Character Profile: Dr. Jillian Hughes
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Character panel - Jillian Hughes; created by Mistersteel & PSMP, art by PSMP
Character panel - Jillian Hughes; created by Mistersteel & PSMP, art by PSMP

Name: Doctor Jillian Hughes
Alias: Doctor J, Doctor Huge
Alignment: Good
Faction: Government
Ethnicity: Caucasian (American)
Nickname: Jill, JH
Marital Status: Single/Dating (Open)/It’s Complicated
Immediate Family: Unknown
Occupation: Exhibitionist, Resident Government (Mad) Scientist, Chief of Metahuman/Superhuman Research, Doctor
Having been brought up around a number of fitness, bikini, and nude models, not to mention several straight up porn stars, both softcore and hard, Jill has no compunctions about personal or public nudity. What’s more, after augmenting her body with both enhanced musculature and ‘ubercurves’ as she likes to call them, Jillian will take any and every opportunity to strip down to the nude.
Prideful, but not without reason, Doctor Jillian is as insatiably curious as she is unabashedly immodest and will take it upon herself to say or do whatever to achieve her goals. This has led to the unfortunate… ‘knack’ for ignoring things like authority, rules, public decency, personal space, and consent if they pose too troublesome. Madam President, Riptide, and Spellbound routinely try to reign in these tendencies, but find that simply steering clear of her and leaving her to her own devices is the most effective method of managing her.
That said, should she find the need to leave her lab, it’s likely that she will ironically strip down from her protective (skin-tight) clothing and end up wandering the halls in the nude.
Powers Origin:
As one of the many, MANY heiresses of the late Howard Hughes’ personal estate, Jillian invested her divestment of his fortune into funding her education… and her research into the source of superpowers. Possessed predominantly by women, she noted a distinct correlation of superpowers with steatopygia. Having only average measurements herself, she underwent a number of body and genetic modifications in the hopes that doing so would unlock a similar potential within herself. Her attempts garnered the attention of the government, who at the time, were attempting to recover research lost from the Admiralty Inlet Incident aka, the Delta Disaster.
Funded by the government, Doctor Jillian was able to greatly expand the scope of her research, and her modifications. While these unfortunately failed to manifest any form of ‘fantastical’ power in herself, in a roundabout way, she was able to achieve similar effects with a greatly enhanced physical form… in more ways than one.
While she was unable to reliably recreate the initial success she had with herself, she has made strides in replicating its effect through more technological methods, namely, with the creation of the Neoprene Ultra-Dermal Exoskin and later the Neoprene Optimised Clothing, full body zero-profile powered armor.
- Enhanced Strength, Durability, Stamina
- Enhanced Intellect
- Via her ‘Multiwave’ NOC (Neoprene Optimised Clothing)
- Super Durability
- Thermal Resistance
- Kinetic Resistance
- Chemical Resistance
- Electrical Resistance
- Above Average Human Abilities
- Above Average Libido; easily aroused and distracted by sexual situations
- No Social Skills
Loads of opportunities for outrageous situations with curvaceous Dr Hughes!! Her NAKED/NOC 'uniform' leaves nothing to the imagination and must surely get her into some seriously 'tight' corners - hopefully!!! A great new character.
Love her already