilities
  • Limited Tarot Mimicry; Can only keep a single individual in a single card. Their personality or powers must also match the nature of the card
  • Average Human Abilities; without any captured individuals, Arcana is limited to her innate physical abilities
  • Physical Precog Limit; while she can foresee upcoming events, she may not be able to act in time to adjust them

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Character Profile: Dr. Jillian Hughes

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Character panel - Jillian Hughes; created by Mistersteel & PSMP, art by PSMP
Dr Jillan Hughes

Jill wearing her NOC Suit

Name:    Doctor Jillian Hughes
Alias:    Doctor J, Doctor Huge
Alignment:    Good
Faction:    Government
Ethnicity:    Caucasian (American)
Nickname:    Jill, JH
Marital Status:    Single/Dating (Open)/It’s Complicated
Immediate Family:    Unknown
Occupation:    Exhibitionist, Resident Government (Mad) Scientist, Chief of Metahuman/Superhuman Research, Doctor
Having been brought up around a number of fitness, bikini, and nude models, not to mention several straight up porn stars, both softcore and hard, Jill has no compunctions about personal or public nudity. What’s more, after augmenting her body with both enhanced musculature and ‘ubercurves’ as she likes to call them, Jillian will take any and every opportunity to strip down to the nude.
Prideful, but not without reason, Doctor Jillian is as insatiably curious as she is unabashedly immodest and will take it upon herself to say or do whatever to achieve her goals. This has led to the unfortunate… ‘knack’ for ignoring things like authority, rules, public decency, personal space, and consent if they pose too troublesome. Madam President, Riptide, and Spellbound routinely try to reign in these tendencies, but find that simply steering clear of her and leaving her to her own devices is the most effective method of managing her.
That said, should she find the need to leave her lab, it’s likely that she will ironically strip down from her protective (skin-tight) clothing and end up wandering the halls in the nude.
Powers Origin:
As one of the many, MANY heiresses of the late Howard Hughes’ personal estate, Jillian invested her divestment of his fortune into funding her education… and her research into the source of superpowers. Possessed predominantly by women, she noted a distinct correlation of superpowers with steatopygia. Having only average measurements herself, she underwent a number of body and genetic modifications in the hopes that doing so would unlock a similar potential within herself. Her attempts garnered the attention of the government, who at the time, were attempting to recover research lost from the Admiralty Inlet Incident aka, the Delta Disaster.
Funded by the government, Doctor Jillian was able to greatly expand the scope of her research, and her modifications. While these unfortunately failed to manifest any form of ‘fantastical’ power in herself, in a roundabout way, she was able to achieve similar effects with a greatly enhanced physical form… in more ways than one.
While she was unable to reliably recreate the initial success she had with herself, she has made strides in replicating its effect through more technological methods, namely, with the creation of the Neoprene Ultra-Dermal Exoskin and later the Neoprene Optimised Clothing, full body zero-profile powered armor.
  • Enhanced Strength, Durability, Stamina
  • Enhanced Intellect
  • Via her ‘Multiwave’ NOC (Neoprene Optimised Clothing)
    • Super Durability 
    • Thermal Resistance
    • Kinetic Resistance
    • Chemical Resistance
    • Electrical Resistance
  • Above Average Human Abilities
  • Above Average Libido; easily aroused and distracted by sexual situations
  • No Social Skills
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Character Profile: Kitty Benz

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Character panel - Kitty Benz; created by Mistersteel & PSMP, art by PSMP

Name:    Katharine Benz
Alias:    N/A
Alignment:    Evil
Faction:    Corporate
Ethnicity:    Caucasian (German)
Nickname:    Kitty
Marital Status:    Single
Immediate Family:    N/A
Occupation:    Chauffeur, Bodyguard, and former MMA Fighter [and Assassin ]
Calm, cold, and ruthlessly cutthroat, Katherine ‘Kitty’ Benz is the hyper-competent subordinate of Mr. Giltter. Dedicated to a fault, she has complete faith in her employers bombastic claims and remains unflappable no matter the situation. As his ‘cleaner’ she’s more than happy to deal with what she considers ‘dirty-work’, i.e. dealing with people.. particularly those who don’t see the value of having a literal golden boss.
Powers Origin:
Though Catherine doesn’t possess any supernatural powers, as a former MMA Fighter [and Assassin ], she’s quite athletic and is particularly skilled at dispatching most human, and even some mildly superhuman opponents.
  • Peak Human Abilities
  • Peak Stamina; has excellent physical and mental stamina from her various training
  • Peak Reflexes and Agility; can react to incoming attacks faster than average in combat situations
  • Expert MMA Fighter
  • Master Assassin
  • Peak Human Abilities, while exceptionally athletic, she doesn't possesses any notable superpowers
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Character Profile: Dama Zelenevich

Meet the character with: Character Panels!
Character panel - Dama Zelenevich; created by Mistersteel & PSMP, art by PSMP

Name:    Dama Zelenevich
Alias:    N/A
Alignment:    Neutral 
Faction:    None
Ethnicity:    Caucasian (Russian)
Nickname:    Commissar
Marital Status:    Single
Immediate Family:    Classified
Occupation:    Gym Owner, [Classified]
An expert in social engineering, Dama takes significant pleasure in amassing information and secrets as leverage over those she wants to manipulate. While she presents herself as being affable and approachable, she often includes subtle backhanded compliments, mockery, or even threats in casual conversation. They can be easily missed, and if ever called out on it, she’ll walk back her comments under the guise of misspeaking… but the implication is always there.
Though she generally has a cool, casual attitude, her temper can quickly flare if her plans don’t pan out as anticipated. If immediate retribution is unfeasible, she will patiently plot and scheme to have her revenge.
Overall Dama is someone who is skilled at communicating and speaking in public, capable of exerting influence with nothing more than her word alone.
Powers Origin:
Though Dama doesn’t possess any supernatural powers, as a [redacted] she’s quite skilled at speaking, making connections (both deductive and personal), and manipulation.
  • Master Orator; capable of clearly and convincingly relaying her opinions and point of view to others
  • Enhanced Deduction; skilled at understanding connections and information processing through training
  • Chessmaster; able to manipulate information, individuals, and events in a way to produce desired results
  • Above Average Human Abilities
  • Unknown
  • Above Average Human Abilities
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Character Profile: G-Wrecks

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Character panel - G-Wrecks; created by Mistersteel, art by PSMP
G-Wrecks Standing

G-Wrecks after using her Crater Maker Attack

Name:    Perl Smith
Alias:    Gluteus Wrecks
Alignment:    Evil
Faction:    Rogue Ones
Ethnicity:    Mixed (Black-Caucasian)
Nickname:    G-Wrecks
Marital Status:    Single, Casual Relationships
Immediate Family:    Clone (G-Hype)
Occupation:    N/A
Unrepentantly foulmouthed, G-Wrecks has an acerbic and combative attitude, always either looking for trouble… or to make some. She cares little about others opinions, but if she catches you badmouthing her, she’ll give you hell. 
While her powers are based off of G-Hype, being ‘locked’ in the original’s ‘enlarged’ form has caused a conflict of powers within her, resulting in a state of constant arousal which in turns helps to maintain her abilities. That said, it’s quite easy for her libido to grow out of control and she won’t regain her senses until she’s had a suitably hard fuck.
To quote, “My secret? I’m always horny.”
Powers Origin:
As a dimension warped clone of G-Hype in her ‘enlarged’ form, G-Wrecks possesses many of the same powers as the original. However, as her ass size doesn’t vary, she cannot properly utilize abilities  that would normally be limited to the original’s ‘smaller’ size.

  • Super Durability
  • Super Strength
  • Super Endurance
  • Enhanced Sensitivity
  • Enhanced Libido
  • Crater Maker, delivers a deceptively devastating ground pound that can effortlessly shatter concrete.

  • Prone to sexual proclivity

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Character Profile: Echoes

Meet the character with: Character Panels!
Character panel - Echoes; created by Mistersteel, art by PSMP

Name:    Xenon
Alias:    Echoes 
Alignment:    Good
Faction:    Government (Horror-Arcane Response Division Sigma)
Ethnicity:    Unknown
Nickname:    Ghost
Marital Status:    Unknown
Immediate Family:    Unknown
Occupation:    Horror-Arcane Response Division Sigma Member (Other member in squad include Spellbound and G’m’rr’h)
Xenon is an extremely reserved individual, preferring to keep to themselves when not on a mission. That said, they have a very submissive and subservient personality, almost blindly obeying orders. While they can appear emotionless, they take joy in participating in activities with others, especially scaring people, however, they can be carried away by their enthusiasm at times, especially when their powers come into the mix. Their lapses from the physical plane can lead to similar detachment from reality, and as such, possess a tentative understanding of ‘personal space’. Their androgynous figure makes it hard to determine their gender, and as such they identify as non-binary.
Powers Origin:
  • Unknown

  • Intangibility, can effortlessly turn their body (in part or in whole) intangible to pass through solid matter
  • Invisibility, can make their body invisible to individuals or technology by becoming intangible to light
  • Levitation, unaffected by gravity while intangible but preserves momentum allowing for mild manipulation
  • Possession, can synchronize their intangibility to influence the thoughts and actions of an individual
  • Paranormal Immunity, while intangible resists various supernatural effects that would affect humans
  • Untethering, the longer they are intangible, they more their grip on reality tends to diminish
  • Extradimensional Energy, certain types of energy can prevent their intangibility
  • Piecemeal Possession, takes time and effort to understand how to use others powers and abilities

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$149 of $150
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My first goal, A bit ambitious from what I stand now but it's something that I want to make happen, mostly for my dear friend and comics making partner. With this goal met I've be able to give him a fair share of the earnings as he deserves it for making a lot happen for us. Thank you!
$149 of $250
per month
A new height. This should really help me keep myself afloat while being a Software Engineering student.

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