Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 8: Growth [biting] [sex]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of consensual intoxication, penis growth, hair pulling, teasing, biting, vaginal play (fingering, sex), and genital mentions (breasts, slit). Reader discretion is advised.
Elva slumbered restfully as her chest rhythmically raised and lowered, lulled gently by soft caresses atop her hair. A soft brush across her ear finally roused Elva from her rest, leaving her to grimace as she stretched awake.
“Good evening, kitten,” Mistress called in a soothing voice, where Elva noticed the warmth of Mistress holding her right hand tenderly.
Slowly, Elva opened her eyes to find herself lying in Mistress’ lap again; her smile was as warm as always, quickly sending Elva’s heart fluttering. ‘This is… starting to feel… familiar,’ she reflected as she looked past Mistress’ bust and into her eyes. “Good… evening?”
“The sun has already set, kitten; the blood moon is crossing through the sky,” she whispered back before adopting a sly grin.
Night already?’ Elva lightly sighed and dropped her gaze to the delicate lace of Mistress’ corset. ‘That must be why I feel so rested.’ She brought her left hand up and began rubbing the soft fabric, trying not to think about how much time had passed. ‘I suppose that means we don’t have much… longer to, ah… play?’ Elva’s statement turned to confusion as she felt her head and chest quickly grow hot upon noticing a peculiarly fragrant, floral smell that overwhelmed the devilish redolence she already knew.
“Wha—” Elva already found it hard to breathe over the heat in her body and the intoxicating scents flooding her mind. Elva brought her left palm up to her chest to try and calm her deepening gasps as she looked back up, to which Mistress snickered with an amused grin. “Wha-what’s that smell, Mi-Mistress?” the strokes on Elva’s hair started sending shivers down her spine, but the light curl of Mistress’ lips sent her heart pounding.
“My aphrodisiacs, kitten. They’re quite aggressive compared to my pheromones, aren’t they?” Elva closed her eyes and shuddered at the next brush of her hair. “They make your desires feel,” as Mistress’ fingertips brushed over her ear, Elva gasped deeply and quivered, feeling her face flush further before Mistress continued, “hungry. And, it seems, like always, you’re quite receptive to my charm, kitten.”
H-hungry, that,’ Elva slowly opened her eyes again to meet Mistress’ gaze, ‘makes sense.’ There was a strange twinkle in Mistress’ irises that gripped her attention.
“I’m glad you understand, kitten,” Mistress sweetly said as she caressed Elva’s cheek with the back of her finger. “You’re a fast learner; one of the many things I adore about you,” she added as Elva’s eyes shook closed and her breath shivered.
Mistress gently cupped Elva’s cheek and brushed her thumb against her freckled skin. Gasping lightly, Elva finally noticed something disturbing the skirt of Mistress’ dress just beside her. Elva opened her eyes and tried to turn her head to discover what the cause was, but Mistress slid her hand around Elva’s chin to hold her gaze away. “Uh, wh-what’s that, Mistress?”
“Blood moons carry powerful magic, kitten; had you contracted an incubus, as you intended, you would have discovered that we women are—different from men in several ways.” Mistress eased her grasp and stroked Elva’s cheek a few more times. “With the blood moon’s magic, I can,” as she explained, Mistress brought her hand behind Elva’s back and gently pushed her up with a mischievous smile, “blur some of those differences, kitten.”
The soft touch between her shoulders sent prickles down Elva’s spine while she was raised; as she sat upright, Elva swiftly turned to look at Mistress’ shimmering eyes before crawling closer. Elva knelt next to Mistress and looked at her glistening lips for only a moment before gently cupping Mistress’ cheeks in her hands. “Mistress… I,” Elva whispered as her breaths grew deep and her eyes heavy.
Yes, kitten?” Mistress sensually inquired with peered eyes while she placed her palm atop Elva’s right cheek; she shivered while her heart pounded in anticipation at the warmth of Mistress’ skin and the sweetness of her breath.
Elva closed her eyes and leaned in to graze Mistress’ soft lips before pulling back for the briefest moment. ‘Mistress, I—’ with a whimper, Elva pushed herself into Mistress and fervently embraced her, ‘I need… you.’ Her breaths heightened to moans with every pull on her lips as Elva felt her head grow light from Mistress’ intoxicating taste. Without hesitation, Elva lifted her leg over Mistress’ thighs and straddled her lap, wrapping her hands around Mistress’ head and pulling her body closer. As their torsos aligned, Mistress brought her hand around and gently petted Elva’s hair as her right hand slid up her thigh.
Trembling as Mistress’ fingers softly caressed her skin, Elva found herself pulling Mistress’ head into hers to keep hold of her lips. Mistress softly caressed Elva’s hip, then slowly glided her hand up Elva’s side, passing tenderly over her ribs until she reached her breast. Elva’s head fell away from Mistress’ lips, shuddering at the light touch and panting harshly. “Easy, kitten,” she whispered as Elva’s head fell onto her shoulder. “You’re already a mess and I’m hardly touching you.”
“I,” Elva slowly spoke through her gaping breaths as Mistress softly groped her, “I’m sorry Mi-Mistress. I-I can’t… help…” her apology turned to a light whine when Mistress gently grasped the hair above her nape and pulled her neck back. Elva quivered and melted into Mistress’ touch, holding her chest out and her head up while her eyes hung nearly closed.
Mistress whispered, “Breathe, kitten. We’re only getting started,” as she leaned in to kiss the skin below her collar. Sharply moaning, Elva writhed as Mistress’ lips traveled along her neck; her hips began to rock smoothly, accentuating Mistress’ fondling and the light sting of her grasp.
Elva’s mind grew dizzy as Mistress firmly sucked her while traveling downwards. ‘Ah, it…it-it’s not… enough,’ Elva thought as the heat quickly spread to her crotch and began to overwhelm her. “Mistress, I—!” Elva softly spoke before she lightly shrieked when Mistress pinched her shoulder with her teeth. Elva’s trembling hands lowered to Mistress’ nape and gripped tightly, pulling Mistress into her body. “Ahh… Mistress,” as Elva tried to speak more clearly, Mistress pulled her mouth away to look up at her; Elva could hardly meet her gaze, though, even as she grasped her hair less firmly. “Mistress, I-I need you to… touch me,” she said pleadingly as her body shivered and swayed.
“Touch you,” Mistress teased as she groped Elva more firmly, “where, kitten? Am I not already touching you?” she added while gently pulling Elva’s hair.
Elva briefly whined as her head fell back before she pried her eyelids open and peered intently at Mistress. “P-please,” Elva whispered as she lowered her arm and pulled Mistress’ hand down from her breast past her stomach; Mistress halted her descent, however, with a sly grin after her fingers went over Elva’s navel. “I need you to… touch me… where I am… sensitive,” Elva begged with pleading eyes as she continued to push at Mistress’ hand.
With a firm tug, Mistress tightened her grasp on Elva’s hair and pulled her head back. Elva groaned sharply at the sting before she felt Mistress give in to her guidance. “Anything for my kitten,” Mistress whispered back sensually as she lowered her fingers to Elva’s hood.
Elva’s eyes shook closed as she let out a sharp moan, her hips rocking into Mistress’ touch. As Elva began to thrust more aggressively, Mistress lowered her mouth to the opposite side of Elva’s neck and began to nibble tenderly. ‘Oh… oh, Mistress,’ Elva raised her hand to the back of Mistress’ neck and pulled her in firmly. “Mistress, I-I’m—” before Elva could say more, she cried in ecstasy as her body began to thrash, her movement halted only by the grip on her hair.
That’s my good girl,” Mistress pulled away to whisper before leaning down to bite Elva again. Elva gripped Mistress’ hand to push it into her crotch while her fingers began to dig into Mistress’ nape.
Mistress… ahh!’ Elva’s body burned like never before, fogging her thoughts and blending Mistress’ touches. She could only shake and whine until the waves of pressure coursing through her finally abated moments later when Mistress pulled her fingers away. As Mistress released her grip, Elva’s eyes shivered open to see Mistress smiling at her gleefully.
Well? Was that enough, kitten?” Mistress teased as she stroked Elva’s hair.
“N…no, Mistress,” Elva quietly replied as she caught her breath. “I…I need,” she shivered and struggled to keep her eyes open as she held Mistress’ hand again.
“What do you need, my kitten?” Mistress inquired as Elva paused her request to pant.
Elva shut her eyes and held her head down; the burning behind her groin was only worsening. “Please, Mistress,” as she looked back up, she pushed on Mistress’ arm and guided her fingers past her nub to her slit. “I need you… inside me.”
Mistress’ smile widened as she slowly spread her fingers and rubbed them between Elva’s folds. Elva shivered in anticipation, chest heaving while she pushed on Mistress’ arm. “Of course, kitten,” Mistress whispered before sliding two fingers inside Elva. With a sharp cry, her head fell onto Mistress’ shoulder while Elva threw her hips into Mistress’ hand. As her eyes quivered shut, Elva gripped Mistress tightly to steady her quaking, but to no avail.
Oh-oh, Mistress,’ Elva struggled to think as she tried to push Mistress’ fingers further in with the swaying of her hips. Her breaths turned ragged while her desperation swiftly grew as Elva felt her Mistress near her sensitive spot. ‘Please, touch me there… It aches… so bad,’ Elva begged when Mistress brushed right past it.
“Don’t worry, kitten,” Mistress whispered as her hand fell from Elva’s hair to the small of her back, her finger still slowly entering Elva. “I’ll take care of you,” she added before she pulled Elva into her and curled her fingers. The touch sent tremors throughout Elva and stole the air from her chest; her toes curled back and she wrapped her arms around Mistress to calm her quaking.
‘Oh…oh, Mistress, don’t…don’t… stop,’ Elva pleaded as her moans deepened and her body began to thrash.
Shh, kitten,” Mistress calmly hushed as she gently caressed the small of her back. “I won’t. I want my kitten to cum,” she whispered as she began to press more firmly into Elva. “Can she do that?” Elva hastily nodded before her moans elevated and her chest began to heave. The rhythmic prodding soon forced elated groans from her lips until Elva could no longer hold back. Mistress sensually ordered, “Cum for me, kitten,” just before Elva let out a blissful sigh and threw herself against Mistress.
Crying out as her body trembled, Elva succumbed to the heat bursting forth. Tightly squeezing Mistress, Elva’s mind went dark as she pushed herself into the soft fabric of Mistress’ dress and the pleasant pressure of her bust.
As the waves fell, Elva shook her hips less fiercely while her whimpers calmed. Mistress slowly pulled her fingers out, leaving Elva to shudder again as she was left empty. Slowly, Elva opened her eyes and gazed at Mistress, resting her arms on Mistress’ shoulders while she tiredly shivered. “Are you satisfied now, kitten?” Mistress sensually asked as she held Elva tenderly.
Elva weakly whined as she felt her chest continue to burn before she could respond. “No, Mistress,” she bashfully replied as her lips curled and her eyes closed. “It still aches… so badly inside,” as Elva explained, her arms fell to hug Mistress tightly while her head dropped her head to her shoulder.
“Then let me help you satisfy that ache, kitten,” Mistress whispered seductively as her hand slid down Elva’s back to her rear. Elva gasped lightly as her bottom was firmly cupped and gently lifted from Mistress’ lap; she hardly noticed Mistress pull the side-slit of her dress open until something strange brushed past her bud.
“What—” Elva struggled to ask after the sudden touch made her shudder, “ah, what was that, Mistress?” Suddenly, she was reminded of the protrusion that had disturbed Mistress’ dress. Though she wanted to see what it was herself, between her weariness and the comfort of Mistress’ stare, she could only look ahead.
“A part of me I can only show with the moon’s magic, kitten,” Mistress softly replied as she lowered Elva’s hips again. “Maybe it can scratch that itch you have deep inside,” she added sensually with a warm smile and a short giggle.
“Scratch… this itch,” Elva whispered while her heart began to flutter in suspense. She looked at Mistress for another moment before closing her eyes and leaning in her lips. ‘Please, I've felt this ache before… so many nights… all on my own,’ as her embrace grew more passionate, so did Elva’s need to back away to pant deeply before returning to Mistress’ sweet lips.
Mistress pushed away for a moment as she lifted Elva’s rear. “Then become one with me, kitten,” she whispered as she lowered Elva’s bottom slightly, resting her part just outside Elva’s slit.
“Become… one?” her heart throbbed as Elva gazed into Mistress’ caring eyes. “Y…yes, Mistress,” she murmured before easing herself down and letting Mistress enter her. Elva sharply gasped while her eyes quaked shut as she gripped Mistress tightly. ‘Ohh! Oh, Mistress… It’s—you’re—’ Elva struggled to form words as a blissful fullness began to envelop her.
“That’s it, kitten,” Mistress roughly whispered as Elva lowered herself. “Be one—with me,” her breaths were becoming ragged while her hips began to rock ever so gently.
Shuddering as the sensations began to shift, Elva’s legs began to tremble and falter until she dropped down slightly. When her part passed Elva’s sensitive spot inside, she briefly shrieked as the pressure sent chills down her spine. ‘Oh, Mistress!’ The quaking in her body caused her to drop further down, deepening her feeling of fullness. ‘Ohh... you’re so… close… to—!’ Another brief tremor pulled her down, and Elva released a piercing cry while her hips began to quake erratically.
“Kitten! Are you—” Mistress reached her arm around Elva and began to lift her bottom, but Elva pressed her hands against Mistress’ chest in protest.
“No, don’t!” Elva nearly shouted after Mistress barely raised her. “Please…please don’t…don’t move!” Elva muttered before her quivering deepened and her head fell on Mistress’ shoulder. ‘My ache… Mistress, it’s right… you’re right th—’ before Elva could finish, she began to groan deeply and thrust her hips; throwing her arms around Mistress, Elva dug her nails into her back as the fullness overwhelmed her. Every shake and tremble pushed Mistress against her, adding to the waves flowing over her.
Gasping for air as her moans turned to whimpers, Elva continued to sway as her head floated, desperate to keep reaching that spot. Her vision turned bright as the waves continued, and Elva felt a blissful tingling overwhelm her. ‘Oh, Brigit, please—don't let this… stop.
A muffled sound brought Elva’s mind to focus long enough to hear it repeated. “Kitten,” Elva finally heard Mistress tiredly whisper. Though her body still trembled, Elva willed her head up and her eyes open to find Mistress was also panting while her face was somehow heavily flushed. “Kitten, good girl,” she spoke wearily. “Welcome—back,” her arms were steadily shaking as she held the small of Elva’s back.
“Mi-Mistress… I—” Elva tried to speak, but Mistress’ hip twitched and pressed into her, causing a pleasured cry to halt her words.
Mistress haltingly muttered, “I’m sorry, kitten, but I’m—cumming—too!” before her head fell back into the chair and her face twisted in ecstasy. Her hips trembled as her voice cried out, bringing cries from Elva as she prodded. Suddenly, her part began to twitch, then Elva felt a euphoric warmth spread through her core as Mistress continued to moan deeply.
Elva let herself fall into Mistress; her body began to float as her senses filled with a sweet essence. Lightly whining in bliss, Elva rested her head on Mistress’ heaving chest. ‘Her heart… it beats… so slowly,’ Elva closed her eyes while she listened to the dull thumps as their breathings gradually calmed.
Slowly, Mistress raised her arms and held Elva tightly before wearily speaking in the same foreign tongue she had sung poetry earlier.
“What,” after a long pause, Elva gradually raised her head and pushed herself up enough to look at Mistress. “What does—that mean?”
After several more deep sighs, Mistress raised her head and answered through labored breaths as she gazed at Elva with pried eyes, “‘Now Love, the ineluctable, with bitter swe—” Mistress’ hip twitched briefly, forcing both her and Elva to wince in pleasure as they felt each other move. After pulling Elva closer and resting her head on her shoulder, Mistress gasped and continued, “‘sweetness fills me, overwhelms me, and shakes my being.’ Ohh, how-how you fill me, kitten,” her voice sang as Mistress hugged Elva tightly.
“But-but, Mistress, you,” Elva murmured before her legs began to tremble, coercing another moan from her lips as she rested into Mistress’ lap. “Mistress, you’re the one filling me, though,” Elva held Mistress back tenderly as she settled her head onto her shoulder.
After gripping Elva tighter and chickling quietly for a moment, Mistress lifted her head to look at Elva with tired eyes and an amused smile. “It’s a figure of speech, kitten,” Mistress replied with a haggard giggle as she rested her forehead on Elva’s and closed her eyes. “It just means I’m happy, and I’m not satisfied yet.” Slowly, Mistress pried her eyes open and looked at Elva longingly. “Are you satisfied, kitten?”
Elva lightly panted as she rested against Mistress, holding her eyes open to watch the sparkle in her irises. “If I-I say yes—and fall asleep again—will…will it be morning when I-I wake up?” Elva felt her chest grow hot as Mistress held her heart in suspense with her pleasured expression.
For a moment, her smile softened before Mistress closed her eyes wearily. “When next you fall asleep, kitten,” she paused with a huff before opening her eyes again, “it will be my turn to sleep.”
“Then I,” before Elva could finish, she thrust her hip sharply and gasped as she pressed her lips into Mistress. ‘I’m not satisfied either, Mistress!’ Elva thought desperately as her trembling legs failed to lift herself just right to reach where she needed to be touched. Before Elva could try again, Mistress cried out sharply and swiftly held Elva tighter.
“Wait-wait, kitten!” Mistress hastily ordered through labored breaths as her eyes shut and her arms quaked. “Don’t move yet. I need a-another moment.” Mistress rested her forehead on Elva’s shoulder while her shivering slowly calmed.
Gently relaxing back into her lap, Elva tenderly held her Mistress and watched the gentle rising and falling of her head as she steadily sighed. The smell of her hair and the feeling of her part resting so close to her growing desire left Elva feeling hot and dizzy, though. “Mistress, can you,” Elva held Mistress tighter as her need grew, “please kiss my neck, again?” Elva spoke her request softly; her heart began to pound as she leaned her head back to present her throat.
Mistress didn’t respond at first, but after taking a deep breath, she lifted her head slightly and raised her mouth near Elva’s collarbone. “Of course, kitten,” Mistress whispered with a grin, her breath tickling Elva’s skin before she leaned in and planted her lips. Trying in vain to keep still, Elva shuddered and whimpered as Mistress began to suck on her skin.
“Mistress,” Elva murmured while her eyes closed and her head fell back; her chest heaved gently as she lightly whined to Mistress’ deepening pulls. When Mistress lingered her next kiss just below Elva’s clavicle, her hips started to quiver. Mistress pulled away briefly as the pair gasped nearly in unison, but Mistress quickly planted her lips back on Elva’s skin without protest.
Elva shook more erratically as Mistress’ kisses became more enthused. The once subtle tugs turned to passionate pulls that held on her skin until Elva nearly squealed; only after did Mistress release her hold and allow Elva to breathe easier. On her next kiss, Elva felt Mistress’ teeth gently touch her before being replaced by her lips.
“Uhm, you,” Elva spoke shyly with unsteady breaths as Mistress looked back at her, “you can bite me again, Mistress. I, uh, I-I didn’t mind,” she nervously held her neck out again, looking down to meet Mistress’ gaze as Elva raised her hands to Mistress’ nape.
Slowly grinning but still panting, Mistress held Elva tighter before looking down hungrily at her. “With pleasure, my kitten,” she whispered sensually before tenderly sinking her teeth into Elva’s shoulder.
With a cry of ecstasy, Elva closed her eyes and trembled as she gripped Mistress. No longer able to ignore her desire, Elva steadily rocked her hips and attempted to push herself higher. Before she could struggle for more than a moment, Mistress lowered her hands to her rear and firmly held her cheeks.
“Let me help, kitten,” Mistress whispered as she momentarily raised her teeth from Elva’s skin. With a gentle pull, Mistress lifted Elva off her lap and began pressing into her.
Elva cried out as she squeezed Mistress’ neck tighter, forcing her fangs above Elva’s chest. With a sharp bite, her voice was quickly overwhelmed by harsh moans as Mistress continued to rhythmically press in with the gentle rocking of her hips. “Ahh, Mistress… Don’t…don’t stop,” Elva begged when Mistress lifted her teeth, only to shriek as she placed them on her left breast and firmly grasped the skin above her peak.
“Mistress, I—” Elva’s voice caught as Mistress’ next nibble came quickly and sank around her nub. “I…I’m going to-to—cum!” Elva squealed as the building pressure overflowed; her nails dug into Mistress’ nape while her hips erratically shook with the strength she had left.
Elva’s cries slowly waned as a warm tingling took over her body. She felt weak and gently relaxed into Mistress’ embrace, resting her hands on Mistress’ shoulders as her head fell limply. Her body began to float as she became enveloped by warmth, only to have the breath taken from her as Mistress lifted her and began leaving her empty.
“W-wait,” Elva murmured through a gasp after Mistress pulled herself out, “Mistress.” Shivering, Elva clutched herself into Mistress as best she could, “Are…are you,” she could feel Mistress still stiff and twitching against her, “satisfied, Mistress?”
Mistress sighed lightly and held Elva tighter before she finally responded. “You gave me all you can, kitten,” she whispered through tired breaths as she caressed Elva’s back.
“That's not—what I asked, Mistress,” Elva protested as she lifted her head wearily and opened her eyes. “Are you—satisfied, Mistress?” she asked again before a strong shudder shook her hips, coaxing an elated huff from each of them as Elva’s crotch rubbed on Mistress.
Lightly recoiling as she opened her eyes, Mistress met her gaze with a tired longing. “Not yet, kitten,” she answered in a coy whisper.
“Then, please,” Elva pushed herself up on Mistress’ shoulders as slightly as she could, feeling her part shift from underneath. “Satisfy yourself, Mistress. Or I…I won’t be satisfied—either,” her voice began to tremble as the quivering in her hips against Mistress made her ache again.
After a moment, Mistress closed her eyes and rested her forehead against Elva’s shoulder. Slowly sliding a hand down to cup her rear, Mistress lifted Elva off her lap before turning and bringing her legs onto the sofa. With tender grace, Elva was laid on the soft cushioning as Mistress rested on her.
Mistress took a few labored breaths before lifting her head and peering at Elva with softened eyes. “Are you sure, kitten?”
“Yes, Mistress,” Elva replied while wrapping her arms around Mistress’ head and bringing her knees to Mistress’ hips. “Please, don’t let me sleep—unsatisfied again,” her eyes closed in anticipation as she felt Mistress rest outside her.
Mistress sensually whispered, “As you wish, my kitten,” before pressing her hip in, slowly entering Elva as they both moaned out in ecstasy. Elva’s cries, however, quickly elevated as Mistress pushed further in and she reached her ache.
Mistress, please… oh, please fill me,’ Elva pleaded as Mistress gently pressed into her; she shivered as the pressure built swiftly with every touch. “Mistress… if you… keep… I’ll…I’ll—” she whined as her head fell back and her back arched from the cushion.
“I know, kitten. I want you to,” Mistress cooed hoarsely as Elva’s whines overtook her words. Only moments later, Mistress’ breaths turned ragged and her body started to tremble as she rocked into Elva. “Cum with—me,” she muttered before pushing herself into Elva and groaning loudly.
With the final press, their cries echoed as Elva felt the pressure inside overflow while the waves of Mistress’ warmth began to overtake her. Elva’s mind floated as her body became overwhelmed by bliss as she held Mistress close. Slowly, their trembling abated, but as Elva began to drift to sleep, she heard Mistress mutter the poetic tongue through gasps.
Wha…’ Elva’s mind became too weak to finish her question before her head fell limply to her side as she panted slowly into a slumber.
Almost as if in a dream already, she heard a low whisper, seemingly spoken in prayer, “May I win this prize, O golden-crowned Aphrodite.”
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