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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer

Ambushed Elf 10 (MGE)Also I’ve edited chapter 9 to stop Gina being ooc about undeath as in earlie...

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Thread Necromancer
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 Slab’s Femdom AU: Compliance Assistance


Carter, also known as the E88 cape Thane Maker, woke up once more and was greeted by the PRT’s fucking propaganda. Over top his bed literally painted into the ceiling so he couldn’t even do anything about it was a high quality image of a hot- disgusting male in drag, with breasts and a cute- gross and gay little cock making what was likely thought to be a seductive pose with a little caption beneath it: It’s Okay to be Feminine.

Carter rolled his eyes at as he got up and scratched at his face. In place of his regular mask, a pink gimp mask had been provided which was the PRT’s solution to capes keeping their secret identities, especially with the possibility of a mask falling off during sleep and other such things. Can’t let a guy keep his costume after all, there might be hidden weapons stashed somewhere on them. So naked with a collar on… and other optional bits.

“Fucking wasn’t like this last time,” Carter muttered as he looked to the stupid fucking stockings, bra and other things in the corner. The only thing he’d actually put on of that stuff over there was the hot pink panties and that was more to hide the cage that the gay bastards had stuck him in the first time he’d been captured. Absent mindedly, Carter pawed at his cage. His fingers slipping down into the panties, his hand squeezing down on the cage and gripping his balls, his only relief these days unless he wanted to schedule a meet up with his “Liaison” and let her have her merry way with him. 

He’d been tempted once or twice. Especially one time when he’d seen a girl with a thick ass who’d been walking down the street. Her hips and ass literally thicker than her shoulders and with knockers bigger than his head. While he wasn’t exactly the kind of guy to try and strike up a conversation with the girl, he could fantasise... but the cage kept bugging him, squeezing down on his dick, keeping him caged, and the fucking thing pinched like a bitch sometimes! Especially when he walked with his jeans but they were also the only thing that kept his cage hidden! 

“You know if you go lower it feels better?” Carter heard and glared at the PRT officer that’d been passing by his cell. The man was in full uniform, smirking at him. Another fucking thing, the PRT goon squads are all assholes. No body fucking liked them since they were all fucking faggots that got off on doing this shit to people. Whole fucking organisation was filled with fuckers like the jackass outside his cell that would love nothing better than to rape a guy who had the unfortunate experience of fucking triggering. 

“Fuck off,” Carter said as the guy laughed before leaving. Sighing, Carter got up and grabbed the stockings from the pile. He didn’t pull them up, just put them on to act as socks. The cells didn’t exactly have heated floors and this was the best he could do. As he walked, all along the walls were various different bits of faggy sissy porn. Faggots getting fucked, faggots getting dommed. The whole nine yards because the PRT wanted every male cape for some stupid reason to be a bunch of prissy faggots while they promoted their toxic idea of what women are. Whole fucking organisation wanted a restructuring of society for mediocrity. Men being turned into defective women, ending up oppressed by female overlords who’d be pushed into becoming defective men. The only escape that the PRT could generate from their bullshit might be instead of pushing for women to become defective men, pushing women to become hot Amazonian girls like most of their capes admittedly. 

Sure he was admiring the enemy… but admittedly, they’re attractive to the male gaze. Most capes are; a little buff to their appearance they got that unfortunately male capes got as well. Sitting back on his bunk, Carter could even feel what he meant as his ass had grown since he first ended up a cape. Before he’d had less of an ass than a starving African, but now he could turn anything into a chair, his thick cushion turning every seat soft and drawing heads whenever he tried to fit into jeans.

His thick behind also drew teasing spanks from his Mom and sisters as they giggled about his ass, much to his consternation. 

As the time went on, Carter tried to pull away his hand from his crotch, but his dick kept getting hard in its cage. Despite how gay it was, admittedly the various images and propaganda the PRT liked to decorate their walls with were undeniably… attractive. Probably the top 1% of the 1% of people who got influenced into their bullshit and became sissy traps without even being capes. That or maybe these were their male capes, being shown off as a bunch of sluts being fucked or stuffing their asses with dildos. It didn’t help that so many of them ended up bimbos with fat fucking knockers and thighs bigger than their shoulders. Even the faces of some in the pictures had shifted among some of them that it even became hard to tell that they were guys up until one looked lower and discovered the cage that the bimbo sluts wore. 

A cage just like his. 

For a moment Carter wondered how may of these homos they had painted on their wall were like him? Cape boys that got fucked by whatever was transforming them. Had they chosen instead to give into the transformation by being slutty faggots and becoming bimbo whores? The PRT was fucking stupid if anyone believed their bullshit about “resisting” and that kind of stuff. If that were true then they wouldn’t push it so hard. Plus he’d seen the leaks of the kind of shit that went on in a place like this. He’d seen them and had even downloaded a few files before they got scrubbed off the internet. 

Carter continued to massage his balls, the feeling nice as usual, though not enough to do anything but further his frustration. Thinking on the guard a second, Carter bit his lip, and groaned at himself a little bit, before he reached lower. Not to his ass. He wasn’t gay, but… lower. Pushing his cage up now, Carter started to press against the place just below his balls, his palm pressing against his full sack. Despite himself trying to imagine a fat tittied girl, he couldn’t help his lustful eyes from opening, one specific tranny picture catching his eye. 

An image of a faggot mid bimbo transformation who had large breasts on his chest, a feminine face with thick thighs and a fat ass. The image of course had a black dildo in the boys butt, and a dainty feminine hand around a small uncaged cock. The caption on the image saying “It feels better with a dildo in your pussy” covered the image that Carter’s eyes were drawn to. Despite himself, despite how fucking gay it was, the image was hot, and after three months of being caged, of having his cock locked up since the start of spring, he was losing the battle. 

Unable to help himself, Carter kept pressing against his perineum, following what the PRT officer said, and “going lower” on himself. His caged cock trying to grow harder, pressing up against the confines of its entrapment. All it would do though is pull at his balls, straining them and sending pain through his lower body if he let the erection get too out of hand. 

He’d tried to masturbate like that once, but the pain had been too much.

Slowly Carter fell into a rhythm, his hand pressing up against that lower part of him, his balls getting a nice massage as he ground his ass into the bed. Slowly his breathing grew heady as he continued, his fingers slowly giving him small bits of pleasure from him pressing against his hot and hard lower bit. Despite how gay this was, Carter couldn’t stop. His arousal slowly taking over as they continued to propagandise him. If he could cum he could forget all of this, he could focus maybe and find a way out, or at least his head would be straight enough that when the E88 broke him out, he wouldn’t be a broken sissy slut. 

“Having fun Thane Maker?” Carter heard and froze, his gaze shifting over, before relaxing a bit. It was his liaison, Battery. Sighing, Carter finally managed to drag his hand away from his lower half, and he tried to ignore the pre that had started to build up on his cage. His dick dripping bit by bit after his lapse in control. Though as Carter looked at Battery, he had to bite his lip, hard, just to keep from admiring her breasts, her thighs, and how her costume left little to the imagination. She just needed a corset, platform goth heels, and a whip and she’d look like a female dom in her costume. Of course her bimbo slut of a husband was beside her as well. All suited up in his red gimp suit, his slutty body on just as much display as Battery’s was, if not perhaps more so. Carter knew that the “man” under all that latex had to be wearing a cage, probably had a toy in his ass, constantly pressing into his p-spot. The way that the slut fidgeted as Battery held her husband’s by a leash pretty much confirmed it. Probably some kind of aneros or a similar mechanical equivalent, constantly pulsating, pressing into God’s fun little prank on men. 

“Aw come on Thane, don’t be like that,” the woman said as she leaned up against the bars. Something that she was probably not supposed to do, but she likely had her power all charged up, had Assault there, and the fact that without any kind of food for him to boost himself with he was kind of useless. Thus putting herself in a little danger probably wasn’t that big an issue. Especially considering what liaisons were supposed to do for male capes like him. Especially since this is his second time getting arrested. The first time was why he was even in a cage and had been locked in it for three months, no release.

He could have seen about setting up a meeting if he was weak enough to want one. If he was willing to submit to Battery, and let her do what she wanted with him. He… he’d seen what the PRT did with villains that would submit to their liaison. They’d dress them up, humiliate them, and make them feel worthless. They’d use their lust against them, and forcibly feminise them during their sessions just so that the villain could get off, making them do ever more humiliating things until they were nothing more than slutty bimbo men desperate for cock, real or fake it didn’t matter. They’d be trapped in a world of pleasure, whatever their thoughts were before going up in smoke as lust overtook their lives and made them nothing but submissive and controllable pawns for the PRT. 

He didn’t want that… intellectually. Carter swallowed though, trying to keep Battery from seeing, his hand deliberately on his hairless thigh to block her view of his caged erection. He… he didn’t want her to see what she and her organisation had done to him despite knowing full well she was likely intimately aware. 

“You doing alright there Thane?” she asked, fake worry in her voice spilling out. “You haven’t contacted me at all in those three months since we last talked. Plus you haven’t cum at all in that time.”

How the hell did she know that? Some kind of tracking device…? Though now that Carter thought about it, it did make sense. The whole PRT deal was that male capes were allowed to go free. Three strikes and all that, but if they wanted to get that kind of deal with the PRT, they’d have to submit to a chastity cage, and then get a liaison. Of course women also got that shit as well because of “egalitarianism” or some other female empowerment bullshit excuse they were slinging since no female capes ever got a chastity cage or belt on them. Just male capes got cages on their dicks. Not only that, but if they wanted release since they’re not allowed to take them off, they needed to contact their liaison for it, or if they took it off, they got sent straight to prison, the Birdcage, or the Brothel.

Like the Birdcage, the Brothel wasn’t the prison’s actual name. It was the Tia Black Parahuman Containment Center. A place set up for prisoners who despite being too dangerous for regular prisons, could be rehabilitated into something else. Carter and various others were sure that some kind of brain washing was involved for those who got sent out there. Unlike the Birdcage though, it wasn’t in the Canadian Rockies, but rather was a hole in the ground in some arctic region of the Canadian Shield. It’d once been a villain lair where some female villain who thought Lustum hadn’t gone far enough had kidnapped and feminised men while protecting herself with her tinker tech, but the place was later turned into a prison that Dragon now commands. The creator, Tia Black had also been a prisoner there for a while and in an ironic twist of fate, ended up being imprisoned by her own devices and subjected to her own techniques.

Now she was one of the biggest hardcore bondage porn actresses in North America.

“Still trying to figure out how we know?” Battery asked, pulling Carter back from his thoughts.

“With all this around, probably just too aroused to think straight,” Assault interjected his voice feminine and flightily. His giggle girlish and the way he crossed his arms under his breasts brought them up a bit to emphasis their size. Not as large as some of the bimbos they churned out of this place, but large enough to draw the eyes of men all over. 

“No I think I know,” Carter said as he crabbed his hard caged cock, and taking a shuddering breath. His dick twitched a bit as he did so, his arousal rising… and with everything around him, there was practically no way of avoiding it. Arousing imagery, teasing, or in some cases enticing, guards, and worst of all, no way of relieving himself. 

“What’s the fucking point anyways? I seen that sissy shit you femi-nazis do. You fuck a guy and he doesn’t even get to cum cause his cage is fucking on,” Carter said, trying to forget his little… experiments. They hadn’t worked anyways, and they just hurt. They left him bleeding from his ass and fearing infection like when he tried using a plunger handle, or he was left completely unsatisfied such as when he’d grabbed a vibrating tooth brush.

To be fair… it’d felt good when he could touch himself. Another extra fun sensation to enjoy while whacking it to a thick assed bimbo with goddess level tits, but on its own? He didn’t get the hype. Sure the things he’d been using weren’t exactly meant for sex, but that shouldn’t matter that much right? Girls used veggies, something he found out one early morning when he came home from a late night patrol and found a cucumber thrown in the trash with a condom still on it, so it shouldn’t be that different.

“Coming from a nazi like yourself that’s rich,” Assault said, sounding entirely too smug with himself despite being Battery’s total bitch boy. As if the hero was somehow better than him just because he was a supposed “Nazi” to them. Battery seemed to agree as well as she pulled on Assault’s leash and his body language shifted a bit. Less cocksure and more yielding to his mistress. 

Yes… there were some really really racist guys around… they kind of… They kind of made sense, especially when Carter ended up hearing some of their stories. Lot of the proper racist guys were from prison, knew people in prison… or other stuff happened that kind of made sense why they were a bunch of racists… they weren’t exactly nice to hang around with though. There were other guys like Carter though, guys who cared more about opposing Lustrum’s lot of turbo femi-nazis and the gay and stupid shit the government through the PRT was pushing. The E88 unfortunately in Brockton pretty much were the only guys in town that both could do it and were willing to as well. 

“You know Thane, we could take the cage off,” Battery suddenly said, immediately drawing Carter’s attention.

“What?” he asked. Looking over at Assault, from the raised brows of the sissy bimbo slut under his gimp mask, this wasn’t normal, which was enough of an incentive for Carter. Fuck that bitch. 

“Yeah, if you want, we can take your cage off, and I don’t mean in a “the deals off and now you go to jail” kind of way. We can be lenient you know, during our sessions together,” Battery said. As he listened, a little tiny voice in the back of Carter’s mind was yelling as loud as it could “it’s a trap!” and yet he wanted to hear more. The idea, the mere thought of being without a cage. Of getting out… it was certainly enticing.

“What do you mean?” Carter asked, a little scared for what this could involve… and yet as he asked, he couldn’t help the small hitch of excitement, the sudden… dryness in his mouth.

“I mean, I can let you out if you want to have your first session with me. We could even let you cum. It won’t be your punishment, you’ll still be with us for a bit and having to undergo some training before you’ve served your time… I can’t let you out for those… but for a liaison session, we could do a simple milking,” she said, the word milking coming up, but Carter didn’t quite understand it. What did that mean? Can’t be his breasts, he’s a guy, he can’t lactate and like hell was he going to let them inject biotinker stuff in him. He’d seen the slut goblin harem Nilbog had made from pictures online that the bimbo queen fuck had taken, not to mention the horror stories he’d read online about other parahuman bio stuff going on. Though without a cage… did they mean literally… milking his cum? Was the fag going to do it? Or was Battery? Was he… about to get his first handjob? He’d… he’d honestly expected that were he to get one, it’d be from one of the E88 hanger on girls he could have asked before he lost his dick privileges from the arrest. 

“Is… it a hand job?” he asked and Battery nodded. The thought of it… Carter could imagine it, Battery kneeling in front of him, rubbing her hand over his freed cock. No doubt far larger than Assault’s little dicklet. Carter pulled his legs in, trying to hide his caged cock between his thick thighs, and succeeding at the cost of this dick being pressed by all sides, his cage warming up, the pressure on his balls feeling good. Swallowing Carter continued his questions, because it couldn’t be that easy. 

“What… what else? Do I have to crossdress like a fag?” he asked, a bit more abrasively than he meant to but thankfully Battery took no offence from it. She instead shook her head. 

“You’ll be completely naked. You could wear some stuff if you’d like but you don’t need to. As for anything extra, I will be fingering you, or if you want I could even use a toy. Something thin and not too large, okay?” the hero asked, and Carter looked away, unsure. On one hand, it would be an in. They’d know that they could dangle an orgasm in front of him and start to fuck him like that. Get him all aroused, unable to think straight with his head filling with fantasies and his inhibitions falling the longer things went on. They’d be able to feminise him, corrupt him, and turn him into another bimbo whore faggot that loved cocks and submitted to the government and elites who wanted the world to all be gay and stupid.

But on the other hand… he’d get to cum.

“Oh-okay,” Carter said, and as he did, he noticed how his heart was pounding.


The place Carter had been led to smelled of latex, some kind of cleaner, fish, and something else, something… musky. That musk he couldn’t quite put a name to, but at least it smelt better than the fishy smell he was pretty sure came from something other than fish. The dungeon he was in was somewhere still in the rig. The floors of the place had been fixed up, padding all over the floor, leaving it firm but far friendlier to things like knees and other bony joints. Assault and Battery were in the room with him, all of his clothing excluding the cage had been taken off, and now he was here, with a hot chick and her rather feminine slut of a husband. 

“So uh…” Carter started, unsure really how to proceed as he looked to the two. Assault, the fucking gay ass pervert had started to unzip parts of his costume with hidden zippers, revealing himself to Carter though the E88 cape didn’t visibly react. It wasn’t something he hadn’t seen a million times on social media what with all the trap porn and other kinds of stuff being uploaded all the time by popular femboys and other kinds of gay sissy bottoms. He tried to keep his porn all straight, but there was only so much that could be done.

Battery meanwhile didn’t do that kind of stuff. Instead she’d slipped on some different gloves. Just some latex ones that no doubt were more meant for pleasure than punching. She’d stepped over to some kind of low table, and now that he’d spoken, she beckoned him over and patted on the table top. 

“Come over here, and we can start your milking,” she said with a smile. His heart racing, Carter did the only thing he could and nodded, before slowly making his way over. He didn’t exactly know what to do with his face, frown at the fact that they’d gotten him, smile since he’s about to cum? He didn’t really know what to do, especially since he was still a virgin. He didn’t know anything about any of this stuff other than whatever fetish fuel he’d accidentally bumbled his way into while on the internet. Then of course, seeing it was completely different from actually being a part of it. When he imagined himself in a BDSM scene, or even having sex, he’d thought he’d be more confident. He’d have gotten the girl, they’d have gotten to third base or whatever base it was supposed to be, and he’d know he’d earned it. He’d have swept a cute girl off her feet and then when he’d wooed her, they’d have hot, passionate sex, his condomed cock pressing into her pussy, his fingers roaming over her, their kissing desperate and needy as they fucked.

Now though, he felt like a meek lamb heading for the slaughter. A slaughter he’d voluntarily gone for. Yet he couldn’t quite regret it, he was so horny right now, his dick straining in its cage, pressing its flesh into the bars, and making him wish that he didn’t have to wear the thing. Reaching the table, Carter tried to swallow, but his mouth was dry, his breathing erratic. Battery didn’t react, but no doubt she saw it. She saw how nervous he was about all this. 

“Come on up Thane, just get on all fours on this table here, and we can start,” she said, and Carter nodded. He got on, placing a knee and hand on before lifting the rest of himself up. Carter shivered a bit while up on the table, mostly from nerves while he waited. He shouldn’t have done this. They were probably getting ready to fuck him, or do something to him. He was a villain and they were heroes, they were going to try and pull something and then he’d be fucked.

Yet the possibility… it was too much. Then Carter gasped as Battery started to touch him back there. Her hands rubbed at his thighs, soft rubbing, sliding her hands up and down. Despite himself, he felt himself twitch down there, his caged junk shifting a bit, giving it a little swing. 

“What a nice set of thighs, and your ass, I bet you turn all the girls’ heads,” Battery said, her hand still rubbing his inner thighs, but not much else. He wanted to ask about her unlocking him, yet refrained. He wasn’t sure if that offer would be retracted if he messed something up. 

“Makes me just want to grab them. You know, slip my hands in like this, press you against me. That’d be nice hmm?” she asked and Carter could see it in his mind. Her just walking up, grabbing and then pulling, his head slipping right atop her breasts, getting pressed up against the thing of every boy’s desire, they’d be right there against his head. The only price being a few gropes by a pretty lady. All he’d have to do was look down and then they’d be against his face.

“Enjoying that thought?” the hero asked and Carter couldn’t really do much more than hum in the affirmative. 

“I thought you might,” Battery said as she continued to rub him. He wanted more, he wanted her to touch him more. His shivering only continued, his breath still ragged as he enjoyed the hero’s touch. Yet with only a wall to watch, Carter couldn’t help his wandering eyes. They drifted over to Assault’s bright red costume. The slut had at some point grabbed a big thick dildo. The thing had a large base on it and the male hero was showing off his cage still as he was lubing the thing up. Carter wasn’t sure what he thought of having an audience… but if that’s what he needed to have in order to cum, then fine, whatever. The slut can watch him get “milked” while he stays denied and caged. Carter’ll get to enjoy his wife while he gets reduced to bouncing on a dick. 

Of course though, the moment that Assault could see that Carter was watching, he slowed his preparations, his hand going from generously and quickly lubing up the faux cock, to gently, sensually rubbing it as if it were the real thing. His legs spread out more, showing himself on display for the villain, one lubed up hand sliding it’s way up, all the while the domino masked hero smirked at Carter. In a huff, Carter looked away, or at least tried. His eyes continued to try to dart back, but Carter had to move his head specifically so he couldn’t look. Battery giggled a bit at this, but said nothing as she kept rubbing his thighs, before eventually she stopped. Carter then heard the door of the dungeon open and then some footsteps. 

“Here you are Ma’am, the key you wanted,” Carter heard a gruff voice say. Certainly not a cape then.

“Thank you captain, you can go now,” Battery said and Carter then heard the sound of the trooper’s boots walking away before the door closed. So… this was it. Carter let out a shuddering breath. His key was here. After three months… he’d finally get let out. He could barely wait.

“Well then, now that we have your key, lets get started,” Battery said, and then Carter felt Battery’s hand on his genitals, a latex gloved hand taking hold of his balls, her fingers pressing against the cage of his cock. Carter shuddered at the feeling. Even just this small touch sent a spark of pleasure through him, the sensation of Battery touching his balls was enough to let a little pre slip out. As Battery took hold of his caged dick, Carter waited with baited breath. Battery took long agonising seconds to unlock him, touching him and pulling his cock back. He could already feel his dick hardening, the deepest part of his member pressing up against the rings as Battery pulled it back, her warm latex clad fingers taking hold of what little bits of flesh had squeezed through the small holes between the rings and bars that made up Carter’s cage. For a moment, he couldn’t even breath, his anticipation so great, and then, he heard the sound of a small metallic key entering into the cage’s integrated lock. 

That was all the warning Carter got before the hero pulled, slipping the lock out of its crevice. Then, slowly, gently, Carter felt Battery taking hold of his cage and pull on it. Unlocked, the thing came off easily, the pegs that connected it no longer secure, and Carter was suddenly free after three months of denial. Almost immediately Carter could feel himself getting hard, his dick filling with blood as Battery finally pulled off his cage. His growing member pressed up against the metal ring that was still on his dick, turning it into a metal cock ring. Blood flowed in easily, and found it harder to leave. His penis getting harder than ever as he felt it rise to its full length, then a little beyond. He felt Battery tug on the ring but gave up after a second or two, leaving the metal thing there. Carter almost breathed a sigh of relief. The ring was tight enough that the PRT chastity specialists had to slip his member and balls in one and a time, before squeezing his dick down to get it in. With his cock hard as it was, it’d be impossible to get it off, at least not without crushing his balls into a paste which he was glad to avoid.

“My my, Thane, you’ve been denied for so long,” Battery said, and as she did so, Carter gasped as he felt her fingers. Lubed up or something as her hand glided across his cock. She pressed her palm up against the underside of his dick, fingers squeezing around him, pressing into his lower head, and sending a welcome wave of pleasure through Carter. The cape could barely help it as his dick twitched, his member pulling forward and then out of Battery’s light grip as it swung forward and slapped his bare stomach. Battery giggled at that, her fingers going upwards, and pressing into his thick, blue balls. Massaging them for a moment.

“Such big balls you have, almost has big as my husbands are now,” she said, the mention of her husband making Carter glance back to Assault. It seemed though that the slut had been waiting for that, because the moment Assault noticed Carter looking, the bimbo had started to lower himself onto his huge dildo. The slut letting out a girlish moan as he did so, his hole getting spread out as his hands slid down his legs. His cage easily on display and his balls, big and round no doubt from how much his wife denied him, hung there. Carter could see how the dildo spread the hero out, filling his hole. Despite himself, Carter felt his ass clench, his cock twitch. He had to swallow again. 

“My, what a greedy little hole,” Battery said, and then she touched him… back there. Carter pulled away a bit, and clenched his cheeks. Battery’s hands thankfully didn’t follow, the cape boy unable to stop himself for a moment as he continued to lean away… but… he’d known this was going to happen. He’d expected it, and she’d literally told him. If… if he wanted to be “milked” then Battery would finger him. Slowly, like a lamb to the slaughter, Carter leaned back, once more presenting his ass and cock to the hero. 

“Good boy,” Carter heard her say, and hated the fact that he blushed as she said that, and kind of… enjoyed it. Once more Battery started to touch him. Her palm once more pressed against the underside of his cock, but at the same time, another hand came, and pressed against his back entrance. Just a finger, and Carter still clenched, but unlike before, he didn’t move away. He… he needed this too much. 

“Mmmm, good boy, you’re so brave,” Battery said, her words soft, like she was talking to a spooked animal that was afraid to be touched. Though in truth, that pretty much was what Carter was. A scared creature, afraid of his captors, and just like on those scared animals, her soft coos worked to calm him a bit. The other part was how Battery was squeezing his cock. She wasn’t stroking it or anything, but even just her slipping her fingers around, and squeezing down on his hard erection was enough to drive delicious sensations through him, his cock hard as could be from the metal cock ring stuck on him now. 

With her finger all lubed up, Battery began to slide her finger around Carter’s hole. Her fingers rubbing up and down Carter’s sphincter, slowly massaging it. Despite the fact that he wasn’t some gay boy like most of the heroes, Carter’s hole back there had started to feel good, even from just her rubbing him, from sliding her fingers around his back entrance. Carter let out a deep breath from the feeling, and despite himself his cock twitched not form the squeezing, but from the feeling in his ass. 

“Oh, oh look, a little bit of pre,” Battery said, and then Carter felt a finger swipe over his lower head. The friction as it passed over the head dropped significantly, his pre making a good lube for Battery as she continued to tease his back hole, massaging some more. All the while, Assault had kept up the little show Carter’s eyes were continuously drawn to, the slut taking his dildo slow and deliberate for Carter, letting him see how his ass was spread out by the monstrous cock. Carter tried his best not to imagine it, or even himself in the hero’s shoes.

But then Battery’s finger slipped in, and Carter couldn’t help but gasp as it slipped past his hole and into him. 

“Hmm, easier than expected, have you been having some fun?” Battery asked, while Carter blushed hard. His experimentations in his most shameful and desperate moments coming back to haunt him. 

“No,” he said, though his voice trembled, and his hole told another story. Though he wasn’t lying either. It hadn’t been fun, especially when he tried the hammer and had started bleeding. Thank god it hadn’t gotten infected, but it hurt to poop for a while after.

“Naughty boy, lying to me. You’ve had some fun back there,” Battery said as she continued to finger fuck his ass. Despite how his previous experimentations had gone though… this was different. It… felt better than when he’d… gotten desperate. Slowly as Battery eased her finger in, she slowly started to tease his hole. Her lubed up finger nice and slick, her digit expanding him little by little as she played with him. 

“Such a cute little hole,” Battery said, and Carter couldn’t help but blush, no doubt he looked ridiculous like this, the hero sliding her finger in, a hand around his cock. He shuddered a bit at the image, and at how Assault was still going slowly fucking his ass, letting the huge dildo fill his hole. How he was able to fit such a huge monster in Carter had no idea. Asses shouldn’t be able to take such a huge dick, and yet.

“Mmmmh, if feel so good,” Assault called out, the slut bringing a hand up to his cage, squeezing it, like Carter would squeeze his own. Pressing down against his balls while his ass was full of cock. 

“He’s such a needy slut,” Battery commented. “I’m going to stick another finger in, okay? Then we can start having some real fun.”

“Okay,” Carter said, unsure what to say or even do, his gaze remained fixed on Assault, and his senses were fixed on what Battery was doing to him. Some part of him almost imagined him in Assault’s shoes, being fucked like that. His ass being trained enough to take cock like that, to get ass fucked by some big black man with a huge cock. Assault probably was made to by his wife. The female dominants on the heroes side likely taking pleasure in degrading their male counter parts. Pushing them down, holding them there as a big black man came up behind them, huge cocks at the ready and lubed up. They’d come up and slide their shlong in, fully filling the sluts up before the big black would get on the bed. He’d hold them down, before roughly beginning to piston his hips forward, and steadily beginning to fuck their white sissy asses, his huge dick destroying their holes.

“Ah!” Carter cried, the feeling of a finger slipping in, the sight of Assault, and then the thought, the thought of a huge black man sliding his cock into a small whitey. His hips shook as pleasure nearly over took him, his cock began to twitch, and for a moment he thought he’d cum, but Battery stopped. Let go of him, and Carter shook his hips now deliberately, his cock slapping against his stomach a bit, but then nothing came. The sensation subsiding a little bit as Battery giggled. 

“Oh no, not yet cutie, not until we get to the best part. Now hold still,” she said, and Carter obeyed. His head filled with erotic thoughts, his vision filled with Assault and his naughty performance. The slut had started to go faster as well, his hand off his dick and now the bimbo was using them to start to proper fuck that dildo, his ass sliding up and down the huge cock, his cage flying wildly around as the latex clad hero fucked himself. 

“Assault stop,” Battery commanded, and suddenly Assault did so, freezing, though his hips jerked and moved in spasms, almost like Carter’s had. From the cage, pre dripped, and assault himself was breathing hard.

“Go slow.”

“Yes Mistress,” Assault said, and then be began to pull himself off the cock. For a second Carter didn’t understand, but he felt Battery pulling out of him now as well, until only the tips of her two fingers were left. Her other hand took hold of his cock but once more didn’t do too much. She just held it tenderly, the warmth of her hand, and the slight pressure already keeping him nice and hard. 

Then as Assault slowly eased himself back on the dildo, Carter felt Battery’s fingers begin to ease in as well. For a moment, Carter imagined himself in Assault’s boots, his ass being filled by the massive dildo, clad in latex. Carter’s cock twitched at the idea, his pre continuing to drip and his ass clenching around Battery’s fingers. The two digits in him sending that strange pleasure through him, the stretching making him feel good, and with her hand on his cock. It… it was the best thing he’d ever felt. Though as Assault went lower, Carter took that back. Battery’s fingers slid in time with Assault’s fucking, and then she it something that made Carter gasp. His cock twitched hard, his ass clenched again as pleasure shot through the captive villain. Battery giggled again.

“There it is, hold on Assault,” she said, and then Carter instantly knew what she’d hit; his prostate, his p-spot, God’s little joke on men. It… it felt better than anything he could remember. As his mistress ordered, Assault stopped, and Battery kept pressing on that spot, each press sending another tumultuous wave through Carter as the pleasure continued to mount.

“Does that feel good?” Battery asked, and Carter bit his lip. It did feel good, it felt amazing. Better than anything he could remember. Not even stroking his cock and cumming felt as good as he did right now. 

“I said, does that feel good?” Battery asked again, this time letting off his bitch button, and Carter responded:

“Yes,” he said, breathy, and needy. He… he wanted to feel it more. 

“Do you want more?” Battery asked, and Carter nodded. He wanted more, he was so desperate, and it felt so good. 

“Yes,” he repeated as a lustful fog started to fill his mind, as higher thoughts left his head. He wanted this; he wanted this pleasure to continue to feel good. Then as Assault began again, so did Battery, her fingers starting to fuck Carter some more, sliding in and out of his ass. Uncaring to stop himself, Carter started to moan a bit as she did so, as Battery began to properly finger fuck him with her two fingers. Her fingers would slide in, filling his hole with their thick girth, and bump up against his p-spot. Pleasure would bloom and soon enough they reached a wonderful rhythm that sent sensual delight rippling through Carter.

As time went on, so did their speed. As Assault would speed up, Battery would match her bimbo, fucking Carter faster and the assaults of pleasure would speed up. Carter’s moans soon enough had stared to grow louder, from barely audible to quiet yet high pitched peals let out because of the pleasure knocking around him. Were his core an island it’d have been flooded by now by the growing tsunami he felt growing in him. His whole body even had started to feel good, his core swamped by the waters of sensual sensation that was only rising higher the more Battery played with his ass. 

He needed more. Carter needed it, and soon enough he started to lean back. He tried to time it, as Battery began to slide her fingers forward, Carter would try to slide back, driving her fingers into him deeper, her hand sliding up against his ass, his cock gripped tighter. More, he needed more, it felt so good. 

As time went on Carter fully fell into it as well, fucking himself on Battery’s fingers while unable to look away from Assault. The two male capes fucking their asses on toys, engulfed in a miasma of pleasure and sensation. Assault himself even started to jerk around, his ass fucking growing wild and barely controlled. His body would contort and spasm, his mind no doubt as overwhelmed by sensation as Carter’s was as he did the same. The two sluts unable to help themselves as their hind brains took over and drove their passions forth. 

“Ah!” Carter cried out, his moans having since turned to cries of delight. Each crashing wave of lust filling him with desire, his needy moans mixed with assaults, the two boys filling the chamber with sounds of lustful pleasure, of a hedonistic need for more. Then in a desperate cry for help, Carter spoke again:

“Please, more!” the E88 cape cried, wanting more, wanting to feel more, to have a third finger. His lust overriding any shame he might have had at that moment, and then as he felt a third pressing into his entrance, he couldn’t take it. Just as he felt that third finger begin to expand his hole more, to drive it in with the others, battering his button, with Battery squeezing his cock, it was suddenly too much, and Carter let out a high pitched cry. It sounded like a dying animal as his balls pulled up, his cock began to twitch wildly, when suddenly Battery pulled away from his dick.

Carter pealed again, wanting the pleasure to continue, to feel something more, but Battery wouldn’t have it. She pulled away entirely, leaving Carter paralysed by his coming climax. His hips shook and thrust, his cock swung with wild abandon, cum spraying across the table.

Yet Carter felt none of it. The pleasure fell away, disappearing into the void. He felt nothing as his cum first sprayed, and then began to drizzle out, dripping onto the table, before Carter in exhaustion fell forward onto the table. He crashed into his cum but he didn’t care. His mind awash with more need than ever. Cumming hadn’t helped; it only drove him on more. He needed more, the lustful fog in his mind hadn’t receded, but he also couldn’t muster the strength to do something about it as he lay there in his shame. 

“Oh such a good boy,” Battery said as she came up to Carter, petting his head and giving him a small hug, though Carter barely responded, his mind awash with both shame and lust, his desire having barely receded as he lay there. He still wanted more, yet his body was sluggish to respond. As he crawled once more to all fours, he sat there a moment, unsure what to do, though then he felt Battery pat him on the ass, and Carter stiffened, his ass clenching in an almost… needy fashion. Battery didn’t do much with her hand on his butt, just rubbing his cheek as if rubbing some cattle to calm them down… which must be him since he’d just been “milked”. 

“There now stay still,” Battery said, and Carter obeyed. The hand slipped away from his ass, and then slipping around his cock. While it twitched, Carter could feel it’d calmed down, going flaccid. It still was semi hard, but as Carter felt something cold and metal press up against his lower head, he knew he wasn’t about to get a proper happy ending this time. Perhaps next time they wouldn’t ruin his climax, though he doubted it. Not unless it was from doing something humiliating no doubt. 

As he pondered, the cage was slipped on, and he once more was trapped inside of his cage.

“There we go, a nice proper first session,” Battery declared, slowly helping Carter to his feet from the table, or at least trying. Despite himself, Carter could barely stand, his knees shaking and feeling weak. They felt like they shouldn’t be able to support him, like he was too heavy for them, or that they’d collapse any second now. He had to hold onto Battery for support, gripping and hugging an arm to himself as he tried to stand until eventually he’d gotten somewhat stable. 

“Alright then Thane, lets get you back to your cell, okay?” she asked, even though he didn’t have much of a choice, or even ability to resist her as she started to lead him away, her husband following behind them.


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 Shadow Slut’s Sabbatical with his Stalker (Worm)

Premise: Shadow Bitch ! Taylor is super horny after a month of chastity, and Sophia has the perfect solution to his issue, the fact that it’s at the Ward’s Halloween party isn’t much of an issue since Shadow Stalker has got her own room. 

Futa on male and male on futa fun times.


Taylor bit his lip once more as he couldn’t help but fidget and squirm in his cape costume. The thing was a frilly dark magical girl outfit that showed off more skin than the Ward’s PR team was likely okay with. Though unlike Sophia, Taylor wasn’t a Ward since he wasn’t an idiot that would go out on solo patrols without him and fucking shooting people with actual crossbow bolts…

During those whole court proceedings Taylor had absolutely refused to cuddle Sophia once he found out about the whole debacle from Emma. Of course his sister in all but blood had thought it was a good thing and didn’t realise how fucked up it was that Sophia was skewering people on her fucking crossbow. She’d never killed anyone but using actual crossbow bolts to skewer people was not something that the heroes could just look past, especially with the one woman anti PRT propaganda piece that was Piggot and her attempts at press ganging him along side Sophia. 

He still held a grudge against Piggot for her trying to rope him in but such was life. As for the cuddling thing. They’d… kind of cuddled one night, and Sophia had gotten a bit clingy after that. Emma being a wreck, unable to even stand his touch for a time left him and Sophia accidentally cuddling during a movie, her strong arms slipping around him, hugging him close. He knew the court proceedings wouldn’t work to teach her that she’d done something bad, so he’d kind of used it against her. She’d learned quickly enough once she was press ganged into the Wards and it was all finished that if she wanted to get her personal teddy bear back, she needed to learn from her mistakes.

He’d missed it as well during that time, but unfortunately tough love could sometimes be as tough on the giver as the receiver.

At least the Wards are nice. 

Though with the way that the New Wave girl and Sophia as well had decided to dress, he was not exactly having a fun time as his arousal was getting the better of him. While it wasn’t meant to be, with New Wave here it had turned into one of those naughty parties, where all those old enough and without PR handlers, such as the New Wave Girls… and himself, slipped on sexy costumes and teased each other. The new wave girls minus Panacea had opted for matching bunny suits that matched their cape costume colours, and from how awkwardly they walked, those tails were more than just cotton glued to their butts. Taylor was sure he could even see how they connected from how those leotards slid in deeper than likely was needed. He himself was in a doggy boy version of his cape costume that Sophia got him to wear. Sophia meanwhile decided to be a werewolf version of her cape self. Of course, since he was wearing a sexier version of his costume, she’d gotten him a tail plug that whenever he moved it’d wiggle and jiggle, sending vibrations down the tail and into the plug, pressing against his prostate.

He’d tried to stay still, but it quickly went awry as Sophia would jostle and shake him, pulling him along as they enjoyed themselves at the party, the sheer thickness of the plug along with the vibrations pulsating through him rapidly increased his arousal. The only saving grace was that the cage she’d fitted him in for the last day of his Locktober was a flat one that actually pressed into his dick. He could feel the hard metal pressing into his cock, driving it into his body, making it literally impossible for him to get even slightly hard like he could in other cages.

It did also make him as Sophia call it “submissive and breedable,” which was true. Trapped in a cage, and after so many times having fun with Sophia, whenever Taylor was slipped into a cage, it was like his whole mentality shifted. Without his cage he’s desire to to plunge his cock into Sophia’s cunt and fuck her nice and deep while having a nice big plug up his ass. With the cage though, he’d become a mewling sissy who was addicted to cock, letting it fill his mind and drive him to beg her every morning to fuck his slutty sissy slot until she filled him with her wondrous futa cum. Instead of morning wood, he got an aching hole in the morning, one he was always so desperate to get filled. 

Now was no different. He was in the throes of desire, in the depths of his stomach a warm lust heated his body, his ass ached around the plug, his nipples had grown erect and he shifted from one foot to the other, rubbing his thighs to a froe, squeezing his balls to get just a smidgen of relief. All it did was make him leak like a slut, his cage dripping out pre that the frills of his dress caught. His toes would curl while his hole would clench down enough to wag his tail. Kid Win even asked if the thing was tinker tech before Sophia thankfully intervened. 

“Fuck you look so horny, pup,” she said into his ear, a husky whisper only slightly muffled through the wolf mask she wore instead of her regular one. Taylor gave a slight whimper as her hands slid across his hips, pulling him closer to her, letting her press her hard cock into his rear. She let him feel her, let him be reminded of the thing that had dominated him all month and left him wanting for more. 

She of course wasn’t helping at all, her presence, her touching, how she felt him up. It was all designed to push him further, to drive his lust up and up and up. She loved it when he got like this, and in the throes of passion, he loved it to. He just wished that it wasn’t so public right now.

“Sophia, I… I…” he tried to say, and thankfully she let him speak, though one hand did shift upwards, pressing into his nipple, pinching it, and making him let out a little squeak. He saw Shielder look over, blush, before turning away. For a second Taylor thought he saw the rump of Sheilder’s costume catch on something around his ass, but soon enough his attention was pulled back from his fellow super hero as Sophia started to grind her thick, hard erection into him. Taylor whimpered again, before starting too slid backwards, pressing his ass into her, slowly twerking on her cock, rubbing it up and down. 

“I want it so bad,” he finally said, drawing a little “aww” from the black girl before she giggled a bit and started to pull at his collar’s leash. 

“Then come on my good boy, let me show you a good time,” she said, and he realised that she was dragging him into the room she had here in the PRT headquarters. The moment they entered, Sophia closed the door, and locked it. The room was rather bare since Sophia never spent anytime here, the only thing in here being a cot and a desk with a chair for her paper work which had piled high over her short time here. 

Pulling her puppy boy along, Sophia led him to the bed which Taylor jumped on without delay. Due to his frilly costume, it fell forward easily, showing off Taylor’s heavy swinging balls, his incredibly thick sissy ass, and finally the massive tail plug which swung side to side as Taylor couldn’t help but wiggle his rear as Sophia pulled her mask off and pushed her pants down. Her massive erection swung forth, standing tall as she pulled off her gloves and started to stroke it with her hand, while the other smacked on Taylor’s ass before giving it a nice firm squeeze. She let out a chuckle while he let out a whimper in anticipation. He needed her so much right now. 

“God you’re such a delicious little slut,” Sophia said.

“Yes Mistress,” Taylor agreed, his breathing coming out quicker, his ass needed to be filled by Sophia, his desire reaching a tipping point that would soon leave him desperate enough to pull out his power. Even now he could feel the yearning he had to draw on his power, to pull from the shadows his most powerful minions. The things were bug like creatures of shadow, almost like xenomorphs, but not quite. It would be so easy to have his powerful shadow bugs out to hold her down, to force her to be helpless as he slammed his fat ass down on her cock. He’d fuck himself on her long into the night, but he was a good puppy for her, and he so wished to be as well, to let her fuck him, to be good. Good boys got proper orgasms, and then got to slobber on their mistress’ cock after, being fucked more and more on release days after the brief moment of clarity passed, and the lust returned exponentially stronger. That was another thing that happened while caged. Even if he had an orgasm in his cage, without the cage taken off, his desires would just increase to unbearable levels afterwards, flooding his mind leaving nothing but Sophia’s cock to fill his brain for the rest of the day. 

Not that he would want anything but. He was a good slutty sissy for Sophia after all, and he’d never wish anything else.

“Mmm, I wish we could just have you stay a puppy boy, get you a nice robot tail, but that shit costs money,” Sophia let out a sigh as she crawled onto the bed, her hands now landing once more on Taylor’s hips. They rested there as Taylor’s anticipation grew. Already his heart was pounding ever faster, slowly growing in speed while Sophia knelt there behind him on the bed, her cock no doubt hard as could be as she admired her slut.

“Guess I’ll just have to wait,” she said. Before Taylor could even think of what she meant, her fingers slipped around his massive plug, and slowly she started to pull.

Taylor couldn’t help the moan he let out as the plug started to expand in his hole, and the pressure increased. Rapidly he felt his hole starting to expand. Not fast enough to be painful, but enough that he couldn’t suppress the moan as the plug spreading him out filled him with a soft delight filling his core. As his ass was opened up more, he felt his hips start to shake, his ass tried to clench to no avail, and his balls swung from the shaking, accidentally catching pre as it drooled from the hole in his flat cage. 

“Mmmmh~” Taylor moaned as his eyes started to lose focus, instead his focus shifting completely to his ass, how the plug spread him out more and more as Sophia pulled. He moaned a little more as his ass got spread out as wide as Sophia’s cock, his mouth falling open until-

Then as the plug passed its zenith, it popped out leaving Taylor’s ass so horribly empty, the thing gaping a bit as it tried to close up, but Sophia’s hands spread Taylor’s ass, preventing it from fully closing so soon. 

“God what a slutty ass you have there slut. Mmmh, fuck, and it’s all mine. You ready?” she asked, her cock landing between Taylor’s thick cheeks, but not sliding in. Taylor’s only response was to whine, and to try to push back against her cock, to drive it in with a fervour bordering on manic. He needed her, but with her arms already there, all he did was receive a giggle and a spank instead of the dick he so desperately craved. 

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she said, before oh so agonizingly slowly Sophia slid herself in. Taylor still moaned. His ass being filled her girth stretching him like the plug had moments ago. Only now it was continuous, rather than a climax. Her cock at it’s thickest as big as the plug, and now it was slowly sliding into him. There was barely any resistance to be had as she slid in. She could have slammed her cock into Taylor fully in a swift surgical strike that’d leave Taylor crying to the heavens, but this was safer than that, no matter how amusing it could be. Meanwhile Taylor couldn’t help his shaking as she drove her meat rod into his butt, pleasure surging from his hole as she filled him more and more. It didn’t take her long to slid against his special place, the delightful sensation from her hitting that sweet spot drawing from him another moan as he let his chest fall to the cot, and his hole clenched down a bit to please Sophia more. Eventually Taylor felt the futa girl’s thighs pressing into his, and then her balls pressing against his blue ones as well. Taylor let out a satisfied groan as he did his best to clench his butt, massaging Sophia’s member that made Sophia let out a moan as well. They stayed like that a moment, fully hilted, both loving the feeling they were giving to each other, and both were satisfied in how this had all turned out.

Then the fun began.

Pulling out, Sophia didn’t go slowly, but rather drew herself back only so that she could thrust in. Her action drew a small delighted sound from Taylor as she started to set a rhythm. Her cock thrusting in and out of Taylor’s lubricated ass, stretching Taylor out as he was fucked. Warmth filled Taylor as he was being fucked once again, his abused ass easily opening up for the shadow, trained all month and more to serve the super hero. Taylor didn’t know how many loads Sophia had dumped into them, their mutual horniness driving them to fuck day in and day out, multiple times a day and often during quite moments during patrol. 

Though it wasn’t just Taylor who’d been trained and had learned. Sophia wasn’t one to just take her pleasure and leave her cute slut all horny and unsatisfied. It’d hurt her futa pride if her butt slut was left unsatisfied and desperate after a fucking rather than cum drunk and pacified into a docile mewling wreck of a sissy. In the beginning, Sophia would blitz Taylor’s back door, leaving her cute butt boy crying out in delight as she annihilated the boy’s bitch button with her battering ram. His cage would fly all over the place, the clacks of the padlock sounding out like an alarm anywhere they fucked at the start of the month, his little thing swinging with such force it even bruised him once as she fucked his ass in a violent frenzy.

That however would just leave her exhausted, and while Taylor would be somewhat satisfied and exhausted from her rapid rammage, it wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted Taylor addicted to her cock, and while admittedly it was hot, the blood mixed with her cum made the both of them worry.

Now though, after a whole month of fucking her horny slut daily, she’d learned the best tempo, the best way to fuck her slut. Hard, yet steady. She no longer rammed as fast and as hard as possible, instead sliding into him with just enough force to make him moan and let her enjoy it. Of course she aimed for his p-spot, sliding across his prostate with perverse intent, sending sensations through his body with each thrust, though with her steadiness, and admittedly the training plugs she had her sissy slut wear, the only thing leaking from his ass was her futa cum. Even better, the steadiness of her thrusts were even better for pushing Taylor into that delicious barely cognizant state, his body slowly being taken over by his lust to the point that he didn’t have a will of his own. His cock drunkenness letting her command him with impunity, his submissiveness to her superior dick established to the point she could do whatever she wanted to him. 

God he loved how she fucked him now, and he couldn’t get enough, to the point that nowadays his ass felt empty without something in it, and whenever he wanted to fuck, his first thought was how to get Sophia to bend him over and fuck him then and there.

Sophia continued to drive her dick into his sweet derriere; Taylor started to feel himself being pushed towards that blissful nirvana. His body began taking over, where he no longer had to think as it moved on its own. His muscles tensing just right to send him back into Sophia’s dick, her hips and his ass meeting in the middle as she continued her steady campaign on his boy butt. His body shook and spasmed at random with the continuous pleasure as it spread through his whole body. His breathing would shudder, his hips would shake, his arms beginning to vibrate as he was fucked. He couldn’t help it as his toes and fingers curled, clenching around the sheets while his ass clenched around Sophia’s cock. Using his muscles back there, he did his best to massage her cock as the fucking continued unabated by what he was doing, though he heard Sophia groaning as well as he did his best to massage her cock. 

His focus had already shifted inward by now. He registered the shadows around them, he technically saw the far wall as he was fucked, but he paid it all no mind as he continued to squeal and cry out in delight with every time Sophia slammed into him, the words spewed being nothing but gibberish as he was taken. His hips continued to shake and spasm as the sensual delight Sophia gave him continued to rise and rise, before suddenly it began to bloom all over. 

Taylor gasped as his arms gave out, his ass left up as he felt his cock start to cum, as his sissy clit spasmed and his ass clenched.

“I’m cumming!” Taylor cried, doing as he was trained to. Sophia meanwhile fell upon his back, her breasts pressing into his back, her hands coming down to cup around his caged cocklet and balls as his worthless goo spurt into her hands while his ass was doing it’s best impression of a pussy, trying to milk Sophia of her cum. It seemed to be doing a good job as Sophia’s groaning increased and within moments, he felt Sophia slam herself into his ass once more, before warmth flooded his rear, hot futa jizz spurting into his ass. The two froze as they mutually came, Sophia was paralysed by pleasure while Taylor couldn’t move with Sophia surrounding him. His body certainly tried but all he could do was shift just a tiny bit and it wasn’t enough. 

Eventually though Sophia seemed to come to, and by then Taylor had calmed down enough to not immediately try to slide up and down his mistress’ semi hard cock. They pulled up, kneeling there on the bed with shaky legs, Taylor unable to keep from squirming, his lust still ever present as always, his hips shifting here and there, wanting more, but pacified enough that if Sophia wanted, he’d stop. 

As they knelt there, Sophia awkwardly pulled her cupped hands up, and up to Taylor’s mouth. Still lust drunk, Taylor didn’t hesitate for a moment as he opened his mouth, and his own slime was slid into his mouth. After so much training, Taylor couldn’t help his eagerness as he drank down the cum, the familiar taste only driving his passion higher as he started to lick Sophia’s fingers clean, fellating her fingers before they were clean. Like a puppy, Taylor knelt there, his hands up while Sophia hugged him close, before she pushed him down once more. 

Pulling out, Sophia stuck his thick tail plug in his ass and gave his butt a pat, almost as if saying good job before she patted it again to turn him over. Taylor of course complied as Sophia fell on him again. Their kiss drawing each other’s breaths away as they moaned. Their kiss electric on their lips as they continued to lose themselves to their passions, until finally Sophia pulled away and fell to the side. 

“Wow…” was all she could say, before she entwined her fingers with Taylor’s, the two holding onto each other for a while, merely luxuriated in their mutual bliss. Though Taylor could already feel his need, the desperation that never went away, not with a caged orgasm at least. Slowly he slipped downwards, until he was face to face with Sophia’s cock. Without prompt, he grabbed a hold, and slipped his lips around the semi hard thing, enjoying the deliciously smooth feeling of it as he started to suck it. He looked at Sophia who lazily looked down at him, her eyes half lidded as she moaned a bit more. Her hand slowly came down, and started petting his head as she cooed:

“Good boy.”


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 Night Time Tryst: Electric Tryst-a-two


Tyler got up from his little alone time in his room, a little more refreshed and no longer having to worry about showing off to this family by accident as he shuffled downstairs in only his pyjamas. It was a long weekend after all and none of his friends were around so no need to get dressed. He’s not like Mom and Dad who don’t get tired because cape stuff and thus wear their daytime clothes all the time unless they were “in the mood”.

As he grabbed the coffee and started to fill his mug, Tyler spotted his older sister Taylor coming down which was certainly a surprise. It wasn’t often that Taylor came down later than Tyler, mostly due to his alone time lasting a fair while. Taylor herself looked rather dishevelled, her hair stuck out all over the place like she’d been tossing and turning, her pyjamas were rumpled and looked like someone else had put them on her. She moved with a sluggish zombie-like walk as she shuffled next to Tyler and the counter. 

Already knowing what she’d want, Tyler reached to a cabinet and pulled down her morning tea and a mug for her. Taylor smiled at him before she took her place beside him while he loaded up on the cream and sugar for his coffee. He wasn’t at Dad’s level yet of being able to take it black, but at least he now only took it with two cream and sugar rather than triple triple. 

Taylor of course just had milk to go with her tea.

“Rough night?” Tyler asked lightly as he stirred his coffee, missing entirely how Taylor’s face lit up in a deep blush. She muttered something first before answering.

“Yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night,” as she said that Tyler winced, knowing the feeling. Of course, when he did, it was usually a continuous series of something waking him up at every hour. 

“Damn,” was all Tyler said as he wandered over to the fridge. On it was a note:

Hey Kids,

You might not have heard, but an alert just came up. There was an attack on an oil tanker that went south for both the villains and the heroes, so we got asked to help deal with the spillage by Dragon. We should be back by late tonight, so while Danny is getting the stuff ready, I’ve made everyone some meals, and make sure Terrance eats all of his food. He always only eats a little bit and then says he’s done. The twins were having a sleep over at their friend’s place but I’ve already asked if they could stay over at least until we go and pick them up hopefully later today. If we’re not back by 8pm tonight, please pick them up from their friend’s place. Also if we are still not back by Monday, please take the twins to school, unlike for you two; the twins don’t have a long weekend.

~Love you lots~

Mom & Dad.

P.S. – Taylor, Stay out of the basement!

“Hey Mom and Dad are gone,” Tyler said as he looks over to Taylor who in turn looks up, a little surprised. 

“Oh? What happened?”

“Villains caused an oil spill, Dragon called.”

“Okay, sounds good. Lady Daemon and Daemon are out to save the day,” she said, referring to the name that Annette and Danny got roped in with due to their little heroing stunts. Originally people assumed Daemon was a case 53 or a wannabe vigilante Mannequin, up until Annette entered the scene a while after and things eventually got somewhat explained. 

Their official story, however, didn’t stop the people online from coming up with certain ideas though. Most people believe the official story that Lady Daemon made the suit that Daemon wore so that they could both be heroes and help clean up Brockton somewhat. Then there are the crack pot theories out there that Daemon is actually a sex robot for Lady Daemon that she likes to pretend is a person who wants to go be a hero. Others think that Daemon might actually have converted some woman into his toy and covered her in her latex suit and is actually mind controlled by him to pretend that she’s a cape. Then there are kind of funny theories like Annette and Danny are actually Succubi and Incubi from Hell on a dastardly mission to corrupt the youth or something.

The Haven fandom is a riot sometimes.

“Oh and Mom says to stay out of the basement,” he said, grinning as Taylor’s face exploded into a deep red blush. She turned away from Tyler; not dignifying him with a response as she instead proceeded to flee the room, not even grabbing her meal from the fridge. Letting out a chuckle, Tyler instead grabbed the prepared breakfast meals for them both and started to put his cooking skills to the test.

Those cooking skills being in determining how long the meals should be in the microwave.


Lying back, Tyler relaxed in front of the TV, playing his video games. The game was mostly just a game about killing the undead while being a death knight and working along side a vampire maid wishing to destroy her master. All in all kind of dumb fun that he was sinking hours upon hours into until at some point he stretched and realised that he was stiff as heck, and that he was already starting to feel hungry again. Pausing, he looked over to the clock and noticed that it was already noon. 

Standing up, Tyler wandered over to the kitchen and poked his head in. Taylor was usually around and cooking something if she was up and about, yet the kitchen was empty. Raising an eyebrow, Tyler wandered over to the fridge and opened it up, pulling out some kind of peanut butter balls with granola or something in them and popped a few in his mouth. Where was Taylor?

Grabbing something to down the tasty treat, Tyler guzzled the juice as he remembered the note.

Stay out of the basement!

Had she gone down there? It would be the perfect time to do so. Mom and Dad were gone and she could probably be in and out of there quickly enough to check whatever it was she sometimes did down there that got Mom to specifically say not to go down there.

Though what exactly?

Oh right, Mom’s a latex tinker and Dad’s a mind control tinker. She’s probably got some kinky shit going on down there.

Kinky shit that he could use as blackmail to get her to do his English project rather than just help him. Granted he’d never share it outside of the family, but Emma’s family and she’s already got a million embarrassing photos of them so he could use Emma as the recipient so Emma could force Taylor to be her fetish dress up doll again. That or just tell her that he’d tell Mom and Dad she’d gone down stairs when they said not to. That’d work since no doubt Taylor’s got some embarrassing photos of him herself that she could use as her own bit of blackmail. Then they’d both be dressing up for Emma as a sexy duo rather than just one or the other.

A plan now in place, Tyler grinned as he walked over to the basement door. Testing it, the thing swung open with ease. She was down there for sure. Staying near the wall as to keep the stairs from creaking, Tyler slowly made his way down, his phone already out and at the ready. Peeking around the corner, he looked around his parent’s lab…

And nothing. No Taylor, just Mom and Dad’s work stations. Raising an eyebrow, kind of like Spock did in Dad’s old Star Trek VHS tapes, Tyler stepped into the room proper. There was Mom’s Latex generator in the corner, where she made her special latex, Dad’s original hypnosis chair which he first tested out on Mom. It was all consensual since they’d already been dating long before according to Mom but they wanted to spice up their relationship…

And now that Tyler thought about that now that he wasn’t five years old… ew, that’s just, ew.

Though considering that Mom’s a latex tinker, and Dad’s a mind control tinker… Maybe when he gets a girl friend he could try it out with her. A serious girl friend, not just a fling with Victoria that petered out once she got powers and started looking for “someone better.”

That had hurt for a while. She apologised for it later, on one of her and Gallant’s off times but he wasn’t going to fall for that again so he just politely told her no. Thank God Emma wasn’t there or she’d have bitched the girl out in an instant. 

Not really sure what to do, Tyler kept looking around; maybe he could find what exactly Taylor had potentially played with earlier. He could tease her about it, since considering Mom’s a latex tinker, it was probably something kinky. He wasn’t supposed to know, but he’d seen Taylor admiring how Mom and Dad looked all latexed up, how in her diary she wrote about how she wanted to wear one of Mom and Dad’s suits one day, and not for innocent reasons. 

Tyler snickered. Granted, he wouldn’t mind joining in the fun either, and… well the times he’d ended up searching up a picture of Mom and Dad in their costumes to draw his favourite super heroes… well he’d kind of had an awakening, a proper one because it wasn’t Mom and Dad heading out right before he went to bed far too late at night. Kind of made him wonder…

But of course, Dad was a taller man than him since his height skipped a generation in men and Taylor seemingly won the height lottery. The one time he tried Dad’s stuff out it hadn’t fit right at all. He could ask Mom, but like hell was he going to just ask her for a suit, not after… well after he realised how close her and Dad’s stuff were to fetish outfits.

They’d see right through his question in a second.

As his hand trailed along Dad’s desk, he noticed that there was one thing that stuck out on the desk there. A mask. Curious, Tyler picked it up. It looked like some kind of bondage gear he’d seen online, the kind that mixed pet play and bondage. Kinky girl. Not that he blamed his sister, but he could tease her about it. Maybe get her a collar for her birthday along with her actual gift. It’d be a good revenge prank gift for the full hair care kit and the hand drawn “free spa ticket” she’d given him just because he didn’t want to go to a hair shop and get his hair cut. He was fine with his hair, he didn’t need her helping him out with it. So what if it was a bit frizzy with split ends? He wasn’t going to spend the morning grooming it like he was some kind of girl, he had… books he wanted to read, or videos he wanted to watch, or a million other things other than grooming his hair or making him look “presentable” as Mom said.

He still gave into Mom’s whims she’d do it for him, but that was because when Mom wanted it done, it was easier to just let it happen.

Snickering, Tyler took a picture of it and prepared to put it back down when suddenly a black mass exploded out the back of it. Black goo landed on Tyler’s face while pink tendrils shot out from the mask, sliding around his head rapidly. The goo swiftly traveled down his body, rippling downwards under his clothes, and over them. Then with eyes wide, Tyler saw a reddish mass emerge out from the snout of the mask, the shape of it looked a lot like a canine cock as Tyler raised his hands, but was too late as the pink tendrils pulled the mask to his face. 

His vision vanished and he hadn’t realised his mouth was open until the rubbery taste of latex dick smashed into his mouth, battering his teeth aside and flattened his tongue. It nearly went far enough to make him gag and he made a sound. His hands flew to his face, trying to pull at the mask, but like Mom and Dad’s capture devices, there was no give, the thing binding to his skin in a way that only Mom’s tinkering could undo, and he hadn’t though to look for her latex-disintegration ray gun. 

As he struggled, Tyler felt a mass start to form on his chest, and nearly toppled over as the sudden shift in weight forced him to widen his stance. In an instant, there was a pressure on his chest that hadn’t been there before, like he’d put on a way too tight shirt. Reacting more than consciously thinking to do so, in a panic Tyler pulled off his shirt, the thing getting stuck on what felt like his chest before he got it off and tossed it to the ground. Reaching down, Tyler felt large breasts taking form, the surface of them sensitive to the touch, and still growing as he felt his pants themselves starting to get tight as the latex spread down his legs, and had already reached past his ass. 

Throwing the rest of his clothes off, Tyler felt the latex continuing down to fully engulf his body. His fingers binding together and curling them, something connecting to his spine, the feeling of a tail, and-

“Mmmmh!” Tyler cried out, his eyes suddenly widening as he was assaulted by the twin sensations of something entering into his ass, and something else pressing into his cock’s hole. Tyler reached down and grabbed his dick with his now stubby paws, but didn’t know what to do as his hips shook, the ribbed thing around his butt slid in, his cock twitching from the sensation as he felt pleasure from his back door being stretched open, and how the latex in his cock didn’t feel bad. Then the latex sliding into his urethra hit a spot deep within him. Tyler whimpered a bit as he felt pleasure from the thing invading him, his ass feeling similarly good being spread out, his cock twitching and at the same time being stimulated by the latex as it spread over his member. 

Shaking from how unsteady he was growing, All Tyler could do was stand there as the latex continued to pleasure him, his new tail wagging happily he felt his ass grow plump, and round, his new, massive breasts finishing up their transformation, growing to be massive no doubt by the weight. Then he felt a collar taking form around his neck, forcing his head straight, and keeping him from looking anywhere by forward, or up. He could feel the goo starting to coat his hair, pulling it together as it wrapped around each individual strand before pulling it into a pony tail. All the while, the thing in his ass continued to pound away as the pushing inside of his urethra that felt so good stopped. Instead it just sat there as Tyler continued get fucked in the ass, his tush feeling so good as it kept hitting a special spot that he’d never known existed. 

Eyes wide at the feeling Tyler continued to moan a bit into the dildo, his tongue sliding against the thing as he fell onto all fours. Then he found a hole in the side of the dildo, and without a care shoved his tongue through, finding air in a hollow of the dildo. Breathing through his mouth, he tasted the latex flavoured air, his breathing hard as the thing in his ass kept pumping in and out, driving itself into his gut and making him feel so good. Unable to resist, Tyler reached down, trying to get at his cock, only for him to realise as he’d fallen, something hard had fastened itself around his cock. With his useless paws, Tyler tried to grab onto it, eventually getting a grip, but the thing was very solid and encompassed his whole dick. Whimpering Tyler batted at it, but all it did was swing it around, though there was something else there, something swinging from his dick’s hole. Trying as best he could, Tyler tried his best to grab at the swinging thing, hoping to pull it out.

Only for it to slide in further as he tried to grab at it. It felt like beads, sliding into his dick, each bead sending a sensation of pleasure through him. The pleasure was enough that despite his misgivings, his lust urged him to continue. Yet he resisted, if only barely as his ass fucking was clouding his mind, filling his brain with enough pleasure to make his body react unconsciously. Influenced by the pleasure, Tyler started to gyrate his hips in time with the thing filling his ass, the beads in his cock swinging around a bit, along with his massive breasts and what felt like big balls smacking against his cage. Tyler knew he was drooling, his tongue letting the fluid drip out of the gag as he breathed.

Finally, his vision shifted and he was able to see again despite the blindfold. His first instinct was to look down, to gaze upon what had been done to his dick, what was encasing it, and yet his vision was blocked. 

The things blocking his vision were two immense breasts that swung as his body was shifted with each thrust into his ass. They swung hypnotically, like an ornament only just placed on a Christmas tree, the nipples jutting out, hard as could be, and he could feel them as well, swinging as he moved just a little. Trying to get some stability, Tyler pushed up with his paws, and landed on his legs with less pain on his butt than expected. While kneeling there he brought his paws up, taking hold of his breasts. They were heavy things, and as he got closer to the hard latex nipples, it felt better. His paws felt soft, and it felt good to touch his oversized breasts. Hefting them a bit, Tyler guessed they had to be as big if not bigger than his head. 

Not only that, but he reached back, not willing to touch those hard nips yet, he reached back, confirming for sure his derrière was far thicker than before. In a moment of whimsy, he raised a paw and slapped it down, and made a sound as he felt the slap through the latex. It didn’t do much, the paw preventing it from stinging due to the cushioning, but he still felt it.

Before he could explore further, his vision started to shift, the outside world fading away, replaced by a swirl of pink and black. They spun like those dumb hypnosis videos that never worked, and at the same time, he could hear whispers off in the distance. Tyler tried looking to where they were coming from, but then realised, this must have been Dad’s contribution to whatever Mom had made here. He was getting brainwashed, and from how sexual his new body was, it wasn’t some capture device to go straight to jail. As he knelt there, giving up on escaping, he waited as the swirls would be interrupted by flashes, images flying by too fast to perceive. He felt relaxed, and even his ass fucking had slowly. It hadn’t stopped, but it’d gone from an overwhelming pleasure to a pleasant sensation in his ass, filling him up, sliding in and out, making him want to lie down and enjoy the sensations of being lovingly fucked while relaxing as he watched what was going on in front of him. It made his mind tingle in a way he’d never felt before. While it shocked him initially as he felt the tingles, he slowly relaxed, his mind bathed in the comfortable sensations of Dad’s tech doing stuff to his brain while Mom’s tech pulled in a fog of lust and pleasure into his mind, driving him to a comfortable place. 

Reaching down with one paw, and up to his new breasts with another, Tyler started to touch himself, one hand going past his cock, instead massaging his balls while another squeezed a nipple. Tyler let out a slight moan as he did so, adding to the pleasure that was soaking his mind. Slowly his concentration on anything other than his pleasure and watching the hypnosis in front of him faded away, and he started to lose track of time as he continued to enjoy himself.

At some point, he heard the door close, and with his new latex ears, found he could even hear the sound of a lock being clicked into place. Tyler froze, his ears swivelling, but no one was coming downstairs, though he heard the sound of three sets of foot steps, two small pairs, while another one that was larger. Taylor and the twins if he had to guess. No doubt Taylor realising that something was wrong since the door was left open, and she’d apparently already fallen afoul of something, probably this mask. Tyler groaned a bit as he realised his whole blackmail plan had backfired spectacularly, and now he’d be getting blackmailed instead. 

He’d probably end up as Emma and Taylor’s dress up doll again. Ugh.

Though he will admit, he looked good, but like Taylor, being a dress up doll for Emma was both annoying, and at times embarrassing.

Resigned, Tyler waited, shifting slightly so he was facing the door, no point in hiding what had happened anyways.


Tyler whined, Mistress Taylor was taking so long to investigate, and he wanted so dearly to be found. He was so hungry and horny, his cock straining in his cage while the suit tried to keep him busy even as his stomach churned, though the pain was gone at least. Sure it felt great, but he’d much rather be serving Mistress Taylor, since Mistress Mommy and Master Daddy were away on their heroic duties. That and well, the beads in his caged up cock kept him from cumming, and any attempt by him to take them out would just make them slide in further. All he could do was leave them in, their swinging giving a modicum of pleasure as his hips moved in time with the toy in his ass, pushing away, lovingly fucking his hole and pressing into his special spot. 

So he just waited kneeling there, paws up properly, drooling all over his big juicy breasts while waiting for Mistress Taylor to come down stairs, and see what happened to him. Yet even all hypno’d up, his mind desiring to be a cute obedient and sexy pet had its limits. He might need to try to do something, first to deal with his starvation issue, and then to deal with his lust.

And then he heard the sound of Taylor’s foots steps above, walking towards the door. Getting excited, Tyler straightened his position again, his tail wagging furiously as he felt his cock hardening in it’s cage, the beads ever present as the thing in his ass started to similarly speed up to match his excitement. Pleasure filled him as his hips moved on their own, little humps that swung what few beads remained outside of his cage while he let his tongue slip out, panting as drool dripped down his chin across his skin.

The door was opened with a click, and there was the sound of Taylor’s lithe form slowly walking down, before she came into view. As Tyler saw her face, flashes of light started to appear, the spinning was back, overlayed over Taylor, the whispering suddenly coming out once more, before it was gone, and Mistress Taylor was standing there, her expression neutral and a big case in her hand.

“Stay,” was all she said, and Tyler was glad to do so, his panting harder, and he’d have smiled if he could, but he certainly felt his arousal spike as he finally had an order to obey, the toy in his ass rewarding his good behaviour finally. His tail wagging increased in speed as Taylor came up, her hand raising and slipping onto his head, ruffling his ears and petting his head. Unable to control himself, Tyler let out a little yip before nuzzling into her hand, happy as could be. 

“Wish that was me,” Taylor muttered, almost sounding like she was whining as she continued to pet Tyler. Eventually though she sighed before smiling down at him. 

“Sorry about not coming down earlier, but I’d didn’t want to let the twins see you like this for their sake and yours. That thing’s probably already got you thinking of all of us as masters and mistresses right?” she asked and Tyler nodded, though Taylor seemed to be the highest on his priority list, he wasn’t sure why.

“Yup, and since you saw me first, It’ll mark me as your main master. Same thing happened with me and Dad when I found that thing and used it for the first time.” Taylor put down her case. The thing was effectively a locked box, big one too as Taylor knelt down, and with her thumbs, slid the latches to the side. Curious, Tyler looked over as much as he could before his eyes widened.

Inside of that case was a bounty of toys, and Taylor reached in, grabbing two things. One was a nice and thick dildo that made Tyler’s mouth water, while the other was some kind of tube connected to it, white fluid inside of the container. Tyler tilted his head a bit and then realised on the side it was labelled: Pet food.

“Well, since you’ve already ended up as a little sex pet, why not have some fun training you, hmm? But first,” she said as she knelt down, putting the pet feeding device down as she reached out, taking hold of Tyler’s cock and balls gingerly. Tyler whined, the sensation of her touching him was like electricity running through him, making him strain in his cage all the more while her thumb brushed the hard solid rubber like substance around his member. Tyler wasn’t sure what his mistress was doing, up until he felt her fingers leave behind his heavy cum filled balls, and started to press the beads into his caged cock. Each bead slid in easily, pleasure riding through him in spouts of shock as each bead entered into his dick until he felt her finger inside of the loop that was wide enough that it couldn’t be put in. Tyler hips shook and he let out another pathetic sounding whine, the sensations filling him as Mistress Taylor started petting him again before giving him a hug.

“Don’t worry brother, I’ll let you cum, but a bit of delayed gratification I think is better, wouldn’t you agree?” and Tyler couldn’t help but agree, almost glad now as Taylor pulled away and picked up those dildos again. After all, edging was why his alone time every morning took so long.

And going by how Mistress was acting, tonight was going to be fun.


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Thread Necromancer
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 Ambushed Elf 6 (MGE)


Aerin eyed the huge butt plug with trepidation; the thing was as long as his hand and at its base was as thick as Gina’s strap on. Though unlike the strap on, the butt plug was supposed to sit in him all day, every day he was with Gina. It even connected with his outfit, slipping into a ring that could be tightened to hold it in place. The elf’s ass clenched at the thought, both in fear, and in anticipation. He wasn’t sure whether he should be happy or not. In reality though, it didn’t matter, he’d come to love it soon enough as he was corrupted.

His high orc mistress on the other hand was gazing at Aerin with a loving look in her eyes as she oiled up the plug for him, his ass already been prepared with the same oil as she approached him. With a hand, she reached down and caressed his face with a greasy hand, smudging up his hair a bit as she turned the plug from upright to aiming at his ass. The ring widened enough that it would slide through towards his pucker. 

“Don’t worry husband, I know you’ll like this,” she said, and Aerin already knew that he likely would even when uncorrupted. But that wasn’t even the main issue. The main issue was the shining gem on the bottom of it, sparkling with some kind of enchantment that the orcs had fashioned into a special little gem butt plug for him. There was magic in that plug, and having been surrounded by the demonic mana pouring out of the orcish camp from all the sex for days, the thing’s glow had subtly shifted. After all, an astral diamond like that should shine with the intensity the brightest star in the night sky as it reflected the mana in it. Dimming like this though, it’d already been corrupted partially, either by some shamans, or more likely from the ambient corruption wafting off of the couples having sex, turned the gem from brilliant white to a light crème. 

Even that small amount of corruption would be enough to potentially push his corruption further, pushing him more and more. Ground up astral diamonds were some of the most expensive of mana potion ingredients because they were effectively crystallised mana cores, exuding mana into the environment, breathing life into dead places where none used to exist. It was how the underground became such a vibrant place despite the lack of sun, for these diamonds were the sun for those dark places.

And to be corrupted, even if only a little, it’d push it into him, his magic would increase tremendously, but it’d be tainted, as his own core became like it. It’d feed back into the diamond, and soon enough, it’d turn purple, the colour of the demon lord’s corruption, of demonic mana.

Of course by then he’d have long since fallen beyond the point of return.

With nary a rescue in sight.

Well… there had been that one elf from fa-

Aerin gasped as his mistress’s plug pressed into his ass, pushing slightly in, spreading him out. His cock twitched in its cage as he bit his lip, his attention drawn away once more to settle entirely on his dark skinned mistress. Her coal skin letting her pearly white teeth shine as she lovingly smiled down at him. Rather than push it all the way in, she started to swirl it around, pressing it further into his rear’s sensitive ring of muscles, gently opening them up. As she did so, she reached down, her thumb sliding across his cheek once again before cupping them.

“Hmm, what a wonderful face you have, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it. I think, when I get this cage off of you, when you finally reach your capital, I’ll keep all of this stuff I had my shamans make, all these tools. I’ll even keep your cage,” as she said that, her hand slipped away from his cheek, trailing down his leather strap clad chest until she was once more holding his cage. Her warmth spreading into the cage, making him harden more in the confines of his chastity. A finger of hers, slid up and pressed into between his thick, blue balls, giggling a bit as she played with him.

“We can have a bit of fun like this; we’ll reminisce at how it’s just like old times as I fuck you on my throne. My little husband, my slutty, cute elven husband.”

“How- how can you be sure you’ll win?” Aerin asked, not really questioning it, but more curious. Gina merely smiled however.

“Because Ares is on our side, and more importantly, you elves rely far too much on your archers and your speed that you’ve become predictable. Our warriors are armed with nice large tower shields, and so long as we stay in formation, we should easily topple any resistance along the way, while the dryads should keep your people from using the environment against us,” she said, pushing the plug in just a bit more, driving it deeper, and hitting that second ring of muscles, pausing and merely sliding it around, making him feel slowly better and better while she relaxed his ass so he could take the giant plug.

“Why, ah, why would the druids, druids help you?”

“Because my cute little husband, we’ve been planning this whole thing long in advance, our shamans talking with the local dryads, and we’ve promised a great many things to obtain their neutrality,” neutrality, always a funny way of saying you brought them over to your side. Ares was ‘neutral,’ but never did she ever bless those who fought the mamono these days.

“Now enough chatter of this war business, we can do that over the war table. Oh, by the way, you’ll be joining me as my own personal play thing,” and as Gina said that, the pressure from the plug increased, the thick thing starting to spread Aerin wide. It started off manageable, only drawing a slight groan from Aerin, but as Gina pushed it further in, it spread him wider and wider, and Aerin’s mouth started to fall open. His breathing coming out faster as she pushed it in. He tried to buck, his actions automatic but Gina’s arms slid around his hips and held him in place as she smiled down at him, the massive plug driving him open just like her strap on would. His eyes started to lose focus, drifting off as he started to moan a bit in response with each small push inward. Then it kept pushing him open more, his ass spread so far that his cock started to twitch, his hole trying to press down on the huge member to no avail. Gina just kept pushing, making Aerin throw his head back into the fur sheets as he let out a long wanton moan as it seemed that the plug had spread him as far as he could take it. 

Then as it reached its apex, Gina pushed just a little bit more, and his hole closed around it. Like a hammer blow the plug was sucked in by his ass, slamming into his lowest hole and smashing into his special spot like a capped ram hitting a gate. Aerin moaned louder now as his legs ceased up and they came up, nearly hitting Gina as his hips bucked, his cock twitching and even drooling a bit as he felt so full, the pressure from it all, driving all thoughts from his mind as the pressure mixed with the pleasure of it, making a strange, constant sensual feeling flowing through him that made it hard to concentrate.

“G-g… Gi… Mis- ah,” Aerin tried to call out, but the feelings in him continued to batter his focus, each pulse clouding his mind that he couldn’t think, he couldn’t focus, all there was, was his hot, beautiful mistress over him, her perfect breasts making him want to play with them, to suck them. Then there was the plug, so big in his ass, making him feel so full, constantly pressing into his special spot, and sending waves of pleasure through him every time his ass clenched, every heart beat as a battering of pleasure from the pressure. He, he couldn’t breathe as he realised his was still drawing in breath, trying to fill his lung’s to capacity but they wouldn’t fill any more, and it was a struggle to even exhale. 

“Mi-” he tried to call out, and his mistress took him in her arms, holding him to her, his head buried in her bosom as he eyes rolled back. He felt her fingers sliding through his hair, her nails adding another sensation. Not sensual pleasure but a tingling sensation on his skull that added one more thing to his already overloaded mind.

 He couldn’t help as he humped into her waist and stomach, his ass clenching and his dick twitching in its cage as he moved his hips. All in a vain attempt to find some kind of way of furthering his pleasure, his lustful male hind brain taking over in the moment as his higher functions were continuously battered back by the constant flush of sensual sensations slithering their way up his spine. As she held him to her, Gina’s fingers slipped down his back, grabbing a hand full of his ass, something nearly lost to Aerin before she started to help him along, pressing his plug in just a slight bit. His wanton moans raised an octave, muffled as they were by Gina’s massive high orc breasts as he hung onto her for dear life. 

“Imagine if I did have a real cock, I’d be so hard right now you know. You hot fucking minx. Fuck, I think I’d make you my little cock sleeve if I did have a dick, and let you hang off of me as a sexy little ornament while I greeted the troops. Let them squirm and wish they could have an elven prince as sexy as you,” Gina said as she continued to play with him. He could hear her, but wasn’t able to respond further since his unconscious and automatic movements were the only things he was capable of doing. He was already panting, moaning in between breaths, and holding on as tight as he could, and yet the words only inflamed his desires. 

“Uh, boss?” an unknown, orcish voice called out from somewhere beyond the tent, and suddenly Gina stopped her playing, leaving him to hump and clench on the plug on his own. “The meetings started, and their waiting for you.”

“Troll piss!” Gina cried before Aerin felt her hand slip off his head and they both gripped his ass, before lifting him up and Gina started to run.


“Right, ah, as you can see here on the map, the elves have- oh sweet, oh, have gotten rather in- uh- industrious these last couple of years, they’ve started building siege weapons as of late according, oh Maou, to the Dryads, chopping down trees left and right to create- ah fuck, ah, create catapults and a, ooh, whole load of bows.”

“How the hell didn’t the Sabbath see this until the Dryad’s told them?” 

“Elves are not the most expansionary group, mostly preferring isolation, so most likely the Sabbath has labelled them a non threat so long as no one enters their woods until troops are good and ready to move in.”

“That’s, umph, oh fuck right there Oni-chan, fuck, ah, that’s right!”

“Aren’t these the same guys who razed that whole city of dark elves like a decade ago then built on top of it?”

“They assimilated them, not sure how they’ve not ended up corrupted yet, but yes that’s them.”

“Ohhh fuck I love it when you cum in me Oni-chan~!”

Aerin listened in as he sat there, hugged tight to Gina’s chest, her breasts framing his head, both of their nipples hard, his cock straining in his cage while the pleasure from his ass continued. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to walk straight even if he really tried. The feelings were too good, though he’d at least gained enough composure to regain some of his mind back. They were talking about Father’s realm, and the various states that swore fealty to the Grand Tree alliance. Of Gina’s war council, there were a few high orcs here gathered around the table, everyone with their spouse. Some of those talking were high orcs with their submissive husbands, while others were the incubi, either former heroes or just as powerful as them, who spoke in the stead of their submissive orc or even high orc wives. At the other end of the table was the head of the shamans the orcs had, a child-like high orc girl who was sitting on the lap of her “Oni-chan,” said man humped into her cunt as she tried to continue like nothing was going on, and utterly failing to do so.

If this is how they plan things, no wonder they hadn’t moved their camp and taken advantage of what momentum they had from the surprise invasion. Aerin could already see how what the little orc witch was doing was arousing people. Incubi were already playing silently with their spouses, or high orcs were just idly stroking their husbands off and playing with their cunts. Even Gina was taking part, if to a lesser extent. Rather than anything more overt, she’d had just placed a hand on his crotch, the warmth already enough to fill him with a pleasant warmth, inflaming his sensual core and making him clench around his plug. He still couldn’t speak straight, but he was getting better.

“Are they likely to bring them into battle?” Gina asked, looking to one of the incubi with his high orc wife. The man just shook his head.

“Not a chance beyond the initial attacks while we charge. Too high a chance of friendly fire once we are close. I can take a few groups of orcs with me to hit their back lines and then they’ll have lost any chance of dealing damage before we charge. So long as we keep in formation, we should be good after the initial fight.”

“And what do you think my cute husband? You’re from here are you not? Why are your people preparing for war?” Gina asked, looking down at him as she squeezed slightly, a tinge of pleasure flowing into him as she squeezed his balls just enough to tease him, but nothing more. Squirming a bit and biting his lip for a second, he watched as everyone was looking at his very, lewd outfit. In truth, compared to everyone else’s clothing, it might be considered modest but it still felt embarrassing to be looked at like this.

“It- it’s the will of our Patron, he is the main God of our people. Father says he has spoken with him, and at his suggestion, he builds weapons of war.”

“Ooooh, a warlike God, Ares’ll love to hear that if she doesn’t already know. I’ll bet she can’t wait to get her hands on him and ride his cock until he can’t stand to be without her,” one high orc said, a smile on her face as she pulled at her man by his oversized genitalia, pulling him forth a bit, her hand sliding around the head of his cock, making him whimper a bit as he quivered there. Others who looked gave slight giggles, one orc, one of the few who weren’t a perfectly submissive wife for her incubi husband chortled before speaking up.

“If he’s the elven god that came up with the Warmaster’s pet’s little chastity device, I’d bet that he’ll end up like the Warmaster’s pet once we’ve battered his followers into submission and built temples in Ares’ honour on the ruins of his.”

“Gro-baggath, he’s not my pet, he’s my cute little husband who been so very good for me, haven’t you?” Gina asked, a finger coming up to Aerin’s ear, rubbing it a bit while she continued to grope at his balls. As she did so, Aerin let out a little moan, almost cat like in nature as she rubbed his sensitive tips, his own hands having to grip onto her thighs more to keep himself from reaching out, from grabbing onto something.

“But you don’t deny my point.”

“No I don’t, she’ll have to do as I am unless she can find his key. After all, I’ve only just started to properly corrupt my cute little boy, while my troops have already pushed their husbands to the starting phases of incubisation, showing them the folly of their prudish ways and making them understand a mamono’s love.” With that one of the incubi heroes give a chuckle before speaking up.

“From what I’ve heard you’re husband is practically an incubus already with how he paws at you, and how he’s dressed, he just needs to be corrupted to match his state of purity with his horny nature,” one of the incubi said, his wife having long since disappeared below the table at some point, slurping sounds emerging from over there as the incubi lord sat spread legged. Gina giggled at that, pulling away from his ear and starting to scratch at his head again. She did so love to make him feel tingles up there.

“You’re not wrong, but that’s why I’ve got his plug in. Come on, stand up Aerin,” she said, patting his head and Aerin’s eyes widened, looking up at Gina.

“Wait… mistress,” he tried to say but she just looked down at him and giggled a bit. 

“Don’t worry, they all know,” she said, while the childish orc witch at the other end of the table giggled into her small hands before speaking up as well:

“I even helped out on it, I let Oni-chan cum in me so much, and make so much demon mana that we were able to corrupt that thing, and others helped!” she said while the rest of the table nodded along, grinning lecherously at him. Even the submissive parts of each relationship seemed to be looking at him, smiling wicked grins as they watched him.

“I, do I- do I have to show off?” he asked, looking up at his Mistress who continued to smile at him while she nodded. Swallowing, and with shaky legs, Aerin got up, walking forth a bit, before he realised that Gina had gotten up as well, her arms slipping under his own before picking him up, and bringing him around to the table. Practically shoving him on, he landed on all fours in the middle of the war map, scattering pieces that represented everyone’s units everywhere while Gina pressed down on his back, forcing him to arch it. His cage dangled between his legs, his ass spread and his toy in his ass moved as his cock twitched, making his ass clench a bit. Aerin breathed hard for a few moments, before he felt a slap on his ass.

“Come on husband, show everyone your new toy,” she said, Aerin blushing as he let his hair hid his face, keeping him from seeing everyone as he slowly began to turn around on all fours. There were cat calls and whistles as he showed his ass off, his plug no doubt drawing their attention as even from the outside it looked rather big, and he’d had it in him the whole time. 

Aerin did his best to ignore it all, to ignore the humiliation as Gina once more showed off her favoured sex toy, her favourite thing to torment as he tried to ignore how… how horny he was getting all over again, his lust rising despite his desire to deny how… hot it was to show himself off, to be presented like this. 

Despite himself, every time he wore his lewd, slutty uniform, his breath quickened and his mouth watered a bit, his core recognising his outfit, and how horny it made him feel. The humiliation was the same, people laughing, giggling, and getting aroused by his lurid form. Though here in the monster girl’s came it was mostly just girls licking their lips, wanting a slutty elf boy of their own to torment. 

He hated how horny it made him now to be displayed so lewdly, and to be shown for what he really was, just a horny show dog, no good for anything but to be paraded around, and used for sex.


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Thread Necromancer
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 Earning Some Pocket Money (Naruto)

Premise: Even with his healing factor, sometimes Naruto gets hurt enough that the old lady bans him from ninja duties for a while! The nerve! Though, in truth, he doesn’t mind too much. It lets him slip back into an old and very fun pass time of his that let him get the funds for quality ninja tools.


Naruto leaned back on the corner of his street; his Sexy jutsu in place, the clothing he’d bought was all clean and did well to accentuate his very feminine form. His orange skirt barely hid his lower parts and it certainly let people get a nice look at his ass even without bending over. All the while his orange top was strained to keep his nice juicy breasts held up as the buttons strained heroically to keep him “modest.” Not only that but he’d gone the extra mile and with his extra money from missions, had gone out and bought himself something to “invest” in his off duty hobby. Now, he had some tall high heeled boots to go along with his orange and black striped stockings and arm length gloves. Then as a cherry on top, he also was wearing a leather collar with a D-ring dangling from it. He did have a chocker he could wear instead, but the clientele he’d managed to gather over the years were on the kinkier side so they’d appreciate this much more, especially after how long he’d been gone.

Not that he’d be opposed to offering himself to someone new. After all, a new person could be fun to enjoy for a bit. Just so long as they were okay with his package downstairs. Though maybe he could change that in the future. Sakura was learning under Tsunade to be a med nin, so maybe he could borrow one or two of her text books on female anatomy and give someone the full Naruko experience. But then, the Naruko experience was what he had right now anyways.

Maybe a new form would be good for that?

Of course, he wasn’t the only Naruko out on the streets, just across from him was a clone of his, plying the same trade, offering herself to a man passing by, pressing her breasts into him and having her voice go all low and sultry. Naruto watched the show, his cock hardening a bit as he knew the clone’s own was doing as well. Made small of course, after all, some of his clients loved the idea of him being small and pathetic down there and all sexy up top, except for one or two. Those ones wanted the whole thing, both his sexy and feminine body and his nice big hard cock to suck on as he dominated them, so he usually just had two sexy jutsu’s up, one for his lovely body, and the other for his-

Then Naruto heard a clacking sound as something small and metallic latched onto his collar, and he felt a pull from the side. He made surprised sound as he was pulled a bit before someone grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. Naruto made a sound but quickly closed his eyes getting right into the kiss his hands moving to explore this person, and was surprised it was a woman, feeling her breasts pressing up against his before he grabbed onto one. His other hand going for their ass and found this woman had quite the tush. As he squeezed a bit the woman, no girl, squeaked a bit, and Naruto opened his eyes to see Hinata groping and touching him. The shy girl of all things! For a moment, Naruto decided to take charge, trying to push forward, to sweep her off her feet and maybe even touch her down there, but she resisted.

Instead of him taking charge, the heiress instead pulled the collar backwards, chocking Naruto lightly before smacking his leg and having one nearly fall out from under him as she instead went in for the deep kiss. She held him close as she deepened their kiss, her tongue surging forth into his mouth. It was like an electric current was running through Naruto and he knew his transformed dick was just barely poking out, poking the Hyuuga heiress in the leg as it slid between his leg and lightly pressed against his crotch. Naruto moaned a bit as he fell into his enjoyable routine. He hadn’t expected Hinata to be so dominant, but he’d experienced some pretty unexpected things when he did his little money making hobby.

Eventually though, of course one of his clones broke the moment as he heard her cheering.

“Heck yeah Hinata, show her who’s boss!” she said as Naruto felt Hinata giggle a bit before pulling back, bringing Naruto up by the collar as the two pulled away from each other’s kiss. Naruto gave the Naruko a look but the clone was entirely unrepentant, grinning from ear to ear before running off, doing a ninja jump to mock him as well. Since she was a clone, she didn’t need to listen to the old lady unlike him. No, he had to wait until his injuries “fully healed” before he could go back to doing ninja stuff, even though they had. Of course he could try to ignore her, but she always knew. But whatever, she was just fussing over him and he didn’t mind it that much. Naruto just shook his head before looking to Hinata. 

“My clone already told you the deal?” he asked to which Hinata nodded. Like usual she was all red, but this time Naruto was pretty sure it wasn’t from the usual fever that Hinata regularly had but rather this time from being all horny. After all, why else would she seek him out? Then again, why would she seek him out when she had a fever anyways? Ah well, she’s just like that sometimes he guessed.

“We’ll head back to a place I rented for the night, oh, and uh… I… I have something you need to wear,” Hinata said, her blush growing even redder than before as she reached into her hoodie and pulled a chastity cage.

“Nu-uh, I did that once before and the guy wouldn’t let me cum for a week, and then kept me locked up for a month after he changed the rules on me before he finally let me out after I made all my clones stop fucking him, and I started to refuse him as well,” Naruto said, crossing his arms, which incidentally pushed his breasts up. 

“Please? Father won’t let me be with someone like you unless you wear it, and he’ll know, it’ll just be for the night, and you can have the key,” Hinata said holding up two keys before holding one out for him to have.

Well in that case. Naruto took one of the keys before making a clone of himself, this one a non sexy clone, and passed the key to his other self. 

“Keep it safe, I don’t want a repeat of last time,”

“Okay boss, I know where to keep it,” the clone said before jumping off and rubbing in his face that the old lady had forbid him from doing ninja stuff. God damn clones. 

“You’re not keeping it on you?” Hinata asked, and for a moment Naruto expected her to object, but instead he saw a dangerous glint in her eyes and a slight upturning of her mouth.

Maybe her Father isn’t forcing her then, though it doesn’t matter now. If she wanted to have a kinky fun time with him, then whatever, so long as she wasn’t trying to turn him into her personal… well it wouldn’t be a cum dump since she doesn’t have a dick, so sex slave. 

“Nah, you’re a friend, so I’ll put my trust in you, Mistress,” he added the last part, and couldn’t help his ear to ear grin as Hinata’s face lit up like a tomato, but thankfully she didn’t pass out, instead breathing hard as she tried to calm down. Damn, she really isn’t doing well. Maybe they could arrange something to help her deal with lewdness. After all, it wouldn’t do for a ninja who specialised in seduction getting Hinata to pass out just like that in the middle of a fight. 

Eventually though, she finally seemed to calm down a bit, but her smile never lowered. It looked like this was the happiest time in her life as she looked at him. Though now she lifted up the hand with the collar, and tugged at it a bit while she turned around. 

“C-come on then, Narut- s-slave,” she said, her stutter adorable as Naruto had to fight to keep from giggling at her. 

God she is adorable!


They arrived at the apartment that Hinata had apparently rented out with some of her allowance. 

Imagine having that kind of money, Naruto thought as he walked into the apartment following Hinata still by the collar. Hinata hadn’t really wanted to be seen so she’d swept Naruto up into a bridal style carry, and had carried them both off; Hinata hidden under a cloak looked like any other ninja enjoying their time with a whore after a mission. Which in truth, really was what Hinata was doing.

Still pulling Naruto along by the collar, Hinata drew her in and Naruto had to whistle as he looked the place. Despite it being a place being rented for a bit, the apartment was kind of swanky, especially compared to his. His own was just a simple one room thing while this place had more than just a single room and a bathroom. It had to have at least three or four rooms! 

“Nice place you got here, Mistress,” Naruto said, the last word rolling off his tongue in a sultry way as he walked up behind Hinata, sliding his arms around her, causing her to gasp a bit as his taller form enveloped her and pressed his breasts and jutsu’d micro dick into her. He didn’t fondle her, that might break whatever idea of dominance she might have had, but just embracing her, and making her horny? Totally on the table as her face grew redder and her breathing became heavier. So cute and adorable. 

As he hugged her however she pulled away from him, and tried to catch her breath, trembling a bit, her legs rubbing together before swallowing, then looking right at him.

“Go-go to the bedroom and wait for me there,” she said, a slight tremble in her stuttering voice, even so, Naruto bowed deeply to her. After all, she wanted the full master slave experience… probably, and she’d likely pay him handsomely for it, not that he really charged extra for that kind of stuff. 

“Yes Mistress, I’ll wait you there~,” he said in a sing song voice as he sauntered off, making sure to sway his hips like so many of his clients loved. 

Entering into the bedroom, Naruto sat on the bed, wondering what exactly Hinata had planned. She wanted him to wear a chastity cage for some reason, so they’d likely be playing with toys. She’d likely want him to eat her out as his cock strained against the cage or something like that. Though that would already kind of happen if he kept the sexy jutsu on his dick going as well. Micro dicks aren’t exactly useful for much after all. 

As he thought on their fun, he heard the door slide open. Naruto looked up, and smiled. Definitely having fun with toys then, as Hinata entered, not only had she stripped to just a set of sexy underwear that didn’t hide her private places at all. The underwear instead showed them off, her nipples poking out of holes in the bra, and the only thing hiding her modesty down below, was the thick dildo handing from straps on her waist.

So she’s one of those, fun! Picking his feet of the ground, Naruto lifted them up onto the bed and spread his ass, looking over the rise of his breasts at Hinata and made a desperate looking expression.

“Please Mistress, I’ve been so horny lately, I need your thick dick,” he said while adding a cute little pout at the end, laying it on a bit thick and being a little campy, not that Hinata seemed to mind. She almost seemed want to jump him right there, her hands twitching as they lifted up a bit before stopping herself, and bringing forth the cage, and what looked like a glass of ice cubes.

“Naruto, can, can you, undo the henge on your penis, please?” she asked, and with a thought, Naruto did so. His micro dick poofing away in a puff of smoke to reveal his hard cock standing tall and proud. Hinata’s blush grew worse and her breathing grew ragged from seeing it, the pampered girl likely not seeing too many dicks in her day, but now she could, and it was obviously overwhelming the girl as she reached down, and touched it. Naruto cringed a bit as her one hand was really cold from holding the glass of ice, and she quickly pulled that one away, but her other hand. Most clients didn’t want to touch him down there, except for a few. Though if they did, they usually would jerk him off with a finger or two, which did admittedly feel good when he applied his sexy jutsu on his dick, but actually touching the full thing felt far, far better. To show his appreciation, Naruto let out a small moan for Hinata’s sake, and her smile widened before her mouth opened a bit. For a moment, he thought that she was about to go down on him, and suck him off.

But she didn’t, restraining herself. Hinata pulled back before she reached down and brought up a cold looking ice cube from the cup bellow. The moment she touched his dick with the ice cube, Naruto couldn’t help but gasp as the cold block was slowly slid along his dick, the cube never left in any one place and just kept moving. Slowly Naruto could feel his dick shrinking, losing its girthiness and slowly shrunk down. Some might have been surprised at its shrinkage; some men definitely were, but not Hinata. Rather she just kept continuing, the ice keeping his dick down as Hinata grabbed the cage now that he was only about half chub, and started to assemble the cage. 

The thing was made of metal, and thankfully wasn’t cold due to sitting in Hinata’s hand for a bit. With both hands, Hinata assembled it rather quick as she pulled his dick and balls through the base ring of the cage before she slid on the solid cage itself. Then with a final click, it was done, and Naruto’s dick was locked away so he couldn’t get the heiress pregnant even if he wanted to now. He expected the girl to be overjoyed, but Hinata made an almost disappointed sound as she caressed his caged cock. Pushing himself up so that he could actually see his caged cock over his breasts, Naruto looked down at Hinata, her hand holding the cage while her other hand fondled his balls, providing a bit of delight but not much even as his dick started to press against the cage. 

Surprisingly, the cage fit really well. He barely had any room to expand, and what little he could wasn’t uncomfortable at all. Not like the last cage. The last cage from the one man was too large, and he could still get kind of hard in that one.

Looking at Hinata, she certainly looked disappointed, looking longingly at the caged meat in her hand. She looked up at him and smiled a bit before standing up to look down at him, seemingly ready now. Hinata’s hands shifted as she grabbed Naruto’s hips, and pressed the dildo against Naruto, and now it seems that they were about to begin their fun.

“Puh-please Mistress, I can’t take it any more, stick your big hard cock in me~!” Naruto said in an exaggerated, needy tone. His sexy forms voice adding just the right tone of need to sound like some depraved slut who couldn’t be without her “mistress’” cock filling them. It drove the men wild, and seemingly Hinata as well as her blush darkened, and her nose started to bleed a bit, but she wiped it away and held up her cock to his ass. 

The thing had already been lubed up before, but rather than attack him directly, Hinata pushed forth and slid the dildo past his dick while from the side, she grabbed a bottle from an end table, and poured some of the stuff onto her hand. It was without a doubt lube, especially judging by the hearts on the bottle and the smell coming from it. 

Leaning down, Naruto felt Hinata’s lubed hand and fingers start to press into his ass, sliding in without much trouble as she used her other hand to reach forward while her shorter body pressed against his, her hand pushed against Naruto’s far bigger breasts, gripping one of his tits, before she gently squeezed it. 

“Naruto, I’m going to-to fill you up. I’m-I’m going to fuck you with- with my big thick dick,” she said in an almost out of breath way, her tone almost sounding like she was living a dream.

“Please Mistress, please fuck this slut. Fill my ass until it can’t take anymore, fuck my bitch button and make me yours Mistress,” Naruto said, going along with the foreplay, pushing himself down closer to her with his hands as he pushed his head down, but failed to kiss her. Thought that didn’t seem to matter as her heart sped up all the same and her fingers pushed in harder and faster. Thankfully, despite his time away from this job, he still wasn’t as tight as he used to be when he first started this kind of stuff, and like riding a bike, his ass never truly forgot. She’d already gotten three fingers in now, finger fucking his asshole, the pads of her hands sliding up and down his prostate, knowing exactly where his p-spot was as she played with him. 

Holy fuck, she-she’s good! Naruto could help but think as Hinata kept pressing against his special spot as she made his legs writhe against her form while his dick twitched and pleasure bloomed in his ass spiralling up his spine and filling his head as the lust started to fill his head. The lust fogged his thoughts, and left the only clear thoughts left were ones regarding sexual delight, how to receive it, and how to give it. 

“Please Mistress, please fuck me,” Naruto pleaded, this time being genuine, as the teasing, the pleasure from his ass while great, was nothing compared to what it could be, and how it would feel as she slid her nice thick strap on into him. He wanted it, to feel her slide into him and fuck him deeply, to bring him pleasure while they touched each other, while he wrapped his legs around her and helped her fuck him, the cage rattling between them as they fucked. 

“Okay-okay Naruto, here, here I come!” Hinata said as she pulled back from him, her hand then leaving his ass before he felt her cock pressing against his ass. She didn’t wait long as she pushed in, the cock opening him up and spreading him out. Naruto moaned as she slid into him. While he’d done it in the past, his ass had still had some time to recover, and it was enough to change this size of cock from something he could take easily, to something magical. How it spread him felt amazing, his ass opening for her while blooms of pleasure shot through him, and that was before she even got to his-

“Gha~! Ah, oh~!” Naruto cried as he couldn’t help but close his eyes, and his legs coming together around Hinata. Her big thick cock that filled him so fully finally smashing against his prostate. Hinata’s cock was filling him up and pressing hard against his special spot, applying pressure which translated to pleasure in his mind as his cock bounced wildly, the lock on the cage clinking around while his ass clenched around Hinata’s strap on. His breathing grew ragged as she kept fucking him, sawing in and out, mauling his breasts, her face completely red with a blush as the blood continued to drip from her nose. Yet Hinata didn’t seem to care as there was a look of absolute joy on her face as she fucked him her moans mixing with his as he cried out while being fucked. his girlish Naruko voice reached up higher and higher as he cried out in ecstasy while Hinata hit him right where he loved it.

“Oh God mistress, thank you~!” he cried out as the pleasure continued to explode in him with every thrust, the vicious pounding making his legs go limp as Hinata pulled back from his breasts while his legs fell, and instead grabbed his legs. She grabbed Naruto by his knees and pushed them up, easily forcing them due to his sexy forms greater flexibility up by his head. 

“Naruto, Naruto, this is, this is the best day of my life!” Hinata cried out as she continued to fuck him, filling his hole as she kept increasing in speed, and he could even feel a bit of chakra being used as well, boosting the power of her body as her thrusts kept sliding into him deeper and deeper while she went faster and faster. It was like a constant barrage of pleasure that assaulted his ass, his own regeneration helping keep his ass tight and never let the force of her assault damage him, leaving only pleasure as Naruto started to feel that strange, almost-cumming sensation. The sensation right as he reached climax, and he cried out in elation as he felt his cock twitch, and yet the feeling never subsided, continuing on and on while his eyes rolled up and his mouth opened wide, his mind unable to process the pleasure as the sexual delight he felt increased four fold as it suddenly felt like his whole body was orgasming, and soon enough his vision went white as pleasure filled his mind and became his world. 

His mind was breaking, Hinata was mind breaking him, just like in that hentai he read~!

“Hinata! I’m breaking, you’re breaking my mind,” he screamed out as she kept pounding him and more and more, filling it with so much pleasure that he’d never be able to live without her strap on again. As she kept fucking him, Hinata grabbed hold of Naruto’s hands, taking both of them in her own hands, intertwining their fingers as she leaned down. Naruto couldn’t focus long enough to see her face, but the rapturous expression he saw for a moment was enough as she leaned down, continuing to thrust into him as she kissed him on the lips, her tongue sliding in as they battled while she continued to fuck him silly. Then she pulled away.

“Then break my beautiful Naruto, break for me and become my slave~” Hinata said to him before they kissed once more and Naruto closed his eyes, their fucking continuing on and on into the night, Hinata never stopping for a moment as she destroyed his mind with the most amount of pleasure he’d ever felt in his life. Were he a regular human, he’d have never survived, but his demonic regeneration saved him and allowed the pleasure to continue on well into the night until finally, with a final slam into him, Hinata collapsed onto Naruto. 

The two were breathing hard, hugging each other while a massive pool of cum filled the bed, soaking the sheets, and filling the room with its scent. Completely exhausted, it was all Naruto could do to try and pull himself and Hinata away from the completely soaked part of the bed before they fell asleep. Before they did though, Hinata spoke.

“D-did you like that, Naruto?” she asked, and Naruto couldn’t help but giggle a bit, the girlish voice of his sexy jutsu making it sound all light and airy.

“What do you think?” he asked before kissing her again, and pulling a moan from her. 

“I’m glad,” she said, before their eyelids drooped.

“Hey, did your Dad really want you to make your lovers wear chastity cages, or do you just like that?”


“Oh, okay,” and with that they fell into a peaceful rest.


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