Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 6: Lessons [fingering]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of consensual intoxication, reluctance, vaginal fingering, and genital mentions (breasts, nipples, clitoris, slit). Reader discretion is advised.
Elva’s mind drifted in darkness until the light touch of someone stroking her hair pulled her awake. As she groaned and shifted, Elva became aware of the warm, supple pillow underneath her head and the soft cushioning that hugged her back and legs. Her body felt so light and warm, like she was floating.
“Good afternoon, kitten,” she heard Mistress call sweetly.
Slowly, Elva pried her eyes open to find Mistress looking down at her while she lay in her lap. Mistress gently petted her hair with her left hand while resting her right upon Elva’s crossed arms. Wide-eyed and feeling her cheeks flush, Elva looked back up at Mistress’ smiling lips while trying to ignore the overhang of her tightly-clothed bust.
“Uh, afternoon?” she asked sheepishly, already fidgeting with her toes anxiously.
“The sun had just risen when we signed your contract,” Mistress explained as she gently pulled her fingers across Elva’s curls. “Now it’s passed the top of the sky, kitten.”
So long?’ Elva thought before her eyes saddened; she turned her head away from Mistress’ gaze. “I’m sorry, Mi—” her apology was halted as Mistress pressed her finger firmly onto Elva’s lips.
“I will not hear any more complaints about this matter, kitten!” Mistress said sternly. Elva glanced back to see Mistress glaring at her with pouting lips. “If you apologize about needing to rest one more time, your punishment will be to rest until I tell you otherwise.” Her words were sharp, but they held a strange kindness to them that made Elva’s heart flutter. “Do you understand, kitten?” Mistress asked as she released her finger.
“Y-yes, Mistress,” Elva hesitantly replied and nodded as she turned to face Mistress again.
At Elva’s words, Mistress’ frown disappeared in an instant. “Thank you, kitten,” she said with a slight tilt of her head and a warm smile. “You’re a very good girl,” Mistress began affectionately stroking her hair again. “Good girls need to rest, or else they can’t play.”
Elva felt a warmth in the air that quickly spread to her cheeks as she looked into Mistress’ softened eyes. ‘I’m a… good girl?’ Her heart began to pound; suddenly, Elva noticed the air on her nude skin and recalled what Mistress had done before she fell asleep. In a fluster, Elva closed her eyes then turned her body away from Mistress, curling up to cover herself, however vainly. ‘Oh, Brigit, why does that… why do I…’ she buried her face in Mistress’ knees as the heat started to spread through her body.
Mistress chuckled as Elva tried to hide herself. “I can see you have quite the energy now, kitten,” she teased as she twirled Elva’s hair between her fingers. “See what a little rest can do?”
The fire in her chest grew too strong to ignore as Elva rested her nose in Mistress’ dress, taking in her sickeningly sweet aroma with every breath. Slowly Elva peeked her eyes open and raised her head from Mistress’ lap. ‘I suppose I do feel more rested, but…’ her head already felt light as her mind wandered to the feeling of Mistress’ lips. “What happened earlier,” Elva said shyly, still too flustered to look back at Mistress, “my—orgasm… is that—normal?”
Mistress replied, “Yes, kitten, it’s quite normal,” still playing with Elva’s hair. “Not everyone has them, but most do when they experience strong pleasure.”
Strong pleasure… that makes sense,’ Elva thought as she reflected on how Mistress made her feel. “Are they always so… intense?”
“No, not always. My pheromones are in part to blame, though.”
“But,” Elva felt the heat spread to her crotch, “they could be?”
Mistress giggled before she responded. “If that’s what my kitten wishes for,” she told Elva playfully.
Feeling flustered, Elva buried her face in Mistress’ legs again and curled herself up. ‘Why did I ask that?
“You’re very curious, and very needy, kitten,” Mistress teased as she traced Elva’s cheek with the tip of her finger. “Speaking of needy,” she added before holding Elva’s chin. Gently pulling her face up, Mistress said, “Your energy has returned, and I confess I’ve grown hungry watching my kitten rest.”
Though Mistress’ eyes were softly peering at her, the gentle curl of her lips held Elva’s gaze. “You want to kiss me, don’t you kitten?” Elva timidly nodded yes as she felt her ears tingle. “Please,” Mistress held out her left hand, “sit next to me, kitten.”
With little hesitation, Elva took Mistress’ hand with her right and pushed herself up while pulling her legs off the long chair. As she sat upright, Elva realized her head felt dizzy from Mistress’ warmth, so she brought her left hand to her temple to steady herself.
“Easy now, kitten,” Mistress held Elva tightly and grabbed her waist as she saw Elva wobble. Smoothly, Mistress slid next to Elva until they sat hip to hip. “Don’t lose yourself before you find my lips,” she eyed Elva seductively through narrow slits as she leaned down.
Warmth seemed to spread throughout Elva as their torsos aligned. Elva had already begun to close her eyes and tilt her head upwards before Mistress finished her sentence. ‘I’m… already lost,’ Elva thought as their lips finally touched and she tasted Mistress again.
Steadied by Mistress’ embrace, Elva let her hand lazily fall from her head and rested on Mistress’ leg. Her heart throbbing, Elva moaned lightly as their tongues danced. Without a thought, Elva followed Mistress’ lead as she opened her hand to interlace their fingers.
Her hand… it’s so soft,’ Elva thought as they gently rubbed their palms together.
A moment later, Mistress retreated her lips and released a mischievous giggle. Elva peeked her eyes open to look up at her as the warmth on her lips faded. “My hand isn’t the only part of me that’s soft,” Mistress seductively said as she placed her free hand on Elva’s. “Please, attend to me, kitten.”
Elva looked down for a moment as she felt Mistress touch her hand. “Um, attend?” she asked as she looked back up at Mistress’ smile. “What—do you mean?”
With a light giggle, Mistress took hold of Elva’s hand and raised it off her thigh. “Don’t worry, kitten,” she seductively answered as she leaned back down. “I’ll show you,” she added before kissing Elva again.
As Elva closed her eyes, she nearly forgot about the gentle pull on her hand until her fingertips touched Mistress’ cheek. ‘Oh! It is soft,’ Elva thought as her palm held Mistress’ skin. Adrift in her kiss, Elva lost herself in the taste of Mistress’ tongue and the warmth of her body until Mistress gently pulled her hand further down.
Oblivious to the change, Elva’s fingers gently traced Mistress’ jaw until they fell down to her neck. Mistress let out a light moan as Elva’s hand slid down her skin, sending Elva’s heart fluttering. Soon, her fingers reached Mistress’ collarbone; the gentle brush past the sleek protrusion seemed to send a shiver down Mistress’ spine, but Elva could hardly notice. Only when her fingers touched the soft fabric of Mistress’ dress did Elva rouse from her daze.
‘Oh, Brigit,’ she thought as her hands slid over the smooth fabric. ‘It’s so soft,’ Elva couldn’t help but compare it to the coarseness of the old, handspun dress she was ordered to remove.
“Pay attention, kitten,” Mistress whispered as she pulled her lips slightly away from Elva’s, barely even opening her eyes. “You’ll miss the lesson if you drift off too far.”
Elva weakly peered her eyes open before responding. “I’ll try,” she said before Mistress returned her embrace.
When their lips touched again, Mistress pulled Elva’s fingers to her exposed skin and slid them under her dress. As her hand fell, Elva vaguely noticed the suppleness of Mistress’ body change. Although the shift was too gradual to distract from Mistress’ kiss at first, Elva’s eyes widened as she realized Mistress had pulled her hand atop her breast.
Oh, Brigit, that’s—’ Elva attempted to pull away in a mild panic, but Mistress held her hand tighter while her lips chased Elva’s. As Elva’s hand groped her, Mistress released an elated moan that sent her heart fluttering. ‘That’s… soft too,’ Elva’s eyes relaxed as she felt the warmth building in her chest. Gently, Elva leaned back into Mistress to return her kisses as her head began to float once again.
Following Mistress’ instruction, Elva tenderly massaged her Mistress’ breast as she softly moaned. Elva’s heart seemed to skip a beat with each sound, so much so that she failed to notice when Mistress stopped moving her hand. Unwavering, Elva groped in rhythm with Mistress’ moans until, eventually, Mistress pulled on her hand again.
Mistress tugged Elva further down before settling her fingers below her peak. She tenderly closed Elva’s first two fingers around the bud, then released a light moan as Elva gently tweaked her sensitive spot. Elva’s heart fluttered again at the sweet sound. Wanting to hear it again, she pinched Mistress without provocation, perhaps a little too eagerly. Mistress yelped lightly before retreating her lips when Elva’s fingers closed.
“Careful, kitten,” she whispered to Elva with peering eyes and a light smile. “My nipples are quite sensitive.”
Elva bashfully replied, “Oh, I-I’m sorry, Mistress,” worried that she’d upset her.
“It’s quite alright, kitten,” she told Elva gently. “Would you like to taste them?” Mistress added with an amused smile.
Elva sat and stared blankly for a moment. ‘Taste?’ she blinked twice as she glanced down at Mistress’ chest. ‘I’d never thought about it, but…’ as Elva’s mind wandered, she felt her cheeks grow warm; hardly looking back up to Mistress, she sheepishly nodded yes.
With a satisfied grin, Mistress let go of Elva’s hands and brought her left palm around Elva to rest on the back of her head. She slowly pulled the top of her dress aside to expose her right breast before tenderly putting weight on Elva’s head. Without resistance, Elva let her head be lowered into Mistress’ chest.
Resting her left hand on Mistress’ corset, Elva turned toward Mistress as her head fell, to which Mistress seemed to turn into Elva. “Mind your teeth, kitten,” Mistress whispered before Elva’s lips touched her skin. Cautiously, Elva kissed the dark band surrounding her bud, leaving Mistress to shudder.
The sound sent shivers down Elva’s spine. ‘How… does it taste?’ Elva wondered as she slowly opened her mouth and raised her hand to cup Mistress’ breast. ‘What…what sounds will Mistress make?’ Gently, Elva closed her lips around Mistress’ nipple and traced it with her tongue. ‘It… tastes… like her.
With a shudder, Mistress gasped as she held Elva’s hair. “Oh, good girl,” she whispered through deepening moans as Elva’s tongue teased her.
The rising and lowering of Mistress’ chest entranced Elva as much as her delightful sighs. Elva brought up her legs on the chair and knelt to face Mistress. Better positioned, she began gently massaging Mistress’ breast and sucking on her mound, eager to hear more of Mistress’ sounds.
Granting her request, Mistress moaned in bliss as Elva pulled on her nipple. The tender grasp on Elva’s hair tightened as Mistress pushed Elva’s head into her chest. Her head was dizzy, but Elva continued to rhythmically suck as the heat continued to spread through her body. A few moments later, Mistress gently lifted Elva’s head by firmly holding her hair, leaving Elva to gasp as her lips left Mistress’ skin.
“Very good girl,” Mistress praised as she looked down on Elva with a seductive smile, her chest still heaving with heavy breaths. “I think it’s time for the next lesson,” she mischievously whispered as she placed her hand again atop Elva’s.
After Mistress relaxed the grasp on her hair, Elva brought her hand to her mouth in anticipation. She watched as Mistress carried her hand across the soft lace of her corset until their hands reached the inside of Mistress’ legs. Elva could only stare wide-eyed as Mistress guided her hand into the side-slit of her dress and pulled the fabric off her leg.
Mistress began to spread her legs as her crotch became revealed, sending Elva’s heart pounding at the sight of her slit. “Are you ready for the lesson?” Mistress asked with a wide grin.
Elva nervously looked back up before shyly nodding yes. Something about Mistress’ question was disquieting, but Elva’s heart throbbed as she thought about what was next. ‘I… want to hear more of Mistress’ sounds.
With a short giggle, Mistress pulled Elva’s hand between her legs. However, as Elva’s fingertips began to trace Mistress’ folds, her composure quickly broke. Her wide grin was replaced by shuddering lips as her eyelids became heavy. Her cheeks somehow turned redder as her easy breaths turned into shallow moans.
Entranced, Elva watched Mistress’ movements as her fingertips slid through Mistress’ delicate lips. ‘Is this… what I looked like?’ Elva asked herself, her heart fluttering with each deepening moan. ‘What if I touched… her sensitive spot?’ Elva wondered after a moment before her fingers wandered higher.
Mistress gasped and quivered as Elva passed over her nub; she’d ceased guiding Elva entirely, and instead her hand trembled as she tried to hold onto Elva. “Oh, good,” Mistress struggled to speak through her whimpers as her head fell back into the chair, “good girl.”
I… guess I am,’ Elva could only conclude as she watched Mistress writhe gently to the steady circles around her hood. She placed her hand on the back of Mistress’ head before closing her eyes and leaning in. As Elva neared her black-painted lips, Mistress swiftly returned her grip to Elva’s hair to push her in. Mistress fervently kissed Elva as her hips began to rock; her moans set Elva’s heart ablaze as she tried to maintain her rhythm.
Then, after a few moments, Mistress released a shrill cry as she tightly gripped Elva’s curls, leaving Elva to wince and yelp lightly. Her body began to shake as her kisses ceased, though Mistress didn’t let go of her lips. Elva felt her head grow light, but she continued to circle Mistress’ bud until, eventually, her trembling hand gripped Elva away to halt her.
For several seconds, Mistress shook until she finally loosened her grasp on Elva’s hair and pulled her lips away. “Oh, very…very well done, kitten,” she said through labored breaths as her eyes slowly peered back open. “Your fingers,” Mistress let out a short giggle before continuing, “certainly know their way around a clitoris. I think it’s time for the next lesson.”
She eased her grasp on Elva’s hand and gently slid it down her folds. Carefully, Mistress stopped Elva’s fingers just outside her opening.
In-inside?’ Elva questioned as Mistress slowly rubbed her two inner fingers across her. ‘I-I’ve never… is it safe?’ she barely had time to ponder before her fingertips were gently pushed inside Mistress. With a deep gasp, Mistress shuddered as her eyes shivered shut. ‘She’s warm… and wet,’ Elva reflected as her fingers were pushed deeper in, forcing a sharp moan from Mistress.
“Oh, kitten, I—” Mistress struggled to speak through her ragged breaths as she inserted Elva’s fingers to their last knuckles.
Enamored by the expressions and noises Mistress was making, Elva failed to notice that Mistress’ hand was trembling and no longer guiding her. ‘She… must be feeling good,’ Elva thought as she studied Mistress. How will Mistress’ face change when…’ she asked herself before slowly pulling her fingers out to their tips.
A deep gasp followed by the gentle peering of Mistress’ eyes answered Elva’s question. ‘I… want to make her feel… better,’ she thought as she gently pushed her fingers back in. Mistress shuddered again while releasing a deep groan, gripping Elva’s hair even tighter.
The sudden grasp forced the air from Elva’s chest while she recoiled, though soon she inserted her fingers further inside. Mistress’ hold forced Elva’s gaze to her chest, and as Elva began to pull her fingers out again, she thought, ‘How can… I can make Mistress feel… better, can’t I?
Her hand lowered to the side of Mistress’ dress; Elva delicately pulled the soft fabric off her left breast before cupping it gently from above. With her lips hardly a hand away, Elva did her best to massage Mistress’ breast while maintaining the rhythm of her fingers. Though, just as Elva began to pull her fingers out again, she noticed something that gave her pause.
This spot,’ Elva thought as she found a small mound inside Mistress, ‘it’s really soft. What would happen if I…’ she started to wonder as she lightly pushed to the bump.
Suddenly, Mistress released a deep moan while her body thrashed. The grip on Elva’s hair intensified as Mistress pulled Elva into her chest. ‘OW!’ Elva couldn’t help but think as she winced and gasped for a breath. When her eyes opened, Elva finally realized she was being held against Mistress’ breast. ‘I suppose that works,’ she thought as her eyes shut and her lips closed around Mistress’ nipple.
Oh, kitten!” Mistress exclaimed through shuddering groans as Elva continued massaging the strange mound. Her hips had begun to rock into Elva’s hand while the rest of her body started to shiver. “Kitten, I-I’m going to c-cum!”
C-come? What does—’ Elva began to ask before Mistress let out a harsh moan as her body curled up. Her hands grasped Elva’s wrist and hair tightly as she began to convulse. ‘Oh, Brigit! She’s—’ Elva flinched at the sting on her head; she managed not to bite Mistress through the sudden pain, but she no longer felt in control of her hand’s movements. ‘She’s gripping… my fingers… too.’
Only a second later, Elva felt her head grow dizzy; when she opened her eyes, Mistress’ chest had become fuzzy. Not a moment later, Elva lost the feeling in her limbs as she started falling into Mistress’ lap.
Oh!” Mistress nearly shouted with a moan as she released her grasp and caught Elva in her arms. “Oh, kitten,” her voice calmed as she held Elva against her heaving chest. “Kitten, it’s okay—stay with me.”
Mistress, I… my head is…’ Elva tried to explain as the heat overtook her senses.
“I know, kitten,” Mistress tried to hush Elva through her ragged breaths. “You gave me too much of yourself; you need to rest now.”
“N-no, Mistress,” Elva whispered as her breathing shivered. She pulled her right arm up weakly to hold onto Mistress’ dress. “Not yet… I…I need…”
“What?” Mistress asked when Elva failed to finish. “What do you need, kitten?”
“I,” Elva struggled to turn her head up to look at Mistress. “I need to… cum… like you did,” she muttered shyly.
Mistress gave a pleased sigh and donned a delighted grin. “If that’s what my kitten needs,” Mistress seductively whispered as she turned Elva’s body upright in her lap, “then let me take care of the rest.” Cradling Elva with her right arm, Mistress slid her left hand down Elva’s side until her fingers reached her waist.
Elva trustfully nodded as she looked up at Mistress; her eyes shuddered closed, though, as Mistress’ fingers traced her side and grazed over her hip. Her hand came around Elva’s leg and slowly slid between her thighs, forcing a whimper to escape Elva’s lips as she anticipated Mistress’ touch. When the gentle caress of Mistress’ fingertips came, tracing her lips, Elva released a shivering gasp. ‘Oh, Mistress, please…
“Don’t worry, kitten. I will,” Mistress whispered as she traced her finger outside Elva’s slit. “Are you ready?”
Without hesitation, Elva whimpered and nodded her head.
As Mistress slid into Elva, she released a quivering gasp and tightly grasped Mistress’ dress. ‘Oh, Brigit… Mistress is… inside me.’ Elva shook as Mistress’ finger slid deeper in; a harsh moan forced the air from her chest as her legs curled up.
Breathe, kitten. Let it come,” Mistress whispered as she gently pulled back out. With Mistress’ finger curled slightly, Elva’s heart dropped as she passed a sensitive spot. “There it is,” she gleefully added before returning her finger to the place.
Mistress, please don’t… don’t stop,’ her shivering graons and ragged breaths left Elva unable to speak her request.
“I won’t, kitten,” Mistress reassured Elva with a soft voice. “I want my kitten to cum for me. Can she do that?”
“Y-yes, M…Mistress,” Elva managed to say; the pressure in her crotch was growing so strong Elva thought she would burst.
“Good girl,” Mistress praised softly. “Now, you said you wanted to cum like me, but you’re missing one thing, kitten,” Mistress teased before she lifted Elva’s chest, touching her lips to Elva’s right breast and gently pulling on her peak.
Elva’s back arched as she cried out; her hips began to rock into Mistress’ hand beyond her control. ‘Mistress, I…’ Elva peeked her eyes open for a moment, only to see a blurred blend of Mistress’ red tones. I’m going to… c-cum,’ Elva managed to think before her eyes shut again as a shrill groan was forced from her lips.
As a series of whimpers and whines escaped Elva, her body began to thrash and convulse. Elva threw her trembling arms around Mistress’ head with what little strength she had. ‘Oh, Brigit, it’s—she’s…’ Elva thought before her mind fell into a daze. The pleasures that Mistress gave her seemed to blend, and all she felt after several moments was the burning pressure coursing through her and the heat of Mistress against her.
Her mind floated seemingly for an eternity; in time, her ragged moans and the shivering of her arms abated. Soon, Elva willed her eyes open and raised her head to find Mistress looking at her with tender eyes and a warm smile.
“Welcome back, kitten,” Mistress whispered; her lips were so close Elva could smell the sweet taste in her breath.
“Mis-tress,” Elva murmured back before realizing her arms were still wrapped around Mistress. Too tired to lower them, Elva wearily closed her eyes and laid her head on Mistress’ chest. “Th-thank you,” she whispered as she rubbed her cheek against the soft fabric of her dress.
After giggling elatedly, Mistress replied, “You’re quite welcome, kitten.” Elva blushed as she felt Mistress begin gently stroking her hair. “You were a very good girl, and I’m very proud of you, kitten. You need to rest now.”
“I,” Elva weakly replied without opening her eyes, “I don’t want to sleep… just yet.”
There was a short pause before Mistress sighed and gave her reply. “If you’re not ready to sleep yet, then at least rest in my arms, kitten,” she insisted as she settled Elva into her chest, “and let me sing some poetry to you.”
“Poe-try?” Elva cracked her eyes open and looked up at Mistress quizzically. “What’s that?”
“It’s a way to express oneself,” Mistress explained as she continued to stroke Elva’s hair. “Words are tied in rhythm and rhyme to help convey one’s emotions.”
“Oh,” Elva looked down for a moment to ponder the few books in Móra’s cottage apart from the grimoire. “I don’t think I’ve read any.”
“You’ve read more than you realize, kitten,” Mistress replied, causing Elva to look back up curiously. “Your grandmother’s grimoire is filled with poetry, though it is all written in Wiccacant. Every rite for every spell is written in rhyme and rhythm to weave the magic.”
“Oh, I…I didn’t know.” Elva looked back down sullenly. “I never knew what the words meant, only how to say… some of them.”
“Perhaps I can teach you sometime, kitten.” Elva perked her head up at the suggestion. “I’m fully versed in Wiccacant, and I can even perform some witchcraft myself.”
“That…that would be nice,” Elva replied as she settled her head back down.
“But that’s a different sort of poetry, kitten. I was going to sing some lyrics of The Poetess.”
“The… Poetess?” Elva asked. “Who is that?”
“A renowned poet who lived centuries ago. They were one of the greatest, if you were to ask for my opinion, but… most of their works are lost and forgotten in the living world,” Mistress added as her voice almost turned sullen.
“I had read every one of their poems when they were alive, more times than I could count. Then, when they died… they were sent here, and I met them. They… changed my life. How I miss their company,” as Mistress’ trailed off, she slowed her caresses of Elva’s hair.
Noting the pause, Elva couldn’t help but blush as she pondered what Mistress meant. “Were you… their… Mis—”
“No, kitten, I wasn’t their Mistress,” she softly interrupted Elva’s question. “We were dear friends, though, and… when their time here ended, it broke my heart to see them leave. But, I was young and in love.”
“You,” Elva couldn’t help but lift her head and ask, “were in love?”
“Is that really so surprising, kitten?” Mistress asked with an amused chuckle as she resumed stroking Elva’s locks. “Even demons can fall in love, but even if that weren’t true, I’m not a pure-blood demon.”
Elva blinked twice before asking, “You’re not?”
“I’m a quarter human on my mother’s side,” Mistress explained. “Her mother was human and a powerful witch as well. But she lived many millennia ago, and hardly anyone remembers her name anymore.”
As Elva listened to Mistress’ explanation, she rested her head against Mistress’ body. ‘There’s so much I don’t know about her,’ Elva reflected as she struggled to keep her eyes open. “Have… you been in love… more than once, Mistress?” She shyly asked.
Mistress paused for a moment before answering. “Just once more, kitten,” she finally said sullenly.
Elva looked back up once more to see Mistress’ smile was gone, ‘Why.. do you look… sad?
“Trade secrets, kitten,” Mistress replied bluntly. “I believe I was going to recite some poetry.” Without answering Elva’s question, Mistress began to sing in some strange tongue that Elva didn’t recognize. The sound of Mistress’ voice felt soothing to Elva nonetheless, and she soon forgot about her question as the tranquil flow of words lulled Elva’s eyes closed. Only a moment later, Elva’s body relaxed as her mind fell into a slumber.
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