Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 13: Home [sex] [biting] [bondage]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of teasing, vaginal play (cunnilingus, fingering, sex), penis growth, multiple orgasms, consensual intoxication, biting, bondage, severe trauma, and genital mentions (breasts, nipples, penis, shaft, clit, slit). Reader discretion is highly advised.
Giving Elva a surprised glance for a moment, Mistress eventually smiled and giggled to herself. “How could I say no to such an honest request,” Mistress stated as she stood up from her chair. Reaching out her left hand, Mistress requested, “Please, come with me, kitten.”
Taking it without hesitation after placing her bowl on the table, Elva shyly asked, “Are we—going back to the playroom?” Elva finally realized her robe had fallen open as she stood up and watched Mistress chuckle, feeling bashful as she held it closed.
When Elva returned her gaze with a heavier blush, Mistress replied, “No, kitten. I had someplace much more comfortable in mind.” Gently pulling her along after interlacing their fingers, Mistress took Elva from the open room and led her back to the long set of steps. Their flight upwards was far more graceful as Elva glanced between Mistress’ braid and the stone slabs before her, and within moments they reached the top. Leading Elva into the enclosed passage right of the washroom door, the mystical orbs lining the ceiling illuminated before Mistress passed them. At the end of the hall, Elva saw a pair of ornate crimson doors, but Mistress stopped before a plain black set on the right wall.
After letting go of Elva’s hand, Mistress opened the wide doors with a pleased grin. As they swung inward, Elva glanced inside to find a large, black chamber with only red highlights on the walls. As the lights became brighter, Elva’s heart raced as she found more than a dozen pieces of playroom furniture surrounding a large bed with a metallic frame overhanging it. Elva discovered as she looked closer that the sheets and cushions on the dark wood were a vibrant violet instead of rich red.
Imagining how exposed she would be affixed to the various pieces, Elva felt flushed before she realized the entire bottom of the bed was barred with sleek rods. Promptly looking at the wall to her right, Elva saw a large cell like the one she’d been locked in. Apart from a large red door on the left wall, the remaining walls were covered in odd implements made of leather, metal, and other materials that Elva didn’t recognize.
“This is my private playroom,” Mistress remarked as Elva looked over the room again. When Elva finally met her gaze, she smiled and commented, “I thought this would be a more comfortable space for us to play in from now on.”
Elva’s heartbeat quickened when she looked over the furniture again, trying to guess, ‘Which one will Mistress lead me to.’ When Elva finally realized she wasn’t being guided in, she glanced over and asked, “Are we playing in here, Mistress?”
Seeing her smirk widen made Elva’s heart leap before Mistress began giggling. “No, kitten,” Mistress cheekily remarked as she leaned past Elva to close the doors, “unless you really want to.” While her fragrant braid slipped past Elva’s nose, Mistress added, “I had someplace more comfortable in mind.” Tenderly grasping Elva’s hand, Mistress pulled her further down the hall until they reached the red doors at the end. When Mistress mentioned, “This is my bedroom,” as the doors opened, Elva gasped as she took in the crimson chamber for the first time.
The enormous bed covered with scarlet sheets was the centerpiece of the great room, framed on the reddened wood floor by the beautifully detailed rug of rose and gold. Gently ushered in by a nudge on her back, Elva was confused when a short cabinet on the right wall, a matching bench, and a round mirror atop were the only other furniture. While the walls were adorned with ornate ingrains of similar detail to the rug, the lacy golden curtains around the portal behind Mistress’ bed seemed to be the only decoration. Through the open gap, Elva saw a tall display of trees, heavily dyed violet by the same sanguine glow that softly bled into the floor. Elva glanced behind as she heard Mistress close the entrance with a quiet click, finding two other single doors on opposite sides of the wall.
After Mistress turned and playfully leaned back, she cordially commented with a tilt of her head, “Much more comfortable, don’t you think, kitten?”
Elva had to take in Mistress’ cheeks while her heartbeat quickened. Anxiously glancing at the wall details again, Elva hesitantly replied, “Uhm—yes?”
Mistress’ titter brought their gaze together before she tenderly took Elva’s hands. “Come,” Mistress enticingly requested as she spun around to playfully pull Elva into the room. “Let me satisfy you, my lost kitten.”
Unable to speak or close her robe while her shivering body grew hotter, Elva felt increasingly tense as Mistress walked her to the bed. Mistress slowly halted after they reached the soft rug, but she let go to slide her arms into Elva’s robe as she stopped. Pulling Elva close by her waist, Mistress seductively whispered, “Relax. Let me take care of you, kitten.” Elva’s eyes trembled shut when Mistress’ leaned down, though her soul pounded as she stood up on her toes so their parted lips could finally touch. Moaning unsteadily as her heart fluttered, Elva carefully brought her arms around Mistress’ neck to pull into her embrace. The smoothness and sweetness of Mistress’ lips sent Elva’s head spinning, leaving her to yip awake as Mistress cupped her rear and swiftly swept her up.
Wide-eyed, Elva held on tightly as Mistress merrily swung around and delicately laid her on the soft sheets. Elva bashfully tried to cover herself as she sank into the plump cushion, but Mistress grasped her wrists and tenderly held them up as she climbed on top. Straddling Elva’s legs, Mistress seductively remarked while leaning in again, “No need to hide yourself from me, kitten.”
Elva lightly groaned and writhed as her lips were pulled, clenching her arms while Mistress’ hands slid down her sleeves. The light caresses of her fingertips made Elva tremble as Mistress passed her exposed shoulders, though less so than the feel of their tongues touching. Mistress gently stroked around Elva’s collar before finally cupping her cheeks, pulling Elva into her embrace for a while before tilting her head back.
Already gasping, Elva held her mouth to quiet her quivers as Mistress began pecking her throat. The pleasant pulls made Elva’s chest burn as they steadily grew more passionate, leaving her hardly conscious of Mistress’ hands wandering down her body. Elva lifted her arm to gently pet Mistress after her lips passed below the leather band. However, she clenched Mistress’ hair with a whimper when the light tugs became acute below her collarbone. Struggling to keep her voice down and her legs from wriggling, Elva grasped her jaw as Mistress slowly moved down her body. “Relax. This is for you, kitten,” Mistress sultrily reminded Elva as she breathed on her left breast. “No need to keep your cute voice so quiet,” she added before gently cupping Elva’s chest up and closing her mouth around the peak.
Squealing at the sensual suckling, Elva gave up holding her mouth to grip Mistress with both hands and push her head in. Elva’s ribs heaved while her legs rustled as Mistress held on, hardly having a chance to breathe before Mistress gave the rest of her bust attention. While Mistress continued groping and kissing, she began caressing Elva’s stomach and sides, adding shivers to her heightening moans.
Elva’s voice quivered as Mistress circled her other bud with light pecks, though her hips began rocking as Mistress teasingly traced the dark band with her tongue. Her heart leapt when Mistress eventually gripped her nipple, but as Elva’s desire grew, she held her lip and begged, ‘Please, Mistress—can you—touch—!’ Before Elva could finish, she sharply inhaled as Mistress’ fingertips slid smoothly from her navel to the nook between her clenched thighs.
Moaning with renewed passion when Mistress hastily found her hood, Elva’s grasp tightened with each circle while her voice shook more unsteadily. Despite still gripping her hair, Elva soon felt Mistress effortlessly push herself up until she whispered into her ear, “Make sure you cum as much as you want.”
When Mistress’ approval was followed by a light nibble on her lobe, Elva cried out while her back arched and her hips thrust erratically. Shouting, “Mistress!” as she released her hold, Elva tightly held Mistress’ shoulders while a wave of pressure flowed over her. Elva clenched her legs up in a quake as the gentle rubs continued, only for Mistress’ rear to keep them held down. Before Elva could ask her to stop, the sensual strokes abated when Mistress pulled her fingers away.
As Elva trembled and gasped for air, Mistress let go of her ear and gently kissed her cheek. “Was that the satisfaction you needed, kitten?” Mistress seductively asked as Elva’s quivering calmed.
Several pounding heartbeats later, Elva slowly opened her eyes to Mistress’ pleased grin. “I—” Elva tried to ask before looking into Mistress’ squint thrilled her heart too much. Clasping her lids shut and clutching herself into Mistress, Elva bashfully implored, ‘I want—to be one with you, Mistress.’
Mistress jovially chuckled before smooching Elva next to her ear. Pulling from Elva’s loosened grasp and letting her shyly hold her chest, Mistress pushed herself up while flirtatiously replying, “If that’s what my kitten needs.” When Elva heard the shifting of fabric and felt Mistress’ behind rest on her legs, she carefully opened her eyes. Gradually looking down from Mistress’ softened smile to her segmented form, Elva slowly gaped upon noticing how her crotch had changed.
“I—” Elva shuddered before heavily gulping and blinking several times. “Mistress,” she finally asked with a tremble, “what is—that?”
Lightly giggling before her smile softened, Mistress looked down as she mentioned, “I suppose you were a little too distracted to see my—penis last night.”
Swallowing again as she observed Mistress’ part, the strange shaft made Elva gape again before she quivered, “Mistress, I—I don’t know if I—” Elva began to tense and choke for air before shutting her eyes. ‘Oh, Brigit, I-I don’t think I can—’
Elva was gently shushed when Mistress softly reminded her, “You did last night, kitten.” Mistress sharply chuckled as she continued, “While very, very relaxed. Please don’t fret. I intended to warm you up more first.” Before Elva looked, Mistress slid behind her knees and pulled her legs up. With a flutter of her heart, Elva’s thighs spread smoothly as they rested on Mistress’ lowered shoulders. “There, that’s more comfortable, isn’t it, kitten?” Mistress quietly asked while breathing onto Elva’s groin.
Cautiously peeking while her body jittered, Elva saw Mistress meet her glance briefly before looking back between her legs. “I—” Elva whispered before bashfully using her sleeves to block her gaze. “I-I guess,” she nervously added while Mistress tenderly held her clasped thighs open.
Relax, kitten,” Mistress softly insisted as Elva tried to take deep breaths. “Do that for me and I can do the rest,” when she finished her request, Mistress lowered her mouth around Elva’s clit and began rhythmically pulling. Lightly shrieking at the lustful hold, Elva thrust her hip up and quaked as Mistress’ tongue lowered next to eagerly rub her and tenderly stroke her folds. Though Elva tried to halt her embarrassing squeals by biting her finger, she lost her grip to a quiver as a fingertip was brought to her opening. Briefly uncovering Elva’s nub, Mistress sensually whispered, “Are you ready?” Elva swiftly nodded yes before Mistress licked her again and slowly slipped inside.
Her heart dropped as Elva rushed to grasp Mistress’ hair. Passionately groaning more intensely as Mistress entered her further, Elva shook and thrashed as she tried to ensure Mistress’ head didn’t move away again. When Mistress began caressing a sensitive place inside, Elva clenched her thighs around Mistress’ cheeks before silently begging, ‘Please—more—!’ A deep gasp halted Elva as Mistress brought up another digit and eased it in. When the precise presses resumed, Elva’s legs wrapped around Mistress’ head as her crotch began burning and her breathing became ragged. Elva called out, “Mistress, I—I—!” before she shuddered and shouted in ecstasy.
The pleasurable strokes continued as Elva kept Mistress against her. Elva’s trembling worsened as the waves continued with every press and lick, but when Mistress’ pressure lessened, Elva gripped tighter. Hardly able to breath, Elva quietly beseeched, ‘I-I’m not—!’ before Mistress pressed back in. Crying out while gulping for air, Elva started convulsing as tremors overwhelmed her arms and legs. Dozens of throbbing heartbeats later, Elva finally eased her clutch while Mistress slowed her pleasures. As Mistress began pulling away, Elva maintained her hold and tried to ask through worsening moans, “Can—can you—warm me up—with three—please, Mistress?”
Mistress snickered mischievously before replying, “Of course, kitten.” Giving in to Elva’s pull, Mistress resumed her tonguing while pushing her fingers back in. Elva gaped and trembled as Mistress brought the next digit to her then easily aligned it with the rest. Her grip on Mistress became fierce as her sensitive places were tenderly warmed while the pleasure swiftly built again.
Unable to call out to Mistress, Elva soon started writhing as the heat made her head spin. Toes curled and voice cracking, Elva fell into a trembling bliss, letting Mistress’ back go as her hip spasmed. As Mistress tenderly took her fingers out, Elva panted heavily while her grasp relaxed to a gentle hold as her legs and hands began to rest.
Elva sighed heavily before her arms came up, shyly blocking her face with her sleeves as she noticed her flush. ‘Thank you,’ Elva bashfully thought as her arms shivered closed to cover her heaving chest.
Still gently quaking, Elva heard Mistress shift while she chittered in approval. “You’re quite welcome, kitten,” Mistress giggled as she set Elva’s legs back on the bed. “Are you feeling more relaxed?” she inquired sultrily while stroking up Elva's inner thighs.
The light touch made Elva quiver while her hips shook. Peeking at Mistress after moving a sleeve, Elva gently nodded as she brought her knees up. ‘I—’ Elva shyly stated before closing her eyes again, ‘I want to try—being one with you, Mistress.’
After her chuckle, Elva felt Mistress shift underneath and gently cradle her left hip. Elva heard a strange, slippery sound during a pause before she felt Mistress tenderly rub outside her. With renewed shuddering, Elva heard Mistress ask, “Are you ready?” Only a beat after Elva carefully nodded, Mistress gently pressed into Elva.
Furiously trembling as she was entered, Elva wheezed and tensed as she grasped the sheets behind her head. After a light push, Elva shrieked from a sharp sting before her arms jolted and knees turned against Mistress. “No-no-wait!” Elva shrilled as she pressed her palms into Mistress’ stomach. Lips quivering as Mistress pulled out, Elva woefully confessed, “I-I’m not—ready.” While Mistress gently caressed her sides, Elva shyly covered her face before she requested, “Ca-can you help me—relax more, Mistress?”
Mistress paused for a moment before clarifying, “With my fingers?” Elva slowly shook her head in objection, feeling her mind falling further from bliss as worry took over her. “With my pheromones?” Mistress cautiously inquired next. Met with a bashful nod of approval, Mistress pressed, “Are you sure, kitten?” before Elva furiously nodded. Elva felt Mistress carefully lay down on her, tenderly taking her hands to pull them apart before she whispered, “Just relax, kitten.”
The sweet scent of Mistress’ breath allured Elva as she breathed over her nose. Eyes still clenched, Elva turned to the aroma and eagerly rose to Mistress’ lips. Wrapping her arms around Mistress’ head, Elva thirstily tasted her tongue before a strong—strangely familiar—fruity note was mixed in moments later. Gently panting as the tension in her shoulders swiftly lessened, Elva held Mistress more closely and kissed her more fervently. Her body quickly warmed under Mistress’ pressure while the tender caresses on her own cheeks made Elva ache.“I—” Elva murmured, struggling not to seek Mistress’ mouth when her hip began rocking. When she couldn’t catch her breath, Elva continued in her thoughts, ‘I think I’m—ready, Mistress.’
Too occupied to respond, Mistress hesitated before she let go to adjust her position and press against Elva’s slit again. Sharply inhaling as Mistress slipped into her with ease, Elva struggled not to shriek as they became one in a jolt. When Mistress pulled away and tried to ask, “Are you—” Elva swiftly nodded while her shaking arms gripped tighter.
Eventually answering, “Just—go slow,” Elva gently urged Mistress further in. Her feet slowly raised from the bed as Mistress pushed further, though Elva slowly fell into a stupor as she felt more filled. Elva’s soft moans sharpened as Mistress passed a sensitive spot, while her breath choked as her legs came up to tug Mistress in. Deeply huffing as she used her heels to nudge Mistress’s rear, Elva shuddered and whined as her ache was finally reached.
While she struggled to breathe, Elva heard Mistress heavily whisper, “Is this the satisfaction you were looking for, kitten?”
Whimpering at every slight shift of Mistress inside her, Elva hardly nodded before carefully rocking her trembling hips. Elva’s head fell back while she cried in ecstasy as her back arched before she could move again. When Mistress began slowly swaying, Elva tightly gripped the back of Mistress’ robe, mewling as the ginger prods to her desire left her head spinning.
A breathless whisper barely pulled Elva from her trance before it was followed by a soft caress on her hair. Elva’s eyes shot open and then blinked a few times as she took deep, heavy breaths. Slowly seeing Mistress’ scarlet smirk, Elva heard her say, “Kitten,” more clearly watching her reddened lips move. “Remember to breathe, kitten,” she kindly reminded Elva through ragged breaths.
Elva took several huffs before she tried to comment, “I-I’m trying—Mis—,” when a pleasing twinge halted her. Her eyes rolled closed while her chest heaved as Elva deeply moaned, grasping Mistress tighter as her crotch continued heating up, despite their relative stillness. When Elva’s groans sharpened, she silently admitted, ‘I—I need—something, Mistress.’ Wearily peering and mewling, Elva quietly pleaded, ‘Could you—be crueler and—bite me, too?’
Her careful glance was met with a curious glare as Mistress stared down at Elva for several heartbeats. “You—want me to—now?” Mistress cautiously inquired as her own breathing became rougher.
Unable to keep her lids open from her growing fullness, Elva let her head fall to the left while she huffed. “You said—,” Elva struggled to mutter as they both continued shifting slightly, “today—was for me.” Pausing as her breathing became shrill, Elva clenched her lips with a fuss before she implored, ‘I—don’t think I’ll be satisfied—unless you do, Mistress.’
Panting heavily on Elva’s skin, Mistress sighed and temptingly admitted, “So I did, didn’t I?” When Elva peeked an eye open, Mistress was warily smirking while her mouth was parted wide. Slowly gulping as she stared down Elva’s neck, Mistress cautiously asked, “What’s—your safeword, kitten?”
Her lid slowly sealed as Elva took several quivering breaths. Preemptively gripping Mistress’ robe tighter, Elva began to murmur, “Tear—,” before a twitch forced her to wail. Holding her mouth closed, Elva silently finished, ‘Teardrop.’
With her thought, Mistress softly sank her teeth below Elva’s collar, delivering a light cry as she felt the easy pinch. Before she felt any pain, Mistress thrust her hip into Elva and drew a squeal as her neck was tugged with the shove. Elva quivered as Mistress released her but then trembled as she was quickly nabbed again. While Mistress rocked into her more passionately after adding a third, tender bite, Elva’s calls grew louder as the pressure inside slowly built.
Feeling her chest burn when the fourth gnaw still didn’t sting her shoulder, Elva bit her lip and begged, ‘Crueler—please!’  Mistress clamped down harder and thrusted into Elva’s ache at her insistence. Shrieking as her request was met, Elva dug her fingers into Mistress’ exposed back when she quaked too much to grasp the robe. The pressure came on swiftly as Elva quivered with each smooth thrust. When Mistress sharply nipped her again, Elva shouted, “Mistress!” before her body convulsed.
Dragging her nails as she whimpered, Elva hardly noticed when Mistress lifted her fangs with a hiss. At first, Elva only felt Mistress shift her hip to press in pleasantly before the weight on her torso increased. In a jerky motion, Mistress brought her arms under Elva’s to grasp her sleeves and pull her hands away. Shivering anew, Elva could hardly breathe as Mistress pressed her wrists into a plump pillow. Wrapping her legs tighter around Mistress’ waist as the waves slowed, Elva wailed while fighting to hug Mistress again after she retreated a hand.
Hardly able to breathe, Elva’s eyes peeked open to see Mistress deeply panting before she quietly commanded, “Stay still.” Harding seeing her Mistress bring up a pinkish sash, Elva’s heart throbbed as she felt the cushy fabric cuff her in a comforting weave. Meekly mewling after a quick cinch snugly secured her wrists together, Elva shivered when she saw Mistress’ satisfied grin. “Good girl,” Mistress whispered while leaning down and holding Elva’s cheeks. “Keep your hands up while I satisfy you, my kitten,” she breathly ordered before pulling Elva into her embrace.
Elva clutched her arms into the cushioning as Mistress began swaying her hips again, barely breathing as she sought Mistress’ sweetened taste. Shrieking when Mistress bit her tongue after only dozens of throbbing heartbeats, Elva shuddered as Mistress tilted her head and clenched the skin above her collar.
Mistress firmly held on as she rhythmically rocked, quickly building pressure as Elva wailed. “Mistress, I—,” Elva tried to exclaim before her sounds became shrill. She threw down her bound wrists to hold Mistress when she grasped below the band, but the following thrust made Elva call out as she began spasming. Clasping her legs around Mistress’ rear while her head whirled, Elva’s mind fell dim before she felt Mistress twitch.
Hardly hearing a sound in her trance, Elva’s shivers intensified as Mistress thrashed erratically in her locked hold. When Elva noticed the growing smell of flowers on Mistress’ hair, she popped from her daze while her heart was set ablaze. When Mistress’ provocatively songful voice raspingly bewailed, “I-I’m sorry—Elva,” Elva looked long enough to find her glistening lips before reaching out to meet them. Halting the remaining apology, “My aph—I-I thought I—,” Elva desperately sought Mistress’ tongue before passionately moaning at the succulent taste. Groaning and pulling away, Mistress was wide-eyed when Elva peered at her. She managed to say, “Elva, I-I didn’t ask if you—,” before Elva pulled her back in.`
“Mistress, I—!” Elva tried to explain as she fell away for a breath. Struggling to taste Mistress and talk, Elva desperately thought as they embraced, ‘I don’t care about—aphr—aphro-di-siacs. Please, Mistress, I-I’ve hungered for this embrace—with every moonrise—for two springs now. I—please—’ Pausing to pant, Elva peeked at Mistress’ hesitant eyes as she continued, “A week—won’t be—enough—” When her head spun too much to continue, Elva winced and clenched into the bedding before finishing, ‘It won’t be enough for—all the need I’ve felt.’ As she pried her eyes again, Elva begged, ‘Please, Mistress, satisfy me.’
A blank stare was Mistress’ first response as Elva waited with haggard breaths. After cautiously looking down for several heartbeats, Mistress eventually responded, “If—if that’s—what my kitten desires.” Slowly moving her hip, Mistress breathlessly requested, “Give me—a moment, and please—try to stay still.”
Elva huffed before holding her lip as Mistress began to pull out, shutting her eyes in further protest when her wrists were gripped and raised. Unable to curb her wriggling, Elva loudly whimpered as Mistress left her empty and sat back. Elva shivered as her sore legs slumped back onto the bed, though she savored the softness of Mistress’ skin as she sat outside her thighs then clasped them together. In a smooth motion that made Elva wail, Mistress grasped her waist and effortlessly flipped her over.
Quivering as the delicate sheets slid on her belly and breasts, Elva squirmed under Mistress’ straddle as she gently laid down. Mistress grasped Elva’s hair to tenderly pull her head up, then gruffly inquired, “Does this moonrise suffice, kitten?”
When her eyes cracked open after a whimper, Elva gasped as she looked through the portal ahead and saw an enormous moon—drenched in red like blood—coming over the trees. Wide-eyed, she hardly noticed when the whitish lights in the room lowered until the bright glow clearly shone upon them. Oblivious to her Mistress letting go, Elva gawked, “Oh—oh, Brigit, it’s—,” as she observed the deformities that she couldn’t see when it seemed so far away.
Mistress lifted Elva’s robe over her rear and firmly fondled her left cheek before she was pulled from the lunar embrace. After she grabbed one of the four cushions at the top of the bunk, Mistress cradled Elva’s hips to hold them up as she slid the pad underneath. When Elva was laid down, Mistress swept the one under her wrists down to her chest before whispering into her ear, “Is that comfortable, kitten?” Elva only nodded twiced as she pressed into her raised rump before the allure of the moon captured her again. When Elva felt pressure on her slit, she shuddered and dropped into the bed before Mistress commanded, “Make sure you get your fill, my good girl.”
Her hair was grasped again as Elva was smoothly entered, elatedly shrieking as her ache was quickly found. Elva struggled to peek at the moonshine as Mistress held her tighter, but soon she could only blink them open as she fussed with each impassioned press. When Elva’s lids fell heavily, they swiftly opened again when Mistress chomped on her right shoulder with a breathtaking push. Squeaking as Mistress tightly held on while prodding her desire so enthusiastically, Elva gripped the bedding as her vision blurred. “Mistress…I’m—” she muttered through chokes as her limbs began trembling.
With a piercing wail, Elva thrashed against Mistress’ grips after she clenched again. Elva violently quaked as she struggled to breath, erratically rocking her hips out of rhythm with Mistress’ as her body burned in bliss. Her vision seemed bloodshot as the haze over her mind matched her sight, and Elva lost herself in the softening glow of the moon as her eyes nearly closed.
The stupor over Elva’s thoughts endured as Mistress seemed to nibble her further, but she couldn’t make out where as the waves continued washing over her without end. Hardly able to huff as Mistress began moving strangely, Elva weakly whined as a strong twitch and a deep thrust knocked the wind from her.
As Mistress slowly halted in her depths, Elva panted while her bliss faded. “Mistress—please—,” Elva begged as her breathing gradually steadied, gently rocking her hips into Mistress as her movements halted.
Finally letting her hair go as she dropped on Elva’s back, Mistress breathlessly lamented, “I—I’m sorry—I can’t.”
Elva’s vision cleared in a few blinks as she turned her head and whispered, “W-wait—” Seeing Mistress’ flushed face tiredly laying next to hers sent Elva’s heart racing as she implored, “But—but I-I still—”
Before she could continue, Mistress held Elva tightly as she gruffly grieved, “I know, kitten. I’m sorry, but—please relax for me.” Despite Elva’s mild thrashing and griping, she slowly noticed a shift in aroma as the fragrance of flowers flowed away. Shivering as her body cooled down and her head cleared, Elva glowered in silent protest as Mistress smoothly unbound her wrists and then gently pulled out.
Desperately gasping, Mistress rolled off Elva and fell onto her back as she covered her eyes with her arm. Quietly looking at her Mistress’ beaded face and heaving chest, Elva’s unsteady gaze wandered down Mistress’ toned form when her desire hardly faded. Nervously swallowing, Elva couldn’t help but blink and squirm as she observed Mistress’ crotch. Cautiously asking, “Mistress… Are—you satisfied?” Elva glanced back up to see her still wheezing.
Mistress took several more haggard breaths before she whispered, “I-I’m just—tired, kitten.”
A subtle grumble from her stomach gave Elva pause and betrayed Mistress’ words. ‘I-I know that—sound—well,’ Elva thought before inquiring, “Mistress, are—you hungry?” When Mistress only responded by curling her lip, Elva had to compare, ‘I-I’m so—needy—but last night—I was tired—’ Pressing for an answer, Elva pulled herself closer before asking, “H-have you—been eating—at all, Mistress?”
Grimacing even as her breathing choked, Mistress quietly explained, “You haven’t—rested properly.”
“But, Mistress, I—!” Elva softly exclaimed as she climbed on top and stared at her exhausted expression. “I-I seem to be—more rested—than you,” she persisted before looking away in embarrassment, even though Mistress still blocked her own gaze. “If-if you’re hungry—please,” Elva insisted as she pulled Mistress’ arm up and indignantly returned her stare, “let—me satisfy you, Mistress.”
Her eyes stayed closed in a shiver before Mistress finally met Elva’s glare. Suppressing a sniffle, Mistress pulled her wrist back over her eyes again before meekly answering, “If—if you—don’t—mind. Can—can you—kiss me—first, Elva?” Elva stared down at Mistress’ trembling lips as her heart throbbed.
Not hesitating any longer, Elva gently leaned down and embraced Mistress. After several attempts to pull on Mistress’ clasped lips while she hesitantly groaned, her sounds suddenly relaxed while she eagerly kissed Elva back. Mistress finally removed her hand and affectionately pulled Elva into her, gently humming with her as their chests and tongues touched. While Mistress’ breathing calmed, a blissful feeling of lightness steadily overcame Elva. As they pulled away to gasp, Mistress whispered, “I-I’m ready.” When Elva softly gazed into Mistress’ glistening eyes, she hesitantly said, “We—can try—being one, Elva.”
Eagerly pushing herself up, Elva briefly glanced down as she reached for Mistress’ part. They each shivered as Elva’s hand slipped across the shaft, though Elva only elatedly moaned as she brought it to her slit. Effortlessly sliding her in, Mistress’ voice drowned out Elva’s as she gently reached her desire.
Quickly wailing after Elva began rocking her hip, Mistress held on tightly as she soon started trembling. “Elva,” she shivered as Elva peeked at her glistening lids. While Elva watched a teardrop fall, Mistress began mewling, “Oh, Brigit, you—you taste like—h-honey.” With a contented gasp, Mistress cried out as she erratically thrust into Elva.
Losing herself in the pleasuring presses, Elva quaked as she dropped into Mistress’ tight grasp. When an intense feeling of warmth and euphoria overcame Elva while Mistress’ whimpers weakened, she laid her head down before reflecting, ‘That—was what I was—missing.’
Mistress’ pressure finally began to ease as she held Elva tightly to quell her shivers. Her quivers finally calmed as Mistress slipped out, and she breathily whispered, “Thank you,” before seeming to fall asleep.
Elva peered at Mistress’ restful face in the dim light as she contemplated, ‘Thank—you?’ When Mistress’ expression continued to relax, Elva tried to put her mind at ease while sliding limply to her right. As Elva fell off, Mistress turned with her and held her tightly while wordlessly muttering.
Warmed by the welcoming embrace, Elva turned around to more comfortably rest her back against Mistress’ breasts. Held tightly and lulled by the easy presses of her heaving chest, Elva’s eyes slowly began to close before she heard Mistress murmur, “Y-you—don’t hate—me?”
Jolting awake at the insinuation, Elva looked back as she gaped, “I-I—no!” Though her expression was pained, Mistress’ eyes were still closed as Elva clarified, “I—I don’t know how I could ever hate you, Mistress.”
Her expression eased to a tearful smile as Mistress whispered, “Thank you.” Before Elva could turn around, Mistress airily added, “Aileene.”
Glancing back even more confused, Elva tried to inquire, “Aileene?” before she realized Mistress was fast asleep. ‘Aileene—bright—like my name,’ Elva reflected; somewhat saddened she didn’t have answers, Elva could only examine Mistress’ dozing cheeks shortly before her own eyes became heavy. Wearily rubbing her lids as she glanced up at the softened globes on the ceiling, Elva wondered, ‘How do you—,’ before their lights extinguished. Blinking as the sudden reddened darkness startled her, Elva glanced out the window one more time before settling down into Mistress’ embrace.
‘This,’ Elva reflected as her eyes slowly closed, ‘is nice.’ Feeling her heart flutter as Mistress clasped her close, Elva gently gasped as the world slowly faded.
Take a deep breath because you might not have a chance in the next chapter when truths are revealed before a passionate display. What dirty little secret is Saoirse hiding in her closet? How long can she maintain her Mistress persona when her own history comes knocking? Saoirse’s dark shadow is revealed in Chapter 14: The Sinful Tormentor. Be ready for our first sad sex scene when Elva witnesses her Mistress’ pain laid bare. Content warnings will apply.
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