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Tales of Alexandria
Tales of Alexandria
I'm an amateur novelist who has been writing erotic short stories off and on for almost a decade now. This is my first time executing a long-term writing project, and I want this to be the beginning of a career in writing that I didn't think was possible. Expect a new chapter to be released about once a month until my skills and speed improve. Do not use my characters without my permission.
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Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 18: Purr [pet play] [reluctance] [cunnilingus] [tail sex] [mounting] [biting] [scratching]

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This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of voluntary slavery, animal roleplay (cat/kitten), pet play, reluctance, teasing, embarrassment, consensual intoxication (pheromones), vaginal play (cunnilingus, tail penetration), tail play, scratching, hair pulling, biting multiple orgasms, subspace, and sensitive terminology (breasts, clit, slit, ass). Reader discretion is advised.
The sunbeams felt particularly comforting as Elva slowly rustled from slumber. ‘Mmh, that smells nice,’ she reflected upon noticing her Mistress’ peculiarly fragrant musk, but strange sensations accompanied by rustling from behind and above soon gave her pause.
“Good morning, kitten,” Saoirse greeted, her voice dripping with honey.
The blaring melody yipped Elva awake as it rang throughout her skull. A further giggle set her heart pounding while she heard shuffling above her head. What is going on??’ Confounded, Elva looked up but didn’t see anything on the pillow; the strange sounds persisted as she turned to Saoirse’s beaming smile. She wondered, “Mistress, what is happen—?!” As she rolled over, Elva yelped when something furry wriggled between her rear and legs. She threw the sheets off and stared agape before glaring at her Mistress.
Saoirse’s snickering worsened as she stated, “Not just a tail, my kitten.” Upon rubbing the side of her head, Elva realized the sensation was wrong for where Mistress was touching.
Her hands shot up before she realized, “WHAT the— Mistress, where are my ears??” A glance up directed Elva higher, where she found a pair of fuzzy points sticking up. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY EARS?!”
Barely quelling her cackles, Saoirse explained, “I was feeling a little playful when I woke up, so I thought we could have some fun today.”
What part of this is supposed to be FUN?!” Elva tried to hold them still. ‘They’re twitching!!’
“The part where you get to be my kitten for the day,” she cheekily answered. “I used a transformation spell to give you cat-like qualities for—about a day. While you look this adorable, I want you to act like my adorable little pet kitten.”
Elva let go to gape, “Your pet k—” She glanced at her tail and reflected, ‘Are you sure I’m not—a fox?’ Breaking away from the bushy appendage, she stated, “Mistress, how am I supposed to act like a kitten?! I’ve never even seen a kitten, much less had one as a pet!!”
Saoirse replied, “That makes two of us, kitten. Well, I have seen some cats, but I’ve never had one as a pet before. Supposedly, my grandmother had one, though my mother hardly talks about—,” she trailed off before snapping back up, “so I’ve always been curious what it’s like to have a pet.”
Before Elva could further object, Saoirse petted her head. Any qualms dissipated with the comforting strokes, and Elva fell into her Mistress’ embrace. Oh, that feels nice!’ she lulled, nuzzling into her chest.
Good girl,” Saoirse chucked as Elva got comfortable. “See? I told you this would be fun.”
‘I don’t know if I’d call this fun,’ she grumbled, ‘but it is—interest—!’ As Saoirse rubbed her ear, Elva shuddered and  gasped, ‘OOH, that’s—!’ Fluttering as the inside was given attention, Elva didn’t notice herself humming until a rhythmic drone alarmed her. She shot up and clutched her collared throat, demanding, “WHAT WAS THAT?!”
Mistress bellowed and affectionately pulled the wide-eyed Elva in, “That was a PURR, my kitten!” She could only squirm as Saoirse praised, “Oh, what a good GIRL! It took a few days, but I knew I could get my kitten to purr!”
Her fluster didn’t improve being shoved back into Mistress’ bust; the tender grasp steadily calmed Elva before she realized, This what you were talking about the day we met?!’ She shook against Saoirse before lamenting, “I-I’m sorry, this is all—just—”
“Too much? If you’re not enjoying it, Elva, I can reverse—”
No! No, I-I am—enjoying it, I think, I just need,” before she could continue, Elva noticed the familiar fragrance of Mistress’ pheromones.
As she calmed into her clutches, Saoirse finished, “To relax?”
Elva hummed in approval as the rubs resumed. ‘Thank you. I just needed a moment, but that smell is—so nice!’
“You’re quite welcome, kitten,” Saoirse tittered, moreso when she purred and nestled again. “You’re such a good girl, my kitten,” she praised as Elva pressed into her, “and you feel so soft.” She carefully cuddled her Mistress and held her close, though Saoirse eventually pulled away to tilt her chin up. “You know, I’m going to need a lot of energy to make up for changing you.” She licked her lips and inquired, “Would you mind if I broke my fast, my kitten?”
When the sweet breath passed her nose, Elva shivered before pushing into her lips. Steadily groaning as Saoirse embraced her back, she thought, ‘Oh, please, Mistress.’ Her whines worsened as their tongues touched and she was petted more passionately. Elva didn’t suppress her purrs when they resumed with the caresses, even when Mistress pulled away to kiss her neck.
Her calls were calm until Elva realized her new extremities were wriggling. She only noticed until Saoirse nibbled her throat, the pleasant tingle distracting her. Crying out with the tight tugs, Elva panted when her ear was rubbed again.
‘Oh, Mistress,’ her wriggling worsened, ‘please touch me more!’ Not making her wait, Saoirse firmly groped her still-tender breast and pecked down to her chest. When the caresses became scratches with a pinch on her nipple, Elva melted and pulled her Mistress in.
Unconscious of being turned onto her back, Elva writhed as Saoirse teased her. The tender gnaws to her sore bust were welcome, but her need inflamed.
Shuffling her thighs together—despite the fuzzy feeling against them—Elva held her lip and implored, ‘Mistress, I need you to touch me—!’ She gasped when Saoirse slipped down to smooch her stomach and trace her hip.
“Did you want me to touch your clit, my kitten?” Mistress wondered when Elva didn’t think further.
Elva whimpered, ‘Yes, please, touch my clit, Mistress!’
Good girl.” Before Elva could struggle, Saoirse forced her knees apart and slid down further. She felt warm air on her nub before a careful lick made her thrash.
When Elva reached for her hair, Saoirse teased, “You really wanted that, didn’t you, kitten? Well, allow me to satisfy you.” She pressed in, leaving Elva to call out.
‘Oh, Brigit, I missed you, Mistress!’ she grieved with the lustful laps.
As she pulled away, Saoirse wondered, “You missed me? I haven’t left your side for the last—!”
Elva’s legs wrapped around her head while she implored, ‘Just touch me, Mistress!’ Saoirse chuckled before enthusiastically complying. Elva shuddered as she was pleased, yet somehow, the twitches of her tail weren’t bothersome until Saoirse grasped its base.
OH, oh, Mistress,’ Elva choked as her heart dropped with the queer hold, ‘don’t—stop!’ After Saoirse began massaging it, Elva started heaving, “I—I’m going to—!” With a sharp cry, she thrashed while the pressure overflowed. Elva became lost in her Mistress’ touches, locking her in place until her knees buckled.
Good girl,” Saoirse tittered as she was released, still caressing Elva’s erect tail. The strange sensation made her dizzy while Mistress inquired, “Are you enjoying this, my kitten?”
Speechless, Elva shivered through deep breaths before pulling Saoirse in again. ‘Can you—touch me more, Mistress?’
“With pleasure, my kitten.”
As Saoirse lowered her lips, Elva lurched when it was accompanied by a new grasp on her tail. When something slowly twisted around the bushy limb, Elva quickly realized, ‘Is that—Mistress’ tail?!’ After it reached her rear, hugging her in a comforting coil, the tip slid up to tease her slit.
Whimpering anew, Elva couldn’t think when Saoirse wondered, “Would my kitten enjoy having me in her?” Peeking to a smug grin between her thighs, she finally let Mistress go to cover her blush. After a chirrup and a short nod, Elva wheezed as Saoirse slipped in, tugging on her new appendage.
When biting her finger didn’t stifle her whines, Elva reached for the pillow behind her. Before she could cover her mouth, Saoirse yanked it away. “I want to hear every adorable sound you make, kitten,” she snickered before pulling on her bud and pressing further in.
Elva’s wails turned shrill when the intrusions intensified. “Mistress,” she squeaked, her toes sticking out as she grasped the bedcover. “If you keep—I’ll—!” Saoirse became impassioned, and Elva was breathless before she cried out.
Convulsing, Elva fell into bliss while her Mistress persisted. She desperately tossed and turned before her clit was released, taking hoarse gasps while her legs hung limp.
Shivering from a caress on her thighs, Elva was dazed when Saoirse asked, “Are you still enjoying yourself, my kitten?”
Only able to think about their tails, Elva choked, “I—I want you—to be—cruel—Mistress. P-Please.”
If Saoirse did more than cackle, Elva didn’t notice as her Mistressʼ nails sharpened. She heaved when they slid over her skin, but before she could clutch the sheets again, Saoirse took her waist to flip her over. Yelping in her fluster, Elva couldn’t keep her lids open as she was lifted off the bed by her hips.
Her knees already trembling, Elva grew hotter as Mistress laid on her back and pressed her chest in. “Keep that cute little ass up for me, my kitten,” she whispered before biting her shoulder. Closing her mouth made Elva purr and Saoirse snicker, but the escalating pleasures muddled her thoughts. Struggling to keep still, Elva fell into the cushioning before her locks were clutched. “I said keep your ass up,” she demanded over Elva’s moans, “and don’t muffle that pretty voice, my kitten.”
When an ear was gnawed while Mistress pressed in just right, Elva’s eyes rolled closed while she wailed. “Good girl,” Saoirse complimented before gnawing again.
Her daze worsened as the teeth sharpened, while her scalp was scraped between tight grasps. The tugs on her tail tightened as she was fervently pleased; Elva was speechless, pulling on the sheets as the thrusts hastened. “Mis—,” she whined, struggling to keep her rear up while Saoirse passionately pressed on her. Groaning when her other ear was nabbed, Elva thrashed as the shifting of their tails became too much.
Her shouts worsened as Elva pulled against her Mistress’ hold, thoughtless while the tingling heightened. Lost in the delights, Elva slipped onto her stomach and writhed. Her face only stayed aloft by Saoirse’s grasp, but she was soon eased onto the soft bedding with the release of her curls.
At the slight retreat of Saoirse’s tail, Elva quivered and reached back. “W-wait!” she yelled. Nearly sobbing while she thrashed, Elva begged, “I-I’m sorry—I can’t keep—my—a-ass up, Mistress. Please! Don’t stop yet!”
Through the haze, Elva scarcely heard her Mistress chuckle before hushing, “If that’s what my kitten needs.” Saoirse relaxed onto Elva, petting her hair and pressing her into the bed. “You’ve been such a good girl for me, kitten. Are you ready to be satisfied now?”
With an unsteady purr as Saoirse eased back in, Elva implored, ‘Please!’
Her head was scratched before a tight grasp left her agape. A forceful push to her desire knocked the wind out from her, but Elva screeched as Saoirse’s nails drug up her right side. Grasping the sheets, Elva’s whimpers heightened while her Mistress chewed on her ear.
‘Ooh—oh, Bri-gi—!’ her voice cracked while her daze worsened. Her body inflamed, though Saoirse only became more enthused as Elva fell back into bliss.
All she could feel was her Mistress’ heat and the fierce sensations she imposed. The tingling waves continued while Elva limply fell, slipping into a numbing trance. The intensity slowly lessened, starting with the dull stings on her head, though her senses lit up again while Saoirse left her empty. Only able to whimper and shudder as her ecstasy faded, Elva writhed under her Mistress until she was turned around.
Elva clutched Saoirse when they faced each other, pushing into her bust to keep the heat from dissipating more. She wheezed upon noticing the strong twitches of her tail were still stifled in a pleasant hold. Finally, as her hair was petted and she more clearly heard the caring chant, “Good girl,” Elva calmed, purring to her Mistress’ comforts.
A titter was added to the praise as Elva nuzzled while light scratches made her float. Her heart fluttered with her Mistress’ affections and Elva soon lamented, ‘Why—couldn’t I have lasted longer.’
Saoirse’s chuckles renewed while she tiled Elva up so their gazes could meet. Her joyful smile invigorated Elva when she mentioned, “There’s still plenty of time for us to have fun, my kitten.” Rising from the bed, Saoirse touched Elva’s collar and produced a glowing lead within her palm before commanding, “Come, my adorable pet. The day has just begun, and there’re so many more ways I want to play with my kitten.”
Elva fell into her role as a pet quite quickly, finding odd comfort from the sensual play. What else does Saoirse have in store for her kitten? Things seem to be going to plan for now, but will everything stay that way? Perhaps something unexpected can add some real spice to this already heated play!
—End Spoiler—

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Tales of Alexandria
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Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 16: Kitten [alcohol use] [bondage] [biting] [tail sex] [sex] [double penetration]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of consensual intoxication (alcohol), trauma, bondage, biting, vaginal play (fingering, tail penetration, penile penetration), consensual intoxication (aphrodisiacs), multiple orgasms, penis growth, oral play (tail penetration, gags), double penetration (oral, vaginal), and genital mentions (breasts, tits, clit, slit, penis, nipple, shaft). Reader discretion is advised.
Heaving herself off the floor, Saoirse leaned into Elva. “I need some air,” she breathily declared, whereupon the two began staggering back down the hallway.
They drew toward the transparent wall from earlier, when Saoirse firmly pressed against a handle suspended in mid-air and opened an unseen door to the outside. The overwhelming scent of peculiar pines engulfed Elva’s senses, calming her heart as they descended into the warm outdoors. Her heart lightened upon noticing the soothing floral aura enveloping her and the smooth stones under her toes.
Admiring the novel surroundings, Elva was astonished by the foreign forms and vibrant hues of the blossoming shrubbery that encircled the grand courtyard in a wondrous display. She glanced down when her next step landed softly, marveling at the tiny wildflowers beneath her feet. Soon, she noticed them blooming everywhere betwixt the smooth stones that were irregularly burrowed into the ground. Oblivious to how far they had wandered, Elva jolted up as Saoirse suddenly stopped before a simple bench near the edge of the forest. When Saoirse finally let go and sat with a light huff, Elva took a seat and patiently waited as her Mistress held her head.
As Elva became distracted by the fluttering wings of a moth that smoldered in strange greens and pinks beneath the gloaming, Saoirse sighed before sullenly confirming, “I suppose you wanted to know about The Po—about Saph.”
Attempting to conceal her curiosity, Elva hesitantly nodded. Saoirse’s hands fell to her lap before she said, “Well, I told you the day we met that they were my first love, but…there’s a lot more to it than that. Saph was my cousin’s bondslave, though I didn’t know until after we had been meeting under evenfall for years.
“Saph’s sentence lasted for ten years,” Saoirse sluggishly continued, “but we were…just friends for the first seven.” Snorting as her gaze dropped, Saoirse elaborated, “Not for lack of trying on their part; it should have been painfully clear they were interested in me. When Saph first caught me watching them singing, they mused, ‘A lost kitten found her way here’—”
‘Lost kitten,’ Elva reminisced, the words echoing what her Mistress remarked at their first encounter.
Without acknowledging Elva’s realization, Saoirse dourly reflected, “—and then they called me a…cute girl. From the moment we met, Saph saw who I was inside and tried to help me understand myself. I just—didn’t understand until I…understood?” Saoirse shook her head before resuming, “Ah, Brigit, it’s so hard to remember how I felt then after two thousand years. I knew I felt wrong, but I didn’t know how to explain it. Not until I crossed paths with my cousin.”
Before Elva could ask anything, Saoirse slumped further and admitted, “When Saph finally introduced me to Calliope, it was surreal, and…” Saoirse shuddered before finishing, “troubling. Something happened when I realized that the way I viewed myself—as a man—wasn’t right. That it was crippling me.”
Glowering at her hands, Saoirse said, “Neither Saph nor Calliope were happy with the body they were born with either, but all my life I was so fixated on what I thought I had to be, what Lynx,” she spat out her father’s name like it scorched her tongue, “wanted me to be—that I couldn’t accept I could be someone else until…”
Trailing off, Saoirse rested her palms under her eyes and sniffled, “It’s difficult to explain. When you live for so long hiding who you are from everyone—even yourself—well, it wasn’t easy to accept who I really was. When I told Saph how I was feeling, they said they already knew, and so did my cousin when I approached it.”
Joylessly snickering, Saoirse noted, “Even my mother said they’d known when I told them. It felt like I had been blind all my life, but slowly—very slowly—I could see myself and accept who I wanted to be.” Finally lowering her hands and looking up at the darkening horizon, Saoirse apologized. “I’m sorry, I’m sure that didn’t make much sense.”
Shaking off her concern, Elva tried to offer comfort, “It’s okay. I—don’t really understand, but I can see that it was…is hard for you.”
Saoirse sighed before glancing at Elva briefly. Looking at the wildflowers, Saoirse admitted, “It was, even more so with this form.” Holding up her palms and flexing her fingers, a bright flourish of violet and pink lights coalesced as Saoirse said, “This is Brighid’s energy, what I received when they fed us supper. I don’t have enough of my own energy to make a display like this, nor yours at this point.” The glow faded as Saoirse closed her hands and confessed, “I’m more powerless now than I ever have been, and—I’m scared I can’t protect you if something happens.”
Elva tenderly took Saoirse’s hand and consoled her, “Please, you don’t have to be so concerned about my safety.”
Pulling away and holding her head again, Saoirse reminded Elva, “I do though, it’s in my vows. ‘Care for and protect.’ Your safety is my responsibility.”
Shuddering before touching Saoirse’s thigh, Elva grimly recalled, ‘Under pain of dea—’
Please don’t remind me,” Saoirse asserted as she held herself and shivered. “Oh, Brigit, why did I say that? I don’t know if I can—”
Gently taking Saoirse’s cheeks to lift her gaze, Elva met her uncertain eyes and implored, “Mistress Saoirse, please, you don’t need to be so worried about me. I told you, I don’t regret anything that has happened between us. If you hadn’t taken me in, I would have gone to the Auction House, right?” she let go of her Mistress’ perfect face to grasp her cold, smooth hands before insisting, “I—your voice is what gave me the comfort to open my eyes after I came here. If I’d gone to the Auction House instead of your home and your father’s voice was the one I heard, I—I would have been too scared to face my unlife.” Shyly glancing away as her heart raced and her cheeks flushed, Elva admitted, “I trust you with my safety.”
Some of the worry vacated Saoirse’s visage as she held Elva back. “Thank you for saying so, Elva,” she said before inspecting the ground. “I just wish I felt as assured as you do.”
Their silence didn’t last long before Saoirse stated, “I’m not sure what else to say. I suppose when I said I’ve only had one slave, that wasn’t entirely true. After my transition, I spent a millennium recovering with my mother before a girl named Vixen showed up at my doorstep. She wasn’t a complete stranger; we’d met once when Saph was still here. But, apart from her not being human nor requiring a contract, we had…compatibility issues, so she didn’t stay long.” Saoirse tiredly closed her eyes before finishing, “After she left the next day, I…fell asleep and didn’t wake up—until you appeared.”
Elva blinked several times when she realized her Mistress’ tale had come around to her. Flustered before she met her glance, Elva couldn’t think of anything to say as Saoirse concluded, “And, that’s my story, more or less. I’m certainly not the Mistress you thought I was.”
Quickly shaking in disapproval, Elva faltered before interjecting, “N-no! I mean, I don’t know any other Mistresses, but...I enjoy having you as mine. You’ve shown me—so many things that I would never have known if we hadn’t met. Having you near me is comforting, and,” Elva timidly turned away before adding, “as I said, I trust you and feel safe with you. So please, trust yourself too.”
Saoirse didn’t respond for a moment, but with a sigh, she let Elva go to cup her head. Elva shuddered when she was turned, and flushed more as her forehead was tenderly kissed. Cautiously glancing up at Saoirse’s smile, Elva’s heart danced as Mistress praised. “Thank you, kitten. I promise I’ll try.”
Feeling her chest throb as she looked up at her Mistress’ smirk, Elva briefly stared at Saoirse’s lips before swallowing and slowly closing her vision. Hesitantly tilting her head up, Elva peeped as Saoirse’s fingers held her away. Her grin had faded while Saoirse shook no before lamenting, “I’m sorry. I’m—not in the mood right now, Elva. We both had a lot to drink, anyway. I—don’t want to take advantage of you when you can’t consent.”
Pulling away as her stomach sank, Elva repressed her desire as she answered, “O-oh, okay, Mistress.”
Trying not to appear bothered, Elva analyzed the strange flowers before Saoirse commented, “You can look at them.” As Elva snapped back, Saoirse mournfully pleaded, “I—want to recite some of Saph’s poetry, so you can relax if you’d like.”
Hesitantly agreeing and standing up, Elva turned away just before Saoirse began singing in the poetic tongue. It was sadder than the last time she sang, but Elva tried not to think about it as she approached the exotic foliage. Steadily, the sweet fragrances filled Elva while stepping to a pale-violet bush. She leaned over and briefly closed her eyes to breathe in the petals; as Elva drank in the aromatic perfume, her heart warmed as she reflected, ‘This smells like—the ashen lavender Mistress put in my hair. It’s gorgeous.’ Elva smiled as she looked over the bush, adoring the tiny bulbs that climbed into the air.
After carefully studying the new flora, Elva became entranced by a strange ladycow that wandered along a stem. ‘I’ve only ever seen them in red and black. It’s so pretty in pink with white spots,’ she watched it crawl along the branches before it hopped off and flitted away. The silvery glimmers from its wings left Elva awestruck as it floated to the neighboring plant, and she had no issue finding it within the blood-red poppies once she knelt down.
As Elva marveled at how the oddly-familiar flowers contrasted with the strangely colored bug, she finally noticed the melody had ceased. She stood and looked to the bench, but as she realized no one was there, Elva was tenderly hugged from behind. Before Elva could look, Saoirse coyly whispered, “I have a confession, my kitten.” Perking up at the sound of her nickname, Elva found her Mistress’ softened eyes as she added, “I am actually quite hungry.”
Oh!” Elva answered before she turned, surprised to see that Saoirse held an eager grin as they faced each other. “W-well I—I’m still—um,” Elva timidly answered as she leaned in, “I—want you to—have your fill—Mistress Saoirse.”
Saoirse gently pulled away before Elva could reach her lips. After her flush deepened, Saoirse reluctantly slipped a hand into her dress. She retrieved two slim bottles of what seemed like water before letting go of Elva to open one. Saoirse swiftly drank it with a sultry moan before her flush diminished. When her eyes opened, Saoirse hungrily glared at Elva before opening the second bottle. Before Saoirse offered it over, her brow furled and she intently sniffed over Elva. 
As Elva began to feel embarrassed, Saoirse pulled away and curiously stated, “You’re—already sober.”
Piquing up, Elva hummed in confusion before questioning, “Uh, s-sober?”
Shaking no while capping the other bottle, Saoirse deflected, “Sorry, I just—expected you to still be drunk too. You drank as much wine as I did, so…” Saoirse slipped the containers back into her dress. “Forget it, it’s not important,” she announced before meeting Elva’s curious expression with a light smile. Saoirse pulled Elva close again while her grin widened. “May I—dig in, my kitten?” Mistress seductively asked before licking her lips with her eyes trained on Elva’s.
Taking an anxious gulp, Elva supplicated, “Can, um, you be—cruel to me…my Mistress?”
Unable to ignore the devious shift in Saoirse’s countenance and the subtle sharpening of her fangs, Elva’s pulse quickened and a fluttering sensation took hold in her stomach.
            “Tell me, kitten,” Mistress urged. “What’s your safeword?”
Eyelashes flittering together as she pushed on her toes, Elva breathily answered, “Teardrop.” In a flash, Elva was pulled up and brought into Mistress’ embrace. Already moaning as she eagerly sought her sweet taste, Elva tried to hug her Mistress before her arms were ensnared. Wide-eyed as Mistress effortlessly lifted her over the flowers and shoved her against a nearby pine, Elva was left breathless before her lips were pricked with sharpened fangs.
Elva’s spine tingled as she melted into Mistress’ touch, only able to groan as the bittersweet pinpricks made her head spin. When Mistress moved onto her neck, Elva gasped and fought a losing battle before her wrists were lifted up. Mistress let her go, but her arms would not budge when Elva tried lowering them. As Mistress pulled away to unbutton her dress, Elva displayed her chest and whimpered in anticipation as the fabric fell away.
With her bust now fully laid bare, Elva heard Mistress suppress a gasp, which led her to inquire, “W-what is it, Mistress?”
Saoirse only glanced up for a heartbeat before looking pointedly at Elva’s chest with a sly smirk. “Nothing, my kitten,” she said while groping her. “I just felt hungrier seeing your cute breasts again, especially so well framed outside of your beautiful dress.” As Mistress firmly bit her left mound, Elva gasped and squirmed against the tree. Elva’s breath caught in her throat as Mistress sampled her nipple next and let it slip through her teeth. Quivering when Mistress gnawed at her again, Elva’s hands began tingling against the rough restraint.
Heaving from being roughly worked, Elva jerked back when Mistress grasped her left thigh and lifted her knee to her stomach, spreading her crotch. Elva whimpered when her dress was tucked behind her rear, allowing the warm air to lick her slit. Realizing her leg was stuck in place, Elva shivered when Mistress’ sweet breath passed her nose with the words, “Are you ready?”
Elva shut her mouth in a vain attempt to suppress her mewls before finally nodding. She immediately gaped as Mistress pecked her, leaving her to release a light moan as her hood was lightly touched. Writhing while Mistress nibbled her lips, Elva’s elated sounds escalated as the rubs got stronger. As Mistress moved to graze above her collar, Elva panted, and the burn in her crotch intensified.
As Elva’s hips began to rock, Mistress’ fingers circled more intently before she whispered, “Is my kitten going to cum already?” Elva whimpered frantically before her Mistress commanded, “Then cum for me, my kitten.”
Elva cried out as her body tensed up; waves of pleasure washed over her while her breast was fondled yet again. Trying to hold Mistress in by lifting her free leg, Elva’s limbs strained and trembled while a lightness slowly overcame her. When she choked for air, Elva desperately thought, ‘I-I can’t—,’ before Mistress pulled away.
Shaking and heaving, Elva pressed against the pine as warmth spread through her core. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Mistress beaming at her, and the sultry sound of her asking, “How was that, my kitten?” reinvigorated Elva’s fervor.
Attempting to maintain her focus, Elva replied through ragged breaths, “I-it was—nice, Mistress.” Her eyes shut weakly as she nervously gulped, “Are—are you full, or—c-can you—satisfy me—more, Mistress?”
Mistress laughed at the thinly-veiled desperation then seductively answered, “If that’s what my kitten needs,” before Elva’s right calf was pinched.
Squealing in delight, Elva’s shouts heightened further still when her Mistress briefly rubbed her lips before slipping two fingers into her slit. Bucking her hips when Mistress promptly located her sensitive spot, Elva groaned as her outstretched thigh was bitten. The rhythmic presses into her desire compounded with further bites above, and Elva soon cried out as her body convulsed again.
Hardly able to breathe as pleasure muddled her mind, Elva writhed against the tree as her voice cracked between thrusts. The next prods made Elva choke as the tender flesh near her hip was squeezed. She pulled against her restraints while her toes curled, gripping the soft grass underneath while her body burned.
She felt light and Elva quietly thought, ‘M-Miss—’ before being released and left with a hollow ache. Hanging her head limply before her chin was angled upwards, Elva fought against heavy eyelids as her Mistress glared at her hungrily. 
“Was that satisfying, kitten?” Mistress Saoirse playfully probed with a mischievous grin.
Elva took several breaths before swallowing. “I-it was,” she answered. Shimmying as a mild wave of bliss washed over her, she tried to say, “I—I want—” Holding her lip as she peeked at Mistress for a heartbeat, she quietly insisted, ‘I want—to be one with you, Mistress.’
Leaving Elva in suspense, Mistress calmly stated, “The—moon is still down, kitten.”
Noting that her Mistress’ smile had faded when she glimpsed, Elva silently petitioned, ‘Could—you use your tail again?’
Mistress’ grin gradually returned, and Elva’s heart stopped when she eagerly confirmed, “Is that what you want, kitten?”
Nodding yes with no hesitation, Elva closed her eyes with a shiver. ‘I-I need you—inside me, Mistress. Please—f-fill me.’
Snickering, Mistress watched Elva squirm and whine. “If that’s what my kitten needs,” she hummed before pressing the soft tip against Elva’s clit.
The firm rubs made Elva wriggle before her folds were teased, but as it slipped into her slit her trembling renewed. Crying out in elation as she was penetrated, Elva strained against the tree when Mistress massaged her sweet spot. She struggled to hold still as her muscles spasmed, but Mistress kept prodding with a pleased chuckle before biting Elva’s neck. Fervently quaking as her skin was pricked, Elva nearly clapped her head against the trunk as the sleek appendage continually pleasured her ache.
Unable to speak as her head spun faster, Elva’s voice cracked in a howl of ecstasy. Scraping her toes against the ground as she fought against the restraints, Elva succumbed to the building waves while her body burned and her mind became light.
Then the precise presses slowed and the sharp stings stopped. While her fullness hardly waned, Elva’s eyes crept open to see Mistress licking her lips with a satisfied grin. “Thank you for the meal,” Mistress complimented wickedly. “Are you satisfied yet?”
Elva panted as Mistress shifted inside her before she whimpered and shook her head. “I,” she bashfully answered, “I want—to keep feeling you, Mistress.”
Shuddering as Mistress shifted while her grin widened, Elva gasped and dropped her lids when her request was met with a breathtaking thrust. Her voice heightened as the passionate prods hastened, leaving Elva oblivious to Mistress pulling her dress off until the evening air tickled her sweaty skin.
Too distracted to note her Mistress groan in approval while tucking her curls behind her left arm, Elva didn’t sense her waist being caressed until a pinch near her navel startled her. She bucked against her bonds as the sensitive skin was marred, unable to keep her free leg from kicking while the pleasure peaked.
Mistress grasped her right ankle and held her foot to the ground. Elva hardly noticed that her leg was affixed when Mistress let go, as her next climax came with a bite on her right thigh. Convulsing as her crotch burst with rhythmic, burning waves, Elva shrieked as the intense intrusions persisted through her orgasm. She barely felt a gnaw on her hip until she bucked; at the pull of her skin, Elva shrilled and slammed her back against the rough bark.
Quivering while the scratches intensified the tingling that coursed through her, Elva strained as her mind spun until Mistress finally let her go. She fell into a daze and took deep, choppy breaths before the heat flowing through her abated.
Her sides were delicately stroked before an alluring whisper parted her haze. Gasping as her vision lurched, Elva’s heart fluttered at Mistress’ pleased smirk. “Hello, my kitten,” she sang while Elva tiredly whimpered. Her crotch feeling no less filled, Elva fought to listen as her Mistress asked, “Are you satisfied yet?”
Elva fussed and held her lip while her head dropped. “I,” she stammered, “I just need—a moment.”
Before Elva could breathe, Mistress mentioned, “The Blood Moon has come over the horizon, kitten.” She jumped to behold her Mistress’ utterly flawless face, and the warmth in her chest stirred at the question, “Did you want—my penis this time?”
Her head drowsily dropped before Elva admitted, “I-I’m enjoying—your tail—i-if you—don’t mind.” After taking a deep breath, Elva shyly requested, “I would like—aphrodisiacs, though.” Too weary to look at Mistress, Elva beseeched, “I don’t—want to fall asleep—so soon.”
A contented chuckle made Elva shiver as a new floral smell forced her heart to pound. Sharply moaning as her filled crotch sent renewed fire throughout her body, Elva barely heard her Mistress whisper, “If that’s what my kitten wants,” before her cries heightened further.
The stretching shifts of the tail amplified as the new smell strengthened, leaving Elva overwhelmed before Mistress bit below her right breast. Straining with renewed strength at the impassioned thrusts, Elva quaked and screeched when her pleasure peaked. Scraping her back as she was gnawed and infiltrated, Elva’s daze returned in a blanket that added a delightful tingle to the past stings and following bites to her ribs.
Lost in the prickles and intrusion, Elva choked for air as her Mistress forcefully met her requests. She could scarcely breathe over the intense sensations, made even worse after her left nipple was tightly grasped repeatedly.
A sweet pain ceaselessly coursed through Elva and made her fall weak into the bonds. Succumbing to the fierce sensations Mistress imposed upon her, Elva peered her eyes open at the blur of violets that swirled as Mistress gnawed her other breast. Elva slowly closed them again as her head became dizzy, hardly thinking as her mind grew dark, ‘Miss…tear—’
Her senses cleared while the sharp thrills lessened. While Elva lightly wheezed as the floral smell became natural and she was left empty, she grumbled when the pleasures receded.
Dropping into a tender grasp, Elva gasped as her legs were swept up before she was cradled into warm arms. She nuzzled against her Mistress’ cushiony chest while clasping her dress before drowsily becoming aware of her sweet voice praising, “Good girl.” Too comforted to look while the adoring chant repeated, Elva affectionately clutched herself tighter and disregarded the change in the air.
With the softened jolts of them ascending, Elva finally peeped at Saoirse’s clothed bust. She tiredly whispered as her lids fell, “Th-thank you, Mistress Saoirse.”
Just conscious of the bemused exhale that preceded a kiss on her forehead, Elva shuddered as she heard her Mistress answer, “You are very welcome, kitten. Thank you for the meal.”
Unable to look as her heart fluttered, Elva shyly asked as they rounded a corner, “Did—you get your fill?”
An amused giggle was her first answer before Mistress cautiously complimented, “I—don’t remember the last time I felt so satisfied, Elva. Thank you.”
She quivered and melted into her Mistress’ embrace, pulling herself closer.
‘Thank Brigit.’
Oblivious to the world, Elva came to life when Mistress climbed onto the bed and set her head on a plump pillow. The plush bedding made Elva sigh as she was laid down, though her hands nearly had to be pried away from the dress before she settled for holding herself.
An affectionate chuckle comforted Elva before a dulcet cover was draped over her. Grasping at the sheet and wrapping it around herself, Elva only had to wait a moment before Mistress crawled behind her. Her sleek arms made Elva hum in contentment as she was cuddled, but the warm breath passing her ear made her tremble.
When Mistress asked, “Are you comfortable, Elva?” she hesitantly nodded once before shivering.
“Can,” Elva bashfully implored when her chest pounded, ‘can you—please make me cum—once more?’ Unable to ignore Mistress’ breasts pushing her hair into her still-fresh scrapes, Elva’s squirming worsened before appealing, ‘C-could you be—gentle, though—Mistress Saoirse?”
Shuddering as Saoirse tenderly caressed her stomach, Elva quivered as her Mistress answered, “If that’s what my kitten needs.”
Her groans swiftly heightened as her sore mounds were tenderly massaged. Steadily writhing, Elva squeaked when her Mistress carefully slipped between her clenched thighs to tease her. “How do you want to cum, kitten?” Mistress seductively asked when the tender rubs on her mound began.
Unable to calm her worsening moans, Elva thought through the pleasing touch, ‘I—want you—inside.’
“Would it be okay if I used my penis this time?”
Quickly, Elva nodded and whimpered in approval. ‘Please—I—want to be one with you again.’
She calmly shushed and held while Mistress pleaded, “Be patient, my kitten.” No sooner did Elva feel her part push through her thighs, renewing her tremors as it brushed past her clit. Elva felt Mistress pull her hip back and lower her hand just before she whispered, “Are you ready?”
Hardly able to nod as her head spun from the teasing rubs, Elva desperately thought, ‘Please,’ while her hips rocked. Without waiting, Mistress adjusted herself and slowly slipped her shaft inside. Elva gaped and grasped the sheets as her Mistress freely entered her, uncontrollably trembling as she was gradually taken care of.
Her whines only worsened as her fullness increased, but Mistress halted before her ache was reached. Elva fussed before Saoirse nudged above her rear and requested, “Hold your stomach out.” Her back arched with the slight shift, and Elva squealed as her Mistress reached her desire.
A pleased hum and tight grasp accompanied Mistress’ whisper, “That’s better, isn’t it, kitten?” Elva was speechless as she tried to quell her trembling. “Hold yourself out a little more, kitten,” Mistress alluringly requested, “and hold onto this for me.” Before Elva could answer, the tail pushed past her parted lips and pressed onto her tongue. As Elva closed her mouth, she heard Mistress order, “Be gentle, and be careful not to bite it.”
Arching out more with the strange intrusion, Elva groaned as her tongue lapped the wide fan. ‘It still tastes like my—’ she reflected before a light thrust made her gasp.
Careful, kitten,” Mistress coarsely requested before Elva could close her teeth again. When Elva wrapped her lips around the tail, she complimented, “Good girl. Now, if you can keep your hips just like that, I can make you feel very nice, my kitten.”
With a slight shove, her quaking worsened while Elva struggled to lick the musky bulge. Quaking as she was tenderly groped and caressed, her thoughts grew dark while her chest burned. Too overwhelmed, she grasped the appendage instead of the sheets when it brushed her hand. Mistress twitched and pushed harshly; Elva convulsed while her muffled cries cracked.
Oblivious to her Mistress moaning, Elva’s breath was taken when two powerful thrusts shocked her core. Elva could hardly remain awake as a warm euphoria flowed with her climactic release. But, as Saoirse pulled out her tail to let Elva breathe easier, her head dropped onto the pillow. Shivering as she felt Mistress empty her, Elva nearly succumbed to ecstasy before she was tenderly held again. 
Is that better, my kitten?”
Embracing Mistress’ tail as they nuzzled, Elva barely nodded and grunted. ‘Thank—, she couldn’t finish before falling into a blissful slumber.
I hope everyone enjoyed that passionate display, as it has closed out Act I of Wrong Side of the Bed! Already better understanding each other, Elva and Saoirse will only grow closer while their play becomes more intense through Acts II and III, so look forward to it! But first, a brief interlude before things really escalate. How do you think Elva will react when she wakes up horny? Read all about it in Chapter 17: Asleep, when Elva has to comfort herself for the first time since entering Mistress’ servitude.
—End Spoiler—

Your last chance to guarantee your physical copy of Wrong Side of the Bed 1 Act I is coming up on February, 27th, so donate through GoFundMe, Patreon, or here on SubscribeStar before it's too late! Don't forget to like, comment, share, follow, and subscribe (if you're able) if you enjoyed my work and want to read more! Check out my other socials through my Linktree or join the conversation and talk to Elva and Saoirse (and soon Riana and others) on my Discord!

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Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 14: The Sinful Tormentor [transphobia] [racism] [abuse] [sex-negativity] [ptsd] [sad sex] [biting] [tail sex]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of severe trauma, abuse (physical, emotional), discrimination (transphobia, sexism, racial (humans, hybrids), religious (Paganism)), sex-negativity, crude language (mongrel, ass, bastard, bitch, queer, slut, whore, fuck), minor bleeding, consensual intoxication, biting, vaginal play (tail penetration), and genital mentions (cock, cunt, tits, breasts, nipple, slit). Reader discretion is HIGHLY advised and a summary of disturbing events will be provided.
The strange singing of a sprightly sparrow gently pulled Elva from her restful slumber. Elva squinted and winced with a grumble as she became aware of the morning light shining on her. After squirming in her warming cuddle, Elva more carefully peeked her eyes open to see the room was only lit by sunlight. The far wall and cabinet were draped in shadow while the orbs on the ceiling were still extinguished.
Suddenly Elva was tenderly squeezed tighter before she heard Mistress whisper, “Good morning, kitten.”
Feeling her heart flutter at the songful sound of her name, Elva swiftly turned her head to find Mistress looking at her caringly. Somewhat startled by waking up next to another person, Elva hesitantly replied while turning to her other side, “Oh, g-good morning, Mistress.”
As Elva met Mistress’ gaze, her eyes softened as she asked, “Did you sleep well?”
Humming and nodding in approval, Elva closed her eyes as she nuzzled into Mistress’ clutches before remarking, “I—don’t think I’ve ever slept so comfortably—or peacefully.” When her eyes opened again, Elva flushed as she realized Mistress’ chest was at her nose.
Before she could shyly pull away, Mistress pulled Elva in and rhythmically moaned as she became enveloped. “I’m so glad, my kitten,” Mistress cooed as she nestled Elva despite her bashful squirming.
Struggling to pull away as her cheeks grew even hotter, Elva lifted her head to mutter, “Um, did-did you sleep—well, Mistress?”
Met with an enthused embrace and a pleased groan, Elva could only stare wide-eyed inside Mistress’ cleavage as she answered, “I slept wonderfully, kitten. It’s been so long since I shared a warm bed.”
Too flustered to fight against Mistress, Elva could only shiver, “I-I liked—that too.” When Elva started heating up from the snug ensnarement, she timidly added, “I, um—I enjoyed—last night, Mistress.”
Clutching Elva tightly before finally easing her grasp, Mistress met Elva’s blushed gaze when she replied, “I’m glad you did, kitten.” Her softened smile turned mischievous as she leaned in to ask, “Do you want to know one of the best things about waking up next to you, kitten?”
Elva felt her heart pound as she looked up at Mistress’ grin. “Uhm, w-what is it, Mistress?” she hesitantly asked.
Mistress’ smirk widened while her eyes peered before she whispered in Elva’s ear, “Being able to eat breakfast in bed.” Elva’s eyes widened as Mistress leaned back and licked her lips.
Anxiously fidgeting in Mistress’ embrace, Elva reflected with a shiver of anticipation, ‘I guess that—makes me breakfast.’ Unable to speak as Mistress giggled and climbed on top of her, Elva’s chest quickly grew hot as she was turned face up.
Looking up at Mistress thrilled Elva as the sunbeams left strong shadows over her face and chest. Elva shuddered as Mistress slowly leaned down with parted lips, closing her eyes with a shiver as their noses touched. For several throbbing heartbeats, Elva waited with haggard breath for Mistress to embrace her.
When her kiss didn’t come, Elva cautiously opened her eyes to find Mistress wide-eyed and shaking. “No, no, no, no, no,” she quietly muttered through uneven breaths while leaning away. As she sat back on Elva’s legs, clenching her trembling shoulders while glancing around before holding her head, Mistress continued in a panic, “This ca-this can’t be happening. Not-not today. Not the third day.”
Mistress’ breathing became more ragged while Elva propped herself up and nervously asked, “What’s wrong, Mistress?” When she didn’t immediately answer, Elva reflected, ‘I’ve never seen Mistress like—,’ before a loud, metallic sound drew their focus to the exit.
With choked breaths, Mistress looked back to Elva when she fearfully remarked, “My father is here.”
Before Elva could finish inquiring, “Your—”, her wrist was tightly gripped as Mistress pulled her upright.
Mistress exclaimed, “You have to hide!” as she swiftly stood on the bed. Practically dragging Elva to her feet, Mistress landed on the rug with a thump as she continued, “If he finds you or learns what we’ve been doing, he will judge you for our sins and—” Mistress didn’t finish as she made sure Elva found her feet with a nervous glance.
In the brief pause as she climbed off the bunk, Elva tried to implore, “Wait, what do you—,” before Mistress tugged her again.
As she hastily led Elva to the empty wall right of the entrance, Mistress implored, “I don’t have time to explain right now, but please trust me, Elva.” Reaching out to seemingly nothing, Mistress grasped something out of thin air while a new doorway suddenly coalesced into existence. Quickly swinging it open, Mistress nearly threw Elva into the dark room as she explained, “You should be safe here. There are wards that keep him from entering the house, but this closet has extra protections if he does get in.” When she let go of Elva’s hand and began closing the exit, Mistress first blew into her palms and conjured faint glows that coalesced into a ball of swirling pink and purple hues. As she handed it to Elva, she remarked, “Here, you’ll be able to hear me through this. I’ll try to get rid of him as fast as I can.”
Dumbfounded as the orb floated between her palms, Elva quickly tried to implore before the door closed, “Wait, wait about—!”
—Extreme content warning. Reader discretion is HIGHLY advised—
—A summary of these events will follow before the chapter continues—
In a thunderous boom that shook the home and startled the songbirds, a coarse voice bellowed out, “Meranarax!! Get your filthy mongrel ass down here, now!!
Suddenly shivering and speechless as she shrinked, Elva struggled to take in Mistress’ cringe before she meekly remarked, “You’ll hear him too,” and silently closed her in.
As the door vanished into a mist, Elva tried to catch her breath as she stared at the mystical sphere. ‘Meran-ar… Mon-grel—’ Elva nervously contemplated before a strange whirl and flourish of lights grasped her attention.
Elva didn’t have to wait longer before the glows sharpened as the sphere clearly spoke Mistress’ voice, “I told you to never come back here, Lynx. Leave, now.”
In a quieter but no less harsh voice, Lynx stated, “Don’t talk to me like that, you bastard. It’s father or Meranlynx, Meranarax.”
“As if you have any right to call yourself my father,” Mistress snapped. “And I told you not to call me that anymore. It’s Saoirse. SEER-shə. It was twelve hundred years ago when you last invaded my life and I know you know enough Gaelic to—”
A blunt sound halted Mistress’ words as Lynx harshly remarked, “I said don’t give me that tone, boy. It’s cursing enough you make me speak in that hag’s mother tongue. And I don’t need a reminder that you traded your cock for a cunt and pair of tits; your appearance is offensive enough. At least you healed those unsightly scars and hid that disgusting tail. The red all over sure is tacky, though.”
In a more restrained voice, Mistress quickly retorted, “As if I ever asked for your opinion. If you’re done, leave.”
“Oh, I’m hardly done,” Lynx coldly stated. “I have business here, Meranarax. Who did you steal her from?”
Elva felt her heart shiver before Mistress retorted, “There’s no one here besides me, and I haven’t stolen anyone. Not as if that gives you any business here anyway.”
Lynx demanded, “Don’t try and lie to me. I know you haven’t returned to the Auction House and there’s no other way you could have gotten her otherwise.”
“I said,” Mistress sharply insisted, “no one is he—”
Another dull noise quieted Mistress again. “I said don’t,” Lynx sternly reminded her with an emphasis that shook Elva’s feet, “lie to me. Filthy queer, just like that hag bitch that birthed you, thinking you can keep secrets from me. Did you think I wouldn’t recognize that fucking stench anywhere? Did you swipe a whore this time?” Elva’s shivering intensified as Lynx continued questioning, “Or was she a virgin too? Did you not learn your lesson last time? Are you training the girl to be a slut just like that brat Ai—”
Before Elva could speculate his implications, Mistress shouted over him, “There’s no one here! And even if there were, you’d have no claim to them! Now leave!!”
There was a long pause where Elva’s heart seemed to halt before Lynx bluntly urged, “You should stop adding to her sins. Turn her in to be judged before you both regret it again.”
—Summary of events. Reader discretion is still advised—
Before Elva could finish her question, a deep voice called out as loud as thunder for someone named Meranarax while using indelicate words Elva didn’t understand. After cringing and informing the now terrified Elva the orb would speak his voice too, Mistress locked her in the panic room to confront her father. While their encounter was terse, it was harrowing for Elva and left her with more questions than answers.
Mistress’ initial attempt to turn him away fell on deaf ears as Lynx first chastised Mistress for not calling him father or Meranlynx. When she attempted to tell her father to use her own preferred name, Saoirse was struck and reprimanded again. Lynx remarked on his distaste for her mother language before insisting her feminine appearance was enough reminder of her altered genitals. Lynx commented that the only positive changes since they last met were healing her scars and hiding her tail, then remarked her choice of red all over as tacky.
Still refusing to be turned away, Lynx finally insinuated Mistress stole a slave from another master and demanded she be turned over. Mistress’ insistence that she had no slaves and that Lynx had no claim to any she might have earned her another strike. Lynx then pointed out the fetid smell and began questioning Mistress’ motives in training Elva. After being denied one last time, Lynx gave an ominous warning and finally left.
—End of extreme content warning. Reader discretion is still advised—
After several heartbeats, there was another mystical whirl and flourish of lights from the orb before the door reappeared. As it slowly opened and the sphere disappeared, Elva cautiously peeked through to see Mistress practically hiding herself. She carefully held her right cheek while her expression was distressed and her eyes watery. When the doorway opened, Mistress stood as if she were naked, despite her robe being tied closed. Refusing to meet Elva’s gaze, Mistress mumbled several times before hollowly muttering, “I’m—sorry you had to hear that.”
Elva couldn’t say anything as she realized how fragile her Mistress seemed. The cheek Mistress covered was not only particularly red but terribly inflamed, and Elva soon saw a drop of blood fall from her palm. “Mistress,” Elva worriedly observed as she looked back to her glistened eyes, “you’re hurt.”
“It’s nothing,” she hastily replied, turning her cheek away from Elva’s view.
Her trembling lips betrayed Mistress’ words as Elva hesitantly asked, “Are you—?”
Mistress timidly shook her head before Elva could finish, wordlessly closing her eyes before a tear fell. “I, um,” Mistress quietly explained, “I think I’m hungry from missing breakfast.”
Skeptical as she watched Mistress turn further away, Elva cautiously concluded, ‘That’s not it.’ Uncertain of how to break their growing silence, Elva quietly asked her first question, “Mistress, who’s—Mera—!”
Before Elva could finish, Mistress held both their mouths with shaking hands. As Elva looked at her wide-eyed, Mistress quietly choked, “Trade—trade—” When her head fell as her legs buckled, Mistress released Elva’s jaw to clasp her own. Struggling to take strangled breaths, Mistress fell to her knees and gently wept.
Swiftly lowering to meet her, Elva hesitantly reached her trembling hands out while nervously mumbling. ‘What do I—?’ she apprehensively thought, feeling her heart sink as tears streamed down Mistress’ cheeks. Slowly leaning forward with an uncertain whimper, Elva carefully wrapped her arms around Mistress. “Please,” Elva whispered as she pulled Mistress onto her shoulder. Though she shuddered as she glanced at Mistress’ chafed cheek and the light line coming from a bloody blemish, Elva cautiously continued, “I-I’m here for you, Mistress.” When Mistress sobs didn’t ease, Elva closed her eyes and hugged her close before adding, “Whatever you need from me, I—I’m yours, Mistress.”
Her sniffles worsened as Mistress leaned into Elva’s embrace, but after several deep breaths she began to calm some. Gradually holding back her cries, Mistress pulled away and gently peeked her eyes open. She used her sleeve to dry her eyes before finally meeting Elva’s gaze and whispering, “Then—I-I need you to do something—for me, Elva.” After taking another deep puff and looking away, Mistress reluctantly requested, “I need you—to stop me.”
Surprised by her Mistress’ request, Elva looked at her for another moment before clarifying, “Stop you?”
Slowly Mistress quietly explained, “Yesterday I pushed you too far, and you fell into a dark place because of it. You didn’t stop me then, so I need to know you can stop me, especially if you’re uncomfortable. One release, my breakfast, then you stop me. If you can’t use your safeword,” she took a heavy huff before meeting Elva’s gaze, “then I’m ending our contract—”
Suddenly wide-eyed and shivering, Elva hastily tried to interject as her heart fell again, “Wait, you can’t—”
Undeterred by the brief plea, Mistress looked away as she spoke over Elva, “And I’m sending you to my cousin. It’ll keep you safe from my father and you’ll be treated—more fairly.” As Mistress returned Elva’s anxious glare, she finished, “Please. I have to know it’s safe to play with you, because right now—I—” Instead of completing her statement, Mistress glanced down in a wheeze before starting again, “Please, if you’re going to stay here, I need this, Elva.”
All Elva could do was stare, agape at Mistress’ trembling eyes and pouting lips. ‘I-if I—can’t—,’ she nervously swallowed as it seemed like the small closet was closing in on her, holding Mistress’ world away from her. Feeling her unlife halted by her decision, Elva apprehensively nodded yes.
Her gaze gradually steadied as Mistress took a number of puffs. She closed her eyes for a moment before she shared Elva’s hug with unsteady hands. As Mistress caressed the nape of Elva’s neck and held her back, she sighed heavily before looking at Elva and calmly asking, “What’s your safeword, kitten?”
Her heart painfully throbbed at the ardent sound of the nickname she’d grown fond of. Elva shivered into Mistress’ touch as her eyes peered before she hesitantly whispered, “T-teardrop.”
No sooner did Mistress pull Elva into a passionate embrace, firmly gripping her hair and sending shivers across her skin as their chests met. Hesitantly groaning into her kiss at first, Elva’s quivers softened and she eagerly sought Mistress’ tongue as her mouth opened. Slowly her tremors relaxed as the taste turned fruity, and Elva’s mind steadily felt at ease while Mistress warmed her.
When Elva’s moans heightened, Mistress abruptly pulled away and released Elva’s hair. Her eyes went wide as Mistress grasped her waist tighter, and as she yipped in surprise, Mistress took Elva over her shoulder and swiftly stood up. Backing away to close the closet before Elva could grasp her new orientation, Mistress smoothly turned around, reaching the rug within a few hurried steps. Distracted by the rush from her firm handling, Elva yelped again when Mistress threw her on the bed.
Landing on the plump cushion with a soft thud and a strong huff, Elva breathlessly peeked from her flinch as she felt Mistress climb over her. Speechless as Mistress straddled her and took her wrists, Elva could only look long enough to meet her lips again before they were tenderly bit. Writhing under Mistress’ grasp, Elva shrilled as each lip was delicately worked until finally Mistress moved to her neck.
Instead of the bite she anticipated, Mistress firmly kissed Elva and tightly pulled her skin until she squealed. Mistress soon released Elva only to grasp her again below the collar, worsening her wriggling and needful cries. When Mistress’ mouth was wide open as she came down again, Elva gently gasped as she was hesitantly scraped only to be kissed again.
Squirming even harder under Mistress’ weight, Elva bit her lip as she wondered, ‘Why is Mistress being so—gentle?’ As if to prove Elva wrong, Mistress finally opened her jaw and gnawed on Elva’s shoulder. Hardly yelping at the tender hold, Elva tugged against Mistress’ grasp as her need grew. ‘She’s not,’ Elva reflected when the next nibble was milder, ‘hurting me.’ Feeling frustrated as Mistress continued to tease her, Elva hesitantly whispered, “Mistress, you—don’t have to hold back. I—I’m not afraid.”
With her words, Mistress held Elva unsteadily as her jaw trembled and her breath quivered. After taking several wheezing gasps, Mistress opened her mouth briefly before sinking back into Elva’s skin.
Elva was left breathless as she felt a dozen distinct stabs, shaking as the pleasant sting seemed to reach her heart. When Mistress held her, Elva desperately began whining through choked breaths as her chest burned and her legs thrashed. When Elva’s head felt as light as her whimpers, Mistress released her and let her gasp deeply.
Slowly catching her breath, Elva eventually pried her eyes open after her wrists were released. Unable to move as Mistress sat back, Elva tried to look at her fearful expression and bared fangs—twelve of which now held sharpened points—as she whispered, “Please—don’t regret saying that.”
As Mistress closed her eyes in a grimace, her braid bushed out as the waves accentuated and the crimson of her hair faded to vibrant violet and rosy pink. While Elva peered down the colorful weave, she finally noticed a small black fan emerge from a dim glow behind Mistress’ rear. It slowly elongated into a slim, sleek tail that tensely writhed and coiled behind Mistress as her breathing grew more irregular.
Suddenly, Mistress hunched over in pain as flakes of light emerged from her back. Wincing as she held her arms tightly with sharpened nails, Mistress harshly groaned before a pair of leathery black wings abruptly sprouted out. As they arose with puffs of color and gusts of wind, their tips snagged Mistress’ braid and pulled it undone as they spread over the expanse of the empty room. While Elva stared over the colossal span, she slowly realized they were lacerated with horrible scars and gashes. Seeing Mistress’ unfurling hair through several gaps sent Elva’s heart throbbing when she realized her whole body was becoming similarly marred.
When her hands fell to Elva’s sides, Mistress tightly clenched the sheets as her cries of agony intensified when her forehead began to glow next. With a piercing shriek as she threw her head back, a pair of slim, ribbed horns began to coil out. Watching them grow, Elva held her breath as the left ceased emerging near a scar next to her eye while the right coiled once before curling around the back of Mistress’ head.
Wheezing and shaking as the tufts of light surrounding her new features vanished, Mistress slowly opened her trembling eyelids to reveal the differences in her irises. Her right eye now shone in shades of purple like the violets outside Móra’s cottage, while the left shimmered with soft pinks like the roses that grew nearby. Sweat beading on her brow, Mistress hesitantly said through weary breaths as she shyly met Elva’s gaze, “Well, th-this is—me.” After nervously swallowing and averting her gaze for a heartbeat, Mistress cautiously asked, “What—do you feel when you look upon me—now?”
Gazing in awe, Elva shuddered as she watched Mistress’ worried expression. Slowly raising her fingers to caress the mark that just missed her perfect eye, Elva savored the softened skin as she breathily whispered, “You’re beautiful.”
Stunned, Mistress’ mouth fell open as tears began to well in her eyes again. Before her breaths could become ragged, Mistress fell back into Elva’s lips and fervently embraced her. As she eagerly sought Mistress’ taste, Elva squealed as her tongue was scraped and nipped by the sharpened fangs. Undeterred as her wrists were grasped and held next to her head, Elva passionately tried to kiss Mistress until she swiftly moved to her neck.
Wide-eyed as her breath was stolen, Elva convulsed under Mistress’ hold as she choked and whimpered. Unable to fight as Mistress firmly grasped her throat, Elva’s eyes rolled closed as she gaped and thrashed until she was finally released. Before she could breathe, Elva screeched when Mistress clasped her shoulder next, feeling her head grow dizzy as the pricks started tingling.
Overwhelmed by the blissful stings, Elva didn’t notice Mistress’ tail slide up her legs until the tip reached her crotch. Shaking as it firmly pressed onto her hood, Elva harshly groaned while the pressure built until Mistress clamped her bust. Elva’s cries quickly heightened while her nub was firmly caressed and her folds gently stroked. When her thighs twitched open at the grip on her other breast, Mistress swiftly lowered her tail to easily slip it inside.
Shrieking as her sensitive spot was swiftly found and teased, Elva strained against Mistress’ grasps until she moved further into her ache. ‘Oh, Brigit, I—,’ Elva struggled to think as her Mistress carefully applied pressure on her desire and gnashed around her bud. ‘I—I can’t—,’ she thought as her voice cracked and her body convulsed.
Elva screamed as a burning euphoria came over her that flooded her heart and drowned her mind. Throwing herself against Mistress, Elva’s daze worsened with every wave as the pleasures peaked to new heights. When Elva felt lost in her stupor—nearly missing Mistress bite her other nipple—she cracked her eyes opened to a haze as she reflected, ‘I-I can’t—’
A sudden wetness on her chest brought light back to her sight. ‘W-wha—,’ Elva wondered as her groans deepened and she struggled for air. Steadily coming back to life as she felt a drip fall on her dry skin, Elva hesitantly guessed, ‘T—tear-drop?’
Slowly the pressure within Elva abated as she gasped and shuddered. Lightly coughing as she caught her breath, Elva shimmied and whined as her pleasure withdrew, hardly noticing that she could move freely. Covering her chest as her whimpers lessened, Elva slowly peeked to see her Mistress above her.
Sitting upright and tightly clutching her tail, Mistress’ drenched cheeks finally came into focus as Elva quickly blinked. When she finally met her Mistress’ tearful glare, her composure dropped and Mistress began painfully sobbing. Wailing as she rubbed her eyes with her tail and her nose with her wrists, Mistress fell onto Elva as her cries swiftly worsened.
Gently hugging Mistress as her own breathing eased, Elva calmly listened to her weeping as she grasped tighter. ‘It’s okay,’ Elva silently said as she held her Mistress closely. Draped in soft hair and growing warmth as Mistress’ wings curled around them, Elva let the tears fall on her tingling shoulder while she thought, ‘I’m here for you.’
The veil drops and Elva’s Mistress has been exposed. Difficult truths are revealed in our next sexless chapter when Saoirse finally has to explain her own past. How will Elva react when her Mistress wishes to speak to her as an equal so she can reveal her own demons and humanity? Find out what Saoirse has been trying so hard to hide from Elva and herself in Chapter 15: Trade Secrets.
—End Spoiler—
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Tales of Alexandria
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Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 13: Home [sex] [biting] [bondage]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of teasing, vaginal play (cunnilingus, fingering, sex), penis growth, multiple orgasms, consensual intoxication, biting, bondage, severe trauma, and genital mentions (breasts, nipples, penis, shaft, clit, slit). Reader discretion is highly advised.
Giving Elva a surprised glance for a moment, Mistress eventually smiled and giggled to herself. “How could I say no to such an honest request,” Mistress stated as she stood up from her chair. Reaching out her left hand, Mistress requested, “Please, come with me, kitten.”
Taking it without hesitation after placing her bowl on the table, Elva shyly asked, “Are we—going back to the playroom?” Elva finally realized her robe had fallen open as she stood up and watched Mistress chuckle, feeling bashful as she held it closed.
When Elva returned her gaze with a heavier blush, Mistress replied, “No, kitten. I had someplace much more comfortable in mind.” Gently pulling her along after interlacing their fingers, Mistress took Elva from the open room and led her back to the long set of steps. Their flight upwards was far more graceful as Elva glanced between Mistress’ braid and the stone slabs before her, and within moments they reached the top. Leading Elva into the enclosed passage right of the washroom door, the mystical orbs lining the ceiling illuminated before Mistress passed them. At the end of the hall, Elva saw a pair of ornate crimson doors, but Mistress stopped before a plain black set on the right wall.
After letting go of Elva’s hand, Mistress opened the wide doors with a pleased grin. As they swung inward, Elva glanced inside to find a large, black chamber with only red highlights on the walls. As the lights became brighter, Elva’s heart raced as she found more than a dozen pieces of playroom furniture surrounding a large bed with a metallic frame overhanging it. Elva discovered as she looked closer that the sheets and cushions on the dark wood were a vibrant violet instead of rich red.
Imagining how exposed she would be affixed to the various pieces, Elva felt flushed before she realized the entire bottom of the bed was barred with sleek rods. Promptly looking at the wall to her right, Elva saw a large cell like the one she’d been locked in. Apart from a large red door on the left wall, the remaining walls were covered in odd implements made of leather, metal, and other materials that Elva didn’t recognize.
“This is my private playroom,” Mistress remarked as Elva looked over the room again. When Elva finally met her gaze, she smiled and commented, “I thought this would be a more comfortable space for us to play in from now on.”
Elva’s heartbeat quickened when she looked over the furniture again, trying to guess, ‘Which one will Mistress lead me to.’ When Elva finally realized she wasn’t being guided in, she glanced over and asked, “Are we playing in here, Mistress?”
Seeing her smirk widen made Elva’s heart leap before Mistress began giggling. “No, kitten,” Mistress cheekily remarked as she leaned past Elva to close the doors, “unless you really want to.” While her fragrant braid slipped past Elva’s nose, Mistress added, “I had someplace more comfortable in mind.” Tenderly grasping Elva’s hand, Mistress pulled her further down the hall until they reached the red doors at the end. When Mistress mentioned, “This is my bedroom,” as the doors opened, Elva gasped as she took in the crimson chamber for the first time.
The enormous bed covered with scarlet sheets was the centerpiece of the great room, framed on the reddened wood floor by the beautifully detailed rug of rose and gold. Gently ushered in by a nudge on her back, Elva was confused when a short cabinet on the right wall, a matching bench, and a round mirror atop were the only other furniture. While the walls were adorned with ornate ingrains of similar detail to the rug, the lacy golden curtains around the portal behind Mistress’ bed seemed to be the only decoration. Through the open gap, Elva saw a tall display of trees, heavily dyed violet by the same sanguine glow that softly bled into the floor. Elva glanced behind as she heard Mistress close the entrance with a quiet click, finding two other single doors on opposite sides of the wall.
After Mistress turned and playfully leaned back, she cordially commented with a tilt of her head, “Much more comfortable, don’t you think, kitten?”
Elva had to take in Mistress’ cheeks while her heartbeat quickened. Anxiously glancing at the wall details again, Elva hesitantly replied, “Uhm—yes?”
Mistress’ titter brought their gaze together before she tenderly took Elva’s hands. “Come,” Mistress enticingly requested as she spun around to playfully pull Elva into the room. “Let me satisfy you, my lost kitten.”
Unable to speak or close her robe while her shivering body grew hotter, Elva felt increasingly tense as Mistress walked her to the bed. Mistress slowly halted after they reached the soft rug, but she let go to slide her arms into Elva’s robe as she stopped. Pulling Elva close by her waist, Mistress seductively whispered, “Relax. Let me take care of you, kitten.” Elva’s eyes trembled shut when Mistress’ leaned down, though her soul pounded as she stood up on her toes so their parted lips could finally touch. Moaning unsteadily as her heart fluttered, Elva carefully brought her arms around Mistress’ neck to pull into her embrace. The smoothness and sweetness of Mistress’ lips sent Elva’s head spinning, leaving her to yip awake as Mistress cupped her rear and swiftly swept her up.
Wide-eyed, Elva held on tightly as Mistress merrily swung around and delicately laid her on the soft sheets. Elva bashfully tried to cover herself as she sank into the plump cushion, but Mistress grasped her wrists and tenderly held them up as she climbed on top. Straddling Elva’s legs, Mistress seductively remarked while leaning in again, “No need to hide yourself from me, kitten.”
Elva lightly groaned and writhed as her lips were pulled, clenching her arms while Mistress’ hands slid down her sleeves. The light caresses of her fingertips made Elva tremble as Mistress passed her exposed shoulders, though less so than the feel of their tongues touching. Mistress gently stroked around Elva’s collar before finally cupping her cheeks, pulling Elva into her embrace for a while before tilting her head back.
Already gasping, Elva held her mouth to quiet her quivers as Mistress began pecking her throat. The pleasant pulls made Elva’s chest burn as they steadily grew more passionate, leaving her hardly conscious of Mistress’ hands wandering down her body. Elva lifted her arm to gently pet Mistress after her lips passed below the leather band. However, she clenched Mistress’ hair with a whimper when the light tugs became acute below her collarbone. Struggling to keep her voice down and her legs from wriggling, Elva grasped her jaw as Mistress slowly moved down her body. “Relax. This is for you, kitten,” Mistress sultrily reminded Elva as she breathed on her left breast. “No need to keep your cute voice so quiet,” she added before gently cupping Elva’s chest up and closing her mouth around the peak.
Squealing at the sensual suckling, Elva gave up holding her mouth to grip Mistress with both hands and push her head in. Elva’s ribs heaved while her legs rustled as Mistress held on, hardly having a chance to breathe before Mistress gave the rest of her bust attention. While Mistress continued groping and kissing, she began caressing Elva’s stomach and sides, adding shivers to her heightening moans.
Elva’s voice quivered as Mistress circled her other bud with light pecks, though her hips began rocking as Mistress teasingly traced the dark band with her tongue. Her heart leapt when Mistress eventually gripped her nipple, but as Elva’s desire grew, she held her lip and begged, ‘Please, Mistress—can you—touch—!’ Before Elva could finish, she sharply inhaled as Mistress’ fingertips slid smoothly from her navel to the nook between her clenched thighs.
Moaning with renewed passion when Mistress hastily found her hood, Elva’s grasp tightened with each circle while her voice shook more unsteadily. Despite still gripping her hair, Elva soon felt Mistress effortlessly push herself up until she whispered into her ear, “Make sure you cum as much as you want.”
When Mistress’ approval was followed by a light nibble on her lobe, Elva cried out while her back arched and her hips thrust erratically. Shouting, “Mistress!” as she released her hold, Elva tightly held Mistress’ shoulders while a wave of pressure flowed over her. Elva clenched her legs up in a quake as the gentle rubs continued, only for Mistress’ rear to keep them held down. Before Elva could ask her to stop, the sensual strokes abated when Mistress pulled her fingers away.
As Elva trembled and gasped for air, Mistress let go of her ear and gently kissed her cheek. “Was that the satisfaction you needed, kitten?” Mistress seductively asked as Elva’s quivering calmed.
Several pounding heartbeats later, Elva slowly opened her eyes to Mistress’ pleased grin. “I—” Elva tried to ask before looking into Mistress’ squint thrilled her heart too much. Clasping her lids shut and clutching herself into Mistress, Elva bashfully implored, ‘I want—to be one with you, Mistress.’
Mistress jovially chuckled before smooching Elva next to her ear. Pulling from Elva’s loosened grasp and letting her shyly hold her chest, Mistress pushed herself up while flirtatiously replying, “If that’s what my kitten needs.” When Elva heard the shifting of fabric and felt Mistress’ behind rest on her legs, she carefully opened her eyes. Gradually looking down from Mistress’ softened smile to her segmented form, Elva slowly gaped upon noticing how her crotch had changed.
“I—” Elva shuddered before heavily gulping and blinking several times. “Mistress,” she finally asked with a tremble, “what is—that?”
Lightly giggling before her smile softened, Mistress looked down as she mentioned, “I suppose you were a little too distracted to see my—penis last night.”
Swallowing again as she observed Mistress’ part, the strange shaft made Elva gape again before she quivered, “Mistress, I—I don’t know if I—” Elva began to tense and choke for air before shutting her eyes. ‘Oh, Brigit, I-I don’t think I can—’
Elva was gently shushed when Mistress softly reminded her, “You did last night, kitten.” Mistress sharply chuckled as she continued, “While very, very relaxed. Please don’t fret. I intended to warm you up more first.” Before Elva looked, Mistress slid behind her knees and pulled her legs up. With a flutter of her heart, Elva’s thighs spread smoothly as they rested on Mistress’ lowered shoulders. “There, that’s more comfortable, isn’t it, kitten?” Mistress quietly asked while breathing onto Elva’s groin.
Cautiously peeking while her body jittered, Elva saw Mistress meet her glance briefly before looking back between her legs. “I—” Elva whispered before bashfully using her sleeves to block her gaze. “I-I guess,” she nervously added while Mistress tenderly held her clasped thighs open.
Relax, kitten,” Mistress softly insisted as Elva tried to take deep breaths. “Do that for me and I can do the rest,” when she finished her request, Mistress lowered her mouth around Elva’s clit and began rhythmically pulling. Lightly shrieking at the lustful hold, Elva thrust her hip up and quaked as Mistress’ tongue lowered next to eagerly rub her and tenderly stroke her folds. Though Elva tried to halt her embarrassing squeals by biting her finger, she lost her grip to a quiver as a fingertip was brought to her opening. Briefly uncovering Elva’s nub, Mistress sensually whispered, “Are you ready?” Elva swiftly nodded yes before Mistress licked her again and slowly slipped inside.
Her heart dropped as Elva rushed to grasp Mistress’ hair. Passionately groaning more intensely as Mistress entered her further, Elva shook and thrashed as she tried to ensure Mistress’ head didn’t move away again. When Mistress began caressing a sensitive place inside, Elva clenched her thighs around Mistress’ cheeks before silently begging, ‘Please—more—!’ A deep gasp halted Elva as Mistress brought up another digit and eased it in. When the precise presses resumed, Elva’s legs wrapped around Mistress’ head as her crotch began burning and her breathing became ragged. Elva called out, “Mistress, I—I—!” before she shuddered and shouted in ecstasy.
The pleasurable strokes continued as Elva kept Mistress against her. Elva’s trembling worsened as the waves continued with every press and lick, but when Mistress’ pressure lessened, Elva gripped tighter. Hardly able to breath, Elva quietly beseeched, ‘I-I’m not—!’ before Mistress pressed back in. Crying out while gulping for air, Elva started convulsing as tremors overwhelmed her arms and legs. Dozens of throbbing heartbeats later, Elva finally eased her clutch while Mistress slowed her pleasures. As Mistress began pulling away, Elva maintained her hold and tried to ask through worsening moans, “Can—can you—warm me up—with three—please, Mistress?”
Mistress snickered mischievously before replying, “Of course, kitten.” Giving in to Elva’s pull, Mistress resumed her tonguing while pushing her fingers back in. Elva gaped and trembled as Mistress brought the next digit to her then easily aligned it with the rest. Her grip on Mistress became fierce as her sensitive places were tenderly warmed while the pleasure swiftly built again.
Unable to call out to Mistress, Elva soon started writhing as the heat made her head spin. Toes curled and voice cracking, Elva fell into a trembling bliss, letting Mistress’ back go as her hip spasmed. As Mistress tenderly took her fingers out, Elva panted heavily while her grasp relaxed to a gentle hold as her legs and hands began to rest.
Elva sighed heavily before her arms came up, shyly blocking her face with her sleeves as she noticed her flush. ‘Thank you,’ Elva bashfully thought as her arms shivered closed to cover her heaving chest.
Still gently quaking, Elva heard Mistress shift while she chittered in approval. “You’re quite welcome, kitten,” Mistress giggled as she set Elva’s legs back on the bed. “Are you feeling more relaxed?” she inquired sultrily while stroking up Elva's inner thighs.
The light touch made Elva quiver while her hips shook. Peeking at Mistress after moving a sleeve, Elva gently nodded as she brought her knees up. ‘I—’ Elva shyly stated before closing her eyes again, ‘I want to try—being one with you, Mistress.’
After her chuckle, Elva felt Mistress shift underneath and gently cradle her left hip. Elva heard a strange, slippery sound during a pause before she felt Mistress tenderly rub outside her. With renewed shuddering, Elva heard Mistress ask, “Are you ready?” Only a beat after Elva carefully nodded, Mistress gently pressed into Elva.
Furiously trembling as she was entered, Elva wheezed and tensed as she grasped the sheets behind her head. After a light push, Elva shrieked from a sharp sting before her arms jolted and knees turned against Mistress. “No-no-wait!” Elva shrilled as she pressed her palms into Mistress’ stomach. Lips quivering as Mistress pulled out, Elva woefully confessed, “I-I’m not—ready.” While Mistress gently caressed her sides, Elva shyly covered her face before she requested, “Ca-can you help me—relax more, Mistress?”
Mistress paused for a moment before clarifying, “With my fingers?” Elva slowly shook her head in objection, feeling her mind falling further from bliss as worry took over her. “With my pheromones?” Mistress cautiously inquired next. Met with a bashful nod of approval, Mistress pressed, “Are you sure, kitten?” before Elva furiously nodded. Elva felt Mistress carefully lay down on her, tenderly taking her hands to pull them apart before she whispered, “Just relax, kitten.”
The sweet scent of Mistress’ breath allured Elva as she breathed over her nose. Eyes still clenched, Elva turned to the aroma and eagerly rose to Mistress’ lips. Wrapping her arms around Mistress’ head, Elva thirstily tasted her tongue before a strong—strangely familiar—fruity note was mixed in moments later. Gently panting as the tension in her shoulders swiftly lessened, Elva held Mistress more closely and kissed her more fervently. Her body quickly warmed under Mistress’ pressure while the tender caresses on her own cheeks made Elva ache.“I—” Elva murmured, struggling not to seek Mistress’ mouth when her hip began rocking. When she couldn’t catch her breath, Elva continued in her thoughts, ‘I think I’m—ready, Mistress.’
Too occupied to respond, Mistress hesitated before she let go to adjust her position and press against Elva’s slit again. Sharply inhaling as Mistress slipped into her with ease, Elva struggled not to shriek as they became one in a jolt. When Mistress pulled away and tried to ask, “Are you—” Elva swiftly nodded while her shaking arms gripped tighter.
Eventually answering, “Just—go slow,” Elva gently urged Mistress further in. Her feet slowly raised from the bed as Mistress pushed further, though Elva slowly fell into a stupor as she felt more filled. Elva’s soft moans sharpened as Mistress passed a sensitive spot, while her breath choked as her legs came up to tug Mistress in. Deeply huffing as she used her heels to nudge Mistress’s rear, Elva shuddered and whined as her ache was finally reached.
While she struggled to breathe, Elva heard Mistress heavily whisper, “Is this the satisfaction you were looking for, kitten?”
Whimpering at every slight shift of Mistress inside her, Elva hardly nodded before carefully rocking her trembling hips. Elva’s head fell back while she cried in ecstasy as her back arched before she could move again. When Mistress began slowly swaying, Elva tightly gripped the back of Mistress’ robe, mewling as the ginger prods to her desire left her head spinning.
A breathless whisper barely pulled Elva from her trance before it was followed by a soft caress on her hair. Elva’s eyes shot open and then blinked a few times as she took deep, heavy breaths. Slowly seeing Mistress’ scarlet smirk, Elva heard her say, “Kitten,” more clearly watching her reddened lips move. “Remember to breathe, kitten,” she kindly reminded Elva through ragged breaths.
Elva took several huffs before she tried to comment, “I-I’m trying—Mis—,” when a pleasing twinge halted her. Her eyes rolled closed while her chest heaved as Elva deeply moaned, grasping Mistress tighter as her crotch continued heating up, despite their relative stillness. When Elva’s groans sharpened, she silently admitted, ‘I—I need—something, Mistress.’ Wearily peering and mewling, Elva quietly pleaded, ‘Could you—be crueler and—bite me, too?’
Her careful glance was met with a curious glare as Mistress stared down at Elva for several heartbeats. “You—want me to—now?” Mistress cautiously inquired as her own breathing became rougher.
Unable to keep her lids open from her growing fullness, Elva let her head fall to the left while she huffed. “You said—,” Elva struggled to mutter as they both continued shifting slightly, “today—was for me.” Pausing as her breathing became shrill, Elva clenched her lips with a fuss before she implored, ‘I—don’t think I’ll be satisfied—unless you do, Mistress.’
Panting heavily on Elva’s skin, Mistress sighed and temptingly admitted, “So I did, didn’t I?” When Elva peeked an eye open, Mistress was warily smirking while her mouth was parted wide. Slowly gulping as she stared down Elva’s neck, Mistress cautiously asked, “What’s—your safeword, kitten?”
Her lid slowly sealed as Elva took several quivering breaths. Preemptively gripping Mistress’ robe tighter, Elva began to murmur, “Tear—,” before a twitch forced her to wail. Holding her mouth closed, Elva silently finished, ‘Teardrop.’
With her thought, Mistress softly sank her teeth below Elva’s collar, delivering a light cry as she felt the easy pinch. Before she felt any pain, Mistress thrust her hip into Elva and drew a squeal as her neck was tugged with the shove. Elva quivered as Mistress released her but then trembled as she was quickly nabbed again. While Mistress rocked into her more passionately after adding a third, tender bite, Elva’s calls grew louder as the pressure inside slowly built.
Feeling her chest burn when the fourth gnaw still didn’t sting her shoulder, Elva bit her lip and begged, ‘Crueler—please!’  Mistress clamped down harder and thrusted into Elva’s ache at her insistence. Shrieking as her request was met, Elva dug her fingers into Mistress’ exposed back when she quaked too much to grasp the robe. The pressure came on swiftly as Elva quivered with each smooth thrust. When Mistress sharply nipped her again, Elva shouted, “Mistress!” before her body convulsed.
Dragging her nails as she whimpered, Elva hardly noticed when Mistress lifted her fangs with a hiss. At first, Elva only felt Mistress shift her hip to press in pleasantly before the weight on her torso increased. In a jerky motion, Mistress brought her arms under Elva’s to grasp her sleeves and pull her hands away. Shivering anew, Elva could hardly breathe as Mistress pressed her wrists into a plump pillow. Wrapping her legs tighter around Mistress’ waist as the waves slowed, Elva wailed while fighting to hug Mistress again after she retreated a hand.
Hardly able to breathe, Elva’s eyes peeked open to see Mistress deeply panting before she quietly commanded, “Stay still.” Harding seeing her Mistress bring up a pinkish sash, Elva’s heart throbbed as she felt the cushy fabric cuff her in a comforting weave. Meekly mewling after a quick cinch snugly secured her wrists together, Elva shivered when she saw Mistress’ satisfied grin. “Good girl,” Mistress whispered while leaning down and holding Elva’s cheeks. “Keep your hands up while I satisfy you, my kitten,” she breathly ordered before pulling Elva into her embrace.
Elva clutched her arms into the cushioning as Mistress began swaying her hips again, barely breathing as she sought Mistress’ sweetened taste. Shrieking when Mistress bit her tongue after only dozens of throbbing heartbeats, Elva shuddered as Mistress tilted her head and clenched the skin above her collar.
Mistress firmly held on as she rhythmically rocked, quickly building pressure as Elva wailed. “Mistress, I—,” Elva tried to exclaim before her sounds became shrill. She threw down her bound wrists to hold Mistress when she grasped below the band, but the following thrust made Elva call out as she began spasming. Clasping her legs around Mistress’ rear while her head whirled, Elva’s mind fell dim before she felt Mistress twitch.
Hardly hearing a sound in her trance, Elva’s shivers intensified as Mistress thrashed erratically in her locked hold. When Elva noticed the growing smell of flowers on Mistress’ hair, she popped from her daze while her heart was set ablaze. When Mistress’ provocatively songful voice raspingly bewailed, “I-I’m sorry—Elva,” Elva looked long enough to find her glistening lips before reaching out to meet them. Halting the remaining apology, “My aph—I-I thought I—,” Elva desperately sought Mistress’ tongue before passionately moaning at the succulent taste. Groaning and pulling away, Mistress was wide-eyed when Elva peered at her. She managed to say, “Elva, I-I didn’t ask if you—,” before Elva pulled her back in.`
“Mistress, I—!” Elva tried to explain as she fell away for a breath. Struggling to taste Mistress and talk, Elva desperately thought as they embraced, ‘I don’t care about—aphr—aphro-di-siacs. Please, Mistress, I-I’ve hungered for this embrace—with every moonrise—for two springs now. I—please—’ Pausing to pant, Elva peeked at Mistress’ hesitant eyes as she continued, “A week—won’t be—enough—” When her head spun too much to continue, Elva winced and clenched into the bedding before finishing, ‘It won’t be enough for—all the need I’ve felt.’ As she pried her eyes again, Elva begged, ‘Please, Mistress, satisfy me.’
A blank stare was Mistress’ first response as Elva waited with haggard breaths. After cautiously looking down for several heartbeats, Mistress eventually responded, “If—if that’s—what my kitten desires.” Slowly moving her hip, Mistress breathlessly requested, “Give me—a moment, and please—try to stay still.”
Elva huffed before holding her lip as Mistress began to pull out, shutting her eyes in further protest when her wrists were gripped and raised. Unable to curb her wriggling, Elva loudly whimpered as Mistress left her empty and sat back. Elva shivered as her sore legs slumped back onto the bed, though she savored the softness of Mistress’ skin as she sat outside her thighs then clasped them together. In a smooth motion that made Elva wail, Mistress grasped her waist and effortlessly flipped her over.
Quivering as the delicate sheets slid on her belly and breasts, Elva squirmed under Mistress’ straddle as she gently laid down. Mistress grasped Elva’s hair to tenderly pull her head up, then gruffly inquired, “Does this moonrise suffice, kitten?”
When her eyes cracked open after a whimper, Elva gasped as she looked through the portal ahead and saw an enormous moon—drenched in red like blood—coming over the trees. Wide-eyed, she hardly noticed when the whitish lights in the room lowered until the bright glow clearly shone upon them. Oblivious to her Mistress letting go, Elva gawked, “Oh—oh, Brigit, it’s—,” as she observed the deformities that she couldn’t see when it seemed so far away.
Mistress lifted Elva’s robe over her rear and firmly fondled her left cheek before she was pulled from the lunar embrace. After she grabbed one of the four cushions at the top of the bunk, Mistress cradled Elva’s hips to hold them up as she slid the pad underneath. When Elva was laid down, Mistress swept the one under her wrists down to her chest before whispering into her ear, “Is that comfortable, kitten?” Elva only nodded twiced as she pressed into her raised rump before the allure of the moon captured her again. When Elva felt pressure on her slit, she shuddered and dropped into the bed before Mistress commanded, “Make sure you get your fill, my good girl.”
Her hair was grasped again as Elva was smoothly entered, elatedly shrieking as her ache was quickly found. Elva struggled to peek at the moonshine as Mistress held her tighter, but soon she could only blink them open as she fussed with each impassioned press. When Elva’s lids fell heavily, they swiftly opened again when Mistress chomped on her right shoulder with a breathtaking push. Squeaking as Mistress tightly held on while prodding her desire so enthusiastically, Elva gripped the bedding as her vision blurred. “Mistress…I’m—” she muttered through chokes as her limbs began trembling.
With a piercing wail, Elva thrashed against Mistress’ grips after she clenched again. Elva violently quaked as she struggled to breath, erratically rocking her hips out of rhythm with Mistress’ as her body burned in bliss. Her vision seemed bloodshot as the haze over her mind matched her sight, and Elva lost herself in the softening glow of the moon as her eyes nearly closed.
The stupor over Elva’s thoughts endured as Mistress seemed to nibble her further, but she couldn’t make out where as the waves continued washing over her without end. Hardly able to huff as Mistress began moving strangely, Elva weakly whined as a strong twitch and a deep thrust knocked the wind from her.
As Mistress slowly halted in her depths, Elva panted while her bliss faded. “Mistress—please—,” Elva begged as her breathing gradually steadied, gently rocking her hips into Mistress as her movements halted.
Finally letting her hair go as she dropped on Elva’s back, Mistress breathlessly lamented, “I—I’m sorry—I can’t.”
Elva’s vision cleared in a few blinks as she turned her head and whispered, “W-wait—” Seeing Mistress’ flushed face tiredly laying next to hers sent Elva’s heart racing as she implored, “But—but I-I still—”
Before she could continue, Mistress held Elva tightly as she gruffly grieved, “I know, kitten. I’m sorry, but—please relax for me.” Despite Elva’s mild thrashing and griping, she slowly noticed a shift in aroma as the fragrance of flowers flowed away. Shivering as her body cooled down and her head cleared, Elva glowered in silent protest as Mistress smoothly unbound her wrists and then gently pulled out.
Desperately gasping, Mistress rolled off Elva and fell onto her back as she covered her eyes with her arm. Quietly looking at her Mistress’ beaded face and heaving chest, Elva’s unsteady gaze wandered down Mistress’ toned form when her desire hardly faded. Nervously swallowing, Elva couldn’t help but blink and squirm as she observed Mistress’ crotch. Cautiously asking, “Mistress… Are—you satisfied?” Elva glanced back up to see her still wheezing.
Mistress took several more haggard breaths before she whispered, “I-I’m just—tired, kitten.”
A subtle grumble from her stomach gave Elva pause and betrayed Mistress’ words. ‘I-I know that—sound—well,’ Elva thought before inquiring, “Mistress, are—you hungry?” When Mistress only responded by curling her lip, Elva had to compare, ‘I-I’m so—needy—but last night—I was tired—’ Pressing for an answer, Elva pulled herself closer before asking, “H-have you—been eating—at all, Mistress?”
Grimacing even as her breathing choked, Mistress quietly explained, “You haven’t—rested properly.”
“But, Mistress, I—!” Elva softly exclaimed as she climbed on top and stared at her exhausted expression. “I-I seem to be—more rested—than you,” she persisted before looking away in embarrassment, even though Mistress still blocked her own gaze. “If-if you’re hungry—please,” Elva insisted as she pulled Mistress’ arm up and indignantly returned her stare, “let—me satisfy you, Mistress.”
Her eyes stayed closed in a shiver before Mistress finally met Elva’s glare. Suppressing a sniffle, Mistress pulled her wrist back over her eyes again before meekly answering, “If—if you—don’t—mind. Can—can you—kiss me—first, Elva?” Elva stared down at Mistress’ trembling lips as her heart throbbed.
Not hesitating any longer, Elva gently leaned down and embraced Mistress. After several attempts to pull on Mistress’ clasped lips while she hesitantly groaned, her sounds suddenly relaxed while she eagerly kissed Elva back. Mistress finally removed her hand and affectionately pulled Elva into her, gently humming with her as their chests and tongues touched. While Mistress’ breathing calmed, a blissful feeling of lightness steadily overcame Elva. As they pulled away to gasp, Mistress whispered, “I-I’m ready.” When Elva softly gazed into Mistress’ glistening eyes, she hesitantly said, “We—can try—being one, Elva.”
Eagerly pushing herself up, Elva briefly glanced down as she reached for Mistress’ part. They each shivered as Elva’s hand slipped across the shaft, though Elva only elatedly moaned as she brought it to her slit. Effortlessly sliding her in, Mistress’ voice drowned out Elva’s as she gently reached her desire.
Quickly wailing after Elva began rocking her hip, Mistress held on tightly as she soon started trembling. “Elva,” she shivered as Elva peeked at her glistening lids. While Elva watched a teardrop fall, Mistress began mewling, “Oh, Brigit, you—you taste like—h-honey.” With a contented gasp, Mistress cried out as she erratically thrust into Elva.
Losing herself in the pleasuring presses, Elva quaked as she dropped into Mistress’ tight grasp. When an intense feeling of warmth and euphoria overcame Elva while Mistress’ whimpers weakened, she laid her head down before reflecting, ‘That—was what I was—missing.’
Mistress’ pressure finally began to ease as she held Elva tightly to quell her shivers. Her quivers finally calmed as Mistress slipped out, and she breathily whispered, “Thank you,” before seeming to fall asleep.
Elva peered at Mistress’ restful face in the dim light as she contemplated, ‘Thank—you?’ When Mistress’ expression continued to relax, Elva tried to put her mind at ease while sliding limply to her right. As Elva fell off, Mistress turned with her and held her tightly while wordlessly muttering.
Warmed by the welcoming embrace, Elva turned around to more comfortably rest her back against Mistress’ breasts. Held tightly and lulled by the easy presses of her heaving chest, Elva’s eyes slowly began to close before she heard Mistress murmur, “Y-you—don’t hate—me?”
Jolting awake at the insinuation, Elva looked back as she gaped, “I-I—no!” Though her expression was pained, Mistress’ eyes were still closed as Elva clarified, “I—I don’t know how I could ever hate you, Mistress.”
Her expression eased to a tearful smile as Mistress whispered, “Thank you.” Before Elva could turn around, Mistress airily added, “Aileene.”
Glancing back even more confused, Elva tried to inquire, “Aileene?” before she realized Mistress was fast asleep. ‘Aileene—bright—like my name,’ Elva reflected; somewhat saddened she didn’t have answers, Elva could only examine Mistress’ dozing cheeks shortly before her own eyes became heavy. Wearily rubbing her lids as she glanced up at the softened globes on the ceiling, Elva wondered, ‘How do you—,’ before their lights extinguished. Blinking as the sudden reddened darkness startled her, Elva glanced out the window one more time before settling down into Mistress’ embrace.
‘This,’ Elva reflected as her eyes slowly closed, ‘is nice.’ Feeling her heart flutter as Mistress clasped her close, Elva gently gasped as the world slowly faded.
Take a deep breath because you might not have a chance in the next chapter when truths are revealed before a passionate display. What dirty little secret is Saoirse hiding in her closet? How long can she maintain her Mistress persona when her own history comes knocking? Saoirse’s dark shadow is revealed in Chapter 14: The Sinful Tormentor. Be ready for our first sad sex scene when Elva witnesses her Mistress’ pain laid bare. Content warnings will apply.
—End Spoiler—
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Tales of Alexandria
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Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 12: Sweet Heat [no sex] [aftercare]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of trauma. Reader discretion is advised.
After taking several deep breaths, Mistress wiped her tears again and scooped Elva into her arms. Her chest felt light as Mistress swiftly lifted her from the cold ground, surprised by how delicately she was cradled. As Mistress stood upright, Elva broke their silence to ask, “Wh-what are you—going to do?”
Not able to meet Elva’s gaze, Mistress quietly replied through unsteady breaths, “What I should have done when you appeared at my bedside.” As she explained, Mistress sniffled one more time before turning to a pair of black doors at the far end of the room. “I’m going to take care of you, Elva,” she added while briskly walking toward the exit.
“Take—care?” Elva clarified as she looked at the dark, double doors then back to Mistress. When the light taps of her shoes was the only response, Elva eventually urged, “What—did you have in mind, Mistress?”
Glancing at her with uncertainty before staring ahead again, Mistress hesitantly inquired, “Have you ever had a warm bath, Elva?”
Unsure, Elva contemplated, ‘Warm bath?’ as her gaze fell. “The—stream isn’t so cold—in the summertime,” she shyly answered before looking back up.
A tired smile finally broke her glum expression as Mistress gently shook her head, quietly replying, “I didn’t suppose so.” As they reached the doors, Elva turned in time to see them shrouded in Mistress’ mystical lights and slowly swing open before the pair passed through them. Beyond was a short, dimly lit passage leading to a long set of bright stone steps spiraling to the right. “I hope it,” Mistress paused when Elva looked back up at her, avoiding her gaze as she stared ahead again, “well, I hope you find it more relaxing than the rest of today.”
Elva rested her head against Mistress as she wondered, ‘The—rest of today?’ As they reached the steps, Elva flinched and shut her eyes as they walked into the natural light shining onto the ascending hallway. The warm sunlight felt nearly blinding, and Elva had to wait a few more paces before she could look again. As her eyes pried open, she saw a tall, translucent portal with red drapings on a tan wall above them, revealing a dense forest with pines bluer than she thought could be real. When Elva observed the orange sky and faint sunlight peeking through the trees, she wondered, “Wait, Mistress, is it—did—” As the realization sat in, Elva’s eyes widened while she squirmed and exclaimed in a panic, “Mistress, I-I slept all da—!”
Before she could finish, Mistress shoved Elva’s head into her cleavage. “I told you I will not hear any more complaints about you needing to rest, ki—” Mistress sternly insisted before she paused to soften her tone and ease her grip, “Elva.” Still wide-eyed, Elva’s heart leapt as she was scolded and enveloped, lamenting that Mistress hadn't called her kitten. “Now, you can complain again and I’ll really silence you,” Mistress continued as she squeezed Elva’s mouth against her, “or you can be a—a good girl and stay calm until we make it to the washroom.”
Feeling flushed as her body heated up, Elva soon closed her eyes while nuzzling into Mistress’ bust before retorting, ‘I—I’m not complaining.’
Quietly snickering at Elva’s nestling, Mistress softly complimented, “Good girl. The rest of the day is for you, Elva, so please relax and tell me if there is anything you want or need.”
Peeking her eyes open, Elva stared into Mistress’ reddish chest as she shyly asked, “Then—ca-can you call me—kitten, Mistress?” Coyly glimpsing up as the light footsteps slowed, Elva watched Mistress give her a bewildered glance that gradually turned to an amiable smirk.
Mistress whispered, “Of course, kitten,” before closing her eyes and leaning down to kiss Elva’s head. Her heart fluttering at the unexpected affection, Elva gasped and shut her eyes tight as she squirmed back into Mistress’ embrace. The quick clicks of her shoes resumed, but Elva paid more attention to Mistress’ sweet aroma and the softness of her skin on her cheeks. Before Elva realized how long they’d been walking, she felt Mistress move upwards again for a number of steps. Finally feeling Mistress’ grasp lighten, Elva curiously turned in time to watch a wide dark wooden door become aglow and silently swing open.
Inside was a well-lit room with smooth, bright stone covering the floor and walls. As they stepped in, Elva noticed a wide basin, carved from a pale, speckled rock, in the center of the room. Before Elva could look around further, Mistress approached one of several lightly-padded white chairs and gently set her down. As Elva relaxed into the cushioning, she watched Mistress approach the bath and turn a metallic handle. Bewildered, Elva blinked several times as misty water began pouring out of the curved tube next to it, draining into the tub. After running her fingers through the stream, Mistress grunted with satisfaction before shaking her hand dry and walking to a large, wooden cabinet on the opposite wall.
As the doors swung open, Elva saw a number of translucent containers of various sizes filled with clear crystals or dust. Elva couldn’t discern any difference as Mistress examined the illegible labels muttering, “Where’s that bottle?” but she seemed pleased upon finding one in particular. After removing the porous cap with a pop, Mistress turned to Elva and asked, “Do you have a favorite scent, kitten? A flower, perhaps?”
Elva couldn’t respond at first, silently lowering her head as she contemplated, ‘What have I smelled that—isn’t Mistress.’ Eventually, Elva recalled, “I was—always fond of the violet flowers outside Móra’s cottage.”
Mistress held a curious expression as Elva glanced back up. “Dog-violets?” she asked to clarify. Uncertain herself, Elva looked away briefly before hesitantly nodding yes. Smiling somberly, Mistress whispered, “One of my favorites, too,” before blowing into the container. Briefly glowing, the small crystals inside changed from an icy white to a vibrant purple that continued to glisten as the light faded. Her smile relaxing, Mistress stepped to the tub and upended the bottle, letting the contents fall into the basin.
Entranced as the large, sparkling grains dropped through the air, Elva’s awe slowly turned to confusion as the crystals kept falling—long after the small vessel should have emptied. Hearing Mistress giggle, Elva glanced up to see her gleefully smiling before turning the still-full bottle upright. The violet shine extinguished like a candle as Mistress blew on it before replacing the lid and returning it to the cabinet, gracefully closing the doors before reaching behind her back.
Finally noticing the warm purple mist filling the room and the growing floral scent, Elva was stymied as Mistress began undoing the laces of her corset. “Uhm—Mistress?” Elva asked as the garment was loosened and slipped off Mistress’ frame, revealing the open back of her dress. As Mistress set it delicately atop the cabinet and lifted her sleek leg back, Elva bashfully continued, “Wh-what are you doing?”
“I’m taking a bath with you, kitten,” Mistress plainly stated as she slipped her raised shoe off. “If you don’t mind. I thought I could wash your back for you,” she sensually added as her other heel became bare. Struggling not to examine Mistress’ slim, clean feet as they each settled on the slick floor, Elva’s attention snapped up as Mistress disturbed her hair to untie the strap at her neck.
Shaking her head, Elva hurriedly replied, “Uhm, no, o-of course I-I don’t—” before her jaw dropped with the dress. Dumbfounded as Mistress' thick crimson braid became her only covering, Elva couldn’t help but let her gaze wander over Mistress’ ample curves. Her slender waist seemed even more accentuated without a corset, while her smooth skin shimmered under the bright lights. Though, as her eyes wandered down, Elva couldn’t look away from Mistress’ rounded rear, the crease of which was barely covered by the tail of her braid. ‘Oh, Brigit, that’s—’ Elva started to think before Mistress pivoted.
Widely grinning and chuckling with amusement, Mistress remarked, “You certainly seem to be feeling better, kitten.” Elva’s composure didn’t improve seeing Mistress’ bare bust swing around and settle. Mouth still agape, Elva eventually glanced to the fine lines segmenting Mistress’ stomach and navel that drew her sight even lower. Before Elva could wander further, Mistress leaned over to whisper, “Kitten.” Elva looked up quickly, startled to find that Mistress had moved so close but more distracted at how her chest was dangling. “My eyes are up here,” Mistress added, finally drawing Elva’s focus to her irises.
Illuminated by the growing violet mist, her ruby orbs stole Elva’s breath as they shimmered in the fainting light. “Oh, I—I’m sorry, Mistress,” Elva gasped before Mistress giggled in response and her eyelids peered.
Leaning back, Mistress softly commented with a wide grin, “I’m teasing you, kitten. Look as much as you like.” She held out her hand before Elva could reply and added, “Please, join me.”
Hardly looking at Mistress’ hand, Elva took it and stood from her chair, suddenly aware of the thick, warm fog and accompanying aura of violets. Taking a step towards Mistress, a sharp glare to her left caught Elva’s attention and halted her. “Wait, is…” Elva asked wide-eyed as she looked through the mist and saw the room reflected around a silvery frame. Letting go of Mistress’ hand, Elva walked to the reflection hanging off the wall and whispered, “I-is this—me?” before placing her hand on the cold surface. As Elva looked at herself, she became conscious of the reddish dots smothering her cheeks and face that only spotted the rest of her pale body. Hardly noticing the dark marks underneath or red marring her whites, Elva thought her eyes looked bluer than the sky until she leaned in and observed, “Are—those flakes of green?” Elva struggled to pick out the emerald specks as her eyes darted about until Mistress held her waist.
Hanging over her left shoulder, Mistress softly remarked, “They’re beautiful, aren’t they, Elva?”
Too taken aback to notice Mistress pressing into her back, Elva replied, “I-I guess.” She could only share Mistress’ stare for a heartbeat as her own irises and cheeks grasped her attention again.
When Elva didn’t comment further, Mistress inquired, “Have you never seen yourself, kitten?”
Elva quietly clarified, “I-in the stream and in puddles, but—” Before she could continue, Elva’s gaze dropped to her collar. Gasping at how the wide green band tenderly held her neck and contrasted against her freckles and ginger hair, Elva raised her hand to trace the smooth lines. As her fingertips slid left, Elva blinked as she noticed the dark welts on both sides of the strap. Perplexed, Elva touched the strange bruises before flushing and recalling Mistress biting her this morning. Feeling her heart pound, Elva glanced further down to discover her chest and shoulders were similarly bruised.
“Do you want me to hide them?” Mistress asked, drawing Elva’s gaze to her softened eyes.
Hardly hesitating, Elva briefly shook her head and replied, “N-no, it—” before looking back at her neck. “It’s fine, Mistress,” she reflected as she touched the dark splotch above her collar and noticed the lighter marks that were partially covered by the band. ‘They’re like—reminders,’ Elva reflected, suddenly recalling Mistress firmly kissing her while gripping her hair yesterday. Elva’s heart fluttered as her eyes fell to her shoulder and saw it was marred with two welts, one much darker than the other. ‘This was her first bite,’ Elva recalled the sensation as she touched the lighter splotch first, ‘and this was the one—I asked for.’ Feeling herself grow hot, Elva looked to her chest and saw several bites that still somewhat showed teeth marks.
Before Elva could reflect further, Mistress swiftly kissed her head and whispered, “Don’t get too distracted, kitten. We’re here to relax, after all.” Elva initially turned to Mistress as she separated and walked away. However, Elva couldn’t help but look back at herself wide-eyed upon seeing Mistress clearly reflected next to her. Even without her raised shoes, Mistress still stood well over her. Looking closer, Elva became even more uneasy as she realized how much more filled and smooth her proportions were.
While Mistress stepped out of view, Elva looked back to her small breasts, which hardly cast shadows compared to her Mistress’. Elva saw her ribs next and couldn’t help but trace the deep trenches with her fingertips as they sat above her tiny waist. When Elva looked down to her bony hip, Mistress grasped her arms and gently spun her around. Looking up to Mistress beaming at her, Elva’s heart stopped as she whispered, “You know you’re beautiful, don’t you, kitten?”
Unable to question as Mistress stole her breath away, Elva eventually replied, “I-I suppose.”
Chuckling as she stepped back, Mistress pulled Elva along and mentioned, “The bath is full and the water is warm.” As they reached the basin, Elva saw the water was more violet than the mist in the air. A droplet of water from the otherwise-still tube rippled the surface as it fell, entrancing Elva as the lights seemed to dance. “Please,” Mistress requested as she stepped into the water, “join me, kitten.”
Watching her Mistress’ reddish skin darken while she sat in the stone tub, Elva followed her pull and lifted a leg over the rim. As Elva wetted her toes, the gentle heat drew her further in until her foot laid on the smooth floor. Sighing in relief as her leg became enveloped, Elva quickly stepped into the tub and let Mistress guide her down. Elva’s eyes gently closed as she lowered herself, hardly conscious of Mistress turning her so they could rest against each other.
Moaning with satisfaction as Elva fell into her embrace, Mistress asked, “There, that’s much better, isn’t it, kitten?”
Elva could only gasp as the mild waters comfortably enclosed her while the smell of violets flooded her senses. “It’s—nice,” she whispered while her eyes cracked open. The fog was so heavy Elva could hardly see the far edge of the basin, but the purplish hue to the glowing orbs on the ceiling was entrancing.
Sliding her hands to Elva’s sides before her eyes closed again, Mistress inquired, “Would you like me to wash your hair?”
Slowly snapping awake at the suggestion, Elva wondered, ‘Wash my—hair?’ Mistress took her left arm out of the tub as Elva turned and reached out of view. When her hand came back up, Mistress’ palm held a large, translucent glob that nearly dripped into the water. “I-I guess?” Elva replied as she sat upright.
Mistress’ smile widened before she asked, “Do you mind getting your head wet?” After Elva shook her head at the concern, Mistress held her hair while commenting, “The water doesn’t taste as good as it smells, but it won’t hurt your eyes if you’re curious, kitten.”
Glancing down at the shimmering water, Elva took a deep breath before sliding beneath the surface. While her eyes flinched closed as her cheeks became wet, Elva opened them to a mesmerizing display of sparkling glows as distorted light reflected in. At the caress of her hair a few heartbeats later, Elva pushed herself upright and gasped the moist air. Even after rubbing her eyelids, the sharp glistening didn’t clear until Elva blinked several times.
Elva couldn’t help but lightly smile as she turned to Mistress, her smirk as radiant as ever when she asked, “How would you like your hair to smell? Like violets?”
Looking at the glob in her hand, Elva took a few breaths of the heavily scented mist before inquiring, “What would smell nice for you, Mistress?”
Pausing for a heartbeat while her grin slimmed, Mistress cupped her hands before commenting, “You won’t find ashen lavender like this anywhere on the Mortal Plane.” When she blew into her palms, the strange material became faintly purple as a new, floral fragrance was added to the air. “Close your eyes and turn ahead, kitten,” Mistress requested as she rubbed the strange glob into a stranger collection of bubbles. “This won’t feel pleasant if it gets into your eyes, but I’ll be careful as long as you keep still,” she warned Elva.
Wishing to watch Mistress work, Elva hesitated to turn away and shut her eyes. No sooner did Mistress touch her hair and gently massage her head, adding the second, flowery essence to Elva’s awareness. Lightly grunting as the tender rubs made her heart throb, Elva melted into Mistress’ kneading while her shoulders hung limp. After listening to Mistress affectionately chuckle, Elva quietly said, “Thank you, Mistress.”
Mistress slowly lifted her palms before she asked in confusion, “Th-thank—what for?”
“For being here,” Elva airly replied, “and for taking care of me.” Feeling her eyes grow heavier, Elva sleepily added, “No one has ever been there—to wake me up, or comfort me when I did remember—” Elva felt uneasy as memories came to her thoughts before the powerful essences flooded her mind again. After taking a deep breath, Elva continued, “I had forgotten about that room, and—I’m not sure I want to remember either because—nobody was there to save me. But, even if it was just once—I’m glad someone could be there for me. So, thank you—for saving me this time.” Feeling her eyelids relax as Mistress’ trembling hands rested back on her head, Elva breathily murmured, “And for—everything else,” before drifting asleep.
Elva heard Mistress whisper, “Kitten,” before her eyes bolted open. “You dozed off,” she dreamily sighed as Elva looked at her. Mistress’ smile was as warm as the bath, but the water dripping from her hair made her eyes seem sad.
Blinking awake as she turned more comfortably, Elva sheepishly replied, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, Mistress.” Glancing around at the dense fog, Elva asked, “How long was I asleep?”
Her grin softened as Mistress commented, “Only a few minutes.” Before Elva could look confused, she chuckled while explaining, “Long enough for me to finish washing your hair, kitten.”
Holding her own locks, Elva found them unusually soft and smelled heavily of lavender. Looking at the paler bubbles scattered on the violet surface, Elva lamented, ‘That felt nice, though.’
Distracted when Mistress petted her head with a chuckle, Elva’s heart fluttered even before she mentioned, “I can wash your hair again, kitten. Maybe next time we can wash each other’s backs too.”
“Next time?” Elva snapped up. “Wh-what about—did you want to wash your hair?”
Mistress shook her head as she explained, “The salts are plenty for today, and I quite enjoy the violet scent.” After reaching behind, a strange gurgling followed before Mistress pulled her arm up from the waters. “Besides, you shouldn’t get in the habit of falling asleep in the bath, kitten. You’re lucky I was here to hold you before you fell in, kitten.” Standing up, Mistress held her hand out before adding, “I suppose the hot water was a little much for your first bath, given how exhausted you were.”
As she held Mistress and lifted herself out of the waters, Elva reflected, ‘Exhausted? Even though I’ve slept so much already?
Her smile faded as Elva met her gaze before Mistress commented, “I wouldn’t exactly say you were sleeping, kitten. Resting, regrettably, isn’t always—well, restful.” Not sure what to question when Mistress stepped out of the tub, Elva silently followed, glancing at the glistening surface as it slowly descended. Stepping onto the chill floor, Elva shivered and held her other foot in the warm pool for a heartbeat longer.
Letting go of Mistress’ hand as she hesitated to leave the comforting embrace, Elva held herself when the chilling air surrounded her wet skin. When Elva looked away from the basin, she saw Mistress walk past the chairs to a pair of robes hanging on the wall, one pinkish and one violet. After taking them both, Mistress came to Elva and opened the purple robe for her. Elva didn’t wait to turn around and drape her arms in the sleeves, closing the folds over her chest so the delicate cloth could dry her. Before Elva could move, Mistress carefully touched her neck to pull her hair from the garment. Feeling her heart thump as the ends of her damp curls smacked her covered rear, Elva peeked back in time to see Mistress blow on her from above.
Elva lightly winced as a pleasant breeze sped the dripping of droplets until her head became lighter. When the wind settled, Elva held her hair to find it was nearly dry and extraordinarily soft. Marveling at the novel feeling and pleasing scent, Elva didn’t turn until Mistress finished tying her robe closed. As she watched, Mistress started drying her own hair by producing wind from her palms as she held them over herself. Her braid lightly trembled as the water swiftly flew off, drawing Elva’s gaze to Mistress’ sleek back and shoulder blades—visible through an unusual wide gap in her robe. Lost in her curiosity, Elva absentmindedly stared until Mistress’ locks blew dry. Her eyes opened before Mistress glanced at Elva with a smirk and asked, “Like what you see?”
Quickly looking up, Elva became aware of her flushed cheeks and bashfully covered her mouth before remarking, “I-I, um—yes?”
Giggling as she reached out to Elva again, Mistress commented, “No need to act shy—though it is quite adorable, kitten.” When Elva took her left hand, Mistress grasped her fingers and urged, “Come with me. I want to show you more.” Lowering her palm to hold her robe closed, Elva followed Mistress through the fading mist to the door. As she opened it, the fog fell into the hallway ahead of their steps, first drawing Elva to her left and an enclosed, dimly lit passage with several doors. As she glanced right, Elva gasped at the enormous expanse that overlooked a brightly illuminated sitting room below, the drop only blocked by dark, metallic poles.
This,’ Elva couldn’t help but think as she examined the reddish furniture in the open room below, ‘is so much bigger than Móra’s cottage.’ Looking to the tannish wall and the large portals segmenting it, Elva saw a cobblestone courtyard surrounded by the off-green pine trees, eerily aglow with pinkish hues.
“Mind your feet, kitten,” Mistress warned Elva before she tumbled off a long set of steps. Elva gasped as her heart dropped as she looked down, heavily landing on the smooth, bright stone below her. Less than gracefully stumbling down two more landings, Elva found her footing when Mistress praised, “Good girl.”
Letting go of her robe to grasp the slick hand-hold, Elva replied, “Thank—” before the allure of the unfamiliar glow outside drew her attention again. Struggling to pick out the strange flowers with unbelievable colors all around the clearing and treeline, Elva eventually remarked, “Your home is—beautiful.”
Mistress commented, “Thank you. It’s modest, but it suits my needs,” still looking ahead as Elva snapped back towards her.
Mouth slightly agape, Elva queried, ‘M-modest?’ before realizing they’d reached the ground floor. A chuckle was her only answer as Mistress led her around a corner and into a strange room with shiny wooden surfaces and numerous cabinets lining the floor and walls. Scattered around were vessels and instruments made of sleek metal, leaving Elva even more bewildered as she tried to imagine their purposes. Leading her further in, Mistress brought Elva to a simple table made of dark, polished wood and motioned for her to sit on one of the matching chairs.
As Elva eased down and adjusted her robe, Mistress let go of her hand and said, “Let me make you something to eat.” Perplexed, Elva closely watched Mistress as she glanced between the odd items. She finally opened a cabinet near her head to take out a small, purplish bowl that rippled as it reflected the bright lights. With a flick from her fingertips, the container slowly filled with a strange, brown material that seemed to mist as it formed. Finally coalescing into four dark balls, Mistress smiled as she retracted her fingers and reached for a slimmer cabinet at her hip. She took two shiny spoons out before closing it again, then used one to scrape a morsel off the top of an orb. Eyes closed while moaning in approval, Mistress placed the other spoon in the bowl before approaching Elva. “Try this,” Mistress requested as she handed it over.
Hesitantly taking the cold bowl, Elva closely examined the unsettling color before picking up the fancy spoon and scraping the strange, smooth sustenance. ‘It certainly doesn’t—smell bad,’ Elva observed as she sniffed the tiny bit, curiously watching the mound as it slid around and left dark trails.
Sighing lightly, Elva took a deep breath before finally bringing it to her tongue. Instantly closing her lips, a frigid texture like soft, firm snow added shivers to Elva’s moan as she pulled the utensil out and tasted a tart yet sweetened flavor. Eagerly collecting a large spoonful as the delightful delicacy melted on her tongue and chilled her chest, Elva quickly consumed the next bite. However, when she closed her mouth, a sharp pain forced Elva to wince and hold her forehead, sharply groaning over Mistress’ gasp and further chuckles. “I’m sorry, kitten,” Mistress said between giggles, “I meant to warn you to eat it slowly.”
Opening her eyes as the headache faded, Elva gently gulped her food before peeking at Mistress’ radiant face, covered by her hand as if to hide her smile. “I-it’s fine, Mistress,” Elva shyly commented before preparing a smaller spoonful. “What is this?” she asked before taking her next bite.
With a sultry moan, Mistress answered, “Chocolate fudge gelato. It’s one of my favorite treats when I’m feeling down.”
Glancing at Mistress with confusion as she swallowed, Elva hesitantly tried to pronounce, “Chocolate fudge—gelato?” before examining the next bite more closely. Elva felt as if she only had more questions as she found a blackish block stuck in the middle of the melting mass. She didn’t hesitate to eat it as well, discovering it was terribly tart but tremendously tasty.
While Elva grimaced, Mistress elaborated, “It’s a creamy dessert that, well, supposedly should have been made in Sicily several centuries ago. But—last I was aware—it still hasn’t been invented yet.”
Befuddled as Mistress only gave her more questions that needed answers, Elva slowly chewed the sticky fudge before setting the bowl on the table. “This is delicious, but it’s a little too—bitter,” Elva commented as she looked back up.
Still gently smiling, Mistress said, “My apologies, kitten. I suppose I should have asked what you like first.”
Slowly shaking her head as Mistress backed away, Elva shyly remarked, “I-I don’t know—what I like, Mistress. I appreciate your help, though.”
Mistress breathed a quiet sigh of relief as she returned to the cabinet. While taking a bright pink bowl out, Mistress remarked, “Gelato is delicious when mixed with fruit. Do you have a favorite fruit, kitten?”
Suddenly dumbfounded, Elva had to look at the ground as she contemplated, ‘My favorite? Oh, Brigit, I’ve picked so—’ Before she could complete her thought, a particular one came to mind and halted her breath. Elva nervously mentioned, “There’s—one fruit, but—I only ever found it after—” Trying not to recall, Elva took a deep breath before starting again, “I never learned what it was called. And so many times rabbits got to the vine before it was even ripe, so I’ve only tasted it—three times?”
“May I help?” Mistress cautiously asked as she held out her hand. Only slightly startled to find Mistress had come so close, Elva promptly took her palm. Glancing up in time to see Mistress smile before closing her eyes, the warmth in her cheeks faded as she quickly opened them again and faintly commented, “Strawberries. One of my favorites too.” As she let go of Elva, Mistress muttered, “Let’s see if I can make this right the first time,” before waving her hand over the bowl and producing a pinkish ball. After scraping the misty top to sample it, Mistress quietly sighed before repeating her mystical motions to produce three more spheres. “I hope this is more to your liking,” Mistress commented as she handed Elva the new bowl.
Unwavering as she took the new dish, Elva only looked at the pretty mixture of pinks and reds for a heartbeat before retrieving a scoop. Feeling resistance, Elva dug around something blocking her spoon to find a sliver of fruit mixed in. After retrieving it and blowing on the gelato—pausing to roll her eyes and ask, ‘Why?’—Elva took the bite, only to freeze as she was overwhelmed by succulent sweetness. Resistant to move after pulling the spoon out, Elva’s heart throbbed before she slowly crunched onto the piece of fruit held in her mouth. In an instant, the juicy morsel burst and blended with the smoothness already coating her tongue. Unable to keep her composure, Elva held her mouth and choked as tears began to drip down her cheeks.
Swiftly kneeling to hold Elva’s knee, Mistress tried to ask, “Are you—” before Elva weakly nodded. She closed her eyes to wipe her tears away, but then Elva quickly ate a large spoonful of the delicious dessert before more could fall. Ignoring any discomfort from the chill as her eyelids watered further, Elva eagerly sought more morsels before crunching into two large chunks.
Dropping the spoon into the bowl, Elva held her mouth and finally let herself gently sob. ‘I didn’t think I’d get to taste this again,’ Elva reflected as she carefully chewed the gooey mixture. Trying to take choked breaths as her hand became wet, memories of the greener pines surrounding her home flooded Elva’s thoughts as she tried to swallow. After wiping her face with her sleeve, Elva grabbed the spoon to take a large bite, then another before eventually looking at the tall portals in the sitting room. The reddening glow on the bluish trees was initially disquieting as Elva gazed into the courtyard. However, as she absentmindedly ate the strawberry gelato, her heartbeat began to calm. ‘I guess this is my home for now,’ Elva reflected as the foreign landscape grasped her gaze, feeling her heart flutter as a strange critter leapt into the trees before she could see it clearly.
When Elva reached for another bite, her spoon clicked on the bottom of the ceramic bowl. Elva’s head fell in dismay as she realized only one whole ball of the sweet delight remained. After cleaning her face, Elva glanced at Mistress to find her sitting in the chair to her right and leaning onto her left palm. “I can make you more if you want, kitten,” Mistress kindly remarked as she wiped a stray tear from Elva’s cheek.
Elva shivered at the tender caress before trying to reply, “I—” Feeling her face flush, Elva wandered to the bowl of chocolate gelato on the table and realized Mistress hadn’t touched it. “D-did you not want any?” Elva asked before meeting Mistress’ gaze again.
Mistress gently shook her head with a weak smile before replying, “I just wanted to share this moment with you, kitten. Some things are simply better when someone is here to enjoy them with you.”
Breathing heavily as she looked down at her bowl, Elva took a scoop from the remaining bulb, ensuring there was a strawberry piece enclosed inside, before offering it to Mistress. “Then—would you enjoy it with me?” Elva requested as she held the spoon before Mistress’ mouth.
After looking at the spoonful for several heartbeats, Mistress finally smiled before remarking, “I’d love to, kitten.” Mistress slowly leaned over and enveloped the utensil in her mouth before closing her eyes. Leaving the metal nearly clean as her lips pulled away, Mistress gave a sultry moan as she chewed the delicacy.
Elva’s heart raced while watching Mistress’ cheeks grin with delight, absentmindedly cleaning the spoon as she brought it to her own lips. ‘That’s strange,’ Elva thought as she tasted the remaining cream. Trying to disregard the warming of her chest, Elva wondered, ‘When was the last time I smelled Mistress’ pheromones?
After quietly swallowing, Mistress plainly answered, “You haven’t since this morning, kitten.” Humming in confusion, Elva watched Mistress gently open her eyes before she added, “Neither my aphrodisiacs.”
Shyly averting her gaze, Elva examined the forest again before thoughtlessly taking another bite. ‘Then—why do I—’ Elva questioned before observing the sunless, blood red glow outside that made the trees seem more violet than blue-green. ‘I guess—it’s night now.’ As her gaze fell to her bowl, Elva reflected, ‘I suppose, around this time, I would be eating what I foraged, and then…’ Before Elva remembered her nightly routine after blowing the candles out, she heavily flushed and began fidgeting. The unfamiliar red light drew Elva’s attention again when she realized, ‘The blood moon.’ Anxiously swallowing before finally meeting Mistress’ curious stare, Elva timidly requested, “Uhm, if the rest of today is for me—then, could—I ask you to, um—satisfy me, Mistress?”
Elva unlocked a new trait: olfactophilia (sexual arousal caused by smells, strawberries and dog-violets specifically)! If it wasn’t obvious, I had so much more fun writing this chapter than I did Hellfire! And yes, the chapter title did change while I was working on it; fun fact, I originally drafted this as two chapters: Warmth and Sweet (Cat’s Eye had a precursor, Renewal, while Desperate Ritual was originally part of Rude Awakenings, then a prologue)! Anyway, I hope you all feel as renewed as Elva does, because we have another sexy chapter coming up! Saoirse might try being cautious by taking a vanilla approach, but we’ll see how well that goes. Look forward to it in Chapter 13: Home!
—End Spoiler—
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Tales of Alexandria
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Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 11: Hellfire [bad sex] [flashback] [murder] [abuse]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of teasing, consensual intoxication, bondage, genital mentions (breasts), wax play, severe trauma (dissociation, flashback, age regression, shock), kidnapping, religious discrimination (Paganism), murder, death by burning, emotional abuse, and attempted physical assault (branding). Reader discretion is HIGHLY advised and a summary of traumatic events is provided.
Gently moaning as a slight tickle pulled her from her sleep, Elva shifted from her curled state and murmured, “Mh—Mistress, not…not my… ears.”
An amused chuckle and a soft pat across her hair brought Elva further from her slumber as she slowly squirmed onto her back. Finally, Elva’s eyes creaked open to see Mistress affectionately smiling down at her before she said, “Good evening, kitten.” Still waking up, Elva watched Mistress’ grin widen before trying to reply.
After grumbling and shifting, Elva began to respond, “Good—” before her eyes widened. Elva pushed herself up in a fluster and clarified, “E-evening?!” Turning to Mistress and gripping the straps of her dress, Elva demanded, “I-I slept all day?!”
Mistress began heartedly cackling before wrapping her arms around Elva and grasping her tightly. “I’m teasing, kitten!” she reassured Elva through giggles. “It’s still morning. Oh, you haven’t even been resting an hour,” Mistress explained while she pulled away from her embrace, letting Elva see her amused smirk.
Sharply groaning as she tried to relax, Elva fell back into Mistress’ lap and raised her arm to cover her closed eyes. “I don’t even know what an—hour is, Mistress,” Elva complained as her head leaned away.
Elva felt Mistress brush her forehead as she explained, “It’s just a way of measuring the passage of time, kitten. Our days have twenty of them, a few less than you’re used to, I suppose.”
Grunting in frustration, Elva repeated, “A few less?” as Mistress petted her hair again. Feeling her heart lighten and her cheeks warm with each caress, Elva lowered her arm then curled away on her left side. ‘Yesterday was fast, but I thought I just slept too much,’ Elva observed before Mistress’ aroma sweetened and slowed her thoughts.
Giggling at Elva’s vexation, Mistress said, “It just means we have to make the most of each day, doesn’t it?”
As she looked up and saw Mistress’ smile and soft eyes, Elva nodded slightly and laid on her back again. “I suppose so,” Elva commented, feeling her heart flutter as Mistress’ grin warmed her further.
“Please,” Mistress kindly requested as she held out her hand, “come with me, kitten.”
Hardly looking at her palm, Elva took it without hesitation and let Mistress pull her upright. As she turned to stand up, Elva asked, “What are—what are we doing now? Not more,” she paused to anxiously swallow as they both found their feet, “f-fermenting, right?”
Mistress chuckled at Elva’s query as she pulled her along. “I had something else in mind, kitten,” she reassured Elva with a smirk as she turned to walk forward. “I’m in the mood for candles.”
“Uh, candles?” Elva curiously asked as she followed Mistress, already enamored by the sway of her braid. “Are we conducting a ritual?”
Holding her mouth and snickering at Elva’s insinuation, Mistress replied, “I suppose that’s what our play is, isn’t it, kitten? A little ritual we’re performing.” After a few steps, Mistress approached a long, dark table with red padding covering the whole top. As Elva glanced away from Mistress’ hair, she first noticed the frame she was bound to, seemingly only moments ago, and recalled Mistress resting against this table. Remembering Mistress gleefully watching as she struggled made Elva squirm as her chest grew hot. When Mistress turned around, her smile as bright as ever, Elva watched her lips as she sweetly ordered, “Lay on this for me, kitten.”
Already feeling needy, Elva quickly nodded and stepped to the waist-high table. Elva pressed her hand on the padding to climb atop, but she shivered and gasped as Mistress cupped her rear to gently lift her off the ground. Still holding hands, Elva brought her knees onto the table as Mistress caressed her from her back to her shoulder. Following a gentle pull as Mistress reached her arm, Elva let herself be turned and laid on her back. Looking up, Elva saw Mistress beaming over her as she held her wrists at the end of the table.
Mistress whispered, “Good girl,” then added, “Hold still a moment,” as she let go of Elva’s hands and walked around the table. At first, Elva tried to stay calm and stare at the dark ceiling, but as Mistress touched her hip and stroked her left thigh, she shuddered and realized her wrists were stuck. Trying not to struggle, Elva sighed and scrunched her toes as her ankles were softly grasped and pulled apart. “Almost done, kitten,” Mistress said before letting Elva go. “All finished,” she announced while walking to Elva’s left side. Finally looking away, Elva’s heart fluttered when she saw Mistress’ eyes wander while she widely grinned. Her vain squirming only worsened as Mistress held her stomach and complimented, “Very good, kitten.”
Breathless, Elva murmured, “Thank you, Mi—” before her hand slid up. Quivering as Mistress’ fingertips smoothly passed between her breasts and traced her neck, Elva’s eyes closed when Mistress held her cheek and embraced her. Gently moaning into her kiss, Elva lightly writhed against her unfelt restraints while her mind floated. Mistress gripped Elva’s lips then let their tongues touch before she pulled away to let Elva gasp.
Elva’s eyes crept open to see Mistress stand upright and hold her hands together. Gently blowing into her palms, an array of pink and purple lights slowly revealed a violet candle that steadily rose into the air. As the top manifested, Mistress blew on the tip before it began glowing with a pinkish light.
“That’s,” Elva whispered while the soft light entranced her, unable to finish her sentence as Mistress grinned and rested her arm on the table.
After tilting the candle, a drop of wax fell and landed on Mistress’ skin. She hardly reacted beyond smiling wider and glancing at Elva. “Are you ready?” Mistress sensually asked.
Elva breathed deeply before nodding in approval, slowly closing her eyes in anticipation. After a moment, Elva felt a warm plop on her stomach. Yelping as the heat spread through her skin, Elva wrestled against her bonds while the air grew less sweet. “It,” Elva whispered, “it-it’s h-hot—” as the pain increased. Whimpering as the sting became uncomfortable, Elva’s heart dropped when her eyes peeked open and saw that Mistress’ smile was gone. Mistress seemed to say something, but Elva couldn’t hear even as she blew on the candle and extinguished the gentle light. Mistress swung the candle away, but a drop of wax fell from the bottom as it shifted. Her eyes and mouth went wide as Mistress let go of the candle to reach for the drip, failing to catch it before it fell onto Elva’s left forearm. The burn rapidly spread throughout her, and Elva’s mind fell dark as the world sank away.
—Extreme content warning. Reader discretion is HIGHLY advised—
—A summary of these events will follow before the chapter continues—
As Elva opened her eyes and turned her head, she could hardly contain her excitement at her new discovery. Suddenly running through the pine forest near their home, Elva cheerfully shouted, “Móra, over here! Look at all the berries on those brambles!”
An elderly woman with gray hair called back, “Wait, sunshine,” as the young girl raced away. “We have plenty of food for tonight. Let us head home before it turns dark,” Móra added, observing the dim light of the late day.
Elva retorted, “But those black ones are your favorite, aren’t they?” as she continued her path, nimbly ducking under the branches overhead.
Gasping sharply, Móra cried out, “Elva, wait! You know we don’t forage beyond the wards!”
“It’ll only take me a moment!” Elva giggled as she kept on, disregarding Móra shrieking as she passed through a translucent veil that made her skin tingle. Slowing down to chitter and squirm at the strange sensation, Elva’s eyes were closed as she took the last few steps toward the bush.
When Elva looked to kneel down, a rustling in the nearby foliage and a soft, fiery glow caught her attention. “What in God’s name—where did you come from??” Elva heard someone with a deep, raspy voice shout at her. Swiftly standing up, Elva saw a tall man with scruffy, brown hair on his cheeks step out of the brush and approach her.
As she nervously backed away, Elva turned and anxiously asked, “Móra, who is—” only to see an empty forest behind her.
Too afraid to turn back around, Elva didn’t wait long before her grandmother emerged from thin air. “Elva, run! Get away!” Móra shouted as she hurried to her side, though not fast enough to keep her right wrist from being firmly grasped by a rough hand.
You—!” the man exclaimed to Móra as he pulled Elva’s arm, leaving her to flinch as she looked up in fear. “You’re a witch!!” he shouted, sharply yanking Elva away as she winced and yelped in pain.
Looking back at her grandmother, Elva didn’t have time to whisper her name before she heard an unfamiliar woman shout from very far away, “Kitten! Kitten, teardrop, Kitten! Elva!!”
At the sound of her name, Elva turned and blinked, only to find that the sun had set while a bright light flooded her vision. Both her wrists were tightly grasped and held up now, keeping Elva from backing up or turning away from the searing heat of the blazing pyre before her. Elva barely noticed how hot her skin felt over the potent smell of burning wood and flesh with the crackling of flames underneath Móra’s piercing screams. Mouth agape, lips trembling, and tears rolling down her cheeks, Elva could only watch in horror as her family was gradually consumed by the dancing flames.
A gruff voice near her left bellowed, “To Hell with you, witch!” as Móra’s pale hair burned to a crisp.
“God’s curse upon you!” another man shouted less clearly amongst the crowd opposite the fire.
Someone else far away yelled, “May the Devil blow you into the air!” The statement brought renewed chants from the ring encircling the fire that echoed, “Blow into the air!”
Shame and disgrace,” the raspy-voiced man gripping her right arm screamed, though seemingly far away, “for leading this child to Lucifer’s temptations!”
Hardly able to comprehend their curses, Elva quietly asked, ‘Who’s Lucifer?’ as their voices seemed to mute to her ears. Please…’ she silently prayed as Móra’s cries grew quiet and her thrashing became less severe. ‘Brigit… someone…’ Elva’s legs trembled weakly as her grandmother’s head dropped limp, only staying off her knees by the strong arms that held her up. ‘Please… save Móra…
Suddenly, there was a loud crack of sticks in the trees behind Elva, followed by the same young woman from earlier screaming out, “Kitten!” When Elva looked toward the voice, the forest vanished to reveal an unfamiliar pair of wooden doors behind her.
“Wha—where—” Elva struggled to ask through her daze. The heat of the fire was gone, but she could smell smoke on her dress, and her left hand was still firmly held. Before Elva could look away, she heard the raspy-voiced man incoherently yelling at somebody. Breathless and trembling, Elva slowly turned around and watched, wide-eyed and petrified, as she began to recall their words.
“I said this is senseless!” a taller man with blond hair and a smooth voice shouted. “I implore you, leave the girl with me! I’m sure she can still be re-educated! I can still show her the light of God!”
You are mistaken, Sagart!” the shaggy-man angrily retorted, throwing his arm back towards Elva. “Long has she been astray in the Devil’s grasp and longer still will she be if we don’t cleanse her now!” Stepping forward and pushing the blond man aside, he exclaimed, “This must be done! Hold O’Farrell!” he ordered before a dark-haired man grabbed the sagart from behind.
O’Farrell exclaimed, “Cease this at once!” as he tried to struggle free. “I refuse to sanction any of this barbarism!”
Unmoved, the shaggy-man approached a burning hearth and reached for a metal rod. As he grasped the handle and pulled it out of the fire, the irregular shape drew smoking coals with it before they fell to reveal a glowing white tip. “Pull down her sleeve!” he ordered the man holding Elva as he turned to approach.
Elva began to sob again and quake as he stepped closer, silently shaking her head as she vainly tried to back away. ‘No…no, please no…’ she pleaded as her sleeve slid down. “Please, no!” Elva found her voice as she watched the scorching metal near her. She tried to struggle free, but her wrist was held steady while she begged for mercy. As the heat tickled her skin, Elva cried, “No!!” one more time. In time with her scream, the room froze as a loud bang and the crack of wood drew everyone’s attention to the doors. Elva hardly turned as she felt the grasp on her wrist ease; with a final yank, Elva pulled herself free and swiftly turned toward the gateway.
If the hunters said anything or tried to grab her again, Elva didn’t notice as she raced to the doors, barely noticing a second bang and crack even as the doors caved. With just a few hurried steps, Elva neared the doors just as they were hit a third time and burst open. Disregarding anything but the open exit, Elva continued to run but was grabbed and tightly held by soft hands as a woman knelt down in front of her.
“Elva!” the strange woman called out as she pulled Elva’s face into her shoulder. “Oh, thank Brigit, I found you!” she sobbed while gripping tighter, even as Elva tried to struggle free. When Elva pulled away, she saw tears streaming down the woman’s reddish cheeks as she pleaded, “Please remember, Elva, you’re not here! You’re safe with me!”
“Bu—,” Elva protested before turning away. “But, th-the hunters—the-they’re going to—I-I need to—!” Elva explained as she aggressively wriggled from the woman’s hold.
Before Elva could argue further, the woman pulled her close again and begged, “Please, Elva!! I swore to protect you!! Please remember!!”
As Elva listened to the woman painfully bawl, she couldn’t help but feel some reassurance in her words. After taking a deep breath, Elva finally noticed the sweet smell coming from her hair. “Care for and—protect,” Elva whispered as her eyes closed and her breathing began to calm. Relaxing into her grasp, Elva slowly raised her hands to hug the woman back. “Mistress,” she murmured as the world around her faded.
—Summary of events. Reader discretion is still advised—
When Elva opened her eyes, she found herself running in her pine forest as a child to investigate a bush full of her grandmother’s favorite blackberries. Disregarding Móra’s calls to return to her side, even as her pleas turned to panic, Elva left the wards and was seen by a hunter that she didn’t notice. When he moved to grab her, Móra revealed herself to try and save Elva. However, Elva blacked out again before she saw him grab her grandmother after hearing a strange woman begging for someone named kitten to say teardrop.
Elva awakened in front of a blazing pyre, standing close enough to feel its searing heat and smell its kindling. Her wrists were gripped tightly by rough hands, keeping her from turning away from Móra as she screamed and burned alive. While listening to the hunters cheer on her grandmother’s demise and spew curses for tainting a child, Elva could only silently weep and pray to Brigit for someone to save Móra. Suddenly, Elva heard the same woman shout to her from behind much more clearly. As she turned around to see who it was, the world changed again and Elva found herself in an unfamiliar building, looking back at a wooden set of double doors.
Listening to the hunters argue with a blond, well-kept man with a smooth voice they called Sagart O’Farrell, Elva began remembering what happened next as she turned around in terror. After the first hunter pushed O’Farrell away, he pulled out a metal rod from a burning hearth and approached Elva. Instructing someone to keep the Sagart back and the hunter holding Elva to pull down her left sleeve, she panicked and tried thrashing to get away. Before the hot tip could touch her arm, a loud bang on the doors drew everyone’s attention. Not nearly as distracted, Elva pulled again and broke free from the hunters’ grasp.
Before anyone could react, Elva ran to the doors as they banged again and the wooden latch holding them closed cracked. Just before Elva reached the doors, they burst open with a third strike while a woman with red skin and hair fell to her knees to hold her tightly. Keeping Elva from running away, the woman begged her in tears to remember that she’s not here and she’s safe. When Elva insists she has to run, the woman pleads with her to remember their vows. Hearing the woman bawl that she swore to protect her, Elva finally recognized the person before her, whispering Mistress before blacking out again.
—End of extreme content warning—
Gently whimpering and trembling, Elva sniffled, “Móra, I’m sorry,” before realizing she was being tightly grasped and cradled.
Elva barely heard Mistress mutter, “Please forgive me,” then recite it constantly as she was lightly rocked. Finally stirring from her daze, Elva creaked from her curled state and rubbed her eyes, finding they were sore and wetted by tears. After shifting and grunting, Mistress ceased her chant to quietly gasp. When Elva looked up, she saw that Mistress’ eyes were damp and saddened as she whispered, “Elva. Oh, thank Brigit.”
“Mis—” Elva quietly spoke before her eyes widened. Suddenly remembering her ordeal, Elva threw her arms around Mistress as she began weeping again. “Mistress!” Elva shouted into her chest. “I was so scared!”
Closely holding Elva back, Mistress’ throat caught as she replied, “I know, Elva.” As her own sobs drowned into Elva’s, Mistress nuzzled her hair and apologized, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—oh, Brigit, I-I’ve broken so many promises!”
Feeling Mistress’ tears fall on her, Elva opened her eyes and then took several choked breaths as she tried to understand the strange confession. ‘Brigit, promises,’ Elva wondered while her gasps started calming. Tilting her head back, Elva asked, “Mistress, what-what promises?”
When she pulled away, Elva saw pain in Mistress’ expression as she explained, “I promised you wouldn’t fear the hunters again.” Still sniffling, Mistress wiped the tears from Elva’s cheeks as she continued, “I promised to only see what you would let me see.” Mistress tried to dry her own eyes next, but more tears ran down her face. “I-I promised to protect you, Elva,” she finally said while gently holding Elva’s left arm. “I swore to, and I—oh, Brigit, I,” Mistress tried to add before she broke down again, tightly pulling Elva into her as she harshly bawled.
Elva tried to object, “Mistress, what,” as her grip tightened, confused by her last admission. “But, Mistress, you—you woke me up. You did protect me,” Elva tried to reassure, doing little to calm her sobs.
Mistress shook her head and admitted, “You wouldn’t have been trapped in that horrible nightmare if I didn’t hurt you. I-I’m so sorry.” Unsure of what to say, Elva quietly waited for Mistress’ weeping to slow before her head raised. Her lips trembling as she met Elva’s gaze, Mistress begged, “I’m going to make it up to you. Please, let me make this right, Elva.”
Thank you everyone for reading through to the end. This was not an easy chapter to write even if it was shorter, nor I’m sure an easy one to read. But this was a crucial moment in the plot with a lot of emotion, symbolism, and nuance that I wanted to convey well. I hope I did that well this time, as I certainly didn’t have the skills to write this well when I first drafted this chapter. Next chapter will be another one without sex, but it will be much easier to read and, hopefully, write. So, thank you all for reading, take a deep breath, and stay tuned for our first aftercare session in Chapter 12: Warmth.
—End Spoiler—
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