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Oct 11, 2023 04:00 am
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Character Profile: Fiona Fearless
Meet the character with: Character Panels! Character panel - Fiona Fearless; created by Subscriber; written by Mistersteel art by PSMPFiona Fearless 1
Fiona Fearless 2Name: Fiona Fearless
Alias: Knockback
Alignment: Good
Faction: Government Regulated Heroine - Royal Guard (Tactical Intervention Troopers)
Ethnicity: Caucasian (British)
Nickname: Fifi
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: Classified
Occupation: Royal Tactical Intervention Trooper (other members in her squad are Vivi and Didi)
Dumber than a brick with her head in the clouds, Fifi is a ditz and a half and believes the best of everyone around her and every situation. While Didi is reckless, and Vivi is courageous, FiFi is fearless from ignorance. She rarely seems to comprehend the danger that she’s in at any given point in time unless explicitly told.
Though always optimistic, Fifi isn’t particularly talkative and doesn’t usually weigh in on situations unless her interest is piqued, something particularly hard to do when she’s in the midst of daydreaming. In these cases, her comments can often come across as non sequiturs, and can wind up so contrived that neither of her squadmates can understand what she’s talking about.
Interestingly enough, she can always understand what Didi says, no matter how thick her accent gets. Whether she understands the meaning behind the words is another story altogether.
Powers Origin: Unlike the other two members of her specialized squad, who were selected for their past experience and performance, Fifi was included purely out of nepotism as the chief's niece. While neither of her teammates resent her for it, this did make it difficult to determine how best to outfit her to match the team’s dynamic. This, in conjunction with the executive desire to keep her safe was why she was given the less maneuverable, but more durable NOC (Neoprene Optimised Clothing). Classified as ‘Blastwave’, it’s specialized for its defensive capabilities and coupled with an oversized ballistic shield, it's the most resilient of the three suits.
In addition, her apparently vacuous thought process does have its benefits. Unlike Vivi who can't put a puzzle together even with all the pieces, and Didi who has neither the patience nor the desire to try, FiFi can effortlessly come to the right conclusion... albeit by taking three left turns to get there.
Limited Shield Proficiency
Via her ‘Blastwave’ NOC (Neoprene Optimised Clothing)
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Impact Reduction
Kinetic Energy Absorption
Kinetic Dispersion Shields; can absorb and disperse kinetic energy from impacts without affecting the user
Hypercognition; effortlessly comes to the correct conclusion for a problem
Fearlessness; lack of societal awareness prevents her from feeling fear in 99.9% of situations
Accent recognition; has the ability to understand English speech altered by hard and heavy accents
Below Average Human Abilities; without her suit, Fifi is the least physically fit of her squad
Fearless; her lack of fear makes her a somewhat easy target to her enemies
Quite a pneumatic body and with lips to match. With her less than razor sharp intellect she'll need all the support she can get from her other two TITs! Those lips get her into trouble no doubt! A great character and looking forward to seeing her in action!!
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Quite a pneumatic body and with lips to match. With her less than razor sharp intellect she'll need all the support she can get from her other two TITs! Those lips get her into trouble no doubt! A great character and looking forward to seeing her in action!!