Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 14: The Sinful Tormentor [transphobia] [racism] [abuse] [sex-negativity] [ptsd] [sad sex] [biting] [tail sex]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of severe trauma, abuse (physical, emotional), discrimination (transphobia, sexism, racial (humans, hybrids), religious (Paganism)), sex-negativity, crude language (mongrel, ass, bastard, bitch, queer, slut, whore, fuck), minor bleeding, consensual intoxication, biting, vaginal play (tail penetration), and genital mentions (cock, cunt, tits, breasts, nipple, slit). Reader discretion is HIGHLY advised and a summary of disturbing events will be provided.
The strange singing of a sprightly sparrow gently pulled Elva from her restful slumber. Elva squinted and winced with a grumble as she became aware of the morning light shining on her. After squirming in her warming cuddle, Elva more carefully peeked her eyes open to see the room was only lit by sunlight. The far wall and cabinet were draped in shadow while the orbs on the ceiling were still extinguished.
Suddenly Elva was tenderly squeezed tighter before she heard Mistress whisper, “Good morning, kitten.”
Feeling her heart flutter at the songful sound of her name, Elva swiftly turned her head to find Mistress looking at her caringly. Somewhat startled by waking up next to another person, Elva hesitantly replied while turning to her other side, “Oh, g-good morning, Mistress.”
As Elva met Mistress’ gaze, her eyes softened as she asked, “Did you sleep well?”
Humming and nodding in approval, Elva closed her eyes as she nuzzled into Mistress’ clutches before remarking, “I—don’t think I’ve ever slept so comfortably—or peacefully.” When her eyes opened again, Elva flushed as she realized Mistress’ chest was at her nose.
Before she could shyly pull away, Mistress pulled Elva in and rhythmically moaned as she became enveloped. “I’m so glad, my kitten,” Mistress cooed as she nestled Elva despite her bashful squirming.
Struggling to pull away as her cheeks grew even hotter, Elva lifted her head to mutter, “Um, did-did you sleep—well, Mistress?”
Met with an enthused embrace and a pleased groan, Elva could only stare wide-eyed inside Mistress’ cleavage as she answered, “I slept wonderfully, kitten. It’s been so long since I shared a warm bed.”
Too flustered to fight against Mistress, Elva could only shiver, “I-I liked—that too.” When Elva started heating up from the snug ensnarement, she timidly added, “I, um—I enjoyed—last night, Mistress.”
Clutching Elva tightly before finally easing her grasp, Mistress met Elva’s blushed gaze when she replied, “I’m glad you did, kitten.” Her softened smile turned mischievous as she leaned in to ask, “Do you want to know one of the best things about waking up next to you, kitten?”
Elva felt her heart pound as she looked up at Mistress’ grin. “Uhm, w-what is it, Mistress?” she hesitantly asked.
Mistress’ smirk widened while her eyes peered before she whispered in Elva’s ear, “Being able to eat breakfast in bed.” Elva’s eyes widened as Mistress leaned back and licked her lips.
Anxiously fidgeting in Mistress’ embrace, Elva reflected with a shiver of anticipation, ‘I guess that—makes me breakfast.’ Unable to speak as Mistress giggled and climbed on top of her, Elva’s chest quickly grew hot as she was turned face up.
Looking up at Mistress thrilled Elva as the sunbeams left strong shadows over her face and chest. Elva shuddered as Mistress slowly leaned down with parted lips, closing her eyes with a shiver as their noses touched. For several throbbing heartbeats, Elva waited with haggard breath for Mistress to embrace her.
When her kiss didn’t come, Elva cautiously opened her eyes to find Mistress wide-eyed and shaking. “No, no, no, no, no,” she quietly muttered through uneven breaths while leaning away. As she sat back on Elva’s legs, clenching her trembling shoulders while glancing around before holding her head, Mistress continued in a panic, “This ca-this can’t be happening. Not-not today. Not the third day.”
Mistress’ breathing became more ragged while Elva propped herself up and nervously asked, “What’s wrong, Mistress?” When she didn’t immediately answer, Elva reflected, ‘I’ve never seen Mistress like—,’ before a loud, metallic sound drew their focus to the exit.
With choked breaths, Mistress looked back to Elva when she fearfully remarked, “My father is here.”
Before Elva could finish inquiring, “Your—”, her wrist was tightly gripped as Mistress pulled her upright.
Mistress exclaimed, “You have to hide!” as she swiftly stood on the bed. Practically dragging Elva to her feet, Mistress landed on the rug with a thump as she continued, “If he finds you or learns what we’ve been doing, he will judge you for our sins and—” Mistress didn’t finish as she made sure Elva found her feet with a nervous glance.
In the brief pause as she climbed off the bunk, Elva tried to implore, “Wait, what do you—,” before Mistress tugged her again.
As she hastily led Elva to the empty wall right of the entrance, Mistress implored, “I don’t have time to explain right now, but please trust me, Elva.” Reaching out to seemingly nothing, Mistress grasped something out of thin air while a new doorway suddenly coalesced into existence. Quickly swinging it open, Mistress nearly threw Elva into the dark room as she explained, “You should be safe here. There are wards that keep him from entering the house, but this closet has extra protections if he does get in.” When she let go of Elva’s hand and began closing the exit, Mistress first blew into her palms and conjured faint glows that coalesced into a ball of swirling pink and purple hues. As she handed it to Elva, she remarked, “Here, you’ll be able to hear me through this. I’ll try to get rid of him as fast as I can.”
Dumbfounded as the orb floated between her palms, Elva quickly tried to implore before the door closed, “Wait, wait about—!”
—Extreme content warning. Reader discretion is HIGHLY advised—
—A summary of these events will follow before the chapter continues—
In a thunderous boom that shook the home and startled the songbirds, a coarse voice bellowed out, “Meranarax!! Get your filthy mongrel ass down here, now!!
Suddenly shivering and speechless as she shrinked, Elva struggled to take in Mistress’ cringe before she meekly remarked, “You’ll hear him too,” and silently closed her in.
As the door vanished into a mist, Elva tried to catch her breath as she stared at the mystical sphere. ‘Meran-ar… Mon-grel—’ Elva nervously contemplated before a strange whirl and flourish of lights grasped her attention.
Elva didn’t have to wait longer before the glows sharpened as the sphere clearly spoke Mistress’ voice, “I told you to never come back here, Lynx. Leave, now.”
In a quieter but no less harsh voice, Lynx stated, “Don’t talk to me like that, you bastard. It’s father or Meranlynx, Meranarax.”
“As if you have any right to call yourself my father,” Mistress snapped. “And I told you not to call me that anymore. It’s Saoirse. SEER-shə. It was twelve hundred years ago when you last invaded my life and I know you know enough Gaelic to—”
A blunt sound halted Mistress’ words as Lynx harshly remarked, “I said don’t give me that tone, boy. It’s cursing enough you make me speak in that hag’s mother tongue. And I don’t need a reminder that you traded your cock for a cunt and pair of tits; your appearance is offensive enough. At least you healed those unsightly scars and hid that disgusting tail. The red all over sure is tacky, though.”
In a more restrained voice, Mistress quickly retorted, “As if I ever asked for your opinion. If you’re done, leave.”
“Oh, I’m hardly done,” Lynx coldly stated. “I have business here, Meranarax. Who did you steal her from?”
Elva felt her heart shiver before Mistress retorted, “There’s no one here besides me, and I haven’t stolen anyone. Not as if that gives you any business here anyway.”
Lynx demanded, “Don’t try and lie to me. I know you haven’t returned to the Auction House and there’s no other way you could have gotten her otherwise.”
“I said,” Mistress sharply insisted, “no one is he—”
Another dull noise quieted Mistress again. “I said don’t,” Lynx sternly reminded her with an emphasis that shook Elva’s feet, “lie to me. Filthy queer, just like that hag bitch that birthed you, thinking you can keep secrets from me. Did you think I wouldn’t recognize that fucking stench anywhere? Did you swipe a whore this time?” Elva’s shivering intensified as Lynx continued questioning, “Or was she a virgin too? Did you not learn your lesson last time? Are you training the girl to be a slut just like that brat Ai—”
Before Elva could speculate his implications, Mistress shouted over him, “There’s no one here! And even if there were, you’d have no claim to them! Now leave!!”
There was a long pause where Elva’s heart seemed to halt before Lynx bluntly urged, “You should stop adding to her sins. Turn her in to be judged before you both regret it again.”
—Summary of events. Reader discretion is still advised—
Before Elva could finish her question, a deep voice called out as loud as thunder for someone named Meranarax while using indelicate words Elva didn’t understand. After cringing and informing the now terrified Elva the orb would speak his voice too, Mistress locked her in the panic room to confront her father. While their encounter was terse, it was harrowing for Elva and left her with more questions than answers.
Mistress’ initial attempt to turn him away fell on deaf ears as Lynx first chastised Mistress for not calling him father or Meranlynx. When she attempted to tell her father to use her own preferred name, Saoirse was struck and reprimanded again. Lynx remarked on his distaste for her mother language before insisting her feminine appearance was enough reminder of her altered genitals. Lynx commented that the only positive changes since they last met were healing her scars and hiding her tail, then remarked her choice of red all over as tacky.
Still refusing to be turned away, Lynx finally insinuated Mistress stole a slave from another master and demanded she be turned over. Mistress’ insistence that she had no slaves and that Lynx had no claim to any she might have earned her another strike. Lynx then pointed out the fetid smell and began questioning Mistress’ motives in training Elva. After being denied one last time, Lynx gave an ominous warning and finally left.
—End of extreme content warning. Reader discretion is still advised—
After several heartbeats, there was another mystical whirl and flourish of lights from the orb before the door reappeared. As it slowly opened and the sphere disappeared, Elva cautiously peeked through to see Mistress practically hiding herself. She carefully held her right cheek while her expression was distressed and her eyes watery. When the doorway opened, Mistress stood as if she were naked, despite her robe being tied closed. Refusing to meet Elva’s gaze, Mistress mumbled several times before hollowly muttering, “I’m—sorry you had to hear that.”
Elva couldn’t say anything as she realized how fragile her Mistress seemed. The cheek Mistress covered was not only particularly red but terribly inflamed, and Elva soon saw a drop of blood fall from her palm. “Mistress,” Elva worriedly observed as she looked back to her glistened eyes, “you’re hurt.”
“It’s nothing,” she hastily replied, turning her cheek away from Elva’s view.
Her trembling lips betrayed Mistress’ words as Elva hesitantly asked, “Are you—?”
Mistress timidly shook her head before Elva could finish, wordlessly closing her eyes before a tear fell. “I, um,” Mistress quietly explained, “I think I’m hungry from missing breakfast.”
Skeptical as she watched Mistress turn further away, Elva cautiously concluded, ‘That’s not it.’ Uncertain of how to break their growing silence, Elva quietly asked her first question, “Mistress, who’s—Mera—!”
Before Elva could finish, Mistress held both their mouths with shaking hands. As Elva looked at her wide-eyed, Mistress quietly choked, “Trade—trade—” When her head fell as her legs buckled, Mistress released Elva’s jaw to clasp her own. Struggling to take strangled breaths, Mistress fell to her knees and gently wept.
Swiftly lowering to meet her, Elva hesitantly reached her trembling hands out while nervously mumbling. ‘What do I—?’ she apprehensively thought, feeling her heart sink as tears streamed down Mistress’ cheeks. Slowly leaning forward with an uncertain whimper, Elva carefully wrapped her arms around Mistress. “Please,” Elva whispered as she pulled Mistress onto her shoulder. Though she shuddered as she glanced at Mistress’ chafed cheek and the light line coming from a bloody blemish, Elva cautiously continued, “I-I’m here for you, Mistress.” When Mistress sobs didn’t ease, Elva closed her eyes and hugged her close before adding, “Whatever you need from me, I—I’m yours, Mistress.”
Her sniffles worsened as Mistress leaned into Elva’s embrace, but after several deep breaths she began to calm some. Gradually holding back her cries, Mistress pulled away and gently peeked her eyes open. She used her sleeve to dry her eyes before finally meeting Elva’s gaze and whispering, “Then—I-I need you to do something—for me, Elva.” After taking another deep puff and looking away, Mistress reluctantly requested, “I need you—to stop me.”
Surprised by her Mistress’ request, Elva looked at her for another moment before clarifying, “Stop you?”
Slowly Mistress quietly explained, “Yesterday I pushed you too far, and you fell into a dark place because of it. You didn’t stop me then, so I need to know you can stop me, especially if you’re uncomfortable. One release, my breakfast, then you stop me. If you can’t use your safeword,” she took a heavy huff before meeting Elva’s gaze, “then I’m ending our contract—”
Suddenly wide-eyed and shivering, Elva hastily tried to interject as her heart fell again, “Wait, you can’t—”
Undeterred by the brief plea, Mistress looked away as she spoke over Elva, “And I’m sending you to my cousin. It’ll keep you safe from my father and you’ll be treated—more fairly.” As Mistress returned Elva’s anxious glare, she finished, “Please. I have to know it’s safe to play with you, because right now—I—” Instead of completing her statement, Mistress glanced down in a wheeze before starting again, “Please, if you’re going to stay here, I need this, Elva.”
All Elva could do was stare, agape at Mistress’ trembling eyes and pouting lips. ‘I-if I—can’t—,’ she nervously swallowed as it seemed like the small closet was closing in on her, holding Mistress’ world away from her. Feeling her unlife halted by her decision, Elva apprehensively nodded yes.
Her gaze gradually steadied as Mistress took a number of puffs. She closed her eyes for a moment before she shared Elva’s hug with unsteady hands. As Mistress caressed the nape of Elva’s neck and held her back, she sighed heavily before looking at Elva and calmly asking, “What’s your safeword, kitten?”
Her heart painfully throbbed at the ardent sound of the nickname she’d grown fond of. Elva shivered into Mistress’ touch as her eyes peered before she hesitantly whispered, “T-teardrop.”
No sooner did Mistress pull Elva into a passionate embrace, firmly gripping her hair and sending shivers across her skin as their chests met. Hesitantly groaning into her kiss at first, Elva’s quivers softened and she eagerly sought Mistress’ tongue as her mouth opened. Slowly her tremors relaxed as the taste turned fruity, and Elva’s mind steadily felt at ease while Mistress warmed her.
When Elva’s moans heightened, Mistress abruptly pulled away and released Elva’s hair. Her eyes went wide as Mistress grasped her waist tighter, and as she yipped in surprise, Mistress took Elva over her shoulder and swiftly stood up. Backing away to close the closet before Elva could grasp her new orientation, Mistress smoothly turned around, reaching the rug within a few hurried steps. Distracted by the rush from her firm handling, Elva yelped again when Mistress threw her on the bed.
Landing on the plump cushion with a soft thud and a strong huff, Elva breathlessly peeked from her flinch as she felt Mistress climb over her. Speechless as Mistress straddled her and took her wrists, Elva could only look long enough to meet her lips again before they were tenderly bit. Writhing under Mistress’ grasp, Elva shrilled as each lip was delicately worked until finally Mistress moved to her neck.
Instead of the bite she anticipated, Mistress firmly kissed Elva and tightly pulled her skin until she squealed. Mistress soon released Elva only to grasp her again below the collar, worsening her wriggling and needful cries. When Mistress’ mouth was wide open as she came down again, Elva gently gasped as she was hesitantly scraped only to be kissed again.
Squirming even harder under Mistress’ weight, Elva bit her lip as she wondered, ‘Why is Mistress being so—gentle?’ As if to prove Elva wrong, Mistress finally opened her jaw and gnawed on Elva’s shoulder. Hardly yelping at the tender hold, Elva tugged against Mistress’ grasp as her need grew. ‘She’s not,’ Elva reflected when the next nibble was milder, ‘hurting me.’ Feeling frustrated as Mistress continued to tease her, Elva hesitantly whispered, “Mistress, you—don’t have to hold back. I—I’m not afraid.”
With her words, Mistress held Elva unsteadily as her jaw trembled and her breath quivered. After taking several wheezing gasps, Mistress opened her mouth briefly before sinking back into Elva’s skin.
Elva was left breathless as she felt a dozen distinct stabs, shaking as the pleasant sting seemed to reach her heart. When Mistress held her, Elva desperately began whining through choked breaths as her chest burned and her legs thrashed. When Elva’s head felt as light as her whimpers, Mistress released her and let her gasp deeply.
Slowly catching her breath, Elva eventually pried her eyes open after her wrists were released. Unable to move as Mistress sat back, Elva tried to look at her fearful expression and bared fangs—twelve of which now held sharpened points—as she whispered, “Please—don’t regret saying that.”
As Mistress closed her eyes in a grimace, her braid bushed out as the waves accentuated and the crimson of her hair faded to vibrant violet and rosy pink. While Elva peered down the colorful weave, she finally noticed a small black fan emerge from a dim glow behind Mistress’ rear. It slowly elongated into a slim, sleek tail that tensely writhed and coiled behind Mistress as her breathing grew more irregular.
Suddenly, Mistress hunched over in pain as flakes of light emerged from her back. Wincing as she held her arms tightly with sharpened nails, Mistress harshly groaned before a pair of leathery black wings abruptly sprouted out. As they arose with puffs of color and gusts of wind, their tips snagged Mistress’ braid and pulled it undone as they spread over the expanse of the empty room. While Elva stared over the colossal span, she slowly realized they were lacerated with horrible scars and gashes. Seeing Mistress’ unfurling hair through several gaps sent Elva’s heart throbbing when she realized her whole body was becoming similarly marred.
When her hands fell to Elva’s sides, Mistress tightly clenched the sheets as her cries of agony intensified when her forehead began to glow next. With a piercing shriek as she threw her head back, a pair of slim, ribbed horns began to coil out. Watching them grow, Elva held her breath as the left ceased emerging near a scar next to her eye while the right coiled once before curling around the back of Mistress’ head.
Wheezing and shaking as the tufts of light surrounding her new features vanished, Mistress slowly opened her trembling eyelids to reveal the differences in her irises. Her right eye now shone in shades of purple like the violets outside Móra’s cottage, while the left shimmered with soft pinks like the roses that grew nearby. Sweat beading on her brow, Mistress hesitantly said through weary breaths as she shyly met Elva’s gaze, “Well, th-this is—me.” After nervously swallowing and averting her gaze for a heartbeat, Mistress cautiously asked, “What—do you feel when you look upon me—now?”
Gazing in awe, Elva shuddered as she watched Mistress’ worried expression. Slowly raising her fingers to caress the mark that just missed her perfect eye, Elva savored the softened skin as she breathily whispered, “You’re beautiful.”
Stunned, Mistress’ mouth fell open as tears began to well in her eyes again. Before her breaths could become ragged, Mistress fell back into Elva’s lips and fervently embraced her. As she eagerly sought Mistress’ taste, Elva squealed as her tongue was scraped and nipped by the sharpened fangs. Undeterred as her wrists were grasped and held next to her head, Elva passionately tried to kiss Mistress until she swiftly moved to her neck.
Wide-eyed as her breath was stolen, Elva convulsed under Mistress’ hold as she choked and whimpered. Unable to fight as Mistress firmly grasped her throat, Elva’s eyes rolled closed as she gaped and thrashed until she was finally released. Before she could breathe, Elva screeched when Mistress clasped her shoulder next, feeling her head grow dizzy as the pricks started tingling.
Overwhelmed by the blissful stings, Elva didn’t notice Mistress’ tail slide up her legs until the tip reached her crotch. Shaking as it firmly pressed onto her hood, Elva harshly groaned while the pressure built until Mistress clamped her bust. Elva’s cries quickly heightened while her nub was firmly caressed and her folds gently stroked. When her thighs twitched open at the grip on her other breast, Mistress swiftly lowered her tail to easily slip it inside.
Shrieking as her sensitive spot was swiftly found and teased, Elva strained against Mistress’ grasps until she moved further into her ache. ‘Oh, Brigit, I—,’ Elva struggled to think as her Mistress carefully applied pressure on her desire and gnashed around her bud. ‘I—I can’t—,’ she thought as her voice cracked and her body convulsed.
Elva screamed as a burning euphoria came over her that flooded her heart and drowned her mind. Throwing herself against Mistress, Elva’s daze worsened with every wave as the pleasures peaked to new heights. When Elva felt lost in her stupor—nearly missing Mistress bite her other nipple—she cracked her eyes opened to a haze as she reflected, ‘I-I can’t—’
A sudden wetness on her chest brought light back to her sight. ‘W-wha—,’ Elva wondered as her groans deepened and she struggled for air. Steadily coming back to life as she felt a drip fall on her dry skin, Elva hesitantly guessed, ‘T—tear-drop?’
Slowly the pressure within Elva abated as she gasped and shuddered. Lightly coughing as she caught her breath, Elva shimmied and whined as her pleasure withdrew, hardly noticing that she could move freely. Covering her chest as her whimpers lessened, Elva slowly peeked to see her Mistress above her.
Sitting upright and tightly clutching her tail, Mistress’ drenched cheeks finally came into focus as Elva quickly blinked. When she finally met her Mistress’ tearful glare, her composure dropped and Mistress began painfully sobbing. Wailing as she rubbed her eyes with her tail and her nose with her wrists, Mistress fell onto Elva as her cries swiftly worsened.
Gently hugging Mistress as her own breathing eased, Elva calmly listened to her weeping as she grasped tighter. ‘It’s okay,’ Elva silently said as she held her Mistress closely. Draped in soft hair and growing warmth as Mistress’ wings curled around them, Elva let the tears fall on her tingling shoulder while she thought, ‘I’m here for you.’
The veil drops and Elva’s Mistress has been exposed. Difficult truths are revealed in our next sexless chapter when Saoirse finally has to explain her own past. How will Elva react when her Mistress wishes to speak to her as an equal so she can reveal her own demons and humanity? Find out what Saoirse has been trying so hard to hide from Elva and herself in Chapter 15: Trade Secrets.
—End Spoiler—
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