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Nov 27, 2022 04:47 am
Public post
This content was created for artistic and entertainment purposes FOR ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the page IMMEDIATELY. All depicted characters are fictional. No live victims were produced during this content creation and no harm was imposed upon any live creature. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older and of the age of consent, even if it looks otherwise. Acts depicted are all consensual.
Character Profile: Vulcana
Meet the character with: Character Panels! Character panel - Vulcana; created by MisterSteel, Art by PSMP
Name: Victoria (Last name unknown)
Alias: Vulcana
Alignment: Evil
Faction: The Rogue Ones
Ethnicity: Pacific Islander
Nickname: Hot Stuff
Marital Status: Unknown
Immediate Family: Unknown
Occupation: Former Heel Wrestler, Former Porn-star
Extremely exuberant, never seen without a beaming grin or wide smile, Vulcana’s confidence is unshakable, and rightly so. She’s very touchy-feely with both friends and foes. She’s always eager to throw down, whether it be for fighting or fucking, the two are interchangeable in her books. Victory is tantamount to euphoria for her, but even if she loses (which happens next to never) she's still happy to have found someone able to beat her. And can't WAIT for the rematch. She dislikes being told what to do, and will hot headedly refuse to cooperate.
Powers Origin:
A powerhouse masked-wrestler, who became popular for her lewd mannerisms, skimpy outfits, and general ambivalence to any nip slips or wardrobe malfunctions during matches. Despite her heel persona, she was still a crowd favorite due to her in-ring and backstage antics, flashing the audience on several occasions.
At the height of her career, she not-so-secretly decided to delve into professional porn. When a rival wrestler discovered this double life they exposed her in an attempt to shame her into retiring, but this backfired, instead increasing her popularity further.
Due to her being a very strong source of lust, she attracted the attention of the Cult of Lust who attempted to kidnap, recruit, and ultimately brainwash her in the service of the Gods of Lust. However, the cultists underestimated the actual strength of Victoria, and she freed herself on her own before Crimson Oracle arrived at the last minute, taking credit and interrogating Victoria, chiding her for attracting the Cult with her overly lewd ways.
Despite this, Victoria continued her in-ring and in-studio sexual showboating, leading to another abduction. While the Cult had increased their security measures, Victoria nearly managed to fight her way free yet again, before Shellshock burst in to help her out. Frustrated at having had to essentially free herself, Victoria angrily dismisses the blonde’s tardiness.
The Cult makes one final attempt to capture and convert Victoria, who at this point has begun to treat them as a nuisance more than anything else. However, that’s when she’s introduced to the summoned ArchDemon who she’d be fucking/fighting till her mind broke.
Despite managing to come out of the ordeal intact and with a fragment of his power over volcanism, she holds a grudge against heroes and their perceived ineffectiveness in her eyes.
Like a volcano, Victoria’s has two ‘modes’ for her powers, Dormant and Active.
Victoria's baseline abilities without activating her volcanic mode
Enhanced Strength, even with her volcanic powers inactive, Vulcana is an incredible physical powerhouse
Super Durability, can withstand and no-sell most physical attacks
Super Stamina, her wrestling training and porn shoots has given her excellent physical and sexual stamina
Enhanced Reflexes and Agility, can react to incoming attacks faster than average in combat situations
Thermal Immunity, immune both to extreme heat and extreme cold
Can 'ignite' to activate her volcanic mode letting her emulate different attributes of volcanoes and eruptions
Super Strength
Nigh Invulnerability
Geogenesis, can create and fling molten balls of rock at opponent's from a distance
Shapeshifting, can create, control, and transform any part(s) of her body into molten rock
Regeneration, can reform damaged or missing body parts from rock
‘Hot’ emotions such as lust, passion, anger, and frustration, can fuel her powers
It can take a while for her powers to ‘heat up’ from Dormant to Active without a trigger
When her volcano mode is Active it makes her more prone to emotional to swings
Reduced Agility, her full volcanic form moves at the same speed of lava, varying with her heat intensity
Often reverts to wrestling kayfabe, going for looks over effectiveness and purposefully leaving herself open
This was probably the most challenging character I've made so far, holy shit! Very complex character to achieve as she was pitched, took me several weeks but she's finally whole now.
My good buddy that's directing and writing for comic pitched this one and we have already a shit ton of lore for her waiting to be realized.
Her origin story will most likely, in a later date, be made into a comic of sort.
We have like a million characters more to go and show but I hope you enjoy her as much as we do.
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Opponents could get seriously overheated by her if not careful!! Her fire would take some putting out.......