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Tales of Alexandria
Tales of Alexandria
I'm an amateur novelist who has been writing erotic short stories off and on for almost a decade now. This is my first time executing a long-term writing project, and I want this to be the beginning of a career in writing that I didn't think was possible. Expect a new chapter to be released about once a month until my skills and speed improve. Do not use my characters without my permission.
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Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 18: Purr [pet play] [reluctance] [cunnilingus] [tail sex] [mounting] [biting] [scratching]

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This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of voluntary slavery, animal roleplay (cat/kitten), pet play, reluctance, teasing, embarrassment, consensual intoxication (pheromones), vaginal play (cunnilingus, tail penetration), tail play, scratching, hair pulling, biting multiple orgasms, subspace, and sensitive terminology (breasts, clit, slit, ass). Reader discretion is advised.
The sunbeams felt particularly comforting as Elva slowly rustled from slumber. ‘Mmh, that smells nice,’ she reflected upon noticing her Mistress’ peculiarly fragrant musk, but strange sensations accompanied by rustling from behind and above soon gave her pause.
“Good morning, kitten,” Saoirse greeted, her voice dripping with honey.
The blaring melody yipped Elva awake as it rang throughout her skull. A further giggle set her heart pounding while she heard shuffling above her head. What is going on??’ Confounded, Elva looked up but didn’t see anything on the pillow; the strange sounds persisted as she turned to Saoirse’s beaming smile. She wondered, “Mistress, what is happen—?!” As she rolled over, Elva yelped when something furry wriggled between her rear and legs. She threw the sheets off and stared agape before glaring at her Mistress.
Saoirse’s snickering worsened as she stated, “Not just a tail, my kitten.” Upon rubbing the side of her head, Elva realized the sensation was wrong for where Mistress was touching.
Her hands shot up before she realized, “WHAT the— Mistress, where are my ears??” A glance up directed Elva higher, where she found a pair of fuzzy points sticking up. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY EARS?!”
Barely quelling her cackles, Saoirse explained, “I was feeling a little playful when I woke up, so I thought we could have some fun today.”
What part of this is supposed to be FUN?!” Elva tried to hold them still. ‘They’re twitching!!’
“The part where you get to be my kitten for the day,” she cheekily answered. “I used a transformation spell to give you cat-like qualities for—about a day. While you look this adorable, I want you to act like my adorable little pet kitten.”
Elva let go to gape, “Your pet k—” She glanced at her tail and reflected, ‘Are you sure I’m not—a fox?’ Breaking away from the bushy appendage, she stated, “Mistress, how am I supposed to act like a kitten?! I’ve never even seen a kitten, much less had one as a pet!!”
Saoirse replied, “That makes two of us, kitten. Well, I have seen some cats, but I’ve never had one as a pet before. Supposedly, my grandmother had one, though my mother hardly talks about—,” she trailed off before snapping back up, “so I’ve always been curious what it’s like to have a pet.”
Before Elva could further object, Saoirse petted her head. Any qualms dissipated with the comforting strokes, and Elva fell into her Mistress’ embrace. Oh, that feels nice!’ she lulled, nuzzling into her chest.
Good girl,” Saoirse chucked as Elva got comfortable. “See? I told you this would be fun.”
‘I don’t know if I’d call this fun,’ she grumbled, ‘but it is—interest—!’ As Saoirse rubbed her ear, Elva shuddered and  gasped, ‘OOH, that’s—!’ Fluttering as the inside was given attention, Elva didn’t notice herself humming until a rhythmic drone alarmed her. She shot up and clutched her collared throat, demanding, “WHAT WAS THAT?!”
Mistress bellowed and affectionately pulled the wide-eyed Elva in, “That was a PURR, my kitten!” She could only squirm as Saoirse praised, “Oh, what a good GIRL! It took a few days, but I knew I could get my kitten to purr!”
Her fluster didn’t improve being shoved back into Mistress’ bust; the tender grasp steadily calmed Elva before she realized, This what you were talking about the day we met?!’ She shook against Saoirse before lamenting, “I-I’m sorry, this is all—just—”
“Too much? If you’re not enjoying it, Elva, I can reverse—”
No! No, I-I am—enjoying it, I think, I just need,” before she could continue, Elva noticed the familiar fragrance of Mistress’ pheromones.
As she calmed into her clutches, Saoirse finished, “To relax?”
Elva hummed in approval as the rubs resumed. ‘Thank you. I just needed a moment, but that smell is—so nice!’
“You’re quite welcome, kitten,” Saoirse tittered, moreso when she purred and nestled again. “You’re such a good girl, my kitten,” she praised as Elva pressed into her, “and you feel so soft.” She carefully cuddled her Mistress and held her close, though Saoirse eventually pulled away to tilt her chin up. “You know, I’m going to need a lot of energy to make up for changing you.” She licked her lips and inquired, “Would you mind if I broke my fast, my kitten?”
When the sweet breath passed her nose, Elva shivered before pushing into her lips. Steadily groaning as Saoirse embraced her back, she thought, ‘Oh, please, Mistress.’ Her whines worsened as their tongues touched and she was petted more passionately. Elva didn’t suppress her purrs when they resumed with the caresses, even when Mistress pulled away to kiss her neck.
Her calls were calm until Elva realized her new extremities were wriggling. She only noticed until Saoirse nibbled her throat, the pleasant tingle distracting her. Crying out with the tight tugs, Elva panted when her ear was rubbed again.
‘Oh, Mistress,’ her wriggling worsened, ‘please touch me more!’ Not making her wait, Saoirse firmly groped her still-tender breast and pecked down to her chest. When the caresses became scratches with a pinch on her nipple, Elva melted and pulled her Mistress in.
Unconscious of being turned onto her back, Elva writhed as Saoirse teased her. The tender gnaws to her sore bust were welcome, but her need inflamed.
Shuffling her thighs together—despite the fuzzy feeling against them—Elva held her lip and implored, ‘Mistress, I need you to touch me—!’ She gasped when Saoirse slipped down to smooch her stomach and trace her hip.
“Did you want me to touch your clit, my kitten?” Mistress wondered when Elva didn’t think further.
Elva whimpered, ‘Yes, please, touch my clit, Mistress!’
Good girl.” Before Elva could struggle, Saoirse forced her knees apart and slid down further. She felt warm air on her nub before a careful lick made her thrash.
When Elva reached for her hair, Saoirse teased, “You really wanted that, didn’t you, kitten? Well, allow me to satisfy you.” She pressed in, leaving Elva to call out.
‘Oh, Brigit, I missed you, Mistress!’ she grieved with the lustful laps.
As she pulled away, Saoirse wondered, “You missed me? I haven’t left your side for the last—!”
Elva’s legs wrapped around her head while she implored, ‘Just touch me, Mistress!’ Saoirse chuckled before enthusiastically complying. Elva shuddered as she was pleased, yet somehow, the twitches of her tail weren’t bothersome until Saoirse grasped its base.
OH, oh, Mistress,’ Elva choked as her heart dropped with the queer hold, ‘don’t—stop!’ After Saoirse began massaging it, Elva started heaving, “I—I’m going to—!” With a sharp cry, she thrashed while the pressure overflowed. Elva became lost in her Mistress’ touches, locking her in place until her knees buckled.
Good girl,” Saoirse tittered as she was released, still caressing Elva’s erect tail. The strange sensation made her dizzy while Mistress inquired, “Are you enjoying this, my kitten?”
Speechless, Elva shivered through deep breaths before pulling Saoirse in again. ‘Can you—touch me more, Mistress?’
“With pleasure, my kitten.”
As Saoirse lowered her lips, Elva lurched when it was accompanied by a new grasp on her tail. When something slowly twisted around the bushy limb, Elva quickly realized, ‘Is that—Mistress’ tail?!’ After it reached her rear, hugging her in a comforting coil, the tip slid up to tease her slit.
Whimpering anew, Elva couldn’t think when Saoirse wondered, “Would my kitten enjoy having me in her?” Peeking to a smug grin between her thighs, she finally let Mistress go to cover her blush. After a chirrup and a short nod, Elva wheezed as Saoirse slipped in, tugging on her new appendage.
When biting her finger didn’t stifle her whines, Elva reached for the pillow behind her. Before she could cover her mouth, Saoirse yanked it away. “I want to hear every adorable sound you make, kitten,” she snickered before pulling on her bud and pressing further in.
Elva’s wails turned shrill when the intrusions intensified. “Mistress,” she squeaked, her toes sticking out as she grasped the bedcover. “If you keep—I’ll—!” Saoirse became impassioned, and Elva was breathless before she cried out.
Convulsing, Elva fell into bliss while her Mistress persisted. She desperately tossed and turned before her clit was released, taking hoarse gasps while her legs hung limp.
Shivering from a caress on her thighs, Elva was dazed when Saoirse asked, “Are you still enjoying yourself, my kitten?”
Only able to think about their tails, Elva choked, “I—I want you—to be—cruel—Mistress. P-Please.”
If Saoirse did more than cackle, Elva didn’t notice as her Mistressʼ nails sharpened. She heaved when they slid over her skin, but before she could clutch the sheets again, Saoirse took her waist to flip her over. Yelping in her fluster, Elva couldn’t keep her lids open as she was lifted off the bed by her hips.
Her knees already trembling, Elva grew hotter as Mistress laid on her back and pressed her chest in. “Keep that cute little ass up for me, my kitten,” she whispered before biting her shoulder. Closing her mouth made Elva purr and Saoirse snicker, but the escalating pleasures muddled her thoughts. Struggling to keep still, Elva fell into the cushioning before her locks were clutched. “I said keep your ass up,” she demanded over Elva’s moans, “and don’t muffle that pretty voice, my kitten.”
When an ear was gnawed while Mistress pressed in just right, Elva’s eyes rolled closed while she wailed. “Good girl,” Saoirse complimented before gnawing again.
Her daze worsened as the teeth sharpened, while her scalp was scraped between tight grasps. The tugs on her tail tightened as she was fervently pleased; Elva was speechless, pulling on the sheets as the thrusts hastened. “Mis—,” she whined, struggling to keep her rear up while Saoirse passionately pressed on her. Groaning when her other ear was nabbed, Elva thrashed as the shifting of their tails became too much.
Her shouts worsened as Elva pulled against her Mistress’ hold, thoughtless while the tingling heightened. Lost in the delights, Elva slipped onto her stomach and writhed. Her face only stayed aloft by Saoirse’s grasp, but she was soon eased onto the soft bedding with the release of her curls.
At the slight retreat of Saoirse’s tail, Elva quivered and reached back. “W-wait!” she yelled. Nearly sobbing while she thrashed, Elva begged, “I-I’m sorry—I can’t keep—my—a-ass up, Mistress. Please! Don’t stop yet!”
Through the haze, Elva scarcely heard her Mistress chuckle before hushing, “If that’s what my kitten needs.” Saoirse relaxed onto Elva, petting her hair and pressing her into the bed. “You’ve been such a good girl for me, kitten. Are you ready to be satisfied now?”
With an unsteady purr as Saoirse eased back in, Elva implored, ‘Please!’
Her head was scratched before a tight grasp left her agape. A forceful push to her desire knocked the wind out from her, but Elva screeched as Saoirse’s nails drug up her right side. Grasping the sheets, Elva’s whimpers heightened while her Mistress chewed on her ear.
‘Ooh—oh, Bri-gi—!’ her voice cracked while her daze worsened. Her body inflamed, though Saoirse only became more enthused as Elva fell back into bliss.
All she could feel was her Mistress’ heat and the fierce sensations she imposed. The tingling waves continued while Elva limply fell, slipping into a numbing trance. The intensity slowly lessened, starting with the dull stings on her head, though her senses lit up again while Saoirse left her empty. Only able to whimper and shudder as her ecstasy faded, Elva writhed under her Mistress until she was turned around.
Elva clutched Saoirse when they faced each other, pushing into her bust to keep the heat from dissipating more. She wheezed upon noticing the strong twitches of her tail were still stifled in a pleasant hold. Finally, as her hair was petted and she more clearly heard the caring chant, “Good girl,” Elva calmed, purring to her Mistress’ comforts.
A titter was added to the praise as Elva nuzzled while light scratches made her float. Her heart fluttered with her Mistress’ affections and Elva soon lamented, ‘Why—couldn’t I have lasted longer.’
Saoirse’s chuckles renewed while she tiled Elva up so their gazes could meet. Her joyful smile invigorated Elva when she mentioned, “There’s still plenty of time for us to have fun, my kitten.” Rising from the bed, Saoirse touched Elva’s collar and produced a glowing lead within her palm before commanding, “Come, my adorable pet. The day has just begun, and there’re so many more ways I want to play with my kitten.”
Elva fell into her role as a pet quite quickly, finding odd comfort from the sensual play. What else does Saoirse have in store for her kitten? Things seem to be going to plan for now, but will everything stay that way? Perhaps something unexpected can add some real spice to this already heated play!
—End Spoiler—

Don't forget to like, comment, share, follow, and subscribe (if you're able) if you enjoyed my work and want to read more! Find Act I (chapters 1-16) on eBook and paperback! Join the conversation on Discord or find my other socials through Linktree!

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Elva and Saoirse Lingerie Pinup (art by Sammi-Doodles)

This art was a commission made by the absolutely lovely Sammi-Doodles and I'm so happy with how she drew my girls!! Give her a follow on Furaffinity if you enjoy her art style and be sure to favorite her own post!!
A brief introduction for those who might be new to the story: everyone, say hello to Saoirse and Elva!! Elva (she/her, 21, right) is a cis female Irish witch who lost her only family at a very young age and lost her life due to a tragic misunderstanding. Saoirse (she/her, 3242, left) is a transgender succubus hybrid who had a troubled upbringing and is now both Elva's Mistress, protector, and soon-to-be lover in her new unlife after death.
If their journey sounds interesting, please check out the first chapter of my erotica, Wrong Side of the Bed; the first volume is now available on eBook and paperback!

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Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 17: Asleep [reluctance] [masturbation]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of slavery, consensual intoxication (pheromones, aphrodisiacs), restraining, humiliation, reluctance, masturbation, vaginal fingering, and sensitive terminology (breasts, slit). Reader discretion is advised.
An unworldly howl roused Elva from her repose. Squinting awake, she found her warmed world was tinged in blood. She grumbled and looked to the portal, hardly seeing the bottom tip of the moon. With a lighter hoot, Elva glanced to a pine below and spotted the glistening spectacles of an owl.
“Precious,” Saoirse mumbled, grasping Elva tighter.
The mild sting to her scrapes made Elva blush as she realized, ‘Those are—her breasts.’ She peeked around to find her Mistress deep in slumber; her dark cheeks were especially red under the fading moonlight. Hardly able to turn in the tight grasp, Elva smiled, ‘She looks so—peaceful.’ She leaned in and caught Saoirse’s intoxicating musk. ‘She smells so nic—!’
Elva flushed upon noticing that powerful fragrances were added to the aroma. ‘Is-is she,’ her breath was taken while her heart raced, ‘giving off pheromones and aphrodisiacs—in her sleep?! She shuddered, “Uh-hm, Mis-stress?”
Saoirse grumbled and cuddled tighter.
“You’re not even awake!” Huffing as Saoirse’s restful visage thrilled her, Elva’s thighs shuffled while her need came on. ‘Can’t you—help?! She tried to pull on Saoirse, but her arms wouldn’t budge. ‘Ah, Brigit,’ Elva grimaced, ‘comforting myself with you right…’
Squirming under her Mistress’ soft grasp, Elva whimpered as the scents intensified and her need worsened. Her fussing was scarcely quelled upon biting her lip before she lowered her hand.
She gasped at the brush of her bud, the light touch quickly forcing her head to spin. ‘I was never this sensitive when I comforted myself!’ Unable to retain her moans, Elva writhed as Mistress pulled her in and hummed. ‘Maybe now—I can—orgasm—on my own.’
A steady lightness overcame Elva while her rubs quickened. Struggling to maintain a rhythm, she trembled as the pressure gradually built and soon overwhelmed her. She cried out as her body quaked in the comforting clutch. Her fingers shook too terribly to continue, though, and she winced as the waves quickly rippled.
While catching her breath, Elva glowered, ‘That—was not nearly as satisfying—as when Mis—!’ The heat inflamed as Mistress adjusted and cheerfully murmured; Elva harshly huffed while her hip was held and her breast practically groped.
‘You’re not helping!!’
She hunched in and kicked her feet, unable to budge from the sensual presence as her need worsened. Giving into desperation, Elva whimpered before sliding between her clenched thighs. ‘Oh, Brigit, am,’ she wondered upon caressing her folds, ‘am I always this—wet?’ The slipperiness worsened her flush while Elva explored, but not so much as when she found her opening.
Elva trembled at the tender touch as she delicately traced herself. Allured by the warmth, she whimpered and pushed into the sensitive crevice.
Quivering anew, Elva couldn’t keep her voice down while two slickened tips slipped into her slit. The gentle stretch made her dizzy as she intruded further, unthinking beyond cursing, ‘H-how have I never—done this—before—!’
With a gentle press after finding her sensitive spot, Elva groaned while her chest throbbed. Her cries heightened with each prod, but as both gradually became impassioned, Elva gawked, “H-HOW ARE—YOU STILL—ASLEEP!?”
Barely able to thrash in her Mistress’ hold, Elva shrieked as the pressure peaked. Her convulsions were stifled, and her wrist quickly went limp while her mind became dizzy. A lightness overcame Elva when she eased her fingers out and let the waves abate.
Breathless as she eased into the bed, Elva finally noticed the smell normalize as Mistress’ cuddle relaxed. As she sighed, Saoirse grumbled something Elva didn’t understand.
Nearly drifting off, Elva wondered, “What—does that mean?” She reflected, ‘That sounds similar to when Mistress said ‘let’s dig in’.’
Before she could ponder further, Saoirse murmured, “Thank you—for the meal…”
Wide-eyed, Elva snapped back and realized, “Did you—! W-WAS I YOUR BEDTIME MEAL!?” Her eyes fell heavy before Elva heard an answer, plopping on the cushion as she realized, “I’m too tired to care.” Before drifting back into slumber, Elva hoped, ‘Just—wake up to help—next time.’
I hope you enjoyed this short interlude after such an explosive escalation! How will Elva’s late-night escapade affect their play tomorrow? Perhaps Mistress will be a little playful after her midnight meal. Elva’s nickname becomes more literal in Chapter 18: Purr. Look forward to the fluster, because Elva will hardly know what to do with herself!
—End Spoiler—
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Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 16: Kitten [alcohol use] [bondage] [biting] [tail sex] [sex] [double penetration]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of consensual intoxication (alcohol), trauma, bondage, biting, vaginal play (fingering, tail penetration, penile penetration), consensual intoxication (aphrodisiacs), multiple orgasms, penis growth, oral play (tail penetration, gags), double penetration (oral, vaginal), and genital mentions (breasts, tits, clit, slit, penis, nipple, shaft). Reader discretion is advised.
Heaving herself off the floor, Saoirse leaned into Elva. “I need some air,” she breathily declared, whereupon the two began staggering back down the hallway.
They drew toward the transparent wall from earlier, when Saoirse firmly pressed against a handle suspended in mid-air and opened an unseen door to the outside. The overwhelming scent of peculiar pines engulfed Elva’s senses, calming her heart as they descended into the warm outdoors. Her heart lightened upon noticing the soothing floral aura enveloping her and the smooth stones under her toes.
Admiring the novel surroundings, Elva was astonished by the foreign forms and vibrant hues of the blossoming shrubbery that encircled the grand courtyard in a wondrous display. She glanced down when her next step landed softly, marveling at the tiny wildflowers beneath her feet. Soon, she noticed them blooming everywhere betwixt the smooth stones that were irregularly burrowed into the ground. Oblivious to how far they had wandered, Elva jolted up as Saoirse suddenly stopped before a simple bench near the edge of the forest. When Saoirse finally let go and sat with a light huff, Elva took a seat and patiently waited as her Mistress held her head.
As Elva became distracted by the fluttering wings of a moth that smoldered in strange greens and pinks beneath the gloaming, Saoirse sighed before sullenly confirming, “I suppose you wanted to know about The Po—about Saph.”
Attempting to conceal her curiosity, Elva hesitantly nodded. Saoirse’s hands fell to her lap before she said, “Well, I told you the day we met that they were my first love, but…there’s a lot more to it than that. Saph was my cousin’s bondslave, though I didn’t know until after we had been meeting under evenfall for years.
“Saph’s sentence lasted for ten years,” Saoirse sluggishly continued, “but we were…just friends for the first seven.” Snorting as her gaze dropped, Saoirse elaborated, “Not for lack of trying on their part; it should have been painfully clear they were interested in me. When Saph first caught me watching them singing, they mused, ‘A lost kitten found her way here’—”
‘Lost kitten,’ Elva reminisced, the words echoing what her Mistress remarked at their first encounter.
Without acknowledging Elva’s realization, Saoirse dourly reflected, “—and then they called me a…cute girl. From the moment we met, Saph saw who I was inside and tried to help me understand myself. I just—didn’t understand until I…understood?” Saoirse shook her head before resuming, “Ah, Brigit, it’s so hard to remember how I felt then after two thousand years. I knew I felt wrong, but I didn’t know how to explain it. Not until I crossed paths with my cousin.”
Before Elva could ask anything, Saoirse slumped further and admitted, “When Saph finally introduced me to Calliope, it was surreal, and…” Saoirse shuddered before finishing, “troubling. Something happened when I realized that the way I viewed myself—as a man—wasn’t right. That it was crippling me.”
Glowering at her hands, Saoirse said, “Neither Saph nor Calliope were happy with the body they were born with either, but all my life I was so fixated on what I thought I had to be, what Lynx,” she spat out her father’s name like it scorched her tongue, “wanted me to be—that I couldn’t accept I could be someone else until…”
Trailing off, Saoirse rested her palms under her eyes and sniffled, “It’s difficult to explain. When you live for so long hiding who you are from everyone—even yourself—well, it wasn’t easy to accept who I really was. When I told Saph how I was feeling, they said they already knew, and so did my cousin when I approached it.”
Joylessly snickering, Saoirse noted, “Even my mother said they’d known when I told them. It felt like I had been blind all my life, but slowly—very slowly—I could see myself and accept who I wanted to be.” Finally lowering her hands and looking up at the darkening horizon, Saoirse apologized. “I’m sorry, I’m sure that didn’t make much sense.”
Shaking off her concern, Elva tried to offer comfort, “It’s okay. I—don’t really understand, but I can see that it was…is hard for you.”
Saoirse sighed before glancing at Elva briefly. Looking at the wildflowers, Saoirse admitted, “It was, even more so with this form.” Holding up her palms and flexing her fingers, a bright flourish of violet and pink lights coalesced as Saoirse said, “This is Brighid’s energy, what I received when they fed us supper. I don’t have enough of my own energy to make a display like this, nor yours at this point.” The glow faded as Saoirse closed her hands and confessed, “I’m more powerless now than I ever have been, and—I’m scared I can’t protect you if something happens.”
Elva tenderly took Saoirse’s hand and consoled her, “Please, you don’t have to be so concerned about my safety.”
Pulling away and holding her head again, Saoirse reminded Elva, “I do though, it’s in my vows. ‘Care for and protect.’ Your safety is my responsibility.”
Shuddering before touching Saoirse’s thigh, Elva grimly recalled, ‘Under pain of dea—’
Please don’t remind me,” Saoirse asserted as she held herself and shivered. “Oh, Brigit, why did I say that? I don’t know if I can—”
Gently taking Saoirse’s cheeks to lift her gaze, Elva met her uncertain eyes and implored, “Mistress Saoirse, please, you don’t need to be so worried about me. I told you, I don’t regret anything that has happened between us. If you hadn’t taken me in, I would have gone to the Auction House, right?” she let go of her Mistress’ perfect face to grasp her cold, smooth hands before insisting, “I—your voice is what gave me the comfort to open my eyes after I came here. If I’d gone to the Auction House instead of your home and your father’s voice was the one I heard, I—I would have been too scared to face my unlife.” Shyly glancing away as her heart raced and her cheeks flushed, Elva admitted, “I trust you with my safety.”
Some of the worry vacated Saoirse’s visage as she held Elva back. “Thank you for saying so, Elva,” she said before inspecting the ground. “I just wish I felt as assured as you do.”
Their silence didn’t last long before Saoirse stated, “I’m not sure what else to say. I suppose when I said I’ve only had one slave, that wasn’t entirely true. After my transition, I spent a millennium recovering with my mother before a girl named Vixen showed up at my doorstep. She wasn’t a complete stranger; we’d met once when Saph was still here. But, apart from her not being human nor requiring a contract, we had…compatibility issues, so she didn’t stay long.” Saoirse tiredly closed her eyes before finishing, “After she left the next day, I…fell asleep and didn’t wake up—until you appeared.”
Elva blinked several times when she realized her Mistress’ tale had come around to her. Flustered before she met her glance, Elva couldn’t think of anything to say as Saoirse concluded, “And, that’s my story, more or less. I’m certainly not the Mistress you thought I was.”
Quickly shaking in disapproval, Elva faltered before interjecting, “N-no! I mean, I don’t know any other Mistresses, but...I enjoy having you as mine. You’ve shown me—so many things that I would never have known if we hadn’t met. Having you near me is comforting, and,” Elva timidly turned away before adding, “as I said, I trust you and feel safe with you. So please, trust yourself too.”
Saoirse didn’t respond for a moment, but with a sigh, she let Elva go to cup her head. Elva shuddered when she was turned, and flushed more as her forehead was tenderly kissed. Cautiously glancing up at Saoirse’s smile, Elva’s heart danced as Mistress praised. “Thank you, kitten. I promise I’ll try.”
Feeling her chest throb as she looked up at her Mistress’ smirk, Elva briefly stared at Saoirse’s lips before swallowing and slowly closing her vision. Hesitantly tilting her head up, Elva peeped as Saoirse’s fingers held her away. Her grin had faded while Saoirse shook no before lamenting, “I’m sorry. I’m—not in the mood right now, Elva. We both had a lot to drink, anyway. I—don’t want to take advantage of you when you can’t consent.”
Pulling away as her stomach sank, Elva repressed her desire as she answered, “O-oh, okay, Mistress.”
Trying not to appear bothered, Elva analyzed the strange flowers before Saoirse commented, “You can look at them.” As Elva snapped back, Saoirse mournfully pleaded, “I—want to recite some of Saph’s poetry, so you can relax if you’d like.”
Hesitantly agreeing and standing up, Elva turned away just before Saoirse began singing in the poetic tongue. It was sadder than the last time she sang, but Elva tried not to think about it as she approached the exotic foliage. Steadily, the sweet fragrances filled Elva while stepping to a pale-violet bush. She leaned over and briefly closed her eyes to breathe in the petals; as Elva drank in the aromatic perfume, her heart warmed as she reflected, ‘This smells like—the ashen lavender Mistress put in my hair. It’s gorgeous.’ Elva smiled as she looked over the bush, adoring the tiny bulbs that climbed into the air.
After carefully studying the new flora, Elva became entranced by a strange ladycow that wandered along a stem. ‘I’ve only ever seen them in red and black. It’s so pretty in pink with white spots,’ she watched it crawl along the branches before it hopped off and flitted away. The silvery glimmers from its wings left Elva awestruck as it floated to the neighboring plant, and she had no issue finding it within the blood-red poppies once she knelt down.
As Elva marveled at how the oddly-familiar flowers contrasted with the strangely colored bug, she finally noticed the melody had ceased. She stood and looked to the bench, but as she realized no one was there, Elva was tenderly hugged from behind. Before Elva could look, Saoirse coyly whispered, “I have a confession, my kitten.” Perking up at the sound of her nickname, Elva found her Mistress’ softened eyes as she added, “I am actually quite hungry.”
Oh!” Elva answered before she turned, surprised to see that Saoirse held an eager grin as they faced each other. “W-well I—I’m still—um,” Elva timidly answered as she leaned in, “I—want you to—have your fill—Mistress Saoirse.”
Saoirse gently pulled away before Elva could reach her lips. After her flush deepened, Saoirse reluctantly slipped a hand into her dress. She retrieved two slim bottles of what seemed like water before letting go of Elva to open one. Saoirse swiftly drank it with a sultry moan before her flush diminished. When her eyes opened, Saoirse hungrily glared at Elva before opening the second bottle. Before Saoirse offered it over, her brow furled and she intently sniffed over Elva. 
As Elva began to feel embarrassed, Saoirse pulled away and curiously stated, “You’re—already sober.”
Piquing up, Elva hummed in confusion before questioning, “Uh, s-sober?”
Shaking no while capping the other bottle, Saoirse deflected, “Sorry, I just—expected you to still be drunk too. You drank as much wine as I did, so…” Saoirse slipped the containers back into her dress. “Forget it, it’s not important,” she announced before meeting Elva’s curious expression with a light smile. Saoirse pulled Elva close again while her grin widened. “May I—dig in, my kitten?” Mistress seductively asked before licking her lips with her eyes trained on Elva’s.
Taking an anxious gulp, Elva supplicated, “Can, um, you be—cruel to me…my Mistress?”
Unable to ignore the devious shift in Saoirse’s countenance and the subtle sharpening of her fangs, Elva’s pulse quickened and a fluttering sensation took hold in her stomach.
            “Tell me, kitten,” Mistress urged. “What’s your safeword?”
Eyelashes flittering together as she pushed on her toes, Elva breathily answered, “Teardrop.” In a flash, Elva was pulled up and brought into Mistress’ embrace. Already moaning as she eagerly sought her sweet taste, Elva tried to hug her Mistress before her arms were ensnared. Wide-eyed as Mistress effortlessly lifted her over the flowers and shoved her against a nearby pine, Elva was left breathless before her lips were pricked with sharpened fangs.
Elva’s spine tingled as she melted into Mistress’ touch, only able to groan as the bittersweet pinpricks made her head spin. When Mistress moved onto her neck, Elva gasped and fought a losing battle before her wrists were lifted up. Mistress let her go, but her arms would not budge when Elva tried lowering them. As Mistress pulled away to unbutton her dress, Elva displayed her chest and whimpered in anticipation as the fabric fell away.
With her bust now fully laid bare, Elva heard Mistress suppress a gasp, which led her to inquire, “W-what is it, Mistress?”
Saoirse only glanced up for a heartbeat before looking pointedly at Elva’s chest with a sly smirk. “Nothing, my kitten,” she said while groping her. “I just felt hungrier seeing your cute breasts again, especially so well framed outside of your beautiful dress.” As Mistress firmly bit her left mound, Elva gasped and squirmed against the tree. Elva’s breath caught in her throat as Mistress sampled her nipple next and let it slip through her teeth. Quivering when Mistress gnawed at her again, Elva’s hands began tingling against the rough restraint.
Heaving from being roughly worked, Elva jerked back when Mistress grasped her left thigh and lifted her knee to her stomach, spreading her crotch. Elva whimpered when her dress was tucked behind her rear, allowing the warm air to lick her slit. Realizing her leg was stuck in place, Elva shivered when Mistress’ sweet breath passed her nose with the words, “Are you ready?”
Elva shut her mouth in a vain attempt to suppress her mewls before finally nodding. She immediately gaped as Mistress pecked her, leaving her to release a light moan as her hood was lightly touched. Writhing while Mistress nibbled her lips, Elva’s elated sounds escalated as the rubs got stronger. As Mistress moved to graze above her collar, Elva panted, and the burn in her crotch intensified.
As Elva’s hips began to rock, Mistress’ fingers circled more intently before she whispered, “Is my kitten going to cum already?” Elva whimpered frantically before her Mistress commanded, “Then cum for me, my kitten.”
Elva cried out as her body tensed up; waves of pleasure washed over her while her breast was fondled yet again. Trying to hold Mistress in by lifting her free leg, Elva’s limbs strained and trembled while a lightness slowly overcame her. When she choked for air, Elva desperately thought, ‘I-I can’t—,’ before Mistress pulled away.
Shaking and heaving, Elva pressed against the pine as warmth spread through her core. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Mistress beaming at her, and the sultry sound of her asking, “How was that, my kitten?” reinvigorated Elva’s fervor.
Attempting to maintain her focus, Elva replied through ragged breaths, “I-it was—nice, Mistress.” Her eyes shut weakly as she nervously gulped, “Are—are you full, or—c-can you—satisfy me—more, Mistress?”
Mistress laughed at the thinly-veiled desperation then seductively answered, “If that’s what my kitten needs,” before Elva’s right calf was pinched.
Squealing in delight, Elva’s shouts heightened further still when her Mistress briefly rubbed her lips before slipping two fingers into her slit. Bucking her hips when Mistress promptly located her sensitive spot, Elva groaned as her outstretched thigh was bitten. The rhythmic presses into her desire compounded with further bites above, and Elva soon cried out as her body convulsed again.
Hardly able to breathe as pleasure muddled her mind, Elva writhed against the tree as her voice cracked between thrusts. The next prods made Elva choke as the tender flesh near her hip was squeezed. She pulled against her restraints while her toes curled, gripping the soft grass underneath while her body burned.
She felt light and Elva quietly thought, ‘M-Miss—’ before being released and left with a hollow ache. Hanging her head limply before her chin was angled upwards, Elva fought against heavy eyelids as her Mistress glared at her hungrily. 
“Was that satisfying, kitten?” Mistress Saoirse playfully probed with a mischievous grin.
Elva took several breaths before swallowing. “I-it was,” she answered. Shimmying as a mild wave of bliss washed over her, she tried to say, “I—I want—” Holding her lip as she peeked at Mistress for a heartbeat, she quietly insisted, ‘I want—to be one with you, Mistress.’
Leaving Elva in suspense, Mistress calmly stated, “The—moon is still down, kitten.”
Noting that her Mistress’ smile had faded when she glimpsed, Elva silently petitioned, ‘Could—you use your tail again?’
Mistress’ grin gradually returned, and Elva’s heart stopped when she eagerly confirmed, “Is that what you want, kitten?”
Nodding yes with no hesitation, Elva closed her eyes with a shiver. ‘I-I need you—inside me, Mistress. Please—f-fill me.’
Snickering, Mistress watched Elva squirm and whine. “If that’s what my kitten needs,” she hummed before pressing the soft tip against Elva’s clit.
The firm rubs made Elva wriggle before her folds were teased, but as it slipped into her slit her trembling renewed. Crying out in elation as she was penetrated, Elva strained against the tree when Mistress massaged her sweet spot. She struggled to hold still as her muscles spasmed, but Mistress kept prodding with a pleased chuckle before biting Elva’s neck. Fervently quaking as her skin was pricked, Elva nearly clapped her head against the trunk as the sleek appendage continually pleasured her ache.
Unable to speak as her head spun faster, Elva’s voice cracked in a howl of ecstasy. Scraping her toes against the ground as she fought against the restraints, Elva succumbed to the building waves while her body burned and her mind became light.
Then the precise presses slowed and the sharp stings stopped. While her fullness hardly waned, Elva’s eyes crept open to see Mistress licking her lips with a satisfied grin. “Thank you for the meal,” Mistress complimented wickedly. “Are you satisfied yet?”
Elva panted as Mistress shifted inside her before she whimpered and shook her head. “I,” she bashfully answered, “I want—to keep feeling you, Mistress.”
Shuddering as Mistress shifted while her grin widened, Elva gasped and dropped her lids when her request was met with a breathtaking thrust. Her voice heightened as the passionate prods hastened, leaving Elva oblivious to Mistress pulling her dress off until the evening air tickled her sweaty skin.
Too distracted to note her Mistress groan in approval while tucking her curls behind her left arm, Elva didn’t sense her waist being caressed until a pinch near her navel startled her. She bucked against her bonds as the sensitive skin was marred, unable to keep her free leg from kicking while the pleasure peaked.
Mistress grasped her right ankle and held her foot to the ground. Elva hardly noticed that her leg was affixed when Mistress let go, as her next climax came with a bite on her right thigh. Convulsing as her crotch burst with rhythmic, burning waves, Elva shrieked as the intense intrusions persisted through her orgasm. She barely felt a gnaw on her hip until she bucked; at the pull of her skin, Elva shrilled and slammed her back against the rough bark.
Quivering while the scratches intensified the tingling that coursed through her, Elva strained as her mind spun until Mistress finally let her go. She fell into a daze and took deep, choppy breaths before the heat flowing through her abated.
Her sides were delicately stroked before an alluring whisper parted her haze. Gasping as her vision lurched, Elva’s heart fluttered at Mistress’ pleased smirk. “Hello, my kitten,” she sang while Elva tiredly whimpered. Her crotch feeling no less filled, Elva fought to listen as her Mistress asked, “Are you satisfied yet?”
Elva fussed and held her lip while her head dropped. “I,” she stammered, “I just need—a moment.”
Before Elva could breathe, Mistress mentioned, “The Blood Moon has come over the horizon, kitten.” She jumped to behold her Mistress’ utterly flawless face, and the warmth in her chest stirred at the question, “Did you want—my penis this time?”
Her head drowsily dropped before Elva admitted, “I-I’m enjoying—your tail—i-if you—don’t mind.” After taking a deep breath, Elva shyly requested, “I would like—aphrodisiacs, though.” Too weary to look at Mistress, Elva beseeched, “I don’t—want to fall asleep—so soon.”
A contented chuckle made Elva shiver as a new floral smell forced her heart to pound. Sharply moaning as her filled crotch sent renewed fire throughout her body, Elva barely heard her Mistress whisper, “If that’s what my kitten wants,” before her cries heightened further.
The stretching shifts of the tail amplified as the new smell strengthened, leaving Elva overwhelmed before Mistress bit below her right breast. Straining with renewed strength at the impassioned thrusts, Elva quaked and screeched when her pleasure peaked. Scraping her back as she was gnawed and infiltrated, Elva’s daze returned in a blanket that added a delightful tingle to the past stings and following bites to her ribs.
Lost in the prickles and intrusion, Elva choked for air as her Mistress forcefully met her requests. She could scarcely breathe over the intense sensations, made even worse after her left nipple was tightly grasped repeatedly.
A sweet pain ceaselessly coursed through Elva and made her fall weak into the bonds. Succumbing to the fierce sensations Mistress imposed upon her, Elva peered her eyes open at the blur of violets that swirled as Mistress gnawed her other breast. Elva slowly closed them again as her head became dizzy, hardly thinking as her mind grew dark, ‘Miss…tear—’
Her senses cleared while the sharp thrills lessened. While Elva lightly wheezed as the floral smell became natural and she was left empty, she grumbled when the pleasures receded.
Dropping into a tender grasp, Elva gasped as her legs were swept up before she was cradled into warm arms. She nuzzled against her Mistress’ cushiony chest while clasping her dress before drowsily becoming aware of her sweet voice praising, “Good girl.” Too comforted to look while the adoring chant repeated, Elva affectionately clutched herself tighter and disregarded the change in the air.
With the softened jolts of them ascending, Elva finally peeped at Saoirse’s clothed bust. She tiredly whispered as her lids fell, “Th-thank you, Mistress Saoirse.”
Just conscious of the bemused exhale that preceded a kiss on her forehead, Elva shuddered as she heard her Mistress answer, “You are very welcome, kitten. Thank you for the meal.”
Unable to look as her heart fluttered, Elva shyly asked as they rounded a corner, “Did—you get your fill?”
An amused giggle was her first answer before Mistress cautiously complimented, “I—don’t remember the last time I felt so satisfied, Elva. Thank you.”
She quivered and melted into her Mistress’ embrace, pulling herself closer.
‘Thank Brigit.’
Oblivious to the world, Elva came to life when Mistress climbed onto the bed and set her head on a plump pillow. The plush bedding made Elva sigh as she was laid down, though her hands nearly had to be pried away from the dress before she settled for holding herself.
An affectionate chuckle comforted Elva before a dulcet cover was draped over her. Grasping at the sheet and wrapping it around herself, Elva only had to wait a moment before Mistress crawled behind her. Her sleek arms made Elva hum in contentment as she was cuddled, but the warm breath passing her ear made her tremble.
When Mistress asked, “Are you comfortable, Elva?” she hesitantly nodded once before shivering.
“Can,” Elva bashfully implored when her chest pounded, ‘can you—please make me cum—once more?’ Unable to ignore Mistress’ breasts pushing her hair into her still-fresh scrapes, Elva’s squirming worsened before appealing, ‘C-could you be—gentle, though—Mistress Saoirse?”
Shuddering as Saoirse tenderly caressed her stomach, Elva quivered as her Mistress answered, “If that’s what my kitten needs.”
Her groans swiftly heightened as her sore mounds were tenderly massaged. Steadily writhing, Elva squeaked when her Mistress carefully slipped between her clenched thighs to tease her. “How do you want to cum, kitten?” Mistress seductively asked when the tender rubs on her mound began.
Unable to calm her worsening moans, Elva thought through the pleasing touch, ‘I—want you—inside.’
“Would it be okay if I used my penis this time?”
Quickly, Elva nodded and whimpered in approval. ‘Please—I—want to be one with you again.’
She calmly shushed and held while Mistress pleaded, “Be patient, my kitten.” No sooner did Elva feel her part push through her thighs, renewing her tremors as it brushed past her clit. Elva felt Mistress pull her hip back and lower her hand just before she whispered, “Are you ready?”
Hardly able to nod as her head spun from the teasing rubs, Elva desperately thought, ‘Please,’ while her hips rocked. Without waiting, Mistress adjusted herself and slowly slipped her shaft inside. Elva gaped and grasped the sheets as her Mistress freely entered her, uncontrollably trembling as she was gradually taken care of.
Her whines only worsened as her fullness increased, but Mistress halted before her ache was reached. Elva fussed before Saoirse nudged above her rear and requested, “Hold your stomach out.” Her back arched with the slight shift, and Elva squealed as her Mistress reached her desire.
A pleased hum and tight grasp accompanied Mistress’ whisper, “That’s better, isn’t it, kitten?” Elva was speechless as she tried to quell her trembling. “Hold yourself out a little more, kitten,” Mistress alluringly requested, “and hold onto this for me.” Before Elva could answer, the tail pushed past her parted lips and pressed onto her tongue. As Elva closed her mouth, she heard Mistress order, “Be gentle, and be careful not to bite it.”
Arching out more with the strange intrusion, Elva groaned as her tongue lapped the wide fan. ‘It still tastes like my—’ she reflected before a light thrust made her gasp.
Careful, kitten,” Mistress coarsely requested before Elva could close her teeth again. When Elva wrapped her lips around the tail, she complimented, “Good girl. Now, if you can keep your hips just like that, I can make you feel very nice, my kitten.”
With a slight shove, her quaking worsened while Elva struggled to lick the musky bulge. Quaking as she was tenderly groped and caressed, her thoughts grew dark while her chest burned. Too overwhelmed, she grasped the appendage instead of the sheets when it brushed her hand. Mistress twitched and pushed harshly; Elva convulsed while her muffled cries cracked.
Oblivious to her Mistress moaning, Elva’s breath was taken when two powerful thrusts shocked her core. Elva could hardly remain awake as a warm euphoria flowed with her climactic release. But, as Saoirse pulled out her tail to let Elva breathe easier, her head dropped onto the pillow. Shivering as she felt Mistress empty her, Elva nearly succumbed to ecstasy before she was tenderly held again. 
Is that better, my kitten?”
Embracing Mistress’ tail as they nuzzled, Elva barely nodded and grunted. ‘Thank—, she couldn’t finish before falling into a blissful slumber.
I hope everyone enjoyed that passionate display, as it has closed out Act I of Wrong Side of the Bed! Already better understanding each other, Elva and Saoirse will only grow closer while their play becomes more intense through Acts II and III, so look forward to it! But first, a brief interlude before things really escalate. How do you think Elva will react when she wakes up horny? Read all about it in Chapter 17: Asleep, when Elva has to comfort herself for the first time since entering Mistress’ servitude.
—End Spoiler—

Your last chance to guarantee your physical copy of Wrong Side of the Bed 1 Act I is coming up on February, 27th, so donate through GoFundMe, Patreon, or here on SubscribeStar before it's too late! Don't forget to like, comment, share, follow, and subscribe (if you're able) if you enjoyed my work and want to read more! Check out my other socials through my Linktree or join the conversation and talk to Elva and Saoirse (and soon Riana and others) on my Discord!

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Tales of Alexandria
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Crowdfunding Wrong Side of the Bed 1 Act I

Hello to all!
I hope everyone has enjoyed both my Wrong Side of the Bed series, my AMAs, and journals regarding my real-life BDSM experiences. For those who are a little out of the loop, this last week I had both a personal BDSM session with a friend/dominatrix Monday the 6th and then attended a BDSM convention on Friday the 10th, where I had a brief impact session with a professional dominant.
In the former, I had an awakening of how much like my main character, Elva, I really am and now understand her motivations and experiences better than I ever have. In the latter, I pushed the limits I found in the first session and found a new line of how much pain and anguish I was willing to take for the thrill of it. I was unprepared for an opportunity that was presented to me for that convention, but at an upcoming convention, I intend to set up a booth and sell copies of Wrong Side of the Bed 1 Act I, which will conclude with Chapter 16: Kitten! This is an enormous chance for me to market my novels and it’s wonderful timing that I’ve had all these amazing experiences with nearly two months to spare!
The Wrong Side of the Bed 1 Act I physical (and maybe eBook if the interest is there and I can get the funding) release will be a newly updated edit in the context of grammar, writing skill (especially in the earlier chapters), better descriptions from my own personal experience, and possibly longer endings to chapters where I said: “I’m tired of finding synonyms, I think this is a good place to say ‘Elva passed out’”.
I’ve started looking into printing options and most will take about two weeks to be delivered, so that gives me about a month and a half to finish chapter 16 and the edits. I’d like to put as much of my focus and attention on this as possible so I can deliver the best product I can, but to do that I need a little help, which is why I’m setting up a crowdfund. I’m hoping to sell at least 100 physical copies of Act I at the April conventions, which will cost around $700 to print the physical copies depending on which manufacturer I print with. The convention I went to on Friday was said to have 2,000 people attending over the course of the night, so I’m not sure if 100 is enough physical copies to bring. Having my eBook option would help with that a lot, but that’s $300 upfront for (I suppose) unlimited copies.
With my crowdfunding, you can support me either through my GoFundMe, Patreon, or here on SubscribeStar! I’ll have a stretch goal of $1000 on GoFundMe so I can purchase the 100 physical copies and a global eBook release, but every donation of $10 or more will get you a free eBook copy while every donation of $20 or more will get you a free signed physical copy. I hope to sell the eBooks for $10-12 each and the physical copies at the convention for $15 dollars, so the extra $5 will account for shipping. If this release goes well, I may keep this system of releasing an Act at a time at conventions, as the whole books will be very long, roughly 50 chapters each while Act I (16 chapters) will be about 200 pages in a standard 5x8 book format. I do still need to figure out how much my booth at the convention will cost, but I’d guess it’ll be around $100.
If you’ve enjoyed my writing so far and wish to see my writing career thrive, I do hope you’ll donate through one of my sources and help me pass the threshold to print my $100 copies and fund an eBook release. Regardless, my writings will always be available for free online so everyone can share in my journey! Until next time!
With love,

edit: I have two huge updates!! One, all the artists who have drawn fan art of Elva and Saoirse have agreed to donate their art for the Trevor Project when I sell my books! Two, the next convention there's an opening for me isn't in April, but in March!!! That means I have about two weeks to finish Chapter 16 and edit the rest before I have to order my books, but I think I can do it!!!
I'm trying to figure out how many people may attend this event, as I may drop my GoFundMe and order fewer books if it'll be a smaller crowd than the last convention. But that means you now have less time to place your order for a signed physical copy, so donate for your copy as soon as you can!
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Tales of Alexandria
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Alexandria's Impact Session with Sa

For those who were out of the know, this last Friday I attended a local BDSM convention and had the time of my life! While the main events I was looking forward to regrettably had to be cut, the highlight of my time there was a brief impact session I had with a profession dominant, whom I’ll refer to as Sa (he/him).
Watching Sa work while his cute, first assistant asked me questions already got my attention, but I was ready to sign up just seeing the row of implements he had prepared. There were two more people in line ahead of me, not including the participant already cuffed to the frame, so I had a lot of time to anticipate what would happen to me.
By the time it was my turn I was far more ready than apprehensive, especially when his cute, second assistant I’d been talking with about my past experiences took my hand to help me onstage. When Sa greeted me, he first asked my name and pronouns, which is always a comfort when working with someone new, before verifying my history and limits (to which I didn’t say I had any except I enjoy “thud” over “sting”) and making sure I knew my vocal and gestural “red” out. To my excitement after securely cuffing my arms up into the heavy steel frame, Sa asked if I wanted to be blindfolded (an article that had been dangling from the frame but no other participant had worn), and I eagerly said yes.
The next few minutes were a whirlwind ride of being spun around with minimal prompting to disorient me further (much to my elation) between testing various implements on me. The first was a pair of vampire gloves, which regrettably couldn’t be used very thoroughly because of how much skin I had exposed. The sensation was rather pleasant though and hardly hurt where I was scratched, as the gloves were much less sharp than the pair I made myself. The next “torture” method was cuffing the body probe attachment for a violet wand to me and teasing me with a conductive tassel. This was easily the least painful part of the play, and the wand could have been set at a higher setting, but the rest of the session was only more intense and ended up pushing my limits.
The next item Sa used on me was a tazapper (a scaled-down version of a cattle prod for those unfamiliar) which produced a very sharp sting everywhere I was touched. The tazapper had no issue passing through the thin fabric of my pantyhose and the stings to the top of my feet were especially gruesome and made me flinch with almost every strike. I’m pretty sure next was a pair of heavier floggers, which was a welcome change to the sharp stings I’d been feeling before, and the swift figure-eight swings were honestly more relaxing than they were painful. The next implement Sa brought out was quite a bit less relaxing, though; an unassuming flogger I’d watched him use on those before me, it looked like six faux-fur tails tied together. However, in the tips of the tails were sinister sacks of heavy material that added a strong impact to the powerful swings that took the breath from me. Affectionately named “Thumper”, I understood after the first real strike why those who tasted it had other, more cursory names for it.
Next, I believe, was one of the more cruel implements I had experienced so far, and was easily the second most cruel Sa used on me. When asked “if I remembered what this was”, in my blindfolded state I mistook it for the final implement he used (quite possibly sealing my later fate) but Sa corrected it was a wooden paddle, which I had mentioned was a bane of my last masochistic experience. Sa was not easy with the paddle and worked parts of my body that I wasn’t accustomed to being struck like my breasts and all around my thighs, but the sting was bearable I thought; I will say my right ass cheek was feeling especially sore already after this, though thankfully Sa did caress the struck parts of me to soothe the ache.
However, I don’t think anything I’d experienced so far (inside or outside BDSM) would have prepared me for what Sa brought out next. Almost as if fulfilling the promise of my previous failed guess, Sa brought out his crocodile tail whip, or “Gator Tail” as he called it, and teased me with it at first. From the easy strikes of the whip all over my backside, I knew almost immediately I would be in for a ride once it became serious, but with little prompting a baneful strike stung the most worked part of my right cheek and licked the thigh around it. My knees buckled and I dropped into the restraints of the overhanging frame as my breath was taken. In my previous session with De (she/her), who asked me where my pain was from 0-10 throughout our session (10 being “red” and I finally said “yellow” when I experienced around a 9), I would have called this a 9 at minimum, but as I calmed down with some soothing caresses and kind words, I wanted to see what I could take.
After just a little more teasing, another strike came to nearly the exact same place. I dropped again and could hardly breathe as the intense pain coursed through me. My arms and hands were tingly and I struggled to breathe even with comforts; if I’m being perfectly honest, that might have hit an 11 in my previous book, but I was ready to see what I could take even though I was BEGGING that the next strike wouldn’t be so precise. To my relief, there was a minor warning of Sa calling out (maybe?) “Hey bear!” the instant before the Gator Tail struck several inches above the most worked part of my right cheek. Still steady in my restraints as I was comforted, massaged, and had oil worked into the exposed parts of me, my blindfold was finally removed to a wide crowd that had gathered all cheering and applauding my performance.
Comforted and gleeful even through the stinging pain as I walked off the stage (and retrieved my glasses), the sharp stings of the first two tail strikes on my right cheek still remind me every time I sit and shift two days later. I can still only anticipate my next experience and figuring out how far I can safely stretch my limits next time. So, without further ado, please ask me anything!
With love,
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per month
At this goal, I'll be able to pay for all our day-to-day bills (discounting rent).
$0.00 of $1,000
per month
I'll first be amazed if I ever reach this goal; if we do, I'll be able to take on writing as a full-time job and give it the time and attention it deserves.

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