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May 13, 2024 06:01 pm
Public post
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Character Profile: Adonisus
Meet the character with: Character Panels! Character panel - Adonisus; created by Mistersteel, art by PSMP Adonisus - Greek attire Name: Adonisus
Alias: Demi-God of Fitness
Alignment: Good
Faction: N/A
Ethnicity: Greek
Nickname: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: Narcisus (Nephew - Fake)
Occupation: Demi-God of Fitness
Adonisus is egotistical and vain, aka an iconic Greek God. As the divine embodiment of fitness, he is unshakably confident in his physique and physical fitness and takes particular enjoyment in showing off his physical attributes for others, whether it be for the inspiration of men or the adoration of women.
Despite his strapping physique, he's not one to resort to physical violence unless absolutely necessary, preferring instead to ‘reason’ with his adversaries… though due to his simpleminded mentality, this ultimately takes the form of the ‘Plato approach’, i.e. intentionally changing the topic by flexing and posing to highlight his musculature.
That said, he is fairly skilled in Greek wrestling, and interestingly enough, gets along quite well with other athletes, particularly those who like to showboat, seeing them as men (or women) after his own heart.
While he's often left baffled by the modern era, he's taken a shine to the concept of ‘social media’.
Powers Origin:
Adonisus’ powers are derived from his demigod heritage, falling in line with his title of ‘Fitness’. He's also quite adept at learning various athletic activities.
Super Strength
Super Stamina
Super Durability
Enhanced Dexterity
Peak Athleticism; his speed, strength, and reflexes are well trained
Simple-Minded Wisdom; his lack of modern awareness means he won’t rule out options that others would
Ageless; does not age
Needless; does not require sustenance, warmth, sleep, or even an atmosphere to breathe
Immortal; cannot die by conventional means
Vulnerability; while resilient, he is not invulnerable and can take damage and feel pain
Egotistical; prioritizes his own needs before others
Gullible; easily deceived by those who would flatter him at length
Anachronistic Mentality; has some difficulty coming to grips with modern technology
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Good to see a bit of Classical culture being included!!!