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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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 Ambushed Elf 6 (MGE)


Aerin eyed the huge butt plug with trepidation; the thing was as long as his hand and at its base was as thick as Gina’s strap on. Though unlike the strap on, the butt plug was supposed to sit in him all day, every day he was with Gina. It even connected with his outfit, slipping into a ring that could be tightened to hold it in place. The elf’s ass clenched at the thought, both in fear, and in anticipation. He wasn’t sure whether he should be happy or not. In reality though, it didn’t matter, he’d come to love it soon enough as he was corrupted.

His high orc mistress on the other hand was gazing at Aerin with a loving look in her eyes as she oiled up the plug for him, his ass already been prepared with the same oil as she approached him. With a hand, she reached down and caressed his face with a greasy hand, smudging up his hair a bit as she turned the plug from upright to aiming at his ass. The ring widened enough that it would slide through towards his pucker. 

“Don’t worry husband, I know you’ll like this,” she said, and Aerin already knew that he likely would even when uncorrupted. But that wasn’t even the main issue. The main issue was the shining gem on the bottom of it, sparkling with some kind of enchantment that the orcs had fashioned into a special little gem butt plug for him. There was magic in that plug, and having been surrounded by the demonic mana pouring out of the orcish camp from all the sex for days, the thing’s glow had subtly shifted. After all, an astral diamond like that should shine with the intensity the brightest star in the night sky as it reflected the mana in it. Dimming like this though, it’d already been corrupted partially, either by some shamans, or more likely from the ambient corruption wafting off of the couples having sex, turned the gem from brilliant white to a light crème. 

Even that small amount of corruption would be enough to potentially push his corruption further, pushing him more and more. Ground up astral diamonds were some of the most expensive of mana potion ingredients because they were effectively crystallised mana cores, exuding mana into the environment, breathing life into dead places where none used to exist. It was how the underground became such a vibrant place despite the lack of sun, for these diamonds were the sun for those dark places.

And to be corrupted, even if only a little, it’d push it into him, his magic would increase tremendously, but it’d be tainted, as his own core became like it. It’d feed back into the diamond, and soon enough, it’d turn purple, the colour of the demon lord’s corruption, of demonic mana.

Of course by then he’d have long since fallen beyond the point of return.

With nary a rescue in sight.

Well… there had been that one elf from fa-

Aerin gasped as his mistress’s plug pressed into his ass, pushing slightly in, spreading him out. His cock twitched in its cage as he bit his lip, his attention drawn away once more to settle entirely on his dark skinned mistress. Her coal skin letting her pearly white teeth shine as she lovingly smiled down at him. Rather than push it all the way in, she started to swirl it around, pressing it further into his rear’s sensitive ring of muscles, gently opening them up. As she did so, she reached down, her thumb sliding across his cheek once again before cupping them.

“Hmm, what a wonderful face you have, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it. I think, when I get this cage off of you, when you finally reach your capital, I’ll keep all of this stuff I had my shamans make, all these tools. I’ll even keep your cage,” as she said that, her hand slipped away from his cheek, trailing down his leather strap clad chest until she was once more holding his cage. Her warmth spreading into the cage, making him harden more in the confines of his chastity. A finger of hers, slid up and pressed into between his thick, blue balls, giggling a bit as she played with him.

“We can have a bit of fun like this; we’ll reminisce at how it’s just like old times as I fuck you on my throne. My little husband, my slutty, cute elven husband.”

“How- how can you be sure you’ll win?” Aerin asked, not really questioning it, but more curious. Gina merely smiled however.

“Because Ares is on our side, and more importantly, you elves rely far too much on your archers and your speed that you’ve become predictable. Our warriors are armed with nice large tower shields, and so long as we stay in formation, we should easily topple any resistance along the way, while the dryads should keep your people from using the environment against us,” she said, pushing the plug in just a bit more, driving it deeper, and hitting that second ring of muscles, pausing and merely sliding it around, making him feel slowly better and better while she relaxed his ass so he could take the giant plug.

“Why, ah, why would the druids, druids help you?”

“Because my cute little husband, we’ve been planning this whole thing long in advance, our shamans talking with the local dryads, and we’ve promised a great many things to obtain their neutrality,” neutrality, always a funny way of saying you brought them over to your side. Ares was ‘neutral,’ but never did she ever bless those who fought the mamono these days.

“Now enough chatter of this war business, we can do that over the war table. Oh, by the way, you’ll be joining me as my own personal play thing,” and as Gina said that, the pressure from the plug increased, the thick thing starting to spread Aerin wide. It started off manageable, only drawing a slight groan from Aerin, but as Gina pushed it further in, it spread him wider and wider, and Aerin’s mouth started to fall open. His breathing coming out faster as she pushed it in. He tried to buck, his actions automatic but Gina’s arms slid around his hips and held him in place as she smiled down at him, the massive plug driving him open just like her strap on would. His eyes started to lose focus, drifting off as he started to moan a bit in response with each small push inward. Then it kept pushing him open more, his ass spread so far that his cock started to twitch, his hole trying to press down on the huge member to no avail. Gina just kept pushing, making Aerin throw his head back into the fur sheets as he let out a long wanton moan as it seemed that the plug had spread him as far as he could take it. 

Then as it reached its apex, Gina pushed just a little bit more, and his hole closed around it. Like a hammer blow the plug was sucked in by his ass, slamming into his lowest hole and smashing into his special spot like a capped ram hitting a gate. Aerin moaned louder now as his legs ceased up and they came up, nearly hitting Gina as his hips bucked, his cock twitching and even drooling a bit as he felt so full, the pressure from it all, driving all thoughts from his mind as the pressure mixed with the pleasure of it, making a strange, constant sensual feeling flowing through him that made it hard to concentrate.

“G-g… Gi… Mis- ah,” Aerin tried to call out, but the feelings in him continued to batter his focus, each pulse clouding his mind that he couldn’t think, he couldn’t focus, all there was, was his hot, beautiful mistress over him, her perfect breasts making him want to play with them, to suck them. Then there was the plug, so big in his ass, making him feel so full, constantly pressing into his special spot, and sending waves of pleasure through him every time his ass clenched, every heart beat as a battering of pleasure from the pressure. He, he couldn’t breathe as he realised his was still drawing in breath, trying to fill his lung’s to capacity but they wouldn’t fill any more, and it was a struggle to even exhale. 

“Mi-” he tried to call out, and his mistress took him in her arms, holding him to her, his head buried in her bosom as he eyes rolled back. He felt her fingers sliding through his hair, her nails adding another sensation. Not sensual pleasure but a tingling sensation on his skull that added one more thing to his already overloaded mind.

 He couldn’t help as he humped into her waist and stomach, his ass clenching and his dick twitching in its cage as he moved his hips. All in a vain attempt to find some kind of way of furthering his pleasure, his lustful male hind brain taking over in the moment as his higher functions were continuously battered back by the constant flush of sensual sensations slithering their way up his spine. As she held him to her, Gina’s fingers slipped down his back, grabbing a hand full of his ass, something nearly lost to Aerin before she started to help him along, pressing his plug in just a slight bit. His wanton moans raised an octave, muffled as they were by Gina’s massive high orc breasts as he hung onto her for dear life. 

“Imagine if I did have a real cock, I’d be so hard right now you know. You hot fucking minx. Fuck, I think I’d make you my little cock sleeve if I did have a dick, and let you hang off of me as a sexy little ornament while I greeted the troops. Let them squirm and wish they could have an elven prince as sexy as you,” Gina said as she continued to play with him. He could hear her, but wasn’t able to respond further since his unconscious and automatic movements were the only things he was capable of doing. He was already panting, moaning in between breaths, and holding on as tight as he could, and yet the words only inflamed his desires. 

“Uh, boss?” an unknown, orcish voice called out from somewhere beyond the tent, and suddenly Gina stopped her playing, leaving him to hump and clench on the plug on his own. “The meetings started, and their waiting for you.”

“Troll piss!” Gina cried before Aerin felt her hand slip off his head and they both gripped his ass, before lifting him up and Gina started to run.


“Right, ah, as you can see here on the map, the elves have- oh sweet, oh, have gotten rather in- uh- industrious these last couple of years, they’ve started building siege weapons as of late according, oh Maou, to the Dryads, chopping down trees left and right to create- ah fuck, ah, create catapults and a, ooh, whole load of bows.”

“How the hell didn’t the Sabbath see this until the Dryad’s told them?” 

“Elves are not the most expansionary group, mostly preferring isolation, so most likely the Sabbath has labelled them a non threat so long as no one enters their woods until troops are good and ready to move in.”

“That’s, umph, oh fuck right there Oni-chan, fuck, ah, that’s right!”

“Aren’t these the same guys who razed that whole city of dark elves like a decade ago then built on top of it?”

“They assimilated them, not sure how they’ve not ended up corrupted yet, but yes that’s them.”

“Ohhh fuck I love it when you cum in me Oni-chan~!”

Aerin listened in as he sat there, hugged tight to Gina’s chest, her breasts framing his head, both of their nipples hard, his cock straining in his cage while the pleasure from his ass continued. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to walk straight even if he really tried. The feelings were too good, though he’d at least gained enough composure to regain some of his mind back. They were talking about Father’s realm, and the various states that swore fealty to the Grand Tree alliance. Of Gina’s war council, there were a few high orcs here gathered around the table, everyone with their spouse. Some of those talking were high orcs with their submissive husbands, while others were the incubi, either former heroes or just as powerful as them, who spoke in the stead of their submissive orc or even high orc wives. At the other end of the table was the head of the shamans the orcs had, a child-like high orc girl who was sitting on the lap of her “Oni-chan,” said man humped into her cunt as she tried to continue like nothing was going on, and utterly failing to do so.

If this is how they plan things, no wonder they hadn’t moved their camp and taken advantage of what momentum they had from the surprise invasion. Aerin could already see how what the little orc witch was doing was arousing people. Incubi were already playing silently with their spouses, or high orcs were just idly stroking their husbands off and playing with their cunts. Even Gina was taking part, if to a lesser extent. Rather than anything more overt, she’d had just placed a hand on his crotch, the warmth already enough to fill him with a pleasant warmth, inflaming his sensual core and making him clench around his plug. He still couldn’t speak straight, but he was getting better.

“Are they likely to bring them into battle?” Gina asked, looking to one of the incubi with his high orc wife. The man just shook his head.

“Not a chance beyond the initial attacks while we charge. Too high a chance of friendly fire once we are close. I can take a few groups of orcs with me to hit their back lines and then they’ll have lost any chance of dealing damage before we charge. So long as we keep in formation, we should be good after the initial fight.”

“And what do you think my cute husband? You’re from here are you not? Why are your people preparing for war?” Gina asked, looking down at him as she squeezed slightly, a tinge of pleasure flowing into him as she squeezed his balls just enough to tease him, but nothing more. Squirming a bit and biting his lip for a second, he watched as everyone was looking at his very, lewd outfit. In truth, compared to everyone else’s clothing, it might be considered modest but it still felt embarrassing to be looked at like this.

“It- it’s the will of our Patron, he is the main God of our people. Father says he has spoken with him, and at his suggestion, he builds weapons of war.”

“Ooooh, a warlike God, Ares’ll love to hear that if she doesn’t already know. I’ll bet she can’t wait to get her hands on him and ride his cock until he can’t stand to be without her,” one high orc said, a smile on her face as she pulled at her man by his oversized genitalia, pulling him forth a bit, her hand sliding around the head of his cock, making him whimper a bit as he quivered there. Others who looked gave slight giggles, one orc, one of the few who weren’t a perfectly submissive wife for her incubi husband chortled before speaking up.

“If he’s the elven god that came up with the Warmaster’s pet’s little chastity device, I’d bet that he’ll end up like the Warmaster’s pet once we’ve battered his followers into submission and built temples in Ares’ honour on the ruins of his.”

“Gro-baggath, he’s not my pet, he’s my cute little husband who been so very good for me, haven’t you?” Gina asked, a finger coming up to Aerin’s ear, rubbing it a bit while she continued to grope at his balls. As she did so, Aerin let out a little moan, almost cat like in nature as she rubbed his sensitive tips, his own hands having to grip onto her thighs more to keep himself from reaching out, from grabbing onto something.

“But you don’t deny my point.”

“No I don’t, she’ll have to do as I am unless she can find his key. After all, I’ve only just started to properly corrupt my cute little boy, while my troops have already pushed their husbands to the starting phases of incubisation, showing them the folly of their prudish ways and making them understand a mamono’s love.” With that one of the incubi heroes give a chuckle before speaking up.

“From what I’ve heard you’re husband is practically an incubus already with how he paws at you, and how he’s dressed, he just needs to be corrupted to match his state of purity with his horny nature,” one of the incubi said, his wife having long since disappeared below the table at some point, slurping sounds emerging from over there as the incubi lord sat spread legged. Gina giggled at that, pulling away from his ear and starting to scratch at his head again. She did so love to make him feel tingles up there.

“You’re not wrong, but that’s why I’ve got his plug in. Come on, stand up Aerin,” she said, patting his head and Aerin’s eyes widened, looking up at Gina.

“Wait… mistress,” he tried to say but she just looked down at him and giggled a bit. 

“Don’t worry, they all know,” she said, while the childish orc witch at the other end of the table giggled into her small hands before speaking up as well:

“I even helped out on it, I let Oni-chan cum in me so much, and make so much demon mana that we were able to corrupt that thing, and others helped!” she said while the rest of the table nodded along, grinning lecherously at him. Even the submissive parts of each relationship seemed to be looking at him, smiling wicked grins as they watched him.

“I, do I- do I have to show off?” he asked, looking up at his Mistress who continued to smile at him while she nodded. Swallowing, and with shaky legs, Aerin got up, walking forth a bit, before he realised that Gina had gotten up as well, her arms slipping under his own before picking him up, and bringing him around to the table. Practically shoving him on, he landed on all fours in the middle of the war map, scattering pieces that represented everyone’s units everywhere while Gina pressed down on his back, forcing him to arch it. His cage dangled between his legs, his ass spread and his toy in his ass moved as his cock twitched, making his ass clench a bit. Aerin breathed hard for a few moments, before he felt a slap on his ass.

“Come on husband, show everyone your new toy,” she said, Aerin blushing as he let his hair hid his face, keeping him from seeing everyone as he slowly began to turn around on all fours. There were cat calls and whistles as he showed his ass off, his plug no doubt drawing their attention as even from the outside it looked rather big, and he’d had it in him the whole time. 

Aerin did his best to ignore it all, to ignore the humiliation as Gina once more showed off her favoured sex toy, her favourite thing to torment as he tried to ignore how… how horny he was getting all over again, his lust rising despite his desire to deny how… hot it was to show himself off, to be presented like this. 

Despite himself, every time he wore his lewd, slutty uniform, his breath quickened and his mouth watered a bit, his core recognising his outfit, and how horny it made him feel. The humiliation was the same, people laughing, giggling, and getting aroused by his lurid form. Though here in the monster girl’s came it was mostly just girls licking their lips, wanting a slutty elf boy of their own to torment. 

He hated how horny it made him now to be displayed so lewdly, and to be shown for what he really was, just a horny show dog, no good for anything but to be paraded around, and used for sex.


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Thread Necromancer
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 A Human in the Slave Markets of Aldair (Stellaris LV Mod)


May shivered in her cell, her fingers twitching in the shackles that kept them over her head. She moved her body constantly in small ways, her hips shaking a bit, her limbs testing out the extent of the bindings. Though May knew that there was no getting out of them. If she couldn’t do it over the last week, why would she be able to do so now? Not that escaping would even matter, captured and sold off by aliens who’d gone and conquered Earth, or Sol III as the aliens liked to call it. Not that she knew much about that. It’d happened years and years ago, when she was but a child. But she still remembered one day of watching some of those plants women marching through the streets of the city, looking at all the destroyed buildings as the endless forces of the plant aliens conquered them in little over a year as they’d poured millions of troops into the planet to secure it. 

Shivering some more, May’s movements became more frantic, her breath more haggard as she kept shifting, by now practically humping the air, not from any cold, because it was actually kind of warm here. No, the reason for her shaking and gyrating, was because of what her plant Masters had done to her before selling her.

Ever since she’d become an adult to the plants, they’d changed her, modified her, and they likely modified the whole of humanity, though into what she wasn’t sure. May though was pretty sure she’d been changed to be sold to this species in particular. Her body was “enhanced,” her breasts made far bigger, her ass, her hips, all of it having been bolstered in size. Her lips were big and thick, enough that she now couldn’t help but speak with a lisp. They’d changed her ears as well, making them long, pointy, and they felt so good to touch now. Her pussy felt constantly empty and practically on fire, with a flame that could only be put out by one thing. Her naughty bits were even more sensitive, as even the feeling of the wind was enough to keep driving her deeper and deeper into her lustful fugue. 

They’d also modified her mind, she was sure of it. Before they changed her, she was sure she never felt any kind of… arousal, any kind of delight from servitude. It was merely something to be done because she was a slave to her planetoid overlords. Now though, the thought of following, of being an obedient slave, to serving a Master or Mistress, it was like adding wood to a fire. Her mouth would water, her lower lips would become slick. A sudden desire would take over her and her nipples would harden. They’d even changed how she responded to pain. Before she’d hated it, feared experiencing it, but now. May remembered how they’d tested it on her after, how… how the whip, how it made her knees weak, how she’d been paralyzed by the dichotomy of pain and pleasure running through her, how it made her slick. Then there was just… just the sight of everyone and everything, how, how she couldn’t keep those lewd thoughts out of her mind. Every being she saw, she fantasized over, her old planetoid Masters, the horned elf women and their cow girl slaves, fellow humans.

Even pets.

No, she didn’t want to escape, even if her restraints did come off and if she could run out of there, where would she go? The only thing that mattered now was finally, finally, shoving her fingers into her cunt and fucking herself until she’d cum enough to flood the room, and then some. She couldn’t take it any more, she needed release, to be allowed to play with herself, but her new Masters didn’t let her. her old Masters let her, they fucked her, and let her cum all over their forms, absorbing her juices. These Masters though? They tied her up, locked her away and then left her alone with all the other moaning wrecks that had been sold to them unless they wanted something. 

Somewhere down the hall, May could hear the sound of the various slaves here growing louder and louder. She could hear the sound of loud moans, the rattling of chains; she could hear the sound of the tentacle beast slapping it’s tendrils against its case and more of the slaves crying out as they struggled. For a moment May nearly feared, feared something might be about to happen to all of them. Were they about to be captured again, this time by some horrid person eating hive? She’d heard from one of her plant Masters that there was some kind of alien out there that was ravenously hungry and would eat people. She didn’t want to be eaten by the alien dolphin people! 

But then she heard the sound of heeled footsteps, and realised it was only their Master, walking along their path and likely with a buyer going by the other footsteps along side hers. The empire made porno vids of their slaves after all to advertise them and their sexual prowess. Usually they were tossed into a room with another slave while pumped so full of aphrodisiacs to make it impossible not to fuck. 

May wasn’t getting her hopes up, not like the other prisoners. Why would those hot and sexy supermodels want a pathetic creature like her? Not to mention with the race being all female and unless they were lesbians they wouldn’t want her. No, they’d want the tentacles. Shivering May remembered her times with the tentacle beasts and them how they violated her by driving their tentacles into her without remorse. The first time they’d shoved her in a room with them she’d tried to run, tried to scream and flee in some way only to be brought in. Unable to help herself May’s hips started to thrust again, her eyelids drooped a bit as she remembered, how it’d grabbed her naked form, how it tied her down and secured her before moving in with it’s massive bulk. How it slid against her, wrapping her up as it squeezed her breasts, its tentacles sliding into her ass and cunt. Its main mass went for her mouth and despite how she hated that they changed her, thank God for the plant aliens and how they changed her mouth and throat. Otherwise she wasn’t sure she’d have survived as it made her throat bulge out. As she remembered it, her mouth started to hang open, her tongue lolling out a bit.

The footsteps came to a stop in front of her cell of all things, and May tried to refocus, pulling her thoughts back and saw three figures. All three of them were drop dead gorgeous and sculpted to perfection. Her current owner was almost like a fertility goddess from ancient Earth, immense in all the right places from her ass to her hips to her breasts, with a big pregnant belly to boot. She strutted about in only high heels and had no shame regarding her body. How May wished for her to sit with her, and make her drain the alien of her milk to relieve her of such a heavy burden. The other two weren’t as impressive, though the one, the slave version of the species that owned her was similar to her Mistress, even pregnant as well. The thing May noticed most, other than her delicious sexual features, was that slave’s horns were more pronounced and her body had splotches all over it in a cow print like pattern. She looked around lazily, happily playing with her leash that the other woman was holding. 

Of the three she was the least impressive. Her breasts were tiny in comparison, a B cup at most while her hair was cut short in a red pixie cut, though her hips were nice and her ass stuck out. She was taller than the others as well, but not by much. Of the two she was the only one not pregnant and in clothing which looked like some kind of evolution of a tribal outfit. It was effectively just a muscle shirt that had a long loincloth like part that went over her crotch that left her thick hips easy to see and appreciate. May’s owner started to play at the side of the door, and suddenly May realised that she, of all the slaves here, had been picked. She stilled, not really knowing what to do, or what she might need to do as a slave. 

No doubt it would have something to do with sex. When May had been transported through their cities, the thing that struck May had been how everything was about sex. There were advertisements for what looked like dildos, butt plugs, toys, sex slaves, and various other sexual and pornographic materials all over. More than a few billboards had just been some woman in some kind of ceremonial garb getting her holes violated by tentacles for all to see. Another one had even gotten one of her fellow slaves laughing. When she’d asked a fellow slave what was so funny about some ad they’d passed, she told May that she was laughing at the fact that the average welfare package for someone included a dildo, butt plug, food vouchers, and a discount pass for the state owned brothels.

The trio entered May’s room and the small breasted one strutted forth to her. The tall slave owner’s soft and delicate fingers came down to just above her breasts, and then trailed up May’s collar bone and neck. May was forced to look at the one who she was obviously going to be sold to. The modified human stayed silent, and the horned woman’s fingers eventually stopped exploring as they reached her chin. Then they slid up and demanded entry into May’s mouth. Like a good slave she obliged, taking her soon to be Mistress’ fingers into her mouth, and suckling on them. Unable to contain herself May bobbed her head, her hips mimicking her mouth’s moves while her breath grew more excited. A slight moan came from May and that got the horned woman to giggle a bit before she pulled away. On instinct May followed those fingers, but as she turned away May noticed something. The woman had a cock. A bulge pushing the loin cloth out a bit, not enough to be completely obvious, but it was there, and she could see the outline of the… thick, massive thing. Something deep in May, likely engineered to, suddenly yearned for it, wanted to touch it, to suck it, to be forced down by that woman and driven into ecstasy. A fantasy that might soon become a reality. 

The cock wielding woman turned to her owner. “Bring her to where you pack up your slaves, but don’t actually pack her up; I want to do it myself.”

May shivered a bit, her pussy already dripping as she wondered what her new owner wanted with her in there. No doubt it would be sexual, especially as the cock her new Mistress had was already growing harder and pushing out more. Soon enough the loin cloth won’t be able to preserve her Mistress’ modesty. Her old owner gave a respectful nod. “Of course Mister Rhalof, we’ll have everything prepared for you.”

That’s a man!?


May’s old Mistress moved her to the packing bay, which really was a smallish room filled to the brim with toys and specialty cases in all sizes. Perfect for stuffing a slave into while they were moved from one place to another, and even better, they had their own power source, oxygen supply, and filtration system. All of course miniaturised as to save on space. While the plant aliens had enslaved the human race, they at least in terms of sexual slavery seem to be complete rank armatures, or at least don’t have a fetish for sexual transportation. For a moment, May just stood in the room, waiting for Mistress to pack her up, to fill her with toys and tie her down. Once packed, she’d be shipped off to her new owner’s estate, to be made into a present for her owner to open up. The thoughts racing through May’s head filled her mind and made her legs shake. She could feel herself starting to drip as well, yet her Mistress did nothing. For a moment, May’s curiosity was enough to push past her urges, her urge to obey, to do as she was told. So she rebelled and looked behind her.

Mistress was not there, she’d left at some point. Once more curious, May was about to shift away from her spot, when there was the sound of foot steps, and May returned to her presentation pose as the doors opened. Someone walked in and May desperately wanted to look to see who it was, but remained still, trying to look like she’d obeyed as she was supposed to.

“What a lovely slave you are,” she heard from behind, from her new Master as he came up behind her and pressed his body against hers. She was smaller than him for sure as he pressed his… his thick cock against her legs and his breasts against her back. His hands came forward started to feel her up while his head rested on hers. “To think the Quelton found such a perfect species to enslave, oh if only we’d found you first. Don’t you agree slave?”

“I… I don’t know Master,” May answered her lisp slipping in as she tried to say “master”. As he kept touching her, May’s breath grew heavier in his presence, pressed up against her like that.

“Really? Now why is that? What makes you question that it might possibly be better for you to labour away, chained with responsibilities, with duties you have that weigh you down? We know what you… Hoomans are like. So slutty, so breedable. Mmmmh, there are a few traits that aren’t so desirable, that strange tentacle cock on your menfolk that clashes with the rest of your body, but over all, your species seem almost like the Caldim. Perfectly submissive and utterly needing that collar.” For a moment May had to blink, a bit incredulous. Did… did her new owner think she was naturally like this? As she was about to answer though, her new owner lifted his head off hers and started to nibble on her ear, a moan came to her lips as she let out a shuddering breath. Yet, her Master asked a question, and she needed to answer.

“M-Master, please forgive me, but this is not natural. I… my species, we’re not like this. Some of, ah, us are kind of like, submissive. But, but others are dominant. I… I was neither until… until the plants made me like this,” May said her lisp dominating her words and turning every utterance of “s” into a “th”. Her Master stopped nibbling on her sensitive pointy elven ears before pulling away from her and strutted to her front. He took her chin in his hand and lifted it so she was looking straight at him.

“Truly? Why don’t you tell me what is unnatural about you, hmm?” he asked and May nodded.

“Yes Master. My old Masters, they made me submissive, I… it feels good and natural to want to serve you, to suck you’re cock Master. I want to… I want to serve you, but I wasn’t like that before. My ears aren’t natural, and neither is my chest, my hips, my ass, all of them were made bigger, and my back hole isn’t supposed to be so clean and slick. Then I… I want to be fucked by animals, and by aliens when I thought it was gross before. My pussy is so sensitive Master, and… and I… when I am pleasuring something, it’s almost natural to know what to do, how to best pleasure them, and even when I’m not fucking, I can’t help but think about it, and want it. None of that is natural Master; all of it is changes by the plant aliens,” as she continued on, the more she said, the higher her new owner’s eyebrows rose. As she finished he nodded along and took his feminine hand off her chin and struck a pose similar to a human thinking.

“By the Goddesses, that’s quite a few changes, either the Quelton have gotten better than us at genetic modification while we weren’t looking, or you hoomans are practically a geneticist’s wet dream. Maybe I ought to fill my slave stables with more of your kind, especially un-modified hoomans if I can, why your species would be perfect for just about anything if you’re telling the truth,” he said while May nodded.

“If I told a lie Master, it is because I believe it to be true,” she said and her Master nodded before sighing.

“If only the state were in a better position to act, we might gain ourselves a lovely set of new slaves, but you’re people will have to suffer under inferior masters for now. At least you and those lucky few brought to our grand empire have the privilege to serve the true masters of the galaxy,” he said, making a grand gesture around as if he had an audience that was more than his heavily pregnant slave and May. May wasn’t exactly sure what made his race so much more superior to the plant creatures who’d modified and changed her so, but if her new owner truly was better than the plants, then he would show her the reason soon enough.

“Well, lets get you ready for transport my little Hooman slave,” her alien Master said, and May shivered with some excitement, especially as her Master walked forth towards the various toys that were there to keep the slave entertained during the ride. 

“Now let’s see,” her Master said before turning to her, her hand on one of the larger toys there, something akin to a human cock with a knot at the base. “I’m going to let you decide how you’re going to spend your trip to my estate. Now you will be in one of those boxes, that’s non negotiable, but, as a generous Master I will- Yes Dee Dee?”

While her Master had been talking, May hadn’t noticed that the other slave had gotten closer. She had a hand up and she almost seemed to bounce on the spot when her Master called on her. The aforementioned “Dee Dee” smiled widely as she was called on. “Master, may this slave be transported too?”

This brought a smile to their Master’s face as he gave a short chuckle before shaking his head. “No no, I want you with me, remember? Once we get back I’ll have the others lock you in the stocks.”

As he said that, Dee Dee blushed and her hands came together over her pregnant belly, though her smile never wavered for even a moment. Their Master shook his head before looking to May. 

“Now, what would you like? As I understand you Hoomans have been modified to be able to take great big cocks,” as he said that he hefted the big knotted dildo. It was as big as a horse’s cock, something the plants loved to have their human slaves ride getting fucked by strapping them to the underside of horses or other large beasts, effectively making them cock sleeves for their riding pets. 

It wasn’t even a question as May pointed to the toy that her Master was standing by, her legs knocking together, her arousal nearly dripping. She dug her fingers into her hands to try to keep herself from reaching, but it would likely be a losing battle soon. Her Master quirked his brow, and with a hand picked up the toy to bring it forth to May. He then dropped it on its base by her, while she stood there enraptured by it. She started to make a move for it but both the cow girl beside her and her Master held her back. 

“Not yet slave, not until you pick the other,” he said before walking back. The pregnant cow girl’s grip tightened as she got behind May. Her large belly and lovely breasts pressing against May’s back, and she almost wanted to try to turn around, and touch the cow girl. She wanted to grab the girl’s tits, or rub her belly, and suckle her milky mammalries. But held as she was May couldn’t leaving only watching her Master’s feminine form, her half hard cock peaking out from her dress as she strutted about, one hand fiddling with the loincloth section of her dress as she went to another section. This part had all the stuff that May knew was supposed to go into her ass, the big plugs, the strings of various sized balls, the hooks, and a few others that May couldn’t really make hide or hair of. 

“Now slave, you will select what will fill your ass, and how you wish to enhance your experience with your nice big cock,” he said, his cock slowly hardening as he looked over May, one hand idly stroking himself while staring at her before looking back at the toys, seeming to admire them. Then as he stood still, his thick tail wagging, his dress slipped to the side, and May could see the hint of something big and round underneath his tail, right where his ass likely is. May… wasn’t even sure why she was surprised. The planetoid men had acted rather similarly to how human men had acted, shying away from toys, more using them to manipulate their female slaves and their women, but never on themselves. Though, considering that apparently all of their welfare packages contained them, and with how feminine this species’ males seem to be, it kind of made sense. 

Each of the toys May knew intimately, Mistress having tested them out on her along with on every other female alien here. Seeing what they could and could not take. Each brought pleasures of different kinds, but… 

“Ah, a good choice,” her Master said as she’d started to focus on one of them, a massive string of anal beads, and as he grabbed them, they started to vibrate, making May’s pussy twitch in anticipation as she watched him come closer with the beads hanging off of a ring. As he approached May’s fingers twitched, and she bit one of her big fat lips in anticipation as her new Master came forth with the toy in hand. 

“Dee Dee, bend her over, have her kiss that lovely thing in front of her,” Dee Dee didn’t hesitate a moment as she slid up to May, one hand on her shoulder while another reached between her legs and touched her pussy, making May squirm and open her legs wider for the cow girl alien to get better access, but she didn’t dig in unfortunately. Letting Dee Dee guide her, May bent over at the hip, the cock she’d picked getting closer to her face as she reached her out to steady herself. As it was moments from her face, Dee Dee pressed against her pussy a bit and May was forced to adjust her position, just right so that as Dee Dee pushed her down a bit more, the cock was right at her lips. Remembering what her new Master said, May kissed it and heard Dee Dee coo at her, a hand petting her head while her other hand give her a rub down there, slight pleasure radiating from the place before Dee Dee stepped back. At the same time, May could hear the sound of her Master’s footsteps behind her, and then a new hand touching her ass.

“How lovely,” he said as he gripped down on it and pulled her cheek out a bit before pulling his hand away. “Dee Dee, hold her in place, and spread her.”

In a move of dexterity that no woman that pregnant should be able to do, Dee Dee lifted her leg over May and pressed her pelvis against May’s back, Dee Dee’s belly pressing against May. At the same time, May felt her ass being spread and now she was showing everything to her Master. May’s legs moved the small amount they could with them spread all they could do was rotate, hoping to rub them against something, but it wasn’t helping. May felt a finger back there, pressing into her ass, feeling how lubed up she now always was. May couldn’t help the slight moan that came from her mouth as she continued to kiss the cock in front of her, before then she felt her Master place the first bead against her starfish. 

“Ready slave?” he asked as May felt something caressing her ass in an almost comforting way. It was almost pleasant. 

“Yes Master,” May said as she raised her head just to say that before going back down.

“Good,” Master said before she felt him start to push into her ass. The thick toy pressing against her, spreading out her ass as May moaned at the feeling of being stretched. The bead continued to spread her out, the toy having been rather thick. Her ass expanded around it while May’s Master maintained the push into her. In a sense it felt right to be stretched out, like something was satisfying an urge that she’d had since she turned of age and was modified. As the bead continued on, and reached a point where her Master slowed down, May’s moan grew louder as her toes curled with her fingers. She wanted to bang her legs together but couldn’t disobey. Enveloped in the throes of passion, she couldn’t even think of disobeying without it sounding wrong. 

Then all at once the toy passed a point of no return, and May felt it slip into her ass properly. Her butt sucked the bead up and squeezing around the thin part between it and the next. May let out a groan, and felt the weight of the toy in her. She was already dripping but now her pussy twitched in the aftermath, feeling the thickness of the bead filling her. It… felt right to have it filling her up, like she’d been empty without it and missing out. 

Then her Master started to push another in, going a bit faster this time as she felt her ass expanding again, giving her that lovely stretching sensation before it reached it’s widest point, and then slid in, pushing the equally as large first bead into her further. As she felt the second bead enter her, May couldn’t help but gasp as she started to furiously suck in air. Her knees started to properly shake on their own, her ass felt so deliciously full, and the pressure was making her twitch faster. The feelings were too intense, and May’s mind was starting to go foggy from the sensations blasting her mind. Her eyes lost focus and it was hard to exhale any of the air in her lungs. 

Then he pushed in another, and another, May’s moans growing louder and soon enough her legs started to feel weak. Then her legs failed her, and May was being held up by Dee Dee. Her ass bounced from how she moved her hips, how she tried to hump in her fellow slave’s grip. By the fourth bead May’s mind continued to be interrupted by even the slightest movement as her eyes rolled up and she started to drool. Yet the kept going until.

“There we go, all done,” Master said after the fifth bead slid into May, the huge things filling up her ass to the brim as she slid around them. Dee Dee kept a hold of May as she slowly tried to adjust to the massive balls in her ass, making her feel so full. She could feel the hoop that could be pulled, dangling from her like a tail plug. May couldn’t keep quiet, her desperate moans filling the room as Dee Dee started to lower May down until she was kneeling on the floor with her beads in. May didn’t get up but felt someone grab her, Dee Dee probably and lift her up from her armpits, just enough for… for…

May’s eyes widened as the cock she’d chosen was pushed forth and set underneath her. She couldn’t see past her breasts now, but she knew the cock was just below her, ready to plunge in. Yet Dee Dee didn’t lower her, instead, she kept her hanging above it. May made a small moaning sound and shook her hips, the thick string hitting Dee Dee’s legs as May continued to clench down on the toy while her pathetic begging continued.

“Puh- please, I-I, I want-want… it,” she begged, the pressure and pleasure from the intensity of the beads distracting her mid sentence and giving her an intense lispy stutter. May heard the sound of giggling from her Master and as her head turned to look back at Dee Dee, she saw the cow girl trying to suppress a grin but failing miserably.

“Oh my Goddess that was adorable, open wide,” May’s Master said, suddenly in front of her as May turned back to look at him and opened her mouth without hesitation. She felt a rubber ball being placed in her mouth and a strap being wrapped around her head before it connected behind her. Master’s erection was on full display now, and May couldn’t help as her eyes were drawn to it, her mouth salivating at the thought of being fucked by it, of having that void in her pussy filled. 

“Alright, lower her,” he said and as he did, May tried to smile around her gag as Dee Dee obeyed. The cock below May started to slide in easily as Dee Dee guided her down, using her weight to plunge May onto the massive knotted cock. May moaned as she was getting stretched out, her empty hole filled with the dildo. The thing pressed up against the anal beads in her ass, increasing the pressure of the beads alongside the cock filling her. Pleasure continued to rise from her lower holes as the faux member continued its journey into her, sending through the modified human waves of delight as May’s pussy twitched and squeezed the cock she was being guided to ride. May’s eyes rolled up once again and her legs shook while she grinded on the cock, each gyration sending waves of sexual delight through her before they hit the knot. 

The knot was massive, bigger than her fist and something that would plug her up for sure. Her lips spread out around the knot while Dee Dee let go of her, and suddenly the pressure increased. May’s moans reached even higher, barely muffled by the gag as she started to try to fuck herself on the cock, and on the knot. The human slave lifted herself up, using what little strength her legs had to fuck herself on the dildo, each time slamming against the knot and going a bit further down on it. At the same time, May’s hands came up and she started to play with her big juicy breasts, adding to the sensations she was feeling. The intensity of what she was feeling in her ass, the bliss that came from the pressure generated by the size of the beads had already been disrupting her thoughts. Her tits added onto that as she stroked and caressed her breasts, squeezing them and playing with them roughly to put on a show for her Master and get a bit more pleasure.

While the cock was like the final push to heaven. May’s cries grew faster and faster as she fucked herself, continuing to drop down lower and lower, her mind blank to anything but giving herself pleasure as her eyes lost focus and the outside world became unimportant. Only fucking herself, only the sensations were what mattered. Even as her legs continued to hurt, even as her voice started to strain, the pleasure mattered more, and May could feel it coming, the sensation she’d been chasing, the orgasm she so, desperately, and dearly needed. She was… just about…

Then as May thrust down once more, she felt herself reach the zenith of the knot, before sliding around it and she let out a wail as loud as a banshees as she threw her head back. She crested the hill and like a flood gate her pussy clamped down on the dildo, her ass clenched and on instinct May dug her fingers into her breasts as her hips jerked at the rhythmic pulses flowing through her as she came. She was frozen and she moaned her delight. The sensations lasted for at least a minute of blissful delight, of mind numbing pleasure overriding her system before she slowly started to fall from that high as her Master giggled. 

“Come on, I think she’s ready to be packed up, if you think that’s good, you should wait until you’re packed, that’s when I’ll turn the vibrators on,” May could only moan in tired anticipation.


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