Character Profile: Tempress
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Character panel - Tempress; created by PSMP

Name: Josephine
Last name: -Classified-
Alias: Tempress
Age: 28
Alignment: Good
Faction: Government Regulated Heroine - Army - Police
Ethnicity: Caucasian (French)
Nickname: Temp
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: -Classified-
Occupation: Secret Services Squad member (other members in her squad are Broadside and Riptide)
Hobbies and Interests:
Trained martial artist and hand to hand combat specialist and loves collecting katanas.
She likes to make silly pranks to her teammate Broadside.
Loves getting her nails done, enjoys going on walks at the park. Beaches are her favorite for tanning. Likes to dress up
Personality: Tempress has a very cheerful and jolly personality, doesn’t take most things very seriously.
She would do anything to please her squad Leader Riptide.
Submissive girl who loves pleasing everyone so long as they treat her with respect.
Sword name: 爆乳 - Bakunyū (Massive tits)
- Superhuman speed
- Superhuman reflexes
- Mastery in hand to hand and close quarters combat
- Above average agility
- Her massive tits get sometimes in the way
- Gets easily distracted
- Sometimes lacks confidence which limits her full potential
- Without her Bakunyū sword she loses all hope
PS: Character are all potentially prone to changes and retcons if deemed necessary
PS: Character are all potentially prone to changes and retcons if deemed necessary
As I mentioned under the Fight scenes with Eclipse, Tempress looks sooo much sexier and sultry with her lighter brown hair partly over her eyes than with her black much more severe hair stile look. A great character and one to look forward to seeing more of - especially an expansion of the comic idea of her fight with Eclipse. Great stuff!!