Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 5: The Playroom [oral]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of consensual intoxication, reluctance, objectification, humiliation, stripping, teasing, bondage, cunnilingus, and genital mentions (breasts, slit). Reader discretion is advised.
As Elva stood up from her chair and held Mistress’ hand, she noticed a sudden change in the air and a fruity redolence added to Mistress’ aroma. ‘What’s,’ she thought as her head started to feel light, ‘that smell.’
“My pheromones, kitten,” Mistress replied to her thought with a devious smile as she pulled Elva towards the playroom door. “They work fast when you’re receptive.”
Elva took a step after Mistress without hesitation. ‘Pheromones,’ she thought as she held Mistress’ hand tighter. The word brought to mind something in her contract about relaxation, but Elva couldn’t dwell too long on it. Every breath she took filled her senses with a devilishly sweet fragrance. As Elva held Mistress’ hand back, she found it warmer than when she’d last touched it, and the feeling was oddly comforting. When Mistress reached the door, Elva watched Mistress almost with anticipation as she grabbed a strange handle and turned it.
Mistress casually swung the door open and stepped through the threshold. As Elva followed after and walked into the new, warmly-lit room, she felt uneasy again as she took in her new surroundings.
The playroom was an enormous chamber with dark-red walls and black wooden flooring that felt smooth under her feet. ‘It’s so much bigger than Móra’s cottage,’ Elva reflected before she looked around and saw the room was filled with foreign furniture.
To her left, she found an assortment of beautifully-carved wooden tables and chairs with golden padding of various lengths and shapes. However, the pieces of furniture on the right side, with red padding and wood that blended into the floor, were entirely bizarre. Just beyond, Elva noticed an array of strange instruments hanging on the wall. Unable to see them clearly from so far, Elva nervously swallowed as she wondered how they could be used.
“Pay no mind to those yet, kitten,” Mistress glanced back for a moment as she gently tugged Elva to the left side of the room. Elva exhaled in relief and felt her mind float again as she wandered after the sweet scent.
Letting herself be pulled affectionately, Elva watched the smooth swaying of Mistressʼ ponytail as she followed her to an open area near the wall. Mistress walked Elva to the center of the cleared space before releasing her hand.
“Stay right there, kitten,” she turned to Elva and sweetly looked into her eyes with a slight smile. Elva held her own hand as Mistress took several steps backward, finding herself already missing the warmth of Mistressʼ touch. Mistress reached a chair near the wall and leaned back, grasping the arms of the seat as she sat down.
Mistress settled by crossing her right leg over the left, then leaning into the left side with her chin resting on her knuckles while her right arm lay on its rest. When Mistress continued to stare for more than a moment, bobbing her foot rhythmically as her eyes slowly wandered up and down, Elva started anxiously fidgeting in place.
The way she's looking at me,ʼ Elva thought as she turned her gaze away and raised her hand shyly to her mouth, ‘it’s like she’s undressing me.ʼ She blushed, squirming as she felt her chest grow warm.
Mistress teased, “Quite accurate, kitten,” with a mischievous smile and piercing eyes. “But I would like you to undress now.”
Elva quickly returned her gaze to Mistress, eyes wide as she felt her ears grow hot and her heart pound. ‘Oh, I shouldn't have thought that,’ she reflected with a grimace as her spine shivered.
Snickering, Mistress replied, “I find thoughts can be much more true to our desires than words. Take off your dress, kitten,” she ordered with a quiet voice.
A moment later, Elva closed her eyes and released a deep sigh before she lowered her hand from her mouth and unbuttoned the front of her dress. As the garment gradually loosened, it did little to alleviate the pressure in her chest. Elva felt her heart throb as the lukewarm air tickled her skin.
After taking a heavy breath, Elva peeked her eyes open as she unfastened the last button to see Mistress watching her intently. Her grin was replaced by a slight curl of her lips while her eyes peered softly. Elva felt her heart stop as their eyes met; suddenly, the air felt warmer on her skin and Elva found herself wanting Mistress to see her. She slowly pulled her dress open, revealing her modest chest to Mistress as she rolled the sleeves off her arms.
As Elva’s chest became exposed, Mistress released a light moan of approval as she licked her lips. “Stop for a moment, kitten,” Mistress raised her left hand from her chin as the top of Elva’s dress fell loosely at her waist. “I rarely see such a beautiful sight these days.” With a slight grin, she rested on her hand again and added, “I wish to savor the moment.”
Elva blushed and turned her head away while she clutched the fabric of her dress. ‘B-beautiful? No one has ever called me that before… especially while…’ Elva looked down at herself and heavily flushed as she realized in what manner she was being complimented. As her face grew hot with embarrassment, she lifted her arms to try and cover her breasts.
“Hands down, kitten,” Mistress ordered somewhat sternly before Elva’s arm could reach her chest. “You’re far too pretty; I won’t allow you to hide yourself from me.”
Elva trembled as she halted her hands. She looked at Mistress with pleading eyes and pouting lips before reluctantly lowering her arms again, resigning herself to being seen by Mistress. With her hands held uneasily at her side and her shoulders stiff, she looked away again and vainly tried to calm her squirming, too ashamed to meet Mistress’ stare. A few moments later, Mistress took a deep breath and gave a pleased moan.
Very good, kitten,” Mistress praised Elva joyfully. “Please, continue undressing, now,” she ordered with a comforting tone.
Elva looked back for just a moment before nervously nodding and closing her eyes. Her hands felt uneasy as they gradually reached the waist of her dress and gently pulled it down past her hips. As the air touched her crotch, Elva clenched her hands while her mouth curled; with a light whimper, her hands released their grasp and her dress fell to her ankles. Her slim form unclothed, she held her arms to her side in anticipation with closed, quivering eyes, too abashed to look at Mistress while in such a state of undress.
“Good girl,” Mistress told Elva with delight when her dress hit the floor.
Good?’ Mistress’ praise left Elva puzzled but curiously warm. She hesitantly peeked open her left eye to find Mistress looking back at her with a soft gaze and gentle smile.
“Now, slowly turn around, kitten,” Mistress delicately ordered as she lazily turned her second finger in circles.
After a brief moment, Elva shyly opened her right eye before nodding again. Pivoting on her heels, she slowly turned to her right to face away from Mistress. Elva breathed a short sigh of relief for not having to look at Mistress in her undress before she heard Mistress speak again.
“Stay right there, kitten,” Mistress said as Elva turned away. Hesitantly, she complied with her demand and stood in place, somehow feeling more anxious with her back facing Mistress.
Elva nervously shifted her weight while waiting for another command. When an order did not come after a minute, Elva started to wriggle in distress, vainly trying to keep herself still. ‘Is she just... staring at me?’ she thought as she cautiously turned her head. However, seeing Mistress staring intently at her rear with a devious grin and hungry eyes left Elva regretting her decision. Then, when Mistress licked her lips provocatively, Elva’s eyes widened as she blushed and swiftly turned her head again.
Mistress chuckled with amusement. “Oh, you are just too cute, kitten,” she added before Elva heard her shoes clicking on the ground. Elva nearly jumped at the sudden noise, then her skin prickled as the proceeding ticks drew closer.
Arms trembling and lips shaking, Elva stared ahead for only a moment before she smelled Mistress behind her. Next, she felt the depression of her twirly hair on her back and the warm touch of Mistress’ fingers on her right cheek. Elva looked down to see the red skin of her left hand before her head was gently turned. Just over her left shoulder, Mistress looked down at her with tantalizing eyes and an alluring smile. “May I share a secret with you, my kitten?” she asked seductively.
Elva asked back, “Uh, what secret?” as her eyes wandered down to Mistress’ black-painted lips. Her smell was overpowering, and Elva felt her mind become light again while the trembling in her arms abated.
Mistress answered with a devious grin, “I’ve always loved the taste of redheads,” before she closed her eyes and pulled Elva’s chin up to kiss her.
Elva felt her heart leap in her chest; she turned to the side and closed her eyes as she leaned up to meet Mistress’ kiss, pushing up on her toes to more easily reach her soft lips. When Mistress opened her mouth, Elva eagerly opened hers to taste Mistress again. Elva released a light whimper as they touched and she discovered just how sweet Mistress had become.
How,’ she struggled to think, ‘how could she tell how I taste, over how sweet she tastes.’ Her mind went quiet as Elva raised her right hand to touch Mistress’ cheek back, steadily moaning as her chest pounded and burned.
After a moment—how long Elva could not tell—she felt the warm touch of Mistress’ right hand on the side of her waist. She gasped lightly at the new sensation that made her heart leap.
“So sensitive," Mistress teased with a wide grin as Elva pulled her lips away to take a few ragged breaths. “I wonder what would happen if I…” she whispered as she leaned down and brought her mouth to the side of Elva’s neck.
Slowly, Mistress opened her mouth and planted her lips gently on Elva’s flesh, leaving her to shudder and gasp deeply before she felt Mistress begin to pull on her skin. With a heavy groan, Elva felt her knees go weak as they trembled beneath her.
Before her legs failed, Elva felt Mistress wrap her arm around her stomach, pulling her back against her. The sudden warmth on her skin and the feeling of Mistress’ chest pressed into her sent Elva’s mind spinning. Elva leaned her head away and held Mistress tightly as she let Mistress kiss her neck. As the pecks moved past her collar, Elva began to moan gently, eyes quivered closed.
After a few kisses, Mistress pulled away and gently turned Elva around so they stood face-to-face. Elva’s heart calmed slightly as her moans turned to ragged breaths; she cautiously opened her eyes to look up at Mistress.
“Please,” Mistress looked into Elva’s trembling eyes with a tenderness that made her heart flutter. “Trust me for a moment, kitten,” she asked as she gently took hold of Elva’s wrists and held them in front of her.
Elva looked down at her hands before looking back up to Mistress and anxiously nodding yes.
Mistress held Elva’s wrists together with a smile before releasing her grip. “Don’t move, now,” she whispered as she brought her left hand to her lips. After planting a kiss on her second fingertip, she carefully traced it around Elva’s wrists. When the circle closed, a small burst of light revealed a softly glowing band of purple and pink hues.
“Thank you for trusting me, kitten. You may move now,” Mistress told Elva delicately. “If you can,” she added teasingly with a sly grin.
The glow drew Elva’s attention to her hands. She looked at the band quizzically for a moment, not feeling anything at all from the strange magic. Though when Elva attempted to move her arms, she discovered that her wrists were firmly affixed in the air.
Elva winced as she pulled on the magical restraints before she realized how futile her efforts were. Her arms already growing tired, Elva relaxed into the bounds and took a moment to catch her breath.
Mistress giggled as she looked down at Elva. “Thank you for testing my magic, kitten,” she playfully said as she hooked her finger into the glowing band. With a simple tug, she pulled Elva’s wrists up and raised her arms above her head.
As Mistress released her hold, Elva looked up at the band and found it moved no better than before. Worse still, Mistress had pulled it so high up she had to stand on her toes. Elva struggled to pull herself down for a moment, but with a grimace, she grew tired and let the band carry her weight as she tried to rest the balls of her feet on the ground.
With a wide grin, Mistress heartily cackled as Elva stood eyes closed and panting to catch her breath. “That was a lovely dance, kitten,” she teased as she stepped up to Elva, chest to chest. Elva opened her eyes as the soft fabric of Mistress’ dress touched her breasts. She looked up at Mistress with desperate eyes as she glanced between Mistress’ ruby irises and dark lips. “As much fun as I’m having,” Mistress said as she licked her lips, “I’m getting quite hungry, and I wish to break my fast now, kitten.” She closed her eyes and leaned down to kiss Elva again. Elva’s eyes shut too as she opened her mouth to passionately kiss Mistress back.
Hardly a moment later, Elva felt the warm touch of Mistress’ hand on the right side of her waist. Elva lightly moaned as she tried to keep her hold on Mistress’ lips, but her efforts proved vain as her hand slid up her ribs. Shivering, Elva gasped as Mistress traced her fingers along her skin until her hand came around to cup her right breast.
Elva released a deep, labored groan as Mistress gently groped her. ‘Oh, Brigit, it feels…’ Elva thought before the gropes intensified and her mind became dizzier.
“It feels good, doesn’t it, kitten,” Mistress teased as she lowered her head to the right side of Elva’s neck. “Let me make you feel better,” she whispered before planting her lips onto Elva’s delicate skin.
With a shudder, Elva released a sharp moan as her head fell away from Mistress and her legs became weak. ‘Don’t,’ she struggled to think as Mistress pulled her mouth away, ‘don’t stop—!’ Elva groaned harshly again as Mistress planted her lips further down and sucked her flesh once more. Her heart was pounding while her body felt aflame, but Elva was not satisfied.
Almost as if to tease her, Mistress stopped her groping and pulled her head back before giggling. “I can’t touch you in more pleasurable places if I don’t stop, kitten,” she said playfully as her hand wandered down Elva’s stomach from her breast. “Do you want me to touch you someplace more pleasurable, kitten?” Mistress whispered as her hand traced to just above Elva’s nub.
Elva shivered as Mistress teased her skin and tickled so close to where she was sensitive. Eyes still closed, she closed her lips to stifle her whimpers before nodding gently.
“Use your words, kitten,” Mistress ordered as she continued to play above Elva’s hood. “Tell me, ‘I want you to touch me, Mistress,’ and I’ll see if I can make you purr.”
Elva’s eyes went wide for a moment before she shut them and swiftly shook her head. ‘There is no way I can say that aloud!’ she thought as she felt her crotch grow hot.
With a snicker, Mistress teased, “You’ll be surprised what you’re capable of with a little,” her fingers slid down into Elva’s inner thighs, “incentive,” she finished in a whisper.
As Mistress touched the sensitive flesh inside her leg, Elva’s attempts to hold back her moans failed. Her eyelids shook as she tried vainly not to think about her growing need. Finally, Elva bit her lip and opened her eyes, looking at Mistress pleadingly. A moment later, she released her bite and stuttered, “P-please, I want—I-I need you to t-touch me, Mi-Mistress.” Lips quivering and eyes begging, she waited for Mistress’ response.
With a wide grin and elated giggle, Mistress looked into Elva’s desperate eyes and replied seductively, “Anything for my kitten.” Her hand slid upwards finally and traced Elva’s lips.
With a shudder and a sharp groan, Elva let her head fall onto Mistress’ shoulder as her body tensed. Her eyes shut tight as she began to thrash beyond her will. Mistress’ fingertips seemed to find places Elva had not discovered herself in her delicate folds. Elva felt like she would melt until Mistress finally traced her fingers higher and reached her most sensitive spot.
Oh, Brigit, it’s…’ Elva could only gasp for breath through moans as Mistress finally found her nub and casually circled it. The feeling was so much more intense than her own fingers. Elva began to feel weak as the pressure built; her legs quaked while her arms trembled to carry her weight using the band suspending her wrists.
Only seconds later, Mistress retreated her hand from Elva’s bud. Elva shivered and took several ragged breaths through waning whimpers as the strength returned to her legs. She opened her eyes shakily and looked down at Mistress’ chest as she tried to calm the quaking in her limbs.
Once Elva’s moans calmed, Mistress gently pinched her chin and raised her head. Wearily, Elva held her expression to meet her gaze. “You seem a little,” Mistress teased lightly as she looked gently into Elva’s weary eyes, “tired, kitten. Do you need me to take some weight off?”
Without a second thought, Elva hastily nodded yes. Her limbs were growing sore while her breathing was still ragged; Elva was thankful to think she would get some rest.
With a mischievous snicker, Mistress started kneeling while grabbing hold of Elva’s right thigh, slowly raising her foot off the ground. As Mistress knelt on the floor, she pulled Elva’s leg up and propped it over her left shoulder.
“More comfortable, kitten?” Mistress flirtatiously asked.
Eyes still closed, Elva gently nodded before weakly replying, “Y-yes, Mistress.” She thought, ‘Finally, I can—catch my breath,’ as the air returned to her chest; soon, the aching in her arms and the trembling in her legs began to lessen.
After a moment, Elva slowly opened her eyes and looked down at Mistress. Her eyes went wide, however, when she finally realized that Mistress had her face inside her spread legs, staring very intently at her slit.
Elva thrashed in vain to close her legs while her face and chest grew hot with embarrassment, but Mistress held her thighs firmly open. When her initial efforts failed, Elva settled for covering her face by closing her arms together with the slack Mistress provided. ‘Oh, Brigit, she’s right there,’ she pursed her lips as she shut her eyes tight.
Mistress heartedly giggled as Elva shielded her face before murmuring something hungrily in a tongue Elva did not recognize.
“Uh—what’s that mean?” Elva somehow managed to ask. ‘Do…do I even want to know?’ She kept her eyes firmly shut, already regretting opening her mouth.
Oh!” Mistress exclaimed as if she was happy Elva asked. “It’s a phrase I learned a while ago. I’ve been quite fond of it ever since.” Her voice seemed to flutter as it slowly muted. “It means ‘let’s dig in,’” she whispered as she closed her lips around Elva’s bud.
Elva nearly shrieked. ‘Oh, Brigit, what…’ she thought before all she could focus on was how Mistress’ tongue felt as it gently rubbed against her. Her left leg curled and lifted from the ground as her thighs closed around Mistress, somewhat supported by the grasp of her hands. Her quivering arms barely held her remaining weight as Elva gasped for air through deep, labored moans.
Mistress, I-I can’t…’ Elva failed to finish her unspoken statement before she let out a shrill cry as the pressure in her crotch overflowed. Her body shook and convulsed as heat filled her being. ‘I-I’ve never—felt…’ her mind was too overwhelmed by the new sensations to think clearly.
What felt like an eternity later, Elva wondered, ‘Oh—how…how long does this last??’ She peeked open her eyes, but she could hardly see her arms in front of her through the dark haze over her vision. She could barely breathe but for the gaping pants followed swiftly by hoarse moans. Her mind grew as dark as her vision, and Elva lost herself in Mistress’ touch.
Elva’s mind fell into a trance as her ragged whimpers turned to labored breaths. She only vaguely noticed the heat in her core abate and the release of her wrists as she seemed to float through the air. Suddenly, Elva felt herself stop moving with a calm thud, but she could still neither see nor hear anything beyond the darkness of her mind.
How long her mind floated, Elva couldn’t tell, but slowly her coarse gasps turned to deep, gentle breaths. As the fog over her eyes and mind faded, she felt light strokes on the top of her head and vaguely heard someone calling her in a low, calm voice.
Elva blinked a few times to clear her sight, and she finally saw Mistress looking down on her. Her eyes were tenderly peered open while her smile was warm and soothing.
“Welcome back, kitten,” Elva heard Mistress whisper. “Thank you for the meal,” she added with a short snicker.
“Mis—” her breaths left her struggling to speak still, so Elva continued with her thoughts. ‘Mistress? What…what happened?’ Elva’s eyes still felt so heavy, while her arms were weak and limply crossed in her lap.
“You had an orgasm, kitten,” Mistress softly explained as she stroked Elva’s hair and cradled her on her chest. “A very strong one, in fact. It sent you into a deep bliss and you gave me all your energy.”
Elva rested her head against Mistress and wearily closed her eyes. ‘That must be… why I’m so tired.
“You need your rest now, kitten,” her voice remained sweet and seemed to lull Elva into a slumber. “We’ll continue when you’ve recovered.”
“But,” Elva struggled to pry her eyes open to look up at Mistress. ‘But you… only have a day.
“And the day will still be here after you’ve rested,” Mistress hushed Elva with a slight sternness, though the gentleness of her eyes never left. “You have no energy to use or give; you need to rest for me, kitten.”
Elva’s eyes grew too heavy to keep open again, though her mind stayed uneasy. ‘I’m sorry.
“Sorry for what, kitten,” she heard Mistress ask as she affectionately brushed Elva’s cheek with her fingertips.
I,’ despite her apology, Elva’s mind still floated as she pressed into Mistress’ chest, it was so fast… I can do better.
Mistress brought her head down lightly on Elva's hair as she delicately shushed her. “You did wonderfully, my kitten,” she held Elva’s cheek in her palm. “You were a very good girl, and I’m very proud of you.” Mistress slowly lifted her head and leaned in to kiss Elva just above her brow. “You need to rest now, kitten,” she whispered as her lips retreated.
“Rest,” Elva murmured as her head fell limply into Mistress’ embrace. ‘That sounds nice,’ finally, Elva’s thoughts calmed and she fell into a deep slumber.
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