⭐Private Discord Server: Wanna be able to chat with people who enjoy the same content and find out what’s my work process? Join the new Private Discord, exclusive for Subs.
⭐HD Art:. Enjoy all my content in Full HD resolution.
⭐HD Archives: Enjoy my drawings before anyone else.
❌This tier does not include the new pages of the current comics.
⭐Vote in my monthly polls: You’ll be able to vote in my monthly themed polls, exclusive for Subs.
⭐Traducción al castellano. ¿Eres Hispanoparlante y quieres disfrutas de mis obras en tu lengua materna? Aquí podrás disfrutar del contenido original antes de ser traducido al inglés. (Content in Spanish: Are you a Spanish speaker and you’d like to enjoy reading my content in your native language? You’ll be able to find the original versions of my content before they’re translated to English.)