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Jul 29, 2022 05:47 pm
Public post
This content was created for artistic and entertainment purposes FOR ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the page IMMEDIATELY. All depicted characters are fictional. No live victims were produced during this content creation and no harm was imposed upon any live creature. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older and of the age of consent, even if it looks otherwise. Acts depicted are all consensual.
Character Profile: Shellshock
Meet the character with: Character Panels! Character panel - Shellshock; created by PSMPHelen Rose aka Shellshock
Name: Helen
Last name: Rose
Alias: ShellShock
Age: 18
Alignment: Good
Faction: Vigilante
Ethnicity: Caucasian (USA)
Nickname: Caped Bimbo
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: Orphan, raised by priests and nuns
Occupation: Serves sometimes in her church where she assists various priests and sometimes dresses as a nun herself
Hobbies and Interests:
Secretly hates the church so her interest is to get as far away as possible. She acts slutty and grew as a bimbo to escape the church as she feels like she does not want to be a sort of slave in invisible chains.
Personality: A bit awkward and curious lady, she’s a bit immature as her body grew insanely fast.(her age is 18 but her body resembles the body of a mid 30’s woman) Somehow has very little sense of modesty, as she goes and performs hero work while wearing barely anything.
Enhanced strength
X-ray vision
Enhanced durability
Weak willpower
Extremely naive
Vulnerable to all sorts of Magic
The hornier she gets to the more her powers are reduced
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: Character are all potentially prone to changes and retcons if deemed necessary
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