Character Profile: Mad Jim Jester
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Character panel - Mad Jim Jester; created by PSMP, written by MisterSteel art by PSMP
Character panel - Mad Jim Jester; created by PSMP, written by MisterSteel art by PSMP

Name: Unknown
Alias: Mad Jim Jester
Alignment: Evil
Faction: N/A
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nickname: MJJ, Jim
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: N/A
Occupation: Clown, Rapist
A graduate from Clown University with a PhD in Physical Comedy, it’s unknown what turned the lighthearted oxymoronic jock clown doctor into an unrepentant serial rapist, Mad Jim Jester. Eloquent, with a twisted sense of humor, he’s always got a snide comment or sick joke to tickle his funny bone, if no one else's.
Powers Origin:
With an extreme exercise routine to build his body up for peak physical comedy, MJJ has developed an impressive physique, Mad Jim Jester is at peak comedic potential, and then some.
- Enhanced Strength
- Enhanced Durability
- Above Average Human Abilities
- Above Average Human Abilities, while exceptionally built, he doesn't possesses any notable superpowers
Physical Comedy Phd goddamn how does Steel come up with that stuff xD
Pure Gold my friend :)
Great character - will be good to see him in action!!