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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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 Entry 6: Queen Slime


Bill stared out from the balcony of the keep ruins he and his wife resided in. he looked out to the forest beyond, and even further, towards the small village he’d once called home. Of course, these days, he couldn’t really go back, not how he was now. His immense cock and balls would be a dead give away to his new nature and bring the Order a knocking. Not to mention how Solar couldn’t stand to be without him.

Letting out a satisfied sigh, Bill stared down at his lovely wife, her main form, the “Queen” form of the immense slime worshipping his cock. Her tongue was as long as it needed to be, and she licked his mutated member with a fervour that no woman back in the village could likely produce even for the Chief God. He looked down to her and gave her a smile, then watched as she blushed a deep blue at his direct attention while two of her other bodies from the side slid in. Two sex forms, ready for his attention once again. Bill chuckled a bit at his wife while she opened her mouth wide and enveloped his head, her breasts rose up to slide across a his shaft near the tip of his gargantuan meat pillar. Were she anything other than a slime then she might have had trouble with its immense size and girth, but she took it easily, pressing down on it in a way that teased his head perfectly while her warm breasts added to the feeling. Meanwhile the two other bodies approached with nothing but the suggestion of straps amplifying their sexual features, all fake of course, but none the less he did appreciate them. They dropped to their knees in the thick coat of slime covering the floor of the ruined keep. Their hands fell on his cock, their faces driving forth and beginning to lick his dick from each side up and down, helping her main form worship him with their bodies. After all, Solar’s first form surrounding her core got the privilege of servicing his lower head. 

Groaning a bit, Bill placed a hand on his wife’s head, not trying to control her but rather to have something to hold onto. Her hands, her tongue, all she was doing felt great, surrounded on all sides by his Queen slime, teasing him to amplify their fun. Solar’s form was already white from how much he’d fucked her last night, his essence not yet able to spread to the rest of her body, but it would soon enough. Already streams of it were being dragged away from her Queen form to the rest of her body. 

Thank the Maou for my balls, Bill thought as he felt another form starting to take shape below him. Then he felt the feeling of two arms wrapping around his prodigious sack, another sex form pressing into him. She hugged his watermelon sized junk. Her hands as they swirled around them, pressing lightly against them felt heavenly, and earned a giggle from one of his wife’s forms as his cock twitched from them playing with him.

Soon enough he wouldn’t be able to take it any more as his cock kept twitching. Then as he heard the sound of something taking shape behind him, and knew it was time. With his new found incubus strength, Bill gripped the heads of the two sexy forms and pushed them away and aside. Then he thrust forth, surprising Solaris’ queen form by thrusting through her face, before pulling back and away from her. Surprised, Solaris looked to her husband as he grinned at her and then came in low, dragging the sex form clinging to his balls along with him as his hands took Solaris’ queen form’s immense breasts into his hands, squeezed down on them, before he kept pushing and sent her form toppling, with him on top. 

Bill didn’t need to be careful, his wife was always ready for him as he collapsed on top, his dick sliding into her warm embrace. She was always perfect, tight and welcoming with enough slickness to let him slide past the resistance. Not only that, but he could never hurt her, not like he did with his first girlfriend before they broke up. Even then his member had been oversized, though now it doesn’t matter. 

As Bill thrust in every form froze, their faces gasping as he drove his cock into Solar, his jumbo prick having tapped against the core in her belly and it sent a ripple of pleasure throughout the entire slime covered keep. Grinning even harder, Bill went further and kissed his wife, pushing his tongue to invade her mouth as he continued to grope her chest while pulling out.

The thrusts came like lightning, Bill’s enhancements letting him not only thrust in harder with his mutated cock, but also faster as he grunted into his wife’s mouth. She quivered with every thrust as the pleasure going through Solaris spread across the whole slime kingdom to all those connected to the keep. Solaris’ moans were music to his ears as her blush turned full body while her other forms moaned from their connected senses. 

As he thrust, Bill felt another slime form sliding up against his balls, pressing against them from another angle as well with their hands and breasts, licking him all over while he felt something else come up behind him.

Like he had with the Queen form, Solaris had her knight fall onto him as well, mimicking his style as she pressed her bouncy and bulbous breasts into his back. Though at the same time, he felt something familiar sliding into his ass. His cock jumped inside of Solaris, slapping her core again as his wife moaned through all her forms. He could feel his ass being spread out, the slime form on his back making sure he achieved the maximum possible pleasure. 

Soon enough their thrusting synchronized so that no matter what Bill did he felt pleasure. As he pulled out from the Queen form, the knight thrust in, the faux cock pressing into somewhere he’d never considered before, an intense sensations flying through his dick as he backed into the knight while she made her own member vibrate and shift at random. Then he’d thrust into the Queen form, his cock fully enveloped by the magical feeling of her undulating and vibrating pussy. As they kept fucking, Bill couldn’t help his voice as he started to cry out in unison with Solaris, adding his own manly voice to the cacophony of delighted feminine cries. Sexual bliss ruled the day once more in the ruins of the keep as Bill’s eyes started to lose focus, as he started to feel that welling up in his balls as they kept getting massaged. His grunts coming out faster.

“Fuck, gonna cum!” he cried out, and in a few thrusts, he knew he’d gone beyond the point of no return. He pulled all the way back, before in a mighty thrust he rammed himself back in, while the knight herself did the same with him. the vibrations of both Solaris’ cock and pussy pushed him overboard and he was paralysed for a moment as everywhere started to twitch. White hot jizz spurt into Solar’s queen form while his balls contracted up and the intensity of his spasming forced his body to make little thrusts while Bill’s mind went blank from the sexual ecstasy blasting every thought away.

Bill’s respite from consciousness only lasted about a second before Bill once more began to thrust properly back into his Queen once more. He wasn’t done, not by a long shot.


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I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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