Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 4: Collared [no sex] [collaring]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of trauma, mentions of unintentional suicide, and forced servitude. Reader discretion is advised.
After a brief moment, her eyes adjusted to the intense change in lighting and Elva found herself in a small, well-lit chamber with bright walls that reminded her of sunny summer skies. As she stepped forward, her feet felt the odd, dark floor, like short grass that was strangely soft.
As Elva looked up she found four glowing orbs—the same as the one in her cell—casting a warm glow on the white ceiling. Finally, Elva turned her attention to the room itself and found that two cushioned armchairs sat opposite each other, while a door on the wall opposite side of the room marked the only other exit.
“Please,” Mistress calmly said as she waved her hand to the armchair on the left. “Have a seat, kitten.”
Hesitantly Elva looked up at Mistress and then at the armchair before slowly stepping forward and lowering herself into the seat. ‘It’s… quite comfortable,’ Elva thought as she held the contract in her lap and settled into the embrace of the plush cushioning.
With a light smile, Mistress stepped forward and took the seat opposite Elva; she gracefully crossed her left leg over the right as she sat down. Folding her hands in her lap, she looked intently at Elva.
“Well, kitten?” Mistress’ soft voice and warm smile felt so disarming to Elva as she stared ahead, almost mesmerized by her beauty. “Have you read your contract?”
The question snapped Elva out of her daze; she blinked and nearly lept back in her seat before responding. “Oh, yes,” she shyly said as she looked down at the scroll. “I did.”
“Do you have any objections?” Mistress asked calmly.
Elva took a moment to think on the various passages before she looked back up to meet Mistressʼ gaze. “No,” she finally answered.
“Do you have any questions?” Mistress didn’t hesitate to ask Elva; her expression held more intrigue now.
For a moment, Elva sat with her mouth slightly agape. There was still so much she didn’t know or understand, but she couldn’t think of where to start.
Finally, Mistress broke the silence. “Well, if you can’t think of one right now,” she crossed her right leg over the left as she leaned back into the chair, then gently rested her chin on her left knuckle while her right hung under her chest to support her elbow. “How about I start?”
Shyly, Elva closed her mouth and nodded. Though she felt less nervous, she fidgeted her toes in anticipation.
“So, what made you summon an incubus?” Mistress tilted her head lightly.
“Um,” Elva took a moment to collect her thoughts before answering. “Well, I needed protection, and Móra’s grimoire only had a few summons. I couldn’t perform them all or offer payment for the other one I could, so…” Elva lightly blushed as she hesitated to finish her reply.
“So you sought to offer your body,” Mistress continued Elva’s thought.
Not so bluntly, but,’ Elva reflected as she fidgeted before replying, “yes.”
“Yet you still have not really answered my question, kitten. Why an incubus,” her tone softened, “and not a succubus?”
Elva took a moment before answering; not only was she unsure herself, but she got the feeling Mistress would be upset if she gave the wrong answer. “I… guess I didn’t consider the alternative.”
“Are you,” Mistress’ eyes softened as she lowered her hand from her chin and cradled it under her breasts, “disappointed by the alternative, kitten?” she asked seductively.
After taking another moment to look at Mistress, Elva could only blush and shake her head no as she nervously clutched the contract.
Finally, Mistress smiled lightly and closed her eyes. “I’m glad you think so.” As she opened her eyes, Mistress relaxed her arms into her lap. “Next question, kitten. What about your life before was so frightening?”
Elva started ahead blankly for a moment. “Um, frightening?” She gulped nervously as she began to hear the sounds of shouts and screams. “What do you mean?” Elva asked, nervous about Mistress’ intentions in asking.
“You know I can read your thoughts,” Mistress stated plainly. “You compared me to some ‘ugly hunters,’ I assume the same ones you needed protection from.” She leaned forward, unfolded her arms, then reached out her left hand. “May I see them?” Mistress asked tenderly.
Quizzically Elva looked down at her hand before returning her gaze to Mistress’ eyes. “You… can do that?”
“As long as I’m touching you,” Mistress clarified. “I will only see what your eyes saw and what you allow me to see.”
For a short moment, Elva hesitated, then she leaned forward and began to reach out her hand. Before hers touched Mistress, though, she looked up nervously and asked, “Do I have to see them?”
“No, kitten,” Mistress replied tenderly. “I’ll be able to see; please, think no more of their shouts and screams.”
After releasing a light sigh, Elva lowered her hand and touched Mistress’ warm palm.
“Thank you for trusting me, kitten,” Mistress kindly said. She slowly closed her eyes and held Elva’s hand gently. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m so sorry, little kitten,” as her expression grew sorrowful. “You’ve endured so much fear… and you’ve been so alone.” As Mistress opened her eyes she reached out with her other hand and held Elva tenderly. “It’s cruel for someone so kind to experience so much pain in such a short life.”
Taken aback, Elva couldn’t respond for a moment. Her mouth hung slightly agape as she felt tears begin to wet her eyes. ‘No one… but Móra has said such kind things.
“I don’t want them to be the last kind things you hear, kitten,” Mistress softly replied to her thought. “I don’t want you to fear me, kitten; fear easily spoils the taste of energy. I find that a slave tastes the sweetest when they are in bliss. I wish for you to look at me with adoration, kitten. Not fear.”
Elva took a moment to wipe her tears with her sleeve. ‘Adoration. That doesn’t sound so bad.’ The sounds of raised voices continued to cloud Elva’s thoughts, though, and she found it difficult to stop her tears.
“Shh,” Mistress gently hushed Elva, “you’re safe here.” Her tone changed for a moment, almost as if she was uncertain of her words. “I promise you’ll never fear the hunters again.”
The moment was long enough for Elva to notice, however. ‘Your eyes…’ Elva managed to push out the screaming as she looked at Mistress’s expression. ‘Why do they look sad?
Mistress pulled her hands away and returned them to her lap. “Last question, kitten,” she began as she leaned back into the armchair. Her expression grew cold and collected as she looked at Elva. “What do you feel when you look upon me?”
As Elva pulled her hand away, she blinked twice as she contemplated the question. ‘What do I feel? Well…’ Elva thought as she took a hard look at Mistress. Just when her eyes wandered, Elva became lost in the gentle waves of Mistress’ crimson hair as her ponytail lay loosely next to her legs. As she glanced away from the locks, the side slit of Mistress’ black dress caught Elva’s eyes, and the sleek, reddish skin of her thigh.
In Mistress’ lap, Elva found her right hand resting delicately atop her left. Her nails were short but clean and sleekly painted with black polish; on the fourth finger of her slender right hand sat a strange, silver band that left Elva bewildered. When her eyes moved to the lace and curves of Mistress’ corset, she felt herself grow warm and flushed as she noticed how it accentuated her hips and chest. Elva quickly tried to move on in her analysis before the cleavage in the center slit of Mistress’ dress held her attention.
Suddenly Elva remembered their earlier encounter and seeing Mistress’ robe fall from her breast. ‘Oh, Brigit, those are…’ Elva resisted the urge to shake her head when her face grew hot and swiftly lifted her gaze instead.
The black paint on Mistress’ lips grasped Elva’s attention as it shimmered in the warm light. The gentle curves of her lips as her mouth held closed left Elva feeling a longing—as she raised her gaze further, Mistress’ ruby eyes seemed to glow through their thinly parted lids.
Elva was almost ready to answer when her eyes wandered again, this time to Mistress’ ears, which Elva now noticed had a slight point at the upper tips; in her lobes were a pair of black, jeweled studs. ‘She’s so… strange, but… so beautiful, that all I feel is…’ Elva felt her heart stop for a moment before she could answer. “A-adoration,” she finally replied shyly.
Her eyes softened as Mistress smiled gently. “Thank you, kitten.” Elva felt her heart flutter again as she shyly looked away, flustered. “Now, you must have some questions for me, kitten. Please, what do you want to know?”
“Um,” Elva tried to think of where to begin as she fidgeted with her feet. After a moment, a question came to mind. “Why… do you keep calling me kitten?”
With a smile, Mistress replied, “Because it pleases me to say, as well as to see how it makes your cheeks flush and your legs squirm, kitten.”
Elva tried to hold her legs still in vain, suddenly aware of her fidgeting. She looked away again and tried to think of another question before remembering her circumstances. “So, you told me I’m dead,” Elva looked back at Mistress. “What does that mean for me? I mean, I’m breathing, aren’t I?”
Mistress leaned back into the armchair before she replied. “Your mind is just as alive as it was when you had a living body, even if you no longer need to breathe. Your body is no longer ‘real’ and, as such, you can’t die again. However, even if your body isn’t alive, you can still experience all the sensations you could when you were alive. You can taste, smell, feel pleasure, pain… or experience permanent harm.”
After a brief pause, Elva gulped as she recalled her contract and the punishments that were not allowed. Mistress closed her eyes briefly before continuing. “In the Immortal Plane, in Hell, the only rights human souls have are those granted by their contract. ‘You are here to serve penance for your sins until you have repented,’ as some say. I’m sorry to say that, however unintentional your suicide was, it is not a sin that is quickly pardoned; it carries a sentence of five hundred years.”
Elva’s heart dropped into her stomach as she felt the color drain from her cheeks. “F—” she started to say but stopped as suddenly, for her words failed her. ‘Five hundred years…’ Her head fell while she clutched her chest with her right hand. ‘All because I used the wrong blood… I just,’ Elva felt tears of frustration begin to well. “I just… wanted to feel safe… to be protected.”
“And you will have my protection, kitten, for as long as you’re contracted with me.” Mistress pulled herself forward in her chair and gently rested her right hand on Elva’s leg. “It’s in my contract, and if a demon breaks the terms of a contract, they lose all rights to keep slaves.”
A moment later, Elva willed herself to look at Mistress’ hand as it softly lay on her. ‘Mistress’ protection…’ Her chest started to feel a little lighter. As her hand released its clench, Elva wiped the water from her cheeks before looking back up to Mistress. Her eyes gazed back at her with such kindness it nearly put her heart at ease. “I suppose—that might not be so bad then.”
Mistress gave her a light smile. “I’m glad you feel that way, kitten. Five hundred years is a long time to live with fear. Especially of your Mistress,” she added with a sorrowful tone as her smile faded. “Do you have another question?” she asked as she sat upright, resting her hands in her lap again.
Elva took a moment to think before she glanced back to her left again; finally, she acknowledged the door opposite the one they entered. “Uhm, what is…” Remembering the room they’d just come from, suddenly Elva wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.
“What’s on the other side of the door?” Mistress finished her question anyway. Elva looked back at Mistress nervously before she gave a slight nod. With a light smile, Mistress answered, “Sorry, kitten. You need to be under contract to know what’s in the playroom.”
The—playroom?’ Elva blinked twice as she stared at Mistress in disbelief. ‘I can’t imagine what could be so… playful.
Mistress chuckled lightly before giving Elva a sly grin. “Trust me,” she seductively said as she relaxed back into her chair, “there will be plenty to play with, kitten.”
Not at all comforted, Elva squirmed as she struggled not to think about what might be in the room. When another question failed to form, she finally asked, “So, what happens now?”
“If you have no more questions,” Mistress reached out her left hand to Elva, “then hold the scroll with me so we may say our vows to begin our contract.”
Elva hesitated for a moment before she lifted her contract and gently placed it into Mistress’ fingers. With their fingertips touching as they held the short dowels, Mistress asked, “Do you remember your vows?”
“I think so,” Elva nervously replied, hoping she could recall all the words.
“Let me say them with you then,” Mistress assured her. “‘I, Elva, of sound mind and body, so hereby relinquish all rights to my Mistress except those granted by my contract.’” Mistress paused for a moment for Elva to repeat her words before she continued. “‘I vow to devote myself fully to my Mistress and trust in her care and protection for the duration of my time in her services.’”
As Elva finished repeating, the end of the scroll she held began to sparkle in a shimmering, golden glow. “Well done, kitten.” Elva shyly blushed as she tried not to avert her gaze. “Now, let me recite my vows.”
With hardly a pause, Mistress began to speak with grace. “‘I, Saoirse, of sound mind and body, so hereby take possession of all rights of my slave except those authorized by her contract.’” Mistress paused for just a moment before continuing in an uncertain tone. “Under pain of death, I vow to care for and protect her as payment for her devotion for the duration of her time in my services.’”
Slowly the opposite end of the scroll began to sparkle in glows of pink and purple, and Elva was left to wonder, ‘Under pain of death… that wasn’t in Mistress’ vows… why would she add it?
Before Elva could ponder further, the scroll slowly lifted into the air as the aura intensified until it finally burst into pufts of light. Recoiling briefly, Elva squinted her eyes until the glow faded, where she found the scroll had transformed into a black leather band. As it fell into her hand, Mistress stood up slowly and stepped around Elva’s chair.
“Please, lift your hair, kitten,” she requested as she stopped behind Elva. Nervously, Elva looked back before wordlessly nodding and pulling her hair away. Looking ahead, she felt her spine shiver as Mistress’ hand touched her neck and gently traced her skin. Soon she felt the smooth leather touch her throat, slowly encircling her neck as Mistress’ hands pulled it closed.
As Mistress stepped back around her, Elva felt the back of the band before she lowered her hair. There was no seal or mark where the strap was once open; it now enclosed her neck in a complete circle. ‘So… that was a collaring, Elva thought as her hair fell back down. The feeling of the leather was foreign yet comforting, and something about the act made Elva feel bashful.
Once in front of Elva, Mistress held out her left hand and asked, “Do you remember your safeword, kitten?”
Elva looked at her outstretched hand before reaching out her right. “Teardrop,” she said as their hands touched.
Mistress grinned widely as she gently grasped Elva’s hand. “Good. Then let’s begin, my kitten.”
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