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New version July release, Discoveries and Faction Subjugations

I've finished the Berserker's promotion and H-battle for all of the girls to kick off this update and added a means to save your emeralds. I'll go over the Faction Subjugations as the last larger task for Version.C before I finally turn my attention to Floor 3 and the next story update.

Berserker completed

With the addition of Dr.Midday and Brigit's Berserker H-battles, my work on the big guy is all wrapped up for now, save for any fixes that may be needed. I consider him now a more Elite enemy type, while still a member of the demon faction, he has more in common with the Wall-Duress in terms of function and power.

I actually don't have much else to say about him now that everything is said and done. I did add a new H-battle skill to him that involves fashioning a ball gag onto the girls that affects their dialogue and locks any oral based skills such as pillow talk.

My buddy @Aureatepen requested I add this in, I felt a bit goofy that I didn't consider it earlier, so thanks man!

Storing Emeralds and Discovery

My friend @BazookaDre and a few other people brought up the problem of emerald management and proposed that the player should have the means to store their currency away to lessen the progression impact from defeat and capture.

In this update I've added two NPCs that'll allow the girls to bank their currency in the Nexus whenever you like.

These two characters Aneki II and Wafaa each serve a complimentary purpose to hopefully make dungeon exploration more comfortable as it gets deeper.

They currently have a reserve spot within the Nexus. I'll be adding their narrative introductions at a later point.
I want to try measuring how much I describe and reveal all that goes into my updates going forward so you can discover certain things for yourself. I'll still go over the main focus of the updates with the same amount of detail but smaller things like every function of these new NPCs I'll leave some room for you to see for yourself.

I'm starting this now primarily so I can ensure that anything I don't mention here can still be comfortably and organically encountered and because there are certain secrets I'm going to be sliding in here and there. ( ◕' u'◕ )

Faction Subjugations

So the faction subjugations are the last large event inclusions I'm working on before I move on to Floor 3, polishing and the next portion of the story like I mentioned.

I'm still brainstorming certain details like process of escape and difficulty but I'll go through the overview of how the mechanic works on a base level. Like the roaming boss, Dithonion, the factions of Raiders, Demons and Goblins will be able to capture your girls and try to break them to make their own factions stronger (and happier).

This will be based on the Servitude stat in this current version. The lower your character's Servitude, the higher the chance she'll be subjugated by that faction if defeated or captured.

If you've dealt with the Dithonion you may be familiar with it's impregnation mechanic wherein for each hatchling alive in your world, The Dithonion gains an additional level, making it even easier for it to cause you more grief.

The faction subjugations will work similarly. While I haven't added rewards for defeating The Dithonion yet, beyond exp and emeralds, the same rule will apply to the factions. If any of the girls are subjugated, save for Journey, rescuing them or escaping is entirely optional. You can leave them to their fate for the entire playthrough while the faction uses them, gets stronger and in turn gives you the opportunity to benefit.

I haven't settled on how the raiders will use the girls to gain power but the demons will involve brands and the goblins involve breeding.

The goblins are the first faction I'll be working on. I've sketched out the idea just to visualize it better. If impregnated, a special goblin unit based on the character will be added to the goblin faction enemy pool and they'll independently continue to grow stronger like a Nemesis until they're taken out.

The overall goblin faction will gain levels and skills the more goblins that're spawned. I want to add a menu near the Bestiary that'll allow you to track the current power level of the factions and notifications of what they're up to, which will be the trickier implementation. I want to really put effort into the inclusion of this menu for the dynamic feeling it adds to the enemies.

An example in testing is seeing an update that goblins on Chamber x, Floor x are rounding up captured female dungeon explorers and if they aren't stopped their numbers will be bolstered and a new skill or enemy unit is unlocked for them.

When it comes to escaping capture by the factions, the layouts and means of escaping their camps or caves may be harder or more complex, I'm considering like keys, switches or something of the sort. The Dithonion is comparatively uncomplicated to stay inline with it's nature as an apex beast that doesn't reside in a complex structure or use traps ect.

I'm also considering if I can elegantly include gameplay for a broken character in the custody of a faction beyond a single H-battle so I'll need to consider that a lot more as well.

With that, this update post is just about completed. I'll be posting the new version and the relevant change log right after this post. As always I can't thank you all enough for your feedback on the game. It's a simpler game and I'm a slow dev but It's been a joy working on this project with you.

Until the next post, take care!  (づ。 ◕ u◕。) づ
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New version May release, Concept sketches

We're already entering the halfway point of the year and it really felt like these months have flown by. I'm going to make more time to grind down on the content I want to implement and complete, I'll be moving around my schedule a bit more to accommodate this personal goal.

With that aside I've got a small version update I want to release and some concepts I'd like to share that I've been brain storming for alittle while now.

Berserker Upgrade and H-Scene

The Berserker scenes have been really fun for me, It isn't a big accomplishment for the game but I really enjoy working with new poses and drawing the girls in new angles which is always a highlight for me.

The Berserker has been upgraded in a sense so he hunts on his own. He's now an uncommon spawn you may encounter in the dungeons. He's easier to aggro and a bit faster then the common mobs on the exploration maps.

I improved his combat power, gave him a new skill and improved his base stats so he can better stand on his own and hopefully capture more of your girls. Along side this I've increased the Exp you gain for defeating a Berserker as well. He's still considered a part of the Demon faction for statistics tracking.

I split this version somewhat unevenly, so I'll be finishing Dr.Midday and Brigit's scene for him in the next 2 weeks, Journey, Samara and Treu all have their new scenes with him finished and ready to be stress tested.

Concepts for dungeon progress saving

Since Floor 3 is the end goal for the Version.C updates, the dungeon will be somewhat lengthy at that point. while some difficulty and struggle is intended to fit the dungeons' theme, I want the game to be as comfortable to play as I can make it.

So another smaller addition I'm working on are "Respite" areas in the dungeon where you can save your Floor/Chamber progress once and start again from that point if you leave or you're defeated.

I'm going to be adding more NPC characters from this point to improve the "liveness" of the game and explore more lore as it's something I really want to include more. So far I've managed the lore of Lilith Descent's world through items and NPC conversations since most of it doesn't directly concern the game or it's primary plot. The next story update will be abit thicker in terms of Journey's search for her sister so I'm considering it a sort of exercise.

Now with the Respite areas, they'll be off the beaten path of the chambers you explore, when they do appear they'll be maintained by an NPC I've titled the Twin Merchant for now.

This is just a rough sketch to lay down his general stature and overall outline. He'll be a character with more insight into the Realm as a resident there. He'll also be subject to it as well.

Right now there isn't any real way to manage Pheromones in the game and currently it only affects the chances of getting jumped in the Baths. I'm brainstorming some ideas and I've considered optional tougher battles and bounties as a means of reducing the overall Pheromone level in your world. I've thought about doing sex battles you can initiate as well although I've had that idea on hold for awhile now. The first of the next characters I've got planned will use Sex as her primary tool in concept so I'm saving player initiated sex for her.

Now on the subject of the Pheromones affecting the Twin Merchant, if it's sufficiently high enough, he'll give in to his lust and try to attack you while saving your progress, with the end result either affecting a buff/debuff or item drops, I haven't settled on which just yet.

You'll meet this wanderer named Zhalaphor upon your first visit to the respite area. I won't say too much about her role beyond this but she'll give an introduction to the merchant and inform you about his reaction to pheromones and some more details about these "safe" areas.

The last thing I wanted to talk about concerns the Factions and their subjugation events. Like I mentioned I'm intending to add it to the Raider, Demons and Goblins, starting with the Gobs.

I wanted to prepare some visuals to better describe the concept so I'll have them finished for another post later where I can delve more into how they'll work gameplay wise. A solid overview for the Goblins at least is that I'm intending for them to breed with captured girls and produce variant goblins that have a trait or 2 from your character.

The best example is a goblin spawned from Journey wielding a Claymore and having access to one of her moves or a mage goblin spawned from Samara.

Each faction will have their specific method of making themselves stronger with your character(s) the longer they're captured. I'm still in the brainstorming phase for what I'll have the Raiders and Demons do so hopefully by my next post this month I'll have something a bit more solid to share.

In the meantime I think that about does it for this small update. Thank you as always for all of your feedback and support on the game it really has shaped it for the better and it's honestly given me all the inspiration I've ever needed.

Until my next post, take care everyone (づ。 ◕ u◕。) づ

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New version April release, discord and next plans

I'll start off this update post with sharing the discord for Lilith Descent, this way I can interact with you more consistently, discuss the game and find any of the bugs and issues I'll definitely miss.

So if this at all interests you then feel free to join!

Now let's get to the content of the update and my plans for next month.

Dithonion Subjugations and Valeria development

Brigit's Dithonion subjugation implementation is finally complete with both her H-battle and captured sprite. So now that I've managed to include all of the girls into the subjugation system and events I can safely say that the foundation of the mechanic is complete and I can move onto other content I've had on the back-burner for too long.

Now regarding Valeria, Unfortunately I've decided to stop developing her for now, she'll still be included in this update but it'll also be the last time I actively work on her. Designing my interpretation of her was really fun and I really enjoyed the challenge of a crossover character. Her dual swords and partner summon taught me some very useful skills I'll need later.

Since Valeria's a guest character that doesn't actually originate from an H-game I can't be certain what, if any complications could arise in the future for her developer, especially looking at the payment processors constantly screwing with adult patreon creators and 
h-devs from other countries. I've been going back and forth with myself over this for a little while now honestly. So I decided it's best to stop working on her before too much is invested.

I still think it'd be a really fun experience to work on another guest character in the future but I think next time It would have to be a character from another H-dev or artist, maybe even a two way collab would be really awesome. While Valeria doesn't originate from an h-game, I still recommend anyone interested to go and give the dev your support.

I'm sorry if this news disappoints anyone, I've always considered Lilith Descent to be a smaller project and I want to do what's best for it in the long term.

Now I'd like to get into the topic of the version release for next month and a roadmap of what I'm working on.

Small Berserker version update

So like I talked about in the prior update, The Berserker enemy type from the demon faction is getting his own H-battle, I've finished the event groundwork already, leaving just the art for the characters to be completed.

I'm planning to have this completed and released within next month May. I consider it an inclusion on the smaller side since it'll primarily include just The Berserker H-battle and a few other smaller additions I've needed to add.

In terms of making up for the berserker's absence, The Ronov Imp and the Crimsaloon will be filling in for the big guy in normal demon group line-ups.
I always love a good excuse to design new monsters if I'm being honest.

Now aside from that I want to get into what I'm going to be working on, because the Subjugation event setup was the biggest thing slowing me down.

Development Roadmap

  1. The first thing to complete is the Berserker H-battle which will be released next month along with adding missing art, item Drops and interactables in the Dithonion's region and adding the buffs and art for petting and feeding The Manling.

  2.  Add an NPC to the Realm that will help save floor/chamber progress.

  3.  Add a shortcut H-Battle/mini-game.

  4.  Update Journey's faction H-battle art

  5. I'm adding the subjugation system to the factions which will allow Demons, Goblins and Raiders to also capture the girls and take them to their camps, caves ect.

  6. Allow goblins to breed more powerful enemies based on who they have captured.

  7. Add the fourth faction along with their H-battle and subjugation.

  8. Update the player character's overworld sprites animation to use 6 frames.

  9. Work on the 3rd floor, Dialen story quest, Dr.Midday and Brigit's recruitment stories.

  10. Start working on Version.D beginning with the first of the new characters and sex attacks for the girls.

This is a general overview of what I'm working on next now that The Dithonion subjugation is just about finished. I feel like it took me way longer then anticipated to get to this point, I'm sorry about that.

The next version build will be posted after this along with the changelog. Thank you for always supporting Lilith Descent, I can never overstate how grateful I am, it's really given me the confidence to keep trying to improve as I work on this game, so thank you again.

The next post should be in about a week or two, so until then, take care!

 (づ。 ◕ u◕。) づ
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Progress report and Dithonion Test.A3 updates

It's been a productive few weeks after my last update, and since then I've been working on polishing the battle mechanics and fixing issues and bugs that were found in version A2.

So let's get into some specifics and my plans for October.

Battle mechanic updates

I spent a few days testing various plugins and tickering around in the code to find a solution for granting the player more information in battle to make more informed decisions. I initially tested an action timed battle mechanic but it introduced more bugs and unintended side affects .

Ultimately however I did finally find a plugin extension that'll allow you to view the states that currently effect the enemies in detail. This was a huge problem that bugged me for a while so this particular feature is very exciting for me.

In terms of other gameplay changes I've adjusted the sex attack success rates to 100% from 75%, excluding instances when the attacks are avoided. In addition to that I'm also testing the adjustment of removing all energy damage from sex grabs and only allowing follow up actions to drain hp. I want the sexual actions in battles to become more viable and effective, as well as making the content easier to enjoy without your character fainting instantly due to various factors.

So far testing has provided really promising results so these changes will be in the next release as well.

Dithonion Test.A3 progress

Currently progress for the next release is going pretty well, since the heavy lifting was done with the introduction of the Subjugation scenario, now it just requires fine tuning and the addition of content.

You'll now see the girls' mind displayed in H-battles. Although it mainly affects the subjugation scenario at this stage. This will help when it's time to make the decision of escaping a scenario and managing your threshold, which each character will have their own unique mind limit for the amount of punishment they can withstand.

Now for the fun parts, the additions of the Dithonion H-battles for Treu and Dr.Midday. At this stage Treu's CG art is almost complete, Dr.Midday will follow shortly after. For their addition to the pool of potential Dithonion victims I'll be finishing the waxing peaks area.

When characters are captured there, they won't be held in the same area Journey and Samara are. The caverns level designs will have a degree of exploration and randomness similar to the Serferus Dungeons, so one path may not always lead to the same area. I'll also be adding the Dithonion to the peaks. 
Here I'm intending for it to become much more persistent if you're detected and giving it the ability to follow you all across the caverns and call cultists or it's hatchlings to join it in battle.

My goal is to make challenging the roaming boss on their turf a distinct calculated risk. I'm planning to release Version.A3 soon aiming for this month, with the main work left being art and dialogue, the progress has been relatively smooth.

Now that about covers this smaller update, my next progress report should be meatier once I have more I'm ready to share for October. Until then thank you as always for your support, I'll be back again soon. 

(づ。 ◕ u◕。) づ

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Release for Dithonion Test A2 and Valeria early testing

As I post the Dithonion A2 test I'd like to go over the few changes to be on the lookout for with this version and my plans for the next update.

Testing goal

So pretty much all of the notable changes were covered in last week's post for A2, what I'm primarily hoping to do is pin down any unintended errors or bugs that might poke their head out with the capture and rescue system.

All of the core changes were centered around that and further refining the enemy behaviors in H-Battles and the frequency that H-content is encountered in regular battles which of course my goal is to increase that frequency. I fully expect something might break so don't hesitate to let me know of any issues you run into.

I've made some small adjustments and optimizations to the background events running during battles to try and alleviate some performance weight, although with all the game is accounting for I don't expect too much to change in this version.

Testing early Valeria

The last thing to mention like before is Valeria's inclusion in this version. She's fairly early in development and some of the components she does have are placeholder. At present Valeria does not have her Defeat H-Battles, Skill Tree, Baths scene or Dithonion related art. She's also a sword user and no sword weapons have been implemented in the billets pool yet.

She's also the first character that dual wields two weapons but without any other swords to use there isn't much to be tested there.

She does have one optional and repeatable H-Battle with Queen Lilith, like Samara. Lilith uses slightly different skills in that scene. To access it, just walk up and challenge her!

To access Valeria, start a new game and choose her from the quick start option, all other playable characters will also be included in the party as well.
I've incorporated Valeria into Lilith Descent as a tanker, meatier character. By default she should excel at survivability both in battle and sex. Valeria is a brash, fiery character and her dialogue and interactions with the other characters has been really fun to write.

Now for the next Dithonion Test version, I'm planning for it to include Treu and Dr.Midday's Dithonion H-Scenes as well as the rest of the Dithonion Waxing Peaks. Within that version I'm planning to have the map finalized which will then allow me to wrap up the Dithonion tests with Brigit and Valeria. At the point I'll then move on to finishing up Floor 3 and the rest of the story and content for Version C.

It's been a process for sure but the goal is finally in sight now. That about covers this progress report. The Dithonion Test.A2 release will be posted after this, so until next time, I'll have more to share soon, and thanks as always for playing Lilith Descent. 
(づ。 ◕ u◕。) づ

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Progress update on The Dithonion

It's been a few weeks since my last update post and I've got some progress I really want to share with you regarding The Dithonion so let's get right into it.

Firstly Dithonion's H-Battle

I've gone through the initial sketching process for the Dithonion's h-battle, starting of course
with Journey~
It'll be interesting to play around with a creature that's just overall *larger* compared to most
creatures in the Serferus Realm, drawing the reactions Journey will have to this is gonna be a fun exercise. Since the Dithonion is such a proud creature, it utilizes it's restraint appendages to move it's prey around to satisfy itself.

For the H-battle itself, it takes place within the Dithonion's protected lair which I'll be getting into shortly along with the Subjugation gameplay mechanic.
Now I'd like to get into the unique gameplay mechanics of the Dithonion currently.

Encountering The Dithonion

I've talked about the alert for The Dithonion's spawn before but in addition to that, it's faster than normal enemies, more aware and it'll pursue you for much longer, There's also a 50% chance that after it spots you, it'll seal the exit glyph on the current chamber.

This is the creature's way of forcing you through the chamber and deny you a chance to flee, and now that the Dithonion knows you're in the dungeons, it's chances of spawning in following chambers drastically increases during that particular run.

Another minor difference is that when escaping a battle with the Dithonion, it won't vanish like normal enemies and it'll only be confused briefly, giving you a chance to slip away.

You'll have to be careful when choosing to escape the battle however.

If a character in the party has Fainted or been Grabbed by The Dithonion when you escape, the creature will take them back to it's lair, and remove them from the party until they've been rescued.

The same rule applies if everyone is defeated. That will leave only characters that weren't in the party during the encounter to mount a rescue. If all of your characters have been Subjugated however, Journey will be rescued by someone else, although I'm still testing this.


Now, getting Subjugated is a more in-depth consequence or result of defeat. Like I've mentioned before, Subjugated characters are removed from your party and taken to a specific place, rendering them unplayable unless they're freed.

It's entirely possible to lose all of the girls save for Journey this way. A new NPC will be introduced that manages rescues.
When you talk to this character, she'll allow you to select the captor, in this case The Dithonion, and you'll be able to see which characters, if any are in the creature's possession.

When selecting a target, you'll be able to mount a rescue by going to The Dithonion's unique area yourself with any characters in your active party, which has it's own risks.

Or alternatively, you'll be able to "Pray for the safe return" of the captured character, allowing you a chance to play as them and try to escape the area. I think I may give the captured character a limited amount of times to try and escape until they give in or they're broken and affectively can't escape on their own anymore.

Now in the Dithonion's case, it has enemies unique to it's area, The Venerators of Dith, a cult that worships the creature.

They guard the Waxing Peaks, a region within The Serferus realm where Dithonion reside. They see the region as holy ground and they'll happily capture any woman outside of their ranks to offer them to the Dithonion.

The actual act of rescuing a character will be straight forward.

If you can make it to where they're being held, you can free them right then and there. I might give the option for them to join your active party and help you escape the area together.

Now that should about cover must of the progress thus far, I'm going to share more details about the rescue npc in my next update since I'll have her visual design all finalized by then.

So until next week, I'd like to share one of Journey's new animations. Thank you again for all of your support, I'll talk to you again soon! (づ。 ◕ u◕。) づ

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