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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
I enjoy writing stories, especially lewd stories. Support me here if you want to see more stories more frequently!

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Exploring One’s Self 5 (Worm AU) (Commission)Commissioned by Kolejny Dzień

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Bringing Back the Gargoyles (Gargoyles)In another time line, Demona attempts something new to def...

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 Entry 2 – Lesser Succubus


“Ah, ah, ah,” Jenny cried out, unable to help herself, her loins felt like they were on fire after what had happened, after… after she’d been raped like that. She’d, she’d been raped by that succubus, made impure by the horrible, wonderful, luscious demon. Jenny dug her fingers back into her slit once more, sawing them in and out, and breathing hard as she continued to finger fuck her pussy. It wasn’t enough the last four times, and it wouldn’t be enough this time, but she couldn’t help herself.

She knew nothing about succubi, or anything else about the monsters in general. She was just a good proper Order girl, loyal to the chief Goddess and as pious as she could manage. All she knew were that the foul winged women of the night were terrible creatures that looked for victims to turn into monsters like them, and for some reason, there was one here, in an Order country. It’d taken her, forced her to suck on it’s… Jenny moaned as she remembered the wondrous taste, the lovely piece of cloth soaked in the most delicious and sweet fluid she’d tasted in a long time. The succubus had made her suck on it, keeping her from crying, from screaming, and it was doing something to Jenny. She’d grown a light fur across her body, and she’d grown hot, hot enough to toss her dress to the side, while her body changed. She felt something growing on her back, and out of her tail bone. She already knew that small little horns had appeared on her head. Even as she jilled herself, slickening her fingers with her own feminine cum, she couldn’t help but cry as she knelt there, her face in the ground, and her ass up, her fingers working furiously, trying to hopefully quell the fire in her core. 

Jenny moaned in torturous pleasure as she was practically trying to shove her entire first into her pussy, needing something to fill her, to slide into her and make her feel complete. It was overwhelming her, and now she could see why a succubus or a monster might be so lustful, if they constantly felt like this, needing, needing something to fill her, to… to fuck her.

With colossal effort, Jenny wrenched her hand from her crotch, and rolled over, trying to save herself as she lay on her back looking up at the sky which had shifted from blue to orange. Dusk was fast approaching, and… and… Jenny breathed hard, and gripped the grass, mentally begging for it to give her the will to stop herself, yet, she couldn’t. Her fingers slipped from the grass, and converged on her body, both moving to her breasts, feeling how full they’d become, how wonderful they felt to squeeze, to rub, and pinch. All the while, a limb that she never had before slide from underneath her like a snake, before curling up, and pressing it’s lovely tip against her pussy, sliding it up and down, rubbing her more as she started at the sky. Even this wasn’t enough. 

“H-home, I… I need to get home,” Jenny thought as she rolled over again, and got up. She kept rubbing her breasts as her tail continued. Despite the lustful fog which was filling her mind, she still had enough of a mind about her to grab her basket of herbs for Kayden.

“Kayden,” she moaned, her mind suddenly filled with thoughts of her brother, thoughts that she’d never had before. The kind of thoughts she’d reserve for some of the other village boys, but now she couldn’t help but think of her brother, and his cock. How… how she wanted him, needed him. 



Jenny arrived back at the house that their family shared, panting as she walked in, even though she wasn’t tired. She knew what she needed, her dire need seared into her mind. Kayden was up in the loft, where all of the children of Mother and Father slept. Climbing up the ladder, Jenny could see her brother, her big brother, laying there, sick, and she had the medicine he needed right here. 

Crawling over to him, Jenny loomed over her brother, lust dancing in her eyes as she blushed while pulling his sheets up. He stired, and looked at her. 

“Je-mmmmh!” he cried out as Jenny slid onto him, her lips locking with his as she instinctually pushed something out into him. He tried to resist, and nearly pushed her off, but his hands pressed against her breasts, and something stopped him. Instead, he started to grope her. Jenny looked into her brother’s eyes, seeing them unfocusing, and a blush forming on his face. With her tail, Jenny slid her brother’s pants down, and could already feel his hard on. She pulled back, her mind awash with lustful thoughts, her pussy dripping as she giggled and smiled at her brother. 

“J-Jenny, this, this is wro-” but she interrupted him again, kissing him once more, sticking her tongue into his mouth while her lips tingled from the sensation. He resisted, trying to push her tongue back, but all it managed to do was entwine them, and excite Jenny further. 

Then she started to lower herself, sliding across his lower belly until she felt his cock at her entrance, and she slid the finally bit of the way down. The two of them moaned in unison as they broke off their kiss, their faces filled with surprise, until Jenny recovered first, smiling at him. Unable to hold herself back any longer, Jenny started to use her arms and legs to slide herself further down her bother’s cock, letting it slip into her, filling that empty feeling she’d had until then. With every thrust onto her bother’s cock, pleasure rocked her world as it blasted through her, and filled her mind with only thoughts of lust and pleasure. 

Then Jenny felt Kayden’s hands wrap around her waist, and Jenny moaned a bit, before he thrust up into her, and pulled her down at the same time. Jenny cried out in ecstasy as she was fucked, his wondrous cock filling her, as his willpower failed, and the two began to fuck like wild beasts in the loft, demonic mana filling the house as they fucked like mad.
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I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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