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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer

Sophia’s Fun Time 3 (Worm AU)Thank you to Arin Cowel for subscribing~! <

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Thread Necromancer

Ambushed Elf 10 (MGE)Also I’ve edited chapter 9 to stop Gina being ooc about undeath as in earlie...

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Thread Necromancer

Ambushed Elf 8 (MGE) “Hmmph, I knew you couldn’t be trusted, ” Gina said, though...

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Thread Necromancer
Public post
 Suddenly Succubae 2 (Worm AU) (Worm Commission)

Commissioned by an anonymous user~! Thank you anon~!


Trying to sleep with huge breasts… turns out is a bit of a chore when I’m used to something else. I’d have used the collar, but I don’t know how long the body transformation would last, plus I’d have to keep the collar on. While the alterations to the collar aren’t on a time limit, I don’t know how dreams might affect it. Sleeping with magical items can be dangerous after all since sleep talking or a slight shift could suddenly trigger their effect. First happen every year because the ignorant or careless slept with their magic dagger under their pillows. Thus I’d unlatched it before heading for bed hoping to learn how to properly sleep with my new form. 

At first I was restless, but when I did sleep, the dreams I’d had that night… Dreams of chains and collars, clothing of leather straps and steel rings. Whips raining down and of course, moans of pleasure. When I awake, I was wet, my nipples hard, and drool had dripped on my pillow enough to leave a cold patch on my cheek. My first instinct had me reaching down, pressing into myself, moaning slightly as I caress my folds, drawing my legs in as I licked my lips and enjoyed the sensation of pleasure, before the discomfort of hunger began to roil in my belly, proving a greater need than self satisfaction. 

Frazzled, I slowly get out of bed before descending the stairs and heading to the kitchen, only to find an odd view. On the table is a dildo. A dildo with a huge set of balls beneath it and some kind of tube connected to it with some kind of syringe at the other end of the tube. In addition there are a few sealed jars with something rather white and cloudy inside of them. On them was a label calling it “Vitae,” though I can pretty clearly guess what it is. Beside them are more jars but this time of a bubbling pink substance. There are a few books there as well and as I approach the table, I can read one of the titles. 

Handling Puberty: Succubus Edition

Off in the kitchen, I can see Dad finishing up with scrambled eggs and scraping some onto plates before coming to sit down.

“Morning,” he says, and a pregnant pause fills the room. He looks about as comfortable as he did last night. He’s searching my face for a reaction, something to tell what I’m thinking likely. I keep my face neutral as he sets down my plate of eggs and bacon. Normally a breakfast of eggs and bacon would be great since they’d become so rare these days with Mom not around to cook. Yet I just take a seat and wordlessly dig in. Even so, I can’t help it as my eyes keep slipping from the annoyingly good eggs to the dildo on the table. It was pretty much exactly what the forum had suggested for if a succubus wanted to be a “prude” and not fuck people to survive. 

Dad sighs before taking a seat himself. For a moment he tries to eat, though I can tell he’s bothered, which he should be. He kicked out my friend and made her run out without clothes. Not only that, but he never said anything about me being a succubus. Though in truth… I’m less angry about that. Still annoyed… yet at the same time as I glance once more to the cock in front of me, he was obviously prepared for this to happen. Mom explained in her letter her reasoning, and being able to be enslaved already is already a fear of the average person. Goblins and tunnelling Murlocks could break in, evil wizards with mind control powers, dick head Dragons deciding you were good enough to be a damsel to them for the next ten years. The list goes on and that’s just for the regular person. Now I get to worry about so much more… what more I don’t exactly know yet beyond a few basics such as if a person jumps through the right bureaucratic hoops a succubus can be legally enslaved even here though the process is lengthy and at times legally dubious.

“When were you going to tell me?” I finally ask, breaking my contemplations.

“Three months ago… or at least, I’d wanted to…”

“Then why didn’t you tell me?” I ask but Dad just shakes his head and sighs before he stares off into the distance.

“I don’t know. Nerves… fear… but I think mostly habit…”


“Habit. I’d… gotten into a habit of ignoring it, putting it off. I say I meant to do it three months ago, I really did, but I’d gotten the notion of it after Alan smacked some sense into me, you know? After… well, at some point after I… I came back to myself, I realised I needed to tell you… at some point. You’re… you’re a grown woman now. Annette… she was the one who was supposed to break it to you, to tell you all of this stuff when you came of age, to help you figure out this kind of thing. She was going to be the one to help you with your magic, your seduction your everything… but…” Dad stops, closes his eyes a moment as he takes a breath, and I can see some moisture slicking his eyelids. 

“Bu-” his words get chocked up in his throat and he tries to clear it. Despite him being a dick to Lisa and kicking her out and not telling me about being a succubus I still reach a hand out. My own thoughts of Mom coming to me as well, unbidden memories of the ceremony, us spreading her ashes. The last time I got to see her. I can feel my own tears start to well up as well as Dad takes hold of my outstretched hand, gives it a squeeze, before releasing it and pulling back. 

Clearing his throat once more and wiping away the few drops that spilled over he tries again: “But… well… well now It’s up to me. Now… I know being a succubus has certain expectations. You have certain needs and I… I’ll… I’ll be honest. The thought of… you having to do that kind of stuff… I don’t like it. It makes me wish… wish that the glamour your Mom made was real and not just a powerful polymorph…”

“You... wish I was human… don’t you?” I ask and Dad seems to realise something before shaking his head.

“No, no! Nothing like that. Not… that’s not what I meant to say, or how I meant to say it. Hold on it just came out wrong, I just mean… I don’t like the thought of my baby girl having to get violated by people just to survive. I… It’s every Father’s wish that his little girl will never grow up, but we have to accept that things can’t just stay the same. Maybe if I were some kind of sex demon or something, or Annette was around to… to help I’d have an easier time, but… well…” he trails off as he gazes into his coffee. For that moment, he looks so lost, so unsure. Like after Mom passed. Now I’m a succubus, or rather Dad has to actually deal with the fact I am rather than… seemingly ignoring it. I don’t doubt it would be easier… he could push one more thing to the side, he could keep things simple.

Now of course it’s blown up in his face. I’m a succubus now and my body has suddenly shifted right before school. Of course now I’m at least objectively prettier than Emma. No matter what, succubi are almost always the prettiest in the room drawing everyone’s unconscious attention to them when in their real form. Succubi seemingly have none of the imperfections that come with being a regular person. No blemishes, no physical imperfections, a body hot enough to attract both men and women. 

At least I’ll be able to take solace in that I’ll be better than her at something, other than magic which she’s abysmal at. No more “little miss hag” coming my way, not without it ringing hollow. Though now their insults of “whore” will likely be a bit more accurate.

The silence stretches on as we contemplate things, slowly eating. The food is still filling though not as it once was. It’s more like eating junk food maybe is the best analogy, since it feels like something heartier is missing. Curious, I reach over to the book on succubi puberty and look through it. There on it I find something that vaguely looks like a something talking about “feeding”.

Feeding on Essence

Essences for Succubae are much like essential vitamins for any other mortal creature. While it can dispensed with for a time, eventually in order to live a full and healthy life Succubae must collect essence in order to survive. Failing to collect essence will results in significant health issues for a succubus. Before puberty, the essence succubae must consume is generally rather low, thus a care taker may provide minimal essence to a succubus without any issues arising often through providing it as food or if they have enough conscious control over it, even through an embrace. Multivitamins meant for succubae kids in modern day even have enough essence for the whole day if not more depending on the child’s age. 

This changes during puberty as the succubus is now entering into their prime breeding time. As such their essence requirement skyrockets as their ovaries begin to take in the essence that a succubus collects and begins the production of succubus eggs. The fact that succubi produce eggs rather than are born with them has the side effect of ensuring that without surgically removal of the ovaries, a succubus is always fertile.

“What’re you curious about? I may not be an expert on this stuff, but I did a bit of reading of these books and I learned a lot form Annette,” Dad asks, looking up from his drink. 

“Just feeding, what I need to worry about… and stuff like that… also, why’d you buy a dildo?” I ask, looking back over to the thing sitting on the table.

“Oh that? Just a vain hope that it’ll keep you from wanting to bring any boys back here… Or I guess girls as well.”

“Uhh, okay?” so what, do I just… drink the cum or… what? “How… do I… you know.”

As I speak I generally gesture to the jars on the table. Dad seems to get it as he motions to wait as he gets up and grabs a few measuring cups. 

“Alright, the way Annette said we’d have to portion it out is about one ounce of this regeneration potion will fix up eight ounces of Vitae,” as he says that he reaches across the table and grabs a cum jar. As he opens it, I blink as my sinuses are filled with a pleasant scent. Dad makes a face but I breathe it in, the aroma wafting out as I feel something stirring below. The scent isn’t that powerful, and there is almost a kind of unpleasant tang that clings to the scent. Dad meanwhile pours it out into the measuring cup until he’s filled it. Reaching across the table to the faux cock, he grabs a large syringe that’s connected to the thing, before pouring it in. Then he grabs the pink potion and pours out an ounce. Strawberries and that indescribable scent fills the room now, though as Dad pours it into the syringe, as it mixes, the unpleasant tang in the air disappears, leaving only the erotic aroma wafting out of the syringe until Dad puts the plunger back in place.

As he’d been pouring, I’d pulled my legs together as my lower lips had grown damp. The dildo was only growing more enticing now that I actually knew how to use it, and with that scent in the air without the acrid tang… I want to grab it, but at the same time, a part of me doesn’t want to… doesn’t want to admit it, or just grab it without exploring other options… just for Dad’s sake since… I really want to use it.

“Umm… Why can’t I just, uh, drink it?” I ask though Dad doesn’t seem to wonder about the question.

“Apparently it’s because taking in essence like that, with no kind of sexual activity is akin to injecting all of your nutrients through an IV rather than eating. Possible, but not something anyone really wants to do. That and I know that cum is basically just an aphrodisiac for succubi,” I nod at his explanation, slowly taking the dildo now and bringing it towards me. I know now to use it now, but I’m sure we both know what I’ll be doing with it later, especially as Dad very deliberately decides to eat his breakfast rather than watch me take the dildo he’d gotten me and place it beside me on the floor. Once my new toy is out of sight, I follow his example and begin to eat my eggs and bacon until after a moment Dad speaks up again:

“Also... I…” he starts but stumbles on his words, thought a moment before continuing, his tone blunt. “How well do you trust Lisa?”

I stop eating and my frown deepens as I look up at him. “Why?”

“Because to be frank, I’m not sure how trust worthy she is and from what I saw last night… and what I’ve seen on your computer, I’m worried for you.”

“You’ve been snooping on my computer,” I say, my frown threatening to turn to a scowl as Dad nods. “Why would you do that?”

“Because despite the fact that you’re nearly a grown woman, you’re still my baby girl, and I want to protect you. Succubi are… stereotypically submissive in nature, and… while modern succubi are less so than in the past, that doesn’t change the fact that people will want to take advantage of that. I… I don’t know Lisa that well, and you seem to have been hanging out with her more than Emma lately and… and I just want to make sure that she isn’t… taking advantage of you… pushing you to do things you wouldn’t normally do… you… haven’t, you haven’t been bound to her… have you?”

“No! No, I didn’t even know about binding until yesterday, and I still don’t know all that much about it. Mom’s letter just…”


“Yeah… Mom made a letter and had it in a box of her old stuff… you didn’t know about it?”

“No, she never mentioned anything like that to me… we were always going to do it together. To break the news to you… I… maybe it was just me being foolish. You’re Mom is… was an experienced adventurer, so death or other things were around the corner all the time… but… I don’t know. I don’t know…” he says, trailing off. We’re silent for a bit, before Dad sighs. 

“I… just be careful around her… please? I… I know she’s you’re friend but… sometimes the kindest faces hide the cruellest smirks,” he says. I want to refute him, to say he’s wrong, but I don’t. Instead I mumble an “okay Dad” before grabbing the dildo, the books and the jars then heading back upstairs. A part of me wants to roll my eyes at him. Lisa wouldn’t betray me.

But then… I’d thought the same of Emma as well…

Sighing, I move to my computer and turning it on, before my thoughts turn to the dildo in my hand, gazing at it, feeling it with my fingers. On a whim I pull it up, smelling it, and it smells of good latex. The surface of the thing is pliable, but not quite squishy, just soft enough to be pliable. Licking at it, I take the head of the thing in my mouth, my tongue sliding across the peak, and sliding around the thing’s head, under the rim. Instinctively I lick at the slip and feel it. The tip of my now rather long tongue slides into the slit, and I feel a bit of the hard inner hose that connects to the syringe of cum. Experimentally I press down on it. 

As I taste it, as the cum slides into my mouth, my nostrils flare, my eyes widen as I taste the greatest thing I’d yet tasted in my life. At the same time it feels like something, something deep, was being sated if only slightly. I shudder a bit, my loins heating up, flushing with blood as I feel in my core a whirling desire. Exactly like when Lisa would tease me, would touch me. I swallow a bit and shudder as I rub my legs together unconsciously. I draw a finger downwards, sliding it along my slit and lightly, gently, caress my clit. I’m about to start to suck more on my toy, to press on the syringe and fill my mouth with more of that divine taste and fill that void I’d only just found out about when I hear the ping of a message coming from my computer.

Ly1ngF0x: Hey the plans just changed. You wanna come over tonight for a boss sleep over? 

“Boss sleep over” in this context meant a heist, since early on we’d gotten a little code set up for if anyone was watching our messages. It’d eventually turned into an actual code, almost like thieves cant, but just for us.

B00kow1: Sure that sounds fun. Also I got a surprise for you, and it’s not just your shirt.


Remaining in my far better endowed form, I slipped into the new casual clothes we’d gotten yesterday. Though I do bring my gifts from Mom along, letting them transform under my clothes so I can feel their weight as I walk, and so I can give Lisa her surprise. Lisa liked them and it wasn’t like other than the collar I looked too much different than were I not to wear them, even then most succubi have a choker on them anyways so really, I just look like a girl who’s been too influenced by succubus fashion sense anyways. 

Walking down the alleyway to the warehouse’s side entrance as I get near the door, I hear the clash of metal on metal inside. Unlocking the door I’m met by the sight of a huge orc in biker leathers with his black hair in dreads swinging a sword at a renaissance styled swordsman complete with the poofy sleeves and pants that go with his large, funny hat that frames his androgynous and pretty face. The swordsman parries the Orc’s blade with his shield before attempting to go on the offensive against the huge green beast. The Orc merely laughs as he side steps the sword before charging, going in low. 

Behind the clash I can see a wolf eared girl lazily watching the spar with three dogs in a cuddle pile around her. When I’d entered the trio of canines ahd looked to me, one already getting up and making her way around the fight. The girl meanwhile looked at me, sniffed the air, and tilted her head. She had a squarish, blunt face that was somewhat softened by the wolfish ears poking out the side of her head. The ears despite the face made her kind of cute, especially when cuddling up against her dogs. 

“Hey girl,” I say as Angelica reaches me while I try to get my horny thoughts out of my head. I kneel down, the dog coming right up to me and I can’t help but giggle as the dog comes and licks at my face. With my hands I rub and scratch at her, getting itches she can’t get at as she continues to lick at me and mess up my face with doggy kisses. As I get up when Rachel approaches, I mock spit as I wipe Angelica’s kisses away, and remembering how she’s not a fan of smiles, I school my face. 

“You look different, and smell a bit different too…” she says, preferring to get to the point of any matter rather than mess about with social niceties. 

“Yeah… found out I was a succubus yesterday, did Lisa not tell you?” I ask to which she shook her head. 

“I was out helping my dogs,” she said as I remember the shelter she’d brought me to one day so that I could help with her dogs. Me being the groupie of the Undersiders at the time, I was basically the minion that got to help with the general labour around the group, up until I got involved in one heist and joined for real. Of course, that time with Rachel also gave me a bit of special knowledge.

Slowly, I approached Rachel, getting closer though she didn’t react much. Merely tilting her head a bit, giving me better access as I reached up, and began to scratch her head, letting my fingers spread out, and pull in on her scalp. Behind her, I could see Rachel’s tail beginning to wag, and she pushed her head a bit against my hand as I pet the girl. In her wolf from Rachel loved a good scratch and petting, and even outside of it she rather enjoyed being pet or even getting a belly rub. 

Yet I don’t dare do it now, or I might give her the wrong idea. Rachel liked it when I was around to help watch her dogs, partially because she trusted me enough to slip into her wolf form and let me take responsibility for things as she had a bit of fun with her doggy pals. Wash the dogs that got dirty, make sure everyone got fed and play fetch with them all. On another day, I might be willing to let her have a bit of fun or play catch with them but the weight of my bag filled with both my gear, my Father’s gift, and the weight of my mother’s enchanted gifts are enough to stay my hand. 

“You’re in heat,” Rachel says plainly, and I can’t help but blush a bit. “That’s what’s different. You’re horny.”

I don’t try to hide it either; Rachel hated lying and instead I merely nod. Rachel’s nose was rather adept even in her demi-human form. The gifts of the fae being she’d encountered in the woods having left her “pet” a fair amount of gifts before being left to go on her merry way. Her druidic abilities, the alterations of her once human form, all of it was signified by a band of silver etched with fae runes and a tag on its front. According to Lisa it was merely the Fae’s pet name for Rachel. 

At the same time as Rachel’s embarrassing declaration, I hear the sound of a blade clattering to the floor and look to see the orc had handily disarmed the renaissance swordsman. The orc was breathing a bit harder than normal but not as much as the boy. 

“Nearly got you that time Brian,” Alec says as he pulls his hat off, freeing his long black hair and with it wiped the sweat off his brow. He was a rather attractive boy, someone that no doubt could draw anyone in for a romp with him if he so wished, though the same could be said for Brian as well, perhaps even more so. While not as popular as the hyper masculine elven hunks that so many women and gay men fawned over, Orcs have solidly slipped into the sexual consciousness of women, especially those in the safer parts of the world. There in the more stable parts of Europe the genre of “Orc Taken” was born where women fantasised about being kidnapped and made into harem slave girls of the orc tribes, something more common in eastern Europe. Something that is still practiced to this day among the various Orcs that head out of the civilised cities to join war bands on the outskirts of society or strong holds in some of the territories of the Para-Orc warlords. 

Even in the civilised world orcs still practiced a watered down version of this. Some women in the modern day could be seen sporting iron collars, or even golden ones, a clear sign of their position in an orcish harem with emblems embedded which proudly proclaimed who their “master” was. Here in New England, it was effectively just the equivalent of a human wedding ring or an elven devotion symbol. However, in some states it was a declaration of ownership.

“Maybe I ought to stop holding back on you then,” Brian shot back though Alec’s response faltered as he looked over and saw me. He doesn’t hide it as he checks me out, his eyes trailing my form and smirks.

“Looking good dork,” Alec shouts out as he waves to which I wave back. Brian meanwhile looks over and his eyes widen as he sees me. While my hoodie covers some of my new figure, it doesn’t hide it well, and while he doesn’t try it openly, I can still see Brian’s eyes rapidly flick down, his eyes dipping to my breasts before jumping back up. My smile grows, a lightness and confidence sliding into my being. I almost want to cock my hips, their attention feels good. 

I probably shouldn’t let this get to my head. 

“Taylor?” Brain asks to which I nod. Pre-empting his question I reply: 

“I uh… it turns out that there were a few things Mom and Dad weren’t telling me,” I say which causes Alec to snort.

“Pfft, I’ll say. You went from looking like one of those quiet kids that turns warlock and tries to join a doomsday cult to being the doomsday cult recruiter, or incentive,” he says while Brian pushes him over, nearly knocking him on his ass.

“Are you alright? Having something like this happen to you, I can’t imagine it’s easy,” Brain says, ever the sweet heart acting like an admittedly hot big brother.

“It’s… not the worst, I guess? I mean I’m not exactly happy, but at least I look far better than before, and I mean we’re in New England so it kind of gives me a bit more protection than most places outside of Western Europe… but… well…” Enslavement is still kind of a thing for succubi, even here in New Hampshire. While civilised succubi are by and large free here the threat of demonic invasions, doomsday cults, and the actions of feral succubi have kept the desire for succubi liberation down… not to mention that a majority of succubi don’t… actually care that much, or so it says in social studies. 

“Hey, if you need some time away from your Dad, we’d all love to have you,” Brian says as Rachel nods. I look over to Alec, waiting for a smarmy remark, but nothing slips out so I guess it’s pretty unanimous. 

“Thanks, I… I don’t know if I need time away or what, but thank you anyways. Lisa upstairs?” I ask to which Brian nods.

“Yeah, she’s been pouring over the heist stuff since the boss called, barely even stopped by the kitchen to get coffee before she went back to her room. You mind bringing her breakfast, it’s on the counter. Oh, and making sure she doesn’t over use her warlock powers before we head out? We kind of need our wizard,” he says as I nod before I start heading up. Alec follows me while the other two stay down stairs, Brian heading for the small forge and gun range they have set up there while Rachel’s likely about to head out to do her regular rounds of helping her dogs. Alec meanwhile sheds his breastplate before toppling down on the couch and reaching for the TV remote.

I find Lisa’s food on the counter like Brain said, the dish consisting of tater tots and sausage that are both cold. Reaching for my bag, I grab Mom’s flute, and with a short jaunty tune, the food warms up, steaming a bit as I grab the plate and head for Lisa’s door. 

Before I knock I put down her plate, and then slip off my pants. I smile a bit, a warm blush spreading across my cheeks as I so. Then I slip the jeans into my bag before drawing Mom’s flute again. With a slightly different tune, I disguise myself, my hoodie lengthening and shifting, turning into a dress, a corset compressing my torso until my new breasts were pushed out by the outfit which approximated a “French maid” outfit… with a few choice alterations of course. Meanwhile I imagine the chocker turning a bit frillier while my shackles shift until they’re arm length gloves and stockings. Shifting around a bit I feel my bare thighs sliding up against one another. Now ready, I give the door a dainty little rap. Beyond I heard shuffling and the creek of a chair.

When she finally opens it, I’m greeted by the sight of Lisa sleepily rubbing her eyes while in a fuzzy set of pink pyjamas with rabbits on them. Though as she finally sees me, her eyes turn from half lidded with tiredness to practically bulging out of her skull at the sight.

“Uhh,” is her intelligible response and I nearly can’t help myself, my giggles nearly surfacing, but then she begins smiling and takes a step back to let me in. Despite how this is my idea, how I was the one who thought this up, I’m frozen, I can’t move. I… I don’t know where to go from here. I… “Ah my favourite maid’s come to serve me breakfast. Come, let’s continue this inside.”

Lisa reaches out and takes my free hand. With a nervous, excited, anticipatory smile, I follow her into the nearly pitch black room, only just barely remembering to close the door as we enter. As she walks, Lisa sashays her hips to and fro, waving them a little too much, putting too much effort into each swing. It… almost looks silly, and my smile evens out. Despite her playing, despite all of our touching, our cuddling, we’re just armatures who barely know what we’re, doing assisted by Lisa’s power helping her from pushing too far. Despite that fact, it eases me just a bit as I follow her, barely able to keep in character as I follow my “mistress”.

Lisa leads us to her bed, the whole thing’s dishevelled but that doesn’t stop her as she slides onto it pushing her purple blankets out of the way. It was then that I realise that I have some rather effective low light vision as despite the darkness, I can still make Lisa out as if the room wasn’t just lit by the light from the hall. Lisa as a half elf has something similar as well, though with less colour if I remember my biology lessons. Never the less, she can still see me as I move by her bed and bend over to present her breakfast. 

“Your meal, mistress,” I say trying to sound as professional as a maid might and as if I were giving her some kind of super special rich people’s meal rather than store bought tots and local bacon. 

“Ah lovely, though I can’t eat this by my self, you know how I love it when you feed me. Now come by my side so I may appreciate your services more,” she says while a blush slipped onto her cheeks, betraying that vulpine smirk she had on as her lewd intensions are laid bare to me. I could feel my own cheeks heating up and my own grin go a bit goofy once more. 

“O-of course mistress,” I say before moving to the bare side of the mattress. Sliding atop I glide up to Lisa, and gasp through my nose as I feel her fingers slid over me before gripping my rear. Even if it’s just a touch, I feel a bit of heat slip into my loins, and I know soon enough my lower lips will be slick with dew. Lisa pulls me close, licks her lips and leans over.

“You good?” she asks, breaking the impromptu role-play to double check. I giggle a bit, not at all bothered by her touching. She’d been far more devious yesterday. Maybe this was a bad idea, or even moving too fast. But…

I take Lisa’s plate away from her lap, lifting it up as instead I slide over atop her hips, my bare crotch pressing into Lisa’s hips as I put my “mistress’” food off to the side… and don’t really know what to do next. I try to imagine what kind of sexy thing I could try that wasn’t going to far… but I hadn’t exactly thought that far. Just get on top of her and… then nothing, other than maybe feeding her some of the tots Brian made, while stealing some for myself of course. Lisa however seemed to have a good idea on what to do. 

“Mmmh, perfect,” she said, her hands reaching forth towards me, and I lean in closer, practically hovering over her chest as I bite my lip while her fingers slip underneath the illusion of a corset, under my hoodie and then finally under my bra. As those fingers slid against my breasts, I gasp, the biting of my lip unable to hold back as a cascade of sensation rolled through my chest, the electric pulses from her touch driving my voice out into the open. It’s the most intense thing I’ve felt, ever. Heat momentarily remained in whatever spot Lisa touched as she circled my nipples while I shudder under her ministrations. I’m barely able to keep the plate from falling as she touches me, and she hasn’t even gotten close to my nipple. The sensation… so much more intense than some of our heavy petting sessions before the glamour had fallen, or even when she’d touched me through my bra. Sparks flew in my mind with each circling as she got closer and closer to my nipples, closing in on them in unison. It was all so much. It was like under the glamour, my sensitivity had been dulled, a stopper put on the higher echelons of what I could feel, and now that No doubt Lisa could tell how she was affecting me, my blush likely as radiant as dragon fire while I could feel my nipples were already hard nubs even with such minimal stimulation. 

“Feed me my succubus maid while I enjoy you,” Lisa ordered as she continued to gently stroke my breasts, squeezing and kneading them. It’s hard not to moan as she does so. I nearly want to grind my hips, to press my crotch further into her. I catch my mouth having opened slightly, breathing heavier as Lisa continues to her teasing, to touch me. I can feel the blood flowing to my loins, and to my breasts, pressure mounting there, an extra bit of sensation to feel and enjoy as Lisa continues to caress me. 

Shuddering, I reach out, and pluck a tater from the plate before bring it over. Lisa merely opens her mouth and I stick it in. She smirks as she eats the hot delicious tot, making a moaning sound before licking her lips. 

“Delicious, if only there was some milk to go with it hmm?” Lisa said, her fingers moving in such a way as if to milk me, her fingers closing around my teats, making me moan a bit as she pulls and pinches ever so gently. I let out a shuddering gasp as she does so. Lisa seems to take notice.

“Do you like that?” she asks and I nod the feeling electric. I can’t stop my hips now as I continue to rub my mound against her hips, using my hands to grind and rub my slit up against her, humping as she continued to touch me, to try to milk my buxom bosom like I was some kind of milk maid. I could feel myself getting closer even from just her touch me there, squeezing and pinching, the sensations of her touch combined with my own humping was getting to me, my breath getting heavy, and try as I might by biting my lip, all it does is make my breathing all the louder, the restrictive airways of my nostrils doing nothing to hide my heady breath. 

“Come, let me taste those lips,” Lisa orders and I gladly lean in, my thick, succubae lips mashing into hers, not too fast as to keep from clipping our teeth. Electricity sparks between us as we both moan, my hands shooting forth to touch her, to do my own little bit of kneading as our tongue slide out, intertwining with each other, the two things locked in a battle of domination as my hips continued to grind, as she kept on the touching of my sensitive beyond belief breasts. It was enough to distract me, to let her win our little oral bout as my hands fumbled at trying to slip past her shirt. She started to rise from the bed, my lust filled state keeping me from recognising what was going on before it was too late. As Lisa rose, she pushed me until I fell on my back, this time Lisa straddling me, her hips pressing hard into my crotch, the extra pressure, the sensation as her groping turn savage, liberally squeezing and kneading, while her tongue dominated my mouth and the sensations across my lips. I squeal under her, squirming in delight as I gladly endure what many succubae maids must feel when being taken by their master, their bodies a play ground to be used and abused to each other’s mutual delight.

Then Lisa pulled away and I whined at the loss of her lips, the loss of her hands on my breasts. I want more and give her a scathing pout. She giggles before leaning down, but rather than continue smooch like I wished, she gives me a chaste kiss, one I return in kind, before sliding back and grabbing the plate of tatter tots. 

For long moments I just lay there, breathing hard, my body shuddering in remembrance of her touches what she’d done to me. My hands came to my breasts, grabbing them, squeezing them.

They couldn’t compare. 

Granted they felt good, great even that it rivalled when Lisa would get naughty with me, continuing to touch my underdeveloped breasts back when we’d first started getting… naughty. But despite their sensitivity back then, now as a succubus it just wasn’t the same. The increase in intensity by a fold of… lets say three, had pushed what used to be a delightful sensation, to merely a good enough one. In frustration, I whine again as I let my hands slip to the side and just lie there, dishevelled, needy, and desperately desiring more. 

“M-my backpack,” I finally say after a moment, remembering the toy I’d brought. The syringe was still filled with the mixture that I need. Lisa raises a brow before slipping off the bed and grabbing it. As Lisa opens it on the way back, she pauses, making a humming sound before she comes back. As she came back into view, she had the dildo in her hand and she came up close to me leaning down before we kiss again, our lips and tongue meeting once more, no battle this time, only soft caresses before she pulls back. 

“You’ve been such a good maid, I think you deserve a reward,” she declares before climbing back onto the bed and sliding between my legs. Looking at her there, between my legs and staring down at me so commandingly. I couldn’t help the shudder through my core as it could feel my anticipation, my arousal rising as even in her pyjamas, Lisa had a look on her face that made her look superior, and she was looking down at me, some lowly being she was about to reward. She wasn’t even going to personally fuck or touch me, she was going to merely fuck me with the dildo and I couldn’t find it hotter. I try to think what would be best for this roleplay, and reach down to grab my knees, pulling them up and exposing my pussy to her, ready to be bred. 

“P-please mistress, fuck my pussy,” I say, trying not to sound too cringy as I do so, and don’t seem to succeed as I can see Lisa suppressing a giggle before in a smooth motion sliding forth. 

“Of course my good girl,” she said as I felt the dildo slid up against my slit while her body slid against mine. I let out a slight moan as she latches onto a nipple, delight spreading from my chest to my core, while the tip of the toy teases my lower lips and stirring me up. I bite my lower lip again, trying to keep my moaning down as Lisa’s tongue slid around my nipple, the sensitive nub of nerves as sensitive as before, and I can barely help as I whine and have to grip the comforter.

Then I feel the dildo slid in and I give up all hope of staying silent as I spasm, as my head falls back and I moan aloud. My hips follow the dildo, running away, trying to compress my spine as the intense sensation grows beyond anything I can hold back. My peal is desperate and distressed, I hear a bark from below but ignore it as my body is left shaking and I tense all over. Sensation fills me and my focus flees. 

For a few seconds we’re like that, unmoving, only the occasional lick from Lisa spurning me on before slowly I get used to the sensation. Lisa’s looking at me with concern written all over her face. Gone is the domineering mistress giving her good maid a reward. 

“W-why’d you stop, mistress,” I ask, trying to push things back wanting, needing more. Lisa grins before replying.

“We forgot to set a safe word, how about cumquat?” she asks and I nod. Cumquat… if… if things are too much, cumquat. Once I nod, Lisa’s grin turns to a sneer.

“Such an intense, lovely reaction from my cute maid. I dare say you’ve never gotten a reward before hmm? Is that right?” she asks, her accent once more slipping into that domineering tone as I nod and make an agreeing sound, meek as a kitten, that however doesn’t seem to satisfy her. 

“Speak properly when in my presence girl,” she said, and I can’t help the intense blush on my face as I close my eyes.

“Yes mistress,” I say, my breathing hard, my lust rising as Lisa made me speak. That seemed to please her as she leaned down and gave me another kiss. 

“Good girl,” she declared before I feel the dildo in me begin to move again. Each small shift, each brush of faux cock against my inner folds driving sparks of electric delight through me as I squeak and moan with each slight movement Lisa makes. I pull my limbs in, unable to help myself, my tail sliding up around Lisa’s legs, my arms coming up with my fists clenched. My eyes scrunch and Lisa once more takes command, playing with my long tongue as I follow her tune. My legs slide around Lisa’s body, entwining us as I moan into her lips. I can feel Lisa rubbing herself as well, rubbing her lower body along my tail and I try to help by pushing my tail into her harder. 

At the same time, I feel Lisa’s free hand grab one of my wrists and pull them over my head. Shivering with a touch of excitement I draw my other hand up, and she takes hold of both wrists. Now I’m helpless to stop her as she kisses me, as she’s able to plunder my pussy with her cock. I moan and squeal as she begins to speed up, actually beginning to thrust with the thing now rather than just shift it around. On the plush bed we squirm around as I do my best to help Lisa give me my “reward.” I do my best to rock and thrust my hips down, to press myself further onto that dildo, driving my cunt into Lisa’s hand and impaling myself on that sweet, delicious rod. 

Pleasure rocks me hard and fast as Lisa continues to speed up her ministrations. She tries to pull away again but with my legs I pull her close, accidentally driving the dildo in deep. Not again. I want her so badly~! In an instant I war for her mouth, my long tongue taking command and driving an assault as I squeal in delight. I wrap my tongue and now dominate her mouth instead, not wanting her to go. Lisa accepts, and starts to hump and slide against my tail, the dildo now seemingly tied to her hips, her humping crotch mirroring the dildo’s thrust as we continue to fuck, two lovers entangled and needing each other as she begins to fall into pleasure as well. Her thrusts come faster, the rubbing by my tail on her front grows more intense and I smell a delightful scent filling the air as I feel Lisa growing wet through her pyjamas. 

Entwined in passion we make love as our pleasure continues to rise. Lisa’s cock filling me up, spurring those delightful sensations into my core and like lightning it’s beginning to spread across my body as the whole thing only adds to the heat of the moment. The rub of soft cloth on my skin, our nipples rubbing with only a few soft fuzzy barriers between us, our lips driving a fiery passion through us as we kiss. I start to feel something building once more, and at the same time, I felt like I’m tugging on something. I squeal some more as the thrust of cock and the sensations around me pushes more blissful delight into my mind, into my head as a sensual ecstasy courses through my very being. I can feel myself getting close, oh so close as Lisa’s own thrusts speed up, her hips driving her hand and dildo into me faster and faster, the dick sliding in and penetrating deep into me until my eyes roll back in my skull. My climax is coming and I can feel the tension rising in my core to the breaking point, each thrust twisting it and adding more to it before… I can feel…

Then like the twang of a bow, I can feel myself cumming as I squeal into Lisa’s lips again, my pussy clenching, squeezing down on the dildo as I lose control of my body, my legs pulling Lisa inward, my tail going wild and frantic. My hips jerk and I struggle against Lisa’s hand. She lets go and I pull my arms in, hugging her close as I shake and shiver, my body trying it’s best to drive the dildo in further, milking it of whatever it has. As the same time, I can feel that invisible pulling I’d felt before, feeling a need for something as I find my fingers sliding downwards, instinctively going down and finding Lisa’s thighs. 

Then, delight. A detonation of sensation fills me as I feel something cold and wondrous spewing into me, filling my core and seemingly answering that invisible pull. My mind enters nirvana as I’m fucked, as I feel the cock in me cumming, and I clench and squeeze, trying to milk Lisa’s dick, for everything it has as it fills me with a constant stream of that blissful sensation that coats my inner walls. 

Then another sensation as I feel Lisa’s own body shudder, and her own squeal of delight mixes with mine, and suddenly another stream is drawn into my invisible pull, my invisible need. My eyes shoot open as pleasure indescribable slides in, lighting every nerve I have in a wondrous flame as I take in that second stream, as I draw on that delight. I need more of it, and I think I know where it’s coming from. 

With my fingers I bring them around Lisa’s rear, and do my best to slip into her pyjamas. I slide my fingers down until they reach her cunt, and then I press in. As I do, Lisa draws away and lets out a wanton moan of delight that mixes with my shuddering gasps of bliss. My fingers drive themselves in her, and the stream seems to increase in intensity, my own ecstasy increasing as I do so, making Lisa cum more and more before eventually she falls limp on me, my fingers slipping from her snatch and the two of us lay there. For a second or two we squirm a bit until we’re comfortable, and I bring my arms around her again as we just enjoy each other’s company. 

“That… was amazing,” Lisa says, and I can’t help but agree. Even as we lay there, my body still shivers, shuddering from it all, the dildo still in me, each twitch a detonation of sensation, enough that I want to do more, play more. Yet at the same time, I dare not break our cuddle, feeling the soft puffs of breath against each other, our bodies entwined. 

Then Lisa’s stomach growls and Lisa groans along with it. Slowly, almost unwillingly she extracts herself, and I let her, taking the moment to pull Dad’s gift from me as Lisa grabs the plate of tots. Some had fallen, and the sausages had dirtied her sheets. With a sigh Lisa snaps her fingers and the stains disappear while the food moves back to the plate. 

“Such a useful spell,” Lisa says as she grabs the plate, munching on her tots. Mischievously I steal a few for myself, happily popping them in my mouth with a smile that Lisa mirrors. 

“So I guess you and your Dad had a talk?”

“Yeah… or at least we tried. Dad’s… all uncomfortable, and… well you know how hard he’s taken…. Mom’s death,” I say, my mood instantly turning dour, only for Lisa to come closer and hug me. I give a half hearted chuckle before leaning into that hug, enjoying her warmth and comfort. 

“Yeah… I get it too.”

“You lost someone close too?” I ask before I purse my lips. “Sorry I don’t mean to pry.”

“No it’s… it’s fine… it’s… it was my brother… I… I don’t want to talk about it, you know?” she says and I want to bang my head against the wall for being so stupid. Instead of that though, I just make a sympathetic sounding noise before grabbing the last bit of the blanket that’s still on the mattress and pull it back onto the bed. With it I wrap us up in it, squeezing my bosom against Lisa as I hold her close and this time let her lean into me.


Gazing over the fence I look at the Victorian styled manor in the middle of the rather large yard. A three story building with a tower built near the center of it with a large gargoyle sitting atop it in silent vigil while a deck extends around the second floor. It looks luxurious and exactly what a highly successful elf adventurer with an eye for aesthetically pleasing architecture would want built. 

Some adventurers build keeps, some build odd almost alien structures, some even build their homes as utilitarian bunkers, but most often when an adventurer actually had a say in what they built, they’d build something odd. But then one has to be odd to want to go out to the dark forests beyond the safety of the city’s walls in search of monsters to fight or to try to find what was left of the ancient Indian cities, hoping to find any last smidgen of loot others had yet to find. 

The plan for taking on this house is simple. From what Lisa could discover through her searching and scrying, the place is guarded by only a duo of orc guards who more often than not were likely trying to watch TV and the cameras in the security room at the same time. This place was in the high class neighbourhood of Brockton after all and as such police response time was ridiculously good. Meanwhile the only other member of the house was an elf maid that stayed around and managed the house in “Sir Antonio’s” absence. That was of course when she, in Lisa’s own words, “isn’t enticing one or the other to fuck her silly all over the house.”

When the paladin’s away, the demons will play.

While normally we’d have to see about getting some kind of invisibility scrolls or something this time we’re lucky. There’s spot where the cameras can’t see due to the gardener planting some trees that obscured one of the cameras. The rest of the team sat on the other dogs while I get the privileged position of sitting on Rachel, her Zion granted power letting her bolster herself and her dogs to the point that I wouldn’t be surprised if they each individual could rival a dire bear in their size, and with their armour they’re practically bullet proof. 

In a single jump, we leap over the fence with ease, the power of Rachel and her dog’s legs lending us a mobility few could match. Bounding across the soil, we pass behind the cover and then with practiced ease I slip from Rachel and land near silently on the porch while Lisa does the same. In costume, she looks rather splendid, her skin tight outfit easy on the eyes as she struts around confident in her invisible mage armour to see her through combat. Her mask though… it looks rather akin to some of the “dronified” succubi I’d found among my magicnet searches, the utility of the thing however was effective since unlike an illusion it couldn’t be dispelled. Thus it easily masked Lisa’s identity, and the fact that she was a half elf. 

I didn’t quite have something like that; my mask is a cheap blank and feminine mask. Something I’d gotten on short notice initially when I went on that first job with the Undersiders, my costume consisting of little more than what fantasy costume bits I could scrounge up from the basement, getting a vaguely peasant like garb and cloak to go underneath the bullet resistant vest Lisa had gotten me. Since I don’t exactly have a replacement outfit to go with, I’ve resorted to reducing my proportions down with the collar at least for the moment. 

That first “job”… it’d been for my Mom’s flute, the one I was using now. It’d been enchanted to add a little extra “umph” to a spell, not to mention it was beautifully crafted. A store owner of some petty wealth had bought it from the PRT auction and tried to sell it off on a magical item exchange. That’d been when I graduated from Lisa’s groupie girlfriend to a member of the team, and also earning the code name of “Lullaby Bard” by the authorities since sleep was something of a signature spell of mine. 

Alec himself looked like he had when he’d been fighting Brian, only now with a ballroom mask that covered the top of his face while Brian had a bullet resistant vest underneath his leather jacket and a biker helm that Lisa had enchanted to display an illusion of a skeleton head instead, turning Brian’s appearance from that of an orc to some skeletal warrior. 

Rachel herself never bothered hiding other than wearing a wooden dog mask to obscure her face, instead like Lisa relying on her wild shape and magical powers to protect her from danger. 

On the porch, I keep watch while Lisa pulls her lock picks from her bag before pausing, and sniggering a little before with a whisper and a wave of her hands she checked it for magi. Once done, she simply twists the knob and opens the door. 

“Idiots didn’t lock it~” she whispers in a sing song tone before she looking to me. 

“You know where the security room is?” she asks as I remember the lay out of the house she’d shown me and nod. There was no way of getting to the security room without being spotted but hopefully I can get there before the guard realises what’s going on. Raising my flute to my lips, I play a short few notes before rushing in.

With my spell my speed’s enhanced, I dash across the darkened hall, my new dark vision letting me see where I’m going with ease and as I reach a set of stairs heading up and instead I speed off through a room. While running through I palm a small silken pouch of rose petals and just as I get to a door I hear a grunt of surprise. Focusing on that, I play a short and slow tune before hearing a thump on the other side of the door. Smiling I wait to see if there are any more thumps, or even sounds… and hear the rhythmic sound of muffled thumps and squeaks of pleasure somewhere up on the second floor. Nearly silently I walk back to the stairs and wave Lisa and the others on in. 

As quiet as we can we move to the security room door where Lisa unlocks the door and we find our security guard snoozing in his chair.

“No alarm, didn’t even have time to react. Perfect as always,” Lisa complements as she looks at the cameras before turning away. 

“Right, they’re having some fun in the bedroom and the safe is in the study upstairs. They’re probably going to be too busy fucking to even notice us so you boys head back to the dogs while Bard puts those two to sleep,” Lisa says as I do a cocky little salute before stepping out and speed my way up the stairs before heading to the room with the two love birds. As silently as I can while moving far far too fast, I swing the door open and play that same slow tune on my flute. The pair barely even have time to react with more than sudden wide eyes before they droop. They’d been going at it doggy style, the elf girl driven into the sheets, her arms back while the Orc drove himself into her. The two collapsed on top of each other, and despite myself, the smell, the sight. I can already feel a low rumble in my core as I drink in the two. The orc’s broad and masculine form with strong limbs that looked carved from marble, the elf’s delightfully feminine beauty with near perfectly smooth skin and an ass like an apricot.

Smiling at the sight, I turn away from them and start to rifle through the drawers of the bed room as fast as I can. Drawers fly open until I finally find what I’m looking for, a jewellery drawer. I scan over the various bits of jewellery, not really paying attention to them but rather looking for Mom’s special bag, and there are a few in here seeming to hold various things. Knowing I’m on the clock since my sleep spell only lasts so long I start rifling through the bags, opening them to see if I can’t find the magic one. Though as I look, as the seconds tick by, I bite my lip and not in the fun way. I don’t have time for this. Time and time again I open small bag after small bag, checking to see if it was magical or not, or failing that had a world written into the lining but I can’t find it. Grumbling, I try to think, but time’s already starting to run out and my fumbling is getting me nowhere. Resigned, I instead grab my backpack and start shoving the contents of the drawer in until I reach for the last bag left. As I pick it up, I notice that near the top of the bag is something stitched into it. My eyes widen, this is it, the literal last one I’d checked. I pull the bag so I can read the stitching properly.

“Danilly,” I whisper, hoping to use the bag of holding to hold all this stuff, but before my eyes the bag suddenly expands, and turns inside out in my hands. I try to take a step back, but it’s useless. The bag envelopes my hands, expanding ever wider as I cry out in surprise. In a second the bag has me, covering me and closing around me. I feel it tighten before parts of it seem to pull away. In a moment I feel my head pop through some kind of hole, thought the bag still wraps around my arms and legs.

“Bard you al-” Lisa asks, coming through the door but freezes upon seeing me. 

“Uh,” is all I can say, unable to think of anything as I look down at myself, and realise that the bag had turned into a bondage hardness, the thing sliding over my clothes and digging between my legs, only adding to the pool of arousal rising in me. Other than that though, I look ridiculous with the leather belts and straps wrapping me up.

“Danilly?” I ask the bag, hoping beyond hope that it frees me, and to my surprise it does, rapidly sliding back around me, freeing me from its bindings and returning to being a bag. Opening it, I peer inside, and yup… it’s a bag of holding.

“Pfft, is that?” Lisa asks and I nod, remembering coming across it before… though I don’t remember that being a function before. Though it could be useful… or fun.

“Nice. Anyways, I got what we came for, lets go,” she says and I can’t agree more. We dash from the room and bound down the stairs two at a time, our short window nearly up. We bolt from the house to mount up on Rachel and her dogs when I notice something bright and white touch down by us and as I look, I see a white clad elf girl standing there, her blond hair flying in an invisible wind as two more elf mages descend like her in front of us. 

“Stop right there criminal scum!” I hear the cry of Victoria Dallon as she and her crime fighting cousins touch down in front of us, ready for a fight. “You’re under arrest, come quietly and the law may be lenient on you.”

It was New Wave, a family of elves who thought help New Hampshire by organising the various heroically inclined Zionic warlocks into the local equivalent of the PRT. Their movement lost momentum when New Hampshire officially allowed the PRT to set up shop. Despite this however, they still have a decent amount of Zionic warlocks with them, if it’s still not too many.

While the rest of us tense, ready to fight, Lisa merely snorts behind her mask and places a hand on her hip as she tilts her head in an exaggerated fashion. I can almost imagine the vulpine smirk behind her mask now as she calls out to the crime fighters. 

“Oh really Vicky, now how exactly do you plan to stop us?” Lisa asks the three elves as they stand there. I don’t see them trying to cast anything which could prove troublesome either. 

“Like this!” a deep masculine voice calls out from behind and above us. I look back, and my eyes widen as a gargoyle, not one of stone but of flesh and blood stands now atop the central tower of the manor. From his hand he flings something towards us. I kick at Rachel to move while the others do the same to their mounts, but it’s too little to late. Something black hits the ground and suddenly black tentacles begin to spring from the soil around us. Tentacle lash out, writhing and coiling to grab at us. 

As they land, Rachel reels back, trying to jump away, but one tentacle sprouts far too close for us to escape, the tendril wrapping around Rachel as she howls in rage, her claws coming down on it and she bites at the tentacles, easily severing a few but more sprout up to try and grab at her. Stuck in the fray, I try to jump away but a tentacle grabs my ankle and I’m lifted up. In a panic, I twist and turn, trying to free myself, grabbing at the tentacle wrapped around my foot and kicking at it for all the good that did me. 

Looking about me, I can see other than me and Rachel, one more person stuck in the tentacles, a certain human swordsman hanging there, the tentacles wrapped far more tightly than around me, though he’s also barely struggling, not it would have done him much good, captured as he is. Outside of the mass of tentacles I can see Brian’s pulled out his Billy club and is facing towards the gargoyle who’s flying down to face him while Lisa faces off against the youngest of New Wave, wand in hand with the rest of the dogs by her like familiars ready to defend their master. Remembering my own flute, I pull it out again and get ready to play, hoping that the blood rushing to my head doesn’t affect me too much.


Dice may have influenced some of the story.

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Thread Necromancer
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 Slab’s Femdom AU: Compliance Assistance


Carter, also known as the E88 cape Thane Maker, woke up once more and was greeted by the PRT’s fucking propaganda. Over top his bed literally painted into the ceiling so he couldn’t even do anything about it was a high quality image of a hot- disgusting male in drag, with breasts and a cute- gross and gay little cock making what was likely thought to be a seductive pose with a little caption beneath it: It’s Okay to be Feminine.

Carter rolled his eyes at as he got up and scratched at his face. In place of his regular mask, a pink gimp mask had been provided which was the PRT’s solution to capes keeping their secret identities, especially with the possibility of a mask falling off during sleep and other such things. Can’t let a guy keep his costume after all, there might be hidden weapons stashed somewhere on them. So naked with a collar on… and other optional bits.

“Fucking wasn’t like this last time,” Carter muttered as he looked to the stupid fucking stockings, bra and other things in the corner. The only thing he’d actually put on of that stuff over there was the hot pink panties and that was more to hide the cage that the gay bastards had stuck him in the first time he’d been captured. Absent mindedly, Carter pawed at his cage. His fingers slipping down into the panties, his hand squeezing down on the cage and gripping his balls, his only relief these days unless he wanted to schedule a meet up with his “Liaison” and let her have her merry way with him. 

He’d been tempted once or twice. Especially one time when he’d seen a girl with a thick ass who’d been walking down the street. Her hips and ass literally thicker than her shoulders and with knockers bigger than his head. While he wasn’t exactly the kind of guy to try and strike up a conversation with the girl, he could fantasise... but the cage kept bugging him, squeezing down on his dick, keeping him caged, and the fucking thing pinched like a bitch sometimes! Especially when he walked with his jeans but they were also the only thing that kept his cage hidden! 

“You know if you go lower it feels better?” Carter heard and glared at the PRT officer that’d been passing by his cell. The man was in full uniform, smirking at him. Another fucking thing, the PRT goon squads are all assholes. No body fucking liked them since they were all fucking faggots that got off on doing this shit to people. Whole fucking organisation was filled with fuckers like the jackass outside his cell that would love nothing better than to rape a guy who had the unfortunate experience of fucking triggering. 

“Fuck off,” Carter said as the guy laughed before leaving. Sighing, Carter got up and grabbed the stockings from the pile. He didn’t pull them up, just put them on to act as socks. The cells didn’t exactly have heated floors and this was the best he could do. As he walked, all along the walls were various different bits of faggy sissy porn. Faggots getting fucked, faggots getting dommed. The whole nine yards because the PRT wanted every male cape for some stupid reason to be a bunch of prissy faggots while they promoted their toxic idea of what women are. Whole fucking organisation wanted a restructuring of society for mediocrity. Men being turned into defective women, ending up oppressed by female overlords who’d be pushed into becoming defective men. The only escape that the PRT could generate from their bullshit might be instead of pushing for women to become defective men, pushing women to become hot Amazonian girls like most of their capes admittedly. 

Sure he was admiring the enemy… but admittedly, they’re attractive to the male gaze. Most capes are; a little buff to their appearance they got that unfortunately male capes got as well. Sitting back on his bunk, Carter could even feel what he meant as his ass had grown since he first ended up a cape. Before he’d had less of an ass than a starving African, but now he could turn anything into a chair, his thick cushion turning every seat soft and drawing heads whenever he tried to fit into jeans.

His thick behind also drew teasing spanks from his Mom and sisters as they giggled about his ass, much to his consternation. 

As the time went on, Carter tried to pull away his hand from his crotch, but his dick kept getting hard in its cage. Despite how gay it was, admittedly the various images and propaganda the PRT liked to decorate their walls with were undeniably… attractive. Probably the top 1% of the 1% of people who got influenced into their bullshit and became sissy traps without even being capes. That or maybe these were their male capes, being shown off as a bunch of sluts being fucked or stuffing their asses with dildos. It didn’t help that so many of them ended up bimbos with fat fucking knockers and thighs bigger than their shoulders. Even the faces of some in the pictures had shifted among some of them that it even became hard to tell that they were guys up until one looked lower and discovered the cage that the bimbo sluts wore. 

A cage just like his. 

For a moment Carter wondered how may of these homos they had painted on their wall were like him? Cape boys that got fucked by whatever was transforming them. Had they chosen instead to give into the transformation by being slutty faggots and becoming bimbo whores? The PRT was fucking stupid if anyone believed their bullshit about “resisting” and that kind of stuff. If that were true then they wouldn’t push it so hard. Plus he’d seen the leaks of the kind of shit that went on in a place like this. He’d seen them and had even downloaded a few files before they got scrubbed off the internet. 

Carter continued to massage his balls, the feeling nice as usual, though not enough to do anything but further his frustration. Thinking on the guard a second, Carter bit his lip, and groaned at himself a little bit, before he reached lower. Not to his ass. He wasn’t gay, but… lower. Pushing his cage up now, Carter started to press against the place just below his balls, his palm pressing against his full sack. Despite himself trying to imagine a fat tittied girl, he couldn’t help his lustful eyes from opening, one specific tranny picture catching his eye. 

An image of a faggot mid bimbo transformation who had large breasts on his chest, a feminine face with thick thighs and a fat ass. The image of course had a black dildo in the boys butt, and a dainty feminine hand around a small uncaged cock. The caption on the image saying “It feels better with a dildo in your pussy” covered the image that Carter’s eyes were drawn to. Despite himself, despite how fucking gay it was, the image was hot, and after three months of being caged, of having his cock locked up since the start of spring, he was losing the battle. 

Unable to help himself, Carter kept pressing against his perineum, following what the PRT officer said, and “going lower” on himself. His caged cock trying to grow harder, pressing up against the confines of its entrapment. All it would do though is pull at his balls, straining them and sending pain through his lower body if he let the erection get too out of hand. 

He’d tried to masturbate like that once, but the pain had been too much.

Slowly Carter fell into a rhythm, his hand pressing up against that lower part of him, his balls getting a nice massage as he ground his ass into the bed. Slowly his breathing grew heady as he continued, his fingers slowly giving him small bits of pleasure from him pressing against his hot and hard lower bit. Despite how gay this was, Carter couldn’t stop. His arousal slowly taking over as they continued to propagandise him. If he could cum he could forget all of this, he could focus maybe and find a way out, or at least his head would be straight enough that when the E88 broke him out, he wouldn’t be a broken sissy slut. 

“Having fun Thane Maker?” Carter heard and froze, his gaze shifting over, before relaxing a bit. It was his liaison, Battery. Sighing, Carter finally managed to drag his hand away from his lower half, and he tried to ignore the pre that had started to build up on his cage. His dick dripping bit by bit after his lapse in control. Though as Carter looked at Battery, he had to bite his lip, hard, just to keep from admiring her breasts, her thighs, and how her costume left little to the imagination. She just needed a corset, platform goth heels, and a whip and she’d look like a female dom in her costume. Of course her bimbo slut of a husband was beside her as well. All suited up in his red gimp suit, his slutty body on just as much display as Battery’s was, if not perhaps more so. Carter knew that the “man” under all that latex had to be wearing a cage, probably had a toy in his ass, constantly pressing into his p-spot. The way that the slut fidgeted as Battery held her husband’s by a leash pretty much confirmed it. Probably some kind of aneros or a similar mechanical equivalent, constantly pulsating, pressing into God’s fun little prank on men. 

“Aw come on Thane, don’t be like that,” the woman said as she leaned up against the bars. Something that she was probably not supposed to do, but she likely had her power all charged up, had Assault there, and the fact that without any kind of food for him to boost himself with he was kind of useless. Thus putting herself in a little danger probably wasn’t that big an issue. Especially considering what liaisons were supposed to do for male capes like him. Especially since this is his second time getting arrested. The first time was why he was even in a cage and had been locked in it for three months, no release.

He could have seen about setting up a meeting if he was weak enough to want one. If he was willing to submit to Battery, and let her do what she wanted with him. He… he’d seen what the PRT did with villains that would submit to their liaison. They’d dress them up, humiliate them, and make them feel worthless. They’d use their lust against them, and forcibly feminise them during their sessions just so that the villain could get off, making them do ever more humiliating things until they were nothing more than slutty bimbo men desperate for cock, real or fake it didn’t matter. They’d be trapped in a world of pleasure, whatever their thoughts were before going up in smoke as lust overtook their lives and made them nothing but submissive and controllable pawns for the PRT. 

He didn’t want that… intellectually. Carter swallowed though, trying to keep Battery from seeing, his hand deliberately on his hairless thigh to block her view of his caged erection. He… he didn’t want her to see what she and her organisation had done to him despite knowing full well she was likely intimately aware. 

“You doing alright there Thane?” she asked, fake worry in her voice spilling out. “You haven’t contacted me at all in those three months since we last talked. Plus you haven’t cum at all in that time.”

How the hell did she know that? Some kind of tracking device…? Though now that Carter thought about it, it did make sense. The whole PRT deal was that male capes were allowed to go free. Three strikes and all that, but if they wanted to get that kind of deal with the PRT, they’d have to submit to a chastity cage, and then get a liaison. Of course women also got that shit as well because of “egalitarianism” or some other female empowerment bullshit excuse they were slinging since no female capes ever got a chastity cage or belt on them. Just male capes got cages on their dicks. Not only that, but if they wanted release since they’re not allowed to take them off, they needed to contact their liaison for it, or if they took it off, they got sent straight to prison, the Birdcage, or the Brothel.

Like the Birdcage, the Brothel wasn’t the prison’s actual name. It was the Tia Black Parahuman Containment Center. A place set up for prisoners who despite being too dangerous for regular prisons, could be rehabilitated into something else. Carter and various others were sure that some kind of brain washing was involved for those who got sent out there. Unlike the Birdcage though, it wasn’t in the Canadian Rockies, but rather was a hole in the ground in some arctic region of the Canadian Shield. It’d once been a villain lair where some female villain who thought Lustum hadn’t gone far enough had kidnapped and feminised men while protecting herself with her tinker tech, but the place was later turned into a prison that Dragon now commands. The creator, Tia Black had also been a prisoner there for a while and in an ironic twist of fate, ended up being imprisoned by her own devices and subjected to her own techniques.

Now she was one of the biggest hardcore bondage porn actresses in North America.

“Still trying to figure out how we know?” Battery asked, pulling Carter back from his thoughts.

“With all this around, probably just too aroused to think straight,” Assault interjected his voice feminine and flightily. His giggle girlish and the way he crossed his arms under his breasts brought them up a bit to emphasis their size. Not as large as some of the bimbos they churned out of this place, but large enough to draw the eyes of men all over. 

“No I think I know,” Carter said as he crabbed his hard caged cock, and taking a shuddering breath. His dick twitched a bit as he did so, his arousal rising… and with everything around him, there was practically no way of avoiding it. Arousing imagery, teasing, or in some cases enticing, guards, and worst of all, no way of relieving himself. 

“What’s the fucking point anyways? I seen that sissy shit you femi-nazis do. You fuck a guy and he doesn’t even get to cum cause his cage is fucking on,” Carter said, trying to forget his little… experiments. They hadn’t worked anyways, and they just hurt. They left him bleeding from his ass and fearing infection like when he tried using a plunger handle, or he was left completely unsatisfied such as when he’d grabbed a vibrating tooth brush.

To be fair… it’d felt good when he could touch himself. Another extra fun sensation to enjoy while whacking it to a thick assed bimbo with goddess level tits, but on its own? He didn’t get the hype. Sure the things he’d been using weren’t exactly meant for sex, but that shouldn’t matter that much right? Girls used veggies, something he found out one early morning when he came home from a late night patrol and found a cucumber thrown in the trash with a condom still on it, so it shouldn’t be that different.

“Coming from a nazi like yourself that’s rich,” Assault said, sounding entirely too smug with himself despite being Battery’s total bitch boy. As if the hero was somehow better than him just because he was a supposed “Nazi” to them. Battery seemed to agree as well as she pulled on Assault’s leash and his body language shifted a bit. Less cocksure and more yielding to his mistress. 

Yes… there were some really really racist guys around… they kind of… They kind of made sense, especially when Carter ended up hearing some of their stories. Lot of the proper racist guys were from prison, knew people in prison… or other stuff happened that kind of made sense why they were a bunch of racists… they weren’t exactly nice to hang around with though. There were other guys like Carter though, guys who cared more about opposing Lustrum’s lot of turbo femi-nazis and the gay and stupid shit the government through the PRT was pushing. The E88 unfortunately in Brockton pretty much were the only guys in town that both could do it and were willing to as well. 

“You know Thane, we could take the cage off,” Battery suddenly said, immediately drawing Carter’s attention.

“What?” he asked. Looking over at Assault, from the raised brows of the sissy bimbo slut under his gimp mask, this wasn’t normal, which was enough of an incentive for Carter. Fuck that bitch. 

“Yeah, if you want, we can take your cage off, and I don’t mean in a “the deals off and now you go to jail” kind of way. We can be lenient you know, during our sessions together,” Battery said. As he listened, a little tiny voice in the back of Carter’s mind was yelling as loud as it could “it’s a trap!” and yet he wanted to hear more. The idea, the mere thought of being without a cage. Of getting out… it was certainly enticing.

“What do you mean?” Carter asked, a little scared for what this could involve… and yet as he asked, he couldn’t help the small hitch of excitement, the sudden… dryness in his mouth.

“I mean, I can let you out if you want to have your first session with me. We could even let you cum. It won’t be your punishment, you’ll still be with us for a bit and having to undergo some training before you’ve served your time… I can’t let you out for those… but for a liaison session, we could do a simple milking,” she said, the word milking coming up, but Carter didn’t quite understand it. What did that mean? Can’t be his breasts, he’s a guy, he can’t lactate and like hell was he going to let them inject biotinker stuff in him. He’d seen the slut goblin harem Nilbog had made from pictures online that the bimbo queen fuck had taken, not to mention the horror stories he’d read online about other parahuman bio stuff going on. Though without a cage… did they mean literally… milking his cum? Was the fag going to do it? Or was Battery? Was he… about to get his first handjob? He’d… he’d honestly expected that were he to get one, it’d be from one of the E88 hanger on girls he could have asked before he lost his dick privileges from the arrest. 

“Is… it a hand job?” he asked and Battery nodded. The thought of it… Carter could imagine it, Battery kneeling in front of him, rubbing her hand over his freed cock. No doubt far larger than Assault’s little dicklet. Carter pulled his legs in, trying to hide his caged cock between his thick thighs, and succeeding at the cost of this dick being pressed by all sides, his cage warming up, the pressure on his balls feeling good. Swallowing Carter continued his questions, because it couldn’t be that easy. 

“What… what else? Do I have to crossdress like a fag?” he asked, a bit more abrasively than he meant to but thankfully Battery took no offence from it. She instead shook her head. 

“You’ll be completely naked. You could wear some stuff if you’d like but you don’t need to. As for anything extra, I will be fingering you, or if you want I could even use a toy. Something thin and not too large, okay?” the hero asked, and Carter looked away, unsure. On one hand, it would be an in. They’d know that they could dangle an orgasm in front of him and start to fuck him like that. Get him all aroused, unable to think straight with his head filling with fantasies and his inhibitions falling the longer things went on. They’d be able to feminise him, corrupt him, and turn him into another bimbo whore faggot that loved cocks and submitted to the government and elites who wanted the world to all be gay and stupid.

But on the other hand… he’d get to cum.

“Oh-okay,” Carter said, and as he did, he noticed how his heart was pounding.


The place Carter had been led to smelled of latex, some kind of cleaner, fish, and something else, something… musky. That musk he couldn’t quite put a name to, but at least it smelt better than the fishy smell he was pretty sure came from something other than fish. The dungeon he was in was somewhere still in the rig. The floors of the place had been fixed up, padding all over the floor, leaving it firm but far friendlier to things like knees and other bony joints. Assault and Battery were in the room with him, all of his clothing excluding the cage had been taken off, and now he was here, with a hot chick and her rather feminine slut of a husband. 

“So uh…” Carter started, unsure really how to proceed as he looked to the two. Assault, the fucking gay ass pervert had started to unzip parts of his costume with hidden zippers, revealing himself to Carter though the E88 cape didn’t visibly react. It wasn’t something he hadn’t seen a million times on social media what with all the trap porn and other kinds of stuff being uploaded all the time by popular femboys and other kinds of gay sissy bottoms. He tried to keep his porn all straight, but there was only so much that could be done.

Battery meanwhile didn’t do that kind of stuff. Instead she’d slipped on some different gloves. Just some latex ones that no doubt were more meant for pleasure than punching. She’d stepped over to some kind of low table, and now that he’d spoken, she beckoned him over and patted on the table top. 

“Come over here, and we can start your milking,” she said with a smile. His heart racing, Carter did the only thing he could and nodded, before slowly making his way over. He didn’t exactly know what to do with his face, frown at the fact that they’d gotten him, smile since he’s about to cum? He didn’t really know what to do, especially since he was still a virgin. He didn’t know anything about any of this stuff other than whatever fetish fuel he’d accidentally bumbled his way into while on the internet. Then of course, seeing it was completely different from actually being a part of it. When he imagined himself in a BDSM scene, or even having sex, he’d thought he’d be more confident. He’d have gotten the girl, they’d have gotten to third base or whatever base it was supposed to be, and he’d know he’d earned it. He’d have swept a cute girl off her feet and then when he’d wooed her, they’d have hot, passionate sex, his condomed cock pressing into her pussy, his fingers roaming over her, their kissing desperate and needy as they fucked.

Now though, he felt like a meek lamb heading for the slaughter. A slaughter he’d voluntarily gone for. Yet he couldn’t quite regret it, he was so horny right now, his dick straining in its cage, pressing its flesh into the bars, and making him wish that he didn’t have to wear the thing. Reaching the table, Carter tried to swallow, but his mouth was dry, his breathing erratic. Battery didn’t react, but no doubt she saw it. She saw how nervous he was about all this. 

“Come on up Thane, just get on all fours on this table here, and we can start,” she said, and Carter nodded. He got on, placing a knee and hand on before lifting the rest of himself up. Carter shivered a bit while up on the table, mostly from nerves while he waited. He shouldn’t have done this. They were probably getting ready to fuck him, or do something to him. He was a villain and they were heroes, they were going to try and pull something and then he’d be fucked.

Yet the possibility… it was too much. Then Carter gasped as Battery started to touch him back there. Her hands rubbed at his thighs, soft rubbing, sliding her hands up and down. Despite himself, he felt himself twitch down there, his caged junk shifting a bit, giving it a little swing. 

“What a nice set of thighs, and your ass, I bet you turn all the girls’ heads,” Battery said, her hand still rubbing his inner thighs, but not much else. He wanted to ask about her unlocking him, yet refrained. He wasn’t sure if that offer would be retracted if he messed something up. 

“Makes me just want to grab them. You know, slip my hands in like this, press you against me. That’d be nice hmm?” she asked and Carter could see it in his mind. Her just walking up, grabbing and then pulling, his head slipping right atop her breasts, getting pressed up against the thing of every boy’s desire, they’d be right there against his head. The only price being a few gropes by a pretty lady. All he’d have to do was look down and then they’d be against his face.

“Enjoying that thought?” the hero asked and Carter couldn’t really do much more than hum in the affirmative. 

“I thought you might,” Battery said as she continued to rub him. He wanted more, he wanted her to touch him more. His shivering only continued, his breath still ragged as he enjoyed the hero’s touch. Yet with only a wall to watch, Carter couldn’t help his wandering eyes. They drifted over to Assault’s bright red costume. The slut had at some point grabbed a big thick dildo. The thing had a large base on it and the male hero was showing off his cage still as he was lubing the thing up. Carter wasn’t sure what he thought of having an audience… but if that’s what he needed to have in order to cum, then fine, whatever. The slut can watch him get “milked” while he stays denied and caged. Carter’ll get to enjoy his wife while he gets reduced to bouncing on a dick. 

Of course though, the moment that Assault could see that Carter was watching, he slowed his preparations, his hand going from generously and quickly lubing up the faux cock, to gently, sensually rubbing it as if it were the real thing. His legs spread out more, showing himself on display for the villain, one lubed up hand sliding it’s way up, all the while the domino masked hero smirked at Carter. In a huff, Carter looked away, or at least tried. His eyes continued to try to dart back, but Carter had to move his head specifically so he couldn’t look. Battery giggled a bit at this, but said nothing as she kept rubbing his thighs, before eventually she stopped. Carter then heard the door of the dungeon open and then some footsteps. 

“Here you are Ma’am, the key you wanted,” Carter heard a gruff voice say. Certainly not a cape then.

“Thank you captain, you can go now,” Battery said and Carter then heard the sound of the trooper’s boots walking away before the door closed. So… this was it. Carter let out a shuddering breath. His key was here. After three months… he’d finally get let out. He could barely wait.

“Well then, now that we have your key, lets get started,” Battery said, and then Carter felt Battery’s hand on his genitals, a latex gloved hand taking hold of his balls, her fingers pressing against the cage of his cock. Carter shuddered at the feeling. Even just this small touch sent a spark of pleasure through him, the sensation of Battery touching his balls was enough to let a little pre slip out. As Battery took hold of his caged dick, Carter waited with baited breath. Battery took long agonising seconds to unlock him, touching him and pulling his cock back. He could already feel his dick hardening, the deepest part of his member pressing up against the rings as Battery pulled it back, her warm latex clad fingers taking hold of what little bits of flesh had squeezed through the small holes between the rings and bars that made up Carter’s cage. For a moment, he couldn’t even breath, his anticipation so great, and then, he heard the sound of a small metallic key entering into the cage’s integrated lock. 

That was all the warning Carter got before the hero pulled, slipping the lock out of its crevice. Then, slowly, gently, Carter felt Battery taking hold of his cage and pull on it. Unlocked, the thing came off easily, the pegs that connected it no longer secure, and Carter was suddenly free after three months of denial. Almost immediately Carter could feel himself getting hard, his dick filling with blood as Battery finally pulled off his cage. His growing member pressed up against the metal ring that was still on his dick, turning it into a metal cock ring. Blood flowed in easily, and found it harder to leave. His penis getting harder than ever as he felt it rise to its full length, then a little beyond. He felt Battery tug on the ring but gave up after a second or two, leaving the metal thing there. Carter almost breathed a sigh of relief. The ring was tight enough that the PRT chastity specialists had to slip his member and balls in one and a time, before squeezing his dick down to get it in. With his cock hard as it was, it’d be impossible to get it off, at least not without crushing his balls into a paste which he was glad to avoid.

“My my, Thane, you’ve been denied for so long,” Battery said, and as she did so, Carter gasped as he felt her fingers. Lubed up or something as her hand glided across his cock. She pressed her palm up against the underside of his dick, fingers squeezing around him, pressing into his lower head, and sending a welcome wave of pleasure through Carter. The cape could barely help it as his dick twitched, his member pulling forward and then out of Battery’s light grip as it swung forward and slapped his bare stomach. Battery giggled at that, her fingers going upwards, and pressing into his thick, blue balls. Massaging them for a moment.

“Such big balls you have, almost has big as my husbands are now,” she said, the mention of her husband making Carter glance back to Assault. It seemed though that the slut had been waiting for that, because the moment Assault noticed Carter looking, the bimbo had started to lower himself onto his huge dildo. The slut letting out a girlish moan as he did so, his hole getting spread out as his hands slid down his legs. His cage easily on display and his balls, big and round no doubt from how much his wife denied him, hung there. Carter could see how the dildo spread the hero out, filling his hole. Despite himself, Carter felt his ass clench, his cock twitch. He had to swallow again. 

“My, what a greedy little hole,” Battery said, and then she touched him… back there. Carter pulled away a bit, and clenched his cheeks. Battery’s hands thankfully didn’t follow, the cape boy unable to stop himself for a moment as he continued to lean away… but… he’d known this was going to happen. He’d expected it, and she’d literally told him. If… if he wanted to be “milked” then Battery would finger him. Slowly, like a lamb to the slaughter, Carter leaned back, once more presenting his ass and cock to the hero. 

“Good boy,” Carter heard her say, and hated the fact that he blushed as she said that, and kind of… enjoyed it. Once more Battery started to touch him. Her palm once more pressed against the underside of his cock, but at the same time, another hand came, and pressed against his back entrance. Just a finger, and Carter still clenched, but unlike before, he didn’t move away. He… he needed this too much. 

“Mmmm, good boy, you’re so brave,” Battery said, her words soft, like she was talking to a spooked animal that was afraid to be touched. Though in truth, that pretty much was what Carter was. A scared creature, afraid of his captors, and just like on those scared animals, her soft coos worked to calm him a bit. The other part was how Battery was squeezing his cock. She wasn’t stroking it or anything, but even just her slipping her fingers around, and squeezing down on his hard erection was enough to drive delicious sensations through him, his cock hard as could be from the metal cock ring stuck on him now. 

With her finger all lubed up, Battery began to slide her finger around Carter’s hole. Her fingers rubbing up and down Carter’s sphincter, slowly massaging it. Despite the fact that he wasn’t some gay boy like most of the heroes, Carter’s hole back there had started to feel good, even from just her rubbing him, from sliding her fingers around his back entrance. Carter let out a deep breath from the feeling, and despite himself his cock twitched not form the squeezing, but from the feeling in his ass. 

“Oh, oh look, a little bit of pre,” Battery said, and then Carter felt a finger swipe over his lower head. The friction as it passed over the head dropped significantly, his pre making a good lube for Battery as she continued to tease his back hole, massaging some more. All the while, Assault had kept up the little show Carter’s eyes were continuously drawn to, the slut taking his dildo slow and deliberate for Carter, letting him see how his ass was spread out by the monstrous cock. Carter tried his best not to imagine it, or even himself in the hero’s shoes.

But then Battery’s finger slipped in, and Carter couldn’t help but gasp as it slipped past his hole and into him. 

“Hmm, easier than expected, have you been having some fun?” Battery asked, while Carter blushed hard. His experimentations in his most shameful and desperate moments coming back to haunt him. 

“No,” he said, though his voice trembled, and his hole told another story. Though he wasn’t lying either. It hadn’t been fun, especially when he tried the hammer and had started bleeding. Thank god it hadn’t gotten infected, but it hurt to poop for a while after.

“Naughty boy, lying to me. You’ve had some fun back there,” Battery said as she continued to finger fuck his ass. Despite how his previous experimentations had gone though… this was different. It… felt better than when he’d… gotten desperate. Slowly as Battery eased her finger in, she slowly started to tease his hole. Her lubed up finger nice and slick, her digit expanding him little by little as she played with him. 

“Such a cute little hole,” Battery said, and Carter couldn’t help but blush, no doubt he looked ridiculous like this, the hero sliding her finger in, a hand around his cock. He shuddered a bit at the image, and at how Assault was still going slowly fucking his ass, letting the huge dildo fill his hole. How he was able to fit such a huge monster in Carter had no idea. Asses shouldn’t be able to take such a huge dick, and yet.

“Mmmmh, if feel so good,” Assault called out, the slut bringing a hand up to his cage, squeezing it, like Carter would squeeze his own. Pressing down against his balls while his ass was full of cock. 

“He’s such a needy slut,” Battery commented. “I’m going to stick another finger in, okay? Then we can start having some real fun.”

“Okay,” Carter said, unsure what to say or even do, his gaze remained fixed on Assault, and his senses were fixed on what Battery was doing to him. Some part of him almost imagined him in Assault’s shoes, being fucked like that. His ass being trained enough to take cock like that, to get ass fucked by some big black man with a huge cock. Assault probably was made to by his wife. The female dominants on the heroes side likely taking pleasure in degrading their male counter parts. Pushing them down, holding them there as a big black man came up behind them, huge cocks at the ready and lubed up. They’d come up and slide their shlong in, fully filling the sluts up before the big black would get on the bed. He’d hold them down, before roughly beginning to piston his hips forward, and steadily beginning to fuck their white sissy asses, his huge dick destroying their holes.

“Ah!” Carter cried, the feeling of a finger slipping in, the sight of Assault, and then the thought, the thought of a huge black man sliding his cock into a small whitey. His hips shook as pleasure nearly over took him, his cock began to twitch, and for a moment he thought he’d cum, but Battery stopped. Let go of him, and Carter shook his hips now deliberately, his cock slapping against his stomach a bit, but then nothing came. The sensation subsiding a little bit as Battery giggled. 

“Oh no, not yet cutie, not until we get to the best part. Now hold still,” she said, and Carter obeyed. His head filled with erotic thoughts, his vision filled with Assault and his naughty performance. The slut had started to go faster as well, his hand off his dick and now the bimbo was using them to start to proper fuck that dildo, his ass sliding up and down the huge cock, his cage flying wildly around as the latex clad hero fucked himself. 

“Assault stop,” Battery commanded, and suddenly Assault did so, freezing, though his hips jerked and moved in spasms, almost like Carter’s had. From the cage, pre dripped, and assault himself was breathing hard.

“Go slow.”

“Yes Mistress,” Assault said, and then be began to pull himself off the cock. For a second Carter didn’t understand, but he felt Battery pulling out of him now as well, until only the tips of her two fingers were left. Her other hand took hold of his cock but once more didn’t do too much. She just held it tenderly, the warmth of her hand, and the slight pressure already keeping him nice and hard. 

Then as Assault slowly eased himself back on the dildo, Carter felt Battery’s fingers begin to ease in as well. For a moment, Carter imagined himself in Assault’s boots, his ass being filled by the massive dildo, clad in latex. Carter’s cock twitched at the idea, his pre continuing to drip and his ass clenching around Battery’s fingers. The two digits in him sending that strange pleasure through him, the stretching making him feel good, and with her hand on his cock. It… it was the best thing he’d ever felt. Though as Assault went lower, Carter took that back. Battery’s fingers slid in time with Assault’s fucking, and then she it something that made Carter gasp. His cock twitched hard, his ass clenched again as pleasure shot through the captive villain. Battery giggled again.

“There it is, hold on Assault,” she said, and then Carter instantly knew what she’d hit; his prostate, his p-spot, God’s little joke on men. It… it felt better than anything he could remember. As his mistress ordered, Assault stopped, and Battery kept pressing on that spot, each press sending another tumultuous wave through Carter as the pleasure continued to mount.

“Does that feel good?” Battery asked, and Carter bit his lip. It did feel good, it felt amazing. Better than anything he could remember. Not even stroking his cock and cumming felt as good as he did right now. 

“I said, does that feel good?” Battery asked again, this time letting off his bitch button, and Carter responded:

“Yes,” he said, breathy, and needy. He… he wanted to feel it more. 

“Do you want more?” Battery asked, and Carter nodded. He wanted more, he was so desperate, and it felt so good. 

“Yes,” he repeated as a lustful fog started to fill his mind, as higher thoughts left his head. He wanted this; he wanted this pleasure to continue to feel good. Then as Assault began again, so did Battery, her fingers starting to fuck Carter some more, sliding in and out of his ass. Uncaring to stop himself, Carter started to moan a bit as she did so, as Battery began to properly finger fuck him with her two fingers. Her fingers would slide in, filling his hole with their thick girth, and bump up against his p-spot. Pleasure would bloom and soon enough they reached a wonderful rhythm that sent sensual delight rippling through Carter.

As time went on, so did their speed. As Assault would speed up, Battery would match her bimbo, fucking Carter faster and the assaults of pleasure would speed up. Carter’s moans soon enough had stared to grow louder, from barely audible to quiet yet high pitched peals let out because of the pleasure knocking around him. Were his core an island it’d have been flooded by now by the growing tsunami he felt growing in him. His whole body even had started to feel good, his core swamped by the waters of sensual sensation that was only rising higher the more Battery played with his ass. 

He needed more. Carter needed it, and soon enough he started to lean back. He tried to time it, as Battery began to slide her fingers forward, Carter would try to slide back, driving her fingers into him deeper, her hand sliding up against his ass, his cock gripped tighter. More, he needed more, it felt so good. 

As time went on Carter fully fell into it as well, fucking himself on Battery’s fingers while unable to look away from Assault. The two male capes fucking their asses on toys, engulfed in a miasma of pleasure and sensation. Assault himself even started to jerk around, his ass fucking growing wild and barely controlled. His body would contort and spasm, his mind no doubt as overwhelmed by sensation as Carter’s was as he did the same. The two sluts unable to help themselves as their hind brains took over and drove their passions forth. 

“Ah!” Carter cried out, his moans having since turned to cries of delight. Each crashing wave of lust filling him with desire, his needy moans mixed with assaults, the two boys filling the chamber with sounds of lustful pleasure, of a hedonistic need for more. Then in a desperate cry for help, Carter spoke again:

“Please, more!” the E88 cape cried, wanting more, wanting to feel more, to have a third finger. His lust overriding any shame he might have had at that moment, and then as he felt a third pressing into his entrance, he couldn’t take it. Just as he felt that third finger begin to expand his hole more, to drive it in with the others, battering his button, with Battery squeezing his cock, it was suddenly too much, and Carter let out a high pitched cry. It sounded like a dying animal as his balls pulled up, his cock began to twitch wildly, when suddenly Battery pulled away from his dick.

Carter pealed again, wanting the pleasure to continue, to feel something more, but Battery wouldn’t have it. She pulled away entirely, leaving Carter paralysed by his coming climax. His hips shook and thrust, his cock swung with wild abandon, cum spraying across the table.

Yet Carter felt none of it. The pleasure fell away, disappearing into the void. He felt nothing as his cum first sprayed, and then began to drizzle out, dripping onto the table, before Carter in exhaustion fell forward onto the table. He crashed into his cum but he didn’t care. His mind awash with more need than ever. Cumming hadn’t helped; it only drove him on more. He needed more, the lustful fog in his mind hadn’t receded, but he also couldn’t muster the strength to do something about it as he lay there in his shame. 

“Oh such a good boy,” Battery said as she came up to Carter, petting his head and giving him a small hug, though Carter barely responded, his mind awash with both shame and lust, his desire having barely receded as he lay there. He still wanted more, yet his body was sluggish to respond. As he crawled once more to all fours, he sat there a moment, unsure what to do, though then he felt Battery pat him on the ass, and Carter stiffened, his ass clenching in an almost… needy fashion. Battery didn’t do much with her hand on his butt, just rubbing his cheek as if rubbing some cattle to calm them down… which must be him since he’d just been “milked”. 

“There now stay still,” Battery said, and Carter obeyed. The hand slipped away from his ass, and then slipping around his cock. While it twitched, Carter could feel it’d calmed down, going flaccid. It still was semi hard, but as Carter felt something cold and metal press up against his lower head, he knew he wasn’t about to get a proper happy ending this time. Perhaps next time they wouldn’t ruin his climax, though he doubted it. Not unless it was from doing something humiliating no doubt. 

As he pondered, the cage was slipped on, and he once more was trapped inside of his cage.

“There we go, a nice proper first session,” Battery declared, slowly helping Carter to his feet from the table, or at least trying. Despite himself, Carter could barely stand, his knees shaking and feeling weak. They felt like they shouldn’t be able to support him, like he was too heavy for them, or that they’d collapse any second now. He had to hold onto Battery for support, gripping and hugging an arm to himself as he tried to stand until eventually he’d gotten somewhat stable. 

“Alright then Thane, lets get you back to your cell, okay?” she asked, even though he didn’t have much of a choice, or even ability to resist her as she started to lead him away, her husband following behind them.


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