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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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 Ambushed Elf 7 (MGE)


The butt plug had to have been having an effect on him. There was no doubt about it to Aerin. Rather than his somewhat sore ass being soothed with cream, he felt… really good. He was horny as hell, and in truth, after last night’s fun he couldn’t really calm down. His ass cheeks had stung, but he felt good. Aerin’s pleasure was heightened from the pain, his cock growing hard in his cage when Gina landed a blow on his rump. The pain not only increasing his pleasure due to the contrast from Gina fucking his ass but even adding further to it. Like the pain itself was enough to arouse him. While he’d never really considered himself a proper masochist before he’d also never… directly grown horny from a spank itself. But now he wanted it, he wanted her. Gina never left his thoughts, and unlike before, it wasn’t some lament on his state or the conflict that had raged in his heart over her. How she made him feel, and how she treated him. How she was supposed to be his enemy, but he was slowly losing the fight.

His heart was giving in. Her forces of affection had breached the gates, her troops were inside, and slaughtering what was left of his cold bulwark. All that was left for her to take was the keep. The final barrier, and the forces of corruption would win. From how every time she entered his thoughts, he blushed, but moved closer to her, how she dominated his mind even from only a day or two from the plug. The corruption from weeks of capture and all this demonic energy, combined with now the plug was too much. He knew his fight would soon be over. He could already see the trebuchets cresting the hill, being built to finally put an end to his resistance. She would finally break his uncorrupted core even without having once bounced on his cock. 

She’d build a castle over the ruins of his heart, rebuilding him and lording over him with a castle made of her love, a love that he wasn’t even sure he’d be able to tell if it was genuine or not. His core would be corrupted, and that would be the end of him as a true and proper elf.

In some way it was a comfort as he lay there in the bed of furs. Her petting his head, him hugging her tight as they luxuriated in the wonderful bed, her scent a thing he couldn’t get enough of as her corruption penetrated him. He would resist no any longer, he’d be only trapped by the chastity cage, rather than by her. His oppressors would shift, no longer would he be bound to the tent as he was, but rather allowed to roam, for where would he go? He’d be corrupt. He’d be dead as far as most other elves would be concerned. 

And the armies of the Orcs would march on his home. They’d conquer it, and all would be lost to the demons. Even if he wasn’t corrupt by then, he’d hid his horror by diving straight into his love of Gina, uncaring if it was influenced by corruption for what else would he have? Where could he turn to? He’d have nothing but her, her and her armies having systematically destroyed everything he’d have been able to call home, and corrupted his very soul. 

But she’ll be there, she’d be a clearing in the dark forest, a safe place where she’d hold him tight. She’d love him, for she’d claimed him as her husband. The corruption of the demon lord would bend his mind to love her, and so, why resist any longer?

Why indeed?

Then someone ran into the tent, throwing the cover aside. In an instant, Gina was up, pulling away from his embrace and he could hear a growl.

“This had better be good,” she snarled, and blearily, Aerin opened his eyes, looking up to see a breathless Orc.

“The Elves, they’ve amassed a force and have taken to the field. They’ve already pushed us back from our latest gains over the last little while. They’ll have already reached our forward fort so that’s likely burned down by now as well by their mages” the Orc cried, and suddenly the anger at their slow awakening being interrupted disappeared from Gina’s face, instead replaced by worry.

“Fuck, I thought we’d have more warning. Shit, what are their forces?”

“Scouts said lots of cavalry riding through the forest paths ahead of the army. Only a few scouts got away. They’re slaughtering our marauders and scouts. A village the forward forces took over is being raided as we speak. Other than that, lots of infantry and archers, a dozen or so catapults and a few dozen battle mages. It’s the largest elven army I’ve ever seen.”

“I should have expected this… Are the shrines to Ares done?” Gina asked and the scout nodded but seemed rather worried.

“They are but despite our prayers, Ares has yet to answer.”

“What?” both Gina and Aerin asked. Ares had yet to answer? That wasn’t usual for Ares to just go and ignore her disciples, especially monsters. The Goddess for all that she claimed to be neutral, as far as Father was concerned, as nothing of the sort. Her blessings often led to the fall of human realms to the various monsters as what her blessings and magic did was rather direct in assisting monster kind thrive and prosper. Death was rare enough on the battlefield when Ares was involved, with casualties more often measured in battlefield rapes rather than who was actually hurt or killed. 

If she wasn’t answering… that would certainly work in the elves favour, was this Father riding to the rescue? It didn’t fit the stories, or what Father said he’d do if he was captured. Unless he didn’t think his retinue was enough to take the camp… As Aerin wondered, Gina turned to him.

“Honey, do you know what might have caused this?” she asked, but Aerin shrugged. He’d never heard of a deity not answering. Of course, he’d also not heard of the fact that the Dark elves had been assimilated. He wasn’t born yet, but the history lessons about his Father’s reign showed he’d been rather bloody about the whole affair. The place had been effectively razed, the population cut down to the last dark elf in some ritual his teacher had yet to get to… In fact, that might have been his next lesson, but he’d yet to learn it properly.

But now that he thought about it, how had they repopulated the whole place anyways? He’d been to the once underground fortress of the dark elves. Only regular elves, though… they did have a rather… naughty way of dress from what he’d seen. Certainly less modest than the average elf of these lands.

“I don’t… while my tutors taught me much, the ways of the Gods was not his strong suit, and thus he decided to leave that to my Father once he’d finished teaching me. Father had been so busy those days…” to his answer Gina just sighed before slipping an arm around him before pulling him into her lap.

“It’s alright, even without Ares, we’re still orcs, orcs under the Maou, and ever since the Maou took charge we’ve been unbeatable ever since,” she said in an almost reassuring tone, and Aerin nodded. 

“Now we best get to the front, and I’ve got the perfect place for you my cute hubby,” she said as her fingers slipped down his body, and started to rub at the plug. Aerin looked up and saw her lewd grin, and felt a flutter in his heart, his breath quickening, and his cock growing hard in his cage. He wondered what she had in store for him this time.


“Mmmmmmh!” Aerin cried out into the ball gag, his groans and moans a constant accompaniment for the entire force of orcs as they moved. Each step from Gina bounced Aerin on her cock, specifically made to let her walk with him impaled on her strap on. Aerin himself was tied to her, his arms behind her back, his legs slipped into holsters and tied there, while the collar was attached to her bra. It left his head between her bountiful breasts as they pressed into the back of his head, and she’d taken to making large bounding steps. Each step bounced him up and down her enchanted strap on, pressing it right into his special place as each bound sent waves of pleasure through him. 

Of course Gina wasn’t just letting her new way of fucking him do all the work as her fingers roamed his form, his heavy balls her main target as she fondled and played with him. He must have cum at least four times now, each time Gina managed to get her mug into place as she filled her cup with his cum. Then came the lewd slurping and the sounds of satisfaction she got as she drank his seed. The sounds made him horny all over again, her enjoyment of his seed hardening his softened cock as he’d started to squirm again, helping Gina fuck him, his embarrassment over being effectively presented as a trophy slowly dying away after over an hour of being fucked by Gina at the front of the war party they’d teleported near the forward fort.

Besides, he’d already been shown off and fucked at the totem at the beginning of his captivity, he’d been paraded around like a slut in a whorish and admittedly hot new outfit. Being fucked at the head of the orcish warband was nothing. All it did was make him hornier, the fact that she was being shown off, humiliated in front of all these orcs, pleasure overriding his senses as Gina showed off her lewd husband. As she showed how easily he was manipulated, controlled. How he was helpless to stop her as she fucked his ass with every step, bringing him to orgasm by merely walking. How pathetic was he to have been reduced to this. 

The fact that it felt great didn’t help what little pride he had left. Rather the pleasure made him want to help her, to fuck himself on her in order to feel more and more of the delicious sensations she was giving him. It felt like his whole body was being taken when he climaxed from his ass. Warmth would flood him more and more as they fucked, spreading the pleasure through his whole body as it all felt amazing. His sensitive body becoming more and more lewd the more he was fucked, the corruption filling him and was no doubt changing him. He’d never reacted as strongly as he did now when Gina would tire of his balls, and instead go for his nipples. They’d stand on end, and her pinches sent shivers through him, small bouts of pleasure almost making him whine as she left his chest alone. His thighs had grown more sensitive as well, and really most of his skin. Gina’s caresses by now had turned into electric touches that made his heart race. 

He wasn’t sure if it was the corruption, or the anticipation of the pleasure she was about to give him every time she held him down, every time she gave him that lewd look. But whatever it was it was working more and more as he grew to crave her. He was getting ruined by her, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to come back from this even if he was rescued. The corruption was already started to press towards his core, altering his mind, his body, and his spirit. He could feel its inky tendrils filling him. The plug had spread it further than before, but even fucking like this, with her strap on pushed enough corruption into him that he found it harder and harder to resist her advances.

Then all of a sudden they stopped. It took long, long moments for Aerin’s eyes to roll back down, and then for his vision to return to focus. He shook his head slightly and blinked the blurriness from his eyes, only to suddenly freeze. They had stopped at an open field in the middle of the woods, a large island in the sea of trees, and across from the field, standing vaguely in the center of it by a pavilion, was his Father. 

Due to their superior elven eyes, he could see his Father clearly. Aerin got nearly all of his features from his Father, to the point that many servants said he looked like a younger doppelganger of the elf. Other than age, the only major difference between himself and his father was that of a large curled moustache which graced his upper lips and the fact that his jaw was more pronounced. As his Father saw Aerin, his eyes widened at seeing… seeing this, how tense he’d suddenly become, how his hand gripped his sheathed sword. Despite all of the corruption, despite how aroused he became at other seeing his sorry state, his Father seeing him made Aerin suddenly desire death. As if all sense returned to him he wanted to escape, to pull himself off of Gina’s cock and flee for the woods. He, he didn’t want his Father to see him like this. Suddenly all his embarrassment returned to him and he had to look away, unable to meet his Father’s shocked gaze, tears slowly gathering in his eyes as his move was swift enough to drag his hair in front of his face. But that look of shock… Had…

Had he not known?

How… how was that possible? Surely his fiancé would have reported he’d gone missing… That had been where he’d been going to when he’d been ambushed… unless.

No, the druids had cut a deal with the orcs, and the McRyan family, the one his fiancé was a part of; there were quite a few druids in that family…

Suddenly it was making far too much sense why his Father had never come for him. 

They moved forth to the pavilion, just the leadership of the horde. The incubi and high orcs, a whole party of them compared to just Father, and two servants. Not even warriors from the looks of it. Other than the sounds of leather shifting and the slight clinking of chainmail bikinis, the only sounds were of foot falls and of Aerin’s little moans as he couldn’t resist the little squeals as his ass continued to be impaled with each of Gina’s long, bouncing strides. 

Then, they all came to a stop.

Aerin had to breathe into Gina’s breasts, panting, his whole body shaking. Her strides having set him on edge, and his Father was right there. There was a roiling in his stomach, and while there was pleasure, there was also a desire to pull his hands and legs out of their bindings, to pull himself off of Gina, and go drown himself in a river. He’d thought all of his modesty gone. Yet it now returned with a noxious sting as his Father no doubt saw how… how pitiful he’d become. He’d thought himself immune to shame and embarrassment now, but here... He felt ready to puke. 

As they stood there, they were both silent for a long time, before Aerin heard the leather of his Father's gloves gripping on his sword. It was still in its sheath though and there was a slight ruffling of cloth. Then Aerin heard his Father whisper to a servant.

“Take my sword inside, before I do something rash with it…” The elven prince heard the servant take the sword away. Aerin knew it was only a symbolic gesture. A great mage like his Father was never truly unarmed… yet he felt Gina relax as the sword was taken away. There was the sound of giggling from one of the incubi.

“Seems like he’s ready to surrender to us, probably looking to get pegged an orc Gee Eff,” the giggling incubi commented. But then Aerin heard his Father speak.

“Silence strange simpleton, I’ve come to speak to your master, not you. Now, Chief Gina Rock Tosser, Uniter of a hundred bands and a captain of the orcish war industry, you have penetrated deep into these lands, your bands assault the outer members of the alliance. Not only that, but you kidnap our people and make them your slaves. I-”

“And? What’s your point? I know all of this. Are you just going to serenade me with my accomplishments elf? I already have my cute husband here for that. Or are you going to get to the point?” Gina asked.

“The point is that I was making before you so rudely interrupted is that I am giving you an ultimatum. I give you seven days to leaves these lands of ours, you will leave all the slaves you have taken, all those who you've corrupted, the treasure you have stolen, or you and any mamono following your banner will be put to the sword.”

“Oh dear you have me quaking in my boots elf. Who are you to demand such a thing?” she asked.

“I am Grand Duke Aedmun of Norphantshire, Leader of the Grand Tree Alliance, Conquer of thirty duchies, destroyer and integrator of the demon realm of Heirstanbus, Hierophant of the Patron of the Grand Tree, Arch Magus of the Eir Forest, and soon to be crowned King of Eir. Not only that, but I am also the Father of the one you seem to have tied to you,” the last part of what Aerin’s Father said was practically spat out, and Aerin could practically hear his scowl.

“Oh my, I guess that means I’ll be calling you Daddy dearest soon,” Gina giggled, though as Aerin peaked out and saw his Father, he didn’t not seem amused in the least bit.

“I wish to speak with my son,” was all he said, deadly serious. 

“You can speak with him here, hmmm, isn’t that right hubby?” Gina asked, shifting a bit, sliding the dildo inside of him just a bit more and stirring Aerin’s insides. He couldn’t help but let out a groan, his head soon enough forced to look at his Father. Yet rather than any kind of judging glare, any kind of expected reaction of disgust in him, or even rage at how weak he was, his Father’s stare was impassive. It said very little as he looked to Aerin.

“I wish to speak with him alone,” was all he said, his tone as hard as iron. The little high orc mage was beside them, riding her husband like Aerin was being forced to ride Gina. Unlike him however, she was practically unbound, and so she leaned over to speak with the war chief.

“He’s just one elf, he can’t do much even if he’s a “grand magus” or whatever. I’m a Sabbat witch so there probably isn’t any harm.”

“I’m more worried he’ll pull some sneaky elf trick. Can’t really be trusted until their fucked good and made into monsters like us,” Gina said back before replying to Aerin’s Father.

“Fine, but you will keep the tent’s flap open where we can see you, and when you are done speaking, I’ll get my husband right back.”

“Agreed,” Aedmun said. As he agreed, Gina reached back and started to undo the various bindings that held Aerin to her, his arms and legs falling forward, before his body weight nearly sent him tumbling forward. Gina had to reach out to grab him before he pull him off her dick, a slight moan coming from him as the sensation sent bits of pleasure through him. Despite his best efforts, he found his knees were weak as Gina gently tried to stand him up. The long journey made if difficult and even painful to try to stand as he nearly fell if not for Gina. Father’s two servants came forth, and they took Aerin in their arms, draping his over their shoulders before helping him along to the tent as Aedmun walked inside. Aerin was brought in a moment after. As promised the tent flaps were not closed. Slowly, his Father’s servants tried to stand Aerin up, letting Aerin regain his legs as while he wobbled a bit from the long ride on… Gina’s dildo, he was able to stand. As soon as he seemed able to stand though, his Father came forth, and embraced Aerin, pulling his son into a deep hug, uncaring of the likely soiled nature of the boy’s garb.

“Oh Patron, I’m so sorry this happened to you,” he said, and Aerin wasn’t even sure what to say or do, so he just hugged his Father back. Though Aerin didn’t quite understand why exactly he was apologising. While before, he’d… well kind of understood that he hadn’t meant to be with Gina, her having come and taken him. Yet, suddenly the thought of being without Gina seemed foreign to him, like… like he got a sudden queezy feeling even considering him being married to someone else. 

But then, they never did marry, had they? Yet as he thought of it, his mind slowly was whisked away, his attention shifting to Gina once more, imagining her in an elven wedding gown, Aerin…

Oh who was he kidding, no doubt he’d be the one in the wedding gown, one more way to humiliate him, to tease him as she donned the wedding suit, usually reserved for elven men. Yet the thought aroused him, no doubt it’d be debauched, the silken dress cut and reduced down, his sexualised naked form underneath revealed, some kind of bondage no doubt, while Mistress would be standing there, her strap on ready. He could imagine their vows, given as she drove her dildo into him, as the orcish witch would hand her the key to his cage. She’d lock an ornate collar around his throat, and…

“Son, are you okay?” his Father asked, and Aerin was snapped back to reality, his lewd thoughts being pulled back, and he couldn’t help the roiling disgust suddenly taking form again in his stomach. He wasn’t supposed to act like this, not with his Father here.

“I-I’m sorry Father, I… I’m being corrupted… I can’t help it, I’m sorry,” Aerin said but his Father shook his head, though he did back away. Aerin tried to preserve some sense of decency as his cock strained in its cage and his nipples had grown hard. 

Though why should he? He will soon be just as debauched. A stray thought entered Aerin’s head, a horrible traitorous one, but it was there.

“Right, clothes, servants, bring my boy a robe,” he said and the servants jumped to obey, pulling from an enchanted chest a royal blue cloak that they draped over Aerin. The boy wrapped it around his lewdly costumed form, smiled and gave thanks to the servants that returned the smile in kind. While they did that, Aedmun had pulled his scabbard off his belt and placed it on the table beside his sword before taking off one of his gloves.

“What of your escort?” Father asked, indicating a chair for Aerin, who gladly took it.

“All corrupted. I don’t know if they are incubi yet, but their cores have all been turned. I felt it in the camp.”

“And yourself?” he asked, almost a hint of trepidation in his voice, almost.

“I… my mana core is still pure, but only for now. The cage… it’s helped Father, though it also has turned me into a… into a degenerate wreck, and how she touches me Father, how… how she uses me. I’m no different from them, even uncorrupted as I am. I… my. With his cage, my base desires are brought forth. With how she uses me, even uncorrupted I can’t help but… enjoy,”

“But you are uncorrupted,” Aedmun said, fixating on that, so Aerin nodded.

“Yes… Yes Father, for now, though I don’t know for how long. Gina… she has me wearing a-,” but Aerin’s Father interrupted him.

“Say no more.” Then his Father grabbed Aerin, holding his chin and head, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and suddenly Aerin felt mana flow into him. He could stop it, and almost instinctively he did, and yet Aerin held his resistance and let his Father’s mana flow into, and through him. 

After a minute of that, Aedmun stopped, and Aerin felt lighter. Lighter than he’d felt in a long time, like chains on his soul he hadn’t know were there had been released. Aerin blinked in surprise before asking: “What did you do?”

“I’ve diluted the corruption and placed a shield around your core; it should give you more time but that is it. Thank the Patron for that cage or your core would be nothing but a black pearl. Now, look to your captor,” and so Aerin did, looking to Gina as she stood there, glaring at his Father. She didn’t move to interrupt, but she was obviously annoyed as her lip curled up and her brow scrunched.

“She’s not happy,” Aerin said and his Father nodded. 

“She’s not, but then it just appears like I’m delaying the inevitable as far as she’s concerned,” Aedmun said before continuing. “Now, what do you feel about her?”

“About Gina?” Aerin asked, and Aedmun nodded. Looking to her again, Aerin considered her. His initial reaction was to denounce her as a disgusting pervert… but then he was one as well, really. Even uncorrupted, he enjoyed… well what she’d done.

“You’re infatuated.” It was a statement from Aedmun, not a question. “I assume she’s been treating you… kindly?”

“Yes… in a way.” 

“Considering her kind… no doubt she’s been engaging in your… dalliances.”

“W- you-”

“Yes I know of your… private activities. I don’t approve, but it has never interfered with your studies. I expect that you might grow out of it… and even if you don’t, you’re already an adult and can make your own mistakes. I just hope that if we are favoured in this war, then Lady McRyan will be willing to humour your… fetishes,” and as he mentioned the family of druids, Aerin froze. While he couldn’t be sure, since it might not have been all of the druids, the McRyans had a significant amount of influence on the druids and with their dryad allies that lived in the forest, or rather, their once allies.

“Father… the druids have betrayed us,” he said looking to his Father who merely raised an eyebrow.

“Is that so? Tell me more,” he asked, so Aerin continued.

“It was during a meeting of Gina’s war council. Gina brought me along, mostly… mostly as a toy, and…” Aerin trailed off, his stomach roiling a bit at the thought of being shown off like that. It still aroused him, but he couldn’t help the disgusted feeling either, of being seen, and shown off like that. 

“Leave out the sordid details if you please, such thoughts should only be shared between lovers,” his Father said and Aerin nodded.

“Suffice to say, they spoke of how they made a deal with the dryads and druids. They obtained their “neutrality” and no longer will assist the alliance in fighting off Gina’s horde,” Aerin said and Aedmun nodded. 

“All the while conveniently not saying a thing about their change in allegiance as they listen in on our plans. Are you sure that they didn’t just feed you some kind of misinformation? Do you think that they perhaps knew that I and my forces were coming to deal with them?” Aerin however shook his head at his Father’s words.

“We-” and Aerin blushed, his arousal rising again as he remembered what they’d been doing before. “No, Gina wouldn’t let us be interrupted like we had been, and she’d been so confident during that war council that nothing could go wrong. I think she was genuine in her surprise that you marched out here.”

As he answered, his Father’s face grew grim, his gloved hand pulling the one side of his moustache straight before letting it go and letting it curl back up once again as he thought. “Then we are betrayed. The McRyans never spoke of your capture to me, or even indicated you’d never made it. I’d merely assumed you’d forgotten to write, and they said you were an upstanding elf who they were glad was courting their daughter. I’ll have to have an army march down there and bring them to justice. All the druids and dryads too if what you say is correct. Not that I would be too terribly surprised if you are. They were never too keen on our patron.”

Aerin could only nod. After all, the dryads tended to the forest of Eir, they would have no doubt known about Aerin’s capture, and by not informing his Father, they’d become complicit, the druids too as they could speak with the trees, they’d know about this as well, or at the very least the McRyans would have.

“I guess that means I’m no longer betrothed,” Aerin said, drawing a smirk from Aedmun.

“No, it seems that you’re not… makes me wonder if our Patron did something that pushed them to perform this… betrayal” Father wondered, though Aerin couldn’t say. While it could just be prejudice on the part of the Dryads and Druids against the Patron, Father had conquered thirty states and brought war to the forests of Eir. That meant siege weapons needed to be constructed, large amounts of lumber required for the repairs after the battles. Even just wood to keep the first in the camps would be enough to annoy the Dryads. Not to mention how Father no doubt would have likely directly intervened if a Dryad raised a hand against his soldiers. He’d never heard of any Dryad incidents on his Father’s campaigns.

But then again, the Patron was odd as well. He desired his Father to create shrines to him in the forests of Eir. They were giant trees certainly not natural to these lands, things that towered above the tree lines, filled with leaves, and bore on them massive pods the size of men. Around the trees he required large areas dug around the trees where water would be channelled, boxes of armaments were to be placed in four sections around the tree as well. That meant that at least a bit of clearing was needed, and the trees themselves were rather efficient at taking nourishment from the ground, efficient enough that for an area around the tree, the woods would begin to die, but not before creeping vines from the tree would rise up on them, as if to strangle them. The dryads couldn’t be happy about those shrines either. 

“Now, back to Gina,” Father said, cutting his wondering short. “It’s clear enough why you are infatuated, but a relationship is built on more than just her trying to mind break my poor boy by appealing to his… fetishes. Tell me, has she at all done more than after care? No doubt she's cuddled with you after having her way with you but, has she done more than that? Has she really spoken with you much, really tried to get to know you?”

“No, she hasn’t Father, but why are you entertaining such an idea? Even if she is… well…”

"Enticing," he said, betraying nothing and Aerin cringed at him saying as such.

"Y-yes," and Aerin's Father gave a long "hmm," his hand coming up to play with his moustache a bit. 

As he did so he looked off out of the tent at Gina. The high orc had turned to mingle with those of the war council that had come. "The reason why I entertain these thoughts is that it could be that you are fated to be with this mamono." 


“Yes, fated. There are a few theories on fate from the diviners we have in our nation. One theory is that fate has shifted now to favour relationships and love, while others hold a far more depressing theory which is that fate has sought fit to serve the demon lord, like so many other forces in this world. Personally, I hope for the former, as otherwise we will fall like so many others in the past. Now as you can guess, if you and this Gina, are fated to be together, then there will be little I can do to stop this beyond killing the both of you. I learned that the hard way.”

“So I am doomed,” Aerin said his voice dower and depressed, even as his loins stirred un bidden at the thought of Gina. 

“Not necessarily. We have no way of knowing what you are fated, or if fate even exists. But if fate does exist, and fate wants you two together, that does not mean that we can not take advantage of the situation.”

“So what you’re going to marry me off to stave off war with the orcs?” Aerin asked but his Father shook his head.

“As if that would work, no you can not bribe barbarians like them without it eventually leading to ruin, and besides, I wasn’t talking about political machinations, though those could be possible... No what I mean is that I think you ought to see about regaining some of your dignity. You do not have to be the meek broken in slave that I saw you’d nearly been reduced to. But first you must gain her respect.”

“Gain her respect, how?”

"Fight her. No doubt now that I have filled you with my pure mana you now have the willpower to resist her. The retribution for your rebellion will no doubt be swift and brutal, but if you can emerge uncorrupted from her corrective measures, then you might begin to gain some respect in her eyes and. In the end, even if this war ends in our destruction and all that is left of us is corrupted husks of those we used to be, then at least you my son will be more than just a slave."

“And if I am corrupted?” Aerin asked.

“Then at least you will have drawn her attention away from the war,” Aerin’s Father said. “With that shield around your core, it would take a great amount of time and effort to magically corrupt you, and it’d leave her distracted. If she wastes all of her time with you, then it will give us time to sort out who is friend and who is foe within our ranks, and clean house. If you can distract her enough that it seriously hampers her ability to pay attention to the war, I’ll make an exception for you and her when the time comes. There is a lovely little island in the bay that you and Gina may reside upon. The navy can keep you supplied, and I shall even provide a servant to serve each and every one of your needs. But to achieve this, you’d still need to fight back and earn her respect.”

"But how would I fight back?" Aerin asked and his Father merely shrugged.

"You'll have to find some way. Don't use your magic, it will draw power away from the shield and allow them to corrupt you easier. With a band of orcs so haphazardly gathered they can't have so much discipline to not at least have left some kind of weapon around. Perhaps a forgotten club or... a sword, left so carelessly unguarded on a table. So easily stolen..."

"You mean for me to-"

"That is up to you, I will not break my word, you will have to go back to Gina, even if I have to force you… But perhaps, you might not have to suffer such a humiliating exit? Earning enough respect to not be worn as a trophy would be a start," his Father said, leaning back in his chair, before Gina called out from where she was.

"Are you done? I want to have some fun with my husband!" Gina called out as she stood there with her hips cock and a hand on her hip. Her one hand was stroking her strap on, the thing sliding up and down it, almost like she was jerking herself off as she stared towards them. All at once, Aerin felt a cold dread... and a warm arousal fill him, hot and cold suddenly doing battle as his arousal warred with his newly rediscovered sense of self respect. His hole twitched, his cock started to grow hard in its cage, while the icy feeling of dread filled his belly with butterflies that brought out a cold sweat. Aering swallowed and looked to his Father, Aedmun pretended to look away, one eye still watching him, and then whispered.

"It is up to you my boy." Yet while he said it, Aerin couldn't help but also think of the army his Father had gathered, all those eyes staring at him, watching him be violated. It'd... it'd be crushing, it'd have to be. Besides, he had no desire to be bound to Gina, being bounced around on her cock as they walked, a trophy for her to display to all who saw as he was fucked more and more.

Okay some desire...

Yet, he also had a duty to the Duchy, to his Father as well. Not to mention being respected would be nice, to be more than just some high orc's sex slave waiting on her every whim with no will of his own.

"Come on hubby," Gina said as she started to walk forward towards the tent. Aerin got up from his seat, but in an instant grabbed his Father’s sword and stepped out from the tent. Once outside, he pointed it towards the High Orc. Seeing this she stopped, and all those she'd been speaking to froze as well. Hands went to weapons and spells as Gina's expression darkened, and her hand lazily fell on her weapon as well.


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 Crystal and Her Sissy Brother (Worm)

Felt like writing a thing or two for Locktober.


Discovery for a sissy still in the closet almost always is a horrifying experience. There is first the shock of someone walking in during their private time. Usually as they are masturbating, so there is a sudden rush as fight or flight takes over. Then there is the horror, a deeper kind than just someone accidentally walking in while they are jerking it, though often there is that too. Doubly so if it’s while having some anal fun. Then there is the embarrassment of being caught, of a family or friend seeing how much of a degenerate the sissy is. All of these culminated into one as the door was bashed open and Eric Pelham, also known as the teenage hero Shielder, froze as suddenly his sister there. She could see everything, there was nothing that he could hide from her. She could see his pink chastity cage, the cheap pink lingerie he was wearing, the ballgag in his mouth, the collar that said sissy bitch, and the dildo he’d been bouncing on in his lust. 

I’m fucked, was all he could think as the sissy porn played in front of him, as a metronome beat into his ear, with his sister there, standing in the door way. 

Then he noticed something on his sister. Something long, thick, and hanging from her hips. The hero looked to his sister, and he felt a shock go through his core, his ass clenching around his dildo as he saw the strap on, hanging from her waist. Slowly he looked up, and saw Crystal was almost completely naked except for the strap on, and a smug smile adorning her face. Seeing his expression, Crystal giggled as she sauntered in, her hips swaying too and fro, a hand pushing the door shut as she walked up to her brother. Once more, Eric had no idea how to respond other than whimper as she got closer to him. Crystal meanwhile put a hand on her brother’s head, and petted it like was her pet.

“Poor Erica, all locked up,” she said, her grin turning into an almost sympathetic smile. She looked to Eric’s tv and saw the kind of porn he was watching, and she was close enough to hear the metronome, and could see the indicator of a dildo on the screen to show when to bounce on the dildo he had. As she saw this, her smile turned to a grin.

“Oh what a good sissy slut you are Erica, training your ass,” as Crystal said this, her hands cupped Eric’s balls, giving them a light squeeze as she felt his cage. “But I think I got a better idea, pause it and then get on all fours.”

Holy shit this can’t be happening, Eric thought as he followed his sister’s instructions, got on all fours and reached for the remote almost too quickly as he nearly smacked the remote away. It was only his forcefield that stopped the remote from being pushed out of reach. As he did so, Eric couldn’t keep his breath calm. This… this was like something out of a lewd fantasy, something that one read about and jerked off to online. Already his heart was beating faster, his caged cock twitching as he paused the video. Crystal meanwhile had stood up straight, only to move behind him. He heard her kick his dildo away, leaving only her behind him, her and her strap on. Then she fell upon him, her body pressing into his, her breasts pressing into his back. Eric’s cock twitched again in its cage, his ass clenched a bit, almost trying to suck something in as his hips kept shaking with each small twitch. One hand though reached up, and pulled off Eric’s ball gag, letting it fall to the floor.

“Not ready for the ball gag yet, maybe when we can trust each other more,” she said, and Eric nodded. As he did so, Crystal grabbed the remote before pulling back, while her other hand started to slid around Eric’s ass. Eric tensed up as she did so, not sure how to react to her touch. Where ever she touched from her breasts against his back for a brief moment to her hand, it was like a fire was blooming across his skin. Her fingers especially as she slid them between his legs, stroking his thighs, making him twitch as she teased him. It was pushing his heart into his throat and, making him short of breath. At the same time, he felt his sister’s strap on smacking the top of his ass as he waited on all fours. He could feel her dildo was already lubed up, and so was his ass. 

“Are you ready?” she asked, and Eric had to swallow before he could answer. 


“Yes what?”

“Yes Mistress,” as he said it, for some reason he only got harder in the cage he was using, his ass clenched a bit, and he had to take a shuddering breath. He could feel himself nearly start to drool as his blood continued to try to rush to his loins. Even though he’d said it so many times in front of a hypno, for some reason, this time there was a reaction, this time, as he was bent over ready to have his sister of all people take him, it aroused him more than anything else ever had.

“Mmmmh, good Erica, now lets get ready you ready, was there a pause before this?” she asked, and Eric nodded.

“Uh, a minute back… Mistress,” he said, dropping his head, and yet his blush must be nuclear as Crystal giggled before rubbing his butt again.

“Such a good girl,” Crystal said, and Eric smiled, a swell of happiness entering him that he almost worried that Vicky had entered the room. 

Is this what having a mistress is like? He wondered as Crystal scrolled back a bit, before finding the area where there was a pause.

“Now I hope you’re ready, because we’re about to have some fun,” she said then started the video.

The beat started off slow. Just another warm up. The previous section had been slow too, but now it was going to speed up, by quite a lot. Eric’s breath was already haggard and breathy with anticipation, his caged cock hard as could be, and his ass practically begged for cock. 

The first thrust was delicious. A sensual sensation was sent through Eric’s ass, the strap on his sister had filled him up as she slid into him for the first beat. Eric let out a breathy squeek as the faux cock slid across his prostate. Her dildo was far larger than his. His was only just bigger than his usual cock, while hers, hers was probably modeled after some porn star, the thing was thick and almost as long as his forearm. 

“You like that sissy?” Crystal asked, and Eric nodded, before responding:

“Yes- yes Mistress~!” he said, barely able to catch his breath, a smile spreading across his face. Already his clitty twitched in its cage, he could feel a bit of pre already starting to drip from it. This couldn’t be real, and yet, it was. The second beat came, and once more Crystal slid into his ass, the cock once more pressing into his prostate, fireworks of pleasure being sent off into his mind as Eric swallowed again to keep from drooling. 

As the video went on however, Crystal sped up with it. The speed increases were rapid, going from a single slow thrust in to a sudden burst of rapid fucking. Crystal thrust into her brother as fast as the video asked. Pleasure sparked as they continued with each round, his sister thrusting into his core, filling his ass with her cock as Eric at first tried to hide his moaning before giving up. Soon enough his moans filled the room as he let out little high pitched squeaks with each thrust. He felt a bit of pressure behind his cock at the same time as she thrust, her toy filling him and making him feel better than the first time he’d actually hit his p-spot. 

By accident, Eric fell, his hands slipping on the carpet as his sister kept pounding away at him. His chest hit the floor, but as he tried to get up, he felt the tell tale force field of his sister pressing into his back, keeping him there.

“I think I like this better, stay like this my slutty sissy sister,” she said, and then as she did, she shifted back there. Eric didn’t look away, but when the next wave of thrusts came, she started thrusting down straight into his prostate, the thrusts long and powerful. Despite himself he moaned louder than any of the other times, and with a twitch of his clit, he felt a small spurt of pre spill out from his dick as she finished the wave. 

“Holy…” Eric said, and then he started to recognise the coming part. It was the final wave of this section, a long, drawn out series of rapid fire fucking that went on for at least two minutes. Eric’s breath came out faster, he swallowed again as more drool came. This was it. As the last wave of this section came, Eric tried to prepare himself, but as Crystal slammed down into his ass, he cried out again, pleasure erupting from his p-spot as Crystal pounded his poor pecker with her faux phallus. She slammed into him easily, and must have been throwing her weight in with it as each slam of her cock nearly drove Eric into the ground. Eric’s eyes rolled up and his mouth hung open. Drool finally slipped form his mouth as he continued to moan while his sister continued to thrust. The pressure behind his cock started to increase more and more, a little bit extra with each thrust. Meanwhile Eric’s cock twitched and bounced, pre dripping and flying all over as Crystal fucked his ass. 

Then Eric’s eyes widened as his pleasure peaked, and then went even farther, pushing him into nirvana. Somehow, the climax of pleasure and wondrous sensation bloomed from his ass, making his hips and torso shake. His head vibrated as his face contorted into an expression of agonising pleasure. His whole body started to shift and shudder from the feeling. Eric’s dick felt more incredible than anything he’d ever done while his ass was the centerpiece of sensation as Crystal’s thrusts grew more powerful with each thrust. With each pound it was like a climax was firing off from his ass and enveloping his whole body in pleasure. Eric’s focus drifted away from everything else, the pleasure he was feeling the only thing he could focus on as Crystal fucked him more and more while he felt something dribbling from his cock the whole time. At some point Crystal’s fingers holding his hips slid down and one warm hand wrapped around his cage, fondling his balls and giving them a squeeze, before she pulled her hand up and brought them to his mouth. Without hesitation as they were brought to his face, Eric started to lick and suckle at her fingers, and a salty sensation spread through his mouth as Eric greedily slurped up his own cum, moaning as he did so.

Then with a final thrust Crystal drove her whole dildo into Eric one last time, before leaving it there, and falling heavily to her knees. Meanwhile Eric was a wreck. He literally slid off his sister’s dildo, his caged dick landing in something wet as Eric lay there, unable to move, a happy grin on his face as he lay there. He heard Crystal giggle at him but he paid her no mind, his head still clouded with a lustful fog. However, he started to come to when Crystal slid up onto him, her naked breasts pressing into the pink body sock he’d slipped on. 

“Bet you liked that didn’t you?” she asked, and eventually Eric answer.

“Yeah… wow… I… I sissygasmed,” and Crystal giggled to his response. 

“Well I’m glad I could give it to you, so… staying locked up all October right?” she asked, and Eric nodded as best he could on the ground.

“Good, but just to make sure, I’ll need to see those keys of yours, just to make sure you stay locked like a good sissy,” she said and Eric couldn’t be happier. 

While discovery was usually terrifying, it looks like he’d managed to luck out.

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 Entry 6: Queen Slime


Bill stared out from the balcony of the keep ruins he and his wife resided in. he looked out to the forest beyond, and even further, towards the small village he’d once called home. Of course, these days, he couldn’t really go back, not how he was now. His immense cock and balls would be a dead give away to his new nature and bring the Order a knocking. Not to mention how Solar couldn’t stand to be without him.

Letting out a satisfied sigh, Bill stared down at his lovely wife, her main form, the “Queen” form of the immense slime worshipping his cock. Her tongue was as long as it needed to be, and she licked his mutated member with a fervour that no woman back in the village could likely produce even for the Chief God. He looked down to her and gave her a smile, then watched as she blushed a deep blue at his direct attention while two of her other bodies from the side slid in. Two sex forms, ready for his attention once again. Bill chuckled a bit at his wife while she opened her mouth wide and enveloped his head, her breasts rose up to slide across a his shaft near the tip of his gargantuan meat pillar. Were she anything other than a slime then she might have had trouble with its immense size and girth, but she took it easily, pressing down on it in a way that teased his head perfectly while her warm breasts added to the feeling. Meanwhile the two other bodies approached with nothing but the suggestion of straps amplifying their sexual features, all fake of course, but none the less he did appreciate them. They dropped to their knees in the thick coat of slime covering the floor of the ruined keep. Their hands fell on his cock, their faces driving forth and beginning to lick his dick from each side up and down, helping her main form worship him with their bodies. After all, Solar’s first form surrounding her core got the privilege of servicing his lower head. 

Groaning a bit, Bill placed a hand on his wife’s head, not trying to control her but rather to have something to hold onto. Her hands, her tongue, all she was doing felt great, surrounded on all sides by his Queen slime, teasing him to amplify their fun. Solar’s form was already white from how much he’d fucked her last night, his essence not yet able to spread to the rest of her body, but it would soon enough. Already streams of it were being dragged away from her Queen form to the rest of her body. 

Thank the Maou for my balls, Bill thought as he felt another form starting to take shape below him. Then he felt the feeling of two arms wrapping around his prodigious sack, another sex form pressing into him. She hugged his watermelon sized junk. Her hands as they swirled around them, pressing lightly against them felt heavenly, and earned a giggle from one of his wife’s forms as his cock twitched from them playing with him.

Soon enough he wouldn’t be able to take it any more as his cock kept twitching. Then as he heard the sound of something taking shape behind him, and knew it was time. With his new found incubus strength, Bill gripped the heads of the two sexy forms and pushed them away and aside. Then he thrust forth, surprising Solaris’ queen form by thrusting through her face, before pulling back and away from her. Surprised, Solaris looked to her husband as he grinned at her and then came in low, dragging the sex form clinging to his balls along with him as his hands took Solaris’ queen form’s immense breasts into his hands, squeezed down on them, before he kept pushing and sent her form toppling, with him on top. 

Bill didn’t need to be careful, his wife was always ready for him as he collapsed on top, his dick sliding into her warm embrace. She was always perfect, tight and welcoming with enough slickness to let him slide past the resistance. Not only that, but he could never hurt her, not like he did with his first girlfriend before they broke up. Even then his member had been oversized, though now it doesn’t matter. 

As Bill thrust in every form froze, their faces gasping as he drove his cock into Solar, his jumbo prick having tapped against the core in her belly and it sent a ripple of pleasure throughout the entire slime covered keep. Grinning even harder, Bill went further and kissed his wife, pushing his tongue to invade her mouth as he continued to grope her chest while pulling out.

The thrusts came like lightning, Bill’s enhancements letting him not only thrust in harder with his mutated cock, but also faster as he grunted into his wife’s mouth. She quivered with every thrust as the pleasure going through Solaris spread across the whole slime kingdom to all those connected to the keep. Solaris’ moans were music to his ears as her blush turned full body while her other forms moaned from their connected senses. 

As he thrust, Bill felt another slime form sliding up against his balls, pressing against them from another angle as well with their hands and breasts, licking him all over while he felt something else come up behind him.

Like he had with the Queen form, Solaris had her knight fall onto him as well, mimicking his style as she pressed her bouncy and bulbous breasts into his back. Though at the same time, he felt something familiar sliding into his ass. His cock jumped inside of Solaris, slapping her core again as his wife moaned through all her forms. He could feel his ass being spread out, the slime form on his back making sure he achieved the maximum possible pleasure. 

Soon enough their thrusting synchronized so that no matter what Bill did he felt pleasure. As he pulled out from the Queen form, the knight thrust in, the faux cock pressing into somewhere he’d never considered before, an intense sensations flying through his dick as he backed into the knight while she made her own member vibrate and shift at random. Then he’d thrust into the Queen form, his cock fully enveloped by the magical feeling of her undulating and vibrating pussy. As they kept fucking, Bill couldn’t help his voice as he started to cry out in unison with Solaris, adding his own manly voice to the cacophony of delighted feminine cries. Sexual bliss ruled the day once more in the ruins of the keep as Bill’s eyes started to lose focus, as he started to feel that welling up in his balls as they kept getting massaged. His grunts coming out faster.

“Fuck, gonna cum!” he cried out, and in a few thrusts, he knew he’d gone beyond the point of no return. He pulled all the way back, before in a mighty thrust he rammed himself back in, while the knight herself did the same with him. the vibrations of both Solaris’ cock and pussy pushed him overboard and he was paralysed for a moment as everywhere started to twitch. White hot jizz spurt into Solar’s queen form while his balls contracted up and the intensity of his spasming forced his body to make little thrusts while Bill’s mind went blank from the sexual ecstasy blasting every thought away.

Bill’s respite from consciousness only lasted about a second before Bill once more began to thrust properly back into his Queen once more. He wasn’t done, not by a long shot.


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 Earning Some Pocket Money (Naruto)

Premise: Even with his healing factor, sometimes Naruto gets hurt enough that the old lady bans him from ninja duties for a while! The nerve! Though, in truth, he doesn’t mind too much. It lets him slip back into an old and very fun pass time of his that let him get the funds for quality ninja tools.


Naruto leaned back on the corner of his street; his Sexy jutsu in place, the clothing he’d bought was all clean and did well to accentuate his very feminine form. His orange skirt barely hid his lower parts and it certainly let people get a nice look at his ass even without bending over. All the while his orange top was strained to keep his nice juicy breasts held up as the buttons strained heroically to keep him “modest.” Not only that but he’d gone the extra mile and with his extra money from missions, had gone out and bought himself something to “invest” in his off duty hobby. Now, he had some tall high heeled boots to go along with his orange and black striped stockings and arm length gloves. Then as a cherry on top, he also was wearing a leather collar with a D-ring dangling from it. He did have a chocker he could wear instead, but the clientele he’d managed to gather over the years were on the kinkier side so they’d appreciate this much more, especially after how long he’d been gone.

Not that he’d be opposed to offering himself to someone new. After all, a new person could be fun to enjoy for a bit. Just so long as they were okay with his package downstairs. Though maybe he could change that in the future. Sakura was learning under Tsunade to be a med nin, so maybe he could borrow one or two of her text books on female anatomy and give someone the full Naruko experience. But then, the Naruko experience was what he had right now anyways.

Maybe a new form would be good for that?

Of course, he wasn’t the only Naruko out on the streets, just across from him was a clone of his, plying the same trade, offering herself to a man passing by, pressing her breasts into him and having her voice go all low and sultry. Naruto watched the show, his cock hardening a bit as he knew the clone’s own was doing as well. Made small of course, after all, some of his clients loved the idea of him being small and pathetic down there and all sexy up top, except for one or two. Those ones wanted the whole thing, both his sexy and feminine body and his nice big hard cock to suck on as he dominated them, so he usually just had two sexy jutsu’s up, one for his lovely body, and the other for his-

Then Naruto heard a clacking sound as something small and metallic latched onto his collar, and he felt a pull from the side. He made surprised sound as he was pulled a bit before someone grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. Naruto made a sound but quickly closed his eyes getting right into the kiss his hands moving to explore this person, and was surprised it was a woman, feeling her breasts pressing up against his before he grabbed onto one. His other hand going for their ass and found this woman had quite the tush. As he squeezed a bit the woman, no girl, squeaked a bit, and Naruto opened his eyes to see Hinata groping and touching him. The shy girl of all things! For a moment, Naruto decided to take charge, trying to push forward, to sweep her off her feet and maybe even touch her down there, but she resisted.

Instead of him taking charge, the heiress instead pulled the collar backwards, chocking Naruto lightly before smacking his leg and having one nearly fall out from under him as she instead went in for the deep kiss. She held him close as she deepened their kiss, her tongue surging forth into his mouth. It was like an electric current was running through Naruto and he knew his transformed dick was just barely poking out, poking the Hyuuga heiress in the leg as it slid between his leg and lightly pressed against his crotch. Naruto moaned a bit as he fell into his enjoyable routine. He hadn’t expected Hinata to be so dominant, but he’d experienced some pretty unexpected things when he did his little money making hobby.

Eventually though, of course one of his clones broke the moment as he heard her cheering.

“Heck yeah Hinata, show her who’s boss!” she said as Naruto felt Hinata giggle a bit before pulling back, bringing Naruto up by the collar as the two pulled away from each other’s kiss. Naruto gave the Naruko a look but the clone was entirely unrepentant, grinning from ear to ear before running off, doing a ninja jump to mock him as well. Since she was a clone, she didn’t need to listen to the old lady unlike him. No, he had to wait until his injuries “fully healed” before he could go back to doing ninja stuff, even though they had. Of course he could try to ignore her, but she always knew. But whatever, she was just fussing over him and he didn’t mind it that much. Naruto just shook his head before looking to Hinata. 

“My clone already told you the deal?” he asked to which Hinata nodded. Like usual she was all red, but this time Naruto was pretty sure it wasn’t from the usual fever that Hinata regularly had but rather this time from being all horny. After all, why else would she seek him out? Then again, why would she seek him out when she had a fever anyways? Ah well, she’s just like that sometimes he guessed.

“We’ll head back to a place I rented for the night, oh, and uh… I… I have something you need to wear,” Hinata said, her blush growing even redder than before as she reached into her hoodie and pulled a chastity cage.

“Nu-uh, I did that once before and the guy wouldn’t let me cum for a week, and then kept me locked up for a month after he changed the rules on me before he finally let me out after I made all my clones stop fucking him, and I started to refuse him as well,” Naruto said, crossing his arms, which incidentally pushed his breasts up. 

“Please? Father won’t let me be with someone like you unless you wear it, and he’ll know, it’ll just be for the night, and you can have the key,” Hinata said holding up two keys before holding one out for him to have.

Well in that case. Naruto took one of the keys before making a clone of himself, this one a non sexy clone, and passed the key to his other self. 

“Keep it safe, I don’t want a repeat of last time,”

“Okay boss, I know where to keep it,” the clone said before jumping off and rubbing in his face that the old lady had forbid him from doing ninja stuff. God damn clones. 

“You’re not keeping it on you?” Hinata asked, and for a moment Naruto expected her to object, but instead he saw a dangerous glint in her eyes and a slight upturning of her mouth.

Maybe her Father isn’t forcing her then, though it doesn’t matter now. If she wanted to have a kinky fun time with him, then whatever, so long as she wasn’t trying to turn him into her personal… well it wouldn’t be a cum dump since she doesn’t have a dick, so sex slave. 

“Nah, you’re a friend, so I’ll put my trust in you, Mistress,” he added the last part, and couldn’t help his ear to ear grin as Hinata’s face lit up like a tomato, but thankfully she didn’t pass out, instead breathing hard as she tried to calm down. Damn, she really isn’t doing well. Maybe they could arrange something to help her deal with lewdness. After all, it wouldn’t do for a ninja who specialised in seduction getting Hinata to pass out just like that in the middle of a fight. 

Eventually though, she finally seemed to calm down a bit, but her smile never lowered. It looked like this was the happiest time in her life as she looked at him. Though now she lifted up the hand with the collar, and tugged at it a bit while she turned around. 

“C-come on then, Narut- s-slave,” she said, her stutter adorable as Naruto had to fight to keep from giggling at her. 

God she is adorable!


They arrived at the apartment that Hinata had apparently rented out with some of her allowance. 

Imagine having that kind of money, Naruto thought as he walked into the apartment following Hinata still by the collar. Hinata hadn’t really wanted to be seen so she’d swept Naruto up into a bridal style carry, and had carried them both off; Hinata hidden under a cloak looked like any other ninja enjoying their time with a whore after a mission. Which in truth, really was what Hinata was doing.

Still pulling Naruto along by the collar, Hinata drew her in and Naruto had to whistle as he looked the place. Despite it being a place being rented for a bit, the apartment was kind of swanky, especially compared to his. His own was just a simple one room thing while this place had more than just a single room and a bathroom. It had to have at least three or four rooms! 

“Nice place you got here, Mistress,” Naruto said, the last word rolling off his tongue in a sultry way as he walked up behind Hinata, sliding his arms around her, causing her to gasp a bit as his taller form enveloped her and pressed his breasts and jutsu’d micro dick into her. He didn’t fondle her, that might break whatever idea of dominance she might have had, but just embracing her, and making her horny? Totally on the table as her face grew redder and her breathing became heavier. So cute and adorable. 

As he hugged her however she pulled away from him, and tried to catch her breath, trembling a bit, her legs rubbing together before swallowing, then looking right at him.

“Go-go to the bedroom and wait for me there,” she said, a slight tremble in her stuttering voice, even so, Naruto bowed deeply to her. After all, she wanted the full master slave experience… probably, and she’d likely pay him handsomely for it, not that he really charged extra for that kind of stuff. 

“Yes Mistress, I’ll wait you there~,” he said in a sing song voice as he sauntered off, making sure to sway his hips like so many of his clients loved. 

Entering into the bedroom, Naruto sat on the bed, wondering what exactly Hinata had planned. She wanted him to wear a chastity cage for some reason, so they’d likely be playing with toys. She’d likely want him to eat her out as his cock strained against the cage or something like that. Though that would already kind of happen if he kept the sexy jutsu on his dick going as well. Micro dicks aren’t exactly useful for much after all. 

As he thought on their fun, he heard the door slide open. Naruto looked up, and smiled. Definitely having fun with toys then, as Hinata entered, not only had she stripped to just a set of sexy underwear that didn’t hide her private places at all. The underwear instead showed them off, her nipples poking out of holes in the bra, and the only thing hiding her modesty down below, was the thick dildo handing from straps on her waist.

So she’s one of those, fun! Picking his feet of the ground, Naruto lifted them up onto the bed and spread his ass, looking over the rise of his breasts at Hinata and made a desperate looking expression.

“Please Mistress, I’ve been so horny lately, I need your thick dick,” he said while adding a cute little pout at the end, laying it on a bit thick and being a little campy, not that Hinata seemed to mind. She almost seemed want to jump him right there, her hands twitching as they lifted up a bit before stopping herself, and bringing forth the cage, and what looked like a glass of ice cubes.

“Naruto, can, can you, undo the henge on your penis, please?” she asked, and with a thought, Naruto did so. His micro dick poofing away in a puff of smoke to reveal his hard cock standing tall and proud. Hinata’s blush grew worse and her breathing grew ragged from seeing it, the pampered girl likely not seeing too many dicks in her day, but now she could, and it was obviously overwhelming the girl as she reached down, and touched it. Naruto cringed a bit as her one hand was really cold from holding the glass of ice, and she quickly pulled that one away, but her other hand. Most clients didn’t want to touch him down there, except for a few. Though if they did, they usually would jerk him off with a finger or two, which did admittedly feel good when he applied his sexy jutsu on his dick, but actually touching the full thing felt far, far better. To show his appreciation, Naruto let out a small moan for Hinata’s sake, and her smile widened before her mouth opened a bit. For a moment, he thought that she was about to go down on him, and suck him off.

But she didn’t, restraining herself. Hinata pulled back before she reached down and brought up a cold looking ice cube from the cup bellow. The moment she touched his dick with the ice cube, Naruto couldn’t help but gasp as the cold block was slowly slid along his dick, the cube never left in any one place and just kept moving. Slowly Naruto could feel his dick shrinking, losing its girthiness and slowly shrunk down. Some might have been surprised at its shrinkage; some men definitely were, but not Hinata. Rather she just kept continuing, the ice keeping his dick down as Hinata grabbed the cage now that he was only about half chub, and started to assemble the cage. 

The thing was made of metal, and thankfully wasn’t cold due to sitting in Hinata’s hand for a bit. With both hands, Hinata assembled it rather quick as she pulled his dick and balls through the base ring of the cage before she slid on the solid cage itself. Then with a final click, it was done, and Naruto’s dick was locked away so he couldn’t get the heiress pregnant even if he wanted to now. He expected the girl to be overjoyed, but Hinata made an almost disappointed sound as she caressed his caged cock. Pushing himself up so that he could actually see his caged cock over his breasts, Naruto looked down at Hinata, her hand holding the cage while her other hand fondled his balls, providing a bit of delight but not much even as his dick started to press against the cage. 

Surprisingly, the cage fit really well. He barely had any room to expand, and what little he could wasn’t uncomfortable at all. Not like the last cage. The last cage from the one man was too large, and he could still get kind of hard in that one.

Looking at Hinata, she certainly looked disappointed, looking longingly at the caged meat in her hand. She looked up at him and smiled a bit before standing up to look down at him, seemingly ready now. Hinata’s hands shifted as she grabbed Naruto’s hips, and pressed the dildo against Naruto, and now it seems that they were about to begin their fun.

“Puh-please Mistress, I can’t take it any more, stick your big hard cock in me~!” Naruto said in an exaggerated, needy tone. His sexy forms voice adding just the right tone of need to sound like some depraved slut who couldn’t be without her “mistress’” cock filling them. It drove the men wild, and seemingly Hinata as well as her blush darkened, and her nose started to bleed a bit, but she wiped it away and held up her cock to his ass. 

The thing had already been lubed up before, but rather than attack him directly, Hinata pushed forth and slid the dildo past his dick while from the side, she grabbed a bottle from an end table, and poured some of the stuff onto her hand. It was without a doubt lube, especially judging by the hearts on the bottle and the smell coming from it. 

Leaning down, Naruto felt Hinata’s lubed hand and fingers start to press into his ass, sliding in without much trouble as she used her other hand to reach forward while her shorter body pressed against his, her hand pushed against Naruto’s far bigger breasts, gripping one of his tits, before she gently squeezed it. 

“Naruto, I’m going to-to fill you up. I’m-I’m going to fuck you with- with my big thick dick,” she said in an almost out of breath way, her tone almost sounding like she was living a dream.

“Please Mistress, please fuck this slut. Fill my ass until it can’t take anymore, fuck my bitch button and make me yours Mistress,” Naruto said, going along with the foreplay, pushing himself down closer to her with his hands as he pushed his head down, but failed to kiss her. Thought that didn’t seem to matter as her heart sped up all the same and her fingers pushed in harder and faster. Thankfully, despite his time away from this job, he still wasn’t as tight as he used to be when he first started this kind of stuff, and like riding a bike, his ass never truly forgot. She’d already gotten three fingers in now, finger fucking his asshole, the pads of her hands sliding up and down his prostate, knowing exactly where his p-spot was as she played with him. 

Holy fuck, she-she’s good! Naruto could help but think as Hinata kept pressing against his special spot as she made his legs writhe against her form while his dick twitched and pleasure bloomed in his ass spiralling up his spine and filling his head as the lust started to fill his head. The lust fogged his thoughts, and left the only clear thoughts left were ones regarding sexual delight, how to receive it, and how to give it. 

“Please Mistress, please fuck me,” Naruto pleaded, this time being genuine, as the teasing, the pleasure from his ass while great, was nothing compared to what it could be, and how it would feel as she slid her nice thick strap on into him. He wanted it, to feel her slide into him and fuck him deeply, to bring him pleasure while they touched each other, while he wrapped his legs around her and helped her fuck him, the cage rattling between them as they fucked. 

“Okay-okay Naruto, here, here I come!” Hinata said as she pulled back from him, her hand then leaving his ass before he felt her cock pressing against his ass. She didn’t wait long as she pushed in, the cock opening him up and spreading him out. Naruto moaned as she slid into him. While he’d done it in the past, his ass had still had some time to recover, and it was enough to change this size of cock from something he could take easily, to something magical. How it spread him felt amazing, his ass opening for her while blooms of pleasure shot through him, and that was before she even got to his-

“Gha~! Ah, oh~!” Naruto cried as he couldn’t help but close his eyes, and his legs coming together around Hinata. Her big thick cock that filled him so fully finally smashing against his prostate. Hinata’s cock was filling him up and pressing hard against his special spot, applying pressure which translated to pleasure in his mind as his cock bounced wildly, the lock on the cage clinking around while his ass clenched around Hinata’s strap on. His breathing grew ragged as she kept fucking him, sawing in and out, mauling his breasts, her face completely red with a blush as the blood continued to drip from her nose. Yet Hinata didn’t seem to care as there was a look of absolute joy on her face as she fucked him her moans mixing with his as he cried out while being fucked. his girlish Naruko voice reached up higher and higher as he cried out in ecstasy while Hinata hit him right where he loved it.

“Oh God mistress, thank you~!” he cried out as the pleasure continued to explode in him with every thrust, the vicious pounding making his legs go limp as Hinata pulled back from his breasts while his legs fell, and instead grabbed his legs. She grabbed Naruto by his knees and pushed them up, easily forcing them due to his sexy forms greater flexibility up by his head. 

“Naruto, Naruto, this is, this is the best day of my life!” Hinata cried out as she continued to fuck him, filling his hole as she kept increasing in speed, and he could even feel a bit of chakra being used as well, boosting the power of her body as her thrusts kept sliding into him deeper and deeper while she went faster and faster. It was like a constant barrage of pleasure that assaulted his ass, his own regeneration helping keep his ass tight and never let the force of her assault damage him, leaving only pleasure as Naruto started to feel that strange, almost-cumming sensation. The sensation right as he reached climax, and he cried out in elation as he felt his cock twitch, and yet the feeling never subsided, continuing on and on while his eyes rolled up and his mouth opened wide, his mind unable to process the pleasure as the sexual delight he felt increased four fold as it suddenly felt like his whole body was orgasming, and soon enough his vision went white as pleasure filled his mind and became his world. 

His mind was breaking, Hinata was mind breaking him, just like in that hentai he read~!

“Hinata! I’m breaking, you’re breaking my mind,” he screamed out as she kept pounding him and more and more, filling it with so much pleasure that he’d never be able to live without her strap on again. As she kept fucking him, Hinata grabbed hold of Naruto’s hands, taking both of them in her own hands, intertwining their fingers as she leaned down. Naruto couldn’t focus long enough to see her face, but the rapturous expression he saw for a moment was enough as she leaned down, continuing to thrust into him as she kissed him on the lips, her tongue sliding in as they battled while she continued to fuck him silly. Then she pulled away.

“Then break my beautiful Naruto, break for me and become my slave~” Hinata said to him before they kissed once more and Naruto closed his eyes, their fucking continuing on and on into the night, Hinata never stopping for a moment as she destroyed his mind with the most amount of pleasure he’d ever felt in his life. Were he a regular human, he’d have never survived, but his demonic regeneration saved him and allowed the pleasure to continue on well into the night until finally, with a final slam into him, Hinata collapsed onto Naruto. 

The two were breathing hard, hugging each other while a massive pool of cum filled the bed, soaking the sheets, and filling the room with its scent. Completely exhausted, it was all Naruto could do to try and pull himself and Hinata away from the completely soaked part of the bed before they fell asleep. Before they did though, Hinata spoke.

“D-did you like that, Naruto?” she asked, and Naruto couldn’t help but giggle a bit, the girlish voice of his sexy jutsu making it sound all light and airy.

“What do you think?” he asked before kissing her again, and pulling a moan from her. 

“I’m glad,” she said, before their eyelids drooped.

“Hey, did your Dad really want you to make your lovers wear chastity cages, or do you just like that?”


“Oh, okay,” and with that they fell into a peaceful rest.


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