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Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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 Exploring One’s Self 4 (Worm Commission)

A Commission for Kolejny dzień


This... is getting out of hand. Taylor thought hours ago when she’d turned to head to the Lassiter's home once more. She hadn't been able to stop herself, especially when as she passed that turn her heart began to race, her stomach growing warmer, her thighs pressing into each other, rubbing together as she walked. Her face had flushed and her nipples had begun to grow hard, rubbing up against her shirt until she was at their door. She had to be some kind of nymphomaniac or something because this can’t be natural, to be so horny and have such a need to fulfil that burning desire in the pit of her stomach.

They'd taken her in once more, happy to receive her. The little slut that couldn't get enough of them, of Claire's fingers, of Thomas' cock. The temptations and what they made her feel... it was too much to resist. 

Taylor moaned as she ground herself on Thomas, his dick filling her, his hands on her hips, helping her grind herself on him, all the while Claire kissed her, her fingers playing Taylor like a piano. A slight pressing against her clit, her nipples mercilessly teased, making Taylor practically melt in her hands as her hips moved to fuck herself on Mr. Lassiter. Claire slowly pulled away from Taylor, her lips soft and smooth, the mere thought of a kiss from her was enough to add another spark to the blazing inferno in her core, warming her loins and sending more blood rushing to her nether. 

"Mmmmh, delicious as always," Mrs. Lassiter said, the elder woman smiling as she started to press harder into Taylor's clit, the pressure rapidly sending Taylor spiralling as her husband continued to fuck the younger girl, the two working in tandem to drive Taylor wild. Sensations spread through her like lightning, sparking flames of desire as they went, rapidly pushing Taylor over the edge as her body started to cease up, as her legs came together around Mrs. Lassiter's fingers. 

"Oh Thomas, I think she's cumming again," Claire declared as she giggled. Taylor felt her walls close in, her pussy trying to clamp down on Thomas, trying to milk his cock, for the fifth time now trying to force him to finally cum in her, to fill her up and spray his spunk it into her welcoming womb. The images flashed through Taylor's lust laden head as she felt herself reach her climax. 

"O-oh god- fuhhhh!" Taylor cried, shuddering in ecstasy as she started to cum, the pleasure increasing ten fold as Thomas kept fucking her, as Claire kept pressing her fingers into Taylor's clit, the pleasure from the two pressing Taylor on, her orgasm getting longer and growing more intense by the second. Her body shook, her vision going white as she lost focus once again, as her world was plunged into the abyss until only their blissful torment remained. 

Then with a grunt, and a final climatic thrust, Thomas drove his dick into Taylor, his cock twitching, and Taylor felt his condom beginning to expand, his load finally entering her. Taylor moaned, imagining it without a condom, feeling his warmth, his cum. Taylor shivered in delight, her body paralysed as they came in unison, before Taylor fell back into Thomas' arms. He easily caught her, hugging her close, his strong, manly chest at her back, his cock still in her, filling her up. Taylor groaned with satisfaction while she felt Claire slip down, her tongue coming up, and licking at where Taylor and Thomas were connected, licking up any cum that escaped, and giving a teasing flick to Taylor's clit as she did so. Each time making Taylor tense up and whimper a little before eventually Claire rose up onto her elbows. 

"Such a cute girl, you've got so much potential that you're not using you know," Claire said as she looked up at Taylor, waiting patiently as Taylor came back to herself. Blinking, Taylor looked at her owlishly, her eyes wide as she considered Claire's words.

"I can see it," Thomas says and Taylor turns her head to try and get a look at him as he nods. "I assume you meant in more than just being a passionate paramour?"

Claire nodded before turning back to Taylor. "Exactly, though you are exceedingly good at that as well, don't get us wrong and if you want, we can keep this whole relationship just that, or I could offer you more."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Lassiter smiled at that.

"She wants to teach you what she knows, how to be one of her girls," Mr. Lassiter says before Claire pipes up.

"Not just that, but how to be a courtesan. I could teach any old tramp how to be another of my girls, but never did I ever get anyone who could truly take my lessons and use them to their fullest. Sure I was able to sculpt their body and they were fine on stage or in my parlours, in fact my best students often walked away trophy wives after catching the eye of this millionaire or that, but you?" she says as she turns her attention back to Taylor. "You my girl I think I could make a proper courtesan."

"Courtesan?" Taylor asked, not quite understand the implications, her brows furrowed in time with her question. At the same Thomas let out a badly concealed snicker. 

"Don't laugh Thomas, I'm being serious!"

"Oh no I believe you, and I believe Taylor here could potentially live up to your demanding standards in every way, it’s just the kind of success you want for her isn’t that of a courtesan, but of a politician. High class escorts just simply don’t have that kind of sway any more my dear, but it would certainly effectively ensure she could make quite a bit, enough to even retire early should she take to your lessons,” he said at which Claire sighed. Then he turned his attention to Taylor. “Now doesn’t that sound enticing?” 

“To retire early?” Taylor asked which got her a smile and a shake of the head. 

“Oh to be young again. You don’t know the half of how much you want to retire after fourty years working. Then once you do you might thank us for this opportunity, so how does taking Claire’s offer up sound?” he asked, and honestly it was tempting. Not even just for the increased amount of time with the Lassiters that would lead to more sex, but also a bit of training could be useful. 

“What would it entail?” 

“Oh the usual, how to seduce, to command a room, to steal a man’s attention, body training to tighten up that figure, tone those thighs, firm that rear, how to walk, how to talk, getting properly in touch with your sexuality, all that and more. Were this a film noir I’d turn you into the perfect femme fatale, plus help with other areas as well.” Claire explained and suddenly Taylor could imagine herself in her costume, a noir filter over the city as she and some detective-like hero worked to deal with gangsters. That sounded alright, being the femme fatale sidekick of a hero, using her time with the Lassiters to keep from being so awkward. She could be like those female super heroes from Dad’s comic books, only less sexy. Taylor nodded along as a happy feeling filled her belly, her legs suddenly full of energy again, and she almost wanted to jump up and hug them. 

Then there was also the idea of getting in touch with her “sexuality”, something they’d already been helping with very nicely. Despite herself, Taylor blushed as she tried to imagine what that could mean. Since a courtesan was a bit more of a high class whore, what kind of kinky things would they do? Taylor could already feel her desire rising as she imagined it. 

“Okay, sounds fun,” Taylor said, smiling at them as Claire gave her a big smile in return. 


When Taylor had taken up Claire’s offer of training she’d expected many things. Her lessons in how to talk she’d taken to like a fish to water, step training was generally boring but she found that after a few tries she could walk in heels rather well while still rolling her hips in a way that Mr. Lassiter said was rather enticing. What she hadn’t exactly expected would be that a part of her training would be pilates. Not that Taylor really minded all that much. She’d enjoyed when her middle school teachers had introduced it back then, and now… Taylor had on an anxious smile as she stripped naked, since Claire enjoyed doing her pilates in the nude. She said it was to inspire confidence in Taylor, but she was pretty sure that as Claire looked her over with a hungry look, that there was a bit more to it than just to bolster her confidence, not that Taylor was going to complain. After all she got a warm and fuzzy feeling in her heart that practically forced a smile from her while under that gaze. Speaking of enjoying being enticing, Taylor slowed her stripping, shimmying out of her jeans, doing her best to slow herself down to put on a show, something Claire seemed to appreciate.

“Perhaps later I could help you with that, improve that technique?” Taylor blushed. She’d likely just made a fool of herself, though…

“I’d like that,” she said. She wasn’t exactly planning on ending up a stripper. Once high school was over she was going to do what she could to get into University and find herself a good job… but maybe putting on a show? Plus, people always said that dancing is something everyone should know… granted, they never specified a strip tease… but maybe when she found a husband… something to get him in the mood to take her, to breed her and fill her needy cunt with cum.

Taylor smiled a bit more at that, before the last of her clothing fell to the floor and she took a breath, feeling her small breasts rise and fall, her nipples already hard.

“Good Taylor, now before we start here Taylor, the first thing you should know about pilates is this; how to breathe,” Claire said before taking a deep breath through her nose while she brought both hands up until they were about level with her larger chest. Her breasts rose with her inhalation, she held it for a second before exhaling noisily through her mouth as she gestured away with her hands. 

“It’s important to know that is how you should breath while doing pilates. In through the nose, and out through the mouth, will you practice with me?” she asked, and Taylor nodded along before trying it herself. Taking a deep breath in…

And then out…

In, then out.

“Good, now, let’s go over some basics,” and with that Claire began to teach Taylor how to do some pilates, starting off with having her bend over fully. Taylor could feel as she bent over, how her lower lips moved, spreading a bit as she did so. Were there anyone behind her, they’d get a perfect view of her vulva, her lips spreading open a bit as she was bent over. Taylor took another breath, sucking it in, and then breathing out, only to realise that she could feel Thomas moving through the house, and towards the living room.

“Good, very good Taylor, you’re very flexible, just like that, hold that a moment,” Taylor made a sound, though as she felt Thomas enter. Taylor could feel the heat starting to slip in some more. Taylor felt the burn in her legs as she tried to keep the pose, and at the same time, she wanted to rub her knees together, to close those lips back there as Thomas admired the two of them in the living room. His wife’s larger breasts hanging there, likely teasing him, while Taylor’s ass was exposed, her lips in full view. Taylor could feel herself down there, her clit and nipples growing hard, her breathing… she tried to control her breathing, to keep from panting. 

“Now lets rise up nice and smoothly…” the pilates continued on and despite the distraction of Thomas, Taylor found she could still focus on Claire at the same time, just like how she could focus on all of her bugs, and on Claire’s lesson, and on how Thomas was behind her. No doubt his erection growing in his robes as he looked at her. While she wasn’t the prettiest, she’d effectively fallen in with them, her lithe form something Thomas enjoyed, holding her, handling her. Her lips having grown accustom to his girth, her pussy more than once enjoying his rigid rod slipping in, unfortunately covered by a condom. Yet when they were close, when she was fucked by him…

Taylor shuddered as they continued. While not every bend and exercise was presenting herself and teasing Thomas with her ass and slick slit, quite a few of them had her bent over, her pussy lips spread for him, and Taylor was almost tempted as they stood up again, bent over to spread them for him. She was naked in front of him, his wandering eyes looking her over, taking in both her and Claire in and gazing at them with perverse intent.

Meanwhile Taylor enjoyed that stare, teasing him, wiggling her butt trying to entice him further. While not exactly experienced, Taylor tried to work something more into her moves and Claire no doubt noticed, she said less than nothing, actually grinned a bit. Then she straightened up again, but as Taylor went to follow she held up a finger for her to wait, before she started to slide over.

“Almost perfect, lets stretch those legs out once more, hmm?” she asked, though as she slipped closer, she continued going, until suddenly as Taylor was bent over, her ass stuck out, and as she started to stretch, bringing her leg upwards Taylor felt Mrs. Lassiter slip her leg in between her thighs, pressing up against her slit. Taylor sucked in some breath, before doing her best to continue. Though as she did, every move rubbed herself up against Claire, her snatch slowly sliding and grinding up Claire’s smooth leg. The sensation was only a bit more than her pressing her legs together, but as she continued, her breathing slowly grew more laboured as Taylor continued the exercise, going a bit faster, pushing against her a bit harder. 

“Good, now the other leg,” Claire said and Taylor obeyed, bringing her leg down before starting to raise the other, and started to pump it in the air slowly, continuing to rub herself against Claire, her hips slowly beginning to grind and press against Claire. Grinding and rubbing, continuing to press herself into her, letting her arousal rise higher as she pressed further until.

“Gha~” Taylor squeaked as Claire pressed into her snatch a bit harder, sliding up against her clit and she was suddenly paralysed as a small spark of pleasure spread through her body. Claire giggled a bit before speaking up:

“I think I might have gone a bit overboard.”

“I think you did fine,” Thomas said from out of sight behind them. Then Claire pulled away and Taylor let her leg fall, breathing hard now she looked back. Standing there Thomas had a thick erection standing tall, and Taylor smiled at him, wiggling her butt a bit. The only thing he wore was a smile, and a condom. She kind of wished that it wasn’t there. 

“I’ll let you two have a bit of fun while I go print off some more techniques for you Taylor so you can practice at home,” Claire said and Taylor nodded, still distracted as Thomas came forth and dropped to his knees, his big, strong body surrounding her, his cock sliding up against her slit as Thomas kissed and sucked on her neck. Taylor whined a bit, pressing her thighs together and rubbing at Thomas cock a bit before he pulled back and realigned himself before plunging in. 

Taylor let out a long, delighted moan, the sensation making her hips shake in delight as she giggled a bit from the pleasure and couldn’t help the huge smile as she was filled. 


Once more Taylor found herself nude, though this time in front of a mirror. It was a lesson in make up, though it’d rapidly shifted into something else as Taylor breathed deeply, Claire slid her hands up and down Taylor’s body, her fingers pinching at her nipples as she was forced to watch while trying to apply the make up. A little extra challenge for her since it became apparent that Claire had little to teach her early on.

Turns out she hadn’t forgotten the many many lessons from Emma when they were pre-teens having hours of fun applying make up and learning how to keep themselves from looking like clowns with Emma’s own expansive collection of cosmetic items.

“You’ve a very steady hand Taylor, if I didn’t know better I’d think we weren’t having a bit of fun,” Claire said as Taylor blushed harder. Her bugs were helping her in this regard, but Claire’s fingers were still having an effect as they danced across her skin. Her nipples were hard as steel, her clit was erect, and she could feel how slick her slit was whenever Claire’s fingers drifted over them. It took all she could not to shiver, even focusing a bit on her bugs to drive her reactions into them. 

There’d be a new swarm of ladybugs in the Lassiter’s garden soon enough.

“Thank you,” she said as she slowly finished up, applying all the lessons that she and Emma had learned. 

“Well now don’t you look like the prettiest girl in the house? You look as pretty as when we dressed you all up for your first time with Thomas, I doubt I have much to teach you here, though perhaps after this I can suggest some products, hmm?” Claire asked as her fingers slid in further, her palm pressing into Taylor’s clit as she rubbed at her. Barely able to focus Taylor instead of answering let loose a small whimper, something for Claire as she spread her legs a bit. She slowly leaned back into the older woman who’s smile grew larger as she continued to play with Taylor.

“Having fun?”

“Loads,” Taylor said before turning around and kissing Claire, the kiss electric on her lips as their tongues slid together and coiled around each other. Their bodies intertwined, their legs between each other, the two started to grind and press into each other, their nipples sliding up against one another while they moaned and luxuriated in the sapphic pleasure their actions wrought on the both of them. 


This was getting to be a pattern. Not that Taylor really minded as she and Claire stood in the kitchen naked but for a sheer apron on them.

“So why is being naked except for an apron all that sexy?” Taylor asked. She knew why it was enticing for her. She knew guys looked at her, wanted her, and were they to look they’d gaze at her with lust in their eyes. The object of their total attention as they wanted to touch her and feel her up, but why was a naked apron sexier than just being naked?

“It’s because you’re keeping something from them,” Claire said as she bent over at the hips, her ass sticking out as she grabbed a muffin pan. Taylor took a moment to admire her, her eyes caught by the sight of her slit, her round ass as she was bent over before she came back up. “Despite how blind most men are to the suggestion that a woman likes them and are infatuated by them, they are not at all blind to any indication that a woman wants to fuck them.”

“Take this apron for example Taylor,” she said as she turned around and gestured at herself. “Now what can you see?”

Frowning a bit Taylor gazed at her, her eyes sliding up her bare legs, coming across the apron that hid behind it her muff, if only just. Her breasts were pressed against the fabric of the apron, easily allowing any onlooker to observe her full breasts while also showing off that other than the apron there was nothing underneath. The lewd implication was what she was getting at maybe?

“I see a beautiful woman, teasingly showing herself off, but not completely.”

“Exactly Taylor. The eroticism comes from the hint, the teasing. You can do this with really any kind of clothing so long as you show off a little skin and give a hint. A man sees a woman in nothing but an apron or some far too revealing clothing and his hind brain suddenly perks up, his junk too, as he sees a woman who might be interested in sex. It’s why we woman hold such power over men, we are the arbiters of sex, and since all men desire it, we can command such creatures by offering ourselves,” Claire declared as she moved to the cupboard and pulled out some flour. Taylor herself moved to the fridge and started to grab the usual ingredients for muffins. Butter, milk, eggs.

“Guess that’s how Sophia can get hangers on to harass me,” Taylor said absentmindedly, and as she did so, Claire seemed to come up short. 

“Taylor, are you being bullied?” she asked. For a moment Taylor hesitated, before shaking her head. 

“Not… anymore… some stuff happened that made them stop, kind of,” there was still a bit of bullying, but Emma and Madison were still out of school ever since they got raped, and Sophia while she was around, wasn’t exactly herself. She must not have gotten it as bad as Emma and Sophia, but still she was very distracted, which makes sense if she was raped. Cocks forced into them, filling their holes, cum filling their cunts, spraying into their wombs and filling them up with cock after cock. Taylor swallowed and tried to hide her blush, but no doubt Claire saw it.

She put down the flour and gave Taylor a look. “Okay? What happened?”

Biting her lip, Taylor questioned whether she wanted to talk, to say anything… it was vile that, that the time that she’d been masturbating so hard had been to the fantasy of the trio being raped, of being fucked and filled by dick, cum being forced in and maybe making them pregnant, their bodies carrying their rapist’s child in them. She stayed silent for a moment, not wanting to speak, not wanting to reveal her darkness before Claire, to have her look down on her…

Claire herself came up to Taylor, arms wrapping around her, pulling Taylor’s head to her bosom. “Was it something you did?”

“No,” she answered instantly. “Rather… do you know how I masturbated that one time, and put on a show for you?”

Claire nodded. “Well it… It… I learned that my bullies got… raped… and I kind of… that’s what I was fantasising about…”

As she said it, Taylor cringed, unable to look at Claire as she said it, not wanting to see Claire’s face as she did. All that came from Claire however was an “oh” for a while, before eventually Claire spoke again:

“I see… did you, what exactly was your fantasy about?” 

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, what was your fantasy about, how did you imagine it?”

“Well… at first I just thought about it, and kind of… imagined it. Like seeing them in my head… and it… it was hot. Then I… then I imagined… myself in their place, getting raped, being held down, helpless as they fucked me, and took me,” Taylor shivered, remembering back the thoughts, how intense it’d been. A small bit of desire was added to her aroused core, but not much more thankfully. She enjoyed Claire’s hug. It was a different kind of pleasure than merely sexual a more comfy and soft delight. 

“Aww Taylor, that’s nothing unusual, women have rape fantasies all the time. Why do you think that bodice rippers are a thing?” she asked and Taylor blinked a bit in confusion.

“Bodice ripper?”

“Oh right, your mother likely wouldn’t have gone over that with you yet. A bodice ripper is a rather raunchy kind of tale where women would be violently or forcefully taken. It it’s rather popular with women readers. Probably has something to do with how back in the day cavemen would probably just knock women on the heads and take them then and there. Many women have fantasies about that kind of thing; it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Mix it with a bit of schadenfreude and voila, a sexy little fantasy to enjoy. If you’re interested, I could lend you a few books of mine I like?”

“Uh, that’s okay, maybe another time…”

“Okay dear, now, shall we see about fixing up these muffins before Thomas gets back?”


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Thread Necromancer

Paramour of Zeus 2 (Worm Commission)Thank you ThatOnePerson33421 for subscribing~! Were Taylor an...

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Thread Necromancer
Public post
 Exploring One’s Self 3

Commission for Kolejny Dzien


“God damn it,” Taylor mumbled under her heady, needy breath. Her heart was pumping as she walked, her core was burning hot with her desires. She wanted, no, needed to satisfy this need and this time, mutual masturbation wouldn’t be enough. It hadn’t been enough last time, and it surely wouldn’t be enough now.

It started three days ago, during another of her special play sessions with the Lassiters where they’d have some adult fun between the three of them. Maybe Claire would even help either Taylor or Thomas out. But last time it wasn’t just a bit of helping out. It’d been different, because Claire didn’t just help one or the other out, she… she gone down, and then... 

It started out normally, the two of them touching, watching Taylor as she played with herself, showing off for them, having fun doing so as she watched Thomas’ thick rod getting stroked. She’s just started to play with her small breasts, when Claire changed it up. 

She’d been grinding herself on her husband, pressing her pussy into his thigh, letting him play with her breasts, when she’d then sunk lower. Her mouth wrapped around Thomas’ cock, and then she pulled away, got on all fours in front of him, her chest to the ground with her ass stuck up high. Her legs had moved to the side and she looked like a needy slut, like how a member of the trio might react were they trained. How Taylor imagined herself once or twice enticing someone with her form’s finest features.

Then Thomas has stepped forward, and gripped his wife’s thighs and then he slid in.

She’d felt a need, a desire for him to do the same to her.

Taylor wanted him; there was no two ways about it. She wanted that thick, hard cock in her, not just stroking up and down, not just hard and in front of her, its musk making her light headed, spurring a desire in her core, but rather, she wanted it in her.

Despite making herself cum numerous times, that deviant desire never disappeared.

Taking a deep breath, Taylor gave a quick rap on the door, wincing at how… desperate it sounded before waiting. Soon enough the door swung open, revealing Claire. The moment that she saw Taylor her expression brightened and she turned.

“Thomas, Taylor is here,” she said as…

As Thomas stepped around the corner, his robe open, his cock out on display, growing harder as he saw Taylor, his chiselled abs, his strong chiselled jaw giving her a kind smile. 

Good God I want him.

Things started off like usual, she moved deeper into the house, and started to shed her clothes like normal. Claire did so as well, putting on a little tease for Taylor as she removed them so slowly, making Taylor’s no doubt deep blush just that much deeper. Though from how Taylor was acting nervous again, looking away from them as she stripped, they knew something was up. Taylor stood by the couch, almost about to perform, too nervous to ask for Thomas’ cock herself, when Claire stopped it all with a simple:

“Hold it,” and then she turned to Taylor coming closer to her. There was no mischief in her eyes as she came and gently took hold of Taylor’s arms. She held Taylor still, before one hand came to her face and slowly pulled on Taylor’s chin up so that they were looking at each other in the eyes.

“What’s wrong Taylor, if you don’t want to do this, that’s fine, we don’t have to. Or… if you want to stop all of this we understand. We’ll never tell a soul, you know that right, Taylor?” she said, and Taylor nodded. She knew.

“No it’s not that… I just I want to… I…” her desire stopped in her throat, her nervousness making her choke on what she wished to say.

“Take your time,” she said, giving Taylor a kind smile that… honestly was comforting.

“I… I want to… I want to… I want Thomas to… to fuck me,” she said, barely able to get the words out above a whisper, her nerves making her shake like a leaf.

The moment Taylor said that, it was like the sun cresting the horizon for the Lassiters. Their worried expressions broke as their lips spread into smiles, lights danced in their eyes. It was almost like they couldn’t really hold back either. They were too excited, Taylor could see their smiles attempt to lower but their joy was too much. Claire’s hands lowered to Taylor hands as she took hold of them instead.

“If that’s what you want my dear then lets go and make this first time extra special so you’ll have no regrets,” she said, pulling at Taylor to come follow her while Thomas gave a wave.

“I’ll make sure our bedroom is all ready for us,” he said before leaving to go further into the house while Claire pulled Taylor another way. Taylor let the older woman guide her until they came into a spacious bathroom that had all kinds of make up, arranged around the counter on one side and only a few things like a toothbrush on the other side. One was obviously Thomas’ while the other side was Claire’s.

“Okay then, lets get you out of these stuffy clothes and we can see what we can do about getting you all ready,” she said, and Taylor nodded, pulling her clothes off so Claire could get at her properly. Obviously she was going to get her to wear something, though what Taylor wasn’t sure. Though as Taylor tossed her shirt off, one of Claire’s warm hands pressed into her chest, sliding up one of her breasts. Claire thumb and pointer finger trapping a nipple between them, her touching drawing out a little spark of pleasure as she touched Taylor, giving her a pleasant smile. 

“What lovely breasts you have, so cute, so sensitive,” she said, grinning a bit as she continued to rub Taylor’s sensitive nipple between her fingers while Taylor bit her lip. But then Claire let go, and Taylor almost missed those fingers.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to get my fill of you later, but for now, let’s make you the prettiest girl in this house.”

Then Claire began on the make up, her hands reaching out to the various tools of the beautician’s trade, grabbing mascara pencils, some kind of lip plumper before lipstick was applied. She lined Taylor’s eyes and then helped her with her eye shadow, a colour that darkened around Taylor’s eyes, but not by too much, merely to help them pop. Claire added a bit of concealer, to hide the bags she’d gotten from her lust keeping her from sleeping easily. Then right before she was about to apply blush, Claire stopped, looking at Taylor before giggling and saying: “I think that you might actually be blushing enough as it is.”

Though Claire never stopped her little touches, and her little ways of making sure that Taylor was still horny. As she worked on Taylor, her leg would slide between the brunette’s own, her breasts would press into Taylor’s, her body moving in such a way as to press their nipples together. Then there was the kiss, how she leaned in right after she finished the make up, the plumper still burning slightly on Taylor’s lips as they kissed, their tongues pressing into each other as they danced and swirled. The sensation electric as the feeling combined with the slight burning sent a wave of something into Taylor that caressed her core and left her wanting more.

But the elder woman pulled way, leaving Taylor for a moment as she slipped out, Taylor’s mouth left slightly ajar and her breathing hard. Her nipples stuck out like eraser nubs, and her slit, she didn’t even need to reach down to feel how wet she’d become. Then Claire returned.

“Well now don’t you look gorgeous? But I think I can do better, here, try these,” and then Claire handed Taylor some kind of lingerie. The older woman’s smile was wide as could be while Taylor slowly laid out the lingerie on the counter. The items were all of white silk, not spider but close enough. Likely regular silk which even for underwear probably meant all these things together were more than all of the allowance Taylor had ever earned in her lifetime. 

“A-are you sure?” Taylor asked. These things had to be precious to Claire, and it was a lot of work to put into… well her. Besides, Taylor had already kind of… well, gotten something kind of ready… though it could use a lot of work. It was just a thong at the moment really, but…

“Oh dearie I insist, after all, this is going to be your very first time, and it should be something extra special for you, and not something to just rush into. Though if you really want, I do have some bon-”

“No, please I love it, it’s just…” and as Taylor trailed off Claire merely put on a kind smile and hugged her close. Taylor paused a second, unsure what to do, before, slowly, she hugged the older woman back.

“It’s that self doubt acting up again isn’t it?” she asked.

“Yeah… I guess…” she said, but wasn’t sure how to continue. Claire however did as she pulled away.

“Well don’t you worry. You my girl are one of the most beautiful creatures I’ve come across. A lovely personality, a cute face and a body made for elegance. I dare say that the only reason your friend Emma is a model and not you is due to her family’s connections. Now, go on, put it on, I want to see you all done up!” she said as she stepped away while Taylor smiled, feeling a bit better as she grabbed the first item.


Despite… well despite the fact that this was just the next logical step when she thought of how this mutual masturbation thing could have gone, Taylor couldn’t help the nervousness. It, it was actually happening. She was about to lose her virginity, and not only that, but… Taylor wasn’t really sure how to describe it. She felt her nervousness spike again, her heart was beating in her throat again, and her body had gone cold while her breathing come out harder as she gripped her thighs as she knelt on the bed.

Claire had led her into this bedroom that looked like a love hotel room, complete with a heart shaped bed, after dressing her in that special lingerie that she’d grabbed, and what a set it was. It wasn’t just a set of sexy panties and bra, though those certainly were a part of it since the bra was cup-less and only served to accentuate her breasts. Claire had to have gotten her into every kind of sexy clothing there could be without diving into some of the more hardcore fetish clothing. Taylor had on a set of stockings that hugged her legs, and better displayed their size and thickness, and she barely needed the garters she had on in order to keep them up. They were slightly smaller than her thighs, which according to Claire, was perfect, so the garters were just for show. Then she also had on long almost arm length silken gloves that fit just right and were rather snug. Then finally as Taylor thought of it, she raised a hand to her throat, and felt at the chocker on her. A band of frilly silk that went around her neck, adding that little bit more that Claire said men went crazy over. There was something about a beautiful and sexy woman wearing gloves, stockings, and a collar, or in this case a choker she said, though she had offered a bell to go with it.

As it all came together, Taylor could say she saw the appeal as the lingerie, and her make up came together, her hair being combed and washed as well, completed the look. When she’d finished dressing, Taylor had stared at the mirror, it was like she’d been transformed from the awkward frog, and had become a beautiful… and honestly kind of hot princess. She looked innocent as those large eyes looked back at her despite her state of dress.

And slowly Taylor’s mind started to drift to her… fantasies. To how she imagined the trio being taken, and now she imagined this beautiful creature being grabbed, being pressed up against a wall, her kisses being stolen. She imagined kissing that creature, and being kissed, pressing against her and making her feel good, or being made to feel-

Then the door opened, and Taylor was startled out of her fantasies, her eyes immediately drawn towards the new occupant. In the doorway stood Thomas, his comfy and expensive looking robe coating his form. It was the kind of robe that Taylor imagined rich men lounged around in as they drank champagne while sitting in front of the fire place. 

The moment he walked in and saw Taylor, Thomas smiled. It was a kind smile, and yet, it sent shivers down her spine, as if there was something predatory as he looked her over, his gaze sliding up and down her form. On instinct, Taylor moved her hands to cover herself, her hands sliding up and she avoided his eyes. 

Yet as he got close, his hands came up and gently slid around her wrists. Without resisting, she let him pull her hands away, showing herself off to him, letting him see how hard her nipples were, how her body was reacting to all of this. It was like her heart was a jack hammer, beating in her throat, because this was it. He was right there, and as her gaze moved irresistibly towards where his crotch was, she could see a tent pushing at the robes. They’d nearly broken out, and no doubt if he moved too much more they would be pushed aside and he’d be left with his cock hanging out. 

Taylor had to swallow at that thought, the mere idea of it making her want to see it. She wanted to part his clothes, and reveal him. His robe somehow acting as a tantalising barrier she wanted to peak beneath, despite seeing it many times before. 

“You’ve turned out beautiful my dear, I must say, I want to ravish you, to bring you to climax as best I can, and then push you farther. How does that sound?” he asked, and Taylor had to swallow again, her breathing hard once more as she was left speechless, only able to nod her accent. She didn’t want to speak, almost like it would ruin the moment, or something. She wasn’t quite sure.

“But I’ll let you figure out what you want, so tell me, or perhaps… show me?” he asked, letting go of her wrists and stepping back a bit. Taylor gingerly took her wrists back, rubbing at them not because they were sore, but was at a loss of what to do. She wanted to get those robes off, she wanted to touch his cock, but…

Taylor bit her lip, unsure how to go forward, how to proceed. She wanted him, but what if she did something wrong? As she looked him over though, she spotted Claire behind him in the background of the room. Claire seemed to notice that Taylor was looking to her and gave a soft smile. With her hands she started to make gestures, which slowly Taylor realised were suggestions. Her hands almost looked like she was massaging a phantom cock and its balls. Taylor looked away from Claire and instead focused on Thomas once more. Touching him, she could do that. She could start with that. She’d already been cum on, so touching should be fine. 

Swallowing again, a new favourite nervous tick as her mouth watered at the thought of... at the thought of Thomas' rod, Taylor slowly slid off the bed, landing on her knees in front of him. Thomas just looked down at her, smiling his kind smile at her as she reached forth. In a way, she almost felt like a treasure hunter, finally at the long end of a road, and her reward was just beyond the Thomas’ robe. 

Slowly, gently, Taylor pulled away at the robe, and from the depths sprang forth the object of her desire; Thomas’ throbbing erection. Up close, it looked immense, looming large above her. She knew intellectually it wasn’t massive. It wasn’t the immense cocks seen in porn that a girl couldn’t even wrap her full hand around, but to Taylor, it was huge. Then the musk hit. It wasn’t a powerful thing, but rather a silent, insidious aphrodisiac that tickled her core, like someone grabbing her thigh. 

“Don’t worry my dear, take your time,” Thomas said and that snapped Taylor out of her momentary awe. She was about to swallow again, but then stopped, and instead opened her mouth slightly while her hands reached up. Gently, she began to caress Thomas, feeling his cock, how hard his rod was, and following along with the gestures from Claire, had a hand fondle Thomas’ balls. His shaft was thick and turgid, barely having any give, and his skin so smooth. While his balls were big, but the skin was winkled, though not unpleasantly so, it gave them a bit of give as Taylor started to massage him down there while her other hand stroked his rod. 

At the same time, Taylor saw a small bread of pre beginning to form from the tip of Thomas’ cock. Breathing hard, Taylor opened her mouth more, and she couldn’t resist any longer. She closed her eyes, and as she stroked down his shaft, Taylor moved forth, and slowly she took the older man’s cock into her mouth. Taylor couldn’t help the moan as it escaped her, her pussy felt like it was gushing at just placing the man’s lower head in her mouth. Her legs started to rub together, having no hands to spare for her needy snatch as she slowly began to gyrate while she slowly bob her head. Her tongue swirled around his cock like mad, exploring its smooth length.

It really shouldn’t have felt so good. She was just putting a cock in her mouth, and bobbing on it. Her mouth didn’t feel all that much better than when she ate, and yet it was like pouring gas on an open flame, the blaze in her spiralling out of control as the hand on his balls left and raced for her pussy. Her fingers drove into her, the palm of her hand pressing into her clit while her fingers dove deep, that sensual desire in her no longer able to be ignored. All the while, Taylor sped up her sucking, her bobbing. Her hand covered up the rest of Thomas’ cock when she went down, and even then sometimes she’d go too far, her throat suddenly rebelling against her, and yet she just kept going. Wanting it, needing it. She desired it more than anything else at the moment as her eyes rolled back while delving deeper into her pleasure. More, she wanted more!

Then she felt a hand on her head, and as she bobbed again, it pressed against her, and pulled her off of Thomas. Once she was pulled off, Taylor panted like a dog, her tongue out, drool dripping from her mouth as she looked up. Taylor felt Claire’s nails gently push some loose strands of hair from her face while another landed on her arm. It didn’t grab, but Taylor still froze. Thomas was grinning.

“Enthusiastic little thing aren’t you? Though I don’t think you just want to give a blow job do you? No, you want more, right?” he asked, and Taylor nodded, uncaring for a moment how much of a slut it make her look, to nod her head for cock, to be fucked, but she was so horny right now she couldn’t give a damn about modesty. 

“Come on dearie, lets get you on the bed again,” Claire said and Taylor let herself be pulled up and crawled back up onto the bed. As she did so, Thomas at some point had slipped on a condom and stood there imperiously, his robes open, his masculine form a sight to behold, as that was what was going to be taking her, and Taylor couldn’t wait.

Taylor was left kneeling once again in front of him as this time Thomas started to get onto the bed as well. As he got closer, Taylor fell back, her legs spreading apart, her arms up, fully exposing herself to him. For a moment Taylor wondered what she’d do about those panties Claire had given her, but as he moved over her, one hand grabbed hers, while the other went down and-

Taylor gasped as she felt the warm hand of Thomas press into her panties, rubbing at her. Taylor’s hips moved on their own, moving in time with him as he kept rubbing and then-

Taylor’s eyes widened as she felt his fingers press into her slit. For a moment she worried that Thomas had ruined them, but she felt a hand grab onto hers, and there was Claire.

“Don’t worry dear, those panties are designed like that, you don’t even need to pull them off,” she said, and then Taylor felt a hand on her leg, rubbing between her stockings and panties, adding just one more sensation as Taylor’s panting continued, her heart once more beating in her throat. Thomas came closer, so close that his cock pressed against her slit and then he stopped.

“Are you ready?” Claire asked, sounding almost as breathless as Taylor felt, and Taylor smiled. Shaking as she nodded, unable to contain her excitement. This was it!

Then he pushed forth and Taylor let out an explosive moan as the largest thing she’d ever felt entered her pussy. It went in slowly, but it felt so good! It was better than her fingers by far. There were no sharp points from her nails, there were no gaps, and it was so warm. Taylor’s mouth fell open, and her eyes rolled back a bit as she got used to Thomas’ size. It felt huge to her, filling her up perfectly.

“-es yes, fuck, more!” someone cried out as Taylor’s hips shook and her mouth moved on its own. Then Thomas moved.

The effect was a rippling wave of pleasure tearing through Taylor. Even though it wasn’t fast, it was powerful, and it drove into her in such a way that it was indescribable. Then, at a certain point, it hit something. That something fired off a chain reaction like an open flame in a fertilizer factory. The pleasure bloomed over Taylor’s horizon, and Taylor’s legs ceased up, they tried to come together but they hit Thomas, who had caused the sensual detonation in her loins. 

Taylor’s mouth was moving again but she didn’t hear it, the beat of her heart too loud, the crying of delight from her core was overwhelming as it was fucked, as Thomas began to drive himself in and out of her, fucking her more and more, constantly moving and driving himself into her wonderful, special place. It was starting to get too much as Taylor’s hips trembled independent of his thrusting, as her hands gripped and started to stab into their hands. They didn’t seem to mind however, and then Claire’s hand came up to cup one of Taylor’s breast, adding to the sensations as her world far sooner than before went white, her focus once more leaving her, before centering entirely around the sensations within her body while her bugs reacted to her state of being.

Each thrust was a trip to nirvana, blissful pleasure running up and down her, powering through her body with the force of a great wave, then bouncing back and forth, drowning her in sensual delight while she started to clench and spasm. Then she cried out in ecstasy as she started to feel herself cumming as the wave surged, her pussy clamping down, undulating and spasming. Trying to squeeze down on Thomas, inviting him in, wanting him more and more as the wave turned into a tsunami of pleasure. Sounds came from Taylor’s mouth, but they were meaningless. Her sounds were animalistic cries of delight from a wanton whore, unable to process anything more than the pleasure that overtook her mind.

Then it all changed as Thomas’ thrusts came faster and faster, the assault on her core took a turn for the intense as Taylor felt him twitching inside each time he thrust, he was near his own climax. 

“Tell him to cum in you,” a voice, Claire’s said, and mindlessly Taylor did so:

“Cum in me, cum in me please, fuck me, breed me, I want you to fill me Thomas, Fuck a baby into me and make me complete!” Taylor cried, her mind automatically reaching for the dialogue from a hot porno she watched as Thomas grunted and she felt warmth fill her. Taylor laughed and moaned in delight. Though the warmth was constrained, and then Taylor remembered the condom. 

A part of her pouted at that, but then as he pulled out, Taylor spasmed again, gasping a little as she saw the cum heavy condom hanging there. Taylor swallowed, her mouth watering for it, before suddenly a set of fingers landed on her pussy, and started to finger her clit, making her hips start to shake again. There were snaps somewhere and Taylor noticed Claire’s other hand was gone. Taylor looked down, her eyes gaining some focus as she saw Claire over her now, a wicked smile on her face, and Thomas’ condom in her other hand.

“Want some?” and Taylor nodded. Wanting some very much, especially as Claire started to tease her, and touch her clit, pressing into her as Taylor opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. Claire’s grin widening as she tipped the condom over, the opening ending up on Taylor’s tongue as the salty ooze slipped onto her tongue. Taylor’s breath started to be filled with the scent of Thomas’ seed while Taylor let it pool in her mouth, savouring the taste. Taylor whined a bit as Claire chuckled.

“Don’t worry my dear, Thomas is just getting another condom on, he’ll be back with us shortly,” and Taylor couldn’t help but make a very happy noise at that her heavenly retreat would continue on for a while longer.


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Taylor’s Best Friend 5 It is said that no plan survives contact with the enemy. It...

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