Character Profile: 5 Minute Mark
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Character panel - 5 Minute Mark; created and written by Mistersteel art by PSMP
Character panel - 5 Minute Mark; created and written by Mistersteel art by PSMP

Name: Marcus Papadopoulos
Alias: 5 Minute Mark, Mister 300
Alignment: Good/ Neutral
Faction: Vigilante
Ethnicity: Caucasian (Greek)
Nickname: Mark
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: N/A
Occupation: Unknown
Egotistical, vain, and VERY self-centered, and as such, prefers to use his powers for self-serving reasons, performing spectacular feats of heroics in the public’s eye to gain their approval and adoration. That said, he’s not so wrapped up in himself that he’ll ignore a major crisis or threat to public safety, and is willing to work with other heroes if the task requires it. Rather it’s simply that 5MM likes having the freedom to do whatever he wants and not be at another’s constant beck and call.
In lieu of the limited usage of his abilities, Marcus is very good at explaining away using them for what things he considers trivial or when he’s exhausted their usage. This is particularly prevalent, as he will ironically ‘waste’ them on things as trivial as showboating with the intent of cajoling women to have sex with him.
It's likely that the time limitation of his powers is the only thing preventing him from abusing them further.
Powers Origin:
Marcus has always remained vague about the origins of his powers. Originally suspected of concealing them to prevent others from attaining them, a background investigation (namely an interview with a former fling) indicated that it may have been based more on embarrassment than anything, as he gained the nickname 5MM before gaining his powers.
- FISS; Flight, Invulnerability, Strength, Speed
- Enhanced Charisma; coupled with his heroics, he comes across a being quite charming
- Time Limitation; his powers can only be activated for five minutes every twenty-four hours
- Above Average Strength; without his powers, Marcus only possesses slightly above average abilities
Looks like he could do some damage!!
For a brief period of time ahahah