Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 3: Hell or Haven [masturbation]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of trauma, masturbation, teasing, voyeurism, humiliation, and genital mentions (breasts). Reader discretion is advised.
Elva’s sinking feeling didn’t last long enough for her to scream, though she had time to shut her eyes as they neared the portal. As her head fell through the darkness, Elva emerged and landed with a gentle thud on a soft cushion.
What… what did she—!’ Suddenly, the contract fell into her lap with a gentle thud. After yelping in surprise, Elva opened her eyes to glance down at the scroll, where she finally noticed the change in lighting and the cold, stone floor.
“Where,” Elva started to ask as she glanced up from the floor and found herself in a wide cage of iron bars. Elva could scarcely see anything through the darkness beyond her cell; the wall behind her, made of the same dark stone as the floor, was the only solid wall. She looked upward to find a mystical orb hovering below the dark wood ceiling, casting a warm light on her cell.
I suppose it’s not dark, at least,’ she bleakly thought as she looked around and found the only furniture was the slim, pillowed bed with soft, gray sheets she sat on. ‘It’s more comfortable than the straw bed of Móra’s,’ Elva’s heart sank as she remembered what Mistress had said about her circumstances.
If I’m dead,’ Elva took a moment to look down at her bandaged finger. As she undid the blood-stained wrapping, she found her finger had healed; not even a scar remained where the gash once was. Elva let her hand fall into her lap in resignation. ‘I’ll never see Móra’s cottage again, will I?
Elva felt a tear fall from her cheek onto her hand. As her head fell sullenly, Elva tried to think of what she would miss, but the only memories that came to her thoughts were those with Móra. ‘Is that… so bad, then? It was so lonely… and I was so afraid.’ She glanced further down at the scroll in her lap and slowly picked it up. ‘At least I won’t be so lonely… right?
After a moment, Elva finally unrolled the scroll and began to read its contents in the dim light. “‘Sexual Slavery Contract,’” Elva began to speak aloud as she read the document. “‘This agreement is being entered voluntarily, but cannot be broken except under the conditions stated herein, after which certain precautions shall be taken to protect those involved.’ That sounds comforting, at least.
“‘Parties involved. This is an agreement between Saoirse,’” Elva paused as she read the name aloud. ‘Saoirse… that must be Mistress’ name. “Freedom.” It’s beautiful’ After a moment, Elva realized her thoughts had wandered as she shook her head before continuing. “Uhm, ‘Saoirse, hereinafter called Mistress, and Elva, hereinafter called the slave.’” ‘I guess she already knows my name. I almost expected it to say kitten, though.
“Let’s see… ‘Declaration of con-sensus: Both parties, Mistress and slave, acknowledge to have read, understood, and agreed on the document describing in general what is meant by the term “Sexual Slavery.” Declaration of… lu-ci-dity? Both parties state explicitly to enter this agreement fully lucid and aware of their actions and consequences. Declaration of free will: Both parties state explicitly to enter this agreement of their own free will.’” Elva took a moment before reading on to breathe a short sigh. ‘There’s a lot about making sure I accept the terms willingly… I guess that’s a bit of a relief.
Elva glanced down to the bottom of the unrolled paper to see the following clause. “Okay, ‘the slave’s role,’” she paused to release a light sigh before nervously continuing. “‘The slave will obey Mistress at all times and will wholeheartedly seek Mistress’ comfort… pleasure… and well-being, above all other considerations the slave may have.’ I can,” Elva paused to swallow nervously, “hopefully do that… What else am I…”
She paused again as Elva unrolled the scroll to reveal several detailed paragraphs. ‘Oh dear,’ Elva gulped uneasily again after finding the following clause started after she unrolled the scroll further. This is… Mistress can’t expect me to remember all of this, right?’ She reflected on her encounter with Mistress and her demanding tone when she gave Elva the contract. She closed her eyes as she released a heavy sigh.
I shouldn’t expect her to be so kind,’ Elva thought with resignation as she opened her eyes and unrolled the contract back to the beginning of the clause.
“‘The slave shall derive its pleasures from accepting its part in the contract and will gladly accept the pleasures Mistress provides. The slave further agrees to confess its desires for Mistress’ consideration.’” Elva paused for a moment. ‘So Mistress will be… pleasuring me as well.’ She felt her cheeks grow warm as she recalled Mistress’ kiss at the end of their encounter. ‘That was already so different… what would it feel like if she…’ Elva’s thoughts drifted to the nights alone in the cottage with only her fingers to comfort her.
Elva blinked twice as she finally noticed her mind had wandered and her chest had grown hot. ‘Focus, Elva. You need to have this read by “seven, sharp, whatever that means.
“Next… ‘The slave will strive to remold its habits, attitudes, knowledge, and skills,’” Elva started to slow as she continued the passage, “‘in accordance with Mistress’ desires,’” Elva paused again and dejectedly lowered the contract. ‘What,’ Elva thought as she considered what Mistress might intend, will be left of… me?’ Elva tried not to dwell on that question and slowly raised the scroll back up after a moment.
“‘The slave will seek to learn how to please Mistress better, and will gracefully accept any criticism in whatever form Mistress chooses. The slave unconditionally accepts, as Mistress’ right, anything Mistress may choose to do with the slave, whether as punishment,’” Elva swallowed nervously, “‘for Mistress’ amusement, or for whatever purpose Mistress desires, no matter how painful, unpleasant, or uncomfortable to the slave.’”
Elva felt the color drain from her cheeks as she lowered the contract. ‘That… certainly sounds unpleasant,’ She shivered nervously. ‘Try not to think about what…’ All else failing her, Elva shook her head and raised the contract, trying to focus on the following passage.
“‘The slave agrees to submit completely to Mistress in all ways,’” Elva continued until the end of the passage. “‘The slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, its body, soul and mind belong to its Mistress, to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines defined herein. The slave agrees to please Mistress to the best of its ability, in that it now exists solely for the pleasure of said Mistress.’”
Elva breathed a sigh of comfort as she moved on to the following passage. “Alright, ‘The slave’s veto: The slave holds veto power over any command Mistress gives and may rightfully refuse to obey that command. This can only be invoked if said command may cause permanent harm, or where agreed by both Mistress and slave.’” ‘So, I can refuse some commands… I suppose that’s reassuring.
“‘The safeword: Both parties have an agreed-upon safe word: teardrop. This safeword can be used by either party to temporarily postpone this agreement. The slave accepts the responsibility of using this safeword when necessary, and trusts implicitly in Mistress to respect the use of that safeword.’” Elva felt her chest lighten as she breathed a sigh of relief.
“Well,” she said before moving on to the next section, “that all doesn’t seem so bad now. Next is… ‘Mistress’ role: Mistress accepts the responsibility of the slave's mind, body, and immortal soul, to do with as she sees fit. Mistress agrees to care for the slave, to arrange for the safety and well-being of the slave, as long as she shall own the slave.’”
Elva blinked twice as she reread the end of the passage. “Care for the slave and arrange for the safety and well-being…” ‘That seems contradictory after reading about pain and punishment, but… This all started because I wanted to feel safe. Will I be?’ She looked up at the glowing orb. ‘Can I be safe?
After a moment, Elva looked back down at the contract and continued. “‘Conditions of Lucidity. Mistress accepts the responsibility of the slave’s lucidity and guarantees that the slave will be lucid in times determined by the contract, the slave’s veto, or when the safeword is used. The slave accepts that Mistress naturally releases mind-altering pheromones and aphrodisiacs that heighten relaxation, lower… inhibitions, and increase… sexual desire,’” Elva paused as she anxiously thought about the passage. “I’m… not sure how I feel about that.”
She shivered briefly before continuing. “‘Taking of sustenance: Mistress accepts the responsibility of the slave’s energy as her food to consume as she sees fit, accepts any limitations the slave may have, and agrees not to cause permanent harm while feeding.’ Well, I knew what I was getting into, at least,” Elva commented before continuing.
“‘Punishment,’” Elva scarcely finished reading the clause title before she felt her stomach drop. “‘The slave agrees to accept any punishment mistress decides to inflict, whether earned or not.’ Oh no,” she nervously added as her spine shivered and her heart stopped. ‘I’m not making it out of this safely… Please, Brigit, tell me it gets better.
In her nervousness, Elva glanced past the next paragraph, where her eyes caught something in a list below. “‘Burning or branding of the body,’” she read aloud fearfully; her eyes and hands shook as she contemplated those words. The sounds of screaming and shouting began to fill her thoughts while the heat of fire began to prickle her skin. ‘Please…’ she prayed as she looked back up to the paragraph she had looked past.
“‘Rules of Punishment…’” Elva could barely focus on the words as she read nervously. “‘Punishment of the slave is subject to certain rules designed to protect the slave from intentional abuse or permanent bodily harm.’” Elva swallowed nervously before continuing. ‘Please…’ “‘Punishment must not incur permanent bodily harm, or the following forms of abuse.’”
Her shaking ceased for a second as Elva stared at the paper in disbelief. ‘I won’t be hurt like…’ The fall of a tear from her cheek halted her thought; finally, the words set in, and Elva began to sob as she gripped the contract to her chest. ‘Móra… I’m so sorry—you…’ Elva pulled her feet onto the cot and curled herself up as she tried to halt the screams from her thoughts.
Elva could only sit with her head on her knees for a time as the tears flowed down her cheeks; eventually, the drops abated as Elva started to compose herself. Wiping her eyes with her sleeve, Elva tried to clear the lump in her throat.
I need to keep reading… Seven, sharp.’ Elva lowered her legs and glanced around the paper to find the list where she stopped. “The following punishments are not allowed: blood may not be drawn intentionally at any time, burning or branding, loss of… cir-cu-lation, internal bleeding, or loss of consciousness through suffocation.” ‘I… hadn’t even considered some of those… What punishments are allowed?’ Elva read on to see if there was an answer.
“‘Permanent Bodily Harm… Since the body of the slave now belongs to Mistress, it is Mistress’ responsibility to protect that body from permanent bodily harm. Should the slave ever intentionally come to permanent bodily harm during the course of punishment, it will be grounds for immediate termination of this contract… should the slave so desire. Permanent bodily harm shall be determined as: any damage that involves permanent loss of mobility or function, or any permanent marks on the skin, including scars, burns, or tattoos, unless accepted by the slave.’”
Elva looked up at the orb for a moment before reading on. ‘I guess I should feel comforted… but I still don’t know how she can punish me… I suppose she wants to keep me guessing,’ she thought as she looked back down to continue.
“‘Contact with other people: The slave may not seek any other Mistress, Master, lover, or relate to others in any sexual, submissive or affectionate way without Mistress’ permission, but Mistress may accept other slaves or lovers.’” She stopped for a moment to think about what she had read. ‘So I may… have to be with other slaves… I guess I should have expected that.
“Next… ‘Activities not mentioned. The slave is forbidden to engage in any activities not actively allowed by the contract. All rights and privileges not otherwise noted in this contract belong to Mistress, and she may exercise them as she chooses.’ As if I wasn’t limited enough already.” With a light sigh, Elva continued to the next paragraph.
“‘Duration of the contract: This contract is applicable 20 hours per day, seven days a… week, every week of the year until discharge of the slave…’” Elva paused for another moment. ‘Hours? Will I have time to sleep? Do I… need to sleep anymore?’ She pondered before continuing. “‘This contract will go through several phases to allow each party to fully understand what it means.’ The first trial will last for one day, the second trial one week, the third a month, ‘then the agreement may enter its final and semi-permanent state and can only be ended as mentioned elsewhere in this contract or at the conclusion of the slave’s sentence.
“‘Alteration of Contract… This contract may not be altered. When both parties, Mistress and slave, agree fully aware and out of their free will to change the contractual terms of their relationship, they will first terminate this existing contract as described below and afterwards agree on and sign a new one.’”
As Elva unrolled the scroll further, she saw the end after just a few short paragraphs. “Almost done. ‘Termination of Contract. This contract may be terminated at any time by Mistress, but never by the slave, except under special conditions explained within this contract. Regardless of the circumstances of termination, the Mistress will make efforts to secure a new Master or Mistress for them to contract with for the duration of their sentence.
“‘Slave’s vow… I, Elva, of sound mind and body, so hereby relinquish all rights to my Mistress except those granted by my contract. I vow to devote myself fully to my Mistress and trust in her care and protection for the duration of my time in her services.’ Well, that’s not too hard to remember. ‘Date… 6 Av 22531… Anno… Dia-boli..?’ Date? Anno..?” ‘What does that mean?’ Elva decided not to linger too long on the question before continuing.
“‘Mistress’ Vow,’” she continued, “‘I, Saoirse, of sound mind and body, so hereby take possession of all rights of my slave except those authorized by her contract. I vow to care for and protect her as payment for her devotion for the duration of her time in my services.’”
Care and protect,” Elva thought as she rolled the scroll back up, resting it gently on her lap. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the cold wall. ‘It’s only for a day,’ Elva opened her eyes again and looked back up to the glowing orb, setting the scroll at her side. I can make it through this.
For an unknown time, Elva sat on the cot with her hands folded in her lap, nervously playing with her toes as she tried not to think too hard about what Mistress might have planned. Fidgeting restlessly, she eventually laid back on the soft bed and felt herself begin to relax finally. ‘It’s so soft, and it smells so clean,’ Elva thought as she closed her eyes; she felt the stiffness in her shoulders start to loosen as her hands rested gently on her stomach.
It could be worse, I guess,’ she thought as she opened her eyes again and looked up at the glowing sphere and the dark wooden ceiling. She laid her right hand next to her shoulder, resting it gently on her hair. ‘I won’t be hunted, tortured, and killed by some ugly hunters, at the very least. I suppose instead I’ll be tortured, used, and pleasured by a beautiful…
Elva’s heart fluttered before she could complete her thought. She touched her cheek as it grew hot and flushed as Elva thought about her Mistress-to-be. ‘She was… beautiful.
Her fingers wandered to her parted lips. ‘That was my first kiss.’ Elva’s body felt hot as she began to fidget her legs together without noticing. ‘Her tongue…’ she thought as she recalled how Mistress teased her. ‘Only when it pleases me, kitten,’ Mistress’ words echoed in her mind. ‘If Mistress were to… how would she… eat me?
Elva closed her eyes as her mind drifted; slowly, her hand slipped down from her lips to her neck, where her fingertips gently passed the soft ridge of her clavicle before her palm rested on her left breast. ‘She was…’ she stopped her thought as Mistress’ intoxicating aroma flooded her mind, as well as the sweet taste of her lips and tongue.
Gorgeous, am I, little kitten?’ The melodic words once again came to her mind. ‘How could I have let that slip,’ she thought as she bit her lip. ‘She was… gorgeous though,’ Elva added as she recalled Mistress’ nearly nude visage.
Her breathing deepened as Elva’s mind fell further into fantasy. Mindlessly, her right hand began to gently grope her breast, while her left slowly slid down her stomach and found her hip. ‘If she…’ Elva started thinking as she slowly pulled up the skirt of her dress. As the coarse fabric left her legs, the cool air of the cell sent goosebumps down her thighs.
She left the hem of her skirt at her waist and then wandered to her crotch. Elva gasped and released a light sigh as her fingertips found her sensitive place and rubbed it gently. Her mind wandered to their kiss and how warm the feeling of Mistress’ lips on hers made her feel.
Slowly her deep breaths turned into moans, and as she comforted herself, Elva curled her toes and fidgeted her legs together. ‘Call me Mistress, kitten,’ her words echoed in Elva’s mind as the growing heat left her breathless. “M…Mistress,” Elva carelessly whispered when the pressure brought her moans to light whines.
“Practicing your purr, are we, kitten?” Mistress teased, her voice echoing softly throughout the chamber. Elva’s eyes shot open before she quickly pulled her skirt over her legs. After clumsily sitting up on the bed with her back against the wall, Elva found Mistress’ silhouette leaning in a brightly lit doorway a few feet in front of her cell.
I didn’t hear her come in,’ Elva thought as she began to fidget nervously. ‘Please don’t tell me she’s been watching me comfort myself,’ she gulped nervously before finally meeting Mistress’ gaze. “How…how long have you been standing there?”
“Since you closed your eyes, little kitten,” Mistress replied playfully.
Elva felt her face grow hot with embarrassment as she pulled her knees up to bury her head in her skirt. ‘Oh, Brigit, she saw everything.
“Oh, it was so cute, though. My kitten is falling for me already,” Mistress teased as she stepped out of the doorway. The sound of Mistress’ shoes clicking as she walked pulled Elva’s head out of her knees. “But enough practice, kitten. It’s seven o’clock, sharp.”
After a few steps, Mistress stopped in front of Elva’s cell where the dim glow of the orb revealed her visage. Instead of her loose robe and messy hair, Mistress wore a slim black dress and corset while her hair was bound in a neat ponytail. Elva stared in awe at Mistress as she unlocked her cell.
“Come, kitten,” Mistress said as she gently opened the barred door. “It’s time to break my fast, and I’m quite hungry today.”
Quite… hungry?’ Suddenly Elva recalled her thought about Mistress eating her. “I… Wo-would that make me the… meal?” she asked absentmindedly with a nervous smile. ‘Am…am I trying to get eaten??’ Elva reflected, regretting her question.
“Quite astute, my kitten!” Mistress gleefully teased as she stepped into the cell.
Oh no,’ Elva thought as Mistress stopped directly in front of her, ‘she is really close.’ She tried her best to look away from Mistress’ chest and cleavage prominently displayed by the deep cut of her dress, and instead stared intently at the intricate lacework of her corset. ‘Do not stare,’ she tried to tell herself before she noticed the sweet aroma Mistress gave. ‘Oh, Brigit... Don’t smell, don’t stare, don’t smell,’ she began to repeat in a vain attempt to keep her head clear.
Kitten,” Mistress sang to Elva as she lightly pinched her chin and lifted her head. “You’re getting ahead of yourself.” Her daze lessened as their gaze met, and Elva became lost in Mistress’ eyes. “First, I need your contract. Follow me, kitten,” Mistress ordered as she released Elva’s chin and turned to leave the cell.
Slowly, Elva stood up to follow after Mistress. For a second, she sped up to keep pace with Mistress; however, Elva soon noticed that the swaying of her bushy ponytail was giving off Mistress’ scent so much it made her head dizzy. ‘Oh, Brigit, do I smell her now,’ Elva began to slow her steps to distance herself from the aroma.
“Stay close, kitten!” Mistress snapped. “I don’t want you getting lost again.”
Elva shyly complied and stepped closer to Mistress. After only a moment, her mind went blank but for the scent of Mistress’ hair as she watched the gentle swing of the ponytail tickle her bare back. Before Elva even realized how much they had walked, the two passed through the doorway, leaving Elva to recoil from the bright light.
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