A lazy hobbit will take a glimpse at us from time to time, which will may or may not motivate us to work harder. He will also notify you when we post something.
A lazy hobbit will take a glimpse at us from time to time, which will may or may not motivate us to work harder. He will also notify you when we post something.
A hard-working goblin minion will help us make the game. You will get access to the new version of the game 14 days after its release.
We will buy Mega-G an extra buff potion to help us move the game progress forward. You will get access to the new version of the game 7 days after its release.
The ring of power itself will enlighten us with new content ideas. You will get access to the new version of the game right after the release.
The nickname of every famous Elf Master will appear on the 'Wall of Fame' in Gandalf's room in the next release. Each famous Elf Master, of course, gets access to the game right after release.