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11 янв., 2023 04:32
Публичный пост
Этот графический и текстовый материал был создан исключительно с художественными и развлекательными целями ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНО ДЛЯ СОВЕРШЕННОЛЕТНЕЙ АУДИТОРИИ. Материалы могут состоять из или всключать в себя сцены, оскорбительные для отдельных пользователей. Если вы не достигли 18 (восемнадцати) лет, или если данный материал воспринимается вами как оскорбительный, или если пользование таким материалом нелегально в вашей стране или культуре, ВЫ ДОЛЖНЫ НЕМЕДЛЕННО ПОКИНУТЬ ЭТУ СТРАНИЦУ. Все участники изображённых сцен вымышлены и не имеют аналогов в реальной жизни. В ходе создания графических и иных материалов никто не пострадал. Все изображённые участники являются как минимум совершеннолетними, даже если это выглядит иначе. Всё, что происходит на изображении или в тексте, совершается по согласию сторон, даже если это выглядит иначе.
Character Profile: Babewatch
Meet the character with: Character Panels!
Character panel - Babewatch; created by MisterSteel, Art by PSMP Tiffany Dunes aka Babewatch Name: Tiffany Dunes
Alias: Babewatch
Alignment: Good
Faction: Agency
Ethnicity: Caucasian (American, California)
Nickname: Surfer Girl
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: N/A
Occupation: Agency Member, Lifeguard, Former Surfer
A book-dumb, brainless beauty, Tiffany is the epitome of the stereotypical dumb-blonde, sorely lacking in common sense. scatterbrained and a bit of a ditz, she’s always friendly and outgoing, gotten through life by quite literally coasting on her powers and her killer curves. This sweet naivety has led her to be open and honest about everything in her life, and at times is too trusting of those who would exploit her abilities.
Powers Origin:
Hydrogenesis, can coat her skin and anything she touches with any liquid (water, oil)
Aphrodesia, contact with created liquid increases arousal relative to amount and erogenous-zone proximity
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Reflexes
Immune to Mind Control, too dumb to fool, especially for enchantment and more complicated lies
Low IQ, extremely gullible and prone to believing simple and easily debunked lies
Aphrodesia, isn’t immune to the aphrodisiac effect of her liquid
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ She's finally here! Babewatch was made a while ago, but we had some challenges with the costume design, but I think we managed to achieve a costume that is both on theme and also looks something a superhero would wear (in this universe at least, ahaha!)
PS: The main images inside the drive are bigger in resolution, but I had to scale them down in order to be able to post on SubscriberStar, the files size was too big. This was just something FYI.
I freaking knew you'd like the backside ahaha glad I added that in :)Enjoy!
около 2 лет назад
Who wouldn't risk drowning to get saved by this beach babe??!! She's got buoyancy whether she's face up or face down - her pneumatics are devastating and in real need of being outrageously handled in a wrestling scenario or a fight bout - living in hope!!!
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Love the Outfit especially the backside
I freaking knew you'd like the backside ahaha glad I added that in :)Enjoy!
Who wouldn't risk drowning to get saved by this beach babe??!! She's got buoyancy whether she's face up or face down - her pneumatics are devastating and in real need of being outrageously handled in a wrestling scenario or a fight bout - living in hope!!!