Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 12: Sweet Heat [no sex] [aftercare]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of trauma. Reader discretion is advised.
After taking several deep breaths, Mistress wiped her tears again and scooped Elva into her arms. Her chest felt light as Mistress swiftly lifted her from the cold ground, surprised by how delicately she was cradled. As Mistress stood upright, Elva broke their silence to ask, “Wh-what are you—going to do?”
Not able to meet Elva’s gaze, Mistress quietly replied through unsteady breaths, “What I should have done when you appeared at my bedside.” As she explained, Mistress sniffled one more time before turning to a pair of black doors at the far end of the room. “I’m going to take care of you, Elva,” she added while briskly walking toward the exit.
“Take—care?” Elva clarified as she looked at the dark, double doors then back to Mistress. When the light taps of her shoes was the only response, Elva eventually urged, “What—did you have in mind, Mistress?”
Glancing at her with uncertainty before staring ahead again, Mistress hesitantly inquired, “Have you ever had a warm bath, Elva?”
Unsure, Elva contemplated, ‘Warm bath?’ as her gaze fell. “The—stream isn’t so cold—in the summertime,” she shyly answered before looking back up.
A tired smile finally broke her glum expression as Mistress gently shook her head, quietly replying, “I didn’t suppose so.” As they reached the doors, Elva turned in time to see them shrouded in Mistress’ mystical lights and slowly swing open before the pair passed through them. Beyond was a short, dimly lit passage leading to a long set of bright stone steps spiraling to the right. “I hope it,” Mistress paused when Elva looked back up at her, avoiding her gaze as she stared ahead again, “well, I hope you find it more relaxing than the rest of today.”
Elva rested her head against Mistress as she wondered, ‘The—rest of today?’ As they reached the steps, Elva flinched and shut her eyes as they walked into the natural light shining onto the ascending hallway. The warm sunlight felt nearly blinding, and Elva had to wait a few more paces before she could look again. As her eyes pried open, she saw a tall, translucent portal with red drapings on a tan wall above them, revealing a dense forest with pines bluer than she thought could be real. When Elva observed the orange sky and faint sunlight peeking through the trees, she wondered, “Wait, Mistress, is it—did—” As the realization sat in, Elva’s eyes widened while she squirmed and exclaimed in a panic, “Mistress, I-I slept all da—!”
Before she could finish, Mistress shoved Elva’s head into her cleavage. “I told you I will not hear any more complaints about you needing to rest, ki—” Mistress sternly insisted before she paused to soften her tone and ease her grip, “Elva.” Still wide-eyed, Elva’s heart leapt as she was scolded and enveloped, lamenting that Mistress hadn't called her kitten. “Now, you can complain again and I’ll really silence you,” Mistress continued as she squeezed Elva’s mouth against her, “or you can be a—a good girl and stay calm until we make it to the washroom.”
Feeling flushed as her body heated up, Elva soon closed her eyes while nuzzling into Mistress’ bust before retorting, ‘I—I’m not complaining.’
Quietly snickering at Elva’s nestling, Mistress softly complimented, “Good girl. The rest of the day is for you, Elva, so please relax and tell me if there is anything you want or need.”
Peeking her eyes open, Elva stared into Mistress’ reddish chest as she shyly asked, “Then—ca-can you call me—kitten, Mistress?” Coyly glimpsing up as the light footsteps slowed, Elva watched Mistress give her a bewildered glance that gradually turned to an amiable smirk.
Mistress whispered, “Of course, kitten,” before closing her eyes and leaning down to kiss Elva’s head. Her heart fluttering at the unexpected affection, Elva gasped and shut her eyes tight as she squirmed back into Mistress’ embrace. The quick clicks of her shoes resumed, but Elva paid more attention to Mistress’ sweet aroma and the softness of her skin on her cheeks. Before Elva realized how long they’d been walking, she felt Mistress move upwards again for a number of steps. Finally feeling Mistress’ grasp lighten, Elva curiously turned in time to watch a wide dark wooden door become aglow and silently swing open.
Inside was a well-lit room with smooth, bright stone covering the floor and walls. As they stepped in, Elva noticed a wide basin, carved from a pale, speckled rock, in the center of the room. Before Elva could look around further, Mistress approached one of several lightly-padded white chairs and gently set her down. As Elva relaxed into the cushioning, she watched Mistress approach the bath and turn a metallic handle. Bewildered, Elva blinked several times as misty water began pouring out of the curved tube next to it, draining into the tub. After running her fingers through the stream, Mistress grunted with satisfaction before shaking her hand dry and walking to a large, wooden cabinet on the opposite wall.
As the doors swung open, Elva saw a number of translucent containers of various sizes filled with clear crystals or dust. Elva couldn’t discern any difference as Mistress examined the illegible labels muttering, “Where’s that bottle?” but she seemed pleased upon finding one in particular. After removing the porous cap with a pop, Mistress turned to Elva and asked, “Do you have a favorite scent, kitten? A flower, perhaps?”
Elva couldn’t respond at first, silently lowering her head as she contemplated, ‘What have I smelled that—isn’t Mistress.’ Eventually, Elva recalled, “I was—always fond of the violet flowers outside Móra’s cottage.”
Mistress held a curious expression as Elva glanced back up. “Dog-violets?” she asked to clarify. Uncertain herself, Elva looked away briefly before hesitantly nodding yes. Smiling somberly, Mistress whispered, “One of my favorites, too,” before blowing into the container. Briefly glowing, the small crystals inside changed from an icy white to a vibrant purple that continued to glisten as the light faded. Her smile relaxing, Mistress stepped to the tub and upended the bottle, letting the contents fall into the basin.
Entranced as the large, sparkling grains dropped through the air, Elva’s awe slowly turned to confusion as the crystals kept falling—long after the small vessel should have emptied. Hearing Mistress giggle, Elva glanced up to see her gleefully smiling before turning the still-full bottle upright. The violet shine extinguished like a candle as Mistress blew on it before replacing the lid and returning it to the cabinet, gracefully closing the doors before reaching behind her back.
Finally noticing the warm purple mist filling the room and the growing floral scent, Elva was stymied as Mistress began undoing the laces of her corset. “Uhm—Mistress?” Elva asked as the garment was loosened and slipped off Mistress’ frame, revealing the open back of her dress. As Mistress set it delicately atop the cabinet and lifted her sleek leg back, Elva bashfully continued, “Wh-what are you doing?”
“I’m taking a bath with you, kitten,” Mistress plainly stated as she slipped her raised shoe off. “If you don’t mind. I thought I could wash your back for you,” she sensually added as her other heel became bare. Struggling not to examine Mistress’ slim, clean feet as they each settled on the slick floor, Elva’s attention snapped up as Mistress disturbed her hair to untie the strap at her neck.
Shaking her head, Elva hurriedly replied, “Uhm, no, o-of course I-I don’t—” before her jaw dropped with the dress. Dumbfounded as Mistress' thick crimson braid became her only covering, Elva couldn’t help but let her gaze wander over Mistress’ ample curves. Her slender waist seemed even more accentuated without a corset, while her smooth skin shimmered under the bright lights. Though, as her eyes wandered down, Elva couldn’t look away from Mistress’ rounded rear, the crease of which was barely covered by the tail of her braid. ‘Oh, Brigit, that’s—’ Elva started to think before Mistress pivoted.
Widely grinning and chuckling with amusement, Mistress remarked, “You certainly seem to be feeling better, kitten.” Elva’s composure didn’t improve seeing Mistress’ bare bust swing around and settle. Mouth still agape, Elva eventually glanced to the fine lines segmenting Mistress’ stomach and navel that drew her sight even lower. Before Elva could wander further, Mistress leaned over to whisper, “Kitten.” Elva looked up quickly, startled to find that Mistress had moved so close but more distracted at how her chest was dangling. “My eyes are up here,” Mistress added, finally drawing Elva’s focus to her irises.
Illuminated by the growing violet mist, her ruby orbs stole Elva’s breath as they shimmered in the fainting light. “Oh, I—I’m sorry, Mistress,” Elva gasped before Mistress giggled in response and her eyelids peered.
Leaning back, Mistress softly commented with a wide grin, “I’m teasing you, kitten. Look as much as you like.” She held out her hand before Elva could reply and added, “Please, join me.”
Hardly looking at Mistress’ hand, Elva took it and stood from her chair, suddenly aware of the thick, warm fog and accompanying aura of violets. Taking a step towards Mistress, a sharp glare to her left caught Elva’s attention and halted her. “Wait, is…” Elva asked wide-eyed as she looked through the mist and saw the room reflected around a silvery frame. Letting go of Mistress’ hand, Elva walked to the reflection hanging off the wall and whispered, “I-is this—me?” before placing her hand on the cold surface. As Elva looked at herself, she became conscious of the reddish dots smothering her cheeks and face that only spotted the rest of her pale body. Hardly noticing the dark marks underneath or red marring her whites, Elva thought her eyes looked bluer than the sky until she leaned in and observed, “Are—those flakes of green?” Elva struggled to pick out the emerald specks as her eyes darted about until Mistress held her waist.
Hanging over her left shoulder, Mistress softly remarked, “They’re beautiful, aren’t they, Elva?”
Too taken aback to notice Mistress pressing into her back, Elva replied, “I-I guess.” She could only share Mistress’ stare for a heartbeat as her own irises and cheeks grasped her attention again.
When Elva didn’t comment further, Mistress inquired, “Have you never seen yourself, kitten?”
Elva quietly clarified, “I-in the stream and in puddles, but—” Before she could continue, Elva’s gaze dropped to her collar. Gasping at how the wide green band tenderly held her neck and contrasted against her freckles and ginger hair, Elva raised her hand to trace the smooth lines. As her fingertips slid left, Elva blinked as she noticed the dark welts on both sides of the strap. Perplexed, Elva touched the strange bruises before flushing and recalling Mistress biting her this morning. Feeling her heart pound, Elva glanced further down to discover her chest and shoulders were similarly bruised.
“Do you want me to hide them?” Mistress asked, drawing Elva’s gaze to her softened eyes.
Hardly hesitating, Elva briefly shook her head and replied, “N-no, it—” before looking back at her neck. “It’s fine, Mistress,” she reflected as she touched the dark splotch above her collar and noticed the lighter marks that were partially covered by the band. ‘They’re like—reminders,’ Elva reflected, suddenly recalling Mistress firmly kissing her while gripping her hair yesterday. Elva’s heart fluttered as her eyes fell to her shoulder and saw it was marred with two welts, one much darker than the other. ‘This was her first bite,’ Elva recalled the sensation as she touched the lighter splotch first, ‘and this was the one—I asked for.’ Feeling herself grow hot, Elva looked to her chest and saw several bites that still somewhat showed teeth marks.
Before Elva could reflect further, Mistress swiftly kissed her head and whispered, “Don’t get too distracted, kitten. We’re here to relax, after all.” Elva initially turned to Mistress as she separated and walked away. However, Elva couldn’t help but look back at herself wide-eyed upon seeing Mistress clearly reflected next to her. Even without her raised shoes, Mistress still stood well over her. Looking closer, Elva became even more uneasy as she realized how much more filled and smooth her proportions were.
While Mistress stepped out of view, Elva looked back to her small breasts, which hardly cast shadows compared to her Mistress’. Elva saw her ribs next and couldn’t help but trace the deep trenches with her fingertips as they sat above her tiny waist. When Elva looked down to her bony hip, Mistress grasped her arms and gently spun her around. Looking up to Mistress beaming at her, Elva’s heart stopped as she whispered, “You know you’re beautiful, don’t you, kitten?”
Unable to question as Mistress stole her breath away, Elva eventually replied, “I-I suppose.”
Chuckling as she stepped back, Mistress pulled Elva along and mentioned, “The bath is full and the water is warm.” As they reached the basin, Elva saw the water was more violet than the mist in the air. A droplet of water from the otherwise-still tube rippled the surface as it fell, entrancing Elva as the lights seemed to dance. “Please,” Mistress requested as she stepped into the water, “join me, kitten.”
Watching her Mistress’ reddish skin darken while she sat in the stone tub, Elva followed her pull and lifted a leg over the rim. As Elva wetted her toes, the gentle heat drew her further in until her foot laid on the smooth floor. Sighing in relief as her leg became enveloped, Elva quickly stepped into the tub and let Mistress guide her down. Elva’s eyes gently closed as she lowered herself, hardly conscious of Mistress turning her so they could rest against each other.
Moaning with satisfaction as Elva fell into her embrace, Mistress asked, “There, that’s much better, isn’t it, kitten?”
Elva could only gasp as the mild waters comfortably enclosed her while the smell of violets flooded her senses. “It’s—nice,” she whispered while her eyes cracked open. The fog was so heavy Elva could hardly see the far edge of the basin, but the purplish hue to the glowing orbs on the ceiling was entrancing.
Sliding her hands to Elva’s sides before her eyes closed again, Mistress inquired, “Would you like me to wash your hair?”
Slowly snapping awake at the suggestion, Elva wondered, ‘Wash my—hair?’ Mistress took her left arm out of the tub as Elva turned and reached out of view. When her hand came back up, Mistress’ palm held a large, translucent glob that nearly dripped into the water. “I-I guess?” Elva replied as she sat upright.
Mistress’ smile widened before she asked, “Do you mind getting your head wet?” After Elva shook her head at the concern, Mistress held her hair while commenting, “The water doesn’t taste as good as it smells, but it won’t hurt your eyes if you’re curious, kitten.”
Glancing down at the shimmering water, Elva took a deep breath before sliding beneath the surface. While her eyes flinched closed as her cheeks became wet, Elva opened them to a mesmerizing display of sparkling glows as distorted light reflected in. At the caress of her hair a few heartbeats later, Elva pushed herself upright and gasped the moist air. Even after rubbing her eyelids, the sharp glistening didn’t clear until Elva blinked several times.
Elva couldn’t help but lightly smile as she turned to Mistress, her smirk as radiant as ever when she asked, “How would you like your hair to smell? Like violets?”
Looking at the glob in her hand, Elva took a few breaths of the heavily scented mist before inquiring, “What would smell nice for you, Mistress?”
Pausing for a heartbeat while her grin slimmed, Mistress cupped her hands before commenting, “You won’t find ashen lavender like this anywhere on the Mortal Plane.” When she blew into her palms, the strange material became faintly purple as a new, floral fragrance was added to the air. “Close your eyes and turn ahead, kitten,” Mistress requested as she rubbed the strange glob into a stranger collection of bubbles. “This won’t feel pleasant if it gets into your eyes, but I’ll be careful as long as you keep still,” she warned Elva.
Wishing to watch Mistress work, Elva hesitated to turn away and shut her eyes. No sooner did Mistress touch her hair and gently massage her head, adding the second, flowery essence to Elva’s awareness. Lightly grunting as the tender rubs made her heart throb, Elva melted into Mistress’ kneading while her shoulders hung limp. After listening to Mistress affectionately chuckle, Elva quietly said, “Thank you, Mistress.”
Mistress slowly lifted her palms before she asked in confusion, “Th-thank—what for?”
“For being here,” Elva airly replied, “and for taking care of me.” Feeling her eyes grow heavier, Elva sleepily added, “No one has ever been there—to wake me up, or comfort me when I did remember—” Elva felt uneasy as memories came to her thoughts before the powerful essences flooded her mind again. After taking a deep breath, Elva continued, “I had forgotten about that room, and—I’m not sure I want to remember either because—nobody was there to save me. But, even if it was just once—I’m glad someone could be there for me. So, thank you—for saving me this time.” Feeling her eyelids relax as Mistress’ trembling hands rested back on her head, Elva breathily murmured, “And for—everything else,” before drifting asleep.
Elva heard Mistress whisper, “Kitten,” before her eyes bolted open. “You dozed off,” she dreamily sighed as Elva looked at her. Mistress’ smile was as warm as the bath, but the water dripping from her hair made her eyes seem sad.
Blinking awake as she turned more comfortably, Elva sheepishly replied, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, Mistress.” Glancing around at the dense fog, Elva asked, “How long was I asleep?”
Her grin softened as Mistress commented, “Only a few minutes.” Before Elva could look confused, she chuckled while explaining, “Long enough for me to finish washing your hair, kitten.”
Holding her own locks, Elva found them unusually soft and smelled heavily of lavender. Looking at the paler bubbles scattered on the violet surface, Elva lamented, ‘That felt nice, though.’
Distracted when Mistress petted her head with a chuckle, Elva’s heart fluttered even before she mentioned, “I can wash your hair again, kitten. Maybe next time we can wash each other’s backs too.”
“Next time?” Elva snapped up. “Wh-what about—did you want to wash your hair?”
Mistress shook her head as she explained, “The salts are plenty for today, and I quite enjoy the violet scent.” After reaching behind, a strange gurgling followed before Mistress pulled her arm up from the waters. “Besides, you shouldn’t get in the habit of falling asleep in the bath, kitten. You’re lucky I was here to hold you before you fell in, kitten.” Standing up, Mistress held her hand out before adding, “I suppose the hot water was a little much for your first bath, given how exhausted you were.”
As she held Mistress and lifted herself out of the waters, Elva reflected, ‘Exhausted? Even though I’ve slept so much already?
Her smile faded as Elva met her gaze before Mistress commented, “I wouldn’t exactly say you were sleeping, kitten. Resting, regrettably, isn’t always—well, restful.” Not sure what to question when Mistress stepped out of the tub, Elva silently followed, glancing at the glistening surface as it slowly descended. Stepping onto the chill floor, Elva shivered and held her other foot in the warm pool for a heartbeat longer.
Letting go of Mistress’ hand as she hesitated to leave the comforting embrace, Elva held herself when the chilling air surrounded her wet skin. When Elva looked away from the basin, she saw Mistress walk past the chairs to a pair of robes hanging on the wall, one pinkish and one violet. After taking them both, Mistress came to Elva and opened the purple robe for her. Elva didn’t wait to turn around and drape her arms in the sleeves, closing the folds over her chest so the delicate cloth could dry her. Before Elva could move, Mistress carefully touched her neck to pull her hair from the garment. Feeling her heart thump as the ends of her damp curls smacked her covered rear, Elva peeked back in time to see Mistress blow on her from above.
Elva lightly winced as a pleasant breeze sped the dripping of droplets until her head became lighter. When the wind settled, Elva held her hair to find it was nearly dry and extraordinarily soft. Marveling at the novel feeling and pleasing scent, Elva didn’t turn until Mistress finished tying her robe closed. As she watched, Mistress started drying her own hair by producing wind from her palms as she held them over herself. Her braid lightly trembled as the water swiftly flew off, drawing Elva’s gaze to Mistress’ sleek back and shoulder blades—visible through an unusual wide gap in her robe. Lost in her curiosity, Elva absentmindedly stared until Mistress’ locks blew dry. Her eyes opened before Mistress glanced at Elva with a smirk and asked, “Like what you see?”
Quickly looking up, Elva became aware of her flushed cheeks and bashfully covered her mouth before remarking, “I-I, um—yes?”
Giggling as she reached out to Elva again, Mistress commented, “No need to act shy—though it is quite adorable, kitten.” When Elva took her left hand, Mistress grasped her fingers and urged, “Come with me. I want to show you more.” Lowering her palm to hold her robe closed, Elva followed Mistress through the fading mist to the door. As she opened it, the fog fell into the hallway ahead of their steps, first drawing Elva to her left and an enclosed, dimly lit passage with several doors. As she glanced right, Elva gasped at the enormous expanse that overlooked a brightly illuminated sitting room below, the drop only blocked by dark, metallic poles.
This,’ Elva couldn’t help but think as she examined the reddish furniture in the open room below, ‘is so much bigger than Móra’s cottage.’ Looking to the tannish wall and the large portals segmenting it, Elva saw a cobblestone courtyard surrounded by the off-green pine trees, eerily aglow with pinkish hues.
“Mind your feet, kitten,” Mistress warned Elva before she tumbled off a long set of steps. Elva gasped as her heart dropped as she looked down, heavily landing on the smooth, bright stone below her. Less than gracefully stumbling down two more landings, Elva found her footing when Mistress praised, “Good girl.”
Letting go of her robe to grasp the slick hand-hold, Elva replied, “Thank—” before the allure of the unfamiliar glow outside drew her attention again. Struggling to pick out the strange flowers with unbelievable colors all around the clearing and treeline, Elva eventually remarked, “Your home is—beautiful.”
Mistress commented, “Thank you. It’s modest, but it suits my needs,” still looking ahead as Elva snapped back towards her.
Mouth slightly agape, Elva queried, ‘M-modest?’ before realizing they’d reached the ground floor. A chuckle was her only answer as Mistress led her around a corner and into a strange room with shiny wooden surfaces and numerous cabinets lining the floor and walls. Scattered around were vessels and instruments made of sleek metal, leaving Elva even more bewildered as she tried to imagine their purposes. Leading her further in, Mistress brought Elva to a simple table made of dark, polished wood and motioned for her to sit on one of the matching chairs.
As Elva eased down and adjusted her robe, Mistress let go of her hand and said, “Let me make you something to eat.” Perplexed, Elva closely watched Mistress as she glanced between the odd items. She finally opened a cabinet near her head to take out a small, purplish bowl that rippled as it reflected the bright lights. With a flick from her fingertips, the container slowly filled with a strange, brown material that seemed to mist as it formed. Finally coalescing into four dark balls, Mistress smiled as she retracted her fingers and reached for a slimmer cabinet at her hip. She took two shiny spoons out before closing it again, then used one to scrape a morsel off the top of an orb. Eyes closed while moaning in approval, Mistress placed the other spoon in the bowl before approaching Elva. “Try this,” Mistress requested as she handed it over.
Hesitantly taking the cold bowl, Elva closely examined the unsettling color before picking up the fancy spoon and scraping the strange, smooth sustenance. ‘It certainly doesn’t—smell bad,’ Elva observed as she sniffed the tiny bit, curiously watching the mound as it slid around and left dark trails.
Sighing lightly, Elva took a deep breath before finally bringing it to her tongue. Instantly closing her lips, a frigid texture like soft, firm snow added shivers to Elva’s moan as she pulled the utensil out and tasted a tart yet sweetened flavor. Eagerly collecting a large spoonful as the delightful delicacy melted on her tongue and chilled her chest, Elva quickly consumed the next bite. However, when she closed her mouth, a sharp pain forced Elva to wince and hold her forehead, sharply groaning over Mistress’ gasp and further chuckles. “I’m sorry, kitten,” Mistress said between giggles, “I meant to warn you to eat it slowly.”
Opening her eyes as the headache faded, Elva gently gulped her food before peeking at Mistress’ radiant face, covered by her hand as if to hide her smile. “I-it’s fine, Mistress,” Elva shyly commented before preparing a smaller spoonful. “What is this?” she asked before taking her next bite.
With a sultry moan, Mistress answered, “Chocolate fudge gelato. It’s one of my favorite treats when I’m feeling down.”
Glancing at Mistress with confusion as she swallowed, Elva hesitantly tried to pronounce, “Chocolate fudge—gelato?” before examining the next bite more closely. Elva felt as if she only had more questions as she found a blackish block stuck in the middle of the melting mass. She didn’t hesitate to eat it as well, discovering it was terribly tart but tremendously tasty.
While Elva grimaced, Mistress elaborated, “It’s a creamy dessert that, well, supposedly should have been made in Sicily several centuries ago. But—last I was aware—it still hasn’t been invented yet.”
Befuddled as Mistress only gave her more questions that needed answers, Elva slowly chewed the sticky fudge before setting the bowl on the table. “This is delicious, but it’s a little too—bitter,” Elva commented as she looked back up.
Still gently smiling, Mistress said, “My apologies, kitten. I suppose I should have asked what you like first.”
Slowly shaking her head as Mistress backed away, Elva shyly remarked, “I-I don’t know—what I like, Mistress. I appreciate your help, though.”
Mistress breathed a quiet sigh of relief as she returned to the cabinet. While taking a bright pink bowl out, Mistress remarked, “Gelato is delicious when mixed with fruit. Do you have a favorite fruit, kitten?”
Suddenly dumbfounded, Elva had to look at the ground as she contemplated, ‘My favorite? Oh, Brigit, I’ve picked so—’ Before she could complete her thought, a particular one came to mind and halted her breath. Elva nervously mentioned, “There’s—one fruit, but—I only ever found it after—” Trying not to recall, Elva took a deep breath before starting again, “I never learned what it was called. And so many times rabbits got to the vine before it was even ripe, so I’ve only tasted it—three times?”
“May I help?” Mistress cautiously asked as she held out her hand. Only slightly startled to find Mistress had come so close, Elva promptly took her palm. Glancing up in time to see Mistress smile before closing her eyes, the warmth in her cheeks faded as she quickly opened them again and faintly commented, “Strawberries. One of my favorites too.” As she let go of Elva, Mistress muttered, “Let’s see if I can make this right the first time,” before waving her hand over the bowl and producing a pinkish ball. After scraping the misty top to sample it, Mistress quietly sighed before repeating her mystical motions to produce three more spheres. “I hope this is more to your liking,” Mistress commented as she handed Elva the new bowl.
Unwavering as she took the new dish, Elva only looked at the pretty mixture of pinks and reds for a heartbeat before retrieving a scoop. Feeling resistance, Elva dug around something blocking her spoon to find a sliver of fruit mixed in. After retrieving it and blowing on the gelato—pausing to roll her eyes and ask, ‘Why?’—Elva took the bite, only to freeze as she was overwhelmed by succulent sweetness. Resistant to move after pulling the spoon out, Elva’s heart throbbed before she slowly crunched onto the piece of fruit held in her mouth. In an instant, the juicy morsel burst and blended with the smoothness already coating her tongue. Unable to keep her composure, Elva held her mouth and choked as tears began to drip down her cheeks.
Swiftly kneeling to hold Elva’s knee, Mistress tried to ask, “Are you—” before Elva weakly nodded. She closed her eyes to wipe her tears away, but then Elva quickly ate a large spoonful of the delicious dessert before more could fall. Ignoring any discomfort from the chill as her eyelids watered further, Elva eagerly sought more morsels before crunching into two large chunks.
Dropping the spoon into the bowl, Elva held her mouth and finally let herself gently sob. ‘I didn’t think I’d get to taste this again,’ Elva reflected as she carefully chewed the gooey mixture. Trying to take choked breaths as her hand became wet, memories of the greener pines surrounding her home flooded Elva’s thoughts as she tried to swallow. After wiping her face with her sleeve, Elva grabbed the spoon to take a large bite, then another before eventually looking at the tall portals in the sitting room. The reddening glow on the bluish trees was initially disquieting as Elva gazed into the courtyard. However, as she absentmindedly ate the strawberry gelato, her heartbeat began to calm. ‘I guess this is my home for now,’ Elva reflected as the foreign landscape grasped her gaze, feeling her heart flutter as a strange critter leapt into the trees before she could see it clearly.
When Elva reached for another bite, her spoon clicked on the bottom of the ceramic bowl. Elva’s head fell in dismay as she realized only one whole ball of the sweet delight remained. After cleaning her face, Elva glanced at Mistress to find her sitting in the chair to her right and leaning onto her left palm. “I can make you more if you want, kitten,” Mistress kindly remarked as she wiped a stray tear from Elva’s cheek.
Elva shivered at the tender caress before trying to reply, “I—” Feeling her face flush, Elva wandered to the bowl of chocolate gelato on the table and realized Mistress hadn’t touched it. “D-did you not want any?” Elva asked before meeting Mistress’ gaze again.
Mistress gently shook her head with a weak smile before replying, “I just wanted to share this moment with you, kitten. Some things are simply better when someone is here to enjoy them with you.”
Breathing heavily as she looked down at her bowl, Elva took a scoop from the remaining bulb, ensuring there was a strawberry piece enclosed inside, before offering it to Mistress. “Then—would you enjoy it with me?” Elva requested as she held the spoon before Mistress’ mouth.
After looking at the spoonful for several heartbeats, Mistress finally smiled before remarking, “I’d love to, kitten.” Mistress slowly leaned over and enveloped the utensil in her mouth before closing her eyes. Leaving the metal nearly clean as her lips pulled away, Mistress gave a sultry moan as she chewed the delicacy.
Elva’s heart raced while watching Mistress’ cheeks grin with delight, absentmindedly cleaning the spoon as she brought it to her own lips. ‘That’s strange,’ Elva thought as she tasted the remaining cream. Trying to disregard the warming of her chest, Elva wondered, ‘When was the last time I smelled Mistress’ pheromones?
After quietly swallowing, Mistress plainly answered, “You haven’t since this morning, kitten.” Humming in confusion, Elva watched Mistress gently open her eyes before she added, “Neither my aphrodisiacs.”
Shyly averting her gaze, Elva examined the forest again before thoughtlessly taking another bite. ‘Then—why do I—’ Elva questioned before observing the sunless, blood red glow outside that made the trees seem more violet than blue-green. ‘I guess—it’s night now.’ As her gaze fell to her bowl, Elva reflected, ‘I suppose, around this time, I would be eating what I foraged, and then…’ Before Elva remembered her nightly routine after blowing the candles out, she heavily flushed and began fidgeting. The unfamiliar red light drew Elva’s attention again when she realized, ‘The blood moon.’ Anxiously swallowing before finally meeting Mistress’ curious stare, Elva timidly requested, “Uhm, if the rest of today is for me—then, could—I ask you to, um—satisfy me, Mistress?”
Elva unlocked a new trait: olfactophilia (sexual arousal caused by smells, strawberries and dog-violets specifically)! If it wasn’t obvious, I had so much more fun writing this chapter than I did Hellfire! And yes, the chapter title did change while I was working on it; fun fact, I originally drafted this as two chapters: Warmth and Sweet (Cat’s Eye had a precursor, Renewal, while Desperate Ritual was originally part of Rude Awakenings, then a prologue)! Anyway, I hope you all feel as renewed as Elva does, because we have another sexy chapter coming up! Saoirse might try being cautious by taking a vanilla approach, but we’ll see how well that goes. Look forward to it in Chapter 13: Home!
—End Spoiler—
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