Lore Bits #4 - The Nymphonomicon - Written By MisterSteel

The Nymphonomicon, also known as the Mythonomicon (the Laws of Lies) was considered to be grimoire of unparallelled magical potential, believed to be able to allow the user to 'lie' to reality itself, warping it in a way that can only be described as magic.
Nymphonimicon Cover

While excerpts and incomplete transcriptions have been recovered, the original text was believed to have been destroyed in the Great Dead Sea Disaster, a major earthquake along the Dead Sea Transform which destroyed several of the surrounding cities.
Mythology has each city succumbing to a different fate: flood, fire, brimstone, darkness, tar, hail, and salt. In actuality, the book was not destroyed, but survived albeit in a badly damaged state (it's this damage that caused the disaster).
The book is indeed a conduit to the realm known as Carnality and was said to have been inspired directly by the one known only as 'Hawt Hor' as a way to grant humanity pleasure beyond belief and contains a number of incantations and instructions for invocations, the majority of which unabashedly sexual in nature.
Spellbound with the Nymphonimicon

It's power was later perverted by Namah using it to begin to persuade and seduce those in authority to do her bidding. During one of her sojourns to Carnality, it was stolen with the 'bondage' spell modified to 'bind' her to the realm, trapping her there. To prevent her return an attempt was made to destroy the book, but doing so invoked the literal wrath of the Gods...
Back in the past, the venerated salutes the fighter...

From a lost recovered page, a prophecy reads...:
"And lo, the seas of desire shall drown the shores. The flames of passion shall scorch the land bare. The scent of love shall turn bitter and biting. The cradle of the earth shall open and swallow her children. The comfort of night shall cloy to skin. The boughs of the sky shall be laden with burning ice. Men and woman will weep, for where there was once sweetness, only salt shall remain."
...And a complete Nymphonimicon oozing with power
Writer's Notes:
Inspiration that made this possible >
MisterSteel speaking:
I drew from a few literary sources for creating this:
  1. The Necronomicon (name)
  2. The Kamashastra / Kama Sutra (nature)
  3. The Papyrus of Ani (creation)
Basically, it goes back to the idea that Carnality isn't a source of 'evil', it's just a wellspring of the carnal human desires. It's Namah who's using it for evil/self-serving purposes.

Small back and forth between me and MisterSteel >
The verse is a prophecy from the Nymphonomicon?
Yes, a warning if the gods gift is spurned. It's one of the 'recovered' parts of the book that is separate from the original.

Also, each event ties into an actual thing that 'could' be attributed to an earthquake.
Flood, a tsunami of the Dead Sea.
Fire, from collapsing fire pots and the heat of the earth.
Brimstone, aka sulphur, which could get unearthed during a quake.
Darkness, the earth splitting open and swallowing buildings.
Tar, or rather bitumen, is a ultra thick semi-solid liquid that can be released during quakes.
Hail, the superheated tar would cause water to boil, rapidly rising into the upper atmosphere where it would cool just as quickly and return to earth as hail.
Salt, as the salt concentrated waters of the boiling Dead Sea washed over the land it would leave mounds of salt in its wake.

Also, 'Hawt Hor', while it sounds like 'hot whore' is actually a reference to the Egyptian goddess Hathor, (her Egyptian name being 'ḥwt-ḥr' or ħawitˈħaːɾuw which can be pronounced 'hawt-hor'). Hathor also happens to be the goddess of music, dance, joy,
sexuality, beauty, love, motherhood, and queenship.