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is creating Taffy Tales

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Free Pie

alt text Free teasers and news about Taffy Tales developments

2908 subscribers SubscribeStar $0.00 tier
USD monthly
Common Pie

A big thanks for your support! Every bit helps, and we truly appreciate it.

alt text New teasers and news about Taffy Tales developments

alt text Full Poll voting powers

800 subscribers SubscribeStar $3.00 tier
USD monthly
Rare Pie

An even bigger thank you! Your support means the world to us.

alt text New teasers and news about Taffy Tales developments

alt text Access to old update of the game - v.1.07.3e (previous Season 5)

alt text Full Poll voting powers

920 subscribers SubscribeStar $7.00 tier
USD monthly
Epic Pie

Beyond words grateful! You're making a real difference, and we can’t thank you enough.

alt text New teasers and news about Taffy Tales developments

alt text Full Poll voting powers

alt text Access to old update of the game and cheat code - v.1.07.3e (previous Season 5)

1246 subscribers SubscribeStar $12.00 tier
USD monthly
Legendary Pie

We’ve officially run out of ways to say thank you… but seriously, THANK YOU. You’re a legend.

alt text Full Poll voting powers

alt text key for free access to the latest version [Taffy Tales: Redux - Season 1] – message us to receive it.

alt text Access to old update of the game and cheat code - v.1.07.3e (previous Season 5)

115 subscribers SubscribeStar $25.00 tier
USD monthly
Legendary+ Pie

Extra tier for those who want to donate more:) At this point, we’re considering carving your name into a metaphorical golden plaque. You're amazing.

alt text Full Poll voting powers

alt text key for free access to the latest version [Taffy Tales: Redux - Season 1] – message us to receive it.

alt text Access to old update of the game and cheat code - v.1.07.3e (previous Season 5)

16 subscribers SubscribeStar $30.00 tier
USD monthly
Angel Pie

Extra tier for those who want to donate more:)

We’re speechless. If gratitude were a currency, you’d own a small island by now.

alt text Full Poll voting powers

alt text key for free access to the latest version [Taffy Tales: Redux - Season 1] – message us to receive it.

alt text Access to old update of the game and cheat code - v.1.07.3e (previous Season 5)

14 subscribers SubscribeStar $50.00 tier


  • Latest game release access
  • New teasers and news about Taffy Tales developments
  • Access to unlocked posts

Taffy Tales: Redux - Season 1 is out!

We truly hope you’ll enjoy what we’ve created. We’ve poured our hearts and all of our time into this project. And yeah, I know it might sound ironic, given that it's an adult game, but we really put our all into it.

Game Release & Key Distribution
We’ve officially launched the game in the store and have started sending out keys via private messages. We’ll begin by processing keys for SubscribeStar supporters first and then switch to manual distribution. We’re going to do our best to send out all the keys as quickly as possible to everyone who is owed one.

If you don’t receive your key within the next few days, please message us! We absolutely do not want to leave anyone out and are always willing to find a solution that works for our supporters.

Game Pricing & Content
The current price of the game in the store is $25. Given that the average playthrough lasts at least 12 hours, and includes:
- 353 CG images (+150 normal game images)
- 47 hot scenes
- Nearly 2,000 pages of text
- About 40+ characters (with different skins, emotions, poses, etc.)
- Almost 50+ locations (throughout the entire project, a bit fewer in this season) with different times of day and variations.

Free Keys for Supporters
🔹If your total donations over the past year are close to the game's price ($25) and you haven’t received your key yet (please allow a couple of days after release, as we’re sending them out manually, and wait for our post confirming that all promised keys have been distributed), feel free to message us directly to get your free key to download the game on
🔹We've adjusted the Legendary Tier to $25 to match the game's price. Everyone who subscribes to this tier or higher will receive a key via direct message.
🔹Even if you’ve unsubscribed but were a top-tier supporter, we’ll still try to send you a key - our only challenge is keeping track of everyone! (dm us)

If you come across any glitches or issues, please report them along with your platform (PC, Mac, Android, etc.) in our Discord, and we’ll do our best to fix them ASAP

Thank you all so much. We really hope you enjoy the game - both returning players and newcomers alike.
Without you, none of this would be possible,
-The Taffy Tales Team

Public post

Taffy Tales: Redux - Season 1 is out!

We truly hope you’ll enjoy what we’ve created. We’ve poured our hearts and all of our time into this project. And yeah, I know it might sound ironic, given that it's an adult game, but we really put our all into it.

Game Release & Key Distribution
We’ve officially launched the game in the store and have started sending out keys via private messages. We’ll begin by processing keys for SubscribeStar supporters first and then switch to manual distribution. We’re going to do our best to send out all the keys as quickly as possible to everyone who is owed one.

If you don’t receive your key within the next few days, please message us! We absolutely do not want to leave anyone out and are always willing to find a solution that works for our supporters.

Game Pricing & Content
The current price of the game in the store is $25. Given that the average playthrough lasts at least 12 hours, and includes:
- 353 CG images (+150 normal game images)
- 47 hot scenes
- Nearly 2,000 pages of text
- About 40+ characters (with different skins, emotions, poses, etc.)
- Almost 50+ locations (throughout the entire project, a bit fewer in this season) with different times of day and variations.

Free Keys for Supporters
🔹If your total donations over the past year are close to the game's price ($25) and you haven’t received your key yet (please allow a couple of days after release, as we’re sending them out manually, and wait for our post confirming that all promised keys have been distributed), feel free to message us directly to get your free key to download the game on
🔹We've adjusted the Legendary Tier to $25 to match the game's price. Everyone who subscribes to this tier or higher will receive a key via direct message.
🔹Even if you’ve unsubscribed but were a top-tier supporter, we’ll still try to send you a key - our only challenge is keeping track of everyone! (dm us)

If you come across any glitches or issues, please report them along with your platform (PC, Mac, Android, etc.) in our Discord, and we’ll do our best to fix them ASAP

Thank you all so much. We really hope you enjoy the game - both returning players and newcomers alike.
Without you, none of this would be possible,
-The Taffy Tales Team

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We’re back and working hard – Season 2 is officially in the works!

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Unlock Tier

The Android version is out!

Comments (24)
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Unlock Tier
Public post
Hey, friends!
We're on fire, continuing to distribute keys to our subscribers whose total donations are close to or exceed the game's store price. Please check your private messages, and if you haven’t received your key yet, be sure to reach out to us.
Plus, we're wrapping up the Android version.
Apologies for the delay, and thanks for your patience!

And once again, a huge thank you for your support! We truly appreciate it! 
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Taffy Tales: Redux - Season 1 is out!

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Unlock Tier

Join the vote to be in the Game credits! Slight delay (thanks to the Steam ban) before the game l...

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