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Thread Necromancer profile
Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
I enjoy writing stories, especially lewd stories. Support me here if you want to see more stories more frequently!
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Beginner Subscriber

As a Beginner Subscriber, you are able to: - Get a thanks from me for subscribing. - Have early access to my writing.

12 assinantes
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Journeyman Subscriber

As a Journeyman Subscriber you get: - A big thanks from me for subscribing at the end of my snippets. - Early Access to my writing. - Will have a larger amount of influence on what fics I might be working on during the months.

3 assinantes
por mês
Expert Subscriber

As a Journeyman Subscriber you get: - A big thanks from me for subscribing at the end of my snippets. - Early Access to my writing. - Can make suggestions of what fic can be focused on this month. - A guaranteed 1000 word (minimum) commission piece written for you with you giving the prompt.

2 assinantes
por mês
Master Subscriber

Master Subscribers get two snippets that they can get every month or an extra long snippet of at least 2000 words.

6 assinantes


  • Beginner Subscribers will receive both a thank you message as well as early access to my snippets before other people.
  • Journeymen will also be able to suggest prompt and snippets for me to work on or continue.
  • Expert Subscribers will additionally be able to commission a free 1000 (minimum) fic or snippet from me where you decide the prompt for it.
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Thread Necromancer

Craving some Cock (Worm AU)Thank you to BraggerJester for subscribing~!

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Thread Necromancer

Paramour of Zeus 8 (Monthly $10 Subscription Reward)Thank you to User#08dc851a for Subscribing~! ...

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Thread Necromancer

Paramour of Zeus 3 (Worm) (Monthly $10 Commission)Thank you ThatOnePerson33421 for subscribing~!

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Thread Necromancer

Taylor’s Best Friend 5 It is said that no plan survives contact with the enemy. It...

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  • Acesso ao conteúdo do perfil da Creator.
  • Capacidade de apoiar sua Estrela contribuindo - uma vez ou de forma recorrente.
  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.


22 assinantes
302 publicação


I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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