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Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer

Mastered and Enslaved by a Dark Elf (Worm Isekai)Inspired by the two snippets in Baked the Author...

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Suddenly Succubae Aside 2 (Worm AU) (Commission)Just an aside for now but hopefully it will tide ...

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Talk show host: And the next guest tonight is a grizzly bear, a grizzly bear… yeah. *Grizzly walk...

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 Latex Modifications (Worm Alt Power)


Taylor watched the life sign indicators on her jury rigged heart beat monitor. The thing had been made out of some old computers that her test subject had ordered from a shop in Texas. The subject had been surprisingly willing despite the amount of animosity that had originally been between them once she discovered Taylor’s power. 

Of course though, her assistance and cooperation had come with some demands, one of them being that she wanted to be Taylor’s first test subject. Originally Taylor hadn’t understood why Madison of all people would want to be her test subject. Especially since she had told Madison straight up what that meant. There was the pseudo latex tinker stuff that she’d be wearing, the bio tinker alterations that the stuff would make to her, the hypnosis that came inherent with the conversion process, the whole nine yards. 

And she’d consented to all of it, practically demanding that Taylor not go soft on her. In fact, she wanted them all dialled up to a metaphorical eleven.

Of course Taylor denied her that, but didn’t tell her. Though even if she did find out she would still be mastered. It was something Taylor had discovered was inescapable with her technology. She could of course make a way of breaking the mastering that occurred, but that wouldn’t change the fact that those she would alter would always be susceptible to her latex now compared to before. Before she needed a conversion tank, after though? A mere liquid latex sprayer would be enough.

During Madison and Taylor’s first session, it soon became clear to Taylor why Madison desired it, especially when she left her cell phone unlocked on the table. The amount of lewd and horny images of latex clad and hypnotised girls… 

To say the least, afterwards Taylor found it hard to keep her legs rubbing after while designing her various creations now.

With a beep from the computer, the process was complete once more, and Taylor popped the lid on the bathtub turned latex conversion chamber. Pulling on a pseudo latex glove that she’d tinkered up, Taylor reached in, and pulled Madison out of the bubbling stuff. The slut as she came out was completely faceless, all except for a set of lips and a hole around her mouth. Her hair was almost completely unaffected, Taylor had made sure that it would ignore hair for the most part if she ever had to fully submerge herself. Though Madison’s hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her breasts were all but uncovered as she rose up, her nipples were hard as could be, and Taylor couldn’t help but reach down, tweaking one. 

“MMmmh,” Madison moaned and Taylor smiled a bit before she went about properly helping Madison out of the tub. The latex didn’t stick to the rest of the stuff as it only adhered to skin, bonding itself to the wearer unless a special chemical was introduced which rapidly dissolved the latex. With her out, Taylor admired her creation as she stood there. All the while Taylor could feel a slick warm feeling pooling in her stomach. A feeling which only got warmer as Madison’s hands started to explore herself. Just as Madison had asked, her form had been improved since last time, her breasts enlarged, her ass made rather fat and spankable. While her thighs actually met, but because of the latex, they weren’t going to rub and cause irritation any time soon. It was enough that Taylor almost wished that she was wearing her latex cock, something she’d made a while ago when looking through Madison’s phone had awakened her perverted desires. 

Stepping up to her, Taylor cupped a breast in each hand, drawing a slight moan from Madison as she did so, the settings regarding her sensitivity was pushed way up as per her request, and as Taylor slowly kneaded her breasts, Madison started to shake, her latex covered tongue slipping out of her lewd lips, and her legs already had started to fail her, not used to receiving the kind of pleasure that Taylor was giving her while on her feet. Taylor smiled as she fondled the super pervert, wondering what it must be like in there, to feel Taylor’s latex all over her, confining her, pressing in on her. All of her orifices all covered and coated, her holes filled with the stuff that it might as well be a full body condom. If Madison walked out and got fucked by all the men in the city she wouldn’t become pregnant, the various thick cocks in the vat made sure of it as they drove themselves into her, fucking her ass and womb, spraying more of the latex goo inside of Madison to make her conversion complete.

“Enjoying that?” Taylor asked, and got an enthusiastic nod and a gleeful sound in response, and Taylor remembered the hypnosis. 

“Epsilon, Niner, Five, Enjoying that?” Taylor asked again, this time using the cool sounding command phrase she made up to slice past the hypnosis to get straight past the various hypno programs mastering Madison. It’d take a second for her mind to process it, and alter the thinking to be back to the original for a temporary response. After a moment though of silence, suddenly Madison was vigorously nodding her head, her body shifting and shuddering under Taylor’s touches, her hands immediately going for her cunt, pressing into it with wild abandon, before she suddenly froze again, and pulled her hand back. 

“Haha, pervert,” Taylor giggled as she pulled back after watching what Madison really felt about this. Girl was living her dream right now, or almost. As Taylor moved back, she beckoned for the latex girl to come along until they stood in front of some boxes that had been set aside in Taylor’s basement to act as a table. On the boxes was an assortment of toys and gear. All sourced from Madison’s private collection.

Taylor barely knew where to start with all of the stuff, ranging from bondage harnesses to massive dildos that Madison claimed she enjoyed daily after school. The sheer amount of toys was staggering, and Madison claimed that she still had at least a thousand dollars worth of stuff at her place that she hadn’t been able to bring over. There was already likely a couple hundred dollars or more worth of sex toys and BDSM gear here already. The girl really knew what she wanted, more than shoes or clothes, she wanted hot kinky sex.

And Taylor wasn’t exactly averse to it giving it. 

Slipping a collar around Madison’s neck, Taylor started with the clothing first, pulling her doll this way and that. First Taylor slipped the various yellow straps and yellow bondage gear on the girl. The harness did nothing to provide Madison modesty, instead showing her off, pressing down on the slut and helping highlight her various sexual features. The straps around her breasts working in tandem with the latex to hold it up while squeezing them just a bit. They crossed around before the harness shot straight down in a thick mass of straps until they reached Madison’s crotch. Rather than hide her body though, the straps only served to show them off, to help someone find the girl’s glistening black pussy lips, her rear as the straps split just at the crotch. Instead they wrapped around the girl’s thighs before ascending back up.

The stockings and arm length gloves were little more than thin yellow and black fabric that Taylor pulled up her slave’s arms and legs, helping to draw the eyes to the contrast between the two areas. The extremities adding a bit of flare to the main course of the girl’s torso. For a moment, Taylor looked to the yellow corset that her busy bee had brought along as well, in addition to the various other bits of bondage, but she kind of liked the look of it already. Even so, just for Madison, she selected a set of unattatched bondage cuffs and slid them around the girl’s ankles and wrists before stepping back and admiring her bondage bee. The girl herself seemed happy, though not exactly content, the way her eyes slipped over to the rest of the gear, over to the toys that could fill her up.

Shaking her head, Taylor smiled a bit as she stepped over and picked up two big dildos for the slut, and tossed her head to the side towards the computer she had down here now. Madison of course happily complied with a literal bounce in her step as she moved to obey her mistress. Taylor meanwhile slipped off her jeans, panties, and then went to grab one of the few items she had that she wore herself. Something she’d tested many a times, especially on Madison. It was a set of bloomers with both a dildo inside and hanging from the front was another nice, thick cock made just for Taylor.

Slipping it on, Taylor slid it up her legs until the member inside was sitting right at her entrance. Already horny as ever, Taylor rubbed it against her entrance, feeling how slick it was, how her arousal was already starting to pool and wet her lips down here. Taylor nearly started to slide it in, when she heard the desperate whimper of her bee slut. Taylor quirked a brow to Madison as she stood there to attention, ever the loyal slave. 

Stopping herself, Taylor instead beckoned her over. The latex bee girl jumped to attention, speed walking her way over to Taylor. As she reached her mistress, Taylor told her: “Slip it in… slut.”

As expected of the mastered girl, Madison got to work immediately, though not exactly in the way she expected. Rather than nodding and starting to slide it in, Madison instead nodded, and slipped around Taylor. Raising a brow, Taylor let Madison do her work, the perverted girl obviously knowing more about this kind of stuff than her. Taking charge a moment, Madison slipped her leg between Taylor’s thighs, spreading them out a bit more, her breasts meanwhile pressed into Taylor’s back. Her hard nipples easy to feel as Taylor enjoyed the two soft pillows there. Meanwhile her bee’s arms slid between her mistress’ arms and body, one hand sliding down. The other hand however, as it reached the edge of Taylor’s hoodie slipped under the hem to reach inside. 

“Wait, didn’t I-” Taylor started, when Madison found her target, the wayward hand sliding up to one of Taylor’s tiny yet sensitive breasts. As the bee caressed her tiny titty, Taylor stopped, going silent as Madison continued to touch her. At the same time, Taylor felt her slave’s hand wrap around her own down there as she started to take control of Taylor, sliding the dildo in, with Taylor trusting her superior experience. 

They started slow, the bee girl very gently rocking Taylor’s dildo back and forth, sliding it up and down her mistress’ entrance, up and down. Just the rubbing itself was already adding more to the flame in Taylor’s core. She almost wanted to drive it in right then and there, to get it over with and enjoy her girl’s blowjob, but she waited, making small noises every few passes, showing her appreciation. Madison meanwhile kept going, massaging her mistresses’ miniature mammalries while sliding the faux cock across and teasing Taylor’s lower lips. It slowly made Taylor quiver a bit at the feeling of it slipping in, before as if her pussy couldn’t take it any more, her lips gave way to Madison’s ministrations. Her lower lips let it slide in and send sensual sensations through her loins. Taylor let out a melodious moan as the dildo slid in with Madison pinched her nipple at the same time. By now Taylor had started to fall back, nearly fully leaning against her bee girl who easily held her up. Her latex was meant for more than just fun times after all.

Rather than just sliding it in all the way however, Madison kept working the cock, swirling it around and rubbing against all of Taylor’s lower area, almost bringing Taylor’s hips along with her movements as Taylor moaned some more, her mouth opening on accident and letting out a shuddering breath. She bit her lip but it was too late as Madison tittered at the sound, though her slut never slowed her work. The latex bee slut continued to play Taylor’s body like a fiddle, touching her breasts this way and that, and working the dildo in further and further. Taylor could barely help her hips, her eyes slowly going cloudy as Madison kept messing with her body.


Unfortunately, all good things must come to and end as Madison eventually reached the end of her mistress’ dildo dildo, having slid it as far as it could go. Madison stayed there, keeping her mistress up, one leg and her bountiful bound breasts pressing into Taylor’s back, no doubt adding to her arousal. She ceased all touching, and just supported her inexperienced mistress, instead opting to hug the girl while resting her head on Taylor’s shoulder. Were the bee dominant, it’d likely be child’s play to help the girl realise her submissive potential, but after what they’d done, that would never happen now. Only while mastered to be unable to every think of harming her wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous mistress could she ever surrender herself to Madison or anyone at that. Only when she was in complete and utter control of everything that was going on that she could let herself even give off the image of possibly being vulnerable. 

It was so sad what they’d done to mistress. If only they could have been friends, they could have turned the chatter box into a fellow subby slut like Madison, or helped train her in both ways considering she was likely a switch.

But alas, it was not to be. 


Slowly, Taylor came about again, her breathing was still hard, and her loins still burned with desire. Yet Taylor felt she had the strength once more to lift herself up from her slutty slave’s embrace. Standing up straight, Taylor’s first instinct was to reach down, and touch herself. Taylor made a satisfied sound as she wrapped her hands around her cock, enjoying the sensations that slipped through her, and were transferred to the dick inside. Pleasure from both her pussy and the implanted dick. 

There was something convenient about cocks Taylor found. She didn’t even have to do anything special with them, just pull them out and stroke. Probably why there were so many public male masturbators out there compared to women. Looking back to her slave, Taylor hooked a finger in the D-ring in front of Madison’s collar and pulled her along, earning a delighted titter from her once more. The slut really loved being a sub.

Finally at her computer Taylor knelt down and with the two dildos, slammed them down on the spots at the back of the desk. Pulling her hands away, the brunette smiled as she stepped back from the desk, the two dildos sticking to the metal back of the desk via the suction cups on the bottoms. Turning to Madison, Taylor pointed down to the ground.

“On all fours,” she ordered, and Madison dropped with ease, this not exactly being an uncommon thing to occur. Taking Madison by the hair, Taylor gently guided Madison into the space underneath the desk. With her upgraded assets, it was almost comical to see Madison squeeze her bodacious body into the space rear first, her fat ass taking up a majority of the space there. Her breasts meanwhile nearly dragged on the floor, their new size hanging enticingly just above. 

As Taylor pushed Madison back, she moaned as her rear met with the dildos down there. She slightly hesitated for a moment, before she started to slide back again at Taylor’s prompting. As Madison impaled herself on the cocks, she let out a long and exaggerated happy sound. No doubt she was making all sorts of lewd faces underneath the latex there, her eyes rolling up in delight as her holes were filled. Soon enough she was completely in, her holes filled with the thick dildos Taylor had pressed into the desk. She stood on all fours, both her and her mouth ready. 

Taking her seat, Taylor grabbed a set of headphones she had set up. Opening up a program, Taylor loaded up one of those fake hypnos, just something else to help occupy Madison’s time down there just a bit more and get her even more hot and bothered. The hoodie clad mistress the set up the sound cancelling headphones on Madison’s head and turned on the hour long video, then took a moment, slowly pulling her hand off of her dildo cock. The sensations it gave her making it hard to do so, yet she managed if only barely. Taking it, Taylor pressed it down as she slid her chair forward until the head of her strap on pressed up against the ring gag now. 

“Get ready slut,” Taylor said uselessly, before sliding the last little bit into Madison’s mouth. Madison immediately moaned, the vibrations traveling through her mouth into Taylor’s cock, making Taylor shudder from the sensation. Taylor herself let out a little moan as Madison wasted no time starting to move how little she could underneath the desk, sliding back and forth, slobbering all over Taylor’s cock, her tongue doing wonders to it. It slid around Taylor’s fake lower head while practically vacuum sealing it in. Unable to help herself Taylor pressed hand on Madison’s head again as her own fell back from the feeling. Pleasure bloomed from the nerves in her faux cock, filling her core, while the dildo in her panties added to the fun, thrusting into her as fast as Madison was sucking her off. Gosh she loved her technology!

Trying to collect herself again, Taylor slowly brought herself back together, and reached for a drawer. From it she pulled out a small remote, and with a click Madison let out a delighted squeal as Taylor heard the sounds of the vibrators turn on. An extra little surprise for her wonderful slut. Now it was time to think up some designs… maybe a proper bee like thorax for Madison? Complete with a thick phallus to fuck her of course, though what kind of practical applications could it have?


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 Night Time Tryst: Electric Tryst-a-two


Tyler got up from his little alone time in his room, a little more refreshed and no longer having to worry about showing off to this family by accident as he shuffled downstairs in only his pyjamas. It was a long weekend after all and none of his friends were around so no need to get dressed. He’s not like Mom and Dad who don’t get tired because cape stuff and thus wear their daytime clothes all the time unless they were “in the mood”.

As he grabbed the coffee and started to fill his mug, Tyler spotted his older sister Taylor coming down which was certainly a surprise. It wasn’t often that Taylor came down later than Tyler, mostly due to his alone time lasting a fair while. Taylor herself looked rather dishevelled, her hair stuck out all over the place like she’d been tossing and turning, her pyjamas were rumpled and looked like someone else had put them on her. She moved with a sluggish zombie-like walk as she shuffled next to Tyler and the counter. 

Already knowing what she’d want, Tyler reached to a cabinet and pulled down her morning tea and a mug for her. Taylor smiled at him before she took her place beside him while he loaded up on the cream and sugar for his coffee. He wasn’t at Dad’s level yet of being able to take it black, but at least he now only took it with two cream and sugar rather than triple triple. 

Taylor of course just had milk to go with her tea.

“Rough night?” Tyler asked lightly as he stirred his coffee, missing entirely how Taylor’s face lit up in a deep blush. She muttered something first before answering.

“Yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night,” as she said that Tyler winced, knowing the feeling. Of course, when he did, it was usually a continuous series of something waking him up at every hour. 

“Damn,” was all Tyler said as he wandered over to the fridge. On it was a note:

Hey Kids,

You might not have heard, but an alert just came up. There was an attack on an oil tanker that went south for both the villains and the heroes, so we got asked to help deal with the spillage by Dragon. We should be back by late tonight, so while Danny is getting the stuff ready, I’ve made everyone some meals, and make sure Terrance eats all of his food. He always only eats a little bit and then says he’s done. The twins were having a sleep over at their friend’s place but I’ve already asked if they could stay over at least until we go and pick them up hopefully later today. If we’re not back by 8pm tonight, please pick them up from their friend’s place. Also if we are still not back by Monday, please take the twins to school, unlike for you two; the twins don’t have a long weekend.

~Love you lots~

Mom & Dad.

P.S. – Taylor, Stay out of the basement!

“Hey Mom and Dad are gone,” Tyler said as he looks over to Taylor who in turn looks up, a little surprised. 

“Oh? What happened?”

“Villains caused an oil spill, Dragon called.”

“Okay, sounds good. Lady Daemon and Daemon are out to save the day,” she said, referring to the name that Annette and Danny got roped in with due to their little heroing stunts. Originally people assumed Daemon was a case 53 or a wannabe vigilante Mannequin, up until Annette entered the scene a while after and things eventually got somewhat explained. 

Their official story, however, didn’t stop the people online from coming up with certain ideas though. Most people believe the official story that Lady Daemon made the suit that Daemon wore so that they could both be heroes and help clean up Brockton somewhat. Then there are the crack pot theories out there that Daemon is actually a sex robot for Lady Daemon that she likes to pretend is a person who wants to go be a hero. Others think that Daemon might actually have converted some woman into his toy and covered her in her latex suit and is actually mind controlled by him to pretend that she’s a cape. Then there are kind of funny theories like Annette and Danny are actually Succubi and Incubi from Hell on a dastardly mission to corrupt the youth or something.

The Haven fandom is a riot sometimes.

“Oh and Mom says to stay out of the basement,” he said, grinning as Taylor’s face exploded into a deep red blush. She turned away from Tyler; not dignifying him with a response as she instead proceeded to flee the room, not even grabbing her meal from the fridge. Letting out a chuckle, Tyler instead grabbed the prepared breakfast meals for them both and started to put his cooking skills to the test.

Those cooking skills being in determining how long the meals should be in the microwave.


Lying back, Tyler relaxed in front of the TV, playing his video games. The game was mostly just a game about killing the undead while being a death knight and working along side a vampire maid wishing to destroy her master. All in all kind of dumb fun that he was sinking hours upon hours into until at some point he stretched and realised that he was stiff as heck, and that he was already starting to feel hungry again. Pausing, he looked over to the clock and noticed that it was already noon. 

Standing up, Tyler wandered over to the kitchen and poked his head in. Taylor was usually around and cooking something if she was up and about, yet the kitchen was empty. Raising an eyebrow, Tyler wandered over to the fridge and opened it up, pulling out some kind of peanut butter balls with granola or something in them and popped a few in his mouth. Where was Taylor?

Grabbing something to down the tasty treat, Tyler guzzled the juice as he remembered the note.

Stay out of the basement!

Had she gone down there? It would be the perfect time to do so. Mom and Dad were gone and she could probably be in and out of there quickly enough to check whatever it was she sometimes did down there that got Mom to specifically say not to go down there.

Though what exactly?

Oh right, Mom’s a latex tinker and Dad’s a mind control tinker. She’s probably got some kinky shit going on down there.

Kinky shit that he could use as blackmail to get her to do his English project rather than just help him. Granted he’d never share it outside of the family, but Emma’s family and she’s already got a million embarrassing photos of them so he could use Emma as the recipient so Emma could force Taylor to be her fetish dress up doll again. That or just tell her that he’d tell Mom and Dad she’d gone down stairs when they said not to. That’d work since no doubt Taylor’s got some embarrassing photos of him herself that she could use as her own bit of blackmail. Then they’d both be dressing up for Emma as a sexy duo rather than just one or the other.

A plan now in place, Tyler grinned as he walked over to the basement door. Testing it, the thing swung open with ease. She was down there for sure. Staying near the wall as to keep the stairs from creaking, Tyler slowly made his way down, his phone already out and at the ready. Peeking around the corner, he looked around his parent’s lab…

And nothing. No Taylor, just Mom and Dad’s work stations. Raising an eyebrow, kind of like Spock did in Dad’s old Star Trek VHS tapes, Tyler stepped into the room proper. There was Mom’s Latex generator in the corner, where she made her special latex, Dad’s original hypnosis chair which he first tested out on Mom. It was all consensual since they’d already been dating long before according to Mom but they wanted to spice up their relationship…

And now that Tyler thought about that now that he wasn’t five years old… ew, that’s just, ew.

Though considering that Mom’s a latex tinker, and Dad’s a mind control tinker… Maybe when he gets a girl friend he could try it out with her. A serious girl friend, not just a fling with Victoria that petered out once she got powers and started looking for “someone better.”

That had hurt for a while. She apologised for it later, on one of her and Gallant’s off times but he wasn’t going to fall for that again so he just politely told her no. Thank God Emma wasn’t there or she’d have bitched the girl out in an instant. 

Not really sure what to do, Tyler kept looking around; maybe he could find what exactly Taylor had potentially played with earlier. He could tease her about it, since considering Mom’s a latex tinker, it was probably something kinky. He wasn’t supposed to know, but he’d seen Taylor admiring how Mom and Dad looked all latexed up, how in her diary she wrote about how she wanted to wear one of Mom and Dad’s suits one day, and not for innocent reasons. 

Tyler snickered. Granted, he wouldn’t mind joining in the fun either, and… well the times he’d ended up searching up a picture of Mom and Dad in their costumes to draw his favourite super heroes… well he’d kind of had an awakening, a proper one because it wasn’t Mom and Dad heading out right before he went to bed far too late at night. Kind of made him wonder…

But of course, Dad was a taller man than him since his height skipped a generation in men and Taylor seemingly won the height lottery. The one time he tried Dad’s stuff out it hadn’t fit right at all. He could ask Mom, but like hell was he going to just ask her for a suit, not after… well after he realised how close her and Dad’s stuff were to fetish outfits.

They’d see right through his question in a second.

As his hand trailed along Dad’s desk, he noticed that there was one thing that stuck out on the desk there. A mask. Curious, Tyler picked it up. It looked like some kind of bondage gear he’d seen online, the kind that mixed pet play and bondage. Kinky girl. Not that he blamed his sister, but he could tease her about it. Maybe get her a collar for her birthday along with her actual gift. It’d be a good revenge prank gift for the full hair care kit and the hand drawn “free spa ticket” she’d given him just because he didn’t want to go to a hair shop and get his hair cut. He was fine with his hair, he didn’t need her helping him out with it. So what if it was a bit frizzy with split ends? He wasn’t going to spend the morning grooming it like he was some kind of girl, he had… books he wanted to read, or videos he wanted to watch, or a million other things other than grooming his hair or making him look “presentable” as Mom said.

He still gave into Mom’s whims she’d do it for him, but that was because when Mom wanted it done, it was easier to just let it happen.

Snickering, Tyler took a picture of it and prepared to put it back down when suddenly a black mass exploded out the back of it. Black goo landed on Tyler’s face while pink tendrils shot out from the mask, sliding around his head rapidly. The goo swiftly traveled down his body, rippling downwards under his clothes, and over them. Then with eyes wide, Tyler saw a reddish mass emerge out from the snout of the mask, the shape of it looked a lot like a canine cock as Tyler raised his hands, but was too late as the pink tendrils pulled the mask to his face. 

His vision vanished and he hadn’t realised his mouth was open until the rubbery taste of latex dick smashed into his mouth, battering his teeth aside and flattened his tongue. It nearly went far enough to make him gag and he made a sound. His hands flew to his face, trying to pull at the mask, but like Mom and Dad’s capture devices, there was no give, the thing binding to his skin in a way that only Mom’s tinkering could undo, and he hadn’t though to look for her latex-disintegration ray gun. 

As he struggled, Tyler felt a mass start to form on his chest, and nearly toppled over as the sudden shift in weight forced him to widen his stance. In an instant, there was a pressure on his chest that hadn’t been there before, like he’d put on a way too tight shirt. Reacting more than consciously thinking to do so, in a panic Tyler pulled off his shirt, the thing getting stuck on what felt like his chest before he got it off and tossed it to the ground. Reaching down, Tyler felt large breasts taking form, the surface of them sensitive to the touch, and still growing as he felt his pants themselves starting to get tight as the latex spread down his legs, and had already reached past his ass. 

Throwing the rest of his clothes off, Tyler felt the latex continuing down to fully engulf his body. His fingers binding together and curling them, something connecting to his spine, the feeling of a tail, and-

“Mmmmh!” Tyler cried out, his eyes suddenly widening as he was assaulted by the twin sensations of something entering into his ass, and something else pressing into his cock’s hole. Tyler reached down and grabbed his dick with his now stubby paws, but didn’t know what to do as his hips shook, the ribbed thing around his butt slid in, his cock twitching from the sensation as he felt pleasure from his back door being stretched open, and how the latex in his cock didn’t feel bad. Then the latex sliding into his urethra hit a spot deep within him. Tyler whimpered a bit as he felt pleasure from the thing invading him, his ass feeling similarly good being spread out, his cock twitching and at the same time being stimulated by the latex as it spread over his member. 

Shaking from how unsteady he was growing, All Tyler could do was stand there as the latex continued to pleasure him, his new tail wagging happily he felt his ass grow plump, and round, his new, massive breasts finishing up their transformation, growing to be massive no doubt by the weight. Then he felt a collar taking form around his neck, forcing his head straight, and keeping him from looking anywhere by forward, or up. He could feel the goo starting to coat his hair, pulling it together as it wrapped around each individual strand before pulling it into a pony tail. All the while, the thing in his ass continued to pound away as the pushing inside of his urethra that felt so good stopped. Instead it just sat there as Tyler continued get fucked in the ass, his tush feeling so good as it kept hitting a special spot that he’d never known existed. 

Eyes wide at the feeling Tyler continued to moan a bit into the dildo, his tongue sliding against the thing as he fell onto all fours. Then he found a hole in the side of the dildo, and without a care shoved his tongue through, finding air in a hollow of the dildo. Breathing through his mouth, he tasted the latex flavoured air, his breathing hard as the thing in his ass kept pumping in and out, driving itself into his gut and making him feel so good. Unable to resist, Tyler reached down, trying to get at his cock, only for him to realise as he’d fallen, something hard had fastened itself around his cock. With his useless paws, Tyler tried to grab onto it, eventually getting a grip, but the thing was very solid and encompassed his whole dick. Whimpering Tyler batted at it, but all it did was swing it around, though there was something else there, something swinging from his dick’s hole. Trying as best he could, Tyler tried his best to grab at the swinging thing, hoping to pull it out.

Only for it to slide in further as he tried to grab at it. It felt like beads, sliding into his dick, each bead sending a sensation of pleasure through him. The pleasure was enough that despite his misgivings, his lust urged him to continue. Yet he resisted, if only barely as his ass fucking was clouding his mind, filling his brain with enough pleasure to make his body react unconsciously. Influenced by the pleasure, Tyler started to gyrate his hips in time with the thing filling his ass, the beads in his cock swinging around a bit, along with his massive breasts and what felt like big balls smacking against his cage. Tyler knew he was drooling, his tongue letting the fluid drip out of the gag as he breathed.

Finally, his vision shifted and he was able to see again despite the blindfold. His first instinct was to look down, to gaze upon what had been done to his dick, what was encasing it, and yet his vision was blocked. 

The things blocking his vision were two immense breasts that swung as his body was shifted with each thrust into his ass. They swung hypnotically, like an ornament only just placed on a Christmas tree, the nipples jutting out, hard as could be, and he could feel them as well, swinging as he moved just a little. Trying to get some stability, Tyler pushed up with his paws, and landed on his legs with less pain on his butt than expected. While kneeling there he brought his paws up, taking hold of his breasts. They were heavy things, and as he got closer to the hard latex nipples, it felt better. His paws felt soft, and it felt good to touch his oversized breasts. Hefting them a bit, Tyler guessed they had to be as big if not bigger than his head. 

Not only that, but he reached back, not willing to touch those hard nips yet, he reached back, confirming for sure his derrière was far thicker than before. In a moment of whimsy, he raised a paw and slapped it down, and made a sound as he felt the slap through the latex. It didn’t do much, the paw preventing it from stinging due to the cushioning, but he still felt it.

Before he could explore further, his vision started to shift, the outside world fading away, replaced by a swirl of pink and black. They spun like those dumb hypnosis videos that never worked, and at the same time, he could hear whispers off in the distance. Tyler tried looking to where they were coming from, but then realised, this must have been Dad’s contribution to whatever Mom had made here. He was getting brainwashed, and from how sexual his new body was, it wasn’t some capture device to go straight to jail. As he knelt there, giving up on escaping, he waited as the swirls would be interrupted by flashes, images flying by too fast to perceive. He felt relaxed, and even his ass fucking had slowly. It hadn’t stopped, but it’d gone from an overwhelming pleasure to a pleasant sensation in his ass, filling him up, sliding in and out, making him want to lie down and enjoy the sensations of being lovingly fucked while relaxing as he watched what was going on in front of him. It made his mind tingle in a way he’d never felt before. While it shocked him initially as he felt the tingles, he slowly relaxed, his mind bathed in the comfortable sensations of Dad’s tech doing stuff to his brain while Mom’s tech pulled in a fog of lust and pleasure into his mind, driving him to a comfortable place. 

Reaching down with one paw, and up to his new breasts with another, Tyler started to touch himself, one hand going past his cock, instead massaging his balls while another squeezed a nipple. Tyler let out a slight moan as he did so, adding to the pleasure that was soaking his mind. Slowly his concentration on anything other than his pleasure and watching the hypnosis in front of him faded away, and he started to lose track of time as he continued to enjoy himself.

At some point, he heard the door close, and with his new latex ears, found he could even hear the sound of a lock being clicked into place. Tyler froze, his ears swivelling, but no one was coming downstairs, though he heard the sound of three sets of foot steps, two small pairs, while another one that was larger. Taylor and the twins if he had to guess. No doubt Taylor realising that something was wrong since the door was left open, and she’d apparently already fallen afoul of something, probably this mask. Tyler groaned a bit as he realised his whole blackmail plan had backfired spectacularly, and now he’d be getting blackmailed instead. 

He’d probably end up as Emma and Taylor’s dress up doll again. Ugh.

Though he will admit, he looked good, but like Taylor, being a dress up doll for Emma was both annoying, and at times embarrassing.

Resigned, Tyler waited, shifting slightly so he was facing the door, no point in hiding what had happened anyways.


Tyler whined, Mistress Taylor was taking so long to investigate, and he wanted so dearly to be found. He was so hungry and horny, his cock straining in his cage while the suit tried to keep him busy even as his stomach churned, though the pain was gone at least. Sure it felt great, but he’d much rather be serving Mistress Taylor, since Mistress Mommy and Master Daddy were away on their heroic duties. That and well, the beads in his caged up cock kept him from cumming, and any attempt by him to take them out would just make them slide in further. All he could do was leave them in, their swinging giving a modicum of pleasure as his hips moved in time with the toy in his ass, pushing away, lovingly fucking his hole and pressing into his special spot. 

So he just waited kneeling there, paws up properly, drooling all over his big juicy breasts while waiting for Mistress Taylor to come down stairs, and see what happened to him. Yet even all hypno’d up, his mind desiring to be a cute obedient and sexy pet had its limits. He might need to try to do something, first to deal with his starvation issue, and then to deal with his lust.

And then he heard the sound of Taylor’s foots steps above, walking towards the door. Getting excited, Tyler straightened his position again, his tail wagging furiously as he felt his cock hardening in it’s cage, the beads ever present as the thing in his ass started to similarly speed up to match his excitement. Pleasure filled him as his hips moved on their own, little humps that swung what few beads remained outside of his cage while he let his tongue slip out, panting as drool dripped down his chin across his skin.

The door was opened with a click, and there was the sound of Taylor’s lithe form slowly walking down, before she came into view. As Tyler saw her face, flashes of light started to appear, the spinning was back, overlayed over Taylor, the whispering suddenly coming out once more, before it was gone, and Mistress Taylor was standing there, her expression neutral and a big case in her hand.

“Stay,” was all she said, and Tyler was glad to do so, his panting harder, and he’d have smiled if he could, but he certainly felt his arousal spike as he finally had an order to obey, the toy in his ass rewarding his good behaviour finally. His tail wagging increased in speed as Taylor came up, her hand raising and slipping onto his head, ruffling his ears and petting his head. Unable to control himself, Tyler let out a little yip before nuzzling into her hand, happy as could be. 

“Wish that was me,” Taylor muttered, almost sounding like she was whining as she continued to pet Tyler. Eventually though she sighed before smiling down at him. 

“Sorry about not coming down earlier, but I’d didn’t want to let the twins see you like this for their sake and yours. That thing’s probably already got you thinking of all of us as masters and mistresses right?” she asked and Tyler nodded, though Taylor seemed to be the highest on his priority list, he wasn’t sure why.

“Yup, and since you saw me first, It’ll mark me as your main master. Same thing happened with me and Dad when I found that thing and used it for the first time.” Taylor put down her case. The thing was effectively a locked box, big one too as Taylor knelt down, and with her thumbs, slid the latches to the side. Curious, Tyler looked over as much as he could before his eyes widened.

Inside of that case was a bounty of toys, and Taylor reached in, grabbing two things. One was a nice and thick dildo that made Tyler’s mouth water, while the other was some kind of tube connected to it, white fluid inside of the container. Tyler tilted his head a bit and then realised on the side it was labelled: Pet food.

“Well, since you’ve already ended up as a little sex pet, why not have some fun training you, hmm? But first,” she said as she knelt down, putting the pet feeding device down as she reached out, taking hold of Tyler’s cock and balls gingerly. Tyler whined, the sensation of her touching him was like electricity running through him, making him strain in his cage all the more while her thumb brushed the hard solid rubber like substance around his member. Tyler wasn’t sure what his mistress was doing, up until he felt her fingers leave behind his heavy cum filled balls, and started to press the beads into his caged cock. Each bead slid in easily, pleasure riding through him in spouts of shock as each bead entered into his dick until he felt her finger inside of the loop that was wide enough that it couldn’t be put in. Tyler hips shook and he let out another pathetic sounding whine, the sensations filling him as Mistress Taylor started petting him again before giving him a hug.

“Don’t worry brother, I’ll let you cum, but a bit of delayed gratification I think is better, wouldn’t you agree?” and Tyler couldn’t help but agree, almost glad now as Taylor pulled away and picked up those dildos again. After all, edging was why his alone time every morning took so long.

And going by how Mistress was acting, tonight was going to be fun.


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Thread Necromancer
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 Entry 14 – Mandragora


Ernie the thief strode along side his companions as they cautiously entered into the small ruin that would be their third adventure together. A nice little dungeon romp through a place that had likely been cleared a dozen times before. Of course, it'd likely be slimes who were living in this place now, but goblins could be here as well and then they've have some trouble.

The wolf pack haunting the woods were farther to the north so they didn't have to worry about that, and Miya, their cleric, made absolutely sure when talking to their fearless leader Trent, their fighter, that they hadn't accidentally started heading towards the keep that some adventurers had said had signs of Queen Slime activity. He said it wasn’t about a dozen times until finally Carl, their wizard, stepped in to reassure her that they weren't nearly about to run into a powerful monster's nest. 

Like that time they'd nearly ended up walking into the lair of an ogre that set up shop in one of the caves by the hills near Nigelwell.

Looking around there didn't seem to be too much going on in the ruins of the fort, merely thick walls that had been laying here all dilapidated since long before the newest demon lord ascended to her position, as well as a big door the led into the interior of the keep. Though there were a lot of large pretty flowers growing inside of the walls of the fort, that honestly smelt pretty good. Might even be worth a few pretty copper for each of those he brought home. Or they could be useful to Carl if he needed to make them a potion.

As the party moved forth, Ernie slowed his steps, watching as the party got further into the fort and heading for the doors in formation. Stopping, he turned to one of the flowers, and tilted his head, took a sniff from them, and smiled as they smelt amazing. Crouching down, Ernie gripped the surprisingly thick stem of the thing underneath the leaves and started to pull. Initially, there was some resistance, before it came completely free an-

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I cry that could shatter glass erupted from the small... hot, monster that was before him, her cute form all hot and bothered, her nipples protruding, her pussy lips thick and needy. 

Reason left Ernie as he dropped his pants, his lover falling onto him, already the two in perfect sync as they started to fuck. She wasted no time sliding onto him, pushing onto his cock and filling her up. Ernie groaned as she was so damn tight, her pussy, slavering as it was, still had a vice grip on his dick that felt amazing as he started to thrust and hump into her. He filled her pussy with his meat while she rubbed her nubile and rather juvenile body over his. 

Unable to do anything else, to think of doing anything else, Ernie continued to thrust into the juvenile plant girl, rubbing his hands all over her still developing breasts, making her blush a bright red, easily contrasted on her green skin. Her initial shocked expression shifting to one of mutual lust, them both enjoying what they were doing to each other, each thrust driving pleasure through them as they continued to fuck. Ernie used his larger body to pound the monster girl harder and harder, using his big hands to grip around her thin waist and drive his cock into her harder and harder, her cries of pleasure growing louder and louder. 

Then he felt her cum, her already vice like pussy gripping tighter onto his cock, squeezing it, and her walls moving, pulsating as it became both easier and harder to thrust into her, her core opening up while her walls tried to milk his cock of his seed. She wanted him so utterly that it hurt, that he could feel his desire pouring out, his seed churning as he felt himself twitching, and his cock somehow getting harder as he fucked her.

Then right at the edge, he heard a sound, and stopped, himself fully hilted in her, his cock wanting him to move just a bit more, but there had been the sound of a clang, of fighting. The lustful fog on his mind lifted until it was but a mere mist, and he looked away from the monster on his cock, and looked over to the sounds of fighting. 

Over by the massive door, a battle had begun, the door had been flung open, and from the depths of the keep, a troop of zombies had emerged, led by a lizard girl, all of their faces awash with desire. Thankfully for their party, the zombies were being held back by both Carl and Miya casting turn dead to keep them from overrunning them. Meanwhile Trent was locked in a duel to the death with the lizard monster girl, her face red with a lustful blush, and Ernie could see how wet she was getting, her lust soaking through her strange monster girl clothing. Her movements were finely controlled, but her lust was messing with her, her legs constantly shifting, rubbing her thighs together at every opportunity, her nipples poking through her garb, even Ernie could tell her foot work was all wrong with how Trent was able to keep her off balance with rapid attacks. Her lust was stealing her focus away, like it’d stolen Ernie’s when the plant girl had screamed.

Remembering what was going on, Ernie pulled his focus back to the plant girl, trying to push her off his dick, but then he realised while he’d been distracted the girl had started to whimper, and she’d wrapped roots all around his waist and hands, keeping them there. Ernie tried to pull her off, but had only realised her trap too late as she started to push his hips with her roots. 

“Ooooh~!” the Mandragora cried as she started to fuck him, his cock feeling good, and he couldn’t help his hardness, but Ernie still struggled, trying not to look at the juvenile plant girl. He tried pushing, pulling, but the longer this went on, the more tied up he ended up, his chest soon enough tied down, and then his arms, his neck, his legs. All the while the plant girl fucked herself on him, her focus leaving her as she was fully engulfed in her pleasure, while Ernie tried to resist his. 

Yet as the continued to fuck, as she bounced on his cock, he couldn’t help but grow more and more aroused, her pussy still as tight as ever drawing him closer and closer to orgasm. There wasn’t anything he could do, he was getting screwed, and unless they won over there, then he was fucked, they’d all be fucked, all because he’d fucked up.

The sounds of battle continued on as Ernie’s lust grew, the lustful mist in his mind slowly returning, thickening as she kept going, demonic mana pouring into him no doubt as the girl on him slowly, surely grew hotter and hotter in his mind. It wasn’t him, he knew intellectually, but the way her nipples grew hard as rocks, the way her pussy slipped around him, massaged him, her cute face, so lewd. He couldn’t hold back any longer he wanted her, and soon his struggles to free himself fell away, instead, he moved in tandem with the roots, doing his best to thrust into the slutty little plant that wanted to be fucked by him. He let go of any resistance, his cock twitching once more, and starting to feel better and better before, before~!

“Uuuooooah,” he let out, as undignified as could be as he did his best to slam the planetoid into his cock, filling her up with his meat while the pleasure he felt crashed into him as he exploded in her, his cum blasting her insides white as she let out a wanton moan of delight as she started to cum again. Her insides heaven as Ernie let his head fall back while his hips and cock continued to move on their own as he came rope after rope of cum into the slutty little girl before she collapsed onto him.

Then, she started to move again.


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