Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 2: Rude Awakenings [no sex] [slavery]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of unintentional suicide, trauma, objectification, humiliation, teasing, flashing, reluctance, forced servitude, and genital mentions (breasts). Reader discretion is advised.
Suddenly, the world turned completely black while the air became still. Elva simply stood there, eyes closed; her hands trembled as they clasped each other while her knees began to buckle. Finally, her legs failed then Elva fell to her knees on a soft floor, where she slowly pried her eyes open. She darted her head around, expecting to see the candles on the altar or around the cottage. But she was left in complete darkness, save for an odd, red glow off on the far side of the cabin.
“What…what happened?” she eventually asked herself uneasily, unsure if she wanted to know.
No sooner had the words left her lips did Elva hear a low growl followed by a burst of wind blowing past her on each side; following the air, she saw the faint glow of beautiful purple and pink puffs of light. Her heart felt gripped by an unseen force that halted her life. Her lip trembled as Elva clutched her chest; her eyes were wide open, though too afraid to glance at what had just passed her shoulders. ‘I-is… is this how… I die?
In a sudden flash of light, the room became illuminated in a warm, bright glow. Elva recoiled, shutting her eyes and raising her hands to block the remaining light.
“What’s this?” she heard the voice of a woman call softly. “A lost kitten seems to have stumbled into my home. And to my bedside, no less.” Something about the sweet voice seemed to sing to Elva.
Be…bedside?’ Finally, Elva willed her eyes open, though it took longer for her to lower her fingers. Before her was a large bed, she assumed, laid with shimmering, crimson sheets. Confused, Elva couldn’t help but look around and confirm that there was a bed in front of her while she knelt on a lush and intricately detailed rug.
Elva looked to the side as her hands fell and saw that the red glow she had seen before came from under the golden curtains that covered a large window. A blood-red light bled through the tiny gaps, somehow reddening the scarlet of the walls and the reddened wood that trimmed the floor.
Suddenly, Elva heard a deep yawn, drawing her gaze to the bed before her and the woman lying upon it. For a moment, Elva could hardly tell where the red tones of the room ended and where she began. All Elva could see at first was her crimson hair, laying haphazardly across the bed in gentle waves down to—what she assumed to be—her knees. Under the dense draping of hair, her skin shone in a dull red with subtle tones of brown and gray, covered sparsely by a slim, pinkish robe of plush fabric.
Elva soon noticed the woman’s arm was moving, rubbing her eyes as if weary from a long slumber. Her otherwise bewitching face grimaced for a moment before the woman squinted her eye open to reveal the shimmering ruby orb that was her iris. Her arm fell and their gazes met as the woman opened her eyes. Elva looked away shyly as the woman looked at her intently, soon becoming lost in the red locks that fell around her chest.
That’s… ah,’ Elva thought as her cheeks began to flush.
“Kitten!” the woman finally snapped with a scowl. Elva flinched at the exclamation, pulling her arms to her side and closing her eyes in a grimace. “Good, the kitten can hear me,” the woman stated, somewhat less annoyed, though Elva was too afraid to open her eyes again. “Now, what is this kitten doing in my home so early in the morning?”
“Uhm,” Elva finally peeked her eyes open to see the woman looking at her sternly. ‘The morning? Your home?’ she thought to herself as she looked around again; it was clear Elva was no longer in her cottage, but as to where she was, Elva had no clue. Unsure of how to answer, she could only ask a question herself. “Kitten?” she inquired, still stuck on her new nickname.
The woman closed her eyes and let out a light sigh before continuing. “Good, the kitten can speak,” she said in a calm voice as she opened her eyes again. “Now, could you tell me what happened before you came here, kitten?”
“Came here? Uh, well, I,” Elva began to fidget, trying to remember the events that led her to this woman’s bedside. “I’m not sure. I was trying to summon an incubus in my cottage when,” she paused for a moment as the memories started to return. “All of a sudden… I ended up here. I just,” Elva paused again, feeling her throat choke and tears well in her eyes. “I just… wanted to feel safe.”
For a moment the woman didn’t respond, though her piercing gaze hardly abated. Elva felt herself begin to sweat and tremble. ‘I… oh, Brigit,’ her lips trembled too much for her to speak aloud. ‘How– did this go so wrong?’ Elva clenched her eyes shut and clasped her hands together, too nervous to maintain eye contact with the beautifully dangerous woman. ‘She’s going to kill me.
The woman quickly released a deep and exaggerated sigh; Elva heard her shift on the bed before she eventually replied, “Relax, kitten. I’m not going to kill you. I couldn’t even if I wanted to.”
Elva’s arms continued to tremble at her sides. ‘Somehow… that’s not comforting,’ she thought as she slowly opened her left eye. Finally, Elva noticed the soft expression the woman now carried as her head lay almost playfully on the bed, resting gently on her crossed arms.
“So,” she finally asked Elva as she tilted her head to the right, “what brought about this kitten’s need to summon an incubus?” Her tone was calm, though her eyes were almost cold, almost sad.
“Uh, well,” Elva’s hands fidgeted as they shifted into her lap. “I…I need help. The hunters,” her breath caught in her throat. Elva clenched the skirt of her dress as she tried not to remember the glow of the torches closing in on the cabin, “They’re so close to my home and I-I know they’ll find me now.”
“Why would they hunt you, kitten?” the woman interjected before Elva could continue, her expression unchanged.
“Eh? Why?” Her question caught Elva off guard; the answer seemed so obvious. “W-well, I’m a witch. Ever since I was born, I’ve lived in hiding because witches are being… hunted.”
“So it’s been since long before you were born, little kitten,” the woman replied somberly. Her eyes were sullen now, as if something about her story was personal. “Did you have a coven, kitten?” she inquired as she tilted her head to the other side; her somber look had lessened somewhat. “A mentor, surely.”
Mentor.’ After a pause, Elva lowered her gaze then raised her left hand to her chest, gently clutching at her heart as she remembered the only family she ever knew. “Móra,” she finally replied with a quivering voice. “My grandmother. The hunters found her,” Elva’s throat caught again, “us… ten summers past. There…there was never anyone else.” Something about admitting that hurt. ‘I’m… alone,’ her thoughts echoed what her heart had felt all these years as a tear began to form in her eye.
With another deep sigh, the woman finally replied. “I’m going to be blunt with you, kitten, and this will come as quite a shock.” She raised her head and propped herself up on her elbows, exposing the cleavage in her robe. “You don’t need to worry about the hunters or being alone again. You’re already dead.”
De… what?’ Elva felt her weight fall onto her legs; the strength in her arms failed as well as her hands fell limply into her lap. ‘I must have heard her wrong…’ “I-I-I don’t understand… How,” her voice quivered as her eyes darted in panic; nothing was making sense. “How can I be dead?”
“The ritual you performed called for virgin blood,” she stated as she raised her left arm to rest her cheek in her palm. “Did you use your own?”
My own?’ Elva simply nodded in affirmation, unsure of what that had to do with her death.
After a moment of silence, the woman’s cold composure broke as a sly grin graced her lips. Slowly, she began to giggle as her head fell into the bed, hiding her expression.
“Wait… Wh-what’s so funny?” Elva asked in a fluster. ‘What’s funny about me being dead?
“Virgin,” she waited to answer until her laughs began to subside and her head raised from the bed. “Virgin materials are sacrificial offerings that need to be clean and unused in previous rituals. If you used your own blood, well, you sacrificed yourself to perform the summoning.”
‘S…sacrificed… myself?’ Elva just stared blankly ahead; what she said made sense though it didn't seem possible. ‘H-how can that be all?’ Elva raised a hand to her head to try and still her racing thoughts and darting eyes.
“But I guess,” the woman continued as she propped herself onto her arms, “since you appeared at my bedside, you were the one who summoned herself to me. Which is not only very unorthodox for a human, but very rude, and quite illegal.”
I-illegal? Rude? I…I just,’ Elva thought before her head fell into her hands. ‘I just wanted to feel safe… how could I end up dead?
Kitten!” the woman snapped a second time, throwing Elva out of her daze.
“Y-yes??” Elva nervously shouted as she threw her arms back at her side and opened her eyes wide. ‘Am I really dead?’ Elva pondered as she noticed the woman's piercing gaze. ‘Because I still feel like she can kill me.
The woman started to speak again in a quieter tone, “Regarding your circumstances, you're uncontracted and you’ve intruded into my home, both of which are serious crimes for a human to commit, even in the Lower Key of Hell.”
Elva blinked twice as she tried to comprehend what the woman said. ‘D-did she say… Hell?
“Since I’m so generous, I’ll give you a choice," she continued, though her disinterest showed when she began to examine her nails. “I can send you to the auction house where all the other humans go. Another demon will take you then you will be their slave for as long as your sentence lasts. Or,” she paused before speaking further to look back at Elva, no longer distracted by her fingers, “you can sign a contract with me and be my sex slave.”
S-sex slave?’ Elva sat agape for a moment, overwhelmed by her circumstances and the choice presented to her. ‘Okay… maybe I should have heeded Móra's warning better, but… am I really dead? This all feels so,’ Elva glanced up from her daze to see that the woman's eyes were still calm as they looked down at her. ‘I thought I was summoning an incubus, too. I definitely didn't expect to summon a… succubus.
“Is there an issue with me being a succubus?” The woman's tone shifted to that of annoyance; her brow furled while a cross look overtook her expression.
Elva’s heart stopped as her head popped up and her eyes widened; the woman's gaze seemed to pierce right through her. ‘Was I talking aloud??’ She lowered her head in embarrassment, trying to understand what was happening. ‘No, I...I was just thinking. Is…is she,’ Elva glanced back up to the red woman to find her expression was still cross. ‘She’s reading my thoughts… isn’t she?
The woman silently raised an eyebrow in response.
Elva dropped her head in disbelief, ‘If I’m not really dead… just kill me now.
“N-no! No!” Elva finally managed to stammer as she returned her gaze to the woman’s ruby eyes. “No, there-there’s no issue,” she attempted to reassure her as her nervous hands flailed about. “I-I-I just didn’t expect such a g-gorgeous woman to be the person I summoned.”
Gorgeous, am I, little kitten?” the woman repeated with glee. Her frown was quickly replaced by a beaming smile, as if Elva’s previous comment had already been forgotten. “Trying to curry favor before we’ve," her tone turned seductive as she shifted her body to lay on her side, her arms held forward loosely, "sealed the deal, my kitten?” As she settled, the folds of her robe had come loose, and before Elva could respond, the garment opened to reveal her voluminous right breast.
Elva could only stare blankly ahead, mouth agape. She felt a growing heat upon seeing the captivating woman, seemingly sculpted delicately from red clay.
The woman snickered to herself upon seeing Elva’s expression. Gracefully, she shifted again to face Elva directly; her face hung far off the bed, so close it almost touched Elva’s nose.
Oh my, she’s close now,’ Elva thought as she leaned back; suddenly, she became aware of an intoxicatingly sweet aroma as the woman breathed gently on her. “Oh, that’s,” she said involuntarily as her eyes fluttered; the pleasant smell filled her senses and left her mind dizzy.
“You know, you’re quite cute, little kitten,” the woman teased, slyly grinning as Elva’s face flushed. “I don’t think I’d mind having a little thing like you around as my pet,” she deviously chuckled as Elva squirmed at the compliment. “So, what do you say, little kitten?” the woman finally asked as she licked her lips.
Stymied again, Elva could hardly respond. ‘I was wrong.’ Elva swallowed in nervousness. ‘She’s not going to kill me. She’s going to eat me.
“Only when it pleases me, kitten,” she playfully said as she stared at Elva.
That’s… uh,’ Elva’s thoughts halted, unsure of how to even react. Silently, Elva lowered her head for a moment. “I,” she began to speak nervously before looking back up. “I suppose… I’ll sign a contract with you.” Elva gripped her hands together in a vain attempt to keep them from trembling.
After a brief pause, the woman’s seductive expression broke to a grin before her head fell and hung off the side of the bed as she giggled heartedly.
Elva felt her face flush. “Wait, what’s so funny now?” She asked in confusion as she fidgeted in place. ‘First my death, now my freedom,’ Elva felt ashamed that her life was being treated so lightly.
“Ahh, relax, kitten,” the woman said as her laughter abated. When she lifted her head, her cheeks were aglow with a warm smile that matched the warm look in her ruby eyes. “I’m not going to lock you up in a dark cell for the rest of your unlife; that wouldn’t be very fun for you or me. I treat my slaves fairly, I’ll have you know,” she gently spoke as she began to kick her legs up and down playfully. “Your contract has a safeword you can speak to halt what I’m doing if it makes you uncomfortable, as well as an escape clause from the contract if you find my methods unbearable. And I’m only making you sign a one-day contract.”
Elva felt some of the tension in her shoulders relax as she closed her eyes and breathed a cautious sigh of relief. ‘Okay, one day… that doesn’t sound… so bad, I guess.’ She opened her eyes again and nervously returned the woman’s gaze. “So… what happens now?” she asked hesitantly.
The woman adopted a sly grin as she snapped her fingers and summoned a bright array of purple and pink lights out of thin air, accompanied by a low, magical whir. Elva recoiled lightly and watched through squinting eyes as the lights coalesced and eventually faded into a faint object. As her eyes focused, Elva saw that the woman now held a scroll. It was of fine, bright paper and two dowels of light metal; both had intricate knots carved into the finials.
“You’ll have this read by seven, sharp,” the woman said as she handed the scroll over. “We’ll discuss if there’s anything you need to have addressed or altered, then we’ll seal your contract with a collaring.”
S-seven… what? A... collaring?’ Elva cautiously reached out to take the scroll, but before she could touch it the woman reached out her other hand in a flash and grabbed onto Elva’s arm. With a firm tug, she pulled Elva until their noses touched briefly. ‘Oh-okay, she is very close now,’ Elva thought in a panic as she tried vainly to pull herself back from the woman’s soft, red skin.
The woman’s gaze pierced through Elva as she looked into her blueish eyes. “Call me Mistress, kitten,” she whispered before she closed her eyes and pulled Elva into her lips.
Eyes wide, Elva tried to struggle from the woman’s pull as she forced a kiss upon her. ‘Wait, I-I-I’m not… read—’ Elva’s mind started to slow; her heart pounded while her chest burned with a heat she'd never felt before. Her head began to feel hot and dizzy, only worsened by the sweet aroma. As Elva closed her eyes, she leaned into Mistress’ pull and started to kiss her back.
After only a moment, Mistress loosened her grasp and retreated her lips. Elva opened her eyes slowly, almost feeling betrayed, as she let go of her arm. “And don’t wake me up at three in the morning again,” Mistress said just before she snapped her fingers.
Still lost in Mistress’ eyes, Elva failed to notice any change until a sudden sinking feeling began to take over. Broken from her daze, she looked down quickly to find herself falling into a dark portal, shrouded in a pink and purple haze along its perimeter. Before Elva could manage a yip in surprise, she disappeared into the void, leaving Mistress alone again in her bed-chamber.
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