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Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer

Degenerate Arousal (Worm AU)Thank you to 2Tired2ThinkofSomethingClever for subscribing~! <

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Thread Necromancer
Public post
 Suddenly Succubae (WORM AU)

Commissioned by Anonymous


Succubi are one of the few types of demons that are allowed within mortal society. No doubt a part of the reason was simply due to the fact that men when they see a pretty lady can’t help but let their dicks do the thinking. Then there was also thankfully the fact that society had progressed enough that, at least in the west, succubi are no longer banned and exiled from society to live among the goblins, tribal orc bands, and the other uncivilised creatures out there.

Which thank Aphrodite’s tits for that. While suddenly waking up one morning with a far curvier form was great, the thought of suddenly having to rely on my meagre survival skills, isn’t. Almost on instinct, I reach up, and pinch myself, the usual thing for people to do to make sure they’re not dreaming. Since my new tits were taking up my attention, unconsciously my fingers sought them, casually reaching for a nipple on my bare-chested form.

Bad idea.

“Ow, fuck!” right, not the tit! As I drag a sharp breath in through teeth, my hand flattens and starts to rub there, trying to deal with the pain, but then I have to suppress a moan, the pain rapidly blooming into pleasure. The sensations mixed together as I rub my teat, my loins suddenly perked up to attention as my fingers felt far better than they had any right to. It seems my new tits were far more sensitive than the old ones, by a factor of three… Maybe four. For a moment, I just keep rubbing, feeling my nipples become hard as I caress, and touch them. Though, eventually I pull my fingers away and just stare at my new breasts again. 

I mean what exactly am I meant to do? It’s like the puberty fairy smashed my face in. What do people do when they suddenly have a fat set of knockers large enough to even make me want to hold them up? Idly my hands twitch a bit, rising up once more, this time not to perform an ill advised pinch, but just to hold them up and to feel their. On a whim, I give them a little jiggle. 

Jiggle jiggle.

As I hold them my curious fingers slide across, sliding across my areolas again, pressing into my teat a bit, feeling the sensation again. It’s certainly pleasant and a bit more… intense than what I’d felt before. A little twitch in my core, I keep rubbing for a few seconds longer, swallowing a bit as I stare at my hardened nipples. Idly, my eyes continue to travel, looking at my face, my lips having fattened a bit. While my mouth hadn’t exactly shrunk, it wasn’t as froglike as before. Then I looked at my horns, how they rose up from the sides of my head to point up together above my crown. My tail wagged a bit behind me, almost like I was an excited puppy as I kept touching myself. It wasn’t spade tipped like some, but rather ended in a point. The bone spur at the end of it coloured pink as it swayed while kept teasing my turgid tit, and sensations of delight continued to spread through my breasts. Spreading my wings a bit, they’re mainly a light crimson, bordering on a pale pink in places while framed with tough looking black skin along the bones. Demonic power pulses through my arteries as the blood flows through in time with the pumping. Just a little boost to let succubi actually fly with those wings that really shouldn’t be able to. 

I pull my fingers away as I realise, once again, that I can’t just get distracted all day. I need to figure out what I’m supposed to do. School starts up in a few days, and I certainly can’t just wear my old clothes, my new wings have already split my pyjama shirt and my pyjama pants were in just as bad shape. Those two things were probably the loosest clothes I own and if those couldn’t hold my new parts in, then nothing else would.

Well, except maybe my sweat pants and work out hoodie since none of my regular clothes could even hope to hold an ass that thick in without splitting. After all, where before my ass might as well have been a flat runway, now it’d become a rolling hillock, fat, and meaty. Gripping my butt, unlike before where it was easy to get to the bone, now all I felt was my hand grabbing a handful fat flesh, my prodding finger only barely able to tap at my hips. 

By the gods, if I had a fat belly to go along with all this new booty and breasts some ferals and tribals might start worshipping me as a fertility goddess. If all succubi get this kind of upgrade to their look it’s a wonder tribals didn’t just start worshipping them all as avatars of their various fertility goddesses.

Then again, the life stealing part might indicate the error in their belief.

I shake my head. Right, clothes, can’t forget, especially underwear too because I’m sure these panty’s elastics are ruined. Maybe Mom has something among her stuff. I vaguely remember some old photos back when she was a kid… she kind of had this figure. She had grown out massively since she was a kid, her body developing into its rather buxom form that was curvy enough to rival any elf or even succubus… 

And now I’m suddenly transforming into a succubus. As I walk into Mom and Dad’s room, I see a picture of Mom in the corner. Dad had put it there after… well after she passed, I can’t help the tears welling up a bit as I stop to trace her face again. 

If you were alive… you’d have a lot of explaining to do… Fuck…

Sliding the closet open, I can still see Mom’s stuff. Dad hadn’t ever gotten to putting it away, the thought a little too hard hitting for him. Thus he ignored it. None of his stuff was in it anyways since he used the dresser for all of his stuff. Rather than sit and ponder though, I push the clothes to the side and see some old boxes in the back. Most of it labelled as “old clothes” in Mom’s loopy cursive with the year “1986” also written out. Her high school years. I swallow a bit, blinking some more, driving the still developing tears back. I take a deep breath, wanting a second. 

Slowly, gingerly, I lift the lid, and inside are jeans… Picking one up, there’s more denim beyond, but it’s not jeans… grabbing that I lift it up… and it’s a whole jumpsuit… made of denim with some choice cuts made along the back of it right where a tail and wings would be. It’s not the worst I guess. Pulling out more clothes, there’s very loose sweaters that have patterns on them, Leggings that have a loop of cloth that I’m not exactly sure what I’d do with. Maybe put between my toes or just wear them like stirrups? 

At least the underwear is easy to figure out and I can get out of my panties that are ruined by my now rather sizable ass, and actually get a bra on since I actually need one now. Though, most of what Mom has could more easily be described as lingerie rather than just a simple bra and panties. Most of it looks silken, with lace all over. One bra I pick up doesn’t even have a proper cup but rather lets the nipple hang out. Good for sexy times but not so great for actually holding breasts up. The closest to a proper set of under clothing was a kind of one piece creation of golden silk which still hinted at sexiness, but hid all the important bits behind the silk thickening around the breasts and crotch area. Despite the seeming fragility of the thing, it actually held my breasts up kind of well. It though as I press my new breasts up a bit… they’re not exactly sagging that much, almost defying gravity with their perkiness.

I don’t really know why I’m surprised that literal sex demons have superior breasts compared to the average mortal. It’s even in the name.

I slip on the golden lingerie one piece and look at all of the other options before shaking my head. If I need to go out I can just use my hoodie and sweats, or maybe Dad could… never mind bad idea. Even so, I can cope with a trashy look while looking through shops to get more clothes.

I start to fold some of the stuff back up when another box catches my eyes. Its small compared to the box of Mom’s old clothes, more of a shoe box than anything, but on the top, rather than an old year, it’s has my name on it.

I pull it out. Opening up top, the first thing I see is a letter in it along with what looks like some kind of shiny brass collar. It’s small and metal, along with what look like four metal bands. Tugging out the letter, I see at the top it’s addressed to me.

To my Dearest Taylor.

This letter is here if I am not around to give you this box. If I am still around and you’ve found this in the closet, you better be ready for a spanking missy!

I jest.

If this box has revealed itself, then I am gone. I’m sorry for what my death must have put you and Danny through. If wish it could have been different. 

But allow me to illuminate the situation. If your glamour has not fallen yet, let this letter be the first to inform you that you my wondrous daughter are a succubus. You will be gaining wings, a tail, and your body will transform into its true shape upon the disappearance of your glamour. Your body has been changing under that glamour, but only when it starts to become rather unavoidably noticeable, or the essence I put into the spell has finally run out, will your glamour come undone. 

You have always been a succubus, I just… chose to hide you from the world. Call it old superstition; call it an old adventurer wanting to keep you safe, but I know what happens to succubi out there, especially young succubi. Face down one too many dronified, bimbofied, forcefully bound and other horrors visited upon succubi families by those who consider themselves above us and suddenly letting it be known that in your civilian life you are a succubus and that your daughter is too becomes a rather hard pill to swallow.

Our feral brethren outside the walls of civilisation have certainly done nothing to help us in the continuous fight for recognition of being more than just timid demons that could go off the handle at any moment if for some reason the tables turned. 

But I digress. Within this box you will find a lovely set of enchanted items. These are some tools you can use to help hide your true form by polymorphing on demand. I made the enchantment rather simple so that it’ll be easier to use. It won’t change your clothes or anything, but your form, and the items themselves can change. It’s just unfortunately too expensive to get a full set of enchanted clothing like that all whipped up at the moment, what with new war taxes being brought up now that there’s that new para-orc warlord out west. I’ll do my best to get you what you need, but if I don’t, I still have some of my old clothes here that should work for you once my glamour over you has run out.

Now as to actually use them, simply think of what you desire to look like, and the polymorphing spell should take effect. It’s not permanent or even hard to dispel if someone desires you in your true form, but it should help in a pinch. It can also transform as well so you don’t have a collar on you all the time. It’s the same process, though this is a permanent change to them until you desire them to be something else. It was all the rage among young Succubi back when my Mother was a child. 

Though that was mostly due to the binding aspect of it. Not so popular now, but if you ever feel really really strongly about someone, you could allow them to bind you. These will help with that, letting you and your “master” know when the other is in danger, lets one summon the other, and even get a better idea about the other’s emotional state. 

Plus there are a few nice little surprises in there as well that your “master” can access if you decide to get one. If not they also help with keeping you from being forcefully bound. It won’t stop someone exceedingly powerful, but the average jack ass warlock who just forcefully binds demons shouldn’t be able to bind you so easily with that on you.

Now, as for what you must do as a succubus, it is quite simple. As you potentially already know either through your grade ten biology class or through your time on the Wizard Network, succubi require the reproductive fluids of other creatures to survive and thrive. It’s why some succubi dress so provocatively in public as they are looking to trap some “prey” for their meals. You will have to do the same. However, with the expansion of rights to include succubi, this is easier than ever as already on the net there are websites to find people who want a good time, or maybe you can Emma can have some fun. She does seem to have a bit of a domineering streak that might be fun for you both. Just remember that you will likely need at least a few partners to sustain yourself as only taking one will potentially hurt them.

I’ll include more in this box when I am able to.

Love Mom.

Love you Taylor.

“Love you too Mom,” I say while letting the tears flow a bit as I smile, then in reverence, I fold the letter back up and slide it back into the box. Reaching in, I pull out the enchanted brass coloured items. 

I take a moment to rub my fingers against the collar. The thing kind of looks like a slave collar, the kind of thing that enslaved goblins belonging to those of high status would wear when being pulled along. But then Mom wrote that it could change when I wear them. The things have locks on them and the key is inside. I snap on the arm bands and anklets, the metal shifting to conform to my limbs. Looks like I don’t have to worry about them being the wrong size. Finally I place the collar on my neck and snap it shut. For a second I stand up, and get used to the weight, moving around a bit… before I catch a look of myself in the mirror, and blush, feeling a tingling in my core as I bite my lip and look away from my reflection. I look like something out of an issue of Sexy Sorcerer or something similarly lewd that appeals to the rich, powerful dragons and their progeny. Right, have to figure this out.

Imagining the form of the collar and jewellery, I imagine something similar to the underwear Mom has here, the lacy things she’d left in the box, before saying the command word.

All of a sudden the weight of the enchanted items disappeared, replaced by something far lighter feeling as the items transform into something a bit more modern and less sexy. I keep the bracelets the same, but the collar turns into a small, thin leather choker with a brass heart on the front, meanwhile the anklets shift into some proper socks. A bit more satisfied, look back at the mirror and frown a bit.

I don’t actually want to alter my appearance… and yet none of my clothes will fit otherwise. Once more raising my hands to my new breasts, I give them a little bounce once again, feeling their weight on my chest a little bit before I start to shrink them down. The change is rather quick, my flesh pulling itself in through the magic of the item before eventually it settles to their original, unimpressive size. Crisis solved, I let out a little sigh before heading back to my room. Entering, I see that I have a message on my computer, the thing lighting up briefly with the notification.

Ly1ngF0x: Well I hope you have a good day then…

Scrolling up I see Lisa, my friend… and girlfriend. We’d met online while she was out travelling to various different cities in the Union. She’d been messaging me, saying good morning… and then I scrolled up too high. I feel a small surge in my loins, a mere tingling, and a little sensation telling me that the image was certainly enticing. It was a picture of a girl, who vaguely looked like me, strapped down, knees bent from more straps, and her body on display with leather crisscrossing her naked body. It didn’t show too much more, just a sexy picture of some girl in bondage, not even her more intimate parts. I scroll down away from it, instead focusing on the rest of what Lisa was saying, and typing a response.

B00kow1: Sorry, I learned that apparently I’m a succubus, and Mom had been hiding me under an enchantment

For a good few long moments, I see nothing, the only clue that Lisa even got the message was that every once and a while it’d say that “Ly1ingF0x is typing…” before it’d disappear. After about five minutes, Lisa finally responds.

Ly1ngF0x: Wait, for real?

B00kow1: Yeah 
B00kow1: It’d kind of crazy
B00kow1: It’s*
B00kow1: Just found out this morning when my pyjamas didn’t fit at all

Ly1ngF0x: Wow, damn, that must have been crazy. You need a new wardrobe?

B00kow1: Kinda, but turns out Mom has this set of items that let me transform. Doesn’t work on my clothes so I’ll need something for my new form but I can still use my old stuff for stuff like school

Ly1ngF0x: But let me guess, you’d rather be in your succubi form, right?

B00kow1: Yeah…

Ly1ngF0x: Heh, thought so. School hasn’t started yet so how about we meet around Lord Street, at the ferry stop, and we can see about getting you something nice to wear

I smile a bit, a bit thankful that Lisa’s willing to help… but then it strikes me what she might intend, what with my sudden transformation.

B00kow1: I swear if you bring me to a sex shop to get an outfit at

Ly1ngF0x: Lol
Ly1ngF0x: Good idea, I’ll try not to forget by the time we meet up. See you in twenty mkay?

B00kow1: K

Damn it now I’d just given her ideas.


The trip to Lord Street is a quick jaunt on the ferry, and while waiting I take the opportunity to get used to my new proportions, walking around with my new assets along the edge of the ferry with the railing to catch me if I over correct my balance. Slowly I notice some differences. For one my gait had shifted, my hips slowly swaying from side to side as I walk unless I focus on it. My tail would follow my ass, almost emphasising and drawing attention to it.

In addition, holding up my breasts was unexpectedly effortless. Though in hindsight it makes sense that Succubi would have reinforced spines and better back musculature. After all I’ve never seen one without at least a D cup, and sometimes they can get to what some consider ridiculous sizes. 

I wait for Lisa near the ferry like she asked, my hands hidden in my hoodie as I people watch, seeing the various elves, orcs, and humans wandering about, shopping at stores along the way. Every once and a while I’ll see a succubus as well, their overly sexual form being shown off by her alluring way of dressing while sauntering this way and that. As usual it takes effort to pull my eyes away from her. I guess I’m supposed to dress like that, which I guess makes sense. Succubi survive off sex after all, something essential that they always need.

I… don’t really know what to think about that. It’s… honestly probably fine, but well, being raised human… It makes it a little hard to swallow the idea of needing sex just to be okay. I never needed sex before… but then Mom included in her spell a way for me to be sustained by it… that would likely require some kind of sustenance poured into it in some way…

So maybe that’s why Mom was out those nights? Could she have been gaining… sustenance for me? Sucking it up from those who she preyed on? Using her charm to drawn men in?

What had she have looked like as a succubus? For a moment I stop, lost in thought as I wonder. Mom already looked good, but what had her horns looked like? Were they like mine, or were they goat like? Maybe she had more, them all rising in a crown of horns? What of her wings? She likely never hid her assets, and I was jealous of them since the moment I hit puberty, and had wanted them. It’d been little comfort when I was young that I would eventually get them… mostly because I wanted to stop being an ugly duckling right then and there.

A little warning would have been nice though.

As I wait I hear a loud wolf whistle, and I turn slightly, my ears perking a bit as I look, and there’s Lisa. She’s walking down the street with a vulpine smile spread across her gorgeous half elven face. Of course she knew it was me, that power of hers makes it easy to figure out things. I can’t help but beam as I see Lisa come over, the two of us embracing, her tits pressing into mine as I blush a bit. It’s a bit awkward now since I’ve got… well breasts now, and then she pecks me on the cheek as I blush some more. Then I kiss her right back, pecking her on the cheek as well before we pull apart. 

“So, you need a new wardrobe hmm?” she asks and I nod, but try to look stern.

“No sex shop, I may have turned into a succubus, but I’m not suddenly going to turn into some slut.”

“Not without me helping you along.”

“Lisa,” I say pouting a bit as she giggles before taking my hand as she pulls me along.

“Don’t worry, I’m not planning on it anyways. Besides, do you have any idea some of the stuff that happens at those places? Can’t even look in their direction without my power letting me know about some kind of sordid detail of what some elf did with one of the mannequins,” she says and I can imagine. Especially with one of the spells that you can learn to animate objects having gone public domain.

“Alright I believe you, so where are we going anyways?” and to that Lisa shrugs.

“I was thinking just a normal outfitter since you’re used to that. If we want to go crazy we can do that another time. There is one sex shop that isn’t terrible in terms of “fun outfits” so long as you’re not interested in anything a guy might want.”

“No I think I’m good,” I say as Lisa nods along, brushing her hair to the side and away from her sensitive elven ears.

“So how did it happen anyways?”

“I don’t know, I just woke up one this morning and suddenly I was a succubus.”

“Can I see your true form?” she asks, hitting me with some puppy dog eyes and I can’t help but giggle a bit before I push her face away as she gives a muffled cry before giggling some more.

“When we get back to my place. I’d rather not just reveal my new parts just out in the open.”

“And yet you are willing to show off your assets to others,” she says, a bit of a teasing tone to her voice. I blush at bit at her comment but don’t say anything, then after a moment she speaks again.

“Sorry if I was… Sorry I didn’t realise how big a deal it was,” she says, and as she asks she guides me into a clothes shop. I look around and it mainly seems like a regular shop, it a bit on the racy side. Then again, from what the clothes look like, it’s mostly just new age elf stuff. 

“I don’t know,” I say, giving her a bit of a smile before continuing. “I just… well it’s not every day you suddenly discover you’re not human… it’s… well kind of a big thing to take in.”

“I’ll bet,” Lisa says, “so what’s got you concerned?”

“Just some stuff in Mom’s letter, she talked about succubi families being “droneified” and a bunch of other words like that. Sounded serious enough to get my Mom a bit paranoid, you know?” Lisa however just raises an eyebrow.

“Not really… I can guess whatever this “droneified” stuff has to do with mind control maybe, but I don’t know, I can look it up though. So, you needed a new wardrobe right?”


Most of the rest of the morning is spent mainly just shopping. Despite not exactly being a big shopper, or really wanting anything flashy, I do kind of enjoy getting some plain clothing of various different colours. I mostly just got shirts that I can wear under my hoodie without any branding or anything along with some jeans. I also got a really comfy hoodie or two that I can wear at school or maybe at home, underwear too plus a few pairs of shoes. My old ones were fine, but what I had was getting a bit worn, and Lisa kind of offered. Granted, she stipulated at least one set of high heels, though to call them high was a bit of a stretch. It was fun, even when Lisa’s hand lingered a bit, her horny elven blood shining through a bit, but she kept it appropriate, unlike sometimes when we got, alone.

The ride back on the ferry is far quieter, with barely anyone around. Mostly just one or two elderly people riding the ferry back to the other side. All the workers are gone so Lisa and I just walk over to one of the railings and cast our gazes out to sea and the mighty walls that stand tall around the bay. Two keeps guard the sea gate from any monsters such as krakens, giant creatures, or even pirates. One keep belonged to the state, acting as the local headquarters of the New Hampshire State Guard, or NHSG, while the other was for that of the Protectorate.

It was one of a few organisations that were trying to bring the Union further together. These groups desired to bring the United States of America into a single federalised state rather than the alliance of countries and nation states that we are today. Unfortunately, politics, distance, and the roving bands of monsters in the wilderness of the Americas were all factors that kept the rebellious Anglophone states of America a federation instead of a country.

The rest of the states being wary of, as they say, “kooky” New Englanders also didn’t exactly help the cause, what with most of the new organisations sprouting in New England.

Even so, they are welcome especially here in New Hampshire, their warlock powers in addition to everything else were quite useful in stopping the various crimes that occurred in the city. Them being here allowed the NHSG to fully commit to driving out the monsters, beasts, and demons that roam the woods of New Hampshire. Eventually it might get to the point that New England might one day soon be as peaceful as Britain is. But that’s long in the future, and the best we can hope for now is being as safe as the more urban southlands of Scandinavia. 

Really in my view, the only problem with the Protectorate was that just like with every other organisation, they’d rob you and your relatives blind if they can find a way. For example, Mom had gotten quite a few enchanted items she liked to use whenever she’d go out as an adventuring warlock. Sometimes she’d go with Dad, but most times Dad got too busy whenever she was on holidays from the university to adventure with her. However, since she kind of kept something of a double life, obfuscating her connection to us, it gave the Protectorate the time to play hot potato with her stuff, and now they’ve gone missing in the system. Sure the Protectorate paid us for our trouble, but it didn’t fix the sudden break in trust I had with them.

From what some forums I trawled said, it wasn’t the first time, nor would it ever be the last time either that they jacked someone’s magic items.

As we settle on the railing of the ferry, Lisa leans in and presses her head into my shoulder to get my attention. I make a little sound to show I’m listening.

“Hey you know those things you wanted me to check up on?” Lisa says and I nod along. “I found one of them in the possession of a retired elven adventurer. He’s kind of powerful but I know that he’s gone for the adventuring season down south to help handle some of the administrative work and catch up with some friends. Incidentally, our next job happens to be raiding his estate for some documents he kept along with what ever goodies we can get a hold of. Since we’re there you want to come along?”

“Rachel’d get annoyed otherwise if I didn’t show up,” I say as I think of the wolf eared girl. Like most of the Undersiders, she too had been blessed by the new God Zion, her mind somewhat interfered with to follow whatever Zion’s ultimate designs were for this realm. 

“Yeah, plus she kind of likes the fact that you’re willing to hang out with her and let her indulge in being a wolf for a while, even if it’s only for a short time,” she says as I smile. Despite what most of the news in New England said about Rachel, the girl wasn’t some either evil or unfortunate soul possessed by a demon. Despite her rather rough edges, she was kind of alright. Probably helped that I was fine with less of a pay out whenever I actually did go with the Undersiders. Plus when I’d first met Rachel, it’d been back before I was the sometimes bard of their band of thieves. I’d been more a groupie Lisa brought along the first time.

“That too. Anything specific I might need?” but Lisa shakes her head.

“It’ll just be some mercenaries, your sleep magic should deal with most of the guards and then we can get those documents.”

“Any idea what they are?” I ask.

“I’ve got a hunch, and if I’m right, then any queasiness you might feel about stealing stuff that didn’t used to belong to your Mom,” she says as I raise an eyebrow. 

“Such as?”

“He could be part of the Imperium,” she says, and my easy smile slips. The Imperium. Lovely little group of elven supremacists working throughout the world in order to bring about elven supremacy once again. They believed in the inherent right of the elves to rule over all the other races. After all, long lives, being just as strong as humans with smaller forms, their supposedly superior brains, and their inherent ability to use magic, objectively elves are superior to humans in pretty much most ways.

Must have stung when humanity broke the back of the actual imperium and burned the western capital to the ground.

“So when am I going to see your other bits? I’ve been waiting all this time and you still haven’t shown me,” Lisa asks, perking up a bit while steering my reminiscing away from another group of assholes in this world. I let out a dry chuckle. 

“When we get to my place. I feel… I don’t know, self conscious about it?”

“Makes sense, what about your Dad though, will he be around any time soon?” Lisa asks but I shake my head.

“He’s still doing over time in try to stop the dock masters from buying goblin slaves to handle some of the menial work, so we should be good,” I say, blushing a bit since I knew exactly what would happen when I say that. Yet a part of me couldn’t stop grinning, especially as Lisa smiled as well. 


We’re barely inside the house before Lisa’s hands are all over me. They slide over my new rump, one hand snaking up my hoodie. I don’t bother resisting and instead I pull it aside for her, we both want this. At the same time she leans forth and kisses me. I moan in the kiss, the electric feeling of her kiss more intense than ever as it runs through me like a lightning bolt. Then her fingers reach my breasts, slowly circling around the underside, just rubbing through the silk, and I moan a bit into our kiss. 

My own hands don’t remain idle, them wrapping around Lisa’s own rear, squeezing her butt before I pull her closer. Lisa herself makes a surprised little squeal before her eyes open to mine. She’s got a mischievous little look in her eyes. For a second I wonder, before I feel her one hand doing a little gesture.

Then suddenly I feel a ghostly touch down there. My brows shoot up before I break off the kiss. 

“I… uh…” I stammer a bit, as Lisa realises her mistake.

“Too quick?” she asks, a sorry expression on her face, her fingers have even stopped, and I want her to start again, to touch me, to properly slip under my bra. I want her to touch my nipples, and tug at them, touching them, squeezing them. Fuck just the thought is making them hard.

“A-a little… but I don’t actually think I mind that much,” I say before she smiles and kisses me again, this time pulling me down a bit so we’re properly level. Our tongue clash, mashing into each other, my own tongue having grown long since we last kissed. I hadn’t thought to pull it back. 

Inexperienced as I am with my new tongue though, Lisa easily dominates the field, sliding around and making me hornier, her fingers having slid up to my bra bound breasts, swirling around where silk hid my nipple. Unlike before, she had to contend with a bra now instead of just touching me. I’d initially thought that would frustrate her.

Only it seemed that it just was frustrating me. 

I whine a little as she does so, touching me, but I knew it could be so much more. Just touching my breasts this morning was a magical if painful experience, feeling their new sensitivity, testing them out. 

But here, it was a dam that was about to break, and I knew Lisa could break it. It’d be so easy for her to pull my lingerie down a bit, to reach over a little, and touch me. Yet she didn’t, she held back, and I couldn’t help the whine from the back of my throat as she did this, my battle in our mouths falling away as she continued to distract me. My legs rubbed together as we played, my tongue thoroughly subdued and Lisa kept teasing my nipples through the bra. I was helpless.

Helpless like the girls in those images Lisa sent me.

I shivered, the thought only added to my arousal as Lisa continued her ministrations on me. Her actions making me breathe harder, making my legs quiver as she continued to grope my ass and tease my teats. 

Then she pulled away, my tongue followed until she pulled back far enough and I couldn’t help but whine a bit, drawing a giggle from the half elf. 

“Don’t worry, we can still have some fun, I just want to see you properly is all, okay?” she asks as I smile a bit before nodding. Lisa meanwhile pulls off her shoes and I do the same, the two of us stumbling into the living room. I turn once we’re in and remember what Mom wrote about the enchanted item. 

I imagine the transformation falling away, and slowly it does. I feel my horns sprouting from the top of my head, my ears elongating a bit while my tail and wings-

Oh no.

I bit my lip a bit as my wings get all compressed in my hoodie, the fabric just strong enough to actually survive, but the amount of pressure it put on my chest.

With a thought, I pull my wings back in, blushing a bit at how I managed to forget my wings. 

“Uh, maybe not my wings, okay? At least, not until I manage to get a hoodie to accommodate for that,” I say and Lisa nods.

“No problem… though… you know you could take it off,” she suggests, her smile turning coy as I roll my eyes at her, then grab the hem of my shirt and pull up to flash her.

Only I didn’t take my new and improved breast size into account and my hoodie gets caught, pushing my breasts up.

“Uh,” I sputter while Lisa giggles a bit more at my awkwardness before I pull on the hem enough to get my big fat breasts out of the hoodie, Mom’s lingerie helping in keeping those darn puppies up as I throw the hoodie off and too the side, this time now letting my wings spring forth.

I keep them bunched up to keep from accidentally knocking something over. Then I do a little pose for Lisa. She strips her top as well. She does it slower than I, letting her shirt rid up her thin yet toned stomach, her top reaching the cusp of her breasts, slowing a bit before she pulled it off over the top over her perfect orbs of delight. While not as big as my own new breasts, they’re shape is finely crafted, wonderfully round and symmetrical while her teats are no doubt hard from how she played with me before. 

“Why’d you do that?” I ask, just her nearly bare top made my mouth water a little as if the scent of milk and honey was being wafted my way. I wanted to touch her like she’d touched me. I don’t know about going further, any escalation would no doubt be met in return. 

But would that really be so bad?

“Thought it’d be fair, you know, since you took your shirt off, I might as well too. So, I guess that choker and arm bands are what let you transform?” she asks and I nod, transforming the items back to their original forms. As they turn back, Lisa smile twitches up a smidgen as she looks me over. 

“I like it… maybe you could keep it like that? Or maybe even lose the pants?” she asks and I just give her a playful glare… though I’m tempted… Really… really tempted, especially after all of that.

Ah… what the Hell.

With a move so smooth seemed instinctual, I pull my tail back, and push my sweat pants down. My sweats fall, revealing myself to my half elven girlfriend who couldn’t stop grinning. 

“I think you liked what I sent you last night,” she said, and I blush hard, knowing exactly what she meant. All those bound up girls, and… and I look like a harem slave girl really, all dressed up in golden shackles and a collar. I just need to swap this nightie for a silken loincloth and maybe I’d fit right in within a desert prince’s harem. 

Like a predator, Lisa slinked forward, rolling her hips as she bit her lower lip. Her eyes were half lidded, and the blush on her cheeks was intensifying. Her hand reached out, slowly. I could pull away if I wanted.

But there was no way I’d stop this, not with how… perfect she was as her delightful perky breasts bounced slightly with each of her steps as her thick hips moved. While I may have suddenly become a succubus, Lisa held all of the skill, her time slowly becoming the femme fatale that was Tattletale lent the voracious vixen the skills she needed to leave me a heavily breathing wreck, my heart pounding as she stalked across that floor.

One hand took a hold of my wrist band, clutching down on it, while her other hand pressed into my exposed hip. Despite myself, her touch was hot; it was like fire was spreading across my skin just from her touch, her hand just sitting there, bare skin to bare skin. I have to swallow, I’d started salivating at some point as she’d stood there, holding me, having successfully hunted me, and now had her prize. 

Her one hand slowly trailed up my side, just a single finger, her touch spreading the fire across my body, my spine tingling as she slowly ascended. She passed my stomach, my breast, and as she reached my collarbone, and then my neck, I whimpered a bit, unable to help myself as the flames of her touch added to the inferno at my core. My legs quivered, I was paralysed as if by magic, unable to move as she toyed with my body.

And I never wanted her to stop. 

Her finger eventually reached the brass collar, a finger trailing along it as she brought it to the front of the collar. Then she hooked a finger in, and gave the lightest of tugs. 

Of course I followed, unable to do anything else, so swept up in her erotic approach, nothing else mattered, my desire inflamed as I followed her wishes. I leaned down again, and once more my lips are captured. 

I couldn’t help the moan as Lisa kissed me again, the sensation blasting through my lips again as we pressed, in only our underwear, against each other and slowly Lisa guided me back. I follow her lead until we ended up on the couch, Lisa sitting on my lap, pushing me down. I come up for air, barely able to gasp before I can’t take being away from Lisa again and I dive back in, the two of us kissing each other deeply. 

At the same time, our legs intertwined, each leg pressing into our most sensitive places, and I couldn’t help but moan louder, and Lisa did as well. This was the farthest we’ve ever gone!

And I wanted more

Caught up in my lust, I started to grind my hips into Lisa’s leg as she did the same, I could feel herself squeezing down on my leg as I did the same, the two of us mirrors of passion reflected back at each other. Two beautiful women engaged in the ascent to ecstasy, unable to stop ourselves as our lusts continued to bubble over. Our lust assaulted our minds with renewed, vigorous waves of wonder and delightful bliss. 

Then Lisa came up for air, and we stared at each other, our bodies writhing in tune, our mouths wide open, barely breathing as we gasped and pressed on. The looks of passion driving us further as Lisa smiled with me, Lisa grinning even more as her grinding came faster, and she used her superior position to grind into my leg more and more, before she suddenly grunted, gasped a bit, before pulling away. 

Her eyes were wide, her breathing suddenly harder, and then there was a sensation almost like I’d been tugging at something with some invisible sense. 

“Woah, heh, how was that?” Lisa asks breathlessly, licking her lips before swallowing and gave a shuddering breathe. I can’t help but giggle back, unable to stop smiling as I reply:

“Great, heh… wow,” we stayed like that, I didn’t move up, even though I wanted to, and Lisa continued to breathe hard, looking up and down my form, but stayed above me. Then slowly, she lowered herself down. Her arms wrapped around me, and this time, despite how much I wanted her to play, I instead wrapped my hands around her as well. The two of us cuddled a bit, and my new wings actually came in handy as I wrapped us up in them, acting as a bit of a convenient blanket for us as we embraced. Despite how I should be used to it, I still shiver a bit in her embrace and let out a bit of a nervous giggle and a wiggle. Lisa smiles again before she pushes up a bit and kisses me, not a full snogging, but a long, intimate kiss before she pulls back. A little giggle followed before we just rested our heads a bit, Lisa’s caught in my bosom, while mine rested on the cushion of the couch.

“So… what are you going to do about that uh… need?” Lisa asked, and for a second I scrunch my brows…

Before I realise she’d been talking about what all Succubi need. Cum, or rather a sexual release, the essence of people, usually distilled into a man’s ejaculate, at least that’s the bare bones of what I know from Demonology 10 last year.

“I don’t know. Honestly I don’t know how Mom kept me fed all this time if I really was a succubus the whole time. She said something about the spell in her letter, but…” I sigh a bit, once more wishing Mom was here. I feel tears threatening to form, which Lisa instantly picked up on, what with her knowing me for over a year now, plus her power probably. With a wipe of her thumb, she smears the tears away. 

“Thanks,” I say before squeezing Lisa closer to me, like she was a cute stuffed fox. 

“Well… lets just look it up then, hmm, turn me around,” Lisa says as she pulls her hands back, and I loosen my grip to let her be the small spoon, the two of us curling up in my wings while she reaches into her pants and draws her phone out. With a few taps, she’s already searching through the unified magicnet, a combination of the various other magicnets that various nations around the world had set up back when it was discovered such networks were possible. 

I rest my head a bit, squeezing Lisa closer once more, enjoying her warmth as she connected to whatever search client she was on and opened up some netpage. I watch over Lisa’s head while she scrolls, scrolling by a couple of ads, one calling itself succr, while another had the name of “Hot Succubi Whores here.”

So I guess that’s an option… though I don’t know what Lisa would think.

Meanwhile Lisa enters into a forum that looks like some kind of Succubi life forum or something… though as Lisa scrolls through the various threads… and isn’t able to access half of them due to the thing being marked as NSFW and just comes up with a message about creating a profile, Lisa does eventually find a thread that seems to talk about gathering essence, that somehow hasn’t ended up being marked as NSFW.

Hey sluts, just wanted to create a thread here for Succubi (and incubi) gals who somehow ended up not a bunch of sluts like most of us, that or their partner isn’t so happy about sharing their cum dump with others (possessive humans, am I right?). So I thought I might as well give some deets on how to still get enough energy without turning into a necromancer’s wet dream, cheating, or accidentally committing manslaughter while having your fill.

Lisa scrolls a bit slower than I can read. Right off the bat the list already started off sexually, the first thing being to set up threesomes with other guys, or maybe even foursomes. Then there was the suggestion of open relationships, with both partners being able to have guilt free sex while still having each other.

Apparently as far as this succubi was concerned, gloryholes didn’t count. 

Then as Lisa continued to scroll she came across a picture of a dog and she stopped. Wondering what a dog was doing there, I reach out a hand and continue to scroll, only to stop at the suggestion.

Get a pet dog to get fucked by.

“Uh…” is all I can say while Lisa scrolls past the suggestion, and my brows remained raised as the list quickly devolved into a suggestion of getting various kinds of large pets ranging from dogs to full on tentacle monsters. Then it just straight up transitioned to full on slavery propaganda and a suggestion to just buy a goblin, kobold or some other kind of lesser creature at a slave auction to get fucked by. The pictures at least were SFW, or as SFW as pin ups of hunky slaves could be. After a while of scrolling through that, the sex slave suggestions get cut off by a paragraph split with the start of a new section.

Now if you are really boring, a prude, or a lesbian, then there are also a couple of other options you could go for, but they’re kind of boring (unless you’re a lesbian or an incubus with a hot dommy mommy).

The first suggestion was a sperm bank which apparently offers to sell semen to Succubi if the patient signs that they can do that with their seed. Then there are also spiritual regeneration potions which while expensive, are perfect for healing a guy to have. Technically succubi can have it too, but supposedly it had to be modified… then made into fake cum for a squirting dildo, which could work, but it would require some sperm.

“I think that last one might be the best for… you know, when we get there,” Lisa said, and I can’t help but blush a bit as I imagine Lisa there, standing like a dom in a corset, her breasts pushed up, a strap on hanging from her hips, leather and lace…

In an instant I knew my nipples were hard again, pressing into Lisa’s back as no doubt she was grinning. Her butt was pressing into my crotch, and I hugged her tighter. 

“Y-yeah, that… that sounds hot,” I say, biting my lip again. Slowly my fingers begin to roam, sliding up Lisa’s stomach, and Lisa makes a sound of approval. Oh I’m hopeless aren’t I? Slowly my fingers ascend higher and higher on Lisa as she reaches back, her hand grabbing my rear again. Lisa spins herself around again, before pushing my hips down. I follow her moves, letting her get atop of me, our bodies pressing into each other, Lisa’s hot face merely an inch away, her hot breath, her smell, her arousal. Lisa’s lips pressed into mine, and we moan together as she slides a hand under my bra now. I give a surprised moan again as her touch drives a lustful strike through my core, inflaming it once again, my desire beginning to bubble over, my previous arousal once more rising. 

Oh Aphrodite I wanted her.

Slowly Lisa’s other hand slips down my side, her fingers trailing once more downward, though instead of to my ass, they move inward. I can’t breath, I just keep wanting to suck in air as… as she going to touch-

“What the hell is going on here!” I suddenly hear Dad shout, my eyes widening, Lisa’s too as we both shoot from each other. Dad’s eyes practically pop out of his skull as he looks at us. 

“D-dad,” I stammer out, unable to move, my arousal rapidly falling as I watch Dad. His face getting red, tension entering his jaw, his breath coming out audibly now. I can see his fists slowly clenching and unclenching. In a low, menacing voice, he grumbles:


“Mister Hebert,” Lisa says, obviously shaken but handling his sudden appearance better than me, but I watch as Dad’s hand rests on the pistol on his hip, something everyone had these days what with all the dangers of goblins and other such critters tunnelling into town, not to mention the gangs.

“Dad,” I say, but thankfully Lisa’s already realised how bad this could get and moves, hopping up and high tailing it out of the house, not even bothering to grab her shirt as she fled.

“Dad?” I ask, but he’s still staring at where Lisa was sitting. He doesn’t move other than his still rapid breathes, and his hands trembling as they sit atop his gun. 

“Your room, now,” he says. While I want to argue, it would be useless, or maybe even make it worse. He was barely holding it back, and I could see him struggling with it. Rather than do something stupid, I flee as well, my one exposed breast bouncing as I run up the stairs, fleeing Dad, fleeing the whole situation.

Fuck. Fuck! Of all the fucking times to come home for lunch, why the fuck did it have to be now! I get to my room, and I almost want to slam the door, but instead I slowly, quietly close it. Anything could set Dad off right now. I’ve… I’ve only seen him go off three times before. One was against some poor shmuck at the docks…

The other time was at Mom… and the last time was against the guy who killed Mom.

As my door closes, I just turn around and slowly slide down the door, wrapping my wings around me.



The time in my room passed slowly, my little fun day ruined. Dad didn’t stay for long. He didn’t bother coming up before he left. I could hear him downstairs as he got his lunch ready, almost half an hour of slamming fridge doors, cabinets, muffled grunts of anger, and eventually the door being smashed shut before I heard him tear out of the drive way in his car. I watched from the window as he left. When he did I got on my computer, booting it up, but just kind of wasting time. 

Lisa at least was alright, though she stole one of Mrs. Henderson’s dresses on the line as she fled, so she’ll have to give it back, if she’s ever allowed to come over again. Despite the fact that it was nice to continue chatting with her, I can’t help but worry. With how Dad reacted I knew that I’d no doubt catch flack because of this. My mind quickly spiralled as I continued to click through the magicnet. The worst possible scenarios coming into my mind, such as Dad banning Lisa, him grounding me until I was an adult, or even kicking me out.

Granted, the last one even when I briefly thought about it suddenly seemed ridiculous.

Eventually, I hear Dad’s car parking in the drive way. I don’t go to look. Instead just heading to bed, a book in my hand as I try to read. It doesn’t work every well though as I hear him starting to come up stairs. I cringe a bit, remembering his other outbursts, and how mad he’d been at lunch.

Yet he doesn’t kick the door down, he doesn’t shout as he opens the door. Rather, he opens it slowly and steps in.

“Taylor,” he says, and I curl into myself more, not wanting to see him, trying to ignore him despite how useless and futile it is. I hear him breathe a sigh, and him grabbing my chair to bring to the middle of the room before sitting in it. He sits down for a moment while I keep trying to ignore him, though my eyes keep slipping off the words.

“Taylor… I’m sure you have a lot of questions, regarding… well all of this,” he says, and I spare a brief look to him, his hand is out, gesturing to me. I quickly look away, but, no, I do have a lot of questions. Yet I keep myself from asking. Still giving him the silent treatment.

“See… your Mother and I, we well…” he starts again, but trails off, scratching the back of his head in thought. As if he was the one in the wrong… which he is kind of. Especially since it seems he knew about this whole thing the entire time. He takes another deep breath, before letting out another sigh. 

“You know that you’re mother was an adventure right, and a hero?” he asks as if he even needs to. Mom was a warlock, or so I’d thought… unless… wait, am I really…?

Am I really their daughter?

“Well as you can probably guess, she wasn’t just some human warlock. She was a succubus. Just like you,” he says, and I nod slightly. At least that was cleared up. He gives a dry chuckle before continuing.

“Heck, I was one to, an adventure that is at least before I ended up in the union… Taylor, there are things out there, people out there that… well, that…” he starts again but once more seems to lose his words, taking a long pause before he speaks again. “Lets just say that during our time adventuring, we encountered a lot of stuff that happened to succubi while we were out and about. After all, even a decade or two after succubi became able to live in civilised society, some people still don’t consider them as people. It kind of… it kind of opened up a lot of ways for people to get at the now open and in public succubi.”

“Like dronification?” I ask, and Dad shivers.

“Yeah… that… Taylor, there are a lot of people out there who want to take advantage of succubi. Everyone ranging from certain kinds of warlocks to depraved fetishists and even some of the elite in society. There are a lot of people who want succubi. We learned that the hard way… especially after… well… never mind,” Dad stares off into space for a bit his fists clenched, his jaw once more tightening. I watch carefully, until eventually the tension releases, and his fists release as he gives out a heavy sigh. 

“Eventually when we wanted to have you, your Mom decided that we ought to keep you hidden. She’d already gotten a new identity by then anyways, plus, it’d kind of imply something if she gave birth to a succubus,” he said, not elaborating further on that and instead switched topics.

“When I saw you and that internet friend of yours, you… well, you as a succubus, and her over you, pushing you down, taking advantage of you-” my brow scrunches at the mere suggestion and I interrupt:

“She wasn’t taking advantage of me,” I say, but Dad just shakes his head. 

“Maybe, we don’t know for certain.”

“She’s not.”

“Taylor…” he starts but stops again, takes a deep breath and sighs before setting me with a stern look. “We’ll talk more about this in the morning. It’s getting late.”

Then he got up and left me in my room.


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Thread Necromancer
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 Night Time Tryst: Electric Tryst-a-two


Tyler got up from his little alone time in his room, a little more refreshed and no longer having to worry about showing off to this family by accident as he shuffled downstairs in only his pyjamas. It was a long weekend after all and none of his friends were around so no need to get dressed. He’s not like Mom and Dad who don’t get tired because cape stuff and thus wear their daytime clothes all the time unless they were “in the mood”.

As he grabbed the coffee and started to fill his mug, Tyler spotted his older sister Taylor coming down which was certainly a surprise. It wasn’t often that Taylor came down later than Tyler, mostly due to his alone time lasting a fair while. Taylor herself looked rather dishevelled, her hair stuck out all over the place like she’d been tossing and turning, her pyjamas were rumpled and looked like someone else had put them on her. She moved with a sluggish zombie-like walk as she shuffled next to Tyler and the counter. 

Already knowing what she’d want, Tyler reached to a cabinet and pulled down her morning tea and a mug for her. Taylor smiled at him before she took her place beside him while he loaded up on the cream and sugar for his coffee. He wasn’t at Dad’s level yet of being able to take it black, but at least he now only took it with two cream and sugar rather than triple triple. 

Taylor of course just had milk to go with her tea.

“Rough night?” Tyler asked lightly as he stirred his coffee, missing entirely how Taylor’s face lit up in a deep blush. She muttered something first before answering.

“Yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night,” as she said that Tyler winced, knowing the feeling. Of course, when he did, it was usually a continuous series of something waking him up at every hour. 

“Damn,” was all Tyler said as he wandered over to the fridge. On it was a note:

Hey Kids,

You might not have heard, but an alert just came up. There was an attack on an oil tanker that went south for both the villains and the heroes, so we got asked to help deal with the spillage by Dragon. We should be back by late tonight, so while Danny is getting the stuff ready, I’ve made everyone some meals, and make sure Terrance eats all of his food. He always only eats a little bit and then says he’s done. The twins were having a sleep over at their friend’s place but I’ve already asked if they could stay over at least until we go and pick them up hopefully later today. If we’re not back by 8pm tonight, please pick them up from their friend’s place. Also if we are still not back by Monday, please take the twins to school, unlike for you two; the twins don’t have a long weekend.

~Love you lots~

Mom & Dad.

P.S. – Taylor, Stay out of the basement!

“Hey Mom and Dad are gone,” Tyler said as he looks over to Taylor who in turn looks up, a little surprised. 

“Oh? What happened?”

“Villains caused an oil spill, Dragon called.”

“Okay, sounds good. Lady Daemon and Daemon are out to save the day,” she said, referring to the name that Annette and Danny got roped in with due to their little heroing stunts. Originally people assumed Daemon was a case 53 or a wannabe vigilante Mannequin, up until Annette entered the scene a while after and things eventually got somewhat explained. 

Their official story, however, didn’t stop the people online from coming up with certain ideas though. Most people believe the official story that Lady Daemon made the suit that Daemon wore so that they could both be heroes and help clean up Brockton somewhat. Then there are the crack pot theories out there that Daemon is actually a sex robot for Lady Daemon that she likes to pretend is a person who wants to go be a hero. Others think that Daemon might actually have converted some woman into his toy and covered her in her latex suit and is actually mind controlled by him to pretend that she’s a cape. Then there are kind of funny theories like Annette and Danny are actually Succubi and Incubi from Hell on a dastardly mission to corrupt the youth or something.

The Haven fandom is a riot sometimes.

“Oh and Mom says to stay out of the basement,” he said, grinning as Taylor’s face exploded into a deep red blush. She turned away from Tyler; not dignifying him with a response as she instead proceeded to flee the room, not even grabbing her meal from the fridge. Letting out a chuckle, Tyler instead grabbed the prepared breakfast meals for them both and started to put his cooking skills to the test.

Those cooking skills being in determining how long the meals should be in the microwave.


Lying back, Tyler relaxed in front of the TV, playing his video games. The game was mostly just a game about killing the undead while being a death knight and working along side a vampire maid wishing to destroy her master. All in all kind of dumb fun that he was sinking hours upon hours into until at some point he stretched and realised that he was stiff as heck, and that he was already starting to feel hungry again. Pausing, he looked over to the clock and noticed that it was already noon. 

Standing up, Tyler wandered over to the kitchen and poked his head in. Taylor was usually around and cooking something if she was up and about, yet the kitchen was empty. Raising an eyebrow, Tyler wandered over to the fridge and opened it up, pulling out some kind of peanut butter balls with granola or something in them and popped a few in his mouth. Where was Taylor?

Grabbing something to down the tasty treat, Tyler guzzled the juice as he remembered the note.

Stay out of the basement!

Had she gone down there? It would be the perfect time to do so. Mom and Dad were gone and she could probably be in and out of there quickly enough to check whatever it was she sometimes did down there that got Mom to specifically say not to go down there.

Though what exactly?

Oh right, Mom’s a latex tinker and Dad’s a mind control tinker. She’s probably got some kinky shit going on down there.

Kinky shit that he could use as blackmail to get her to do his English project rather than just help him. Granted he’d never share it outside of the family, but Emma’s family and she’s already got a million embarrassing photos of them so he could use Emma as the recipient so Emma could force Taylor to be her fetish dress up doll again. That or just tell her that he’d tell Mom and Dad she’d gone down stairs when they said not to. That’d work since no doubt Taylor’s got some embarrassing photos of him herself that she could use as her own bit of blackmail. Then they’d both be dressing up for Emma as a sexy duo rather than just one or the other.

A plan now in place, Tyler grinned as he walked over to the basement door. Testing it, the thing swung open with ease. She was down there for sure. Staying near the wall as to keep the stairs from creaking, Tyler slowly made his way down, his phone already out and at the ready. Peeking around the corner, he looked around his parent’s lab…

And nothing. No Taylor, just Mom and Dad’s work stations. Raising an eyebrow, kind of like Spock did in Dad’s old Star Trek VHS tapes, Tyler stepped into the room proper. There was Mom’s Latex generator in the corner, where she made her special latex, Dad’s original hypnosis chair which he first tested out on Mom. It was all consensual since they’d already been dating long before according to Mom but they wanted to spice up their relationship…

And now that Tyler thought about that now that he wasn’t five years old… ew, that’s just, ew.

Though considering that Mom’s a latex tinker, and Dad’s a mind control tinker… Maybe when he gets a girl friend he could try it out with her. A serious girl friend, not just a fling with Victoria that petered out once she got powers and started looking for “someone better.”

That had hurt for a while. She apologised for it later, on one of her and Gallant’s off times but he wasn’t going to fall for that again so he just politely told her no. Thank God Emma wasn’t there or she’d have bitched the girl out in an instant. 

Not really sure what to do, Tyler kept looking around; maybe he could find what exactly Taylor had potentially played with earlier. He could tease her about it, since considering Mom’s a latex tinker, it was probably something kinky. He wasn’t supposed to know, but he’d seen Taylor admiring how Mom and Dad looked all latexed up, how in her diary she wrote about how she wanted to wear one of Mom and Dad’s suits one day, and not for innocent reasons. 

Tyler snickered. Granted, he wouldn’t mind joining in the fun either, and… well the times he’d ended up searching up a picture of Mom and Dad in their costumes to draw his favourite super heroes… well he’d kind of had an awakening, a proper one because it wasn’t Mom and Dad heading out right before he went to bed far too late at night. Kind of made him wonder…

But of course, Dad was a taller man than him since his height skipped a generation in men and Taylor seemingly won the height lottery. The one time he tried Dad’s stuff out it hadn’t fit right at all. He could ask Mom, but like hell was he going to just ask her for a suit, not after… well after he realised how close her and Dad’s stuff were to fetish outfits.

They’d see right through his question in a second.

As his hand trailed along Dad’s desk, he noticed that there was one thing that stuck out on the desk there. A mask. Curious, Tyler picked it up. It looked like some kind of bondage gear he’d seen online, the kind that mixed pet play and bondage. Kinky girl. Not that he blamed his sister, but he could tease her about it. Maybe get her a collar for her birthday along with her actual gift. It’d be a good revenge prank gift for the full hair care kit and the hand drawn “free spa ticket” she’d given him just because he didn’t want to go to a hair shop and get his hair cut. He was fine with his hair, he didn’t need her helping him out with it. So what if it was a bit frizzy with split ends? He wasn’t going to spend the morning grooming it like he was some kind of girl, he had… books he wanted to read, or videos he wanted to watch, or a million other things other than grooming his hair or making him look “presentable” as Mom said.

He still gave into Mom’s whims she’d do it for him, but that was because when Mom wanted it done, it was easier to just let it happen.

Snickering, Tyler took a picture of it and prepared to put it back down when suddenly a black mass exploded out the back of it. Black goo landed on Tyler’s face while pink tendrils shot out from the mask, sliding around his head rapidly. The goo swiftly traveled down his body, rippling downwards under his clothes, and over them. Then with eyes wide, Tyler saw a reddish mass emerge out from the snout of the mask, the shape of it looked a lot like a canine cock as Tyler raised his hands, but was too late as the pink tendrils pulled the mask to his face. 

His vision vanished and he hadn’t realised his mouth was open until the rubbery taste of latex dick smashed into his mouth, battering his teeth aside and flattened his tongue. It nearly went far enough to make him gag and he made a sound. His hands flew to his face, trying to pull at the mask, but like Mom and Dad’s capture devices, there was no give, the thing binding to his skin in a way that only Mom’s tinkering could undo, and he hadn’t though to look for her latex-disintegration ray gun. 

As he struggled, Tyler felt a mass start to form on his chest, and nearly toppled over as the sudden shift in weight forced him to widen his stance. In an instant, there was a pressure on his chest that hadn’t been there before, like he’d put on a way too tight shirt. Reacting more than consciously thinking to do so, in a panic Tyler pulled off his shirt, the thing getting stuck on what felt like his chest before he got it off and tossed it to the ground. Reaching down, Tyler felt large breasts taking form, the surface of them sensitive to the touch, and still growing as he felt his pants themselves starting to get tight as the latex spread down his legs, and had already reached past his ass. 

Throwing the rest of his clothes off, Tyler felt the latex continuing down to fully engulf his body. His fingers binding together and curling them, something connecting to his spine, the feeling of a tail, and-

“Mmmmh!” Tyler cried out, his eyes suddenly widening as he was assaulted by the twin sensations of something entering into his ass, and something else pressing into his cock’s hole. Tyler reached down and grabbed his dick with his now stubby paws, but didn’t know what to do as his hips shook, the ribbed thing around his butt slid in, his cock twitching from the sensation as he felt pleasure from his back door being stretched open, and how the latex in his cock didn’t feel bad. Then the latex sliding into his urethra hit a spot deep within him. Tyler whimpered a bit as he felt pleasure from the thing invading him, his ass feeling similarly good being spread out, his cock twitching and at the same time being stimulated by the latex as it spread over his member. 

Shaking from how unsteady he was growing, All Tyler could do was stand there as the latex continued to pleasure him, his new tail wagging happily he felt his ass grow plump, and round, his new, massive breasts finishing up their transformation, growing to be massive no doubt by the weight. Then he felt a collar taking form around his neck, forcing his head straight, and keeping him from looking anywhere by forward, or up. He could feel the goo starting to coat his hair, pulling it together as it wrapped around each individual strand before pulling it into a pony tail. All the while, the thing in his ass continued to pound away as the pushing inside of his urethra that felt so good stopped. Instead it just sat there as Tyler continued get fucked in the ass, his tush feeling so good as it kept hitting a special spot that he’d never known existed. 

Eyes wide at the feeling Tyler continued to moan a bit into the dildo, his tongue sliding against the thing as he fell onto all fours. Then he found a hole in the side of the dildo, and without a care shoved his tongue through, finding air in a hollow of the dildo. Breathing through his mouth, he tasted the latex flavoured air, his breathing hard as the thing in his ass kept pumping in and out, driving itself into his gut and making him feel so good. Unable to resist, Tyler reached down, trying to get at his cock, only for him to realise as he’d fallen, something hard had fastened itself around his cock. With his useless paws, Tyler tried to grab onto it, eventually getting a grip, but the thing was very solid and encompassed his whole dick. Whimpering Tyler batted at it, but all it did was swing it around, though there was something else there, something swinging from his dick’s hole. Trying as best he could, Tyler tried his best to grab at the swinging thing, hoping to pull it out.

Only for it to slide in further as he tried to grab at it. It felt like beads, sliding into his dick, each bead sending a sensation of pleasure through him. The pleasure was enough that despite his misgivings, his lust urged him to continue. Yet he resisted, if only barely as his ass fucking was clouding his mind, filling his brain with enough pleasure to make his body react unconsciously. Influenced by the pleasure, Tyler started to gyrate his hips in time with the thing filling his ass, the beads in his cock swinging around a bit, along with his massive breasts and what felt like big balls smacking against his cage. Tyler knew he was drooling, his tongue letting the fluid drip out of the gag as he breathed.

Finally, his vision shifted and he was able to see again despite the blindfold. His first instinct was to look down, to gaze upon what had been done to his dick, what was encasing it, and yet his vision was blocked. 

The things blocking his vision were two immense breasts that swung as his body was shifted with each thrust into his ass. They swung hypnotically, like an ornament only just placed on a Christmas tree, the nipples jutting out, hard as could be, and he could feel them as well, swinging as he moved just a little. Trying to get some stability, Tyler pushed up with his paws, and landed on his legs with less pain on his butt than expected. While kneeling there he brought his paws up, taking hold of his breasts. They were heavy things, and as he got closer to the hard latex nipples, it felt better. His paws felt soft, and it felt good to touch his oversized breasts. Hefting them a bit, Tyler guessed they had to be as big if not bigger than his head. 

Not only that, but he reached back, not willing to touch those hard nips yet, he reached back, confirming for sure his derrière was far thicker than before. In a moment of whimsy, he raised a paw and slapped it down, and made a sound as he felt the slap through the latex. It didn’t do much, the paw preventing it from stinging due to the cushioning, but he still felt it.

Before he could explore further, his vision started to shift, the outside world fading away, replaced by a swirl of pink and black. They spun like those dumb hypnosis videos that never worked, and at the same time, he could hear whispers off in the distance. Tyler tried looking to where they were coming from, but then realised, this must have been Dad’s contribution to whatever Mom had made here. He was getting brainwashed, and from how sexual his new body was, it wasn’t some capture device to go straight to jail. As he knelt there, giving up on escaping, he waited as the swirls would be interrupted by flashes, images flying by too fast to perceive. He felt relaxed, and even his ass fucking had slowly. It hadn’t stopped, but it’d gone from an overwhelming pleasure to a pleasant sensation in his ass, filling him up, sliding in and out, making him want to lie down and enjoy the sensations of being lovingly fucked while relaxing as he watched what was going on in front of him. It made his mind tingle in a way he’d never felt before. While it shocked him initially as he felt the tingles, he slowly relaxed, his mind bathed in the comfortable sensations of Dad’s tech doing stuff to his brain while Mom’s tech pulled in a fog of lust and pleasure into his mind, driving him to a comfortable place. 

Reaching down with one paw, and up to his new breasts with another, Tyler started to touch himself, one hand going past his cock, instead massaging his balls while another squeezed a nipple. Tyler let out a slight moan as he did so, adding to the pleasure that was soaking his mind. Slowly his concentration on anything other than his pleasure and watching the hypnosis in front of him faded away, and he started to lose track of time as he continued to enjoy himself.

At some point, he heard the door close, and with his new latex ears, found he could even hear the sound of a lock being clicked into place. Tyler froze, his ears swivelling, but no one was coming downstairs, though he heard the sound of three sets of foot steps, two small pairs, while another one that was larger. Taylor and the twins if he had to guess. No doubt Taylor realising that something was wrong since the door was left open, and she’d apparently already fallen afoul of something, probably this mask. Tyler groaned a bit as he realised his whole blackmail plan had backfired spectacularly, and now he’d be getting blackmailed instead. 

He’d probably end up as Emma and Taylor’s dress up doll again. Ugh.

Though he will admit, he looked good, but like Taylor, being a dress up doll for Emma was both annoying, and at times embarrassing.

Resigned, Tyler waited, shifting slightly so he was facing the door, no point in hiding what had happened anyways.


Tyler whined, Mistress Taylor was taking so long to investigate, and he wanted so dearly to be found. He was so hungry and horny, his cock straining in his cage while the suit tried to keep him busy even as his stomach churned, though the pain was gone at least. Sure it felt great, but he’d much rather be serving Mistress Taylor, since Mistress Mommy and Master Daddy were away on their heroic duties. That and well, the beads in his caged up cock kept him from cumming, and any attempt by him to take them out would just make them slide in further. All he could do was leave them in, their swinging giving a modicum of pleasure as his hips moved in time with the toy in his ass, pushing away, lovingly fucking his hole and pressing into his special spot. 

So he just waited kneeling there, paws up properly, drooling all over his big juicy breasts while waiting for Mistress Taylor to come down stairs, and see what happened to him. Yet even all hypno’d up, his mind desiring to be a cute obedient and sexy pet had its limits. He might need to try to do something, first to deal with his starvation issue, and then to deal with his lust.

And then he heard the sound of Taylor’s foots steps above, walking towards the door. Getting excited, Tyler straightened his position again, his tail wagging furiously as he felt his cock hardening in it’s cage, the beads ever present as the thing in his ass started to similarly speed up to match his excitement. Pleasure filled him as his hips moved on their own, little humps that swung what few beads remained outside of his cage while he let his tongue slip out, panting as drool dripped down his chin across his skin.

The door was opened with a click, and there was the sound of Taylor’s lithe form slowly walking down, before she came into view. As Tyler saw her face, flashes of light started to appear, the spinning was back, overlayed over Taylor, the whispering suddenly coming out once more, before it was gone, and Mistress Taylor was standing there, her expression neutral and a big case in her hand.

“Stay,” was all she said, and Tyler was glad to do so, his panting harder, and he’d have smiled if he could, but he certainly felt his arousal spike as he finally had an order to obey, the toy in his ass rewarding his good behaviour finally. His tail wagging increased in speed as Taylor came up, her hand raising and slipping onto his head, ruffling his ears and petting his head. Unable to control himself, Tyler let out a little yip before nuzzling into her hand, happy as could be. 

“Wish that was me,” Taylor muttered, almost sounding like she was whining as she continued to pet Tyler. Eventually though she sighed before smiling down at him. 

“Sorry about not coming down earlier, but I’d didn’t want to let the twins see you like this for their sake and yours. That thing’s probably already got you thinking of all of us as masters and mistresses right?” she asked and Tyler nodded, though Taylor seemed to be the highest on his priority list, he wasn’t sure why.

“Yup, and since you saw me first, It’ll mark me as your main master. Same thing happened with me and Dad when I found that thing and used it for the first time.” Taylor put down her case. The thing was effectively a locked box, big one too as Taylor knelt down, and with her thumbs, slid the latches to the side. Curious, Tyler looked over as much as he could before his eyes widened.

Inside of that case was a bounty of toys, and Taylor reached in, grabbing two things. One was a nice and thick dildo that made Tyler’s mouth water, while the other was some kind of tube connected to it, white fluid inside of the container. Tyler tilted his head a bit and then realised on the side it was labelled: Pet food.

“Well, since you’ve already ended up as a little sex pet, why not have some fun training you, hmm? But first,” she said as she knelt down, putting the pet feeding device down as she reached out, taking hold of Tyler’s cock and balls gingerly. Tyler whined, the sensation of her touching him was like electricity running through him, making him strain in his cage all the more while her thumb brushed the hard solid rubber like substance around his member. Tyler wasn’t sure what his mistress was doing, up until he felt her fingers leave behind his heavy cum filled balls, and started to press the beads into his caged cock. Each bead slid in easily, pleasure riding through him in spouts of shock as each bead entered into his dick until he felt her finger inside of the loop that was wide enough that it couldn’t be put in. Tyler hips shook and he let out another pathetic sounding whine, the sensations filling him as Mistress Taylor started petting him again before giving him a hug.

“Don’t worry brother, I’ll let you cum, but a bit of delayed gratification I think is better, wouldn’t you agree?” and Tyler couldn’t help but agree, almost glad now as Taylor pulled away and picked up those dildos again. After all, edging was why his alone time every morning took so long.

And going by how Mistress was acting, tonight was going to be fun.


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I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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