Wrong Side of the Bed [M/s] [fsub21] [TFdomme3242] - Chapter 9: Cat’s Eye [oral] [collaring]

This is a work of FICTION, made by and for adults. The following chapter includes depictions of consensual intoxication, objectification, cunnilingus, trauma, and genital mentions (breasts). Reader discretion is advised.
A low, gentle murmur and the pull of a warm embrace disturbed Elva from her repose. Slowly, she grimaced and pushed her eyes open to see Mistress lying underneath her. Mistress was sleeping soundly on her back with her head against the sofa’s armrest. Elva laid along her side, resting her cheek above Mistress’ chest with her arm draped limply across Mistress’ stomach. Mistress was holding Elva tenderly, keeping her body close while her deep breaths gently raised and lowered Elva’s head.
“Pr-precious,” Mistress muttered before she tugged Elva up and briefly pressed her nose against Elva. As Mistress relaxed her clasp, Elva glanced up, watching her expression for a moment before her eyes grew heavy again.
This,’ Elva thought, ‘is a nice dream,’ as her lids closed and her mind fell dark.
When next Elva roused, it was to a light humming she heard somewhere far in the distance. She didn’t feel Mistress cuddling against her anymore, nor the plump cushioning of the sofa on her back. Instead, Elva was lying on a plush sheet while her body gently sank into supple bedding. Her eyes crept open, only to find a red haze covering everything she saw.
After blinking slowly, Elva’s vision focused and she saw Mistress sitting on the other side of the room, looking towards the wall while she slowly played with her hair. Too tired to watch, Elva closed her eyes and tried to listen to the soothing melody before falling into slumber once more.
Her mind was restless, though, as Elva tried to doze again. The sweet song filled her thoughts with the moans Mistress seductively uttered when they touched each other. Her dreams quickly became provocative as they brought Elva back to their intimate times together. “Mis…tress,” Elva muttered as she began to squirm in her sleep. Her chest was growing warm, despite the cool air on her skin.
Suddenly, Elva gasped deeply as her eyes flashed open. For a moment, she could only lay on her side and catch her breath as her senses returned. Glancing around, Elva saw iron bars in front of her and realized she was back in the dimly-lit cell Mistress had put her in after they first met. ‘I guess… I’m awake.’
She groaned and stretched on the small cot before trying to sit up. “Where’s… Mistr—!” as Elva shifted, her body began to tingle as a powerful fragrance of flowers followed by a wave of heat stole her breath.
What’s… why am I… so,’ Elva struggled to think as she held her chest to try and still the quickening of her heartbeat. Before Elva could ponder her growing desire, the cell became illuminated by a bright light as Elva smelled an intoxicating redolence.
“Good morning, kitten!” Mistress’ voice sang and echoed throughout the hollow chamber. Elva turned her head quickly to the now open door and the sleek silhouette that stood in it. “Did you sleep well, kitten?” she asked as she stepped into the room, adding the spaced clicks of her shoes to the soft echoes. “Because I slept wonderfully,” Mistress reached her arms up in an exaggerated stretch as she continued her approach.
“Mis-tress,” her head grew dizzy as Elva tried again to push herself upright. “Mistress, why…why am I so—” Elva gasped for air while her heart fluttered as her Mistress stepped into the dim light coming from her cell. Suddenly, Elva was fixated on Mistress’ grinning, glistening, blood-red lips as they slowly drew closer.
“So hot, kitten?” Mistress finished teasingly with a chuckle. “I needed to ensure I had a meal today, so I left you some of my aphrodisiacs from last night.” Stepping close to the cell, Mistress grabbed the bars and playfully leaned into them. “You seem,” Mistress whispered cloyingly as her expression turned hungry, “distressed, kitten. Do you desire my assistance?”
“Y-yes, Mistress,” Elva hardly hesitated before she whispered pleadingly through her deepening breaths. “P-please.”
Grinning widely, Mistress seductively licked her lips as her stare intensified. “Of course,” she whispered before standing upright with a hand on her hip. “Come to the edge of your cell and press your rear against the bars, kitten,” Mistress sweetly ordered as she curled her fingers, beckoning Elva to approach.
After catching her breath, Elva pushed herself off the cot and shakily approached the edge of her cell. Elva looked intently up at her Mistress’ shimmering eyes before she turned around and leaned against the bars, looking back and hardly breaking her gaze. While her hair cushioned her back from the slick iron, Elva shivered as her bottom pushed into the cold barrier.
Mistress seductively whispered, “Good girl,” as she stepped up to the cell and slid her hands sensually across Elva’s sides. Struggling to calm her breath, Elva sighed deeply as her eyes shuddered closed while Mistress glided her warm, soft fingers along her skin.
“Mistress,” Elva wearily spoke as Mistress continued to trace her waist but stopped to bite her lip as the need in her chest quickly grew hotter. “Mistress, please… touch me—!” Elva pleaded before sharply gasping as Mistress moved her fingertips towards her stomach and then to her sensitive places. Her right hand began firmly groping Elva’s breast while the left began lustfully tracing her crotch.
Elva could hardly hold back her moans anymore; her hips began to rock gently, itching for Mistress to touch her even more intimately. Before she could express her desire, Mistress’ fingers closed and began tenderly rubbing her hood. Shuddering at the sensual touch, Elva felt her legs grow weak as she melted into Mistress’ hand. As her voice gently whined with increasing intensity, Elva leaned her head into the bars, trying in vain to rest against Mistress.
The pressure in her crotch steadily grew as Mistress continued her circles. It was only another moment before Elva’s legs began to fail as her pleasure neared climax. Before Elva could say how close she was, Mistress pulled her hands to Elva’s stomach and held her gently.
Easy, kitten,” Mistress whispered as Elva whimpered and winced in frustration. “You’re more than ready to break my fast, aren’t you?”
Elva murmured back, “Y-yes, Mistress,” as she wearily turned her head to look into Mistress’ eyes.
“Good girl. Now, bend over for me, kitten,” Mistress softly ordered as she pressed her hand into the small of Elva’s back. Feeling herself about to fall over, Elva grabbed onto the thick bars behind her as she gradually leaned her chest out. “A little more. Right there,” Mistress cheerfully said as Elva’s torso hung almost straight above the ground.
Her arms and legs were unsteady as Elva stared down and held her cheeks against the chill metal. Thankfully, Elva only had to wait a moment for Mistress to kneel and grab hold of her thighs. With little warning, Mistress whispered in a foreign speech and leaned her head between the bars.
Elva nearly shrieked as Mistress’ tongue began intimately tracing her delicate folds. Her legs trembled to stay standing while her hands strained to keep herself steady against the bars, and Elva began to pray that her strength wouldn’t fail before Mistress finished her.
“Mistress… please—” before Elva finished her request, Mistress lowered her aim to Elva’s sensitive spot. Arching her back up sharply, Elva pulled herself into the bars while yelling out blissfully as Mistress pressed into her nub.
As her body nearly straightened, Mistress pulled her tongue away, though. With a sigh, she released Elva’s left thigh and began pressing into her back, forcing her to lower again. Her arms shuddered as Elva tried to hold herself up, but her cries shook even more fiercely as Mistress finally reached her spot again. It was hardly a minute later that Elva’s high moans turned to quivering whines as her body began to shake and her eyelids fluttered.
“Mistress, I-I—!” Elva cried out sharply as the pressure in her crotch flowed over her. Before her trembling legs could falter, Mistress tightened her grip around her thighs and held Elva firmly against the cell. Her mind grew dizzy, and her vision darkened as the pleasure overwhelmed Elva. Finally, her strength failed, and Elva started to fall to the ground as her hands slipped off the bars.
Easy, kitten!” Mistress called out as she stood up and took hold of Elva’s arm, carefully pulling her up and then hugging her against the bars. Gradually, Elva noticed a change in the air that cleared her senses as Mistress held her, save for the pressure inside that still left her spasming and whining. Slowly, Mistress lowered Elva to the chill floor before carefully letting her go, tenderly caressing her skin as she stood up.
Elva could only lay panting and shaking on her side as the pleasure gradually faded and a blissful tingling overtook her body. She heard a faint click after a brief moment, followed by the creaking of metal and the light taps of Mistress’ shoes. Elva blinked a few times to brighten her vision as she listened to the fabric of Mistress’ dress slide near her. Before Elva could focus, she felt Mistress cradle her head and shoulders, lifting Elva gently onto her warm thighs.
An affectionate pat along her hair brought Elva out of her daze enough to discern the whisper of Mistress sweetly repeating, “Good girl.” She listened to the soothing praise for a few more moments before her eyes gradually flickered open. As Elva turned her head, her heart fluttered to find Mistress gazing down at her affectionately.
“Welcome back, kitten. Thank you for the meal,” Mistress whispered with a slight smile as she stroked Elva’s locks.
“Mistress,” Elva weakly replied as she tried to keep her head up. She turned down to rest on Mistress’ lap as her breathing slowly calmed. “Mistress, you—don’t smell—as sweet,” Elva observed as her eyes gently closed; she felt nostalgic, though, as the mild scent reminded her of their first kiss.
“You’re not smelling my pheromones anymore, kitten, nor my aphrodisiacs. I need your mind lucid and your thoughts clear now,” Mistress paused for a moment as she laid a hand on Elva’s back. “Congratulations, kitten. You survived my contract.”
Survived?’ Elva opened her eyes and looked back up quizzically. “It-it’s over?”
“I’m afraid so, kitten,” Mistress forlornly replied as she caressed Elva’s hair, “but you did wonderfully, kitten, and I’m so proud of you.” Her smile saddened while her eyes were filled with longing as she looked down at Elva. “Please, rest as long as you need, kitten. We have much to discuss when you are ready.”
Elva closed her eyes again and dropped her cheek back on Mistress’ leg, curling herself up as she nuzzled the soft fabric of her dress. The heat in her chest faded as Elva lay on the stone floor, and Elva found herself savoring the feeling of resting on Mistress and her affectionate caresses. It was a while longer before Elva finally relented to the mild discomfort of the ground and shifted to sit up.
“Let me help,” Mistress sweetly offered as she held out her hand. Looking at Mistress for hardly a moment, Elva took her hand and allowed Mistress to help pull her off the floor. Mistress gently held her side to steady her legs as Elva stood upright. After sharing a momentary glance, the two walked side by side out of the cell into the glow of the next room.
As they stepped into the well-lit chamber, Elva winced, closing her eyes as they adjusted. After opening them, she turned to Mistress and found she was holding a plush violet robe. Elva looked at the vibrant color in splendor for a moment as she watched Mistress offer it.
“Would you like to clothe yourself, kitten?” Mistress asked as she separated from Elva to open the garment. Elva nodded silently after a second and turned her back to Mistress, marveling at the softness of the fabric as she pulled her arms through the sleeves. As Mistress closed the robe over Elva, she nestled comfortably into the folds, starting to feel warm again.
Mistress held her back affectionately and motioned to the chair on the left. “Please, have a seat, kitten.”
Looking back to Mistress, Elva shyly nodded before moving to the seat and easing herself down. Stepping behind her, Mistress placed her right hand on Elva’s shoulder while her left gently touched her neck.
“May I remove your collar and end our contract, kitten?” Elva glanced back at Mistress, noting her light smile and softened eyes before nodding and lifting her hair. Wordlessly, Mistress slid her fingers under the collar and effortlessly pulled it away.
As she felt the smooth leather leave her skin, Elva shivered and held her neck. The open air felt colder than the floor she had laid on, and losing the embrace of her collar left Elva feeling exposed as she pulled her robe around her nape. Stepping around the seat, Mistress walked to the opposite chair and Elva watched her collar closely as Mistress held it in her hands. Her stare finally broke when Mistress turned to sit down and Elva watched her hair sway to the side, now bound in a thick braid that seemed to flow with the red highlights of her new black dress and corset.
That must have taken a while,’ Elva observed as Mistress pulled the braid over her left shoulder to sit down.
“But it’s well worth the effort, kitten,” Mistress quietly answered as she held her hair tenderly, “if I’m in a—hopeful mood.” She lowered her arm and delicately held Elva’s collar between her hands as she looked down at it. “I’d like to be honest with you, if I may, Elva.”
Elva stared ahead nervously instead of answering. ‘That’s… the first time Mistress has called me by my name. Why? Am I not… her kitten?’ She swallowed anxiously and slowly nodded as she waited to hear what Mistress might say.
“I—Yesterday was,” Mistress shyly paused to meet her gaze, “the most fulfilling day I’ve ever experienced.”
Speechless, Elva could only sit, mouth agape, as she tried to understand what she heard. “Wait… what?” was all she managed to ask.
“I’ve been on this Immortal Plane for over three millennia, kitten,” Mistress’ voice softened further as she looked intently at Elva. “And no one has been able to give me… so much of what I needed from them. And I don’t mean just the sex and energy, kitten. Your company was… welcome. Needed even, I feel, kitten.”
“Compa—but” Elva finally managed to mutter, “I slept all day.”
Her voice fluttered as Mistress retorted, “And I had a lovely kitten occupying my lap all day. I even had the chance to sing her some poetry.”
“I-I was so hesitant to do everything you asked,” Elva pointed out next.
“And yet you did everything I asked, kitten,” Mistress chuckled lightly as a warm smile broke her serious expression. “And you were adorable when you hesitated.”
“You—you were so gentle, though—even with—everything you could have used in the playroom.” Elva thought of the strange implements she vaguely saw hanging on the wall in the playroom, whose malicious purposes were still unclear. “Were you not… unsatisfied?”
“My interests are vast, kitten, as are the ways I can feel satisfaction,” Mistress paused and her eyes sadly closed before she continued. “And we had not but one day, kitten. It was impossible to fit all the things I—all the ways I wished to play with you—and everything I wanted you to experience in such a short time.”
Still in disbelief, Elva dropped her head as her emotions began to overtake her. ‘Mistress won’t…’ Elva held her hand over her mouth as her lips quivered. Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks as Elva struggled to accept Mistress’ words. ‘I won’t be… abandoned again?
No, kitten, you won’t be,” Mistress answered compassionately, “and I lament having ever made you feel unwanted, my lost kitten.” Mistress paused for a moment before continuing; lifting herself off her armchair, Mistress knelt in front of Elva and gently took hold of her trembling hand. “When you appeared before me yesterday, a lost, little kitten at my doorstep, I was resting. I was trapped in a dark pla—a deep sleep, for a very long time. I was guarded, imposing, and intimidating, more so than I wish to think of myself being. I’m so, very sorry, my lost, little kitten. I hope one day you might forgive me.”
Steadily regaining her composure as she listened to Mistress speak, Elva wiped the tears from her cheeks with the sleeve of her robe. Looking down at Elva’s hand in her lap, Mistress gently turned it upwards and placed the collar in her palm. “I want to renew my contract with you, Elva, if you’ll have me. After we talk a bit longer, of course.”
Elva released a relieved chuckle as a smile finally dawned her covered lips. “I…I think I would like that… a lot, Mistress,” she shyly answered as she grasped her collar and her hand fell onto Mistress’.
Warmly returning her smile, Mistress held Elva’s hand tightly as her fingers closed around the band. “I’m glad you think so too, kitten.” Keeping hold of Elva, Mistress stood up and sat at the edge of her armchair. “Do you have anything you want to ask or talk about, kitten? Or would you prefer me to speak more first?”
Collecting her thoughts, Elva pondered for a moment as she savored the warmth as Mistress held her. “So, when we renew our contract, how long will it last this time?”
“I would like us to sign a week-long contract,” Mistress’ eyes glistened while her smile warmed. “We will have much more time to play and better understand each other. And, if you decide not to contract with me further, you won’t feel forever bound to me. Does that sound fair, kitten?”
“Uhm, I guess that sounds fair, Mistress,” Elva replied before looking down at her collar. ‘A week, that’s just… seven days? That… sounds so soon.
Mistress inquired, “May I ask you a question, kitten?” as she observed a pause.
Her head darted up to meet Mistress’ soft gaze. “Uh, yes, mistress?” Elva shyly answered.
“What did you receive from the last day in my care, kitten?”
“What did I receive? Uh, well,” unsure of how to reply immediately, Elva pulled her hand away, fidgeting as she contemplated her experience and tried to understand everything she had felt. “Being in your care was… interesting and frightening, at times, b-but also exciting and… comforting.” Her voice became unsteady, and Elva took another moment before continuing. “I…I’ve felt very—alone—since Móra died,” Elva pulled her legs up onto the armchair so she could hug her knees. Tears began to well again as she struggled not to remember the past. “And scared… every day since. The kind words you keep saying to me, your constant presence, the new… things I-I keep feeling and experiencing… I haven’t felt so safe and… wanted in a long time.”
Waiting until she knew Elva had finished, Mistress slowly stood up to lean over her; she gently cupped the back of Elva’s head and kissed her forehead. “I’m so glad you feel that way, kitten,” she whispered affectionately, waiting to continue until Elva looked up and their eyes met. “I find it strange to say, but I feel much the same way, kitten.”
Taking Elva’s hand, Mistress gently pulled it with her as she sat at the edge of her armchair. Elva lowered her legs and leaned forward so they could maintain their embrace. With care in her voice, Mistress inquired, “Is there anything else your heart needs to know, my kitten?”
After a brief pause, something troubling Mistress had said entered Elva’s thoughts. “Uhm, when we met yesterday, you mentioned sending me to the… auction house… if I didn’t sign with you. I…I-I know you won’t, now, but what—”
Mistress gently tightened her grasp to cease Elva’s question. “And I’m so, so sorry for ever putting that fear in you, kitten,” Mistress softened her voice further as her smile fell, “but that is our reality. Without a contract, any demon could force you into whatever agreement they wished as penance for your sin. And, since you came here without a proper death, without being auctioned, without—without a contract, the risks in allowing you to stay here uncontracted would be—are severe, my kitten. For you even more than me.”
As the depth of her situation set in, Elva shed a few tears as she tried not to imagine what might have happened if she had decided not to contract with Mistress. “Please, my kitten, think little of that place. I promise, you will never see the inside of those halls. And if in time you,” Mistress paused for a moment as her hand squeezed Elva’s more tenderly, “wish to seek a different company, I have… an old friend that would treat you fairly, kitten. I’m sure it’d take your contract and your sentence would be—enjoyable.”
Finding herself struggling to hear Mistress’ worries, Elva hurriedly replied, “No!” Pausing embarrassingly as her exclamation brought a surprised glance, Elva muttered her explanation, “I-I mean… I don’t want to seek a different company, Mistress. I-I feel safe… beside you.”
Seeming relieved by her response, Mistress smiled slightly as her hand eased its grip. “That makes me very happy to hear, kitten. Let us not dwell on such uncomfortable ideas, then. Do you have any other questions for me?”
Elva took another moment to think before replying. “Uh, will every day be like yesterday?”
“Well, I have a rather voracious appetite, but yesterday I was very,” Mistress took a moment before finishing her sentence, “pent-up, kitten. I hadn’t exactly had a meal in nearly a quarter millennia.”
“Wait,” caught off guard, Elva looked down for a moment as she tried to grasp how long that was. “250 years… without eating?”
“242 years, and a few months, to be exact,” Mistress corrected bluntly, not aiding in her struggle. “It’s rather hard to feed while you take a nap, regrettably.”
Elva couldn’t help but think, ‘A-a nap?!’ in exacerbation as her mouth fell agape.
“I was very—tired, kitten,” Mistress explained. “I hoped a long rest would alleviate that. Or, at least, maybe things would be—easier—when I woke up.”
Sensing a pause, Elva had to ask, “Did—did it?”
Mistress waited for a brief moment before quietly replying, “I’m not sure, kitten. But perhaps with you here, maybe I can find some peace.” Something in her voice sounded uncertain, almost sad and fearful.
It sounds like you went through a lot of pain.’ Feeling unsatisfied with the answer, Elva tried to press further, “Can I ask… what made you so tired?”
Her eyes saddened as Mistress’ thumb caressed Elva’s hand for a moment before she eventually replied, “Trade secrets, kitten. Another question, if you please.”
Oh… I guess Mistress doesn’t want to talk about that,’ Elva reflected silently after watching her expression harden. Thinking back on the last day, Elva found it frustrating to mull on how little of the day she was awake. “Will I always sleep so much?”
“I don’t imagine you will, kitten,” Mistress reassured Elva as her tone turned bright again. “You weren’t exactly accustomed to using so much energy when we started, much less having it taken as food. But your stamina is already improving, and over time you should need to sleep even less to recover.”
Feeling somewhat relieved, Elva looked down at Mistress’ hand before contemplating if she had another question. The warm touch of Mistress’ skin on hers brought to mind how hot Elva felt last night when they were one. Elva blushed heavily before nervously asking, “That… What happened last night, the magic of the blood moon, how often is there a blood moon in Hell?”
Mistress gave Elva a sly grin before replying, “Every night is a blood moon, kitten.”
O-oh, well, that’s easy to remember. So, every night… Mistress will…’ Elva decided not to finish her thought as she felt her ears tingle and her chest flutter.
“Don’t get too excited,” Mistress lightly teased as she watched Elva fidget.
Unsure of what else she could ask, Elva eventually inquired, “Did—you need to ask me anything else, Mistress?”
“Only if you’re ready, kitten. We’ll have a lot of time to get to know each other better.” Mistress extended her free hand to Elva. “If you would hold your collar with me, kitten.”
Elva hesitated briefly to look down at it and recall their words before laying it in Mistress’ palm. ‘To care for and protect.
“I’m glad you remember the vows, kitten. We need to repeat them for me to replace the collar. Allow me a moment,” Mistress whispered before leaning forward and blowing onto the band, causing it to glow gently in pink and purple hues as her breath passed over it. “A one-week contract, kitten. Now, your vows, Elva.”
After pausing for a moment to recall the exact words, Elva began. “‘I, Elva, of sound mind and body, so hereby—relinquish all rights to my Mistress except those granted by my contract. Under—’”
No, kitten,” Mistress halted Elva strictly before she could continue, “not you. Never you.” Mistress looked at Elva sternly, her eyes saddened and pained.
“Then, why you, Mistress?” Elva asked hesitantly. “‘Care for and protect, under pain of dea—’”
“Trade secrets, kitten,” once again, Mistress didn’t allow Elva to finish. “I hope you never have to know. Please, ‘I vow to devote,’ kitten.”
Trade secrets, again. She said it yesterday too… What isn’t Mistress sharing?’ Elva took another moment before continuing, uneasy that Mistress was dodging her questions. “‘I… vow to devote myself fully to my Mistress… and trust in her care and protection for the duration of my time in her services.’”
The glow surrounding her collar strengthened with golden hues as Elva finished speaking. ‘I guess that means my heart was true to my vows.’ Elva breathed a sigh of relief that her hesitations hadn’t interfered.
“Thank you, kitten,” Mistress said kindly as her expression softened again. “Now, allow me to finish. ‘I, Saoirse, of sound mind and body, so hereby take possession of all rights of my slave except those authorized by her contract. Under pain of death, I vow to care for and protect her as payment for her devotion for the duration of her time in my services.’”
The glow around the collar intensified again in pink and purple before bursting into specks of light. The explosion of light blinded Elva for a moment, but when her eyes adjusted, she looked in awe at the new collar she now held. In place of the simple choker of black leather was a wider band of dark, mossy green. A thin, inner ring of intricate knots encircled the collar where several gemstones seemed woven into the leather.
Cat’s eyes,’ Elva marveled at how the smooth stones glistened in the light, but something else about them captivated her gaze. ‘I’ve never seen them in violet before. They’re… beautiful.
“Would you like me to put it on, kitten?” Elva looked up from the collar to see Mistress smiling and looking at her with soft eyes. Nodding yes, Elva let go as Mistress stood up and walked behind her. Finally, Mistress let Elva’s hand go to touch her neck as she ordered, “Please, lift your hair, kitten.”
Lightly gasping when Mistress touched her skin, Elva complied without hesitation as Mistress glided her hand to her chin, gently tilting her head upward. As the soft leather band met her throat, Elva shivered in anticipation before Mistress wrapped it further around. Removing her hand from Elva’s chin, Mistress slid her fingers back along the collar, closing the band as she reached her nape.
Mistress lingered for a moment before slowly retracing her fingers. Elva quickly raised her hand to inspect the collar, immediately noting the broader hold on her neck. Her fingers traced the curvature of the thick knots as they circled neatly, and the sleek cat’s eyes drew her touch as they felt hugged by the smooth leather. ‘I’ve been collared…’ her heart fluttered for a moment at the thought, and Elva bashfully smiled as she lowered her hair.
Walking back to the center of the room, Mistress stood before Elva and held out her hand, beckoning Elva to take it and stand. “Stunning,” she said as their eyes met. “You look beautiful, Elva.”
Too shy to maintain her gaze, Elva nervously fidgeted and turned away as she felt her cheeks flush. ‘T-thank you, Mistress,’ Elva thought as she took her hand.
After giving a light chuckle, Mistress sharpened her tone as she ordered, “Now, take off that robe, kitten. I’ve grown quite hungry.”
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