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Version. C Test Build. D3

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New version July release, Discoveries and Faction Subjugations

I've finished the Berserker's promotion and H-battle for all of the girls to kick off this update and added a means to save your emeralds. I'll go over the Faction Subjugations as the last larger task for Version.C before I finally turn my attention to Floor 3 and the next story update.

Berserker completed

With the addition of Dr.Midday and Brigit's Berserker H-battles, my work on the big guy is all wrapped up for now, save for any fixes that may be needed. I consider him now a more Elite enemy type, while still a member of the demon faction, he has more in common with the Wall-Duress in terms of function and power.

I actually don't have much else to say about him now that everything is said and done. I did add a new H-battle skill to him that involves fashioning a ball gag onto the girls that affects their dialogue and locks any oral based skills such as pillow talk.

My buddy @Aureatepen requested I add this in, I felt a bit goofy that I didn't consider it earlier, so thanks man!

Storing Emeralds and Discovery

My friend @BazookaDre and a few other people brought up the problem of emerald management and proposed that the player should have the means to store their currency away to lessen the progression impact from defeat and capture.

In this update I've added two NPCs that'll allow the girls to bank their currency in the Nexus whenever you like.

These two characters Aneki II and Wafaa each serve a complimentary purpose to hopefully make dungeon exploration more comfortable as it gets deeper.

They currently have a reserve spot within the Nexus. I'll be adding their narrative introductions at a later point.
I want to try measuring how much I describe and reveal all that goes into my updates going forward so you can discover certain things for yourself. I'll still go over the main focus of the updates with the same amount of detail but smaller things like every function of these new NPCs I'll leave some room for you to see for yourself.

I'm starting this now primarily so I can ensure that anything I don't mention here can still be comfortably and organically encountered and because there are certain secrets I'm going to be sliding in here and there. ( ◕' u'◕ )

Faction Subjugations

So the faction subjugations are the last large event inclusions I'm working on before I move on to Floor 3, polishing and the next portion of the story like I mentioned.

I'm still brainstorming certain details like process of escape and difficulty but I'll go through the overview of how the mechanic works on a base level. Like the roaming boss, Dithonion, the factions of Raiders, Demons and Goblins will be able to capture your girls and try to break them to make their own factions stronger (and happier).

This will be based on the Servitude stat in this current version. The lower your character's Servitude, the higher the chance she'll be subjugated by that faction if defeated or captured.

If you've dealt with the Dithonion you may be familiar with it's impregnation mechanic wherein for each hatchling alive in your world, The Dithonion gains an additional level, making it even easier for it to cause you more grief.

The faction subjugations will work similarly. While I haven't added rewards for defeating The Dithonion yet, beyond exp and emeralds, the same rule will apply to the factions. If any of the girls are subjugated, save for Journey, rescuing them or escaping is entirely optional. You can leave them to their fate for the entire playthrough while the faction uses them, gets stronger and in turn gives you the opportunity to benefit.

I haven't settled on how the raiders will use the girls to gain power but the demons will involve brands and the goblins involve breeding.

The goblins are the first faction I'll be working on. I've sketched out the idea just to visualize it better. If impregnated, a special goblin unit based on the character will be added to the goblin faction enemy pool and they'll independently continue to grow stronger like a Nemesis until they're taken out.

The overall goblin faction will gain levels and skills the more goblins that're spawned. I want to add a menu near the Bestiary that'll allow you to track the current power level of the factions and notifications of what they're up to, which will be the trickier implementation. I want to really put effort into the inclusion of this menu for the dynamic feeling it adds to the enemies.

An example in testing is seeing an update that goblins on Chamber x, Floor x are rounding up captured female dungeon explorers and if they aren't stopped their numbers will be bolstered and a new skill or enemy unit is unlocked for them.

When it comes to escaping capture by the factions, the layouts and means of escaping their camps or caves may be harder or more complex, I'm considering like keys, switches or something of the sort. The Dithonion is comparatively uncomplicated to stay inline with it's nature as an apex beast that doesn't reside in a complex structure or use traps ect.

I'm also considering if I can elegantly include gameplay for a broken character in the custody of a faction beyond a single H-battle so I'll need to consider that a lot more as well.

With that, this update post is just about completed. I'll be posting the new version and the relevant change log right after this post. As always I can't thank you all enough for your feedback on the game. It's a simpler game and I'm a slow dev but It's been a joy working on this project with you.

Until the next post, take care!  (づ。 ◕ u◕。) づ
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Version. C Test Build. D2 - Hotfix

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Progress report, Valeria completed and next Update

It's been well over a month since my last update post and I'd like to first apologize for the unexpectedly long wait. In my previous report I mentioned the inclusion of the character Frei from Valeria's origin game as a summon ally.

I've since completed her inclusion and the entirety of Valeria's skilltree so let's get into that in a bit more detail and the rest of what I've been working on.

Details on Frei

So like you might expect Frei functions in battle like the main group of girls aside from being AI controlled. She has response dialogue, combat actions and she interacts with the sex grabs from normal enemies and special enemies like The Dithonion.

She won't gain any exp by winning battles but instead Frei's level will scale directly to Valeria's. I've also applied this change to Samara's Articulate Fighter and adjusted it's stats, which should make both Summons much stronger and much more useful.

Valeria can unlock the ability to summon Frei shortly into her skilltree. I aimed for the various skills and boosts in her particular skilltree to greatly increase the survivability of herself and any party she's slotted into as more difficult encounters and floors are added.

One final detail about Frei I mentioned before is that she will appear in Valeria's H-Battles if they were defeated together, excluding Valeria's Queen Lilith Scene.

While Valeria is struggling (or enjoying herself), Frei will have her own reactions to their predicament and may be grabbed herself. It's the first time I added an additional element to an H-Scene like this but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. You won't control Frei in the
H-battles she's more like a background element.

With Valeria's skilltree now done, she's finally a completed character in terms of the most basic components.

Brigit and Valeria's Dithonion Subjugation

Once all the girls have their Dithonion Subjugation added our good snake boy will become a real menace with the ability to capture your entire roster. This may sound devious but I'm very much looking forward to it.     (◕' u'◕)

The Dithonion and Subjugations in general has been extremely fun to work on so I've decided to focus on it a bit more in the near future then originally planned. I was initially hesitant to grant Floor Guardians like Vocator and Abaddon H-battle scenes, since I expected that getting to them and losing may cause the run reset to become tedious, associating a naturally negative feeling to H-scenes that are meant to otherwise be enjoyed in the context of defeat.

 I believe my concern was exacerbated by the fact that unlike enemies and roaming bosses, Floor Guardians are unavoidable barriers to the story and Realm.

Since the primary elements of the game's sex scenes so far has been adversity, defeat and domination, It's been a tricky balance for me to rationalize gameplay wise, although a rogue-lite lends itself well to this, and a roaming, boss level enemy that hunts your character(s) rather then wait for you at the finish line just to stunt on you, also meshes well I think.

The Dithonion is only the first roaming boss but his addition has served as a fine template for others as well as the enemy factions. After Brigit and Valeria's Subjugations for him are added in the next update, I'll be giving the Raiders, Demons and Goblin factions the ability to take your characters for themselves under certain conditions.

Brigit's CG work is coming along well and I should have it completed in a few more days. Both her and Valeria will be able to Mind Break like the others as well, save for Journey of course.

I'm also going to take the chance with this update to work more on the "Broken" dialogue for characters to better reflect their fall and shift in their response to sexual attention.

Small Text Dialogue Update(edit)

I also found a nice plugin to include that'll allow you to view dialogue history by tapping the [ SHIFT ] key.

Additional H-Battle Updates

While I've been working on H-battle related content I wanted to try and include dialogue in the battles themselves when you're overwhelmed or manage to escape.

A small feature I love to see in H-games is successive dialogue that changes and progresses each time the character encounters that scenario such as losing to a boss mob more then once.

I want to see if this will improve the contextual flavor of H-battles. It currently activates when your character orgasms and doesn't have the Energy remaining to resist. Once it's clear to your captor that they've won, the dialogue will play, changing depending on if they've captured you before.

Allowing enemy characters more dialogue opportunities like this to express themselves and interact with the girls is working well so far so I'm excited to see it all together.

Promoting the Demon Berserker

My buddy brought up the idea in the past to me about the Demon Hell Berserker getting his own H-Battle like the Wall-Duress, and giving it some thought I really like the idea.

I've sketched out the rough work for Journey's H-Battle with him already.

So essentially I'll be buffing and moving the Hell Berserker to his own combat group with new attacks, so he'll no longer spawn with regular demons in the early chambers but he will in later floors. He'll of course still be considered part of the demon faction for stat tracking as well.

He'll have his own world sprite and he'll be faster and more attentive then regular mobs. I'm going to add new demons to the regular spawn group to make up for the big man's promotion.

That's about it for this update, my next post will be shortly after Brigit's Dithonion CG work is done. Thank you as always for your support and feedback, I'll be back soon, take care!

(づ。 ◕ u◕。) づ

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Progress report, finishing up Valeria

So for my first progress report of 2024 I'd like to start off with my progress on finishing up Valeria's skills and my plans for the next release thus far.

Valeria's skill tree

Talking about combat skills in a sexual dungeon crawler is probably not the most intriguing topic, and Valeria's defensive archetype is fairly straightforward so I won't spend too much time here.

Valeria's skill tree will focus on bolstering her defensive abilities, physical resistances and her crowd harassment proficiency. One of the unique abilities Valeria can gain is the option to call her partner Frei into battle with her, provided the party isn't full.

Frei is a character Valeria "rescues" over the course of the story in her original game that comes to operate as a sort of partner for Valeria.
Her personality is completely opposite of Valeria, she's a kindhearted, moral girl at heart which contrasts well I think. The good cop, bad cop dynamic is a classic trope and her dialogue in battle will reflect her relationship with Valeria and reacting according to what happens in battle.

Frei will be a computer controlled character, like Samara's Articulate fighter summon. If she falls in battle however Valeria will still be able to call Frei back in the next fight.
Frei's character level will scale directly to Valeria's so she won't need to accumulate exp. While in battle, Frei will focus on dealing instances of AOE damage to inflict statuses to enemy groups and pick off weakened enemies.
I'm intending to design her to be adapt at making powerful enemy groups more manageable in challenging encounters and generally weaken enemies overall.

Now the rules for challengers in The Serferus Realm are the same for Frei. In battles she'll be susceptible to Sexual attacks from common enemies and unique H-grabs from special foes such as The Dithonion.

Unlike the Articulate Fighter, Frei has no support abilities that can heal or buff the party, she'll also be fairly vulnerable to sexual attacks which could result in a quick defeat if the opponent specializes in them. Frei's a sensitive woman.

I unfortunately don't have any WIP art to share of this final detail, but if Valeria is defeated and captured with Frei, during the resulting H-battles, Frei will also be present in the scene as extra plunder for the victorious faction/enemy. She'll be visible in the Common H-battles, Bath scene, Wall-Duress and Dithonion H-scenes.

I'd again like to thank my friend over at the development of Valeria The Pagan Priestess. If their game or characters interest you please considering taking a look at their patreon, they also occasional commission nsfw art of the characters to share with the community.

                 Valeria The Pagan Priestess Patreon

Plans for the next release

Frei's inclusion in Valeria's skill tree is the last remaining complex component of her core character, after this is done Valeria will be considered a complete character like Journey and the others.

Over the course of February, aside from finishing that task I'll be working on Valeria and Brigit's Dithonion Subjugation, starting with the art for their H-battles and sprite animations.

I've done some rough sketches to figure out the poses, starting with Brigit. A new sub area will be added to the Waxing Peaks as well, similar to the expansion for Dr.Midday and Treu. 

I think I'll wrap up this progress update here, there's more I want to discuss in the next progress report so I've just got to pace myself for now. I can see the finish line for Version C in sight. The Dithonion subjugation has been the biggest commitment in this update so far but for me it's been completely worth the effort as I want subjugations to be a big part of the core experience in Lilith Descent.

So until next time, thank you for your very helpful support and feedback everyone, I'll see you again soon!

(づ。 ◕ u◕。) づ

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Version. C Dithonion Test B - Release

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Progress report and December plans

With November coming to a close I've spent the last few weeks adding the remaining mechanics for the Dithonion hatchlings and finishing up Dr.Midday and Treu's Dithonion subjugation.

I'll be posting the next test version right after this update! There's a list of details about this release and my plans for December I'd like to cover.

Completed Dr.Midday and Treu Dithonion H-Battles

With both of their H-battles and capture scenes for the Dithonion done, Dr.Midday and Treu can now fully interact with this subjugation scenario. Working on the both of them really helped bolster my confidence in initial characters I create scenarios for laying the groundwork for characters that follow after.

At that point it really is primarily down to creating the art for what's needed, with the scripts and events already laid out and tested.
If either or both of the ladies are caught by The Dithonion they can be found and rescued in the western area of the Waxing Peaks caves. The waxing peaks still aren't quite finished as there's still additional detail and interactables I want to add to tell a story about this area.
In the hud there's two new elements present as well. The first is a simple gauge that'll display the current health of the character(s) in the party, I added this primarily for the chase behavior of the Dithonion hatchlings that I'll elaborate on shortly. The second is a detection bar primarily for the Waxing peaks location.

I've noticed the addition of gauges and trackers can affect performance if they're too many, so I tested it repeatedly to try and find a balance. I originally wanted to display the Power and Resolve as well but I'll settle on just Energy for now.

Each time you're spotted by an enemy in that area, the bar will gradually rise, culminating in the alerting of the Dithonion. Causing the creature and any hatchlings to spawn and begin searching for you.

Dithonion Hatchlings behavior

The hatchlings spawn based on how many are currently active, and should the Spawn mechanic be disabled in the options, the characters will not be impregnated by the Dithonion at all.

The hatchlings have the sight range of The fully grown Dithonion and will chase the player down and attempt to bite you. If they're successful, you're character will be held in place for a few moments and take a notable amount of damage, alerting the Dithonion at the same time, regardless of where it may be on the map.

If a character is currently captured by the creature while you continue to explore the dungeons and story. You may receive non-invasive notifications that appear when they're impregnated as the days add up.

You can of course decide not to rescue the character, which will allow the Dithonion ample time to populate and grow stronger. While there isn't a direct gameplay advantage just yet for doing this. A higher level Dithonion will offer more exp, and special item drops will be added to The Dithonion and The Hatchlings in the next update.

Plans for Small December Update

This year seemed like it flew by honestly. We're a few days shy of December but I do have plans to complete one more update release for next month essentially finishing Valeria's common H-battle, Wall-Duress H-battle and her Baths scene.

If things go smoothly I'd like to complete her skill tree as well. Starting January next year I should be gearing up to finish Brigit and Valeria's Dithonion subjugation, which will mark the last Dithonion test release.

After that point I'll turn my attention to the next floor story, enemies, boss and the animation update for the playable characters.

I'm really excited, Lilith Descent is steadily shaping into the small game I originally set out to create.

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who's come along over the course of this year. I never honestly expected my little perverted game to interest half as many people as it has. It's goddamn wild to me but I'll always be grateful for this experience, long after the game is completed.

I'll keep putting my heart into this game until I can call it a full release. Thank you for your support throughout this year! 
(づ。 ◕ u◕。) づ

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