Character Profile: Silver Spartan
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Character panel - Silver Spartan; created by MisterSteel & PSMP

Name: Libidine
Alias: Silver Spartan
Alignment: N/A
Faction: N/A
Ethnicity: Latin
Nickname: The Amazoness
Marital Status: Unknown
Immediate Family: Unknown
Occupation: Amazon Warrior Champion
Prideful in her power, Silver Spartan is all about the glory of battle and smiting evil. As her strength scales to match that of her opponent, she gets an almost orgasmic power rush when fighting strong opponent's. Her archaic mindset, particularly her 'might makes right' mentality makes her easily deceived by those of significant strength (especially those stronger than her), seeing them as being 'right'.
Powers Origin:
As the pinnacle warrior of the fabled Amazons, Libidine was deemed ‘The Amazoness’ and granted magical armor that grants her power. While she retains her fighting skills without it, she's practically powerless due to her unfamiliarity. Furthermore, the armor gains its power from it’s luster, should it become dirty or defiled, it will no longer grant her strength.
As the pinnacle warrior of the fabled Amazons, Libidine was deemed ‘The Amazoness’ and granted magical armor that grants her power. While she retains her fighting skills without it, she's practically powerless due to her unfamiliarity. Furthermore, the armor gains its power from it’s luster, should it become dirty or defiled, it will no longer grant her strength.
- Gladiator Prowess, proficient at 1v1 combat with weapons and armor
- Peak Athleticism, even without her armor’s enhancements, her speed, strength, and reflexes are well trained
- Magical Armor, in addition to her innate powers, Silver Spartan’s armor grants her with several abilities;
- Power Matching, the ability to match the strength and speed of any adversary
- Immortality, cannot grow old or ill while the armor is active
- Advanced Combat
- Weapon Conjuration, with concentration, can summon a sword, shield, and/or spear
- The Impenetrable Shield of Perseus, a shield fabled to be able to stop any spear
- The Unstoppable Spear of Theseus, a spear fabled to be able to penetrate any shield
- The Apex Sword of Preseus, a sword above all other swords, said to be able to sever the bonds of lust
- Power Euphoria, significant power boosts can cause a euphoric rush which can ironically incapacitate her
- Armor Luster, her magical armor derives power from its luster, if it doesn’t shine, it doesn’t work
- Above Average Human Abilities, without her armor, her physical abilities are quite limited
- Gullible, easily deceived by those strong and/or convincing
- Anachronistic Mentality, has difficulty coming to grips with modern technology
Awesome character in a fabulous setting!! Silver Spartan has a great future ahead and many sexy encounters I suspect!!
Great Now i wanna know what would win the shield or the spear
Aahhaha you are now asking for the destruction of the world my friend.