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Thread Necromancer
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Entry 21 – Black Harpy (MGE) Corvei grinned as she gazed down at the boy w...

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Paramour of Zeus 11 (Worm AU)Thank you to ThatOnePerson33421 for subscribing~! <

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Bringing Back the Gargoyles 2 (Gargoyles)Thank you to anonymous for subscribing~! &

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Entry 20 – Harpy (MGE) Armed with ‘naught but a sword and bravery, Dan moving along hi...

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 All Alped Up Chapter 2

Sam/Samantha Zauberritter – Main Character
Evelyne Le Blanc De La Villepin – Princess
Klara Cornfeld – Priestess – From the town of “Hanzcornfeld”
Karl – Hunk/Guardsman/Personal Guard of the Princess
Seigfreya Zuberritter – Main Character’s sister and a witch
Suzuki Sales (placeholder name) – Local Danuki Alchemist and café owner


Samantha woke with a moan as her world was a veritable heaven of pleasure surrounding her on all sides. With every little movement she made, she felt the soft caress of lips on her swollen teats, softly and unconsciously drinking from her sensitive nubs. At the same time, she felt the strong body of Karl who’d fallen asleep atop her, his head between her breasts, and best of all his cock filling her hole. Samantha felt a pleasant, peaceful, bliss filled smile spread across her lips as she let her head fall back and just barely managed to hold back a delighted moo. Her life was bliss presently, and while a part of her wished this could last forever, it couldn’t, as in it was literally impossible. The potion would be wearing off eventually and she’d transform almost all the way back to how she was before. A man, but at least this would let her properly figure out what kind of mamono she wanted to end up when she fully alped.

Though to be fair… being a holstaur… has its benefits Samantha thought as she luxuriated in the pleasure that the princess and priestess were giving her as they suckled on Sam, delicious milk filling their bellies. A glance at both of them revealed that they’d largely transformed back to their old selves by now after everything. Slowly Samantha shifted her view to Karl and she smiled some more as her hips started to move, her walls squeezing slightly down on her man as she began to slowly and gently fuck herself on him. If only she could do more than small movements she would be able to begin to properly fuck herself on him, but alas she feared waking the others and him.

Yet despite that wish to let them sleep, she kept going, unable to stop herself as she shifted and spread pleasure through her body. Her lust overpowering her ability to resist, forcing her hips to gently slid up and down his shaft, and nearly making her “Moo” in the process. Samantha bit her lip as she barely suppressed herself, before suddenly she felt Karl stir. Samantha whined, disappointment filling her as she woke her crush, but she pushed that aside, instead trying to resist mooing while preparing to greet Karl.

“Morning, ah,” Samantha said as she gave Karl a wide smile as he looked up and blinked at her. Meanwhile the holstaur brought a finger up to her lips and whispered, “Don’t wake the others.”

Nodding, Karl slowly starting moving his hips, his cock sliding out of Samantha’s slick pussy before plunging back in a bit, nearly forcing a squeal from the holstaur before she could bite lip once more. It was harder than trying to hold in a laugh, and it bubbled in Samantha, pressure building in her more and more, especially as Karl started to earnestly fuck her. In desperation Samantha brought her fingers to her mouth, practically driving them in as pleasure spread through her whole body with each thrust of Karl. He wasn’t fast but that didn’t matter, her slit was so sensitive that even a slow fucking was driving her closer and closer to the cliff of climax. 

For long moments the two fucked, Samantha focusing everything she could into not crying out and squealing as to not wake the other two girls while Karl fucked her. Pleasure spread throughout her body, and she could feel her milk production increasing, and the two girls sucked on her more. Their mouths seeming to almost detect that there was more milk to be hand, and the pressure as the girls unconsciously sucked on her sent electric shocks of delight spreading through her body, and making her hips shake as she was fucked, as the pressure built, and as she felt herself… begin… to cum~!

“Mo-umph~!” Samantha nearly squealed before Karl came up and kissed her. Ecstasy spread through her system like a detonation of delight as Karl kissed her as they made love. Happily mooing, Samantha’s body shook and shuddered under her crush’s ministrations, and as the girls sucked at her breasts. Her climax lasted for long moments, her vision going white as her eyes rolled back and she let her body take over for a moment, before eventually she settled down. As Karl pulled away, Samantha couldn’t keep the delighted smile from her mouth as she gazed at her Karl, at the Herculean man in front of her, a titan in the flesh. How had she, a mere soon to be Alp, gain such a glorious man when no doubt the mamono who’d invaded had monster girls that were far more adept at the art of seduction than she?

Following his lead, Samantha slowly detached herself from the two sleeping girls. Though as she stood up, she took a moment to observe the once more human girls. Despite their transformation back, the potion could never deal with all of the corruption that it put into a creature. The rats that she’d tested it on often returned to being rats soon after, but with various side effects. What was most obvious to Samantha was that the princess was “suffering” from one of them. Where before in her human form she’d been flat as a board now, she’d since grown a very respectable set of perky breasts that looked like they’d be more than just a hand full each, and could probably rival some mamono for size. Meanwhile Sam was sure that she priestess hadn’t had such large, kissable lips as before. They’d practically puffed up to luscious pills that Samantha wouldn’t mind stealing a kiss or two from in the future, or watching slip around a cock, sucking on her future husbands member as those cock sucking lips did what they were made to do. 

Unfortunate that it hadn’t been the other way around. The princess would no doubt find it suitable annoying to be lisping all the time with such a set of lips. Sam certainly had troubles initially when her previous experiments had netted her a set of lips as soft and kissable as the priestess’ were now. 

As she gazed at the two girls, a thought began to filter into her mind, a niggling desire to grab hold of Karl, to press her chest against him, and softly moo at him. It was a ridiculous thing to wish rather than just ask, and yet the thought enchanted her. Reaching out, Samantha went to grab at Karl, yet found only thin air. Unconsciously she let out a quiet and curious “moo?” as she turned to look for her crush. Yet instead she only saw the back end of him in her kitchen. He’d opened the window, and if the barrier was still up Samantha might have been mildly annoyed at him compromising it, but since the Demon Lord’s Army had barged in mid fuck, there was no chance it remained. Smiling, Samantha sauntered her way over to Karl, doing her best to imitate how she saw some noble women walk, placing each foot in front of each other rather than in the usual masculine stomping way. With the amount of extra ass she had, Samantha enjoyed the feeling as her hips rolled with each step until she was in the kitchen. She was certainly going to keep this up, especially if Karl liked it.

Karl himself stared out the window, gazing out at the pillar of magic being poured into the dark, cloudy sky which casting the city in shadow. Further out from the walls, Samantha could see that the clouds descended, engulfing nearly everything beyond the city in an opaque dark grey. As she came closer though, Samantha could see Karl’s slumped shoulder, and a sad, defeated look having overtaken his usual features. Unable to help herself, her heart throbbed as Karl looked so distraught, she came up to him and pressed her breasts into his side. She took his arm like so many girls he’d seen do to their boyfriends when they were feeling down. While before she’d wanted to do so to show him she wanted some fun, now she ignored those foreign holstaur instincts, something made easier as some of the potion’s effects got weaker. It wasn’t too much, and it could also be because of some of the counter measures she’d devised a while back that fought mental contamination from the transformations. Holstaurs are famously dim witted after all much like Minotaurs, and as she’d been drugged by her own potion and as she changed, she hadn’t exactly been that different from the average one either as all her thoughts left her. Though her thoughtlessness could have also been because the other girls started to have their way with her. Eventually, Karl looked over to her, gazed at her a moment before sighing, though his look of defeat never wavered as he shook his head.

“It’s all over isn’t it,” Karl asked as she looked out to the churning pillar of magic and Samantha couldn’t help but agree with him. Sure there were likely some holdouts, but probably not many beyond maybe the university, not after the mamono had effectively blitzed the city and especially not if both the castle and the noble quarter had been taken already. The invasion was pretty much over, and now they have to deal with the changes that would be coming. Eventually with gentle tugs, Samantha coaxed Karl to the table of her kitchen, and having learned from last time cleared it so her crush didn’t accidentally go from a powerful muscle-bound hunk to a buxom vixen or something like that. 

While he sat Samantha prepared some Cinderbell tea for the both of them, then Samantha had an idea. While it was lewd, it might cheer him up, a little levity to brighten this dark mood.

“Would you like some cream?” she asked a little cheekily, though that got her a weird look from Karl before he sighed and nodded, a small smile gracing his lips. Grinning, Samantha brought her hands up, and let out a low “moo,” as she caressed and squeezed her breasts, creamy milk squirting into Karl’s tea, changing it from the clear orange to a light brown. Samantha bit her lip, enjoying the feeling before repeating it once more with her own drink. A little giggly after that, Samantha sat down before taking a sip of her tea. As expected, the cream of a holstaur was marvellous.

“So, what happened? How did everyone get transformed after I left? What happened to the teleport? Why do you… why are you a cow girl, and why, why is everyone else no longer one?” Karl asked as he sipped on his own tea. 

“Well… as for what happened, you’ve seen all of these various containers around us right?” Samantha asked indicating with her tea cup carefully as Karl nodded.

“Well they all have my various experiments in them, and lately… I’ve been trying to alp.” the cowgirl waited for a moment, watching his response, but all she got was a raised eyebrow and a bit of a confused stare. Oops… jargon. 

“Right, well, alping is basically where a male human is turned into a female mamono when exposed to demonic mana. I’ve identified some of the most common indicators of a man turning into an alp, which is the term for the succubus that the man turns into, and I exhibit many of them,” as Samantha explained, she didn’t take note of Karl’s expression shifting from confused to incredulous.

“Okay… why? Why would you want to, “alp”, as it were? I mean before all this happened? Did you know about the invasion? Hel, why did it matter now to make this… potion if you were going to alp anyways? You weren’t going to get eaten or killed like the rest of us, I don’t get it,” Karl said, and as he mentioned getting “eaten or killed” Samantha finally remembered that Karl was a good Order man, and that came along with the various lies that the church propagated for one reason or another.

“Right, got ahead of myself… uh, well, you see… you’re not going to die or get killed or anything like that beyond the initial fighting and stuff where people might get killed or die in the heat of battle. The mamono don’t really do that kind of thing when they invade, rather they prefer to corrupt. Women, and men who Alp, get transformed into various kinds of mamono, while nearly all men turn into incubi mamono, though if they are seduced or something by an undead monster, well they eventually end up as an undead incubi, but that’s about it. So you don’t have to worry about that,” Karl nodded as Samantha spoke before indicating for her to continue.

“Okay, so part of the reason I wanted to alp is that while I was probably going to alp anyways, I’m not totally sure that it couldn’t be averted in some way… like if a mamono came and seduced me with their multitude of mind altering magics. That… and I may have been trying to figure out a sex change potion long before this, so… when I found out that a powerful mamono was going to be coming after me to try and seduce me… I kind of realised that there was no point in avoiding corruptive ingredients and thus I wanted to not just change into a woman, but also be the woman I want to be… which is well… not exactly like this, but it’s far closer than what that one mamono would have mind fucked me into being.” All the while during her explanation, Karl’s eyebrow never fell from its elevated position, only shifting enough to furrow his brow.

“Okay… alright, I think I kind of get it, so what happened with the others? Why was the princess a cow girl demon, and why did lady Cornfeld suddenly have the fattest ass and titties I’ve ever seen on a normal girl? You didn’t experiment on them, did you?” he asked but Samantha assuaged his concerns with a shake of her head.

“No, the idiots drank some of my potion because they didn’t listen to my instructions of where the tea was. I said it was in the “pot,” not the “tea pot” but they went ahead and drank some of my previous experiments while also mixing in Holstaur milk, or at least the princess did, miss Cornfeld just had a base version of what I’m calling my bimbo beer. You probably saw but they turned back… mostly.” To that Karl hummed in agreement, no doubt thinking about how the princess’ breasts hadn’t shrunk back to their famously board-like proportions yet. 

“I guess that explains why you completely cleared the table,” he said, giving her a small smirk as he did so while Samantha blushed. She wasn’t exactly the cleanest person around, often forgetting to clean up after herself. Granted when things got really bad she made sure to clean, but before the mess reached critical mass, she often forgot or didn’t bother.

“Anyways, so them transforming was an accident, why didn’t you teleport them?”

“They tackled me after they transformed. They thought I betrayed them and they interrupted the spell, and then gave me another dose of my bimbo beer, which is probably why I haven’t transformed back yet. ‘Course, now it’s pointless to try to escape,” Samantha said as she gestured out the window to point at the rising pillar of clouds, at Karl’s rising eyebrow however Samantha explained: “A magical barrier is out there that will likely redirect teleports to somewhere else, likely a prepared seduction room or something like that where a mamono’s there to try and seduce the pants off of you, or if you’re a woman just corrupt you through a bit of Sapphic love making.

“Right, so teleporting’s out… I assume walking won’t help either?”

“Unlike teleporting there could be an actual chance of success, but you’d have to dodge all the patrols and all the monsters that’ll be coming in from the wilds, scrying magic, traps, and whatever else there is out there.”

“A simple no would have worked,” Karl said with a deadpan before sighing. “So I guess I failed.”

“If it’s any consolation… the chance of escape was rather minor at best. I didn’t think of it at the time, but honestly, they probably set up the teleport traps before I even started the teleport up, though it was great thinking, and the fact you actually got back to us, honestly, considering what I know about monsters, that’s got to have been pretty hard, anything you remember about what happened?” Samantha asked, her thoughts moving towards maybe shifting topics from Karl to something else to maybe distract him. Though rather than focus on it, Karl seemed to catch onto something she’d said. 

“What you know… what do you know? What can we expect?”

“Oh, uh… well, a lot of it is kind of not what the Order tells the people. It’s a big lie for one reason or another, I never bothered looking into it, but basically, all but a few monsters changed into sex demons and had their minds reworked so that they don’t explicitly try to murder people any more. They used to back before the current demon lord, but now… that’s all kind of fallen by the wayside since the demon lord would rather convert people into monsters instead.

Now, I don’t know too much about what actually goes on inside of demon realms since the closest thing we have is the word of some monster girls from a rather… illegal book that while it describes them, it usually doesn’t really do more than give generalisations and such things. Not to mention it’s all likely coming from mamono that the author interviewed so that’s kind of suspect, and then there are also the few scrying attempts where the author actually got their writings down and spread around before they mysteriously disappeared for one reason or another.”


“Mmm, maybe,” Samantha said with a shrug. “Or it could have been inquisitors, especially if they tried to spread their work around since that’s something you learn is a bit of a no no in academic circles. Don’t let the plebs know the real truth or else.”

“But you’re telling me now.”

“Mostly because it doesn’t matter. I mean, this realm won’t be following the laws of the Order any longer, and unless the king and queen have allies willing to fight for them, or a hidden stash of treasure to raise a grand army they won’t be able to take this land back. Besides, even if they did manage it, it’s the Sabbat that we’re dealing with.”

“The Sabbat, what are they?”

“Kid fuckers,” as she said that, the room went silent, only interrupted by the muffled sound of one particularly loud woman or mamono crying to the heavens in delight from somewhere else in the building.


“You heard me, kid fuckers. I know only a little about their inner workings, but from what I’ve read they’re a bunch of pedophiles looking to turn people into pedophiles like them while also taking on a childish visage.”

“That horrible, the people won’t stand for it.”

“Maybe,” that last remark got an odd look from Karl as Samantha said so, not that she could blame him. The average man on the street might assume that even converted Orderites had enough humanity left in them to find the perversion of children horrifying, and might even leave them feeling murderous enough to cause even a small stirring… yet the encyclopaedia by the Wandering Scholar described them as ever present in mamono society. Granted, it was possible that it was all monsterous propaganda, but ever since Samantha dove into studying the monsterous once she’d become a target of interest by the Sabbat, nothing she’d found disproved it, especially among the reports of returning crusaders or scrying mages.

“What do you mean?” Karl asked, almost accusingly to which all Samantha could do was sigh.

“What I mean is that the Sabbat, or Sabbats or whatever seem to be a major institution monster life to the point that pretty much every former Orderite turned demon realm has a proper Sabbat headquarters set up there in a decade or less despite how stomach churning their purpose is to most right minded people.”

“Why do you think that is?”

“My bet is on how mamono mana half the time basically induces mind control in order to keep the plebs at least somewhat in line with the addition of the Sabbat being magically and socially powerful. Then probably propagandise the people into accepting it or make opposing them illegal or something and then after a generation or two people who don’t like them end up a fringe minority shouting from the side lines that probably get censored or thrown in jail or something, but that’s just my theory from what I’ve read while studying. While I know more than you about this kind of stuff even mages don’t know it all when it comes to the truth about monsters. I mean the section in the university library is literally just a shelf with one half being books and stuff brought back from the few successful crusades that are no doubt filled with propaganda and the rest is just interrogation accounts from terrified farmers who got raped and now are facing an inquisitor.”

“Well there must be some way of finding out…” as he said that though, Karl started to look at Samantha, his eyes rising up to her horns, down to her chest, which same Samantha smile, pressing her arms together a bit to push her breasts out some more. Surprisingly only a few droplets of milk leaked out of her incredible breasts. But then the girls had been on her breasts pretty much the whole night so she probably needed Karl to get much more than this. Though while it could be because this short term version of the potion could be running out, the double dose probably meant that she’d likely stay a holstaur mamono for… at least another day… probably.

“What are you thinking?” Samantha asked, her smile growing wide, a blush starting to flow to her cheeks. Being looked at while having such a lewd body. She just wanted to grab Karl, pull his head into her breasts, to rub up against him, his cock penetrating into her as they started to fuck, to rut and let him fill her again. Her desire growing by the second, and she could even feel herself starting to leak as Karl opened his mouth and-

“You’re still a mamono, and you said that the Sabbat are likely the ones invading us… so that stands to reason that you could probably actually learn a thing or two about them, especially if they’ve got a base camp here,” Karl said, and like an anvil falling on Samantha’s head, her hopes for more sex was crushed. He was still thinking about this whole Sabbat thing… and it sounded like he wanted to use her to find this kind of stuff out.

“No, out of the question. I’m not talking to them.”


“Because I don’t want to, it’s dangerous for my sanity, and honestly because one of their most powerful witches wants to turn me into one of their “Onaychan” or something like that even though I can’t. Probably wouldn’t stop them from mind fucking me and turning me into some kid diddling little girl when I did actually alp and turn into a witch.”

“But you’re a mamono right now, you’re on their team until the potion wears of as far as anyone knows, so surely at the very least we could find something out, and what if we just seem curious? Make it seem like we want to join, then they might just tell us what they’re about. I mean, not everyone ends up as a member of the Sabbat right? We could just ask about it, and find out what they want, what they do, that kind of stuff.”

“And what if they just decide to transform me and mind fuck you? What if then?” at that though Karl gave a little snort and a boyish smirk as he patted his sword.

“Come on Sam, you’re the most powerful mage in the city since your sister disappeared beyond maybe a few witches. I’d say that’s probably enough to get away if trouble happens right? Plus, I’ll be there to help you, don’t forget, I fought my way back here through a couple dozen monsters without getting corrupted. Hell, I had to take down an ogre all by my lonesome just to get here,” as he boasted, Sam couldn’t help but blink a bit at that. Karl wasn’t a liar, it just wasn’t in his nature, so for him to boast like that, Sam couldn’t really take it any other way. Despite not being a hero, Karl had taken down an ogre. If he was a mage, it might not have been as impressive since even if a mage wasn’t a hero they could still become fairly powerful, yet Karl had apparently managed to fell one of the heavy hitters among the more common mamono. Slowly as she imagined it, Sam felt a smile spreading across her face, imagining in her mind as Karl, gallant as ever did battle with the hulking green horned monster woman, slicing her here and there, fighting off her attacks in feats of strength only a hunk like him, or a hero could achieve. Despite herself, Sam bit her lip as she through about how Karl had gone through all that, managed to against all odds make it back to her… all by his lonesome. 

“O-okay, if you’ll protect me I’ll go,” she said, unable to keep her voice steady as she agreed to go with him. Maybe after, they could do something nice together, maybe go on a date in one of the monster infested areas where it’d be safe?


Samantha grumbled as her false bravado at having Karl with her had slowly as they walked started to wear thin, especially as she kept looking up at that mass of swirling magic, watching how it just kept on going. It’d been at least half an hour now and there was no sign of it even wavering. That there had to be the Baphomet then doing that.

Or her sister…

Though at least they kind of blended in as Sam’s rather sheer clothing was close enough to that of the various monsters that were wandering about that she didn’t look out of place at all. She was wearing the very brief outfit she’d prepared for herself when she’d answered the door with and other than being a bit plain, it fit in. Karl himself though looked as dashing as ever, clothed in his guard uniform, without all the armour of course since they weren’t on a “combat mission”. They did still have protection however as Sam had her wand in a pouch on her hip along with a spare bimbo beer. Karl meanwhile had his sword on his hip. As they walked through the place Samantha hung to Karl’s strong muscled arm that were like granite pillars, looking no different from the one or two love sick couples that they passed, and a few monster girl soldiers even gave Sam a thumbs up before rushing off with shiny silver swords held high to where ever trouble seemed to be brewing in the noble district. 

They themselves were heading to the east chapel where the Sabbat had their command post set up. Out on the street outside of the noble district’s walls, it was easy to see this part of the city had been taken long enough ago that some civilians were even walking about with mamono soldiers rushing about from building to building. Despite the less tense atmosphere though, the cries of delight from sex and perversion still sounded through the streets, along with the sound of shattering wood followed by screams of terror. More than once, Sam had to restrain Karl, having to whisper to him that there was nothing he could do. They were going to be converted one way or another, and all he’d do was get himself arrested. He didn’t like it… but it was unfortunately how it was.

As they walked, Samantha noticed that they were getting close to the place where she’d once upon a time had started to buy alchemy ingredients for cheap. She’d started back then buying alchemy supplies there both for class, as well as to make into study aids in order to stay awake into the early morning hours. As they neared the shop, Samantha almost thought she saw the wayward alchemist from a far land that owned the place. Though as they got closer, Samantha noted that the girl she thought was the alchemist Suzuki wasn’t. The monster girl for example had a very thick tail, fur on her legs that made them seem thick, and a pair of soft looking ears atop her head. The garb was also different since Suzuki said she didn’t have anything from her old homeland of Zipangu, though this monster girl obviously did going by the rather sheer silken outfit the girl wore. For a moment Sam wondered if Suzuki had made it out, but then the Danuki turned slightly so that Sam could see her face, and even with the darkened patch of skin around the eyes, she recognised the alchemist immediately. 

“Suzuki!?” Samantha said, stunned as she finally recognised the Danuki who was appraising the shop. From the looks of it, it looked like it’d gotten a make over, having changed looking like a normal shop front to suddenly having various Zipangu decorations all over the front of it. The sudden twitch of the girl’s ears seemed to indicate she heard Sam, and turning, the mamono looked around in confusion, looked to Samantha and then Karl. She looked to Karl for a moment, recognising him, before her gaze shifted to Sam. As expected, she didn’t recognise Sam, just as Samantha had barely recognised one of the few people she usually dealt with on a regular basis beyond Karl. 

“Uh, do I-“ the Danuki started before suddenly she realised something, smacked her head before her demeanour changed from confused and curious, to energetic and friendly. “Doh, I mean, Hello customers~!”

As she spoke, she bounded up to the couple, smiling happily as she pulled out a brochure and practically stuffed it in Karl’s free hand.

“I’d say welcome to my café but I haven’t even started renovating it, but that doesn’t mean that we’re not open! I can get you a Prisoner Fruit soda lick-it-y split since I just slapped on the carbonation rune on the vat so my famous Pri-cinder soda should only be a few moments away! Or if you’re looking for my old alchemy stuff you’re in luck as since I haven’t renovated yet it’s still here rather than in the back alley shop I was going to set up, so what will it be?” she asked. As she spoke, Karl took the small brochure that she offered as Sam blanched slightly.

“It’s me Suzuki, it’s Sam, I’m uh…” Sam said cutting straight to it, leaving Suzuki to blink for a moment as she looked over Samantha again. As she did, she started to frown, her tail drooping as she seemed to start to recognise her despite the near total change. 

“Sam, Sam Zauberritter from the university?” she asked, almost hesitantly to which Sam nodded and then Suzuki started to pout.

“Aw Maou, you alped? I thought that we could have… well you know, had something…” she said, her pout growing deeper. Sam in turn raised an eyebrow, which prompted Suzuki to continue.

“And you alped without me! We could have become business partners too! You’d have been my cute lil Danuki assistant and it’d have been so cute and great and fun! Wah! Aw Maou I just got rotten luck don’t I? When you asked me for all that corrupted demon realm stuff, I thought “jackpot!” because you were cute and all that. That and I uh… well I kind of wanted to get you as my husband. I thought I had more time, but then the invasion happened, and I was going to come over when the invasion happened and be “oh so scared~” but then it happened when I was away and…” she trailed off, a glum smile on her face as she looked at Sam, before her spirits seemed to lighten after a moment before sliding to Sam’s side and grabbed the larger girl in a one armed hug before turning them towards Karl who was still looking through the brochure.

“But hey there’s plenty of fish in the sea, and I can see you already caught one~! Really quickly too! Maou, you developed really fast to. I mean like wow,” she said as she pulled away, her arms shooting out and seeming to outline Samantha’s grand form for herself, earning a grin from both Samantha, and a few passers by. “I know Alps become even more feminine than the average succubi but damn you went from my cute lil’ twig boy too little Miss Moooo!”

Sam couldn’t help as she began to blush, and the longer Suzuki went, the redder her blush, especially as Karl was smiling as he watched the Danuki’s antics. Rather than act out she just scratched the back of her head, unsure how to even properly process the ribbing properly. Though she had posed a question. Motioning Suzuki over, Sam bent down so she could whisper to the smaller girl. Sensing a secret coming her way, Suzuki grinned before scampering over to place one of her giant ears close to Sam.

“It’s the potion I was brewing, all those ingredients I needed in the last few weeks were all for the potion I’m using to turn myself into an Alp, otherwise it would have taken far longer.” Suzuki’s eyes widened as she turned to look over Sam again.

“Wow, that’s the kind of stuff I’d expect outta the Sabbat or something, not some cute Order boy,” she said before smiling wide. “Say… you perhaps willing to sell that kind of stuff to me? If I can make instant Alps, I might be able to sell that kind of stuff.”

“Works on more than just men,” Karl said idly, drawing Suzuki’s interest. “Some girls I was escorting accidentally drank some of it and turned into mamono.”

“Pfft, not just mamonos, better mamonos,” Samantha proudly corrected. From what she’d seen of the average mamono in the texts and now on the streets, they were alright, but nothing compared to what she could achieve, though that might have to do with the fact that her potion used prisoner fruit along with the rest of her ingredients. Prisoner fruit did after all 

“Oh really? Well I can certainly say that you’re obviously better than average, but maybe that’s just you? I mean alps once they’ve accepted their new feminine nature generally become more amorous than the average girl. I’ll need to have a demonstration before I can believe that claim. If you have extra then maybe we could test it out together? Have a bit of fun and then after I can determine if it was worth a third of my stock of back door demon realm stuff,” Suzuki asked. Sam was almost tempted to give the danuki her spare bottle to let the mamono girl experience having a better bimbo body, but then she might need it if her predictions about her transformation turned out to be less than accurate.

“I’ll have to grab one of the other spares I made,” Sam said, though something else Suzuki had said seemed to catch Karl’s ear.

“A third? There are potions in every cup on every surface in Sam’s place, what were you going to do with all of that demon realm stuff?” Karl asked his voice only barely holding back, and not very well, an accusing tone that made the small danuki shrink back.

“Okay, uh, let’s change the subject,” Suzuki said with a little apprehension in her voice. Luckily for Suzuki, Sam gave Karl a little pout and while he still wasn’t exactly happy, he only grumbled before sighing so Suzuki was safe from a harsh tongue lashing. 

”So where are you two lovebirds heading out to right now hmm? A romantic picnic that just needs some of my Pri-cinder soda, or maybe joining the main Sabbat here hmm? Just so you know the Kuroferuru Sabbat and they generally don’t really like Holstaurs so you probably want to wait until one of the other Sabbats show up so you can join. The best for a Holstaur like yourself would probably be the Marune Sabbat,” Suzuki said.

“Kurofe- what?” Karl questioned, mirroring Sam’s own confusion, though Sam’s was about how a Danuki knew so much about the various factions of the Sabbat to know their individual names. Unless she was perhaps a part of the Sabbat. Her figure was rather… small, though she’d just assumed it was due to being a foreigner since she still looked like a young adult, if a short one. 

Then again, she seemed to be in cahoots with the invaders, so she might actually know about which specific little sects of the Sabbat wanted to invade… unless what she meant was a specific faction of the Sabbat.

“Oh yeah, you Orderites generally don’t know about the difference. Well I don’t have any sort of in-depth knowledge, you’d need to go to the Sabbat base in the old east side chapel and get one of their short introduction books to learn more.”

“We were actually heading there now, to learn a thing or two,” Sam said as Suzuki nodded.

“That’s good, and if you decide to join one of the Sabbats, make sure to come back here after the rite of spring! I wanna see how much of a cutie you become after it, or not still come back. I think my cousin sells milking machines that lets your hubby fuck you at the same time as I get your sweet sweet milkies! I’ll pay you for every bit of sweet sweet holstaur milk you give me, and also a big ol’ discount at the café, five percent off~!”0 she said, a lewd and perverse grin spreading across her cheeks. The two nodded before walking off. After putting some distance between them and Suzuki, Sam finally breathed a sigh, her expression darkening. 

“As if I’d ever do the rite of spring,” she muttered while Karl pulled her close. As he did so, Sam couldn’t help but swoon, hugging him back as they moved along. As they continued on, neither of them noticed how Sam’s breasts had slowly, ever so slowly started shrinking, or how her tail just as slowly shortened in length.


The old east chapel while not as grand as the city’s main cathedral was easy to pick out from the rest of the buildings, and not just from the fact that a swirling umbral tornado of magic was shooting out of the steeple into the gloomy cloud covered sky. The chapel itself was situated atop a gentle hill which housed many graves along its slope. The building itself wasn’t too remarkable, merely consisting of a stone walled building with a steeple that rose two or so stories above the rest of the building, mirroring many other small chapels in this part of the world.

Already the pair could see an assortment of banners having been rolled down the sides of the walls with what Sam supposed was the symbol of this particular Sabbat emblazoned upon them. Some childlike witches already were flying around on broomsticks, seeming to magically paint or darken the stone of the church, slowly turning the whole thing into black, though it seemed less a priority since every few feet a witch would leave the wall and head towards an area on the hill hidden by large parasols where wild grunting and the squeals of witch girls emanated. Karl shuddered as Sam frowned, but the pair kept moving on, trying to ignore the lewd and seemingly lazy work crew.

The first thing Samantha noticed as started Karl opening the door, was that a wave of demonic mana flowed over her. It was like opening a hot room and being slammed by a heat wave, only far more… exciting. Already somewhat aroused, Sam felt a churning in her core, her clit getting hard, her nipples growing turgid as she grew wet and began to blush. She could smell the heavy scent of sex already wafting out from the room, wetting Samantha’s mouth now as the thought of Karl, his cock briefly flitted through her mind, before she stamped down on it. Later… and definitely not here. It wasn’t safe here.

Then as Karl opened the door the rest of the way for her Sam’s eyes widened when she entered. When Karl entered, he seemed taken aback and nearly choked on his own spit as he looked inside to the once quaint chapel to the Chief Goddess. Sex dominated the main part of the church beyond the small entrance room. All along the various pews were couples of what looked like little girls and grown men fucking all over the church of the pews. Most of the girls didn’t even look like monsters, except for a few here who hadn’t lost their iconic hats. All those being fucked writhed in delight as they were taken by the disgusting perverts who inhabited the place. As Sam gazed, her eyes started to shift as she noticed people other than the various paedophilic couples. 

Around the church were various Nuns also being fucked, though usually not by men, but by witches or other such childlike mamono. All were bound, their vestments mostly thrown to the side, tied up in one way or another and were often gagged or magically silenced as they were taken by the gaggles of juvenile looking mamono. Strap ons and shadowy tentacles were the main weapons of these demonic rapists, though some had their faces stuffed between the legs of the nuns, eating them out even as they either moaned in horror through their gags or silently screamed as they struggled either against rope, chains, or more mamono who held them down. Some even seemed to have given into pleasure as well, their faces having shifted form looks of horror and despair, to unrestrained expressions of delight as they were fucked. 

At the head of the church under a statue of the Chief God, Sam’s eyes widened as she saw a baphomet, the baphomet who’d taken her sister, who’d… who’d changed her from what she once was, to what she was now. The creature that’d turned her wonderful, beautiful sister, into a pint sized witch girl. There the creature was, being taken by some young man over the alter of the Chief God, her arms pulled back and her young seeming breasts out for all to see as her man drove his cock into her over and over again as she squealed along with the rest of the blasphemous witches here. For a moment Sam panicked, almost getting ready to cast a spell, but as she watched the thing getting fucked, Sam couldn’t help but notice how it didn’t react to them, and how her head flopped here and there as she was pounded. Finally, after a moment Samantha realised her jaw had been clenched, and slowly she tired to relieve that tension, slacking that jaw, and relaxing her shoulders slightly. The baphomet was busy at the moment, and thus shouldn’t be a problem. 

Karl however, seemed on a razors edge, his hand on his sword, a look of disgust and horror seemed permanently stuck to his features. No doubt his stomach roiled with bile at the sight. Placing a hand on his arm though, Karl looked to Sam who just shook her head.

“The only thing that’d happen is that we’d be converted. They’d then use their mind magic on us and then we’d be as depraved as them,” she said. Karl seemed conflicted, his hand not leaving his sword for a long while, before eventually he grumbled and let go. “If you want, I can go and you can stand outside.”

“If you don’t mind,” he said. As Samantha nodded, Karl seemed to sigh, gave her a smile and said: “If you need anything, just shout.” 

Then in a rush, he practically fled the once sacred place of the Chief Goddess and slammed the door behind him. That seemed to finally rouse a few curious heads that looked Sam’s way. Most turned back to their hubbies, a few gazes lingered a moment, and Sam noticed a few looks of disgust or annoyance flash across their face before seeming to turn their noses up at her. In the end, there was but a few faces that still looked his way, and one small cat girl clad in nothing but a bikini that covered naught but her nipples and a very very sheer set of panties that rode high over her hips pulled herself away from defiling a bound, helpless nun and sauntered her way over with a slow, catlike grace. 

“Hey there horny,” she said as she got close. “What’s a farm animal like you doing here?”

At the seeming put down, Sam merely raised an eyebrow at the cat witch, though the little girl shaped witch didn’t seem to notice, still waiting patiently as Sam pursed her lips, only just noticing how they’d seemingly shifted back, her puffy bimbo lips now just a regular pair.

“I came because I wanted to learn about the Sabbat, I know some of the basics but… well, those were all from the Order’s library rather than anything… informative,” as she said this, the juvenile cat girl seemed to perk up at that.

“Oh, were you a mage?” she asked to which Sam nodded, snapping her fingers a moment and producing a quick flashy spark. The sudden use of magic seemed to interest one or two of the witches who were tending to the nuns, though they were only interested for a moment before going back to tormenting their bound victims. 

“Ahh… well…” as the cat girl spoke, she seemed to start to re-evaluate Samantha, gazing her over again, but still frowned. 

“Really unfortunate that body you got there,” she said as she began to scratch her chin. “Really unfortunate. It’s a shame that a smart girl such as yourself became a holstaur. I mean maybe you could make it among the Marune Sabbat since you haven’t yet become a dummy like most of your species. However, that relies on you actually wishing to still be a mage and not a brainless bimbo, but if you transformed into a holstaur… Well anyways even if you managed to keep your smarts, a holstaur can never truly be a part of the Kuroferuru Sabbat, your tits are just simply too big and will still be even after the rite…”

Despite knowing that the little witches of the Sabbat seemed to enjoy being little girls, to hear her say such thing… Sam felt an immediate distaste filling her though she did her best to hide it. Bimbo bodies and by extension big breasts were the best, and the lil snottling should recognise that. To not was simply alien, absurd, and too ridiculous to take seriously. For a moment, Sam was half a mind to force her spare potion down the runt’s throat so that she could experience having a great, luscious and exciting body that was far superior to her current puntable one. Then maybe she’d realise how nice it was to rub them up against her hubby, to have him play with her, grabbing her tits and gently caressing them, or even squeezing them, abusing those big ol’ melons, sliding his cock between them and his dick poping out so she could suck on it with her sensitive slutty lips and make- 

“That’s what a friend of mine thought as well, though I don’t know why, what exactly is so different between the Kuroferuru Sabbat and the Marune Sabbat? Are there other Sabbats that I should know about? Are there many other factions of the Sabbat?” Sam said finally, trying to ignore her blush, how her imagination went straight for Karl and his cock. She’d jeopardise their mission if she went about trying to turn these disgusting perverted little girls into proper big boobed bimbo perverts like any right minded Orderite would love to fuck.

“Right, your new, just a moment,” the girl said as reached back, and Sam’s eyes widened as the girl seemed to bend back, her arm reaching to her rear. Averting her eyes, all Sam could do was listen in horror as there was a slick, wet sound. When Sam looked back the cat girl was holding a wand, a rather thick and vaguely penis shaped “wand”, as large as Sam’s forearm with a bulbous shaft and a flared bottom. Sam stayed silent trying not to blush despite the lewd implications, hoping that this witch had just made herself look young and wasn’t actually as young as she looked and finally also trying to wrap her mind around how the girl had managed to fit such a thick and long thing in her… 

The cat girl waved her wand around in a circle, a common enough gesture for lesser spells, and in her free hand appeared a small book… that seemed to be covered in pornographic imagery of little girls in… various compromising situations. Sam almost didn’t want to take it, unable to help her grimace as the cat girl walked up close and handed it to Samantha.

“Now you see, while there are lots of smaller sabbats, all of them are part of a larger sabbat faction like… like,” as she spoke, she seemed to notice something and paused, her brow furrowed as she looked to Sam.

Then Sam noticed it herself as she could actually somewhat feel the floor now and her hoofs under her felt longer as if they’d grown out. She could even wiggle the twin toes of her hoofs as if they were her old human toes. Her tail as well she finally noticed had shrunk and looking down, she saw her breasts had shrunk since the cat girl had slipped away from her rapey fun time. Not by more than a cup but it had still gotten the attention of the cat girl. Then Sam realised something else, her clit was getting more sensitive. She’d attributed the tingling to the corruption in the air and the sight of such depravity playing on her lustful hind brain. In reality though, it’d been her clit growing. She twitched down there and it wasn’t just her love tunnel that twitched, but also a small sensitive shaft that had been growing. She could feel it twitch; quivering with a tiny micro erection, pressing up against the cloth of her panties, sending sparks through the sensitive nub. The potion was coming undone. She thought she had more time. She hadn’t noticed it because she was so focused on Karl, and she’d dumbly assumed that a double dose meant double the duration, when she had no evidence to back that up. 

The cat’s eyes seemed to brighten after many long sniffs, and in a second she sniffed the air one last long time before her slit pupils narrowed to sharp daggers. 

“Pre, I smell pre~” she said nearly breathless. “You’re not Holstaur. You’re a new oni-chan!”

The last part she said loud enough to catch some people’s attention and now she knew that she’d fucked up. On instinct the cat girls’ claws came out and she lowered herself, preparing to pounce. While she could reach for her wand, this whole place was a room filled to the brim with mages, many of which knew how to do an easy counter spell in their sleep, especially the Baphomet getting fucked on the alter. An area spell thus probably wouldn’t work… her potion though? Despite it being meant for ingestion, it did work through skin contact even when vaporised…

Sam barely had time to reach for her pouch as the cat girl attempted to pounce. Her claws were outstretched and she had on a feral expression. Sam’s eyes widened as she stepped back. Yet as the girl pounced, Sam kicked out at the it, and surprised herself at how far the cat was kicked back as she flew back to the main room. Many of the witches near the back suddenly stopped and looked at Sam with both bewilderment and what looked to be excitement. Some even moved away from their bound nuns, toys and various bondage implements slipping away from their victims as they eyed Samantha up drawing wands or seeming to heft up their various toys. The cat girl as she rose up seemed particularly excited, licking her lips as she smacked her massive dildo wand against her off hand like it was a club.

Oh shit.

Retaliation was instant as wands were pointed at her. Black tentacles spewed forth from the cat witch’s dildo wand while other spells flew at Sam who barely had time to dodge to the side of the small room she was in. Light flew past and smacked against the door behind her while the tentacles tried to spew forth into the room. Grabbing both her potion and wand, Sam tried to get a shield up but before it even had much time to form, the magical tentacles slammed up against it and the shield was blown apart. They tried to grab her and the tentacles forced the holstaur had to dodge again as the tentacles tried to follow her. With a snarl, Sam cast a cutting spell on the lewd tendrils, popping them like soap bubbles, before with an underhanded toss threw up her spare potion over the crowd in the main room before pointing her wand at her potion and fired off a flaming bolt.

While counter spells were prepared in near unison, none were meant to protect the potion, and the fiery bolt shattered the bottle, the fire vaporising the contents inside and sending forth a thick cloud of Samantha’s bimbo beer from the bottle. Before some could react, the pleasant smelling smoke hit them, engulfing the forms of those near the front, witch, nun and incubus all.

The change was near instant. While some got off some spell to protect them, or just simply dodged out of the vaporised potion’s cloud, most were too slow. Those who were engulfed by the cloud began to change. Rapidly their breasts began to balloon, their bodies grew from their previous diminutive size. Their asses, thighs, hips all shifting and pleasantly expanding as the bimbo beer worked its magic on them. Their faces matured and their lips thickened, replacing the once childish looking girls was a small group of women that’d catch the eye of any man throughout the Order continent.

Similarly, the incubi were transformed into succubae, their bodies shifting and changing as they grew breasts, their cocks shrunk into clits and they made confused feminine sounds as they seemed barely to understand what was going on. All the once male demons were dumbstruck by the change, their gazes shifting down in near unison, their hands unable to stop from touching their new sultry forms. 

Feminine laughs erupted from further in the room. It caught Sam off guard, and while nearly all of the bimbos looked down to themselves in horror, a few either didn’t seem to mind, or in the case of one couple, they seemed to be into it. Some of the witches tried some magic, but that only seemed to spur the cloud on, and despite what Sam assumed was a polymorph spell or something, nothing changed about them. They’d be stuck like this until the potion finally wore off.

Then Sam noticed the few nun’s caught in the cloud. Bound as they were, it was hard to see them, but while in the cloud they’d begun to shift as well. One girl bulged out, the leather straps holding her strained for long moments, before bursting, sending a belt buckle flying about the room as her new massive breasts couldn’t be held any longer. Another merely ripped her way through the restraints… though the last one’s change drew Sam’s eyes. The odd shiny black material covering her whole body started to bulge and expand outwards in all directions. Thorns and horns burst from the black bondage bag. Claws poked through and two sets of teeth started to chew through the bag. 

There was a monstrous roar, an intense jet of flame spewed forth as everyone stopped for just a moment. From the bondage bag a horned draconic head emerged. While she looked excited, it wasn’t with lust that she shook, but rather it was a baleful glare made worse by how her face scrunched up to form an expression of pure hate. Then the bag riped the rest of the way open and a pair of tentacles lashed out with razor sharp teeth while fire poured from the mouth of the former nun.

Yet as she tried to attack, the Jabberwock was encased in some kind of bubble shield that stopped her. Sam looked over to the alter and saw the baphomet had gotten up. At some point she’d gotten a demonic looking scythe, and seemed to be using it channel her magic. Yet that barely seemed to deter the newly transformed mamono as with her claws, she dug them into the shield, and with a roar that shook the church she pierced the shield and ripped it apart, before leaping at the baphomet, fire spewing from her mouth, lighting the floor she traveled over on fire as she sped forth to try to rip her foe apart. Like most of the witches, Sam similarly stood idle watching as the dragon girl charged, until the door opened and Sam suddenly felt a hand grab her arm and pull her through the door. Once she was through, Karl slammed the door shut behind them before spinning Samantha around to face him.

“The hell happened!?” Karl asked as inside they could still hear the commotion going on as the sound of magic and cries of rage sounded through the thick door. Something crashed into the heavy church door and the dragon girl skidded through the entrance, her claws dragging deep gouges into the cobblestone before she cried out once more and in a mad rage before she leapt forth once more. In a panic Karl slammed the door closed and stayed to keep it closed even though it likely wouldn’t help. Yet as Sam thought that, there was another thud and rather than open, it stayed shut. 

“My po-” as she tried to speak, her voice had shifted, turning more masculine, going from the soft highly feminine to something more androgynous. Grunting, Sam tried to adjust to suddenly having an Adam’s apple once more. “My potion started wearing off. She tired to jump me and so I splashed some of the crowd with my potion, now one of the nuns has turned into a bimbo dragon and is going berserk.” 

As she spoke Karl seemed to catch onto the berserk dragon being a former nun and he looked to the door as if he could see beyond it. “Then should we go and help? Maybe with her help we could take down this sabbat?”

“Don’t be foolish,” Sam declared as he pulled out his wand and pointed at the door before muttering a small incantation to seal the door. “Sure she turned into a dragon, but it’s a baphomet in there along with her whole cadre of crones. That dragon’s toast unless she can escape and same for us too if-”

As she spoke, there was the sound of glass shattering along, rapidly followed by wood splintering. Something caught Sam’s eye and as she looked up, her eyes widened as she saw the dragon and the baphomet, and it certainly wasn’t looking good for the Jabberwock. Up above the baphomet seemed to be juggling the dragon girl in the air by rapidly kicking her, each kick propelling the big boobed bimbo up higher and higher. 

Then Sam noticed the pillar of magic being blasted silently into the air faded, and out flew a single witch from the steeple. Like all witches, she was small, and in nothing but a few strings of twine that covered nothing on her. From her back tentacles writhed and wriggled around on her, the dripping things playing with her body all over while she unconsciously ground herself into it. Her purple hair was done in pig tails as a witch hat hung from a cord on her neck. Of all the changes, only one thing had stayed consistent, and that was her wand, a sceptre that she’d gotten upon graduating from the university. Unlike the rest of her, it wasn’t transformed into a perverse thing, its gem only darkening rather than turning into something lewd like some kind of dildo or something.

Floating there was his big sister, Seigfreya… once she’d been objectively beautiful, enough that it made their parents try to hide her form from others until eventually they disappeared, just like she had. Now though… now she’s been changed to this…

Seigfreya looked up at her corruptor, her master, and sped off towards her, no doubt to help with the Jabberwock. That fight up there was over, the dragon just didn’t know it yet.

“Sam?” she heard Karl ask as he looked to her, but Sam just turned away from the fight and started to spin her wand. They should get out of her before anyone decided to take notice of them over the fight going on above, especially as from what Sam could see soldiers were starting to move their way in towards the burning church as more witches flew their way out of the church and watched the battle above. Inside Sam could feel and hear magic being used, likely to put out the flames. 

Clearing it all from her mind, she focused on where she wanted to go, twirling her wand faster and faster, a spiralling portal appearing in front of her, the location starting to appear and take shape in the deep blue portal she was forming. She didn’t need it to last for long, so as soon as the image stopped wobbling, she grabbed at Karl’s shirt, and tried to pull him along. Seeming to understand, Karl jumped along through the portal as it rapidly began to destabilise behind them. 


Stepping out of the swirls they found themselves in some kind of back room or storage room. Not taking any chances, Sam turned, and with a few swipes of her wand the cloudy portal rapidly dissipated, turning into blue clouds of magic vapour. Sam looked around, wand out and ready to cast something harmful… yet there was nothing but shelves of alchemical goods, and Karl with his sword out and at the ready. While Sam had been dissipating the portal, Karl had already started to investigate between the shelves. After a moment he came back and sheathed his sword. 

“I thought you said teleporting wouldn’t work?” he asked, and Sam nodded.

“Teleporting out of the city wouldn’t work. The whole place has that net around it to catch people, but inside? I mean it was kind of gamble, but if we didn’t get out, we were kind of fucked anyways so…”

“Well… at least we got out… I wasn’t liking our chances if all those soldiers started to come after us” Karl said as he started to come back to Sam. As Karl came closer, he gave Sam a once over, his head tilting a bit. 

“You’re not a holstaur any more but you still look like a girl, is the potion still wearing off or…?” he asked, but Sam shook her, or rather his head. He could feel his penis was back, though certainly not back to its original length from a month ago. It’d gone from about average to something that was about the size of one of his finger bones. Another side effect of the potion slowly corrupting him as time went on. Over a month of testing… drink after drink, night after night of…

“No, ah, well… the potion is a corruptive one. If a person keeps drinking it, they’ll slowly get more and more corrupted as time goes on, and… well that means their body will change as well. While I… have been trying to corrupt myself and turn into an Alp… there are a few, mental things I’ve been trying to escape from, and fortify against with this potion.”

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean is that there are stories of accounts of what happens to people. Most of them are monster propaganda, or other things, sometimes first hand accounts of those who escape, but often enough, there is a non-insignificant amount of people who almost completely and utterly change when they transform. They basically stop being the person they were before, and turn into something else. Basically they die and something takes over their body, or at least that’s how I’ve come to see it. It doesn’t happen to everyone, but there are a lot of people who just… aren’t themselves anymore, and I want to keep that from happening to me, so I’ve been trying to figure out how to fight against any kind of radical personality shifts, mostly by identifying them or any other foreign intrusion, and then acting against it, either alchemically or through other means… I’ve lately gotten a lot better at it…”

“Radical personality shifts? Has this happened before?” Karl asked, to which Sam nodded.

“Yeah… the first time I tried my potion myself… I… kind of lost myself… Do you remember the succubus incident about a month back?” Karl nodded, already likely seeing where this story was going. In truth, it hadn’t been a succubus but rather a dark mage. “That was me… I just suddenly changed, my whole personality shifted and at the time I didn’t even see anything wrong with it. It was like, all my troubles fell away except one, and I knew exactly how to fix it too. It was like…”

Yet as he spoke, his voice trailed away, remembering that time. How he’d changed, how his form had shifted, and with it his mind as well. Somewhere in him he felt as if he’d connected to something, something vast and infinite compared to his small self. Yet how could one describe such a thing? It was like being in the presence of something immense, something beyond himself that he’d connected to. He’d thought he’d had an epiphany as parts of himself had slipped away, as thoughts, annoyances, hatreds… it all slipped away. Looking at it, he became something else while monsterised during that first time he tested that potion on himself, something terrible.

Thankfully the potion had been temporary, and he’d shifted back eventually, back to his wrongness, away from what felt… right, back to the body he had no qualms shedding, and back to all his little personality quirks that had left him no friends but that of Karl, stubborn boyish Karl, and formerly his sister. Though not before he’d nearly stormed the university in a blitz of new found magical power that would have begun the monsterisation of this realm long before the Sabbat arrived. After his sister had been kidnapped and monsterised by the Sabbat, there’d been no single hero strong enough to stand against him as he’d made his way to the university to mount the tower there. The realm he would have made would have surely rivalled even that of the demon realm of Lescaite, and he’d have been its dark mage queen.

Sam shivered before turning back to Karl. “I’ve since managed to fix the process enough that I won’t end up that wicked witch any longer. There are still… some things that come through though depending on the transformation… Nothing bad, just… kind of quirky… mostly…”

Like how he’d been mooing, or how he’d really really wanted to rub his breasts against Karl. Not that he still didn’t, even if they were small by comparison to before… merely small handfuls rather than the rolling hills they had been.

“I see… That’s good then…” he said, and then his head shifted as he looked over his Sam’s shoulder. Sam turned as well to see a surprised Suzuki looking at them both. In her two hands she had a pair of multi-barrel weapons pointed towards them and a thunderous expression… until she noticed Sam. Her weapon lowered an inch and she had to do a double take as she looked Sam over from head to toe.



Meanwhile~! (Bonus Omake)

“Ow! Fudge sickles! Ooooow!”

“Why’d you fly through the window!?”

“I thought it’d be cool! They do it in all those Zipangu mangas!”

“Mangas, aren’t, real, you horny nincompoop! You can’t just jump through windows! Glass hurts!”

“Ahhh ow~!”

“What are you guys talking about? I was fine when I jumped through!”

“You race’s skin is literally hard as marble, you don’t count!”

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Creator Stats

22 subscribers
302 posts


I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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