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Innoxia profile
Creator of the text-based RPG, Lilith's Throne.

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105 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
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  • Access to preview builds (available in-between full public releases).
  • One vote in any polls that I make.
  • Early access to artwork commissions and other supplementary content (such as clothing mods or additional writing).
  • 'Half-demon'-tier role in the LT Discord.
792 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
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  • My thanks for your support!
  • Access to preview builds (available in-between full public releases).
  • Two votes in any polls that I make.
  • Early access to artwork commissions and other supplementary content (such as clothing mods or additional writing).
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Public post
Preview Release Soon

I'm sorry that this release is taking a little while, but I should have it finished and released by the end of this weekend. It should have been ready by now, but after missing the previous deadline I got so stressed out that I just froze up for a little while. I only have a tiny amount of content left to finish off, so it really shouldn't take me more than a couple of days to get it finished.

Thank you so much for your patience, and I'll have the preview release out very soon!
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Progress News

Hello again!

This is just a quick update to let you know that I will have the preview version finished and released by the end of this weekend (19th at the very latest). Thank you so much for your patience, and it won't be long now!

Edit (19/01/25): I just need to finish off some writing, so I need to delay the update by a couple of days! Sorry!!! It will be out by Wednesday at the very latest!

Edit (22/01/25): I'll have it ready by Friday...
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Progress News

First of all, Happy Yule and Merry Christmas to all of you!

I've almost got the preview version ready, but I still need to finish off some writing (I've added a little more content for Yui) and there are a few more bugs to be fixed. I'm not going to be able to get it all finished tonight, and as I'm going to be busy with family over the next few days, I'm now aiming to get the preview version released by the end of December (and with that being the case I should have time to also merge a few more pull requests from github).

Getting the wiki sorted out is still right up at the top of my priorities, but I keep on putting it off due to having never done much website stuff before and feeling a little intimidated by it. I will get it sorted out very soon though!

Thank you once again so much for your patience and support, and I'll have the preview update released soon! Then after that I'll get the full public version released as soon as I can!

I'll see you again soon!

Edit (01/01/25): Happy New Year! I just need another couple of days to get some bugs fixed, then I'll get the preview released! Thank you again for your patience! 
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Version Hotfix Release

Hello again!

This is just a small hotfix to address two annoying bugs; one where the 'sleeping' status effect would often get stuck on you after sleeping, and one where demons were affected by menopause. It also includes a few pull request merges from github, including a new type of potion made by CognitiveMist.

Over the next two weeks I'm going to be splitting my focus between getting the wiki fixed and adding a small amount of new content. As this hotfix took a little longer to get released than I expected, I'm now aiming to get a preview version out before Christmas and then a full public release out by the end of December.

Thank you all so much once again for your support and patience, and I'll see you again in the next update!

v0.4.10.7 Download Links
Note: If you're on Windows, it's best to use the .exe version (only use the 32-bit exe if you're using 32-bit Windows). The .jar download is so that players on Linux or MacOS can get the game to run, in which case you'll need to make sure that you have java installed on your machine and that you have JavaFX installed too. You can ask in the #tech-support channel on the LT discord for help if it's not working.
If using the .jar, please make sure to run it with Java version 1.8.0_172, as other versions have issues with the UI.
.exe (Recommended for Windows OS):
Google Drive
32-bit .exe (For 32-bit Windows OS):
Google Drive
.jar (For Linux or Mac OS):
Google Drive

Source Code
You can view the game's source code and build these releases yourself from the public github's dev branch (which is always kept up to date with the very latest version):
There's a build tutorial here:
(If you decide to build through github, you'll need to place the 'liliths-throne-public/res' folder in the same directory as your exported .jar!)

v0.4.10.7 Patch Notes
Enhancement: Add sybaritic potion (refractory potion), which increases the drinker's desired orgasms by 3-5 when consumed during sex, otherwise applies a temporary status effect. (PR#1829 by CognitiveMist)
Fixed a bug where a dildo would be treated like a real penis and cause clothing to get dirty when orgasming. (PR#1820 by alfadorfox)
Filled in some missing parsing. (PR#1780 by MintyChip)

Moved the 'hyena' colour from the base res folder to the mod folder to conform with the location of the rest of the hyena-related files.

If you have bad ends turned off in your content settings, you will no longer encounter a bad end in the new side quest content.

Slaves who have permission to clean themselves will now only do so if they're not at work, or at a work type which allows cleaning (the jobs which do not allow cleaning are 'test subject', 'statue', 'public fucktoy', and 'dairy cow').
Added a new cleanliness permission, 'Remove Odours', which will make the slave remove musky odours when they wash themselves.

Added three new sadistic sex actions: 'Slap pussy', 'Pinch clit', and 'Slap cock'. (These actions are only available to characters with the 'sadist' fetish.)
Virginity loss scenes now take into account whether your partner is asleep.
When having sleep sex, you can no longer tell your partner to grow a cock, offer/request different areas, nor grant/revoke permissions.
Added check for sleeping partner in the 'Deny' action.
Added a new 'locked in stocks' immobilisation type, which is applied to the character being locked into stocks in all stocks-based sex scenes.
Penetration-on-penetration ongoing sex actions (such as handjob reactions) are now available during immobilisation sex.
Added more checks for a mute character in orgasm actions.
Added description variation for resisting characters who request their partner to pull out.
In the 'Orgasms' status effect tooltip, you can now see how many orgasms your character requires in sex to be satisfied. While this doesn't have an impact after sex, your consensual partners will want to satisfy you before ending sex, so the information is relevant for that.

Properly centre-aligned the icons for the 'elemental striker' and 'elemental defender' perks and significantly increased their effects.
When viewing the tooltip for interacting with a missing slave, it will now say if they're in a slave lounge instead of erroneously saying that they're out at work.
Improved tooltip description for racial books.
When you free the slaves in the stocks in Slaver Alley, a new group of slaves will appear after ~6 hours have passed, instead of at midnight.
Ingesting fluids in the milking room now passes 5 minutes of time instead of 1 hour.

Typo, parsing, and formatting fixes.
Fixed issue where demons were being affected by menopause.
If you have anal/foot/armpit content disabled, the associated fetish preferences are no longer displayed during character creation.
Fixed bug where your character could sometimes end up with the 'sleeping' or 'heavily sleeping' status effects stuck on you after sleeping.
Fixed bug where starting double penetration would first stop the other ongoing penis-vagina action, resulting in a simple swap of who was penetrating the vagina (and throwing some parsing errors) instead of resulting in a double penetration.
The 'Spawn attacker' function of the debug menu now correctly spawns the NPC as the race stage you select, instead of always spawning them as the 'lesser' stage.
You can no longer equip sex toys during Rose's domination scene (while you're locked in stocks).
Fixed bug in slaves' job management, where the 'Office' job had all of its hourly spots grayed out when it reached capacity, unlike all other jobs which kept the slots visible.
Fixed bug in feral sex scenes where NPCs could generate sex preferences that involved breasts or fingers even if the feral target had no breasts nor fingers.
Fixed bug where all pierced areas would be reset when using the debug menu's 'race resets' or choosing to transform into a horse-girl for Sterope.
Fixed bug where if a weapon had all 5 damage types available, then it would break the formatting when viewing the weapons page in the encyclopedia.
If getting transformed into a doll as a demon, you no longer keep your wings/tail/horns.
Fixed issue where when you leaded a saved game, all characters regained all of their default modifiers for all penetration and orifice types (penis, vagina, urethra, clit, anus, spinneret, nipples, crotch-nipples, mouth, tongue) instead of only the ones they had when the game was saved.
After being transformed into a demon by Lyssieth, she will now be listed as your mother in her character details page, and in Elizabeth's details she will now be listed as your half-sister.
Fixed minor issue with tooltip formatting for some items.
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Davyn Artwork PollHello again! Davyn, who most recently made the artwork for Wes and Elle, has so...

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Public Release Updated to v0.4.10.6

I introduced a game-breaking bug in v0.4.10.5 where interacting with demonic centaurs would cause a soft-lock. I've made a hotfix and updated the download links in the previous post with a new version of v0.4.10.6 (which fixes this critical bug). If you downloaded v0.4.10.5 then please update to v0.4.10.6 to avoid this bug. Thank you and I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused!
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Artwork commissions will be fully funded at this stage.
I'll set aside 4 hours every weekend in which to answer questions and respond to suggestions & requests on the discord.
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