Character Profile: Narcissus

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Character panel - Narcissus; created by Mistersteel, art by PSMP
Narcissus - Greek attire

Alias:    Demi-God of Vanity
Alignment:    Good 
Faction:    N/A
Ethnicity:    Greek
Nickname:    N/A
Marital Status:    Single
Immediate Family:    Andonisus (Uncle - Fake)
Occupation:    Demi-God of Vanity
Narcissus is vain and egotistical, aka an iconic Greek God. As the divine embodiment of vanity, his personal appearance takes precedence over all else, enjoying the adoration and attention that his looks garner. His exposure to the modern era has led to him developing a ‘mock-modesty’, and opposed to actively promoting his attributes himself, subtly engineers' situations to incite others to  do so for him.
Interestingly, he’s unconcerned with those who fail to recognize his beauty, attributing it to a lack of taste in the individual, and will outright dismiss them from there on out. That said, he's easily flustered should his large member be unveiled, seeing it as unwieldy and unsightly, at odds with his otherwise youthful appearance.
While definitely not a fighter, he's arguably not that great of a lover either with his personal pleasure taking priority over that of his partner. Though not a quick shot by any means, it’s more likely that his partner will grow disinterested after the initial awe wears off.
While he's generally unfussed by the modern era, he's taken a shine to the concept of ‘social media’.

Powers Origin:
Narcissus’ powers are derived from his demigod heritage, falling in line with his title of ‘Vanity’.
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Super Stamina
  • Super Durability
  • Super Dexterity
  • Social Media Presence
  • Ageless; does not age
  • Needless; does not require sustenance, warmth, sleep, or even an atmosphere to breathe
  • Immortal; cannot die by conventional means

  • Vulnerability; while resilient, he is not invulnerable and can take damage and feel pain
  • Egotistical; prioritizes his own needs before others
  • Gullible; easily deceived by those who would flatter him at length
  • Anachronistic Mentality; has some difficulty coming to grips with modern technology