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17 янв., 2024 04:16
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Этот графический и текстовый материал был создан исключительно с художественными и развлекательными целями ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ СОВЕРШЕННОЛЕТНЕЙ АУДИТОРИИ. Материалы могут состоять из или всключать в себя сцены, оскорбительные для отдельных пользователей. Если вы не достигли 18 (восемнадцати) лет, или если данный материал воспринимается вами как оскорбительный, или если пользование таким материалом нелегально в вашей стране или культуре, ВЫ ДОЛЖНЫ НЕМЕДЛЕННО ПОКИНУТЬ ЭТУ СТРАНИЦУ. Все участники изображённых сцен вымышлены и не имеют аналогов в реальной жизни. В ходе создания графических и иных материалов никто не пострадал. Все изображённые участники являются как минимум совершеннолетними, даже если это выглядит иначе. Всё, что происходит на изображении или в тексте, совершается по согласию сторон, даже если это выглядит иначе.
Lore Bits #1 - Neoprene Optimized Clothing - Written By MisterSteel
These are specially designed pieces of clothing that act as skintight, zero-profile ballistic armor. Nominally, they are merely bullet-resistant, comparable to that of Kevlar, but are capable of tapping into the wearer's natural bio-electricity to provide enhanced durability, as well as strength and reaction time. Dr Jill, wearing her NOC Suit This is done by interpreting synaptic feedback from the wearer and amplifying it in conjunction with its resilience. Created by the joint efforts of Doctor Jillian Hughes, the Chief of Meta-human/Superhuman Research and Tamara La’Mim aka Spellbound, the suit uses extra-dimensional technology as a method of feature compression, storing in an area the size and weight of a quarter, what would normally be as cumbersome and unwieldy as a piece of heavy artillery.
Their 'smart' programming allows them to quickly and uniformly expand over the users surface area, providing them with reliable, near seamless coverage. The suits are based off of a prototype version; the Neoprene Ultra-Dermal Exoskin, but their scope has been expanded to provide better offensive and defensive capabilities. Custom NOC suit gifted to the Royal TITs Modular in nature, each suit can be augmented with features needed by a specific user; enhanced thermal or electrical resistance, adhesive soles to prevent knock-back or recoil, even synchronization with larger exosuit appendages. A particularly persistent issue in both the prototype and the main model, is that it with inadvertently expose the wearers erogenous zones in high stress/high intensity situations. Research on how to rectify this feature/bug is still ongoing.
As with Dr Hughes, it will be awesome to see how these suits look and function with the Royal TITs in the challenging situations they get to try and deal with - hopefully very soon!!!
около 1 года назад
Dr Jill's neoprene suit is just as revealing as the uniforms of the TITs and just as likely to get her into some 'interesting' situations - can't wait to see!!
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As with Dr Hughes, it will be awesome to see how these suits look and function with the Royal TITs in the challenging situations they get to try and deal with - hopefully very soon!!!
Dr Jill's neoprene suit is just as revealing as the uniforms of the TITs and just as likely to get her into some 'interesting' situations - can't wait to see!!