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Peach Punch Games
Peach Punch Games
Peach Punch is making femdom-centric games starring muscular women dominating and towering over you. Either wholesome or plain sadistic, these buff girls will show you new definitions of power.
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  • I am the creator of games such as 'The Bodyguard Girl is Too Strong!', and 'My Gym Mommy Treats Me Like A Kid', both availble on itchio. Subscribe now and get immediate access to the games I am working on before their release! And if you aim for the Heavy Weight tier, you get to vote on the contents of the games themselves.
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Heavy Weight Exclusive - The Return Of The Chat Bots

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Weekly Update - Sketches and Changes Coming From Patreon

"You know I'm a martial arts champion. You know that, and yet you challenge me? I do not suffer fools. Instead, fools suffer for me."
Already another weekly update? Well, yes, and that's because a few things have happened over the weekend and monday. Let's go over everything, shall we?
I have received an initial version of the next CG for Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!!, of which I offer a little sneak peek in this post. To say it looks sensational is an understatement. I still have to animate the layers and integrate it in the game so you can play and experience it by yourself.
It is shaping up to be a striking scene, and I can only hope that my writing will match up the incredible art.
On a more serious note, I have received update news from Patreon that trouble and confuse me. I have discussed this subject before, so I suppose you are already aware that credit card processors are attempting to shake off adult content on the internet. While it may not be their initial intention (they probably just want to cover their asses legally speaking by avoiding any association with problematic adult content), the bottom line is that there are less and less spaces online to openly sell adult content, or being crowd-funded for adult-oriented projects, such as Peach Punch.
In an email I received on Monday, Patreon warned its adult content creators that we would need to agree to a new set of requirements established by Visa. I've already agreed to similar clauses for Mastercard, so it's not necessary something that comes out of leftfield.
However, I am unsure what it means for a content creator such as myself. The new requirements concern the consent for 'participants' in the content, which I understand when it comes to live actors or voice actors and all that.
But what about me? I write about fictional people. I ask creators, who are mostly anonymous even to me, to draw these fictional characters. I am unsure what it means for my work. Will I need to ask each and every of my collaborators for a proof of consent?
I am freaking out a little about all of this, as usual. While I am not making a lavish living with subscriber sites' financial support, it is seriously helping me reach a balance between my part-time day job and creating these games in the remaining time. The profits made from the games, which are quite humble, are not yet enough to support me and pay for the production of everything needed for the games. I need the support of subscribers to keep doing this, and I would be quite distressed to have this support undercut by a weird technicality coming from a credit card company that would rather I did not exist at all.
TL:DR : Please familiarize yourself with...erm...alternatives to Patreon. Links to such an alternative can be found on my Twitter profile and my Linktree, just in case something happened to my Patreon account and I disappeared from this part of the internet overnight.

Of course, this does not concern subscribers on Subscribestar, as you are already part of the cool platform. Good job and thank you for the support.
Sorry about the rant.
In other news, I have discovered other fun little tools to amuse myself with. First off is Chub Venus AI, another platform for chatbots where I might have created another version of Yumi that I am tweaking whenever I have some downtime. It even has iOS and Android apps, so you could chat with Yumi on the go! It focuses more on elaborate and verbose roleplay, so I feel it lacks the punchy nature of CharacterAI or JanitorAI, but I might share it with you when I feel it is polished enough.
Another one is LeiaPix, an AI-assisted tool to turn images into 3D versions. While it is quite limited and is more of a toy than a tool, the results are fun little images that can definitely emphasize the bodies of muscular and busty characters, so it's a great fit with my work. That said, it exports either minuscule GIFs or MP4 videos, so neither are ideal to share with subscriber sites. I'll see what I can get out of it, it could be a nice way to spice up my weekly updates.
A very quick mention of Hypnotized By My Assassin. The game has now been officially removed from here. It is now only available on Itchio, I will not be uploading it here anymore. This game is done. Read my full rant above to get an idea of why I'm pulling it out.
And that's it. I have a lot of yard work to do in the coming weeks, and I hope it won't impact my capacity to deliver a new episode of Yumi-chan before the end of the month. That said, my progress is going well and I am confident I'll have something very interesting to show in a week or two.
Until then, stay safe out there!
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Weekly Update - Introducing Rin, The Ice Queen

"So this is how common people live, huh? You have to go and buy your own things by yourself? I have servants for that. You look like you could do that for me."


It is high time I presented to you the new character starring in the upcoming update to my game Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!!

Rin is the heiress to the country's third greatest fortune. As such, she has lived a pampered and isolated life. That did not stop her from becoming the best at everything she sets her mind to, including fitness.

This young woman expects absolute submission from her underlings. When she heard that her friend Yumi had a new boy toy in her life, Rin wondered if she shouldn't have one too. Why not the same as Yumi's?

How will your first encounter with her pan out? Under what circumstances will you meet this towering, intimidating Amazon? Stay tuned to find out!


So I've written a little bit more of the next episode of Yumi-Chan, but I am not done yet. As a matter of fact, this past week has also been quite busy, with my day job keeping me occupied for 6 days out of 7, and so I haven't made as much progress as I'd hoped.

Next week, I should receive news of artist Chayon about the episode's CG scene starring this lady here. Let me tell you a little secret : those are not the clothes she will be wearing in the CG... ;-)


I have sent the commission details to Manob0028 for The Bodyguard Girl 2's throat lift CG. Something I like about working with Manob is that their style is so unique, I know my references are truly just that : vague basic references. I'm always excited to see how my ideas will come out under their pen.

Expect more news about this commission later before the end of May.


And that's it. Hypnotized By My Assassin has been performing okay on Itchio, but as I've said, I haven't done any real promo for it, and I want it to fly a bit under the radar, so that performance was to be expected.

On an unrelated note, my significant other has caught a savage cold that left her KO'ed for at least a whole day and the better part of second. I am starting to show symptoms as well. I have a strong immune system, but pray for me, guys. I hope I'll see the end of next week without having to take a day off because I'll be sick.

Until then, stay safe out there!

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Weekly Update - Veronica Unleashed

"Don't look at me like that, dood. I told ya I was the GOAT at fighting games. Isn't it funny, though, how my character did that thing with her legs to your fighter as a finisher? Pretty sure I can do that in real life, too. Wanna try it?"
Sorry for the super late update. My weekend was hectic and only now is it slowing down enough that I can sit at my computer and write something for you all to read.
The biggest news right now is that I finally released Hypnotized By My Assassin on Itchio! It is the same version (build 1.1.1) I previously shared here, nothing has changed, so do not worry about missing out if you've already downloaded from here.
As I've stated many times, I am unsure how the general public will deal with the subject matter of the game. I think the game treats it fine, and with some taste, but the fact remains that it plays with a very extreme and specific fantasy, so I'd rather keep it vague and not attract TOO much attention to it. I probably won't advertise it at all. Still, I worked on it, it's a complete product, and I want to give it a small chance to gain back its production budget, so yeah, here it is.
You can see the store page by clicking here. It's currently on sale 25% OFF to celebrate its release.
In other news, I started writing the next episode for Don't Flex On Me, Yumi-Chan! It's always a pleasure to work with these characters, and I am eager to show you all the new girl.
The episode opens with a scene where you play videogames with Yumi, hence why I generated this picture to accompany the weekly update.
I am still waiting for artist Chayon's new art for the episode's CG scene, with a delivery date set to mid-may. We're still at least a week-and-a-half away from it. My intention is to write the scene in advance and adapt it when the CG illustration is delivered, in order to save time.
And that's it. The beginning of may is always loaded with birthdays in my calendar. Just so happens that a lot of people in my life celebrate their birth during the first two weeks of the month, so I tend to get busy a lot during this period.
Also, the hot spring days are upon us, and I finally had to turn on the AC in my home. Now is the perfect time to start planning your summer vacation! I hope you're making good plans to see friends and family in the near future.
Until then, stay safe out there!
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Weekly Update - Teasing The New Girl

"They say she comes from one of the richest families in the country. They also say she is the strongest girl, nay, the strongest person you could ever meet. I've also heard that one stare from her cold eyes can freeze any man in his tracks."
I couldn't hold back anymore, you know me, I had to at least tease you guys about the new character. Thus, here is a peek sneak at Rin, the cold-hearted heiress you will meet in the next episode from my new game Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!!.
Rin is one of Yumi's best friends, and if you though Yumi was dedicated to the fitness lifestyle, wait until you meet that tall, powerhouse woman. Rin has a low tolerance for incompetence but might find some value in a boy toy, if you play your cards right.
Art by the always sensational Chayon.
While I'm on the subject, I have send a commission for the headlock/sleeperhold CG to Chayon so they can start working on it. Tentative delivery date is mid-may, so I couldn't wait too long before commissioning, you'll understand. I am planning on releasing this new episode, containing this new CG, by the end of May, so time is of the essence a little bit.
I hope you are looking forward to meeting Rin. Don't be too intimidated by her. Or be intimidated. Whichever is most fun for you.
Apart from that, I have been made aware of a bug in Hypnotized By My Assassin, which I am currently investigating. It's a pesky bug that happens not necessarily because of my work, but because of Visual Novel Maker. Ugh. Can't wait to be rid of this software.
It is a bumpy transition from VNM to Ren'Py, but things are gonna be so good in a few months, once every of my projects run on Ren'Py, you'll see. In the meantime, I appreciate your patience and comprehension. You guys are the best audience a silly little dev like me could ask for.
I am also on track to deliver an extended CG scene for The Bodyguard Girl 2, meeting another objective for the month of April. You should hear more about it next week. Not much to say about it for the moment.
And that's it. I've finally finished Ghostwire Tokyo yesterday, and now I am looking for a new game to sink my teeth into. I was thinking about either that Gundam Code Fairy game or something else, maybe? I'm opened to suggestions. What are you playing these days?
Apart from that, the weather is finally super nice, and it means I have to do a lot of yardwork around the house, which sucks, since I'm halfway into becoming a hikikomori goblin, and working under the sun is tedious. Still, I have to do it. Oh well.
Until then, stay safe out there!
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Weekly Update - Veronica And New Girl, New Costume

The tall, athletic redhead motions you to approach, wiggling a single finger from across the dance floor. You cut through the crowd and you approach her as she dances, seemingly without a care in the world. You're nervous about how to open.

"You wanted to talk to me?" you ask awkwardly.

"No, I wanted to see if you could follow simple commands. What a good little lamb you are" she giggles.


This week, I managed to make some progress on my goals for the month! Yay!

I just finished adding some text to the bodyscissors and headlock scenes of Hypnotized By My Assassin. A few more tweaks here and there and I will release it for you here as build 1.1.0 or something, before releasing it on itchio next week. I don't expect it to make big numbers, considering the limited release and the subject matter, but a small injection of revenue would be welcome, not gonna lie.

I've noticed a clearer enthusiasm for my 'softer' projects from my audience. Since Hypnotized is sort of a '5' on my Sweet-Or-Sour patented scale, representing the farthest I feel comfortable going in my stories (without alerting censors, that is, haha), I don't think it'll sell loads of copies. Oh well, Yumi-Chan will pick up that slack.


Speaking of, I have received the commission for the alternate costume for the yet-unannounced new girl for Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan! and let me tell ya, oof, she is a real beaut'.

If Yumi's character design is supposed to be 'middle of the road' in most aspects (height, weight, muscle tone, bustline), then this new character is the extreme end of that scale. Bigger, badder, stronger. And this alternate character sprite, in her revealing gym apparel, will blow your socks off. You'll have a blast interacting with her, I can promise you that.


And that's it. I want to get rid of Hypnotized soon so I can get working on my other objectives for the month, which are, in no particular order : a follow-up CG scene for Vivian and Rook in The Bodyguard Girl 2, a new CG scene commission for the aforementioned game starring Captain, and commissioning another CG scene for the new girl in Yumi-Chan.

I am spinning many plates right now, I know. But it's still manageable, and rest assured I am working hard to provide you with great upcoming content.

Until then, stay safe out there!
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