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Feb 04, 2024 06:13 am
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Lore Bits #3 - Spectral Katana 爆乳 - Bakunyiu (Translation: Massive Tits) - Written By MisterSteel
Bakunyiu Side View
Bakunyiu Said to be possessed by the spirit of ‘The Demon Jūbē’ and his restless lechery, this unbreakable, unbluntable katana is capable of unlocking the wielder's latent potential and enhancing it to unprecedented levels far beyond that of what conventional training could achieve… so long as they possess massive tits.
The process, while practically instantaneous, is also quite strenuous, mentally taxing the wielder, affecting their psyche. Depending on their mental fortitude, this ‘spiritual stress’ can artificially age the wielder and cause their hair to temporarily lighten, however it will return to its natural coloration after being separated from the sword for a few hours and the ‘unlocking’ effect to wear off.
That said, not all can achieve this effect, and while it may seem foolish to think that it ‘only’ works for those who possess sufficiently large breasts, this is indeed the case. Those who fail to meet these criteria will fail to have their potential unlocked, and will act like a regular, if unbreakable sword.
Typical Tempress posing with her Bakunyiu
If the wielder is male however, it will actively refuse to be of use and become unable to cut as much as paper. Repeated attempts to do so will cause the individual to hear a voice muttering 'tsk', 'feh', 'bah', and 'hmph'.
This could tie into 'why' her hair lightens (her spirit is being placed under extreme stress while wielding the sword), but returns to its natural color after leaving it for a few hours.
While many believe that this ‘cursed’ sword is inhabited by a demon, in actual fact the spirit is of an ancient martial arts master who merely gained the nickname 'The Demon’ due to his frightening countenance and ferocious skills when engaged in combat. Outside of combat however, he was an unrepentant lech, with a particular love of buxom women. Rumor has it that his spirit became intertwined with the blade after being assassinated with it following being smother beneath the breasts of a particularly buxom seductress.
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Agreed - but she looks sooo much better with her lighter hair, so clearly this sword has beneficial effects - at least for Tempress!!