Character Profile: Natasha Nackers
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Character panel - Natasha Nackers; created by PSMP; written by Mistersteel art by PSMP
Character panel - Natasha Nackers; created by PSMP; written by Mistersteel art by PSMP

Name: Natasha Nackers
Alias: N/A
Alignment: Neutral
Faction: N/A (Civilian)
Ethnicity: Caucasian (American/Austrian)
Nickname: Natasha Nockers, Natasha Nickers, or Natasha Nackered
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: Niece (Linda Wagner) Niece (Charlotte Wagner)
Occupation: Anchorwoman for PSMP News
While usually prim and uptight, she secretly has a rape fetish and enjoys ‘going undercover’ as a prostitute, pretending to be in need of help while getting used sexually.
- Average Human Abilities
- Average Human Abilities